Brevia Uled to Begin This Summer
Philanthropy Sweepstakes and overhauling the Divinity School’s An- According to the Council for Advance- dover Hall, including an addition, sched- ment and Support of Education’s Volun- Brevia uled to begin this summer. tary Support of Education survey, chari- table giving to higher education totaled Medical School Money Matters $46.7 billion in fiscal year California’s Kaiser Per- 2018, up 7.2 percent from manente healthcare the prior year. Harvard, system is launching a Stanford, and Columbia medical school aimed each realized more than $1 at training doctors for billion. In total, they and integrated-care teams the seven other most suc- (the model it practices); cessful fundraising institu- it will waive tuition for tions (UCLA, University of the first five student co- California San Francisco, horts.…New York Uni- Johns Hopkins, Penn, the versity, which raised aid University of Washing- funds to make its medi- ton, USC, and Yale) re- cal school tuition-free ceived more than $8.4 bil- last year, is inaugurating lion: about 18 percent of a second school, on Long total giving that year, de- Island, to train primary- rived from reports from 929 care physicians—again, respondent institutions.… with full-tuition schol- Emulating their U.S. peers, inter- CORPORATION AND OVERSEER COHORT: Timothy arships.…Yale School of Med- national universities that recent- R. Barakett ’87, M.B.A. ’93, and Mariano-Florentino icine announced that its “unit (Tino) Cuéllar ’93 have been elected fellows of the ly received landmark gifts include Harvard Corporation, effective July 1. Barakett, a native loan” (the amount students McGill, in Montréal ($151 million of Canada who founded and led a large hedge fund for 15 are expected to borrow before for full master’s and professional- years, is now a private investor and philanthropist.
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