Preliminary Geologic Map of the Mount Baker 30- by 60-Minute Quadrangle, Washington
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Preliminary Geologic Map of the Mount Baker 30- by 60-Minute Quadrangle, Washington by R.W. Tabor1 , R.A. Haugerud2, D.B. Booth3, and E.H. Brown4 Prepared in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources, Olympia, Washington, 98504 OPEN FILE REPORT 94-403 This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S.Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. iu.S.G.S., Menlo Park, California 94025 2U.S.G.S., University of Washington, AJ-20, Seattle, Washington 98195 3SWMD, King County Department of Public Works, Seattle, Washington, 98104 ^Department of Geology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington 98225 INTRODUCTION The Mount Baker 30- by 60-minute quadrangle encompasses rocks and structures that represent the essence of North Cascade geology. The quadrangle is mostly rugged and remote and includes much of the North Cascade National Park and several dedicated Wilderness areas managed by the U.S. Forest Service. Geologic exploration has been slow and difficult. In 1858 George Gibbs (1874) ascended the Skagit River part way to begin the geographic and geologic exploration of the North Cascades. In 1901, Reginald Daly (1912) surveyed the 49th parallel along the Canadian side of the border, and George Smith and Frank Calkins (1904) surveyed the United States' side. Daly's exhaustive report was the first attempt to synthesize what has become an extremely complicated geologic story.
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