~ IREGI1. .5'1

Pamiji, 22nd March, 1990 JChaitra 1, 1912) SERIES III No. 51


13) Costa C. F. d'. Tornem' Mornem. (Play), Panaji, GOVERNMENT OF GOA Rajh~uns Vitaran, 1989, 76p., 21 cm., Rs. 20/-, Ravi Education Department Mudranalaya, Beigaum, (Konkani Devanagin). 14) Costa, Fredy J. da, Utth Goenkara, (Essays), Panaji, Central Library Gulab Prakashan, 1988, viii+127 p., 21cm., Rs. 20/-, Casa pack Master, Merces, (Konkanni" Roman). Catalogue showing books received in the state Central Library, Panaji, from 1st January, 1989 to December, 1989 15) Dalal, Suhas· Y.,. Bandacho Pettlo Uzo, (History), in view of the provision contained in Goa, Daman and Diu, Velim, S:p.ennoi Prakashan, 1989, 32p., 18cm., Rs. 7/-, press and Regil:!tration of Books Act, 1867, .attended up to Super Printers, Belgaum, (Konkani Devanagiri). 1st March, 1961. Explanation: ')6) 'Dando, Pupdalik Narayan, Nimitak Karann, (Play), Margao, Konknni Bhasha MandaI, 1989, 53 p',> 21 em., Author, title, subject of the book, place of publication, Rs. 18/-, Super -Printers, Belgaum, (Konkani Deva­ publisher, year of publication, ntunber of pages, size, price nagirt). of the book, name of the printer, place of printing and language of the book. Dash in the entry shows the infor- 17) Desai, S. G. Prabhu, From Boyhood to Manhood the mation required is not found. ' Right way, (Ethics).-. -, 1989, 27 p., -18 em., Rs. 5/-, Maureen's, Panjim, (English). 1) Abisheki, Mahadev Krishna, Bhakti Marg .. ani !ther t.ekh, (Religious StOli.es), Mardol, Au~or, 1989; . 18) Dhume, Vinayak Narayan Shenvi, Cumbarjuvem, 48 p., 18cm.,. -, Kalika Printers, Velim, (Marathi). (History), Cumbarjuva, Somnath Kashinath S.anzgiri, 1989, 53 p., 22 em., Rs. 25/- Swnan Art Printers, 2) Adarkar, N:ayana, Pratima, '(Poetry), Velim, Shennoi Bombay,. (Marathi). Prakashan, 1989. 64 p.. 18 em., Rs. 15/-, Sandhya 'Printing Press, Velim,' (Konkani Devanagiri). 1,9) Ghanecar, Bicaji, Chacha Nehru, (Poetry), Panaji, Shri Mallinath Prakashan, 1989, 24 p., 18 em., Rs. 3/-, 3) Albuquerque, Teresa, Santa Ctuz (Calapor): Profile Ravi MUdranaiaya, Belgaum, (Konkani Devanagiri). of. a 'village i~ Goa, (Village History), Panaji, Fer­ 'nandes Publication, 1989, xii + lOOp., 23 em., '150/-, 20) Ganecar, Bicaji, Hansop Ek Okhod :(Jokes), Panjim, Casa Pack Master, Panjim, (English). ' Goa Cultural and Social Centre, 1989, 39 p., 19 cm., Rs: 5/-.,' Casa J. D. Fernandes, Panjim, (Konkani 4) Almeida, Mathew, A Description of ·Konkani, (Gram­ Roman). mar), liliramar, Thomas Stephens- Konknni KendI', 1989, xi + 338 p., 25 cm., 'RS. 150/- Maureen Printers, 21) Ganecar, Bicaji, Rangayali Jinn, (Essays), Panaji, Santa Cruz, (-English). Shri Mallinath Prakashan, 1989. 97 p., 22 cm.; Rs. 30/-, 5) Avdienkar, Vithal Kashinath Sawant, Prasang, Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum, (Konkani Deyanagiri). . (Short Stories) J Sanvordem, Ktunud' Prakashan,· 1988, 22) Goembab, Shennoi, Gomantoparushata, (Essays), 105p., 21 em., Rs. 25/-, Kanchana Mudranalaya, (Konkani Devanagiri).· -, Margac, Konknni Bhasha Man~al, 1989, 103 p.; 21 cm., Rs. 35/- Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum, (Kon­ ~). Bambolkar, Dattaram'l Damodar Kamat, Vanamohot­ kani Devanagiri). sava, (Play), VolvOi, Apurbhai Prakashan; 19-89, 99p., :21 cm., Rs. 25/-, Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, 23) Gomes, Olivinho, Konknni Saraspatkho Ithihas, (Lan­ (Konkani Devanagiri). guage), Chando~ Konknni Saraspath Prakashan, 1989, 142 p., 22 em., ·RB. 50/-, Bandekar Printers., 7) Bandekar, Shambu' Bhau, Unayan, (Poetry), :Panaji, Curehorem (Konkani Devanagiri). Shubhangi 'Sham~u Bandekar, 1989; 56 p., 22 em., Rs. 30/·. Malti Print. Bombay. (Marathi), 24) Hedo, Shantaram, Gharpurush, (Short Stories), Velim, Shennoi Prakashan, 1989, 82p., 18cm., Rs. 20/-, San­ 8) Bayabhav, Sadayavelim Fulam, (Poetry), Margao, dhya Printing Press, Velim, (Konkani Devanagin). Konknni Bhasha Man~l, -1989, 40 p., 18 cm.~ Rs. 10/-, Rayi MudranaIaya, Belgaum, (Konkani Devanagin). 25) Kamat, Ashok, Bandkannichim Devllam Zalim, (Play), Sanvordem, Santvardhan Prakashan, 1989, 9) Bhaf, Amint R.am~ Konknru Hindi Sambandh, Margao, 89 p., 18 em., Rs. 20/-, Vani Printers, Belgaum, (Kon­ Konknni Bhasha MandaI, 1989. 66p., 22 em., Rs. 15/-, . " kani Devanagiri). Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum, (Konkani Devanagiri). 26) Karmali, Nagesh, Vanshaku!aehen Deenen, (Poetry), 10) Bhonsai~, Krishn3.kanth Hari, ShatriyakUhivantonsh;, Volvoi, Apurbhai Prakashan, 1989, 61 p., 21 em., (History) Brttona,. Sneta Prakashan, 1989. 32 p .• Rs. 25/-, Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, ,(Konkani De­ 17 cm., Rs. 10/:·, Yelinghat Offset Printers, Belgaum, vanagiri). (Marathi) .. 27) Kelekar, Gurunath, Papa Jenna Bhurgo AShillo, 11) Borkar, Pandarinath, Kahim" Smruthi Kahim Pra­ , (Short 'Stories), Margao, Sanjivani Prakashan, 1989. tikriya, (Autobiography), Panaji,. Rajhauns Vitaran, ,3~ p., 18 cm~, Rs: 5/-, "Ban~ek~ Printers, Curyhorem, . 1989, 1~ p., ; 21· em;, Rs. 24f·, Ravi Mudranalaya, (KoiIkani Devanagin).- Belgaum, (Marathi). " 28) Kelekar, Qur~thJ Shrikrislma Katha, (Biography), 12) Costa, Ra­ C. F. d', Maglrcheni Magir, (Play), Panaji, Margao, 'Sanjivani ,Pr~ashan,. 1989/ 51 p., '18 cm., jhauns Vitaran 1989, 7Op., 22em., Rs. 10/-, Ravi ~.,6/~, .Bandekar:Printers, Curchore.m'\'(KOnkani De- MUdranal~;va,>, ,Be:1ga1.Ullt,-:

