A LONG−NECKED ARCHOSAUROMORPH FROM THE EARLY TRIASSIC OF POLAND MAGDALENA BORSUK−BIAŁYNICKA and SUSAN E. EVANS Borsuk−Białynicka, M. and Evans, S.E. 2009. A long−necked archosauromorph from the Early Triassic of Poland. Palaeontologia Polonica 65, 203–234. Czatkowiella harae gen. et sp. n. from the Early Triassic (earliest Late Olenekian) locality of Czatkowice 1, near Kraków, Poland, is characterised by a long slender neck, three headed ribs on some anterior dorsal vertebrae, and short broad neural spine tips in the dorsal verte− bral series. Cladistic analysis suggests a relationship between Czatkowiella and the Late Permian long−necked reptile Protorosaurus, but fails to support a monophyletic Prolacerti− formes. Czatkowiella and Protorosaurus do not group with either Prolacerta or the Tany− stropheus/ Macrocnemus clade of other workers, and fall at the very base of Archosauro− morpha. Thus the long−necked morphology of many archosauromorph taxa should be re− garded as a primitive state within this group, reversed in some daughter lineages such as rhynchosaurs and trilophosaurs. Key words: Archosauromorpha, Reptile, Protorosaurus, Early Triassic, Poland, micro− vertebrates. Magdalena Borsuk−Białynicka[
[email protected]], Institut Paleobiologii PAN, Twarda 51/55, PL−00−818 Warszawa, Poland. Susan E. Evans [
[email protected]], Research Department of Cell and Developmental Biol− ogy, UCL, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK. Received 4 April 2006, accepted 15 September 2008 204 MAGDALENA BORSUK−BIAŁYNICKA and SUSAN E. EVANS INTRODUCTION A small diapsid reptile Czatkowiella harae gen. et sp. n. is here described from the Early Triassic fissure deposits of southern Poland (Czatkowice 1 near Kraków; Paszkowski and Wieczorek 1982).