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Vol. 26 • No. 01 • January 10, 2018 • Tel.: 450-978-9999 • www.lavalnews.ca • e-mail: [email protected] • 34, 200 copies Remembering How tax and other fees the will affect 1998 your wallet Ice in 2018 See pagepage 5 Storm...

January 7, 1998. A surreal veil of ice on trees turns Laval streets into a waste- 2017 land of arctic weeping willows. The Year in REVIEW SEE STORY PAGE 15 See pages 6, 7, 8, 13 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA WITH DISTANCE EDUCATION Can’t come to school during the day? EARN YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA AT HOME Earn your prerequisites for CEGEP and DEP (credits from the Ministère de l’Éducation) Easy registration - Open 12 months a year - Flexible hours - Individualized learning Personal tutor support : CALL NOW - TOLL FREE • www.distanceeducation-etsb.com Working in partnership with the following: Education, the key to success!

                                    1 877 463-3775       2 • The Laval News • January 10, 2018 UVGQ$) UVGQ$&3UpVLGHQW4&1$  67(9(%2163,(/ 3UpVLGHQW$5&&   3$8/'(0(56   3UpVLGHQW$3) )5$1&,6621,(5 VHUYH&DQDGD¶VR൶FLDOODQJXDJHSRSXODWLRQVLQVWHDGRIVWUXJJOLQ so requested have we meeting the in participate to stakeholders *LYHQWKHDEVROXWHXUJHQF\RIWKHVLWXDWLRQ$5&&$3)DQGWKH seriously underminingthedynamismofcommunitymediatopo FRPSODLQHGWRWKH&RPPLVVLRQHURI2൶FLDO/DQJXDJHVEXWWKHIHG IUDQFRSKRQH $3) O¶$OOLDQFHGHVUDGLRVFRPPXQDXWDLUHVGX&DQD DGUDVWLFUHGXFWLRQLQIHGHUDODGYHUWLVLQJLQYHVWPHQWV$OUHDG\ However, it is clear that there is a disengagement by the feder VLRQHURI2൶FLDO/DQJXDJHVDOVRUHOHDVHGLQ-XQHDUHFOH WKH6WDQGLQJ&RPPLWWHHRQ&DQDGLDQ+HULWDJHLVHORTXHQWO\DXWKR UHÀHFWLRQDQGHYHQDQLPSRUWDQWGULYHURIWKHODQJXDJHDQGFXOW $V\RXNQRZFRPPXQLW\PHGLDSOD\DYLWDOUROHLQWKHGHYHORSPH Ms. CarlaQualtrough, Minister ofPublicServicesandProcureme Ms. MélanieJoly, Minister ofCanadianHeritage ,QDGGLWLRQWKH6WDQGLQJ&RPPLWWHHRQ*RYHUQPHQW2SHUDWLRQVDQ of positivemeasures andtheobligationnottoharmdevelop quirements of the Act remain, and federal institutions must con communities minority and Anglophone Francophone of development 363& UHYLHZLWVPHFKDQLVPVWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI ,QUHVSRQVHWRWKLV¿QGLQJLQKLVDIRUHPHQWLRQHGUHSRUWWKH&R IRUFRPPXQLW\UDGLRZKLFKHTXDWHVWRDWRWDOORVVRIPRUHWKDQ DQQXDOIHGHUDODGYHUWLVLQJVSHQGLQJGHFUHDVHGIURPQHDUO\PL ,WLVLPSRUWDQWWRDFWZLWKRXWGHOD\VLQFHWKHUHSRUWRIW meeting. WXUQWKHWLGHLQWKLVDUHD:HKRSHZHFDQFRXQWRQ\RXUIXOOV DPHHWLQJZLWKDOONH\VWDNHKROGHUVDQGWKHIHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQW DQRPDOLHVLQWKHZD\3&3&KDVPDQDJHGWKHJRYHUQPHQWDGYHUWLVLQ IHGHUDOR൶FLDOVZHQWWRWKH¿HOGZKHUHWKH\VDZWKHJODULQJQHH )UHQFKDQG(QJOLVKVSHDNLQJPLQRULWLHV,QDVSDUWRIDF However, the urgency of action is very real and the status quo EHHQDGRSWHGRUHYHQFRQVLGHUHGE\WKHJRYHUQPHQWDXWKRULWLHVT 6HYHUDOPRQWKVKDYHSDVVHGVLQFHWKHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVRIWKH&RP recommendations. 7KHUHSRUWRIWKH&RPPLVVLRQHURI2൶FLDO/DQJXDJHVLVFOHDU which are oftentheonlysource oflocalinformation. For all these reasons, we dare to believe that you understand t understand you that believe to dare we reasons, these all For enough revenues from adigitalplatformtobeablesurvive &RPPXQLW\PHGLDUHFRJQL]HWKHWUHQGWRZDUGVGLJLWDO%XWLWJR in newsoutletsservingtheFrancophoneor Anglophone minority or preferencesSpace linguistic communities. and these cerns of cannot be compared to that of other communities. It is unthinka is It communities. other of that to compared be cannot 285&20081,7<2)),&,$//$1*8$*(0(',$ $&$//)25&223(5$7,21726$9( KH&RPPLVVLRQHURI2൶FLDO/DQJXDJHVFRQ¿UPVWKDWEHWZHHQD al government from community media in minority situations, whic XSSRUWVRWKDWWKHDXWKRUL]HGR൶FLDOVRI\RXUPLQLVWULHVFDQWD is not an option since community media are about to be unable t LQWKHIDOORIPDQ\RUJDQL]DWLRQVLQFOXGLQJO¶$VVRFLDWL he seriousness of the situation and that you will encourage all encourage will you that and situation the of seriousness he GVWKHSUHVVLQJH[SHFWDWLRQVDQGWKHGL൶FXOWUHDOLW\RIWKHVH DUO\LQOLQHZLWKWKLV nd continuetoinformtheir communities. tinue to ensure compliance with its provisions, in particular [ time purchases in the media must include the purchasespace the of include must media purchasesthe time in ³$GYHUWLVLQJSODQVDQGFDPSDLJQVPXVWWDNHLQWRDFFRXQWWKHQHH PLOOLRQRYHU\HDUV PPLVVLRQHUUHFRPPHQGHGWKDW3XEOLF6HUYLFHVDQG3URFXUHPHQW&DQ ment oflinguisticcommunitiesinaminoritysituation.” that community media in minority situations can put all their all put can situations minority in media community that JIRUZKDWWKH\GHVHUYH XUHRIWKHFRPPXQLWLHVWKH\VHUYH7KHUHSRUWSXEOLVKHGLQ-XQH 4&1$XUJHWKH2൶FHRIWKH&RPPLVVLRQHURI2൶FLDO/DQJXDJHVWR ble that, in the short and medium term, community media can gen can media community term, medium and short the in that, ble WRGHYHORSDQGLPSOHPHQWHPLQHQWO\DKDUPRQL]HGDFWLRQSODQWKD URVV&DQDGDFRQVXOWDWLRQWRXU&DQDGLDQ+HULWDJHR൶FLDOVDQGFH 3DUW9,,RIWKH2൶FLDO/DQJXDJHV$FWZKLFKLVLQWHQGHGWRV QWDQGYLWDOLW\RIR൶FLDOODQJXDJHPLQRULW\SRSXODWLRQV7KH\D OOLRQWRIRUFRPPXQLW\QHZVSDSHUVDQGWR XHVWLRQHGLQLWV¿QDOUHSRUWH[FHSWE\&DQDGLDQ+HULWDJH in acommunity. “ HVZLWKRXWVD\LQJWKDWWKHVLWXDWLRQRIPLQRULW\ODQJXDJHFRPPX ULWDWLYHDQGWKH¿QGLQJVRIWKH¿QDOUHSRUWRIWKH2൶FHRIWKH nt HUDOJRYHUQPHQW¶VSHUVLVWHQWLQDFWLRQLQWKLVDUHD7KLVKDVWKH PLVVLRQHURI2൶FLDO/DQJXDJHVZHUHWDEOHGDQGQRSRVLWLYHDF GD $5&& DQGWKH4XHEHF&RPPXQLW\1HZVSDSHUV$VVRFLDWLRQKDYH int ofnowthreatening their survival. G(VWLPDWHVLQLWV'HFHPEHUUHSRUWLGHQWL¿HGDQXPEHURI are well understood and respected by federal institutions: “the institutions: federal by respected and understood well are J¿OH7KHFRPPLWWHHKDVLVVXHGDVHULHVRIWHQPRVWFRQYLQFLQJ RQGHODSUHVVH XQLTXHPHGLD NHSDUWLQWKLV ...] the taking government o serve their h results in XSSRUWWKH &RPPLV and time and energy to energy UHERWKD QG H൵HFWRI E\ WLRQKDV GVFRQ  QLWLHV WZLOO erate KROG UWDLQ DGD re- - -   - - - -  January 10, 2018 • The Laval News • 3 DPM 1996 surgery (fungal nails) (fungal & Assoc.

Rosemere 450.979.0303 oblems Clinician at UQTR hammertoe hammertoe & PODIATRIST (minimum incision) Years Experience  Plantar Warts podiatrelaval.com I remember, for example, for I remember, the at height of the cri- And yet, today two decades after Ice Storm ’98, itsFor part, Hydro maintains that And then, just like that, on a day nearlya week 2 • Bunion • Pain and Knee Ankle Foot, • orthotics quality high Custom • Toenails Ingrown • for treatments EFFECTIVE • TECHNOLOGY LASER • Pr Foot Pediatric 450.937.5055 New York College of Podiatric Medicine (1996) Dr Martin Scutt, FOOT PAIN? We can help! 4084 le Corbusier, Suite 4072 Laval ------The inescapable cold The inescapable ‘98 Storm Lessons from Ice some are warning learned that haven’t we enough from the calamity and that another ice storm could reduce us again to the same state. Although Hydro Quebec maintains today that it has learned from the past and that an ice storm would now have a far less significant impact on its ability to operate, the transmission electric will long-distance its that is fact that towers lines from northern Quebec remain vulnerable. line transmission some of the lessons it learned include building stronger much be less much vulnerable to the cascading collapse According 1998. in many so down took that effect to the CBC, the electric company has spent up to $2 billion since the ice storm, reinforcing its trans sis, in my basement apartment, where it was pitch black – because outside there no street were lights to providetheir perpetual illumination – there was a sense of complete peace and stillness, with my bewildered Maine coon fur cat’s bristling in the omnipresent cold, a single candle to light the en tire apartment, and the sound FM Kahn- of K103.7 awake on the radio – the only station that at point thatwas still broadcasting. after the crisis started, suddenly the power came back on. Within a few minutes the radiators were beginning to give off precious warmth, as they so for long. washadn’t It then that I truly began to fully appreciate the benefits the of basic things we enjoy in life,such as reliable heat during the winter, lighting, and the generally reliable electrical ser vice get from we Hydro Quebec. mission network. Hydro Quebec However, has ruled out burying its lines underground as the es timated $80 billion cost would make this measure impractical. economically Trusted care since care Trusted As it was, had we still had to do our jobs as This was because navigating the ice was so While public transit continued to operate for As well, the storm caused massive damage to thoseFor who experienced the panic and dread, Where in you were January 1998 when the Among other things, the ice storm led to the If a child were you then, chances are have you a personal From perspective, Ice Storm ’98 hap Another thing I remember about the ice storm - - - - - MARTIN C. BARRY C. MARTIN A paper to get out The treacherous ice Massive tree damage Massive catastrophe A major 5HPHPEHULQJ,FH6WRUP¶ 20 calamity years later ice-bound an at back A look journalists – without power or heat. While the management of the newspaper quickly brought in an electric I still generator, have vivid memories of being in the newsroom bent over a computer keyboard, barely able to hit the letters because my hands and fingers so were frozen from the omni treacherous that if fell, you would you certainly get bruised and very possibly fracture a bone. Many of the streets in Laval and elsewhere in had become like country roads, with narrow and icy car tire ruts in the middle. Without street lights, if ventured you out in the car during the evening, wouldyou have sworn no longer were in you the city, but out on a country road or in the wilderness. That’s life how becomes, even in a city, without electricity. the most part, service was and very getting slow, to As jour longer. exponentially grew destination a trees and electrical infrastructure all over east over all infrastructure electrical and trees which all were too common reactions in the midst re a with of a catastrophe of such magnitude, looking back effectively on it can betrauma-inducing but also wistful, more as deal to well as a reminder of the precautions learned we taken be must North American Ice Storm– also known Ice Storm ‘98 – rolled through eastern , taking out electric power all over Quebec, Ontario, the Maritime provinces as well as parts of the eastern U.S.? largest mobilization of Canadian military per sonnel since the Korean War, with more than than more with the War, since Korean sonnel 16,000 troops deployed the at height. At least 35 people died from things like carbonsoning, trauma, fire monoxide and hypothermia. poi ern Canada and the north-eastern U.S. In Quebec metal 1,000 and fell 30,000 utility poles alone, transmission towers collapsed under the weight of the thick ice. At the peak of the five-day storm, 3.5 million Quebecers left were in the cold and dark – weeks.some for abil people’s most leastat some memories of the storm which came and roaring through Laval and transportation the Montreal region, paralyzing ityto get around, while shutting off electric power throughout most of the area anywhere for from a few days to several weeks. curring disaster of this type. pened a little less than a year after I first began working full-time as a news reporter a Montreal at regional community newspaper. One particular impact the storm had was to remind everyone of helplesshow all we become when electric power is offshut a great for length of time. and slow a present cold that saturated become everything and became to an inescapably miserable seemed fact of life. everything how is laborious process. Because the streets coated were in a thick layer of very hard ice, a thing as simple as walking from home a few hundred metres to a street intersection where there was a bus stop might take 20 minutes – whereas normally it would take two. nalists, still we had to cover our usual territories thefor impact from the “storm of the century.” gettingHowever, around took three times as long. And while dealing with the obligations of work, there still were the responsibilities home (chil at dren, elderly parents, storm damage) that needed to be dealt with. - - - The STL’s No. 360 No. shuttle bus,The STL’s a free ser Over the coming months, according to the Some measures included in the 2018 budget budget 2018 the in included measures Some long-term capital investmentsThe STL’s The STL’s No. 26 No. bus and lines 151 willThe STL’s now lic transit services; maximum building heights (with 82 per cent of Laval’s territory zoned for six storeys maximum); protection of wooded areas; protection of agricultural zones; protec tion of heritage sites and buildings; identifica- tion of strategic areas where special planning may be necessary; proposals special for mea sures to promote the City of Laval’s economic development. city’s future development over more than 15 15 than more over development future rameters several for elements that are key in the city’s years in the future. They include: Densification of construction in areas of the city near pub vice which makes its way around many of the attractions in Laval’s downtown area, will now be running every 20 minutes on Saturdays and Sundays during the winter. The 360 goes to Carrefour Laval, the Centropolis, Montmoren cy Metro and many other key destinations. Revision of specificRevision by-laws isting zoning by-laws to be adjusted so as to be be to as so adjusted be to by-laws zoning isting in conformity with the new master urban plan. city, a revision of Laval’s specific urban zoning willby-laws be taking place and lasting a for period of around two years. This will allow ex 2018 improvements 2018 projects works Capital Thirty-minute service ery 20 minutes in both directions from 6 am to 7 pm. The STL says lines 43, No. will 65 and 76 see improved service. theders for purchase new electric of 10 buses. are an increase in bus service hours by 2.6 per cent, improvements in accessibility bus at stops usersfor with reduced mobility, the continuing electrification of the bus fleet, and a call ten for program, amounting million, to $347.8 will be used primarily to replace old buses, as well as thefor construction of a new garage and the replacement of bus shelters bus at stops. The STL says bus fares will be maintained their at current level until summer The 2018. ARTM Montreal(the inter-municipal region’s transit transit reviewing be eventually will authority) fares the for entire region. be running every 30 minutes in both directions between 6 am and 7 pm. As well, the 42 No. bus along de la Concorde Blvd. will be running ev ------