Kelekar, Sanjivani, Nave .Jokes, (Jokes),- Margao,' 49) Salgaoncar, Bieaji . .Jaganath, Hindu Manavdharm Sanjivani Pra.kash~an. 1989, 36 p., 18 em., Rs. 5(-. ' SanskruthiPustika. (Religion)., -. --c. ,..... (53) p .• Bandekar Prtnters, Curchorem, (Konkani Devanag~~) '.~: 22cm., Rs. 7/-; -, ~,_ (Marathi). . 4

, 30) Khandekar. Nilba A. Veti. (Poetry). Mandur. Suru 50) Sardessai, Mahableshwar, M.ahabharat, (Epic), M,ar­ Prakashan, 1989, 115 p., 22 em., Rs. 22/-, Ravi Mud­ gao, -Seva Samiti., .1989, 168 p., 1,8 em., Rs. 25/-, Vijay­ ranalaya, Belgaum, (Konkani Devanagiii). laxmi Art Printers, Belgaum,- '(Konkani Devanagiri). Kharangate, Maya Anil, Kayapanji, (Poetry), Volvoi, 51) Sardessai, Mahableshwar, Surbus' Kannio, (Short 31) stories), Panaji, Rajhauns Vitaran, 1989, 40 p., 22 em., Apurbhai- PrakashaI!, 1989, 64 p., 22 em., Rs. ~O/-,. Rs. 8/-, Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum, (Konkani De­ Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, (Konkani Devanagin). vanagiri).

32) Khedekar, Shriram ;Baburao Gaude, Neketram, 52) Shende, Dwarkanath P., Zadde Gane Gathi, (Poetry), (Poetry). Mardol. Shrada. Prakaahan. 1981<. 511 p .• Panaji, Rajhatins 'Y'ltaran, 1988, 50 p., 22cm., Rs. 10/-, 18 em., Rs. 12/-. Bandekar Printers, ~horerrr, -. -. (Marathi).' (Konkani Devanagiri)." 53) Shlnlrre, .Janarcian .Jaganath, Haravlelim Mansem, 33) Khorjuvenkar, Narayan Yeshwant, Druvattare, (Po­ (Short stories), Ponda, Dipgruha Prakashan, 1987, etry). . Author. 1989. (10) p. 23 em.• Its. 10/-. 128p., 22cm.,-Rs. 20/-, Pradeep Press". Panaji, (Mara­ Pannjikar Printers, _Moira, (Marathi). thi).

Kudtarkar, Audhut Yeshwant, Himanag, (Poetry), 54) Sousa, Emanuel E. de Sevilha, Deus e ReligUio, (Re­ Mapusa, Prabhat Prakashan, 1989, 10 p., 21 ern., ligion), Bastora, Tipografia Rangel, 1989,55p., 24 em., Rs. 20/-, Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum, (Marathi). -, Tipografia Rangel, Bastora, (Po~uguese).

