Godavari Annual Day 2017-2018

Tataka vadh Narrator/singer: Akash R (any Indian dress) Vishwamitra: Rohan (dress up as a guru with some wooden beads to resemble rudraksha, kamandalu) Ram: Nithin (simple dress as he was in the forest with Vishwamitra, bow and arrows) Lakshman: Siddharth (simple dress as he was in the forest with Vishwamitra, bow and arrows) Tataka: Saishree (Any black dress, black big bindi, some weapons made of cardboard, she can have the same dress for ’s story, can change the bindi)

Narrator: Guru Vishwamitra asks king to send and with him to the forest. He wanted them to protect the holy ashramas of the there who were constantly being tortured by the . While walking along the river Sarayu look what happens…

Vishwamitra: Look at these flowers and trees. Isn’t it beautiful here?

Lakshman: Yes gurudev. Nature is wonderful!!

Vishwamitra: Kids, close to this place lives a rakshasi,Tataka. She does everything she could to disturb the yagnas and destroy everything in the ashramas.

Tataka: (loudly) Ha ha ha. Look who’s here. What will these kids do to me? Oh I’m so scared… You can’t win over me kids, go away!

Ram: Tataka, let’s not have false hopes. We should at least try to prove ourselves! Come on.

They start fighting fiercely.

Narrator: Rama and Lakshmana win the fight. Vishwamitra gives Rama many astaras including the Brahmastra.

Sings Ghoratatakaghataka Ram ॥ 9॥ Marichadinipataka Ram ॥ 10॥ Ram Ram Jaya Rajaram Ram Ram Jaya Sitaram (2 times)