Avalanche Gorge Bar Creek Creek T39-0N R7-0E Bagley 2019 - 2020 2019- Creek Huntingsea Son
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Barometer Creek 542 Wells Creek ·Æ Thompson Creek Razor Hone Creek Creek Deadhorse Creek Anderson Bagley Creek North Fork Nooksack T39-0N R8-0E 542COMTBAKR Mountain Goat Hunt Area ·Æ River White Salmon Creek Salmon White Wells 4-7 - Avalanche Gorge Bar Creek Creek T39-0N R7-0E Bagley 2019 - 2020 2019- Creek HuntingSea son Administrative Boundaries Deer Area Boundary Landmarks (Based on the Legal Descriptions) DeeArea r Bou ndary StartingPoint jg a sdescribe inthe d West ( Leg aDescription l Dobbs Creek Nooksack Bar Creek Glacier Interse ctionofSeg m e nts Hanging a sdescribe inthe d Glacier XY Leg aDescription l T39-0N R9-0E Sholes Creek Line of Sight - Wells Creek Headwaters to unnamed Tributary of Bar Creek Peak with 5,831 ft Summit Public Land Survey System Other Major Public Swift Creek East Nooksack (Township and Range) Land Ownership Lake Glacier 31 Ann Townsh ipLine FederalFore - stService 36 31 36 T39-0N R10-0E Wilderne ss 31 SectionLine Hadley White FederalFore - stService Glacier Mazama Salmon Glacier Glacier FederalNa - tionaPark l Line of Sight - Unnamed Peak with 5,831 ft Summit to Headwaters of Smith Creek first tributary of Swift Creek 6 1 6 1 6 Roads Glacier Creek T38-0N StateRou te Sulphide Lake R10-0E Hydrography LocalRoa d T38-0N R9-0E Swift Maiden (Unimprov eto dPav e d) Shuksan Creek Annu aRive l or r Creek Lake Strea m Utilities Swift Creek LakeWide , Rive or r, Ocea n Sulphide Creek Rainbow Creek Sholes Miles Glacier 0 1 2 Park Park Glacier T38-0N R7-0E Glacier Shuksan Lake Marten T38-0N R8-0E Lake Shannon Creek Park Swift Creek Creek Sou rcesofInforma tion– Hunt Units WA Depa rtme ntofFish and Wildlife Wildlife ; Prog ram(2019) Blum Creek Land Owne rsh ip Baker River WA Depa rtme ntofNa turalResou rces;Resou rceMa ppingSection (2019) Political and Surve Bou y ndaries WA Depa rtme ntofNa turalResou rces;Land Surve Section y (2014) Transportation and Utilities Chadwick Wa sh ing ton State Depa rtme ntofNa turalResou rces(2011) Creek WA Depa rtme ntofTransportation (2017) USGe olog ical Surve Na y; tionaMa l ppingDivision (1989) City Limits 31 36 WA Depa rtme ntofTransportation (2011) Morovitz Hidden Creek Hydrog raph y Creek WA Depa rtme ntofFish and Wildlife Fish , Prog ram(2019) 31 Delorm e Pub lish ingCom paWa ny; sh ing tonAtlas and Gazettee (2006) r 36 Park Creek DISCLAIMER Duetothe dyna mna ic tureofdata and the ne eto dre on ly ou tside sou rcesofinform a tionthe Wa sh ing tonDepa rtme ntofFish and Wildlife Sandy Creek Park Baker cannotaccept re sponsibilityfor errors or om issionsinthe data and Creek Lake Baker informa tioncontaine in dthis product. The reare no warranties tha t Road Lake a ccom pa nythe ma psand inform a tioncontaine in dthis product. For T37-0N R7-0E leg adefinitions l ofhu ntingre g u lations,se a sons,and bou ndaries,the 1 6 Boulder Creek u sesh r oure ld feto rCha ptersof220-415-130the Wa sh ing tonAdministrative Code (http://www.leg .wa.gov ./wac/) Ridley Creek T37-0N R8-0E 6 Noisy Creek T37-0N R9-0E T37-0N R10-0E Rocky Dillard Creek Creek Ma pPub lish eMa d rch2019 USGS The Na tionaMap: l Na tionaBou l ndariesDatase Na t, tionaElev l a tionDatase Geog t, raphNa ic m e sInform a tionSystem Na , tionaHydrog l raphDatase y Na t, tionaLand l Cov eDatab r a seNa , tionaStru l cture sDatase and t, Na tiona l Sulphur Creek TransportationDatase Censu U.S. t; sBure TIGER/Line a u- HERE ; Roa Data. d Data Refre shSou e2017., July, d rces:Esri, Garmin, USGS, NPS Silver Creek.