35) Mactkaikar, Balchandra,· Ek 'Mantarlele Viaktimatva 55) Souza, Zotiku d', Ashern Ghoddlem, (History). Panaji, Urf Shri Atmaram Govindrao' Khotare Urf Bhau Rajhauns Vitaran, 1989, 114 p., ~2em., Rs. 40/-, Ravi Khome, (Biography), Velim, Kalika Printers" 1989, Mudr-analaya, Belgaum, (Konkani Devanagiri). 46 p., 19 em., Rs. 25/-, Kalika Printers, Velim, '(Ma­ rathi). 56) Tadkodd, S. M., Konknni Samicsham (Tatva. ani Prayog), (Language), Panaji, Kedar Prakashan, 1989, 152 p., 22 em., Rs. 35/-, M. Super Printers Belgaum~ 36) Manzo, Damodar, Rumand Ful, (Short stories), h Panaji. Rajhauns Vitarau. 1989. 163 p.. 21 em.• (KOnkani Devanagiri). _ Rs. 40/- Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum, (Konkani De~ vanagiri). . , 57) Telles, Sayonara. A.; My Collection., (Essays), _,. _, -, 73+16 p., 22 em., Rs. 35/-, Meera Printers Margao (English). . • 87) Moye, Krishna Laxman, Nattak Zale Zanmache, (Au­ tobiography), Panaji, Rajhauns Vit~, 1989, 154 p., 58) Tendulkar, Prabhakar, Rangmachi,. (Play), Mapusa, 22 cm., Rs. 50/-:, Allengat orfset, Belgaum, (Marathl). Abhay ,?rakashan, 1989, 28p., 18 em., Rs. 10/-, Da­ lesh Printers, Mapusa, (Konkani RO:qlan). 38) Pandurang Mulgaonkar Felicitation Committee, In Search of Ideal, (Biography), Panjim, Author, 1989, 59) Thakur, Vithal S., Sangit Sarita, (Music), Marcel, 141 p., 23 em., -, Super Printers, Belgaum, (Konkani, Mahashalla Kallasangam, 1989, 100 p., '22 em., Marathi, English). Rs .. 40/-, Samrat Printers, Banastarim, (Marath.i). 60) 39) Naik, Hema Pundalik (ed)., Sahajivan: Sangharsh, Vadkar, Nyanesh M., Durdaiva hi Tuji" Kahani, (Play), Samnva Ani Pratima, (Essays on Women), Volvoi, Diveholi, Amit Prakashan, 1989, 70 p., 21 em., Rs. 15/-, Apurbhai Prakashan. 1989. 79 p.. 21 em.• Its. 18/-. Laxmidevi Printing Press, Belgaum, (Marathi). Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, (Konkani Devanagiri). ,61) Vadkar, Nyanesh M., Garibha Gharchi Laxmi (Play) Divcholi, Amit Prakashan, 1989. 60 p., ' 22 em.: 40) Naik, Jayanti, Garjan. (Short Stories), Volvoi, Apur­ Rs. 15/-, Laxmidevi Printing Press, Belgaum, bhai Prakashan, 1989, lOOp., 21 em., Rs. 25/-, Apur­ (Marathi). bhai Printers, Volvoi, (Konkani' Devanagiri). Vadkar, Nyanesh M., Kaida Ma'.zea Hatant, (Play.), 41) Naik, Pundalik 'Narayan, Arduk, (Short stories), Vol­ Diveholi, Amit Prakashan; 1989, 88 p" 21 em., voi. Apurbhai Prakaahan. 1989. 116 p .• 21 cm .• Its. 30/-. Rs, 20/-, Abhinav Prakashan, Belgaum, (Marathl). Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, (Kbnkani Devanagiri). 63) Vadkar, Nyanesh M., Patrakar, (Play), Divcholl, 42) Naik, Ramehandra Shankar, Mogaehem Logn, (Play)' Amit Prakashan. 1989. 72 p .• 21 em.. Rs. 20/-. Abhinav Prakashan, B~lgaum, (Marathi). Margao, Konknni Bhasha1 MandaI, 1989, 68 p., 22 em., Rs. 20/-, Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaurn, (Konkani De­ 64) Velingkar, Abhaykumar, Bhagvan Budha, (Bio!;ra­ vanagiri). phy). Margao. Sanjivani Pral

22ND J}f.ARCH, 1990 (CHAITRA 1, 1912) 605

State Central Library, Panaii, Goa 14. The written applic~tion for_ extensioi). of loan period ~nust reach the librari~n' on or before due date of boo~y. LIBRARY RULES 15. Member shall be entitled to borrow one book/Volume The use. and lending out 'of books, shall be regulated by at a time from lending section. the following ,rules. supplemented by such other rules as may be in force from time to time. NON RETURN, LOSS OR DAMAGE TO BOOKS

HOURS OF OPENING 16. If the book borrowed 'from the ~ibrary by a borrower , is '~ot retUrned' within a' period of, one month from dat,e of 1, The iending section of the Library will remain open notice sent to him/her by registered post his/her deposit from 9.00 a. lU. to -1.00 'p. m. and "4.00 p. m. to 7.30 p. m. on shall be adjusted and his/her membership in ,the I,JbrarY all week days except on Sundays, Mondays and Public shall be terminated. In the case where value of book exceeds Holidays. Changes, if any, in - working hoUrs will be put on the deposit amoUnt, the bo~TOwer sh:¥l pay'the' excess amount. Library notice bo~rd.. . . In' -case of hislher' failure to pay, he/she Will be declared as library defaulter. ' ENROLMENT OF MEMBERS· 17. A list of library defaulters will be published periodically 2. Every intending borrower of books from the State in local dailies. Central Library shall have his/her name registered in .the Library Office -by applying in prescribed fC;>l'lu available RENEWAL AND CANCELLATION OF M:EM:BERSHIP from Office which is to be submitted ,'along with two stamp 18. Borrower's ticket shall remain in force for five years. size photographs. The undermention~d. shall be eligible to recommend. . 19. If the membei' fails to renew the membership within. i. Members of the Legislative Assembly of the state a period of one month from the date of ,notice, sent to him of Goa. by registered post his!her membership -will be cancelled" the deposit forfeited and- 'credited to Government Treasury. ii. ,Principals and Profe?sors of Coll,eges in Go-n (for students and staff working under them). : 20. Members ceasing to, use the Library- shal~ return their tickets to the Curator, for cancellation.. iiI. Gazetted Officers. ~ iv. Stipendiary Magistrates. BORROWER'S TICKETS ·v. Headmasters' pf ,recognised High: Schools from Goa I 21. Every depositor will get one bOHower's ticket and an (for students and staff working ~der them). 'Identity card and he/she will be respoIisible fo~ the book vi. Heads and Proprietors of firms of repute from Goa borrowed on that _Ticket. (for their employees ci~y). 22. In case tJ'le ticket/identity card is lost a duplicate vii. Chairman_ of Village Panchayat (for persons residing ticket/iden~ity card may be issued to him/her on his/her in Panchayat ar~a). applying in the prescribed form and on payment of a fee of Rupees two only. The borrower will be responsible for any 3. Books will be lent free of any fee or subscription for misuse' of his/her lost ticket/identity card. Library shall not members of the public residing in Goa, Indian Nationals, on undertake responsibility of detecting. the misuse of such their paying a deposit of Rs.- 50/- for adult and Rs. 25/_ for lost ticket. children up to the ~ge of· 12. The deposit money must 'be paid in advance, and' Will be accepted on any working day. 23. Borrower's'ticket/identity card are not transferable ..