“We are very“We proud of this accomplishment,” Among other things, the new plan sets pa Among the measures implemented last year (TLN) Laval city council recently approved a Mornings trips only, by the 404 No. (TLN) Beginning Jan. 6, the Société de The 26 No. bus, which goes between “The resulting document reflects the magni- Following the the for adoption of a by-law The final steps in a long series of procedures

MARTIN C. BARRY C. MARTIN 67/WDEOHVEXGJHW Several bus routes scheduled to run faster scheduled routes bus Several bus service for the winter 67/DQQRXQFHVLPSURYHG 2017 improvements 2017 Improved bus service Improved Tool for urban planning for urban Tool Approval from Quebec Approval Will help define urban planning decisions and zoning by-laws decisions zoning and planning define help Will urban new master urban plan urban master new /DYDOUHDFKHVÀQDOVWDJHVIRU plementation of new priority traffic lights for buses, and the creation of a new payment sys tem allowing credit cards to be used. The STL also started a new policy allowing users of the 360No. bus, allowing Laval Rocket hockey fans to travel to matches Place at Bell free. for port goals budget’s de Laval The 2018 in- (STL). clude increasing bus service, while reducing by per cent greenhouse10 gases produced by STL buses by the end of the year. This year’s budget is 6.4 per cent higher than in 2017. ning every 30 minutes or less (rather than hour- ly as previously) from 6 am to 7 pm. tude and the quality of the that work has been continued. he accomplished,” “The revised al tool planning important an is plan master cific details to define the urban development of Laval up to the year 2035. MarcMayor Demers said in a statement. “This is the fruit of considerable efforts made by the City of Laval and by many other partners and citizens. This important endeavour involving reflection and concerted efforts, which was initiated required in 2014, the mobilization of a large of interveners. lowing our actions to be guided in matters of zoning and development in the City of Laval.” opment andopment management was recently com- pleted, according to Laval officials. by the transit agency the were improvement of customer satisfaction rates and service, the im $138.1 million$138.1 budget the for Société de Trans bus, which runs along Samson Blvd. to the Sainte-Dorothée terminal, will be replaced by the 404. The schedule of buses on the 26 No. can be viewed this at web link: stl.laval.qc.ca/ ligne26. Transport de Laval’s winter-time schedule is in effect. There are several changes that transit users should be made aware of, according to the STL. the Montmorency Metro station and the Sainte-Dorothée transit terminal, will be run word in December that the Quebec Ministry Ministry Quebec the that December plan last August, the City of Laval in received word of Municipal Affairs hadofficially approved it, spe as well as meaning the plan is officially now guidelines in effect. The overall contains plan leading towards the implementation of the City of Laval’s revised master plan urban for devel • • January 10, 2018 The truthbehindNewYear’s Resolutions failures E

The Laval News China. in read are they an electronic device to a social media, even if through them byposting instantly views press ex to is today trend The editor. the to letter their sign they as long as issues, governmental even subject, onany concerns and trations another project of former Laval mayor Gilles Gilles mayor Laval offormer project another embrace to opponents those brought has tics” now. upto “evolution ofpoli- Butthe right been have they And havoc. parking and traffic ing forecast- while ofPLACE BELL, location the criticized parties political administration, Vaillancourt bythe announced was BELL MOLSON PLACE BELL ataxpayers’ to gift project. PLACE BELL the to context some providing while recollection, of organization. standpoint the from kosher there, notso are things that It seems ofPLACE BELL. istration admin- the towards goers byconcert expressed choose. they orevent subject onany feelings and views their express to able is Anyone governments. and corporations to nightmare worst the become have may media T

4 O when the resolution dies; it literally dissolves slowly over time overtime slowly dissolves itliterally dies; resolution the when we pinpoint the exact change we would like to make in our our in make to like we would change exact the we pinpoint year. The success or failure of your resolution is determined determined is resolution ofyour orfailure success The year. guilty pleasure until that dazzling ball finally drops. Then, it’s Then, drops. finally ball dazzling that until pleasure guilty until finally you are back to the old ways that permeated your your permeated that oldways the to back you are finally until of resolve or discipline. In fact, it has nothing to do with any- dowith to nothing ithas fact, In ordiscipline. of resolve af- much thought, after we created that ourselves to promise entire last year. last entire ormoresuccessful. morefulfilling complete, lives, whether it be dropping a bad habit or putting into place place into orputting habit abad dropping itbe whether lives, thing you have done or haven’t done in the days of the new new ofthe days doneor haven’t the you have donein thing more lives our make could that onething the determining ter back into our lives again. There isn’t one defining moment isn’t onedefining There again. lives our into back creeping go start let we’d we swore attitudes and habits bad a new year and a new you. anew and year a new last upevery we live goodbye, we say Before attitude. a new 3ODFH%HOO¶.LOOHUV·HYHQWOHIW/DYDOFRQFHUW JRHUV¶RXWLQWKHFROG· 34,200 C We should all remember that when PLACE when that remember We all should of aparenthesis open hereto important It is was that frustration the is example A recent social that though, proven, been It has Weeks later, when the holiday season seems so long ago, the the ago, long so seems season Weeks holiday later, the when The failure of your resolution has nothing to do with a lack alack dowith to nothing has resolution ofyour failure The It all seems so simple. Hours, days, even weeks in advance, advance, in weeks even days, Hours, simple. so seems It all

OPIES Tel: 450-978-9999•Fax:450-687-6330 H7Y Laval-sur-le-Lac &Val desBrises very New Year’s Eve, before the stroke of midnight, we Year’s ofmidnight, New stroke the very Eve, before count down the minutes to not just another year, but another notjust to minutes the down count also to the start of a fresh resolution. This resolution is a is resolution This resolution. ofafresh start the to also 3860, boul.Notre-Dame,#304, forum for readers to express their frus their express to for readers forum local amajor is newspaper, credible other LAVAL any HE like NEWS, H7W Chomedey, Ste-Dorothée, Distributed in E-mail: [email protected] p • • H7P H7T Laval, QCH7V1S1 • • H7R H7V • • H7E H7S • inion H7X Fabreville, - - Annual subscription: Deadline forclassified advertisingbyFridayat3p.m. Deadline forcommercialadvertisingbyFriday at3p.m. ISSN number:1923-0605 [email protected] George S. Guzmas VP Sales&Marketing: George Bakoyannis General Director: George S. Guzmas George Bakoyannis Publishers: of the comments expressed by concert goers. byconcert expressed comments of the some are below note, that On future. for the aplan and explanations demand also should they project, arena the financed also ment has govern provincial our since do. And to thing irresponsible an itself in is which attached, noresponsibility with given was money ers’ taxpay in $168 the million Maybe wrong. am I Butmaybe evening. that prevailed that tion express their dissatisfaction with the situa –and –mayor’s office office principal’s the to administration SON-PLACE BELL-EVENKO MOL the call to authorities municipal our for thing right the be itwould project, million $200 ofthe most paid Laval Since goers. cert endured on January 6 onJanuary endured was that situation the notforesee did thorities Freezing at PLACE BELL in the standings. well doing notbeen also has incidentally which team, farm newly-named their from player any up call –to away minutes –30 afacility have now who Canadiens the to only Maybe fair? is this meif Now tell cent. 15per about only paid events, cultural and shows administrates which EVENKO owns money. which MOLSON, tax earned hard our with paid was $168 million $122 million), municipal and million $46.3 (provincial project million $200 ofthis ing Vaillancourt… It is totally unacceptable that the arena au- arena the that unacceptable totally It is On top of that, if we add all the public fund public the we addall if ofthat, top On & $ 79 95 Year’s Eve lacks the emotional power to have any lasting effect effect lasting any have to power Year’s emotional the Eve lacks These are the types of life-changing events that bring imme- bring that events oflife-changing types the are These waste another moment without it. it. moment without another waste you realize just how precious every moment on this planet is. is. planet moment onthis every how precious just you realize that In change. must something that recognize to eyes your very moment, you have the strength and desire to make that that make to desire and strength the you have moment, very resolution that can wait until the stroke of midnight on New onNew ofmidnight stroke the until wait can that resolution is told he will die if he doesn’t quit smoking, so he throws hethrows so smoking, hedoesn’t quit if die hewill told is any Therefore, fail. to destined itis ofaction, immediacy ger that speaks to you, stirs something within you and opens opens you and within something you, to stirs speaks ger that his cigarettes away on his way out of the doctor’s office. True office. doctor’s outofthe way onhis away cigarettes his spending been hehas decides and drawing, family child’s his life. on your diate change in your life because they are too strong to let you let to strong too are they because life your in change diate and accident, acar in dies arelative when happens change itthis with notcarry does aresolution If immediately. change trig- emotional an from It stems notice. without and denly too much time at work. True change happens when a patient apatient when happens at True work. change much time too at the very moment it is born, when the idea for change first first for change idea the when born, moment itis very at the stirs in your mind. your in stirs •Percopy:

True change happens when a father can’t find himself in in himself find can’t afather when happens True change sud- It comes eye. ofan blink the in happens True change Editorial Anastasia Rigaki Jean PaulChamberland [email protected] Peter Stavropoulos Consultants: Advertising Elena Molter Thomas Bakoyannis Jurj Cornelia Graphic Design: th , by thousands ofcon- , bythousands $ 1 www.lavalnews.ca - - - - - monies paid for the advertisement. Articles publishedreflectwriters’opinions,butnotnecessarily theopinionofthisnewsp Articles monies paidfortheadvertisement. isstrictlylimitedto publicationoftheadvertis oromissions inconnectionwithanyadvertisement liability forothererrors Publishers’ LiabilityforError: Cynthia Abraham delBurgo Alberto James Ryan Nancy Girgis Fabienne Mercier Dimitris Ilias Savas Fortis C.Barry Martin Editorial Staff: should get fired. get should show -someone the during 3times speakers the jobonblowing good Also, organization. of poor because weather -30 in hour an for half outside ing de Laval?!?! Ville bythe pass place this did HELL How the ing). anyone... And long! coldthat the in notwait could they because left others And fiasco. that after mia scanner. you go through while WOW. stuff your one surveying Some people left with hypother act was playing. So here I am, 6mo pregnant wait pregnant 6mo hereIam, So playing. was act opening while doors closed to get to only park... to past experiences at this venue, they have no place park ample (and morethan Ihad park my clients of all have Ican where explain would that proposal a submit to need -Iwould parking enough have Ididn’t that mesaying rejected they and business for mysmall D’Occupation for aCertificat Laval of City the Iasked ago venue. Acoupleofmonths the in allowed ofpeople amount foryou the have any barely and bypeople surrounded is that table safe AT ALL. mefeel notmake did and stupid is setup Toldsecurity to place airport the And insane! is weather degree -30 yourin belongings upoutside line to having people 10000 venue!! this on a Lol ridiculous. Took the subway because from from Took because subway the ridiculous. Lol Tanase Irina ofparking lack the is meoff pisses also What Catz Adriano at process admission the UNACCEPTABLE Koutoumanos Patty The publishers shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors thatdonotlessenthe value ofanadvertisement. The publishersshallnotbeliableforslightchangesortypographical errors reflect theconsensusofEditorialBoard. The opinionsonTHIS PAGE Printing: Distribution: Layout: Canadian CommunityNewspapersAssociation Quebec CommunityNewspapersAssociation& Member of MediaTrek Tom Richards will look back on the year with a smile, knowing that your week or next year, but this very minute? minute? very year, butthis ornext week to way way. only The aparticular in act to decision the was you have the power to act in such a way that will make that that make will that away such in act to power the you have minute within itwas. within minute moment, you will discover a refreshingly light way to conquer conquer to way light arefreshingly discover you will moment, to You oftrying burden best. don’t the very need its minute minutes within a string of 24 hours, and within each minute minute each within and hours, of24 astring within minutes entire year was as complete, fulfilling and successful as every every as successful and fulfilling complete, as was year entire change an entire year all at once. By focusing on the present change an entire year is to change how you act within every every within how you act change to is year entire an change –365 ofdays astring morethan nothing been has year entire large and long-term goals. Then, when 2019 rolls around, you around, 2019 when rolls Then, goals. long-term and large lutions that lack the word’s root – resolve. Instead, embrace embrace Instead, –resolve. word’s root the lack that lutions the strength and courage you have to see that every minute minute every that see to you have courage and strength the to be exact. Each of these days was nothing but a string of 60 of60 butastring nothing was days ofthese Each exact. be to single moment. How can you best spend not a minute next next notaminute spend you best How can moment. single

TC. TRANSCONTINENTAL As you begin 2018, make a resolution to stop making reso- making stop to aresolution 2018, make you begin As As you look back on the year just passed, realize that the the that realize passed, just year onthe back you look As

TC. TRANSCONTINENTAL/DIFFUMAG put on an amazing show. amazing put onan they god Thank problems? sound the Then able. unaccept- Absolutely temperatures? these side in ... without songs two handle even couldn’t PA the and crap total was sound The checkpoint. bogus totally the before aimlessly around us fling shuf- trip power enjoytheir dothan to better ing noth had staff “security” condescending and rude your got inside, we finally When line. in cutting ofpeople were dozens there yet -20 in degrees, utes min- up45 line to had ofus Most fashion. nized find parking. to us helporguide outto Nooneis park. to where And out figure to try Then full. is then parking indoor the making told be to only building the circle to just hour One people venue! the inside get to just be itwould waitnightmare out a what notknowing tickets Igot the so band this orga an venue in the into people get even can’t used for this we feel. I feel taken for aride. taken Ifeel we feel. for this used were dollars $168 us- million asking -without that taxpayers now as upto again and tion, we would expect much better administra- project million a200 In image. help Laval’s posted on social media. Surely it does not - - - - Co-publisher Guzmas S. George were comments Imentioned as above The see to wanted butIreally go concerts to I rarely Kira Yager you if concerts rock host you shouldn’t Maybe Alex Ander ement inanysubsequentissues ortherefundofany aper. TEL.: 1-800-361-7262ext241056 National Representation: E NTIRE C ONTENTS C OPYRIGHT Thepublishers’ 2018 - - - January 10, 2018 • • - The Laval News 5 - - - - Jean Coutu App Phone Call ahead of time Internet www.jeancoutu.com Preauthorized Set it up with your pharmacist $I¿OLDWHGWR





