OF CHILDHOOD AND PARENTING BIBLIOGRAPHY Prepared for the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group From Members’ Suggestions / Compiled by Anna Abella, September 2014

Aurini, Janice and Scott Davies. 2005. Choice without markets: Homeschooling in the context of private education. British Journal of Sociology of Education 26(4): 461-474.

Ball, Hellen L., Elaine Hooker, and Peter J. Kelly. 1999. Where will baby sleep? Attitudes and practices of new and experienced parents regarding cosleeping with their newborn infants. American Anthropologist 101(1): 143-151.

Barlow, Kathleen and Bambi L. Chapin. 2010. The practice of mothering: An introduction. Ethos 38(4): 324-338.

Barlow, Kathleen. 2001. Working mothers and the work of in a Papua New Guinea . Ethos 29(1): 78-107.

Baxter, Jane Eva. 2005. The of childhood: children, , and material culture. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.

Blaffer Hrdy, Sarah. 2011. Mothers and Others: The evolutionary understanding of mutual understanding. The Belknap Press.

Blaffer Hrdy, Sarah. 2000. Mother Nature: Maternal Instincts and How They Shape the Human Species. New York, NY: The Ballantine Publishing Group.

Bluebond-Langner, Myra and Jill E. Korbin. 2007. Challenges and Opportunities in the Anthropology of Childhoods: An Introduction to “Children, Childhoods, and Childhood Studies”. American Anthropologist 109(2): 241-246.

Blum-Kulka, Shoshana. (1997). Dinner talk: Cultural patterns of sociability and socialization in family discourse. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Bock, John, and Sara E. Johnson. 2004. Play and Subsistence Ecology among the Okavango Delta.

Bornstein, Erica. 2001. Child Sponsorship, Evangelism, and Belonging in the Work of World Vision Zimbabwe. American Ethnologist 28(3): 595-622.

Bretherton I (September 1992). "The origins of attachment theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth". Developmental Psychology 28 (5): 759–775.

Chapin, Bambi. 2014. Childhood in a Sri Lankan Village: Shaping Hierarchy and Desire. Rutgers.

Anthropology of Parenting Bibliography 1 of 8

Chapin, Bambi et al. 2010. “Mothering as everyday practice.” Ethos 38(4).

Cheney, Kristen E. 2007. Pillars of the Nation: Child Citizens and Ugandan National Development. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Chin, Elizabeth. 2001. Feminist Theory and the of Children’s Worlds: Barbie in New Haven, Connecticut. In Children and Anthropology: Perspectives for the 21st Century, Helen B. Schwartzman, ed., pp. 129-148. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey.

Cucchiara, Maia. 2013. “Are we doing damage?” Choosing an urban public school in an era of parental anxiety. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 44(1): 75-93.

DeLoache, Judy S. and Alma Gottlieb, Eds. 2000. A World of Babies: Imagined childcare guides for seven . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Doucet, Fabienne. 2011. Parent involvement as ritualized practice. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 42(4): 404-421.

Faircloth, C. and Murray, Marjorie (Eds.) 2014. Parenting: , expertise and anxiety. Special Issue, Journal of Family Issues. Online: http://jfi.sagepub.com/content/early/recent.

Faircloth, Charlotte. 2013. Militant Lactivism? Attachment Parenting and Intensive Motherhood in the UK and France. Berghahan Books.

Faircloth, C., Hoffman, D. M., and Layne, L. (Eds), (2013) Parenting in Global Perspective: Negotiating Ideologies of Kinship, Self, and Politics. New York: Routledge.

Faircloth, Charlotte. 2009. Mothering as identity work: Long-term breastfeeding and intensive motherhood. Anthropology News 50(2): 15-17.

Fasulo, Alessandra, Heather Loyd, and Vicenzo Padiglione. 2007. Children’s Socialization Into Cleaning Practices: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Discourse and Society 18(1):11-33.

Fortes, Meyer. 2008 [1938]. Tallensi Childhood in Ghana. In Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross-Cultural Reader. Robert A. LeVine and Rebecca S. New, Eds., pp. 34- 41.

Gaskins, Suzanne. 2008 [1991] Children’s Daily Lives among the Yucatec Maya. In Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross-Cultural Reader. Robert A. LeVine and Rebecca S. New, Eds., pp. 280-288.