USEOF'BOOKS OVERDUE CHARGES 4. No books, formin-g part of' the text book collection, 24. &-) If a book is not returned to the library when due, reference collection' and, valuable books, shall be issued for an overdue charge of ten _paise per' day up to a consultation in, the Library to a person, member or non maximum of Rs: 5/- shall be levie~. ,member until 'he/she presents to the Librarian in charge of b) In case date, falls .on Sunday, Monday or the sect~on, a duly signed call Slip. the due Public Holiday the book will be treated as due on 5. Readers shall return-, before_ leaving the library, to the the following working day. Librarian in charge, reference books and other materials specially requiSitioned for consultation-. ,25. A borrower shall not be allowed to borrow book again unless pe/she has. paid th? overdue charges due from him/her. 6. No, tracing or mechanical reproduction 9! any book, map 9r- manw;cript shall' be done without the express permission 26. OffiCial receipt will be, given after receiving overdue of the Curator. ' charges from member. ' " . LOAN, OF BOOKS' REFUND OF DEPOSIT 27. No claim to' money deposited by a bOI'r-ower will be 7. NormaJJy ,no bOOK that forms part of the reference entertained unless the borrower's ticket,' Identity card and collection, text book collection, or any book valuable for its the receipt for the deposit is produced. If the ticketiI,dentity rarity or -its illustration or the manuscript shall be lent out, card is lost, a sum of Rs. 2/- each will·be payable-by him/her.

'S. Unbound periodicals which h~1Ve a subject value and 28. In- C~se' the original deposit receipt'granted to a depositor books which cannot bear the strain of' transit will not be is- lost the ,money will, not be refunded unless the identity­ lent out. of the depositor- is -established to the entire satisfaction of the ()urator. . 9. Books' which are .temporarily in special demand may be lent f?r such shorter period_ as may be' necessary. 29. In case of the death of the original depositor, a succes­ sion certificate or satisfactory proof, of the identity of the 10. In special .circumstances the C11:l'ator: may at· his claimant in any other', form is to be, produced along_ with discretion permit books to be borrowed for a limited period the death certificate. on depOSiting, as security, a sum of money enough to cover, the value of books lent or even a higher -amount. " 30. A week's notice must be giv~n before, a deposit is withdrawn. 11. Book from Lending Section win be is-sued 0!1 the production ~f Identity Card and bOl1l'OWer's ticket. GENERAL

12; Before leaving the counter, the member shall satisfy 31. Smoking, Spitting, Sleeping, loud conversat~on, Stand­ himself as to whether the book lent to him/her is in good ing in Groups, writing on tables, sprinkling of pen ink, in con~tion and, if not shall _~mediately bring the matter to any part: of, the Library is strictly prohibited. the notice of the Libr~an on duty. . 32. Curator reserves to himself the tight to refuse __ any application for membership whitout assigning any reason 13. Book lent out -may be kept for a P_eriod of 30 ·days therefor. . , . ',during 'which period may be renewed at the request of the -bolTOWer. 33. - M~mber shall intimate change of his/her address, if ~y. 606 SERIES JIlNo.51 -_.. ---_.. ,--- ._ .. _-_ ..... _.... _.... _-----,------, 34. The members and others visiting the Library shall be 41. In- case'the token issued to the depositor is lost by him, bound by these rules and' the prO

Corrigendum Read: - 'l'ender Notice No, 15/SCD/DA/89-90/937 da: is 21-3':'90 and issue of tender forms is up to 4.00 p. m. on ted 20-2.-1990. 22-3-1990.

~ All other_ ~nditions_ remam the same. The tenders for the works mentioned in the' above Notice Scheduled, to be opened on 15-3~1990 ,have been postponed to Panaji, 14th March, 1990.. -Tbe Executive Engineer, 0.- R. 23-3~199{). Last date to receive application for tender forms Bagal~. ••• Irrigation Department Works Division II Fatorda - Margao •. GOli

. " Tender Notice No.' ID/WDII/ASW/F.17/30/89-90 The Executive Engineer; Works Division II, Irrigation Department Fatorda, Margao, Goa, invites on -behalf of the Governor of Goa, sealed item rate tender from approved '& eligible contractors registered in appropriate class/category of the P.W.D. Goa State or those eligible and registered in P.W.D./lITigation Department of the other states who have successfully execut~d similar works. ' '

Estimated Earnes~ cost put J)1oney Cost of Name of work Class of Time tender Br.No. to tender deposit contractor limit Rs, Rs. Rs , 1. Command Area Development works for M. I. Tank 4,82,188.28 12055/- II (H&I) 240 days at Panchawadi excluding 100/· (second call) monsoon

Tenders will be received up to 3.00 p. m. on 26~3~90 by whose application for tender forms received by this office Exe~utive Engineer, Works Div. n, I. D., Fa.torda, Margao, not later than 21-3-90 and subject to production of- following' Goa and will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day in' his appli?Rtion for tender. chamber. I' (a) Valid Inoome~tax Clearance Certificate. (b) Enlistment Earnest. mon,ey should be deposited in the state Bank of of Contractor. (C) Experience Certificate of similar works India or in a.'1y Scheduled Bank in form of Deposit at Call executed. If required by post Rs; 20/- per tender form will Receipt in favour of the Executive Engineer' Works Division be charged extra. Postal Delivery will be at contractors risk. II, ID, Margao and rece1pt to be enclosed with tender. Right to aCcept or reject any or all the tenders without any reason thereof is reserved. Tender form will be issued on all workin&, days up to 4.00 _p. m. till 23-3~90 to the appropriate class of contractors Mar,gao, 9th March, 1990. -The Executive Engineer, Sd/~. 22ND MAROH, 1990 (CHAITRA 1, 1912)------'-:----- 607 Public Works Department

Worn Divido" IV. (M/E) Tonca. Caranzalem, Goa •

Tender Notice No. 2/2/89-90/ASW-IV/PWD/40

Executive Engineer, Works Division IV, PWD, 'Ip~ca, CaranzaIem, invites on behalf of 'the Governor of Goa, separate sealed percentage rate/item rate tenders from approved and eligible Contractors/Suppliers up to 3.00 p. ill. on or before (1-4-90 for the following works:-

Cost of Estimated Earnest 01.... of Time tender Sr. No. Name of works cost money limit' , form Rs. Rs. contractor Rs.

