The Year's Music

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The Year's Music This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. TheYear'smusic THE YEAR'S MUSIC Wa& 03.oijul Meg of |Ka^ic, TENTERDEN STREET, HANOYER SQUARE. INSTITUTED, 1822. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER, 1830. '{Jatroits : HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Their Royal Hiqhnrsses THE PRINCE AND; PRINCESS OF WALES, And other Members of the Royal Family. President-K.Vi.VL. THE DUKE OF SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA, DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G. Principal- SIR ALEXANDER CAMPBELL MACKENZIE, Mus.D., F.R.A.M. THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC offers to students of both sexes (whether amateur or profeisional) a thorough training in all branches of music under the most able and distinguished Professors. In addition to receiving individual lessons in the various branches of the Curriculum, students have the advantage of attending the Orchestral, Choral, and Chamber Music Classes, and the weekly lectures on music and musi cians. Evidence of their progress is given at the Fortnightly and Public Concerts and by periodical Operatic and Dramatic Performances. The Lent Term commences January 5th. The Fee for the ordinary curriculum is n Guineas per Term. A large number of Scholarships and Prizes are founded and are competed for periodically. Students who show special merit and ability receive the distinction of being elected by the Directors Associates of the Institution, and are thereby entitled to the use after their names of the initials A.R.A.M. Students who distinguish themselves in the musical profession after quitting the Institution may be elected by the Directors Fellows of the Royal Academy of Music, and are thereupon entitled to the use after their names of the initials F.R.A.M. Subscribers have the privilege of attending the Lectures and Public Concerts and of introducing friends in proportion to the amount of their subscriptions. An examination of persons trained independently of the Academy is held twice a year — viz., during the Summer and Christmas vacations — successful candidates at which are elected Licentiates of the Academy, and are there upon entitled to the use after their names of the initials L.R.A.M. Prospectus, entry form, and all further information may be obtained on application. F. W. RENAUT, Secretary. AD VERTISEMENTS. The Royal College of Organists, HART STREET, BLOOMSBURY, W.C Instituted 1864. Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1893. J atoms. THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. THE ARCHBISHOP OF . YORK, and THE BISHOP OF LONDON. Srtsiitnt. Sir A. C. MACKENZIE, Mus.D. Cantab, et St. Andrews. ESTABLISHED To provide a Central Organization in London of the Profession of Organist. To provide a system of Examinations and Certificates for the better definition and protection of the Profession, and to secure competent Organists for the service of the Church. To afford opportunities for intercourse among Members of the Profession, and for the discussion of professional topics. To encourage the composition and study of Sacred Music. Intending Members should address the Secretary for a Prospectus, and for particulars of the Examinations held for the Diplomas of Associates and Fellows of the College, Son. %xnmxtt. $im. grtrrtsrj. $tjistrsr. J. NORBURY, Esq. Dr. E. H. TURPIN. T. SHINDLER, Esq., M.A. Incorporated Society of Hugiciang. PRESIDENT. H.R.H. THE DUKE OF SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA (DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G.) ESTABLISHED 1882. To admit to membership duly qualified Professional Musicians, and to obtain for them formal and acknowledged professional standing — to promote the culture of music — to provide opportunities for personal and social inter course between the members — to discuss all matters relating to music or musicians — and to raise the standard of musical education by means of examinations where required. The Society now consists of nearly two thousand members, amongst whom are many of the most eminent musicians of the Kingdom. The Local Examinations are conducted on the following principles : — Two Examiners to be present at each Examination — an absolute definite Syllabus of Requirements — no Local Professional Representatives— Can didates known only to the Examiners by numbers — particulars of marks gained given to each Candidate. For particulars apply to the General Secretary (MB. CHADETELD), 19, Beraers Street, London, W. f « N 1 ~" THE YEAR'S MUSIC. jftDgal QoIlFgf of flUnsir, PRINCE CONSORT ROAD, SOUTH KENSINGTON, LONDON, S.W. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER, 1883. President— H.R.H. The PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. Director— C. HUBERT H. PARRY, Esq., D.C.L., MA., Mus. Doc. Honorary Auditor— SIR CHARLES LISTER RYAN, K.C.B. Honorary Secretary— CHARLES MORLEY, Esq., M.P. THE COLLEGE offers a complete course of musical instruction to pupils both professional and amateur, by teachers of the highest eminence in all branches. Pupils when sufficiently advanced have opportunities of putting their knowledge into practice at the ensemble rehearsals, the practices of the Orchestra, the College Concerts, and the periodical performances of Opera. Sixty Scholarships have been founded, a proportion of which are competed for annually. They provide free musical education, and, in some cases, a grant towards maintenance. There are Exhibitions, Prizes, and other advantages, for particulars of which see the Syllabus. TERMS, FEES, &c. The Tuition fee is £iz 12s. per term, which includes a Principal and Second Study as well as paper work classes, &c. Students must continue at College for at least three terms. Female Pupils requiring residence are accommodated at the Alexandra House adjacent to trie College, as far as the capacity of that Institution allows, on terms to be obtained from the Lady Superintendent of the House. A Junior Department has been established to provide for the tuition of Pupils under 16 years of age. The fee is £6 6s. per term for one subject, with Rudiments of Music, &c. EXAMINATION FOR ASSOCIATE. An examination for Certificate of Proficiency with the title of " Asso ciate of the Royal College of Music " (A.R.C.M.) is held every spring. It is conducted by the Director and principal Professors of the College, assisted by eminent Musicians who are not connected with the institution. The fee for this examination is 5 guineas. The College Syllabus and all further particulars can be obtained by application to — FRANK POWNALL, Registrar. THE YEAR'S MUSIC i From a photo by Elliott & Fry. SIR WALTER PARRATT. (Master of the Queen's Music.) " S MUS \ CONCISE Kly M.I. MAl'lKR^ RHATINi; in . "-.V r.Jih i.'- . :, <.>;aji*.-A . -. J-rLXiS 01- Tna . !»,-.<! KTER *il kig ..'.;/ ",u!-'i}n ana F-\ .- t' *' ' THE YEAR'S MUSIC 1898 BEING A CONCISE RECORD OF ALL MATTERS RELATING TO 5?Stustc anb Musical gnstifutions WHICH HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE SEASON 1896-7, TOGETHER WITH INFORMATION RESPECTING THE EVENTS OF THE SEASON 1897.8 EDITED BY A. C. R. CARTER {Editor of The Yhar's Art) W&ith ,jFaU-}mgt portrait* bonbon J. S. VIRTUE & CO., Limited, 26, IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW 1898 All Right of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved NOTE. The Year's Music has now reached its third annual issue, and in the present volume (the first intrusted to me for compilation) an endeavour has been made to place the work on such a basis that the order and arrangement of the in formation may most readily serve the reader's purpose. In this connexion advantage has been taken of the friendly criticisms which previous issues have evoked. I may also add that similar experience in compilation, derived from the editing of The Year's Art, has shown me the necessity of adopting that plan of arrangement which will allow of the most orderly development in the future. A reference to the page of " Contents " will, it is hoped, give a clear idea of the methods followed in the compila tion. The year's chronicle is set forth in a short introduc tory article. Particulars of the National and other important training and examining institutions follow. In the ensuing pages great care has been exercised in the proper classify ing of the many varied concerts of the past London season. Opera and Festival music are next described, and the possi bilities of future extension are shown in the somewhat brief notices of the more important musical societies in the Suburbs and in the Provinces. The portraits of Sir Walter Parratt, Sir Alexander Mac kenzie, Dr. Hubert Parry, and Mr. W. H. Cummings find NOTE. fitting places in this volume ; the position held by the first- named gentleman as "Master of the Queen's Music" sug gesting the appropriateness of choosing his portrait as frontis piece to a volume referring to the music of 1897. The list of new works performed in England for the first time during the last season has been made as complete as possible ; and the alphabetical arrangement under the head of composers has been chosen as affording the most serviceable means of reference. The regulations governing Degrees in Music, conferred by the various Universities, and a list of Doctors in Music, should also be found useful, and a Directory of Vocal ists has been added for the first time, to which necessary additions can always be made on application to the publishers. I must thank the many officers of musical institutions for their uniformly courteous co-operation, and I should add that the unavoidable delay in the issue of this volume, owing to the changes already mentioned, will, it is hoped, be partly rectified by the appearance of the next in the ensuing autumn, very shortly after the completion of the present musical season. Secretaries of musical societies and institu tions, and concert managers generally, will afford me material assistance by forwarding, from time to time, any useful information concerning their musical projects; and I shall also welcome any suggestions of desirable improvements.
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