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M Put the naked tree next to the curb or Let the sidewalk free of obstacles canResidents waste choose to reduce It is estimated that over 25 000 natu 000 25 over will ups Pick take the place Janu week that estimated is It cycling collection a.m. 7 before or the day of the collection. in it Please put a not do plastic bag tree, including tinsel strands tinsel including tree, street after the the re 7 p.m. before day Ave) by placing their Christmas tree before 7 a.m. their at regular collection loca tion and time away from your household household your from away time and tion waste. ary and January 14 21st. ral Christmas trees are bought during the season.holiday The collected Christmas trees are diverted from the land City’s fill and are chipped environmentally for friendly compost. more For information 450 or 978-8000,311 www.ville.laval.qc. ca th -


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Tel.: 450 686-2347 4691 Samson blvd. 2ZQHUV KaraindrosEkaterine Abdel Hakim Ait-Aoudia children’s medication with Flavor X exclusive at X exclusive medication with Flavor children’s PJC Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Tuesday 9 am- 5pm Tuesday 9 am- 5pm Thursday & on site Our professional servicesOur professional Free delivery for your prescriptions your for delivery Free available constantly Pharmacist pharmaceutical Confidential Boxes of Pill Preparation on site, Nurse It’s a sure sign the It’s holidays are for over The Christmas tree collection is the on participate to How allRemove the decorations from your Every year, followingEvery year, the Christmas Saturday & Sunday 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. • other pharmacies from of prescriptions Transfer • service prescription filling and professional Efficient • services professional our new us for Ask • • • • • your pharmacist flavour Ask your to with or without consultation, appointment an • other services available Several Walkers Wheel chairs Crutches chairs Wheel Walkers When does the Christmas tree tree When does the Christmas collection place? take another annual year--the of Christ wave same as day the recycling collection. In is it held between January 32018, and 23. purpose: To give a second life to your your to life mas tree chipping and collection events are hitting the city. second to a it give holidays, Ville de Laval To organizes the free converting by natural Christmas tree tree collection. The purpose: Christmas used the in used be then will They woodchips. fabrication of building material or animal bedding. They also serve as mulch for gardening and landscaping. 5HF\FOLQJ\RXU&KULVWPDV7UHH Payment at your door by interac, credit card, etc. card, credit interac, door by at your Payment • The upcoming Quebec budget should have If approved, the increase the If approved, means customers Legalized pot — eventually Quebec is gearing recreational sell up to range has price While the not yet been Quebecers who earn less $42,705 will than be provincial the government In November, This includes a reductionthe lowest in tax willParents also seeper a $100 child supple- Electricity Hydro-Québec has to put in an application Transit fees Transit public transit user feesIn Montreal, do Réseau the de transportUnder métropolitain Income tax break Health tax After Liberal the abolished government the In 2017, Quebecers earning less than tax that Now Quebecers above bracket won’t For those who have motorcycle those who have licenses,For they Registration also are increasing, rates but fees Daycare The remainedbase of $7.75 in effect rate from earn that betweenFamilies $51,340 and more goodmore news boost to in order liberal the popularity October the for 2018 government’s general election. the province’s energy boards raise to its rates province’s the by 1.1 per cent. will a medium- about for $2.20 per pay month sized home. deadline the outlined by the July, marijuana by federal government. revealed, Quebecers will it is something that soon be buy legally to online and in person. able getting a little bit more back bit more when filing their a little getting taxes.income range could announced tax an annual that relief a family individuals $756 for from $278 for to with of $88,000. a combinedof four income on earnedrate which will from income, 16 drop tax in time for 15 per to per season. cent cent school for supplies. ment have to pay up either this season. this up either pay to have not appear be to going up — at least now. for The Société transport de de Montréal (STM) users wouldn›t have announced last April that money out more bus shell the and Metro. to for pass will single-fare and monthly rates (RTM), who take commuters same for the also remain and from Montreal. train to the cents. Those who than $165,005 earn will more see highest $21.95 from the $13.90 to jump per day. to have health contribution, Quebecers won’t cash yeardig up extra this when theytheir file taxes. their 2016 pay contri- to have $134,095 didn’t bution, which put between $50 and $175 back pockets.in their will have to pay $91.33, which is about a dollar pay to will have it was. what than more it varies and what depending situation on the you have. vehicle December to fees onApril but daycare 2017, are will now have Families year. this up way their base the for of more 30 cents amount pay to per$8.05 per child. day an increase of 75 $77,005 will $8.75 perpay day,

License and registration permitQuebecers for who hold a driver’s Here’s a rundown expect to of what in the Here’s Quebecers will see of several price the servi- Both be to look those commitments likely The federalThe has government pledgedto legal- Marijuana and carbon pricing The two biggest changes scheduledfor 2018 Microbeads be to are banned as nationwide Not everyone will be take to advantage, able For those who want to bring elderly parents those bring who want to elderly For The government’s new inflation-adjusted The government’s Also at the federalAlso the level, will at be there a slight Those changes1, also effect Jan. take on That reduction That had been promisedfor some One welcome change for Canadian for small change One welcome From minimum wage carbon minimum hikes to taxFrom New Year’s Day always brings Day of a round New Year’s changes laws, to regulations and taxes, and of 2018, the annual cost will come to a total cost will to annual of 2018, the come of $84.29. a passenger As will $1.05 more. vehicle pay new year. in Quebec go up in 2018, but theyces will also get some a rundown to of what tax Here’s annual relief. expect new in the year. major pointsmajor of contention. fee increases and tax breaks 2018 summer. It has also informed It provinces the summer. and territories they impose must that a price on carbon or Ottawa will impose them. one for won’t take place on New Year’s Day. on New take place Year’s won’t ize marijuana and has set a deadline of this products. balls that plastic Microbeads tiny are long beenhave used in shampoos, scrubs and beauty products. Immigration Canada has pledged process that will in be than transparent fairer and more years past. with 1, a grace period someof Jan. 1 for July to though. Applicants have to file an “Interest to to file an “Interest to have Applicants though. Only Sponsor” be form in a draw. to entered those randomly selected will be invited to begin process. application the Citizenship and return of the sponsorship had of the return program that been closed down deal to with backlogs. spirits also comes into effect this year, although spirits effect year, although this also into comes 1. actually rise April until taxes won’t and grandparents Canada, to 2018 brings the and $13 per employee for the average employer. and $13 per average the employee for wine and taxescalator excise the to on beer, increase in EI premiums, Canadian but the it will estimates add only Federation Taxpayers about $6 in new worker costs average the for although the first time business the although owners will is when theytheir them file for account to have 2018 taxes in 2019. against proposed other changes, a including small business for make it harder plan owners to among family sprinkleto members. income time but was forward brought as Liberal the struggledgovernment deal to with a backlash At the Federal level the Federal At businesses 10 per tax to in their is a drop rate from 10.5. cent and regulations that will as year change and regulations the that turns. 2018 brings its fair share. increases, from new immigration rules bans to products,on toxic some rules are of the here


The Laval News the council during meeting. Demers Mayor gotupto question brotherhood, Marc André Potvin,election. president ofthe police into swept office inadministration the2013 was moreofficers staff in hiring sincecurrent the heels its dragging union that the cityhadbeen protest complaints concerned the from police The the anything meeting. goingonduring hear for anyone impossible itnearly insidetomaking cityhall, a outside protest staged officers, police the unionrepresentingBrotherhood, the city’s Laval one.The Police anoisy 2017 onJan. 17was 6 • already underway. in elections 2018 preparations forprovincial elections when municipal certainty,would endonanoteofgreater the public’s well-being and safety, theyear disrupting police officers ensuringrather than cityhall outside raucousby protests with If 2017in outtumultuously, Laval started JRWRXWRISULVRQ83$&DUUHVWHGZLWKQRUHDVRQ*X\2XHOOHWWH :DVWKH\HDURIWKHÁRRGV'HPHUVWHDPUHHOHFWHG9DLOODQFRXUW MARTIN C. BARRY 2017: The first public meeting of city councilin Laval of meeting The firstpublic J ANUARY Susan O’Keeffe 450621- Susan O’Keeffe 450621-5600,ext.1351 sensory equipmentandtoolsforconcentrationsensory forallclassrooms. were over,were butwith All proceeds willbeused toprovide schools and centres with Sir Wilfrid LaurierFoundation [email protected] Annual Gala January 25,2018 January The Year The in REVIEW Ticket: $225 Purchase your tickets online www.fondationlaurier.com 1 003, boulevard Curé-Labelle Martin social housing project. Nonetheless, Nonetheless, housingproject. social Martin Val- at the units long-neglected build 124new wouldreceive$18.2millionto part for its housingacrossthe province. Laval and social for theyears creation ofadditional affordable overtwo more than $407million in funding onJan. 16to announce inChomedey Goyer were at theCoiteux Habitation Raymond- Minister ofMunicipal Martin Affairs Quebec Jean-Yves Development Social and Duclos by 2020. completed to be whichisexpected construction of supervision well as for as the buildingitself, for allplanningandspecifications responsible be will The corporation the Cosmodôme. near onTerry located the buildingto be Fox Ave. for chosen was consortium The NFOE-HCMA for the futurecomplex. design held ofacompetition the to winner produce a municipal aquatic complex. Thecityannounced ofanew construction thetowards planned leading ofthe some initialsteps take Laval • • Federal Children Minister and ofFamilies, The firstmonth of2017also saw theCityof Laval (Québec) H7V2V6 Information |RSVP Embassy Plaza (tax receiptof $112.50) Cocktail: 6pm Supper: 7pm Featuring Ultimate Showband. by the ofperformances aset was of the event ofJan. onthe 26,ahighlight evening Chomedey in Held Plaza at Board. the Embassy School centres bythe SirWilfrid operated Laurier andtraining at schools projects educational more than $47,000for raised gala fundraising Sir Wilfrid Foundation’s Laurier annual winter unveiling onJan. 31. players for the were onhandat Laval Carrefour Canadiens former andseveral Molson, Feb. News’ to the Geoff Laval 8edition, hitthe ice According Placethey at Bell. the new when theuniforms players wearing wouldbe new logoand officially the unveiled season, inAHL affiliate the2017-2018 starting team anannual tradition. probably become hesaidit’sto Agape, that something would of l’Abord-à-Plouffe, madeamajor donation the whorepresents district Karidogiannis, the firsttime Although group. itwas services a$450donationby with to the charitable city councillor Vasilios dropped Karidogiannis when inChomedey the andclients staff atAgape ray oflight shonefor time,ahopeful depressing oftheon behalf lender/extortionists. fraud orarson such as to commit acts criminal pressured wouldbe interest they usurious rates, couldn’t Whencustomers region. repay at loans who were extortion practising inthe Laval ofmoneylenders ofatrio for potential victims Police the Laval were looking column reported Centre,” Youth Agape Chomedey-based and “Wellness a opening thetowards firststeps autism with andotheremployees disabilities. diversityinthefostering workplace byincluding about shouldthinkthat seriously businesses argued successfully Lewis executive Randy in February, News Laval U.S. retired pharmacy covered bythe of Commerce andIndustry Chamber to atalk the Laval autism?with During havefirst discover achildwhoisafflicted they byallmeans,”taxpayers hewrote. as deserve pay andthey they receive the services said.“It’s Guzmas removal, to timefor Lavallers there snow ofbetter were nosigns the years, the for over budget snow removal increasing steadily been administration hadindeed that theWhile presenting evidence Demers snowremoval” intheir neighbourhoods. or poor e-mails lately complaining “non-existent about in andsending the phones werereaders ringing to onFeb. state inaneditorial Guzmas 22that George co-publisher News prompted Laval News. the with Laval André Potvin saidinaninterview ofpatrol cars,”shortage president Brotherhood a thereable was to outto get patrol because dayspolice haven’t havebeen when “There been 420,000. for ofmore apopulation acitywith than the case be ofpatrol thannumber should normally cars amuch with lower operating was department the claimthat the police grievances among its Theunionlisted step uptheir pressure tactics. Police continued Brotherhood this month to ofthe Laval members years, few for the past • • • • • • • • Also in the Feb. 8 edition was news that intheAlso Feb. the news was 8edition Laval,Canadiens’ the Montreal de The Rocket adulland be While the can month ofJanuary Blue”police “LPD News’ On Jan. 25,the Laval With anannouncement that hadinitiated they through What minds whenthey parents’ goes inLaval snowremoval Ongoing poor Without contract the with CityofLaval anew the commitment made by Quebec andOttawa. the commitment madebyQuebec with pleased visibly Mayor was Marc Demers Allthe housingunitgoal. same, a 1,000-social for ofproviding stillfellthe short assistance far F EBRUARY press event held at event press the church onMarch 13. a during Habel MNAJean Liberal Sainte-Rose for by the announced restoration work was funding buildingin1974.The heritage protected a status as aspecial granted was Rose-de-Lima old,dates around160 years from 1856.Sainte- whichismore currentthan churchThe building, ofthe churchwell-being building. to help andarchitectural maintain the structural government Liberal the$250,000 from Quebec more than –received Boulevard Sainte-Rose on churches –Sainte-Rose-de-Lima important March 14to 7:30amMarch 15. 6:30pmon from inhistruck stranded He was trafficjamonsouthbound A-13. the massive whenhegotcaught upinthe depot, the UPS hisvehicle returning toof March 14andwas evening his early route the during just finished TypaldosGeorge hehad News told the Laval Autoroute 13. on stranded ofmotorists amonghundreds was andwho inLaval wholives driver delivery UPS –includinga ofmany the lives people impacted inmid-March andthe Montreal region Laval 8 issue. March News’ coverage with inthe Laval school, it Souvenir Blvd. stage at the staffers whohelped thetogether with help ofmore than ahalf-dozen LSA’s put Review, whichthey 2017Blue&Gold Trump’s in evident was influence mesmerizing Academy. Senior atNight –oronstage Laval Live onSaturday whether itwas elected, hewas after months afew everywhere upjustabout turning (CLAVA)aînés ($77,756). Comité lavallois enabus envers violence et les Promo-Santé($76,950), Groupe ($66,350)andle deLaval Alzheimer Société ($82,180),La Laval (QADA) aînés ami des were program DIRA- sums underthe government’s provincial Québec the The receiving four organizations seniors. resources to do their workofthe onbehalf wouldhave the enough subsidies receiving to makesure wanted the organizations ministry that her News told theCharbonneau Laval to seniors. that assistance provide to inLaval four groups $318,000insubsidies announced Charbonneau Francine Minister Citizens for Senior Quebec ofLaval’sdevelopment citizens, senior improving theandcontinuing well-being maintenance ofbridges. and inthe design expert and arenowned Instituteof the Canadian Construction ofSteel for executive-director Quebec Christodoulou, for Change.’ Dr.was speaker Thekeynote Hellen Bold The ‘Be theme of this year’swas meeting andlives. in their careers can advance onhowothers advice who offered woman whomadehermark inthe world and aLaval from heard Federation ofLaval-Electra ofthe Hellenicthan 100members Women’s International Women’s Day (March 8),more Château onSunday Royal March 5to mark • • • • • • The Laval News’ April 5 edition reported edition reported Laval 5 News’ April The region’sOne ofthe Laval historically most epic snowstorm thatThe swept through U.S. Trump President Donald to be seemed to dedicated groups In abidto support held at luncheon the anafternoon During Rehabilitation onFeb. Hospital 16. at Committee the Jewish NPIPartners Agape ofthe Laval/ ameeting during announced formally was Thenews inLaval. citizens senior of the ofEnglish-speaking forgotten needs some to serve come forward abigleap to take the timehad decided Parents Association ʇ