1) Electrical Installation to the Goa Board of Secondary 1,27,436/- 3186/- II 365 days. 100/- and Higher Secondary Education at Porvorim (concea- led wiling).

2) Electrical installation to Court Building at Pernem. 16,444/- 411/- IV 60 days. 30/-

Tenders will be opened on the same day at 3.30, p. m., if drawn in favoUl' of -Executive Engineer, Works Division IV, possible. Conditions' and tender. forms can be obtained from PWD, Tonca, Caranzalem, Goa and to be enclosed along this Office from 2$-3-90 to 5-4-90 from 11.00 a. m. to 4.00 p.m. during the working days on payment of the cost of tender :X~ :~h~~~~~u~ ~:;i:'M~~e~Oo~~~~t:C~r:~~~~~ form. If required by post an amount of Rs. 25/- (Rupees not depoSit earnest money in 'Prescribed fonn are liable to twenty five only) for each tender form win be charged be rejected. The right to reject any or all the tenders without extra. Tender forms will be issued only on production of assigning any reason whatsoever is reserved With the valid Income-tax Clearance Certificate. Application . for authority to accept the tender. tender form should be made on or before 2-4-90. Earnest " Money shown against the work should. be deposited in the Caranzalem, 14th March, 1990. ~ The Executive Engineer, , form of a Deposit Call Receipt/National Saving Certificate A. V. P. Verle1car.

COrrigendum Notice No. 2/2/89-90/ASW·IV/PWD/39 Tender Notice No. 2/2/89-90/ASW-IV /PWD/36 dated 2-3-90 may please be read as "No. 2/2/89-90/ASW-IV/PWD/ /38". All the other terms and conditions remain .unchanged. Caranzalem, 14th March, 1990.~The Executive_ Engineer, Sd/-.

Works Divilion VI F"Jord", M.rgao..so.

Tender Notice No. F-3/PWD/WDVI/ASW/51/89-90

The Executive Engineer, Works Division VI, P,W.D., Fatorda, Margao invites on behalf of. the' Governor of Goa, sealed Item" Rate, Tenders from the aPP1;"oved and eUgible contractors of QPWD and those of appropriate list of Union Territories/MES/State/Railways, up to 3.00 p. m. on 12th April, 1990 for the following- works separately.

. Estlmated Earnest Cost of Time Sr. No. rJesCription cost money tender limit Rs. including Class Rs. Rs. monsoon i 1. Blacktopping of road No., 3 and 4 in V. P. Benaulim. 6,09,260.52 12,185/- 100/- 360 days II&above

2. Const. and Bit, of St. Sebast~an Chapel road via Vadi 5,81,099.72 11,622/- 100/- 360 days ~do- Pequeno Pulvado in V. P. Benaulim..

3. Improvement and Widening of road from. Cuncolim .5,30,958.84 10,619/- 100/- 360 days -do- Munic~pal Building to Abaulim.

4. Construction of road Peeramol Colamb in a ler.gth of 1,34,25-7.78 3,356/- 30/- 180 days m&above 990 mts in V. P. Nagorcem, Palolem.

'The contrru:i"tor shoul!1 apply for the tender forms in ",dvance work (Unless exempted) should be deposited in the form of in -the prescribed application form. nCR of Scheduled Bank/National Saving Certificates along with individual tender. ' i) Last date of receipt of application and issue of tender fonns is fiXed on 30th March, 1990 up to 4.30 p. m. The intending tenderer will have to produce Income-tax ii)' Last date- for paYment for conditions of contract Clearance Certificate at the time of buying the tender. The and tender fonus is ~th April, 1990 upto 4.30 p. m. tenders of contractors who do not deposit earnest money in the prescribed fonn are liable to be rejected. Right to reject iii) Tender fonus will be issued up to 10th April, 1990 any or all the tenders without aSSigning any reason thereof during Office working hours. is reserved .

. Tenders will be opened immediately after 3.30 p. m. on Margao, 28th February, 1990. ~'The Executive Engineer, the same day if possible. Earnest Money f;hown' c.gainst Sd/-. 608 SERIES III No. 51,

Tender Notice No. F-3/PWD/WDVI/ASW/52/89-90 The Executive Engineer, Works Division-VI, P.W.D., Fatorda. Margao invites on behalf of the Governor of •Goa, sealed Item Rate Tenders from the approved and eligible contractors· of -CPWD and thOse of appropriate list of Union Territories!l\iES/state/Rail~ays. up to 3.00' p. m. on 25th April, 1990 for the following works separately.

Estimated Earnest Cost of time limit Sr.Na. Description cost money tender InclQcling Class Rs. Rs. RB. monsoon , 1. Const. and Bit. of road from Sambatty to Gontonaik 9,53,777.37 19,756/- 100/- 360 days II& via Biro Naik Madem and Gulloi in, V. P. OrUm . above . . 2. Const. & B/t. of TaIwado to Guddo, Phadtewaddo, 3,63,118.03 9,078/- 100/- 270 days III & Colwado Dongar road in Talwado ward of Cuncolim. above

The contractor should apply for the tender ionns in advance (Unless exempted:) should be' deposited in the form of DCR of in the prescribed application form. Scheduled BanklNational Saving Certificates along with individual tender. ' i) Last date of receipt of application and issue of tender forms is fixed on 17th April, 1990 up to 4.30 p. m. The intending tenderer will have to produce Income-tax: ii) Last date for payment for conditions of contract and Clearan~e Cert,ificate at the time of buying the tender. The tender forms is 19th April; 1990 up to 4.30 p. m, tenders of contractors who' do not deposit earnest' money in the prescribed form are liable to be rejected. Right to reject· iii) Tender forms will be issued up to 23rd April, 1990 during Office working hours, any o~ all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof is reserved, Tenders will be opened immediately after 3\30 p .m, on the same day if possible, Earnest f'JIoney shown against work Margao, 7th MarCh, 1990. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-.