Giroux, Henry. 2004. Are Disney movies good for your kids? In Kinderculture: The corporate construction of childhood. Shirley R. Steinberg and Jose Kincheloe, Eds., Second Edition. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Anthropology of Parenting Bibliography 2 of 8

Gottlieb, Alma. 2004. The Afterlife Is Where We Come From. Chicago: University of Chicago

Granja, Rafaela, Manuela Ivone P. da Cunha, and Helena Machado. 2014. Mothering From Prison and Ideologies of Intensive Parenting: Enacting Vulnerable Resistance. Journal of Family Issues 0192513X14533541.

Harkness, Sara and Charles Super (Eds.). 1995. Parents’ cultural belief systems: Their origins, expressions, and consequences. New York, NY: The Guilford Press. (select chapters)

Harkness, Sara and Charles M. Super. (TBD). Themes and variations: Parental Ethnotheories in Western . To appear in: Rubin, K. (Ed.), Parental Beliefs, Parenting, and Child Development in Cross-Cultural Perspective. New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Hecht, Tobias. 1998. At Home in the Street: Street children of Northeast Brazil. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Hewlett, Barry S. and Michael E. Lamb (Eds.) 2005. Hunter-gatherer childhoods: evolutionary, developmental, & cultural perspectives. New Brunswick, N.J.: Aldine Transaction.

Hochschild, Arlie and Anne Machung. 2012 [1989]. The Second Shift: Working families and the revolution at home. New York, NY: Penguin Books.

Hoffman, Diane M. 2013. Power struggles: The paradoxes of emotion and control among child-centered mothers in the privileged . Ethos 41(1): 75-97.

Hirschfeld, Lawrence A. 2002. Why Don’t Anthropologists Like Children? American Anthropologist 104: 611-627.

James, Allison. 2007. Giving Voice to Children’s Voices: Practices and Problems, Pitfalls and Potentials. American Anthropologist 109(2): 261-272.

James, Allison and Alan Prout. 1997. Constructing and reconstructing childhood: contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood. London: Routledge Press.

Johnson, Laura Ruth. 2009. Challenging “best practices” in family literacy and parent education programs: The development and enactment of mothering knowledge among Puerto Rican and Latina mothers in Chicago. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 40(3): 257-276.`

Kaufman, Sharon R. 2010. Regarding the rise in autism: Vaccine safety doubt, conditions of inquiry, and the shape of freedom. Ethos 38(1): 8-32.

Anthropology of Parenting Bibliography 3 of 8 Klein, Stephen.1998. The Making of Children’s Culture. In The Children’s Culture Reader. Henry Jenkins, ed. New York: New York University Press. Pp. 95-109.

Konner, Melvin. 2011. The Evolution of Childhood: Relationships, Emotion, Mind. Belknap Press.

Korbin, Jill E. 2003. Children, Childhoods, and Violence. Annual Review of Anthropology 32: 431-46.

Korbin, Jill E. 1985. Childhood, health, and illness: beliefs and behaviors of urban American schoolchildren. 9(4):337-353.

Kremer-Sadlik, Tamar, Carolina Izquierdo, and Marilena Fatigante. Making meaning of everyday practices: Parents’ attitudes towards children’s extracurricular activities in the United States and Italy. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 41(1): 35-54.

Kusserow, Adrie. 2004. American Individualisms: childrearing and social class in three neighborhoods. Palgrave Macmillan.

Lamb, Michael E. and Barry S. Hewlett (Eds.). 2005. Hunter-Gatherer Childhoods: Evolutionary, developmental, and cultural perspectives. New Brunswick, NJ: Aldine Transaction. (Chs. 2, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17)

Lamphere, Louise. 1986. From working daughters to working mothers: Production and reproduction in an industrial community. American Ethnologist 13(1): 118-130.

Lancy, David. 2008. The Anthropology of Childhood: Cherubs, Chattel, Changelings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Lareau, Annette. 2003. Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Layne, Linda L. 2014. “I Have a Fear of Really Screwing It Up”: The Fears, Doubts, Anxieties, and Judgments of One American Single Mother by Choice. Journal of Family Issues 0192513X14533545.

Lee, Ellie, Jennie Bristow, Charlotte Faircloth, and Jan Macvarish. 2014. Parenting Culture Studies. Palgrave Macmillan.