Continued onpage M A ARCH PRIL 7  January 10, 2018 • The Laval News • 7 8 UNE J annual Laval Firemen’s Festival, which Festival, Laval annual Firemen’s Continued on page Continued

th ʇ assigned respond needs to the to of residents in affectedeight neighborhoods. During time, emergency and this shelters Laval- set the were up at centres information Blvd., Sauvé on Arthur Ouest centre community in Sainte- Centre Jolibourg Community the Centre Community Dorothée, Montrougeau the des aînés Place on Curé the and at in Fabreville Labelle Blvd. in Chomedey. Our May 31 edition Our news May contained the that The 11 “all- 2017 WilfridFoundation’s Laurier The Sir • • • three community-based organizations which Laval senior citizenshelp were in west-end awarded a total of $50,000 in subsidies by the federal Ministry Social and Families, Children for Development.threerecipients The announced by Laval-Les El-Khoury Îles MP Fayçal were Associationthe des bénévoles Ste- du Pavillon Dorothée, Les Ararat, and Église Habitations Sainte-Croix.arménienne Apostolique you-can-eat” Lobster Gala, which took place Royal 8, raised Laval in Château the on June at sensory$29,697 for equipment materials and took place from June 2 – 4 at the Centropolis, the at 2 – 4 fromtook June place festival-goers that excitement delivered all the beenhave used past. in the to were There whole familyoutdoor the during shows for the weekend event.three-day The ever-popular parade trucks, of fire and sirens warning signals blaring, morning, Saturday took place starting industrial park, and am in Laval’s 9:30 around slowly made its rendez-vous towards the way a great 10:30 am. “It’s at Centropolis the point at population in the also but for children, for day general of Laval see department to our fire what Laval Demers the Marc told News. Mayor does,” birthday birthday th anniversary th from Liberal Nassif Eva Member of Parliament the at ceremony a commemorative attend to Embassy Plaza 100 the marking Following an orderly information meeting information an orderly on Following • May 11 on relief programs available to Laval’s Laval’s to programs available 11 on relief May spring flood damage victims, Marc Mayor Demers and police chief Pierre Brochet found actions when their defend to themselves having propertya fewand irate city owners the gave its security officials a their failing for grade floodperformance recent crisis. in the Demers defended integrity the of municipal propertyofficials when one owner suggested the massive warningcity received days three that being were of water releasedquantities river at region. dams west Montreal “We of the control that not notified in advance were three days mayor. said the waswater way,” on the The flooding inmuch Laval situation dominated Lavalof the News’ 17 issue. While water May levels Rivière on the des Prairies Rivière and the des Mille Îles dropping, were City of Laval the was mobilizing a massive for its post- forces not only city flood would involve that cleanup workers, volunteers. but also many critical the phase now know that of the “We Marc Demers. said Mayor flood is us,” behind “Nonetheless, we decided local the prolong to knowing we will still that of emergency, state need next the get through to time and resources reportedthe The city at peakthe of that steps.” crisis, least at City of Laval 500 employees were of Canada’s historic participation during World historic participation during World of Canada’s Ridge. of Vimy Battle I in the War the represent riding to first MP Nassif, who is the which was 2015 election, the created for of Vimy it wassaid she felt especially her for appropriate while battle, of the veterans homage to pay to 150 Canada’s also commemorating which took place lastwhich took place year. AY M 10, 7 days a week from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m 11 from a week 10, 7 days $ Around 400 peopleAround an invitation accepted As reported edition, 5 in our May several A Laval-based of industrial manufacturer Officials from the City of the Officialsfrom Laval andfrom junior • • • • members Quebec of the AssemblyNational from western Laval started a petition supporting Montreal’s of Greater Community Hellenic the persuadebid to Quebec a plan to abandon to and Chomedey ridingsrestructure the of Fabre it and render Greek vote which would split the less powerful electorally. in Chomedey“Thecommunity Greek is said of Quebec,” province in the largest the Chomedey Liberal who MNA Guy Ouellette, Liberal worked MNA Monique Sauvé with Fabre and Sainte-Rose Liberal MNA Jean Habel on the issue. pallets which has developed a unique approach linguistic of newcomers the integration to earned praiseQuebec of the Immigration visited when she the Weil Kathleen Minister 7. facilities on April company’s important seeing endeavour,” an extremely “I’m said about Standard Pallet Industries Weil efforts. IPS went beyond(IPS)’s the normal ministry see its to that expectations of Weil’s receivedworkers full instruction use of in the in a classroom company. the setting at French hockey groups in Sainte-Dorothée on hand were two 9 for former Samson the on April Arena at reasons: of renovations completion the mark to retired honour NHL right- and to facility, the at whosewinger name is now Martin Saint-Louis spelled outsideon the out wall arena. of the who retired last Saint-Louis, year from For Rangers, it was a homecoming Newthe York he got his startsince in hockey at playing while peewee Samson and junior levels the Arena. at hometown. Laval is Saint-Louis’s th FREE The Year in REVIEW in The Year starting at starting anniversary of Greece’s anniversary of Greece’s th

anniversary founding. party’s of the


LUNCH EXPRESS LUNCH drink or soft Coffee AFFORDABLE PRICES AFFORDABLE A GOOD LUNCH For the third year since the creation of the of the creation year the since third the For According to the April 5 LPD Blue police April the to According

The Aprilreported 5 issue also The elected officials 2017: • Ave. in Laval-des-Rapides recently. It was It the in Laval-des-Rapides recently. Ave. second weeks time in as police the many that had been alerted by neighbours. City workers found also remains were animal confirmedthat parks other area.at in the • • Quebec joining Philippe Couillard Premier hundreds members of Quebec of the Liberal Embassy the at PlazaParty to in a celebration history PLQ’s in the an historic moment mark 150 – the Laval and Integrity (BIEL), Office Ethics Laval police Pierre chief Brochet tabled a report of effortsto keep the last made over months 12 actstrack and stop of corruption from taking administration. city’s within the place Brochet very results,” with the proud “We’re said in an interview Laval with the News, while task is making experience the of adding that “We’re report each easier. year’s compiling Laval he said, noting that writing book,” the police only department is the in QuebecPolice carry to mandated task out the specific in this manner. column, a decapitatedcolumn, was goat by passers- found Parc-des-Prairies to on 15 by near entrance the from three levels of government gathering at the from three the levels at gathering of government nearwar Laval March cenotaph city hall in late respects their pay to along with residents of originHellenic Greek and soldiers veterans to on occasionthe 196 of the “In 150 years we’ve never“In 150 years we’ve hesitated do things to said in Couillard Premier difficult,” which were keynote speech. event’s the touchedCouillard on several issues, other PLQ’s including the strike to a proper betweenability balance social and economic growth.justice independence. • • January 10, 2018

The Laval News inJune, Lyndareport Tousignant, who was inanexclusive hadstated News the Laval As the sum. embezzled he acknowledging after to Laval surrendered the $10millionVaillancourtoverseeing mayor Vaillancourt Gilles committee to anew ex-appointment aideofdisgraced ofaformer to the leaders executive-committee’sopposition for autism. Giant School Steps inconjunctioncreated the with Montreal-based was kit Thetraining the midstofautism crises. in individuals with to deal prepared fully be will the city’s that so they publicsafety employees for implementation trainingmodule ofanew the with for autistic persons of safety measures Vaillancourt. herself at onetimeanattaché for mayor former to the Place-du-Souvenir Fund committee, was Lynda Tousignant, appointed oneofthe people that revealed News the Laval scoop, In anews allotted. should be the from fund how subsidies for recommendations making on responsible be ofaconsultative committeemembers that will at four cityhallwith ofthe fivenewly-appointed Mayor madethe Marc announcement Demers ofage. to 17years up infancy from childrenwith andadolescents community that to groups deal paid local be will in2018,$600,000annual interest Beginning mayorformer Vaillancourt Gilles use. to good disgraced from inreclaiming succeeded they hadcome to upwith way putthe they $10million executive-committee. onthecommunity issues citizens andsenior for culture, responsible whowas said Adams, ofmy mandate itends,” arenewal after seeking that announce Ican today that notbe Iwill “It ofaccomplishment asense iswith elections. municipal inthe term for November asecond Adams’ announcement running hewouldnotbe Raynald and executive-committee member citycouncillor government following provincial as as the well Laval fromofficials theCityof Mayor Marc Demers. this with excellenttoday Iampleased news,” said and had confidence in the negotiation process, PoliceCity ofLaval “Ialways Brotherhood. the acontract with agreement had reached that announced it city hall,the CityofLaval demonstrations outside and noisy bypolice 8 • • • • • fundraisers. oneofthe noteon afestive SWLF’s as twomain to aclose year the school brings Gala Lobster than inception. For $715,000since its many, the moreMaccarone that noted raised the SWLF Fréchette president Jennifer andSWLSB president Christian SWLF In anaddress, centres ahead. inthe year andschools learning for students Board at SirWilfrid School Laurier Ż 2017: There was reaction in Laval city council by in reaction was There to enhance aprogram Laval decided The Cityof a announced withLaval Officials theCityof disappointmentwas among There elected Following months negotiations ofprotracted 4375, Notre-Dame, suite7,Laval4375, Notre-Dame, 4375

Continued from page Notre-Dame , Notre-Dame J ULY (corner Elizabeth) Centre Dentaire Dental Center , suite7 The Year The in REVIEW 7 “It seems very apparent that“It very the electoral seems microphone. much uptoo timeat the bytaking period abusing question for allegedly council meeting the 8 Aug. during criticized heavily council, was city Laval in party the officialopposition Laval, cityhall.Action at Laval seen to be beginning November, were campaigning of advance signs cityhall. an announcement Laval outside saidduring Cotis, De David Saint-Bruno district, Laval’s mayor deputy andcitycouncillor for ofItalianexperience the greatness culture,” to of Laval to allthe people opportunity able at to touched being offer this especially “As resident Iam ofItalian aLaval origin, Park. at Lausanne onSunday 6 Aug. inLaval event Italian-themed Montreal Italian aone-day Week, preparing was the annual which organizes Italian Canadians, beforesetting. hours it finallyshone for a few through breaking the cloudsand sun hadstarted V.I.P. rainy allday, was event the evening byearly DayWhile the for Canada weather the this past Day celebrationcake. alarge flag with Canadian onJulyAnother year highlight each 1isaCanada Rd.inChomedey.on Souvenir Festival onthe ofHoly grounds Church Cross community annual held Hellenic its Summer Orthodox Greek whenthe Laval cultural origins Day toarefresher intheir weekend Canada take on hadthe opportunity alloverQuebec from phonecalls. andonlyallowsBluetooth received sentbeing or stops fromtexts The Roadbudee to the device. connected must be smartphone the Inordercar, tosystem. start the owner’s to acar’s connects the computer Roadbudee, Patrick Dubois’s invention, which hecalled texting that prevents device whiledriving. texting a whowas launched byadriver caused accident car ago nineyears inaserious involved country’s city. second-largest inthe Konstantinoupoliton), which isbased PAOK F.C. Athlitikos (Panthessalonikios Omilos anoffer considering madebyGreece’sclub was Club,the Soccer the with soccer Chomedey U-7to well U-15girls’ as as and U-10boys U-13 whocoaches According to BillZagakos, soccer team. Thessaloniki-based inconjunction the as with early as Chomedey establishment ofafirst-ratesoccer academy in to the lead that wouldhopefully associations oneofGreece’swith top professional soccer Clubwere adeal working towards Soccer • • • • • , With to place take in set municipal elections In the meantime, the National of Congress of Hellenic heritage people Thousands of child were andunborn wife manwhose A Laval In July year, last at twocoaches the Chomedey Laval Demers, justifying the appointment. justifying Demers, that notdisfavour them,” Iwill saidMayor Marc true itisalso I’ve foror those postings, known for Iknow positions “If Idonotfavour people Vaillancourt’s office earlyfrom the to mid-1990s. consultantFund, for alegal as worked the Place-du-Souvenir committee to supervise by the appointed executive- people one offive Serving thecommunityforoverS 25years... Dr. SavasFortis, DDS Chirurgien dentiste/Dental Surgeon A UGUST Our priorityisyour For your entire dental needscall: 450-682-3921 and organized events for the kids. events and organized supply ofcornonthe cob, entertainment stage endless seemingly a enjoyed They grandparents. children and dads, that many moms, included Thisyear’s News. Laval Fête acrowdattracted the was ofthe event Among the sponsors the ninth annual Fête deChomedey. deQuartier outfor turned 22whenthey onAug. the district at Parcday andgames Pie-X offun of inthe heart resident. Chomedey Marshall, whoisa Jeffrey organizer principal shouldn’t anannual Terry be Fox Run here,” said why there noreason city inthe province, Isee the “With third being largest Laval des-Rapides. inLaval- 17at Prairies Parc des on Sunday Sept. place taking since 2004would be held inLaval first FoxTerry be cancerRun to for research office them during appointments.”or seeing constituents throughcontinue e-mails serving outhere,”are notonvacation said.“We Nassif “It’s the from Parliament, maybe butwe vacation held inSt-Martin ParkBBQ onSaturday 12. Aug. annual outdoor have Nassif’s timeduring agreat to managed hundred friends entourage ofseveral weather, Vimy MPEva andan Nassif Liberal three days inlate July inthe 22 to part take Laval’s for district OldSainte picturesque Rose gathered in Canada allovereastern from art 20,000 appreciatorssculpture offine andquality Claude Gobé unveiled hisparty’s unveiled electoral Claude Gobé Saint-François the process. to witness Version onMaurice in ImagePlus Cullen Inc. St. were atcommittee andfounder ofthe ML, ofthe city’swho isvice-president executive- and Saint-Bruno Cotis, citycouncillor De David inthe term Nov. asecond seeking 5election, whowas mayorIncumbent Marc Demers, Laval. printing plant ineastern rolling literallycame “hotoff the press” at a posters unofficially when theirfirst campaign rolling gotthings the Mouvement Lavallois ofthe in top 22,some leadership until Sept. wouldn’t Quebec getting officiallyunderway be • • • provinces. maritime ofthe parts well as as inQuebec regions andmany other Laval from artists selected theand to creations purchase of90carefully- works to appraise ofart hundreds opportunity hadthe they the course ofthe event, Over Symposium. annual Art Sainte-Rose • • • Hundreds of residents of Chomedey enjoyed a enjoyed Hundreds ofChomedey ofresidents 30issueannounced the Laval News’ Aug. The summertime unpredictable some Despite many 16issue,as as inourAug. reported As In the meantime, Action Laval leader Jean- leader In the Action meantime, Laval across campaigns Although municipal election citizens once amonth.”citizens 25ofthe 90minutes available“monopolized to Action Laval the election), after the opposition Michel Trottierleader wouldform party (whose Laval According questions. Parti to specific very asking butwithout alot, microphone talking histimeat spent the Jean-Claude Gobé leader Action Laval council meetings, few the past whilemaintaining that over Marc Demers, timeisapproaching,”campaign saidMayor S healthy smile... EPTEMBER Monday toFriday 8:00amto7:00pm Saturday 8:00amto1:00 pm nd which was the last before the election. before the the election. last which was to cancel decision the councilDemers’ meeting, denounced candidate Jean-Claude Gobé andmayoral leader Action that, Laval Despite complained.”the where point neighbors fence to deafening and“the was noise security thatnoted a the demonstrators overturned officials,” elected democratically hesaid. He of the holdingofthewhich prevented meeting “the denounced ofthe behavior Demers union, the with situation. dealt Demers to well the as way Mayor as Marc meeting, the bluecollar acitycouncil workers during cityhallby outside demonstrations staged to noisy vocally reacted municipal parties the match 5to 1. deSaint-Maxime, theagainst Phoenix whowon thefrom city, to went defeat down they playing putupby effort the players agreat Despite fund. perseverance for aschool awareness andmoney Écolefrom Saint-Maxime secondaire to raise match asoccer played students against Laval centre. inthe new located be will organizations mayor, community whileaddingthat several from fully community life,”benefiting said the able to be forge while will where bonds they agathering place residents available to Laval be able to to make Laval ispleased Cityof “The ofVimont.in the district community centre builtat to Parc be Lausanne marking the of soil first the foranew turning inaceremony part took thefrom CityofLaval Cotisandothercity councillor officials De David • • • The leaders of several of the City of Laval’s of the Cityof several of The leaders from officials theCityof 14,elected On Sept. Saint-Bruno 21,Mayor Marc Demers, On Sept. said Macrozonaris. byyouth inLaval,” insports and participation mayor. as Gobé “We must encourage discipline by ina administrationfitness municipal led andphysical for promoting sports responsible made afuture citycouncillor whowouldbe as Canada’sas 100-metre sprinter, third-fastest whostillranks Macrozonaris, buff, introduced andfitness whoishimself quite asports Gobé, onNov. elections inCityofLaval Action Laval 5. the citycouncil Sainte-Dorothée for seat seeking and field athletebe Macrozonaris Nicolas would launch that track campaign Olympic Canadian the party’s during announced official Gobé mayoralAction candidate Laval Jean-Claude price is,” saidDemers. he’sso what the knowing without acar buying mention the anything ofdoingso, about impact didn’tsighted attempt “He (Gobé) votes. to win Gobé’s ashort-dismissed promise as campaign mayor Marc Laval Demers facts, of distorting U.S. with taxes Trump’s president Donald habit Gobé’sComparing to reduceproperty pledge ofthe cityandtherevenues taxpayer’s capacity.” 7. “We the must restore the balance between mayor ofLaval,” onSept. told supporters Gobé as intheof firstbudget taxes my term property in centam announcingathreeper decrease “I commitments for the campaign. upcoming ʇ