Works Division XVl (Bui:dings). Ponda - Gall

Short Tender Notice No. PWD/BDXVI/TS/50/89-90 The Executive Engineer, Buildings DiVision XVI, ~blic Works Department, Ponda...Goa, invites' on behalf of the Governor of Goa, .sealed Percentage Rate tenders from approved and eligible buildings Contractors of Goa PWD(CPWD/ /MES/Railways/P.,&T., etc. up to 3.00 p. m. on 23-3:-90 for the below mentioned work: - . , ,\ Estimated Cost of &.No. Name of work cost E.M.D. Class Rs. Time limit tender Rs. Rs. eligibility

1. Const. of dooling pond for I. C. Engines Lab. at 11,772/- /294/- 15 days. 30/- V & above G. E. C. Farmagudi. ~, (B1dgs.).

Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m, on the same day. Earnest Money should be deposited in the' State Bank of Conditions and tender fonus can be had from this Office on India or any Scheduled Bank in the fonn of~Deposit at Call any working day tip to 22-3-90 during office working hours, against payment jn cash as shown above for the tender. Receipt and the receipt of this amount must accompany the form (non-refundable). If required by post an amount of tender without, which the terider will not be considered. The RE. 15/-. will be charged extra. ". Earnest Money Deposit other than in the form of D. C. R. shall not b~ acceptable. Tender forms will be, issued to Contractors, only on produc­ tion of valid Income-tax Clearance Certificate. Application Right to, reject any tend.er without assi~ning any reason for blank tender forms with required documents will be thereof is reserved with t'!1e Department. ' received up to 21-3-90. Applications received for issue of . blank tender forms after 21-3-90 will not be accepted. Ponda, 14th March, 1990. - 'l'he Executive Engineer, Sd/-.'

Works Division XVII (PHE) Alto Porvorim, -Goa Treatment Plant including CiVil, COrligendum No. PWD/WDXVII/ACCTS/F.64/98/89-90 Electrical & Mechanical Works at Assonora, Bardez-Goa. Ref: - Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXVU/ACCTS/F.64/ /84/89-90 dated 23-i-1990. The above tender stands modified jas under:- Ref: -Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXVU/ACCTS/F.64/ The date of submission of the tenqer will be 6th April, /85/89-90 dated 23-1-1990. 1990 up to 15.00 p. m. and the same will be opened on the Name of Works: -1) Design, Construction, Supply, Deli­ i'ame day at 15.30 p. ill, The tenders will be opened in the very, Erect~on, Commissioning and Office of the Superintending Engineer, Circle Office Maintenance' of 5 MLD Water Vf(PHE), P. W. D., Altinho, Panaji-Goa. Supply ,Scheme on Turnkey Basis The other terms' and conditions remain unchanged. at Dabus, Satari-Goa. 2) Construction & Commissioning on Alto Porvorim, 12th March, 1990, -"The Executive Engi­ Turnkey Basis 30 MLD Water neer, Sd,!-.

~~.~.~ 22ND MAROH,.1990 (OHAITRA1,1912) 609 ----~--~------~------~------~- 'Works Division XVIII {RAa}, Poncl.·Go. • Tender Notice No. 41/5/90/PWD/WDXVTII/ADM/58/89-90 The Executive Engineer, Works Division XVIll.(R&B), P.W.D., -Ponda, Goa· invites 011 behalf of the Governor of GOa, percentage/item Rate tenders from approved and eligible "C~n tractors, of ,Goa' PWD/CPWD/State PWD/MES/Railways etc. for the foUowing work up to 3.00 p' m. on 11-5-1990. ~--~------~------~------Estimated Ea~est Qost of Time limit Sr. No. Description cost money tender including Class of Ro. Ro. Its. monsoon contractor

t. ABphalting of road from Govt. Primary school Cot- 2.44,632.55 6,116/- 100/- 270 days Class ill tombi to Satyakade up to Tagore High school, Cot- . & above tombi "in V. P. Pc:j,le Cottombi talUka Bicholim. 2. Seoure protection work for 8.00 m. span culvert at. 1,53,765.63 3.844/- 100/- 180 days - do-:-- SuIkarnem and 6.00 span culvert at cazur in 'V. ,P. ' Caurem, Pirla. ' 3. Repairs to side shoulders from Balli AClnem to Balli l,3p.660.50 3,392/- iOo/" -do- -do~ math M.D.R. in Quepem taluka. 4. InlP. of Velguem Bazar in V. P. Velguem' ta~uka 1;35,597.85 3,390/-· -do- -do- ...:.....do- Bicholim. 5. Repairs to Quepem AmbanIim M.D.R. in ~uepem 93,926.89 2.348/- 30/- -do- Class· IV taJuka.. & above Tenders will. be opened at 3.30 p. m. on th.e same day, if . Right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without' possible .. Earnest Money shOUld be de:posited in the form of assigning any reason thereof i.s reserved with the authOrity ac~epting the tenders. Deposit at Call Receipt of ,Scheduled Banks/National Saving Certificates which' m~t be enclosed witlr tenders without The contra.ctor shOuld apply for the tender forms well in which no tender win be' considered. Conditions and tender advance along with details of wo:rk. under PWD in hand and completed. fonus can be had, from· ·the ,above office on 9-5-90 d'llnng office hours. Payment can be done for the issue of ~nq.er Last date of application for issue of tender forms is fixed form after scrutiny of all docwnentary evidenoes of current on 4-5-1990,. up to 4.00 p. m. Registration and valid Income-tax Clearance Certificates up Ponda, 27th February, 199{).:- The Executive., Engineer, to 4.00 p. m. on 7-5-1990. P. O. Gwpta.