Leinaweaver, Jessaca B. 2007. On Moving Children: The Social Implications of Andean Child Circulation. American Ethnologist 34(1): 163-180.

Leon, Lourdes de 1998 The Emergent Participant: Interactive Patterns in the Socialization of Tzotzil (Mayan) Infants. Journal of 8(2): 131-61.

Anthropology of Parenting Bibliography 4 of 8 LeVine, Robert A., Sarah LeVine, Beatrice Schnell-Anzola, Meredith L. Rowe, and Emily Dexter. 2012. Literacy and Mothering: How Women's Schooling Changes the LIves of the World's Children. Oxford University Press.

LeVine, Robert A. 2007. Ethnographic Studies of Childhood: A Historical Overview. American Anthropologist 109(2):247-260.

LeVine, Robert A. and Rebecca S. New (Eds.). Anthropology and child development: A cross- cultural reader.

Louv, Richard. 2006. Last Child in the Woods: Saving our children from nature-deficit disorder. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books

Loyd, Heather 2012 The Logic of Conflict: The Rhetoric of Resilience Among Inner City Neapolitan Girls. In Disputes in Everyday Life: Social and Moral Orders of Children and Young People. Maryanne Theobald, and Susan Danby, eds. Pp. 325-53. Bingley, UK: Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, vol. 15. Emerald Group Publishing.

MacDonald, Katharine. 2007. Cross-cultural Comparison of Learning in Human Hunting: Implications for Life History Evolution. Human Nature 18:386-402.

Mahler, Sarah. 2012. Culture As Comfort. Pearson.

McKenna, James. 2007. Sleeping with Your Baby: A Parent’s Guide to Cosleeping. Platypus Media.

Mead, Margaret. 2008 [1928]. The Ethnography of Childhood. In Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross-Cultural Reader. Robert A. LeVine and Rebecca S. New, Eds., pp. 22- 27.

Merrill, Elizabeth Bryant. 1987. Learning how to mother: An ethnographic investigation of an urban breastfeeding group. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 18(3): 224-240.

Minks, Amanda 2013 Voices of Play: Miskitu Children’s Speech and Song on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Tucson, AZ:University of Arizona Press..

Montgomery, Heather. 2009. An Introduction to Childhood: An anthropological perspective of children’s lives. Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.

Murray, Marjorie. 2014. Back to Work? Childcare Negotiations and Intensive Mothering in Santiago de Chile. Journal of Family Issues 0192513X14533543.

Anthropology of Parenting Bibliography 5 of 8 Nabhan, Gary and Stephen Trimble. The Geography of Childhood: Why children need wild places. Boston: Beacon Press.

New, Rebecca S. 2008 [1994]. Child’s Play in Italian Perspective. In Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross-Cultural Reader. Robert A. LeVine and Rebecca S. New, Eds., pp. 213- 226.

Nieuwenhuys, Olga. 1996 The Paradox of Child Labor and Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 25: 237-251.

Ochs, Elinor, and Carolina Izquierdo 2009 Responsibility in Childhood: Three Developmental Trajectories. Ethos 37(4): 391- 413.

Ochs, Elinor and Tamar Kremer-Sadlik. 2013. Fast Forward Families. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.

Ochs, Elinor, Clotilde Pontecorvo, and Alessandra Fasulo (1996). Socializing taste. Ethnos 61(1-2):7-46.

Ochs, Elinor, and Merav Shohet. (2006). The cultural structuring of mealtime socialization. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 111:35-49.

Ochs, Elinor, and Carolyn Taylor. (1995). The father knows best dynamic in dinnertime narratives. In Kira Hall and (Eds.), Gender Articulated, Pp. 97-120. New York: Routledge.

Paugh, Amy L. 2012 Playing With Languages: Children and Change in a Caribbean Village. New York:Berghahn

Paugh, Amy and Carolina Izquierdo. 2009. Why is this a battle every night?: Negotiating food and eating in American dinnertime interaction. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 19(2): 185-204.

Paugh, Amy L. (2005b). Learning about work at dinnertime: Language socialization in dual- earner American families. Discourse & Society 16(1):55-78.

Paugh, Amy L. (2012c). Speculating about work: Dinnertime narratives among dual-earner American families. Text & Talk 32(5):615-636.