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January 10, 2018 • The Laval News • 11

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= Diploma of College Studies = Diploma of College Studies = Vocational and Technical Training Training and Technical = Vocational = Diploma of Vocational Studies Studies = Diploma of Vocational = Attestation of College Studies of College Studies = Attestation = Secondary School Diploma or = Diploma of Secondary Studies = Attestation of Vocational Specialization of Vocational = Attestation For complete information on these information programs complete For goodBefore looking training programs, for it’s Need a sign language Documents interpreter? According to Emploi-Québec’s most recent most recent Emploi-Québec’s to According Abilities—not disabilities—should drive deci- To learn benefits about the more of voca- To ACS programs make up VTT. ACS also offered by school vocationalboard training centres. DCS diplomas offered studies are of college Technical by CEGEPs. Theyfor specific students prepare knowledge requirejobs the that and application of recognized techniques. ACS Thesetechnical are college training programs that last about one year designed and are adults for school.returning to VTT technical DCS,In Québec, and DVS, all the AVS, DSS The diploma issued afterat five studies years of a regular secondary school. DVS DVS programs 1,800 hours from range 600 to over a period and of six eighteen months to specific for prepare students jobs while also providing a general education. They offered are by school board vocational training centres. AVS These programs are designedfor people who a diploma of vocational already studies have upgrade skills. to (DVS) and want their They are and services to available and on all resources with disabilities,students online the consult sans limites! La un avenir FPT et Pour brochure les personnes handicapées, from CAMO pour personnes handicapées, www.camo.qc.ca/ at only). formation/etudesans.php (in French AVS, DSS, DVS, do SSD, What VTT and mean? DCS, ACS, mean. these know acronyms what to SSD disabilities. There are insurance agents and disabilities. agents and insurance are There secretary-receptionists with visual impairments. operators, machine print are There bakers and plasticsproduction with hearing workers impairments. as in wheelchairs work People avionics assemblers and customs technicians. equipment? computer in Braille? Adapted and financial resources aid Professional meetprograms to available are special needs. with can disabilities qualifyStudents the for SpecialAllowance for Needs Program offered aux by Aide financière for disabil- études or supportity-related public CEGEPs at available and colleges in Québec. People With Disabilities Can Can Disabilities With People and Vocational to Access Have Training Technical projections, oppor- of employment thousands tunities requiring vocational or technical training will become in Québec available in the years.coming with disabilities People should be take to advantageable of these opportunities. preconceived notions that any sions. Forget people with disabilities a career. cannot have careers those fullyMany to with are accessible occupation trade. or or technicaltional work-study through training on theseprograms information and get more programs, (in visit www.mels.gouv.qc.ca/ate school the or insti- at only) or inquire French the program of your offering study of tution choice. A combination of training and employ- A combination Work-study programs are an education an education programs are Work-study In addition to working a DVS, toward In addition to students This concurrent certification option, certificationconcurrent avail-This option, Students who have received who have Students a pass marks in For more information on the different bridges different on the information more For Training continuity bridges allow vocational continuity Training These provisionsthose now allow who hold a Bridges make it easier provisions are that There are several different paths to complete complete to paths several are There different The Canal Savoir televisionThe presentsCanal Savoir channel For more information, visit: information, more For http://imt.emploiquebec.net students helps étudiant Placement Québec’s •Are the odds the •Are a of finding a job in better a sense while realities workplace of the of the balancing (and sometimes work and income) because more, of agreements school. What’s between school, and the work- workplace the programs or make it possiblestudy acquire to upgrade skills needed the practise to a chosen ment, these practicums an ideal get are to way option that allows students to complete at least at complete allows to students option that or practicums placements two work as part of secondary vocational the their training at level level.or technical college the training at credits required obtain to a secondary school diploma (SSD). Approach Work-Study The enrolled in a vocational training program can general education the simultaneously acquire Secondary IV or V courses in general education, a DVS admission to for areprerequisites which their general finish program, to instead of having education first. able since 1996-1997, allows students to pursue 1996-1997, allows to students since able their vocationaltheir training while completing level have the option of enrolling in a program option of enrolling of the level have leading a diploma of vocationalstudy to studies (DVS), even they if do not meet admission the a DVS program. requirements to Concurrent Certification Option Certification Concurrent subjects three core Secondarytheir the at III available, we encourage you to contact the the contact you to we encourage available, schoolchoice. the program of your offering The recognitionThe skills makes of acquired it of duration possible reduce the to students for least by at studies their one academic term when earning (DCS). studies a diploma of college training graduates to pursue their technical pursue their training graduates to education frameworktraining in a continuing does repeatthat to not require them courses. diploma (SSD) to directly level college diploma (SSD) to access under programs designated Minister, by the determines. she that conditions duplication or any other unnecessary other or any duplication steps. diploma of vocational (DVSs) in certain studies a secondaryprograms but do not have school for students to transition between transition to students for programs academic levels. different at of study Theyhelp in training while avoiding continuity ensure that’s best you. for that’s Bridges Everyone Has Their Own Path Their Has Everyone a training program—you can choose one the carrières de l’environnement and Entreprends and Entreprends carrières de l’environnement édition ans. 15-20 savoir, ton programs that help people help programs that learn about more only): French Lesréussites careers(in different du Québec – À la découverte des métiers et des Québec’s Placement étudiant Placement Québec’s facili- provides job tools market. the that It enter with a job search internship or for their tate or private-sectorpublic- employers, including municipalities, of study. field in their generally http://emploietudiant.qc.ca/index_en.asp specificregion? • The Laval News • January 10, 2018 12 to the train capacity has program mechanics and processes. technologies up-to-datethe equipment, most have andthe weldinganics facilities andfitting for the workforce. the automotive Both mech- in afirst-class environment thatthem prepares atrade the students allowing to learn setting, An industrialsetting standards. andindustry Education program specifications tions to of meet the Ministry required Quebec renova- significant underwent two programs programs. The building evening that the houses ment the inboth steady day isalready and that enroll- last August and reports the EMSB for market.” the job prepared be will and they training experience here Prairies at Grandes des will an and fittingreceive excellent education andinwelding automobilein both mechanics “I amdelighted to highlight that ourstudents ing andfitting trainingprogram,” saidMancini. in the andweld- field of automobile mechanics environment andeducational technology ment, The latest technology community.the English-speaking benefiting while andwelding andfitting, anics inauto programs demand for mech- vocational an meet Shesaiditwill Léonard. inSt. Grandes-Prairies des at 6065Boulevard located the new centre with very pleased was end. east inMontreal’sfitting and automobile mechanics, inwelding, tional trainingfacility, specializing celebrated voca- Board ofanew the opening GrandesDes Prairies and welding, centre auto fitting offers mechanics ,QWURGXFLQJ(06%·VQHZYRFDWLRQDOWUDLQLQJIDFLOLW\ MLS: 26967358 MLS: 24176191 MLS: 26241497 According the automobile to the EMSB, The centre’s layout anindustrial mirrors at the centreOperations began equip- current the most boasts facility “This Angela Mancini said she chairwoman EMSB On Nov. 30,the English Montreal School CHOMEDEY: CHOMEDEY TOWNHOUSE: show. Callmefor an appt.Asking269000$.Motivated Seller. 3 bedrooms, 2fullbathrooms.. Must See!! Modified Price.. Close to highways, schools,shopping.Easy to show. Bungalow withmany updates.. Livingrm,diningkitchen, *CHOMEDEY*

SOLD SOLD REDUCED 3bedrooms, Closeto everything. Easy to Duplex centrally situated.

increased increased for the which automotive program detailing section There adesignated isalso electronics. andonboard engine intransmissions, issues electronic andfix to determine software nostic the where latest diag- the use students can lifts at of19car workstations each computerized Computerized work areas brakeanddifferentialsuspension, overhaul. for simulation learning areas and dedicated computers, andonboard transmission, engine for stands troubleshooting test with equipped The is department automobile mechanics up to 240students inday andnight classes. The automobile mechanics area also has has also area The automobile mechanics MLS: 13961016 MLS: 18569658 FABREVILLE • +fireplace, livingroom ,diningroom. Huge kitchen withdinett CHOMEDEY •VOYER&TREMBLAY Close to allamenities,schools, transportation, shopping andm room, diningroom, huge kitchen withdinette. Finished basement many pluses,kitchenette, huge bathroom, laundry, furnaceroom, cottage with3spaciousbedrooms, ensuite andmany more, fami

NEW LISTING A MustSee!•Easy tovisit! a state of the art fabrication company,a state fabrication ofthe art a with environment State-of-the-art andfixtures. jigs with area anassembly ing machinery, well as as comprehensive andprocess- array offabrication a the latest generation ofwelding machines, incorporates Thedepartment night classes. tocapacity trainupto 220students inday and motive detailing. students toprepares practice the tradeofauto- to Training aSkills leads (STC) Certificate and receiving endfor rawreceiving material (steel, aluminum, The layout of the welding shop duplicates hasThe welding the andfitting program cottage with5bedrooms, family e. Finishedplayroom with cold room. ore. . ly room V

