A Teacher's Guide Tc Folksinging: a Minielective for Students in Grades 9, 10,11, and 12
DCCUMENT RESUME ED 033 565 TE 499 905 TITLE A Teacher's Guide tc Folksinging: A MiniElective for Students in Grades 9, 10,11, and 12. INSTITUTICN New York State Education rept., Albany. Eureau cf Seccndary Curriculum Development. Pub Date [ 69] Note 45p. EDES Price EERS Price MF$0.21-: HC Not Available from EEFS. Descriptors American Culture, Cultural Factors, *Folk Culture, Folk Drama, Folklcre Fooks, Instructicnal Materials, Legends, Music, *Musical Instruments, Music Appreciation, *Music Educaticn, Seccndary Education, *Singing, *Teaching Guides Abstract To help meet the needs of ncnmusicmajor students in grade S,10,11, and 12, this teacher's guide offers guidelines fcr a ccurse to stimulate students' interest and involvement in fclksinging. Guidelines are prcvided cn the rcle cf the teacher, methods cf instructicn, and suggested time allctments. Brief descripticns and ccmments on some typical folk instrumentE--the autoharp, banjo, dulcimer, guitar, and zither--are given. A tiblicgraphy of multimedia resource materials - -hocks and Fericdicals, audiotaFes, films, filmstrip and record sets, and records--is included, with annotations for many cf the items listed. An appendix lists other types of music Productions, e.g., symphcnies and musicals, that inccrEcrate cr are based cn fclk scngs. [Not available in hard ccry due to marginal legibility of original document.] (IH) N.S. alfalfa atOFFIT1 ilia111.tatEATION OF EDUCATION iWILIAM /14 7e4doeit'a111S011nesPOSITIONSTAIDSOCORRO' BO9ceeete 01011/11110011NOT MICR. LAS RUMMY IEEN Ol1i1N11N16 REPROINICES MIRE OFFICIAL R. Malt MINIS OffICE AS OFRECEIVED VIEWOf toEDUCATION 01 PION OPINIONS 1111 7diedia94, Ore.Ma meaz-deetifieOttdrealear4 rdeted9.10. /1. amee BureauTHEThe STATE ofUniversity SecondaryAlbany, EDUCATION Newof theCurriculum York State 12224DEPARTMENTofDevelopment NewYork A Teacher's Guideto Folksinging is the second FOREWORDin Recordwhoanschools averagemight Collecting, in otherwise schoolNew York setting.and haveStateContemporarylittletoOther meet or publications theno Music.
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