Pelka, Suzanne. 2010. Observing Multiple Mothering: A case study of childrearing in a U.S. lesbian-led family. Ethos 38(4): 422-440.

Quinn, Naomi and Jeannette M. Mageo (Eds.). 2013. Attachment Reconsidered: Cultural perspectives on a Western theory. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.

Anthropology of Parenting Bibliography 6 of 8 Roberts, Helen. 2000. Listening to Children: and Hearing Them. In Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices. Pia Christensen and Allison James, eds. New York: Falmer Press. Pp. 225-240.

Rae-Espinoza, Heather. 2010. Consent and discipline in Ecuador: How to avoid raising an anti-social child. Ethos 38(4): 369-387.

Raffaetà, Roberta. 2014. My Parents Never Spent Time With Me! Migrants’ Parents in Italy and Hegemonic Ideals of Competent Parenting. Journal of Family Issues 0192513X14533544.

Rogoff, Barbara. 2003. The Cultural Nature of Human Development. Oxford.

Rogoff, Barbara. 2011. Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town. Oxford.

Rogoff, Barbara, et al. 2008 [1975]. Age of Assignment of Roles and Responsibilities to Children: A cross-cultural survey. In Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross- Cultural Reader. Robert A. LeVine and Rebecca S. New, Eds., pp. 251-263.

Rosen, David M. 2007. Child Soldiers, International Humanitarian Law, and the Globalization of Childhood. American Anthropologist 109(2):296-306.

Scheper-Hughes, Nancy and Carolyn Sargent (Eds.). 1998. Small wars: the cultural politics of childhood. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Scheffelin, B. and E. Ochs. 1986 Language Socializations. Annual Review of Anthropology 15:163-191.

Schor, Juliet B. 2004. Born to Buy: The commercialized child and the new consumer culture. New York: Scribner.

Schon, Regine A. and Maarit Silven. 2007. Natural parenting: Back to basics in infant care. Evolutionary Psychology 5(1): 102-183. **For reference only?

Slorah, Patricia. 1999. Evolution of family and work. Anthropology news 40(1) 14-14.

Small, Meredith. 1998. Our Babies, Ourselves: How biology and culture shape the way we parent. New York: Anchor Books. (ALL)

Stephens, Sharon. 1998. Challenges of Developing an Ethnography of Children and Childhood. American Anthropologist 100(2): 530-1.

Taylor, Lawrence and Maeve Hickey. 2001. Tunnel Kids. Tuscon: University of Arizona Press.

Anthropology of Parenting Bibliography 7 of 8 Ukai Russell, Nancy. 2014. Babywearing in the Age of the Internet. Journal of Family Issues 0192513X14533547.

Valencia, Lorena. 2014. Being a Mother, Practicing Motherhood, Mothering Someone: The Impact of Psy-Knowledge and Processes of Subjectification. Journal of Family Issues 0192513X14533542.

Weisner, Thomas S. 2002. The American dependency conflict: Continuities and discontinuities in behavior and values of countercultural parents and their children. Ethos 29(3): 271-295.

Whiting, Beatrice and Carolyn Edwards. 1992. Children of Different Worlds: The Formation of Social Behavior. Harvard University Press.

Zarger, Rebecca K. 2009. Learning the Environment. In The Anthropology of Learning in Childhood, Co-Editors David F. Lancy, John Bock, and Suzanne Gaskins, Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press/Rowman and Littlefield. (November 2009).

______2008. School Garden Pedagogies: Understanding Childhood Landscapes. Anthropology News April, pp. 8-9.

Zarger, Rebecca K., and J. R. Stepp. 2004. Persistence of botanical knowledge among Tzeltal Maya children. Current Anthropology 45:413 - 418.


Culture As Comfort – Sarah Mahler: www.cultureascomfort.com

Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory – James McKenna: www.cosleeping.nd.edu

Parenting Science – Gwen Dewar: www.parentingscience.com

Developing Destinies – Barbara Rogoff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxu_yrFUKrI

United Nations/UNICEF. Website on UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989. http://www.unicef.org/crc/index_30160.html Text of the convention: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/crc.htm

Motherload – Ana Villalobos: http://www.brandeis.edu/departments/sociology/people/faculty/Villalobos.html

Centre for Parenting Culture Studies: http://blogs.kent.ac.uk/parentingculturestudies/

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