Works Division XIX, Bambolim, 'Goa

'!'ender Notice No. PWD/WDXIX/ASW/F-4/89-90/8 The Executive Engineer, W?rks t>~vision XIX. P. W .. D., Bambolim, invites on behalf of Goyernor of Goa, sealed Item Rate tenders from approved and eligible class I-B (Hydraulics) Contractors of Goa P.W.D./C.P.W.D./M.E.S;/P. &.T./etc, , for the following work up to 3.0n p. m. on 17-4~1990 in the Office of S. E.n (Bldgs.), P.W.:O., Panaji. Tenders win be opened in the Chamber of Superintending Engineer,' Circle IT (bldgs.), P.W.D~, Altinho, Panaji.

Estimated E.M:D. Coat of Sr. No. Name of work cost TIme Class of Rs. limit contractor tender Rs, 1'ls. 1. Reconstruction of Superstructure. of River Navig-ation 12,79.362-05 20,000/- 360 days I-B 150/- DepartIl1:ent Central Passenger Jetty at .Panaji. (Including (Hydraulics) . monsoon).

Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the S;all1e day. The tenderer intends to pay E;M. D.· in cash, ,the same shOuld Earnest'Money may' be depo~ited in the :fo~ of .DepoSit at be paid to the Cashier &. enclose the relewmt receipt in the Call Receipt, of Scheduled Bank payable at Panaji. Conditions te.nder and no cash along with tender will be accepted. & tender forms can be had from the Divisional Office up to l~.. OO noon on 12-4-1990 duri~g working. hours on- payment The valid Income-tax Clearance shall be, furnished by the tenderer in the reserve form. ~.. of ·the cost .of tender form (non-re:fUndable)". If reqUired by post an amolUlt of "Rs. 30/- shall be paid ,extra., Applications/ /Requests for the i,ssue of the tender forms should reach The right t.o reject any tender without assigning. any the Divisional Office latest by 11.00. a.'m. on.6-4-1990. Appli-. re.ason 'thereof is reserved. The conditional & unbalanced cations received thereafter will not be entertained. Applica­ ·tender may' be rejected, outright. ' tions should giv~.particuIars of class of registration, category, Bambolim, 9th March, 1990. ,--:- The Executive Engineer. list of works in hand, completed, statuS" pOSition, etc.. In case 8<1/,.

Work, Division XX (PHE) ,F.torda - Margao

Tender Notice No. l/12/89-90/PWD-XX/PB/20 .. The Executive Eng~n~, WC?rks·Division ,XX (PRE), PWD, F:'atorda, Margao, on behalf of' the,,'Governor of Goa, mVlt~ sealed ~en~ers (percentage rate) f~om.approved and eligible contractors of CPWD and those of appropriate list of Umon TeITltones/State PWD/MESlRrulways up to 3.00 p. m. on 26th' March, 1990 for the following work:...:......

Earnest Estimated Time limit Cost of Sr. No. ~ame of \vork coat money tender deposit (including Rs. monsoon). form Ra. Ro. 1. Rural water supply' scheme· to SonaUIim village in ·57,651-45 1,441-00 120.days. 30-00 ~guem taIuka under Technology MiSSion (R~-tender). .. SERIESIJt No. f{J.

The tenders Will be opened on the same day aftel' 3.30 p. m. The tender of the contractor who does not deposit earnest mODey in the pres¢ribed manner will he summarily rej~ed .. Applications for tender forms sho,uld reach, this office on 01' before 15th -:Marcil. 1990. The tender forins and conditia:ns The Contractor must produce Income·tax Clearance Certi­ can, be had from this _office up to 4.00 p. m. -on 22nd March, ficate at the time of is,sue of" t.ender~ '1990 during office hours on payment· of its cost (non-refund­ Right to reject any tenders without assigning any reason able) in cash. If required by post, an amount of Rs. 25/­ thereof .is reserved. The· conditiOnal and unbalanced tenders will be charged extra. Earnest Money -shown against the . are 'liable to be rejected.. respective work should be deposited in the State Bank of India or .any Scheduled Bank in the form of Deposit at Call Margao, 1st March, 1990. - The Executive Engineer, K. ·P.. Receipt arid enclosed along with the tender. . Nambiar. ••••• Department of Urban Development (1) (2) (3) Office of the Collector of North 8. Near. Holy dross Convent Sodiem. Bus Stop .Goa District. Panaji F.Jection B:raU.Ch 9. Near the Satan ~mple Sodiem Bus Stop Gaunswado.. 10. Gat.mS-wado Selina Sodiem Bus Stop Notification No. 10/1/89/MUN/ELN FUrther, in exercise'.of the powers conferred by Sec. 116 ·of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, I also hereby authorise 'to In pursuance of the proviSion of Sub-Section (1) of Sec­ erect the traffic sign boards specified in column 3 in the tion 21 of the Goa Municipalities . Act, 1968, it is hereby pubUc places specified in COIWlUl. 2 of the Schedule for the notifled. for public information" that. Smt. Suhasiili Mohan purpose' of regulating moto~ v~icular traffic. Pednekar was co-opted as a CounCillor in the meeting of Valpoi~ MWlicipal Council held on 9-:-11-1989. P3.naji, 8th February, 1990. - The District Magistrate, . North Goa District Panaji, R~ 1. Jaiprakash. Panaji, '7th March, 1990. - The CollectOr of North Goa ._- District, R. I. Jaiprakash. --_...... •. __ Office of the District Magistrate • South Goa District. Margao Transport· Department· Office of the District Magistrate Notification North Goa District. Pcinaji No. 37/5/89-MAG/236/1483 In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 116 of' the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Central Act 116 of 1988) read Notification' . with the Government NoUfication No. 5/28/88-IPT(Part) No. 23/4/Bardez1MAG-89 dated 26th September, .1989, Ii Jose Philip, Distrlct Magis­ trate, South Goa District, Margao hereby cause to be erected In exer~ise of the power~ conferred on me under the pro­ th.e traffic signs ~pecified in .Colwnn 3' 'of the Schedule in visions of Section 217 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 (Cen­ public places specified in Column 2 of ~chedu1e for the pur­ tral Act. 59. of 1988) and Govt. Notification No. 5/28/881 pose of reguI?-ting Motor Vehicle trafflc. jTPT(-Part) dated 26-9-1989 and in consultation with the local authority ru;ld Dy. Superintendent of Police ·Traffic, SCHEDULE in pariaji,·I hereby :p.otify the places shown column 2 'of the Type ot No. of Schedule below as "Bus stop", in Slolim:..Sodiem Village Pan­ Sr. No. Name of public place traffic sign traffic s~gn chayat area. 1 , 3 4 No stage carriage shall take up or set down passengers except at places shown below as "Bus stop". 1. On Housing Board .Road, Speed..:.Breaker 1 No stage carnage shall halt at a Bus stop for a period Gogo!, Margao between longer than is necessary to take up stich passengers' as are Ele<;:.tric Poll No. 5&6. awaiting when the vehicles aniv~ and to· set. down such pas­ 2. On Housing Boa.rd Road, -do- l sengers' as may wish to 'alight. " Gogol, Margao between Electri~ Poll No. 8&9. SCHEDULE 3. On Housing Board Road, ---.:...do- 1 Gogol, Margao near Electric Poll' No. 14. . S.No. Name of the public place Type of traffic sign boards Margao, 27th February, 1990.. :---- The District Magistrate, (1) (2) (3) South Goa, .J08e Philip.