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Therebe demand issurefor the training to NEWSFIRST ADVERTORIAL ©2018 NEWSFIRST ACHIEVEMENT 514.993.5010 MASTER AWARD AWARD SALES SALES 2011 2016 ALES 011 0 VEM STER LES AR ARD 1 TER 6 D ENT Real Estate Broker Estate Real CIΤÉ Kottaridis ŐĂƟŽŶ͊ January 10, 2018 • The Laval News • 13 th The • annual Real Estate Forum held by the City by the held Real Forum Estate annual Finally, the last month of each of last year the month is when Finally, Mille-Îles MNA , who Mille-Îles Francine MNA On Dec. 6, The NewsLaval reported that The Dec.reported 6 issue also athletes 162 that Christmas gift collection. rd • • • Mérite sportif evening. awards lavallois • Laval property owners learn approximately theyhow much can expect city a payto the to new the year into taxfew when their months the assessments to arrive mail. According in the media 2018 budget the presented to by Mayor DemersMarc on Dec. property 11, residential owners will be in 2018, more paying 1.4 per cent said of inflation, Demers. rate is below the which is Minister Responsibleis Minister Laval the for Region in Liberalthe cabinet, said she was pleased upon Gaétan Minister hearing Health Barrette that awarded a $15 million recurring improve sum to psychological services in Quebec youths for difficulties. emotional undergoing The provincial government will be sending a subsidy psychological $880,100 for of services in Laval.for six The amount will youth pay psychologists as as professionals well other who will be part of multidisciplinary teams CIUSSS the dedicated at de Laval. youths to importancethe “This shows that investment said we give issues health,” mental to involving Charbonneau. 300 participants than more took part in the 3 fromand coaches Laval honoured were last when they receivedmonth medallions their for 58 during city’s the contributions athletic of Laval’s economic development department of Laval’s Laval with the in conjunction Chamber of and Industry. Commerce Laval News’ last issue of 2017 (Dec. 22) published of Minister interviewan exclusive with Canada’s elected Harjit Defence, an MP for First Sajjan. South in 2015, Harjit ridingthe of Vancouver was Sajjan by Justin Minister appointed Defence was Sajjan the year. in November that Trudeau first Sikh to country’s Canadian the become talked Sajjan about Canada’s Minister. Defence preparedness, defence to ability country’s the deal with a nuclear attack, as as well aspects of personal life. minister’s the ult said the focus of ult said the year the Arbre de Joie year Arbre the th ECEMBER D Heartened previous of their success the by book music Snow, for Flowers Time for Time and CD, directors Dimitris Ilias and Maria Diamantis, Glen Huser, of author-lyricist help with the composer Giannis Georgantelis and editor Marie-Fleurette Beaudoin, undertook tell to classicanother from Greek antiquity: story the of King Midas. The holiday seasonThe holiday got underway at Marché After serving of a six-year 11 months With a Quebec provincial election scheduledWith on Oct.take to place political the 1, 2018, already lining up in December were contenders One such hopeful, Coalition Avenir the last year. Legault, was leader crossing François Québec’s regions base touch to with editors province’s the and journalists, and agreed sit down an to for interview with The News.Laval things,Among other Lega efforts will leadingthe be CAQ’s economy the provincial 2018 election. the towards also He opened issues, up on other including Quebec’s legalizationveil ban, the of marijuana and closing school boards. • • Public 440 this month with the merriest with the month of Public 440 this outdoor of a large lighting traditions – the Christmas, singing along with the of Christmas of bestcarols and exchanges wishes between loved ones, neighbors and friends. it wasAlthough 17 the prison sentence for fraud, breach fraud, of trust for prison sentence former Laval Gilles mayor and conspiracy, was The Parole parole. granted day Vaillancourt Board of Canada said it had no reasonable would cause believemotive to Vaillancourt released if he were problems beforesentence his 23 for mayor was Laval’s Vaillancourt expired. years before being arrested in 2013. foundation held its held pre-Christmasfoundation event, it was Public 440 hosted first time Marché the the which had previously beencelebration at held Public Marché Lavalanother shopping centre. de Joie’s to Arbre first 200 items the 440 donated The Year in REVIEW The Year Lavallois succeeded in winning Laval 19 of city 21 seats. over was improvement an It council’s 17 districtsthe took ML 2013 election. the in the a final tally to postedthe City of on According Demers site, won with 46.24 per web cent Laval’s total number of votes.of the The second runner- was mayoralty the Partiup for Laval candidate with 20.4 per cent. Trottier Michel Aglaia Revelakis districtIn the of Chomedey, easily succeeded single seat in retaining the past LavalAction the years, for four held with 47 support.per cent Despite this, Laval Action lost its official oppositionto Parti status, which went Laval/Équipe Trottier. Michel Delivering first speech the of his new mandate after21-member were and the he city council Marc 11, Mayor sworn city hall on Nov. in at Demers – candidates all the paid to homage including those who failed win to city council seats. taking for them you to thank say “I would like to and thanks for part democratic exercise in this providedhaving population with the a choice,” thanks all those to who ran, evenhe said. “Great chosen.” theythough weren’t Up to 1,500 proud parents and friends 1,500 proud to of Up In the aftermath of the shocking aftermath of the In the arrest by 2017: • • hundreds of young students from 20 different fromhundreds 20 different of young students Palace schoolsMontreal-area the at gathered in Laval on Oct.congress centre hear 26 to the kids perform five operatic selections a from CD/ du Roi book project they helped – L’Or create Midas. UPAC of Chomedey and MNA Guy Ouellette UPAC ensuing rally of supportthe he received in the made a simple Ouellette Assembly, National The to News.Laval statement of just a matter “The truth will top – it’s the rise to he said in an interview annual prior the to time,” on took place that ceremony Day Remembrance outside Cenotaph Laval city War the 4 at Nov. previouslyhall. Ouellette members told of the Assembly his arrest constituted National that “I intimidation. at unprecedented attempt” “an he said. victimam the of a frame-up,” 8 were coming and telling and telling coming were was opening, because th th OVEMBER N Ave. from its cul- then-current Ave. th Continued from page from Continued

Ż Incumbent mayor Marc Demers Marc Incumbent easily mayor won a Grade two pupils at Twin Oaks Elementary Twin Grade two pupils at Hockey families living on Campeau St. in an • • • second elections term in municipal on Sunday his Mouvement for 5, while candidates Nov. School on Lisane St. in Laval got some first-hand lessons in beekeeping of honey gathering and the the representativeof when a on Oct. 3. That’s urbanMontreal beekeeping Alvéole company stopped check by to on hives set up behind schoolthe explain during summer and to the beekeeping classroom. in their students the to project, this “With they’re to actually able connectionmake the between something that’s happening outside classroom their with what school said principal they’re learning in class,” Dena Chronopoulos. wisdom every holds that Conventional kid always isn’t that While wants be to a firefighter. possible, every kid living in Laval least can at get a year make believe once to a chance they’re a or firewoman.fireman they’re at And while it, freemom and dad are go along if they to want. During an open Laval the house event at held Oct. on Sunday nine firehalls Department’s Fire 14, kids of all ages opportunity had the get up to red bright ladder and pump close shiny, the to trucks parkedgaragesthe in firehall all over island. area of Chomedey development still undergoing coming in the problems have to likely were driveway of the out Taxi” weeks “Mom’s getting faceoff. in time for arena the it to make to As part project of a major City of Laval the by 100 extend to de-sac at Cléroux Blvd. southward to where the the where to de-sac Cléroux Blvd. southward at street begins northHurtubise of again a little St., public works the department was rerouting sewer and water underground the network, resulting in disruptions on nearby streets. knew 100 that “We people from east of 100 notification.” “hadn’t heard anything. We never received any heard anything. We “hadn’t However, she insisted, residents she and other However, us,” said nearby resident Diana Delli Fraine. Diana Delli said nearby Fraine. resident us,” • The Laval News • Januaryy 10, 2018 14 dementia. with people towards andaccepting open themfrom onhowto be pointers afew andtake stories their inspiring Roger andothers to invite hear Canadians Isn’tabilities. that what to weallaspire do?” ofmy to the can best Ipossibly longas for as I’llcontinuegolf andtravelling. to enjoy life inmyplaying meaning life, likegetting out, todreams that pursue.“Istilldothings have many He hadtoo andsadness. initial shock to swallow. his time,Rogerovercame Butwith atough pill was ago at age57, his diagnosis Alzheimer’s youngonset years three veloped this proud father andgrandfather, whode- People For like dementia. RogerMarple. with living dothe talking—people ting the experts To islet- Society the Alzheimer stigma, tackle this disease.” isaright by fordiscrimination anyone affected without Life help andsupport. mentia seeking de- with intheceptions stand way ofpeople Wehaving dementia. can’t per- negative let once andforstigma all.There isnoshamein underscore the work wemust stilldoto end findings “The of Canada. Society Alzheimer and respect,” says Pauline Tardif, at the CEO dignity dementia with ple with to livefully for peo- barriers isoneofthe biggest stigma thatvalidate our thinking, results “These member, orco-worker were diagnosed. friend more dementia about ifafamily would learn per centCanadians andonlyfive of dementia, with would avoid were diagnosed them ifthey that andfamily their friends believe Canadians shows also that onein four Thesurvey kind. ofsome wouldface discrimination said they surveyed while61%ofthose had dementia, ifthey orembarrassed ashamed would feel that 46%ofrespondents reveals online, also of18and65 the ages between Canadians 1500 Leger-led whichquestioned The survey, ently. dementia differ- toencourage see Canadians you understand – paign cam- social awareness new and to offits kick Alzheimer’swith Awareness Month inJanuary to coincide survey ofanew findings releasing is Society around itcontinue The to persist. attitudes andnegative stigma increased, has today that dementia whileawareness about announced Society -TheAlzheimer CNW/ DLPVWRHQGVWLJPD $O]KHLPHU6RFLHW\FDPSDLJQ LUNCH EXPRESS AFFORDABLE PRICES A GOODLUNCH Community Send yourSend announcements ofevents two weeks priorto I live with dementia. Letmehelp dementia. with I live – to spark conversations and starting at $ 10, 7days aweek from 11a.m.to3 p.m.,coffee orsoft drink x x x x facts Quick x x x x highlights Other x x x x likely to mer’s oranother ofdementia form are disease Alzhei- with that people believe Canadians Additional survey results the word. #ilivewithdementia hashtag visit To survey, the help andread full stop stigma singleoneofus. potential to impact every that the has adisease about informed better andbe stigma against resources toaction take andother to their test knowledge, activities more dementia-friendly, onhowto be tips find also website, will where visitors paign cam- are Their stories onadedicated featured Alzheimer Society Research Program. Program. Research Society Alzheimer through research andquality-of-life the ical to date,vested over$50millioninbio-med- in- andhas ofdementia research an funder Canadi- isaleading Society The Alzheimer heimer’s andtheir caregivers. disease, including Alz- ofdementia, allforms with for people services andsupport programs provide Canada across Societies Alzheimer have will dementiaCanadians 937,000 anestimated than 15years, In less dementia (includingAlzheimer’s disease). Today, have overhalfamillionCanadians ing dementia-related jokes. Canadians (30%)admit to us- Three-in-ten sis. their about diagno- whowere open friends family or for Only 39%wouldoffer support friends. and family and the inability to recognize their independence losing burden to others, a concernOf greatest istheir ofbeing fear byAlzheimer’sing affected disease. be- are about concerned 56% ofCanadians (37%). orsuspicion distrust with ormet feared (56%);and orsupports vices have difficulty accessing appropriate ser- of(57%); advantage taken be (58%); ordismissed ignored be ilivewithdementia.ca

[email protected] Calendar – and use the –anduse to help spread Will you try to avoid friends who know too too know who friends avoid to try you Will If he were back in your house, a thousand Doesn’t he need to stop first? stop to need he Doesn’t you try to pretend this didn’t happen? happen? didn’t this pretend to try you around people the Will know. friends your you’ll wonder how much he complained he finds a younger woman, leaves me seven seven me leaves woman, a younger he finds people to stop doing. stop to people for things hardest ofthe one is projection out about? out into the world what is within you, and much? At the very least this will create create will this least very Atthe much? down. upside life your Heturned not alark. likelihood it will occur. You are projecting green isn’tas grass the finds ago, and months forgiven for. Hmm…let’s think about that. that. about think for. Hmm…let’s forgiven outcome leads to overestimating the overestimating to leads outcome this his first affair, or the first one I found found I one first the affair, or first his this is Your to, go will mind you. about her to thoughts will rear their heads. their rear will thoughts management that focusing on a single continues to commit the act he is being being is he act the commit to continues could be better than ever. Just where dowe where ever. Just than better be could know forgiving him isn’t a problem. It’s him It’s isn’t aproblem. him him forgiving know forgiving himself. spinach-in-the-teeth moments. spinach-in-the-teeth though he hasn’t asked to come home yet. I comehomeyet. to hehasn’t asked though him. He still loves me!How dowe loves get Hestill him. back on track? He is a wonderful man, but man, awonderful Heis ontrack? back as hethought. as somewhere he got lost. I’m willing to try, try, to I’m hegot lost. willing somewhere start? Wayne &Tamara (www.yourotherhalf.co ofYOUR HALF OTHER aretheauthors Mitchell Terri, you are forgiving him while he while him forgiving are you Terri, It is a truism among experts in risk risk in experts among atruism Itis I want things right again. With work it love me.Istill hecontacted Recently His family knows, your family knows, all all knows, family your knows, family His her, about you to complains he When is did he what But You mode. inwant are Terri I’ll try to be brief. A marriage of 24 years, years, of24 Amarriage brief. be to try I’ll $W:KDW3ULFH" PO 964 Springfield, MO 65801-0964 or email: [email protected] 65801-0964oremail: MO 964Springfield, PO m )• Send letters to: Direct Answers, Answers, to:Direct letters m )•Send FREE Those emotions are in your head and in Where is your anger? He left you. He left Technically, he is cheating on you with her her with you on cheating is he Technically, He’s talking to you while still with her. with still while you to He’s talking I am the sinner. The sinner quickly gets tired tired gets quickly sinner sinner. The the I am your gut, but you are not letting them out. out. them notletting are you but gut, your revulsion? the is Where marriage. your warn that focusing on a single outcome what could your life be? life your could what betrayal, after back coming him without get over this,” the unfaithful party says, “I “I says, party unfaithful this,” the over get in the past.” But it’s not over for you. You you. for over not it’s But past.” the in in adivorce? outcomes. Experts in risk management management inrisk Experts outcomes. especially him, without but you, without off and mistress his between achoice it’s to seek they and role, sinner the of playing and saint She’s the party. lesser the of being don’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s It’s anymore. this about talk to want don’t him? Start planning and thinking about thinking and planning him? Start his wife. But there is a third option. He option. athird is there But wife. his emotions if he comes back. comes he if emotions conversation with you to get a better deal deal abetter get to you with conversation his using just he Is ofyou. neither chooses You think himself. but you not is concern even the scales, even though they were in and on her with you. with onher and are going to be dealing with an overflow of overflow an with dealing be to going are likelihood it will occur. itwill likelihood leads a person to overestimate the overestimate to aperson leads that. He thought his life would be better better be would life his Hethought that. the wrong. Ask, what would your life be like without without like be life your would what Ask, Wayne &Tamara It is only prudent to consider all possible possible all consider to prudent only is It letter. your from missing what’s That’s If the victim of cheating says, “I can’t dynamic the up sets it cheater For the Then there’s the darker future. His first first His future. darker the there’s Then

Let us suggest a different path. adifferent suggest us Let 2017 - - - - -

- - January 10, 2018 • The Laval News • 15 19 TORM Continued on page Continued

Police say the network dealt in ʇ TCN asked Hydro Quebec why Laval was is“It a combination of two main factors aid Mr. MarcouxMr. noted that the quantity of pre ,he concluded Although the Ile-Jesus terri S Merchants also were hard hit by the storm. According to Laval police, one senior citizen Dec 20 – Laval police arrested nearly a individualsTen arrested, were three of by 2.6 or 2.8.” A quick calculation camewith up 218,000 souls; wellover half the population. spared the full wrath of the storm and why the power was restored more quickly much than in other areas. eda whole by series of other ones” replied Hy- Mar- Serge spokesperson media dro-Quebec coux. cipitation to hit the Laval area was not very big and proceeded to point out that “less precipita tion means less damage; which in turn means fewer downed power lines. This in turn enabled us faster to work and subsequently reconnect homes faster” much he explained, and added its to damage that there are also more distribution lines go structural much ing into Laval. as “Thus” the Laval grid patch had suffered not lines as the one in Montreal did” tory was spared the full wrath of the dreaded iceman, here too, the consequences quitewere significant. - - - dozen people during the course of a series of early-morning raids aimed dismantling at a local drug distribution ring. Operation Désintégration was the result of an 8-month longinvestigation Seven raids, starting 4 at a.m., took place in Laval and the North Shore, and involved about 30 officers and investiga- tors. whom known were to police, and an undeter- mined amount of drugs and other items were seized. a variety of drugs, but mainly cocaine. a variety Revenues fall… Revenues Ring in Local Drug Arrested Ten Bust geant Greene, who also noted that the at peak of the storm, some 400 people in all forced were to leave their homes and take refuge in one of the three shelters that opened were up by mu nicipal authorities. Perishable foods that needed refrigeration were spoiled as clienteles thinner got and thinner, in lost his life January on Tuesday 13th, in a fire a seniorat citizens’ home in Sainte-Dorothée’s was “It Cyr. Terrase (567) fireplace related and definitely a result of the storm” confirmed Ser ------CE

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499 $ 12 MONTHS MONITORING! Sensing that some people, especially se people, some that Sensing ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION + ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION clearing the debris under freezing tempera tures, and assisting Hydro staff in their first efforts. nior citizens, would be reluctant to leave their policehomes as officers colder, it got and sol diers started going making door-to-door, sure nobody was in danger. Lives saved… were Doctor Nick Karelis, a Laval general practi “I have a lot of geriatric patients and I was Sergeant John Alexander Greene of the Laval “If want you an approximation many of how Jan 2 – A twenty-year old Laval man was Police are attempting to determine a clear InLaval, the situation was by far the best. Laval Man Wounded by Long Gun by Wounded Man Laval transported to hospital in critical condition after being shot in the leg by a long gun late Monday night. The victim contacted author- ities himself from his apartment on Boul. By Saint-Vincent-de-Paul. in east Levesque the time first responders arrived the at scene the gunman had already fled. timeline the for events, since the victim’s sto- ry differs from the witness’ story. A canine unit was brought to the scene to search for evidence. The victim is expected to survive his injuries. Laval police confirm that a long gun was the weapon used in the assault. A long gun is typically held with two hands and positioned on the like shoulder, a military or hunting weapon. Lights out Lights ber was brought down to 67,000 and then to 39,000 in under six hours. tioner told TCN that hypothermia and espe- cially as it may have afflicted senior citizen’s was most on his and every other medical per mindson’s during theharshest storm’s mo- ments. really afraid they wouldn’t leave their homes af ter losing power” he said, breathing a sigh of re- lief that this actually did not occur with tragic consequences in Laval. The doctor also pointed out a storm-induced side effect which started occurring just days after the worst was over; “There are a lot of colds and flu going around. stemsIt most likely from the cold and other storm related circumstances” he concluded, re peating that it is imperative senior for citizens to get immediate treatment. Police Department explained that the at peak of the storm, almost half of the city’s popula tion was left without power. people actually were he ex power)” out (of plained must “you multiply the 78,000 number - which is only the number of Hydro accounts - Although the at peak of the storm some 78,000 Hydro subscribers - mainly in Chomedey and the west out of electricity, were end- that num - - - 1998 I 1998 s &ඡඖගඐඑඉ$ඊකඉඐඉඕ THE

Conceived in mere hours, the dreaded ice Most of them home the slept at first night as The population took it all with a grain of salt. The flashes blue in the initially were sky, But the mayhemwas to not be over; not by The power lines started to freeze. There too, Things worse got as the unforgiving pellets Hydro De crews Vermont, from New York, Jan 5 – Fire in the industrial sector of Cho- Firefighters called were to a warehouse of a Police set up a perimeter to close traffic on Hydro-Quebec cut power to the surround- No injuries reported. were Part of the the drops falling… kept We have Hydro Quebec;We giant… a world quite impressive to those unable to explain them; Little did they know that each dousing of againstblue the charcoal gray night sky was an exploding transformer… any stretch of the imagination shot… the ice became unbearable. They buckled and - in many casessnapped, - falling to the ground, exposing pedestrians and automobiles to killer voltages. continued to fall from the sky… 40 times their own weight. Several them of didn’t makeit; was It a most heart-wrenching scene. Wilted over and encased in a surreal suit of ice which in some cases was three inches thick, they started dropping their branches and splitting. lines Power struck were and the first outages were recorded. man - a creature no mob movie euphemism could have pegged in such a cruel light- set about to do wreak his havoc. He deprived well over 1.5 million homes of electricity and heat, disrupting lives. Thousands doubled up with friends and relatives who still were fortunate shelters various to go enough to have power while to the not-so-fortu forced were ones nate that were popping up. troit and even from as far as Connecticut were called in; police and firefighters followed suit just as the first of 11,000 soldiers starting were Into up. show Laval a total soldiers of 75 from Canadian Armed Base Forces Valcartier would start the tedious but yet backbreaking task of medey down shut traffic and caused a small blackout during the early morning hours. recycling plant located Boul. 275 at St-Elzéar 6:24at a.m. Various recycling materials had caught fire and the wind was blowing around debris on fire. Boul. Industrial between Francis-Hu- Ave. gues and Saint-Elzéar. ing area as firefighters dealt with the blaze. building was destroyed. Warehouse Fire in Chomedey In- in Chomedey Fire Warehouse dustrial District - - - - - Burglar • Fire • Cameras • Intercoms

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24 HOUR MONITORING BY PETER KARAHALIOS PETER BY One person in Laval is dead, six injured were Although several media outlets had warned As is always the case when the positions of Jan 7 -A fireJan 7 -A that started on the top floor of The electrical fire around out at broke to flee forced Residents were the eight unit The building sustained major and smoke As a result of the ice build-up on the trees,

(Ed. Note: The In 1998 LavalNews -TLN- R Laval fire leaves 30 people in the cold a Laval apartment complex forced 30 people out into the cold on Sunday. 11:30 a.m. and the fire quickly spread to the roof of the building on de la Concorde Blvd. building as firefighters to worked control the flames. took It several hours to extinguish the blaze. water damagewith the loss estimated at $350,000 according to a spokesperson with the Laval Fire Department. No injuries were reported. For a total of five days, they just they days, a total of five For stop falling… wouldn’t

TALE OF THETALE APOCALYPSE... LPD ey News -TCN-due to its distribution only in in only distribution its to -TCN-due News ey the Chomedey area. Therefore all TCN men tions in the article refer to the previous title name of The Laval News which is distributed throughout Laval). and thousands left were without electricity and heat in what was most certainly the worst ice storm to ever hit the province of Quebec. Mer chants have lost tens of thousands of dollars per day in potential revenues as Hydro and munici pal emergency crews, aided by police, firefight- ers and the military, juggled setting up shelters, and branches clearing displaced, the feeding trying this to restore Yet; power. is one of the news”“good scenarios, as the death toll in other regions climbed to a total of twenty, and several homes still remain without power… of what was to come weeks before, no average citizen couldhave possibly imagined the extent of the devastation that the first ice storm - the worstone in the province’s history - of 1998, was to spread in Quebec, eastern Ontario and northern Vermont. hot and cold air streams are reversed, the drops that landed on the trees, buildings, power lines and everywhere else, turned into solid ice in stantly… the latter ended up having to carry 30 over to was published under the name The Chomed 16 • The Laval News • Januaryy 10, 2018 The luckiestsignsthisweek: for theweek ofJanuary 14toJanuary 20, 2017 Place your orderELEMENTS today! SECURITY FULL BANKING ZLWKFRQÀGHQFH with us Print yourcheques SAVE MONEY YOUR HOROSCOPE YOUR HOROSCOPE VIRGO cleaning todoathome. of workattheofficebutalsolots all week.You’llhavenotonlyaton Paperwork willpileuponyourdesk LEO fied client. with unionmembersoranunsatis- You’ll findasolutiontoproblem the roleofmediatorornegotiator. At workorelsewhere,expecttoplay CANCER healed innotime. offer asolutionthat’llhaveyou of yourlongstandingtroublesand finally beabletodiagnosethe than yourhealth.Yourdoctorshould There’s nothingmoreimportant GEMINI your bags. to convinceyoustartpacking a vacation,anditwon’ttakemuch upcoming flight.Youdefinitelyneed may promptyoutobookaseatonan A quicklookatlast-minutedeals TAURUS ceiling cleaningspree. up thewholefamilyforafloor-to- to complete.Athome,you’llround project thatonlyyouhavetheskills At work,you’llbetaskedwitha ARIES you don’toverexertyourself. for yoursociallife,butmakesure You’ll succeedinfindingmoretime can getbacktoyourusualroutine. The holidaysarefinallyoverandyou PISCES loved oneswillneedyoursupport. the answersyouneed.Oneofyour career, thisweekmightbringyou If you’restillsearchingforyourideal AQUARIUS start workingonasizeableartproject. cially won’t gounnoticed.You’llfeel Your hardworkwillpayoffandyou CAPRICORN SAGITTARIUS SCORPIO an eye. of stances canchangeintheblink spend toomuchmoney,ascircum- roll thisweek!Butbecarefultonot a on an estrangedlovedone.You’re You’ll feeltheneedtoreconnectwith LIBRA of yourself. You’ll haveeveryreasontobeproud start placingyouonapedestal. son or You’ll earnapplauseforonerea- with aco-worker. come toalong-awaitedagreement conversations. Atwork,expectto tate toweighinonallkindsof or familydrama,youwon’thesi- Whether thetopicisvacationtime You’ll havealottosaythisweek. little confusion. motion. you’ll beofferedaninterestingpro- to time.Atwork,againstallodds, It’s okaytotreatyourselffromtime creative thisweekandmight another. Somepeoplemight

Expect lotsoffatigueanda

Taurus, Gemini&Cancer cause espe- u e s ˨˨ Copyright © 2014, Penny Press CROSSWORDS JOKES 1 through9inthesameline,column,or3x3box. ed. Remember: You alreadyhaveafewnumberstogetyoustart- Each 3x3boxisoutlinedwithadarkerline. 3x3 boxcontainsthenumbers1through9onlyonce. Fill inthegridsothateveryrow,column,and HOW TOPLAY : tumbled outanddrove offlaughing. and shookithard. Then theypickedupallthecoins that They removed thecushions, turnedthesofaupsidedown, “This “This Eventually, carpulledup, andtwo asports teens gotout. enormous itwas, they’d leave. motorists slowed down Butwhentheysaw for how alook. curb for Since trash itwasingoodshape, collection. many inourneighborhoodputahugesofaoutbySomeone the ENTREPRENEURSHIP I ’ve gotto see,” Youmustnotrepeatthenumbers I thought. PUZZLE NO.905 PUZZLE NO.642 42. 40. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 29. 25. 21. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. a Decorates 8. Faucet 5. ____ Simon 1. ACROSS Personal orBusiness Monkey’s cousin cousin Monkey’s Lively Consecrated Nab awful Feel tool Garden Honorable Dustcloth Policeman forte Hershey’s Tests ____ Seven-year time That Resist mineral Crude division Land void and ____ frying for Liquid kin Gator’s cake class.” clothing, “Honey,” theladyreplied, “if loose fittingclothingto theclass. to sign up forwho waslooking theclassto wear April teaches many aerobic classes. Shetold alady We printallkindsofcheques LOOSE CLOTHING CANADA orUSA I wouldn’t besigning upfor anexercise 10. Inkling 9. Catalog 8. guilty, Not e.g. 7. 52. 49. 45. 43. 6. Diver’s necessity Diver’s 6. well As 5. Picturesque 4. Yesteryear 3. part Foot 2. Scram! 1. DOWN 61. 60. 59. 58. 57. comment Bossy’s 56. 55. number helper Pole North Puzzling Info Sinister child Little Talkback Entreat Dull Questions greatly Impresses 250 1000 500 I hadany loosefitting

for for for 32. 31. 30.  28. 27. 26. 24. 23. 22. 20. 11. nick- Stallone’s 54. 53. 51. 50. 49. 48.  46. 44. 41. 39. beasts Laughing &HUWDLQVKHOO¿VK Field cover Field amorously Look Salute Raced ____” “Paper pity great Feel ments instru- Heavenly sound Dull garnish Burger skinner Potato name 3HQÀXLGV Hound mate Buck’s brew Hot Drill Bit much as Not stamp Passport bed Mummy’s Stow $ $ 207 157 $ 87 January 10, 2018 • The Laval News • 17 in our next issue - NO CHARGE IN MEMORIAM & OBITUARIES OBITUARIES & MEMORIAM IN TASSONI, Theresa TASSONI, 1936 - 2017 29, 2017, at 81 December on Friday, in Montreal, away Passed Tassoni. of Roméo wife beloved Pittarelli, Theresa Mrs. old, years and (Sharon) Riccardo mourn her children to She also leaves Tania Michael, Stéphanie, her grandchildren Arnaldo (Lucie), PRIMEAU, Roland 1926 - 2017 of the passing announce It sadness that we is with great 28, 2017 at the on December with serenity Roland Primeau Primeau Fleurette husband of the late beloved age of 91 years, MÉTAL of PRIMEAU President (Miron). He was the Founding (PDLOSURGXFWLRQ#QHZVÀUVWFD‡7HO Contact us today to place an obituary or in memoriam

FARELL, André FARELL, 1937 - 2017 beloved Farrell, 9, 2017, at age 80. André on December in Montreal away Passed (Marie-Claude),husband of Mary dear father of Shawn Lombardi, Nicky Kendall, (Tina), Curinga Giovanni (Simon) and of Brittany Curinga cherished grandfather He will also be sadly missed by of Franny. and Shannon and great-grandfather and Michael Farrell (Peggy) Bob Farrell and brothers Forrester Bernice sister (Jane), as family and friends. as well and Brendon, her brother, her sister, her brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, her and sisters-in-law, her brothers-in-law her sister, her brother, and Brendon, other family members and friends. as many as well and nieces, nephews POMERANTZ, Jack father and father- Loving sixty-two for years. husband of Judy Frumkin Beloved and Ronda, Rhonda Cherished Carl and Andy Kula. of Mark and Eugenia, in-law and his six brothers by Predeceased and Daniel. Sarah, Zachary, Zaida of Kendra, in his heart. of the late remained who always Dear brother-in-law sisters, two Gertie his nieces, missed by Baserman. Jack will be sadly Harold and the late like family would The he touched. and all of those whose lives family, nephews, for their excep- Cur Hospital nurses and staff at the Sacré thank the doctors, to Emily and his dear caregivers, to Special thanks and compassion. tional care his enjoy Judy and Jack to who enabled CLSC Laval, at the team and to Rosie, by his family. surrounded years at home, final MENEGAS, Angelos MENEGAS, 1926 - 2017 Val-Morin, in Pizza unexpectedly Owner at the age of 91. away of Cal’s Passed Lazaridis), husband of Maria (Menis),Nitsa father of beloved (Costa Laurentiens, Vicki, Makris), (Aris pappou of and proud (Chrysoula Cathy Beletsiotis), George Zach, Maria, will be sadly mourned and fondly He Iliana, Evan. Dimitri and sister-in-law Georgia, Dimitri (Barbara), Potitsa, his brother by remembered friends and family members. many nephews, Matina, nieces, INC. since 1954. He will be sadly missed by his loving children: Louise (Richard (Richard Louise children: his loving 1954. He will be sadly missed by INC. since Jean (Joane Jutras), Robert and Michel. His (Johanne Picard) L’Archevêque), (Soubhi Primeau (Shadi Hajjara) and Patricia Stéphanie cherished grandchildren (Vincent L’Archevêque and Evelyne Justin (Sophie Beaudet), Pierre Canbarieh), relatives and many his great-grandchildren Isabelle and Annabelle Picard, Roy), and friends.       



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- - - January- 10, 2018 • The Laval News • 19 TORM According to City sources, the effort had The media LPD relations officer also point serious some have however, Lavallers, Some “First of all, I would really love to knowwho The plights of motorists have encountered A senior citizen, who gave her name only FIRST PUBLISHED 1998 FIRST 23 ON JANUARY S Slowly, the provinceSlowly, tries to rise again. all We As the dust begins to settle, Lavallers and Bénévolat and various fire stations where fire fighters could be found on duty. succeeded to the point where Laval felt able to offer aid and expertise to other communities. As a result,sent it a generator to Saint-Bru no and ten volunteer police constables to the South Shore. ed out that firefighters and police constables put their contract negotiation gripes aside, and came out in full force, to aid in the disaster. gripes of their own about the way things were handled in their city. the genius who decided that the January 2nd snowfall should not be picked is. up, They all fell those for idiot predictions about it melt ing; just like in Montreal. Are they not bright enough to suspect that in the middle of win regardlesster, of whateverwater get, we things might just freeze” lamented a male Chomed ey punctuating homeowner, the ‘freeze’ word and making it clear that he was all not at im pressed protested with he the conditions of the cars” side streets. to un-navigable is street My hard had which snow hardened to pointing ened some atop four inches of ice. great difficulty in getting around in various municipalities who decided to not clear the January 2nd snowfall. Before it turned into ice, the was snow imprinted by car tires, thus becoming somewhat of a forced railroad and preventing motorists from steeringtheir car. areVehicles to be thrust forward on grooves formed by the elements. “Should anyone park further away from the sidewalk and closer to the center of the street, I have no choice but to smack him. I can’t get my car out of these snow tracks” he continued. happened “It’s to many people I know.” as Carole, told TCN that she was surprised nobody came “I did to get her. not even know where the shelters I had were. no access to newspapers and no batteries. would How I be able to find out where to go?” she protested. The information should be given out much more efficiently.” The seventy-two year-old Chomedey resident felt that this was a crisis that only the young and mobile cansurvive. Our needs (those of senior citizens) not were looked after that have special well. We needs” she said. ------Tallying the cost Tallying selves exposed to potential rate hikes from insurance companies who will most certain ly use the storm as an excuse to jack up their unmasked been have businesses Some prices. has as crooks and bandits. Hydro-Quebec, a sup politics the posed giant world and a model of efficiency and the Even throughout advancement technological questions. globe, is facing backed into a corner, dozens of embarrassing changed. Nobody talks of referenda and sover eignty, and some uncomfortable moments and situations of the past in Canada’s military have been more than compensated by the for great job the troops are said to have done in assisting Hydro and police crews. just hope that the second ice storm predicted in the Farmers’ Almanac February for will not come true… Quebeckers in general, realise that they have have they that realise general, in Quebeckers been shaken from their very foundations. lives lost were Twenty-one as a result of the dreaded deeds. iceman’s Merchants, farmers and producers lost millions in revenues, as the total cost breaks through the two billion dollar barrier and keeps climbing. find People them - - - - - CE Réno DépotRéno opened its up stores on a 24 hour “The generosity was beyond belief”said theEven banks welcomed the opportunity to Agape representative Betty McCleodwas bec, Ontario and Atlantic Canada,” said Jim Meenan, Canada President and CEO of AT&T Enterprises hope Inc. our contribution “We will Canadians help get through this difficult time and return to their normal way of life as quickly as possible.” get to looking were who takingbasis, people in away from the darkness and the cold, and serv ing as a staging point the for tonnes goods of that collected were by volunteers. the at made Réno-Dépot spokesperson Nathalie Szusz effort the commenting in kiewicz, Laval branch. “In just under two days, three 45 foot trucks worth of goods collected were and hauled out to the hardest hit areas.” polish up their image. Most of them announced sizable donations. The Bank of Montreal, the CIBC, the Scotiabank Group and the dona dollar 200,000 made all Bank Dominion tions intended to help disaster relief efforts for areas of Eastern Ontario, Quebec and the At lantic provinces affected by the ice storm. elated the at reaction from she got various members of Laval’s ethnic communities. “I did not have to make one single phone call. Every thing came on its own, in advance. The outpour of generosity and solidarity was amazing. We enoughgot goods together to feed forty fam ilies” she said with elation visible face. on her During the crisis, a total of three shelters On thebright according side, however, to “The call volunteers for was also answered In Laval, the “all clear” was sounded on Pondering the aftermathPondering ous emergency resources working well together theat same time. hadbeen Power entirely re stored… opened;were one in the Centre and d’Accès the other the at one Centre Saint-Joseph. a brief For while, the Cosmodôme also became a shelter. The part of Laval to suffer the most damage was the western area, including Chomedey. In addition, the closing off of the Lachapelle bridge de-icing - for - caused some tense mo ments motorists. for vol some Sergeant Greene, there was no overabundance of crime. Four homes on Elliot street were loot ed as a result requested of the storm but the perpetrators we as foundwere and arrested almost immediately. soon As rather impressively” continued Sergeant Greene. unteer least at got we help, 800 call-backs. Green also mentioned that the shelters were adequately staffed, with various activities and that even food was handed the out at Centre de Wednesday January 14th, in what municipal officials call a successful mobilisation of vari ------1998 I 1998 THE

The Canadian mortgage and housing corpo The Canadian union donat Auto Workers’ The CAW has alsoThe CAW asked its local unions The Independent Order of Foresters, a To In response to urgent requests from Mon AT&T Canada has contributedAT&T $100,000 to “This has been a truly devastating expe workers take a quick break from their back-breaking work, to pose for cameras. TCN United in the face of adversity; Soldiers of the 22nd Regiment, Hydro and municipal our shipment to Montreal consisted of jarred baby foods and cereals. are very We concerned about the large number of affected people, in cluding many of our own employees and their families” he concluded. ration also helped in a very tangible way. The The way. tangible very a in helped also ration federal housing agency turned over its vacant housing units with electricity and water to Quebec public security, people for who had been affected by the power outages. across the country to help raise more funds for ice storm victims by contributing the equiv ed $250,000 to the Canadian Red Cross to help it meet the needs of victims of the massive ice storm. “The Red Cross faces an incredible chal lenge as it races to provide support to thou- this during meals warm sands of Canadians and who have been without heat light, power, crisis,’’ president Buzz said Hargrove. CAW whichalent per of $1.25 member, means an- other $250,000 is committed to the massive relief effort. has than more The CAW 200,000 members. In has the past also the CAW made substantial donations to those needing disaster 1996 in support. gave a matched donation The CAW Quebec of region of $250,000 Jean to victims of flooding St. in the Sa Lac. guenay as well as $191,000 to the victims of the Mani toba flood of 1997. also held at International Headquarters and and ronto-based international fraternal benefit so- Headquarters ciety with over one million members, has do- nated $100,000 to the Red Cross to help victims Volun- of the Eastern Ice Storm, and can. the president of they what give the organization is to calling on other organiza International Canada in at tions held teer fundraising efforts members by IOF were also throughout the organization’s local chapters to give further aid to its members and commu nities. Some chapters have already delivered much-needed goods to Montreal area shelters. the Canadian Red Cross Ice Storm Relief Fund to help relief efforts in Québec, Ontario and Atlantic Canada, on behalf of the 7,000 Cana treal area municipal officials, Scott Paper de- livered 80,000 rolls of hygienic tissue products to various shelters in the south and west shore of Montreal. In the last two weeks, Scott paper has delivered a total of 300,000 rolls of hygienic tissue products to community shelters in Que bec. Canadadians branded the for who work AT&T family of companies across the country. rience the for people and businesses of Qué------15


Continued from page from Continued

“This mess really did a number on me fi Mr. Tsekeris explained Tsekeris Mr. that when one of his Efthimios Mourelatos, owner of the Moure “I lost 50,000 dollars in goods that perished. Dry cleaner Peter Beros echoed the same Several organisations - even corporate enter Their actions despicable were enough to also Tsekeris Mr. weighed in to the criti On January 13 Heinz Canada shipped a contacted“We Quebec authorities and If the human spirit was tinted during the Almost immediately as soon as the effects The storm’s damageThe storm’s did not limit itself to

Ż R Good Samaritans …and so do morals some cases to the point of non-existent. nancially” lamented Dimitrios Tsekeris, owner and operator of Atomic restaurant. “The storm knocked out my telephone line, and Bell did not forward it to my other one. I spent six hours to in orders three and guys delivery three with tal” he said. two lines are his busy, incoming phone calls are transferred to his alternate lines. In this case, although his primary line knocked got out, the ringing sound could be heard just the same. Thus, no busy sound was available to forward the switch to his alternate line. latos grocery stores - one of which is located in Laval - was also upset. I could have done without that” he quipped. sentiments: only “People have one thing in mind this at time; to find shelter and warmth” he said in trying to put a rational face on a 40 percent drop in his business. ple of the Saguenay - the scenes and memories of flooding still fresh in memory - responded by sending enormous quantities of firewood to Montreal and the most hardest hit surrounding areas. cial days. A well known United States-based department store chain raised the prices of batteries and flashlights by 100 percent. Some Laval gas stations tripled the price of propane, while other merchants tripled the price of fire wood. Certain restaurateurs also took part in the pricing of shame… warrant an outcry - no less surprisingly - by fellow merchants. despicable” “It’s protested pharmacist Spiros Fengos, who owns and op erates a Pharmaprix on Curé-Labelle boule- vard. just “It goes some low how to you show people can get” he continued, and added that he was also in a position to but does gouge not busi my regard it as part of his moral make-up. “I sell for name approximately size 57 (C) batteries in an entire good a year. during I sold 102 the storm, in one day” he keep to explained. “I had increased revenues all while managing ness during tough times” he explained; “I just can’t understand why someone would choose to shoot themselves in the foot” he concluded rhetorically in reference to the gougers. prises into - got the act. truckload containing 2,000 cases of jarred and canned food to assist companies Canadian the that relief plea a to effort response in in Quebec contribute to a food distribution centre estab lished Military St-Hubert at Base in Montreal. were cereal and food infant jarred that learned Heinz Sneddon, Paul required” said urgently Canada President and CEO. “Therefore, half of cism. His target was the Labelle boulevard Canadian Tire branch. He usually fills up his ounce propane16 tank ounce $2.99 for or a 14 tank Upon his arrival $1.99. at to fill he was up, shocked by the price increase. ounce The 14 tanks would to fill cost now $9.99 up. were starting to be felt in Montreal, the peo the storm, it was also and by the same token, Montreal, in strengthened. felt be to starting were a physical aspect. The human spirit was also tinted; mainly by greedy merchants who jacked up the prices of essential items during the cru Rosemount Technology Centre gives its graduates skills for life Discover Quebec’s largest English-speaking vocational centre

s virtually everyone who has completed their training Press operators needed at Rosemount Technology Centre has learned, plenty of jobs await RTC’s graduates. Located in the While the print medium is evolving, the printing industry is In fact the cabinet making graduates of RTC are in management heart of Montreal, RTC is one of the most successful adapting itself with newer and more efficient presses which require and other working positions in Montreal’s Aerospace industry. professional career facilities in the province. a smaller but better-trained work force. As such, “there will always “Our graduates work making the high end interiors of private be press operators,” says Antonio Leone, RTC’s co-ordinator of AsA Quebec’s largest English-language vocational training centre, luxury business jets”, adds Mr. Bullis. digital layout and printing. RTC offers full-time Ministry of Education career programs to students who are not only from Montreal, but also from more Some of the advanced equipment in the printing department distant regions such as the Eastern Townships and the Outaouais. to provide training includes a $900,000 Heidelberg four-color printing press. It’s a smaller version of a $35 million press RTC Tops for training print technology graduates could end up using on the job. Sixteen of the 17 students in Leone’s last graduating class are working in RTC is structured as a business-educational environment, with the printing industry today. computer labs and technology rooms similar to what would be found in commercial or industrial settings. In some of its departments, such as Printing and Digital Layout, and Numerical Control Machine Tool Our students are employed by: Operation (CNC), RTC is the leader in terms of its equipment for 1. Shellcast Foundries Inc. 15. Logo Mojo training. 2. SNC Lavalin Inc. 16. Dectron International 3. Velan Inc 17. Ferrucci Inc. 4. Artitalia Inc. 18. Gensteel Doors An RTC cabinetmaking student learns the trade 5. Bouthillette Parizeau 19. Leetwo Metal Inc. while performing crucial tasks. & Associes Inc. 20. Luxor Industries 6. LISI Aerospace Canada 21. Memtronik BigB demand for welders Corporation Innovations Inc. 7. Bombardier 22. Modern Sprinklers Inc. 8. C&D Aerospace 23. Saturn Machinerie 9. West Island Kitchens d’Emallage 10. Transcontinental 24. V-Mark Automation Inc. The teaching equipment at RTC includes a large 11. Montebello packaging 25. Vortex Aquatic Structures room full of computer numerical control units 12. Cirque du Soleil International which are now the standard for tool making. 13. Gazette 26. Alta Precision Inc. “Right now we are number one in the city,” says Harry Michalopoulos, 14. Sticky Graphix 27. Alpha Casting Inc. RTC’s Director. “For all our students who seek employment in their field of study, within three months 90 per cent of them find jobs. People come here, finish the program in a year-and-a-half, and they’re Aerospace industry employs cabinet makers RTC welding instructor Danny Midlash shows a tooled working. I think that says something.” piece to one of his student’s. “Wood is nature’s plastic,” says Kerry Bullis, instructor in the In RTC’s Welding & Fitting department, Danny Midlash, a Cabinetmaking program. “We have many students who come in career welding expert, oversees the latest in welding and fitting here with bachelor degrees in fine arts who want to work with technologies. Those learning welding techniques will work with their hands and with a sculptural material.” Other graduates raw metals and other materials to produce parts for the aerospace, from the program can end up working as sub-contractors to automotive and many other industries. “Presently there is a huge architects or builders who seek to include elements of fine wood demand for welders in Montreal. ,” says Midlash. “Companies are to the interior design of their buildings. As Bullis notes, the calling us because they want to hire our students.” demand for artisans of this sort will only increase as an older generation of woodworking trades people take retirement. To make an appointment in order to be able to experience Rosemount Technology Centre for a day, call 514-376-4725. The centre’s web site is at: www.rosemount-technology.qc.ca. A career in computer graphics awaits anyone Advertorial: Newsfirst who gets trained at RTC. With a large staff of teachers and instructors who are experts in their domains, RTC offers nine different programs: Automated Systems in Electromechanics, Cabinetmaking, Computer Graphics Techniques, YOUR CAREER, Furniture Finishing, Industrial Drafting (CAD), Industrial Machine Operator, Machining Techniques, Numerical Control OUR FOCUS! Machine Tool Operation (CNC), and Printing and Digital Layout. • Electromechanics According to Zhuzi Cui, a teacher with the Computer Graphics • Cabinetmaking Department, students learn through hands-on use of various computer • Computer Graphics softwares how to create designs and layouts for virtually any kind of EquipmentE i t iin RRTC’sTC’ PPrintingi ti andd DiDigitalit l LLayoutt medium, including paper, textile or plastic. “When something has a • Furniture Finishing design on it, somebody has to create it, and that’s what our students department includes this $900,000 Heidelberg • Industrial Drafting (CAD) are learning,” she says. four-color press. • Machining Techniques • Digital Layout and Printing • CNC Machining • Welding & Fitting Rosemount Technology Centre 3737 Beaubien East, Montreal (Quebec) H1X 1H2 (514) 376-4725 www.rosemount-technology.qc.ca