1. 'Near the house of Mr.· Luis Nororiha Bus Stop ••• at Pilimbi '\Vado Sodlem-Pimpala­ finance (Expenditure) Department kodem, 2nd .Goa. state Lottery Weekly draw 2. Near the house of' Mr. Santana. De Bus Stop Sousa Pilimbi wado, Sodiem 'Date of draw: 12th March. 1990 RESULTS 3. Near the hoUse of Mr. Jhon Silves­ Bus Stop tre, Chuna wado Sodiem First Prize:· (1): Rs. .1.QO.000/­ G 811941 4. Near the house of Mr. 'Francis Fer~ 'Bus Stop Second Prize: (1): Rs. 25.000/­ H 736046 n~des, Chuna wado Sodiem Third Prize: (5): Rs. 5.0001- each. (One m each series). Stop . !? Near the vlllave Panchayat Office, Bus F ·G H J Sodlem K 844960 221860 493173 872935 218642. 6. Near the house of Mr~ Jaiprakash Bus Stop Shirodkar, ~drigues wado, So­ Fourth Prlze:(400): Rs. 500/- each: Numbers ending with diem. last 5 digit$ in all. series as· foJ..lowJ!: 7. Near the house of Mr. John Lobo Bus Stop 74741 90204 96205 49617 70583 Rodrigues wado. 42395 07134 00470 88095 08714 22ND MAROH, 1990 (OHAITRA 1,1912) 611

Fifth Prize: (4000): J¥<. 50/- each: Numbers ending,With last Notice 4 digits in all" series as follows:' , • Notice is hereby given to the puWic that by Judgment 6028 2081 3863 7870 5425 and Order passed in- Special CiviL Suit No. 17/80 dated 8374 7948 5102 7259 0805 24th AuguSt, 1987, the m,arriage between Smt. Maria Saxe Dominguinha dos Remeios Costa, plaintiff and Shri Roque Sixth Prize: (4000): Rs. 20/- each: Numbers ending with Placido do Rosario. defendant, registered against the entry last 4 digits in al] series as follows: No. 234/62 of the Marriage Registration Book for the 'year 4532 1962 of Civil Registrar of Quepem, 'i.,Goa,)s h~reby declared 6920 4466 2212 9082 as dissolved by Divorce. 7791 1756 7247 8178 0908 Given under my hand and the seal of the Court•. this 8th Seventh Prize: (40.000): Rs. 10/- each: Numbers ending with day of March, 1990. last 3 digits in aJl series as follows: N. S. Kaissare 336, 075 181 254 460 Civil Judge, S, Div. 581 604 723 809 955 V. No. 5471/1990 Out of every prize of Rs. 25.000/- and above, an amount equal to 20% will be deducted for distribution among the Agents, Sellers and Stockist. • Panaji, 12th March, 1990. - The Director of Lotteries & Otfice of the Civil ReQistrar-cum-Sub-Regislrar cmd Ex-Officio Dy. secretary to Govt. of Goa, S. S. Byali. Notary Ex-Oflicio of the Judicial Division ---__O>----- of llhas of Goa Asha Suresh Kamat, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and 2nd l\la.ndovi \Veekly Draw Notary Ex-Officio of nhas, Panaji-Goa. Date of draw: 14th March, 1990. 2 In accordance with para 1st of Art. 179 of Law ReS'll-Us No. 2049 dated 6th August, 1951, and for the purpose of First Prize: (1): Rs. 1.50.000/- AH~683800 para 2nd of the said Art., it is hereby made public that by a Deed of Succession,_ dated on 7th March, 1990, at p~ae 92 Second Prize: (5): Rs. 5.000/- each. (One 1n each series). overleaf onwards of the Register Book of Deeds No. 633 bf this Office, the following is recorded: - That on 14th March, AG AH AI AJ AK lOO0,.died at Bombay, Shti John D'Souza by other name John 661129 533698 592992 169111 623965 Sylvester D'Souza, and on 18th November, 1972" died at L.L. -Hospital, Bombay his Wife Smt. Paulina D'Souza by Third Prize: (25): Rs. 1.000/- each. (Five in each series). other name Paulina Pereira or Paulina or even known as Dorotina de Sousa, both hailed - from TaIeigao, who were AG AH AI AJ AK mamed. to each other Without any pre-nuptial agreement nor 145438 684076 540305 170289 38624(> any -Will, leaving behind them the sole aJid universal heirs 403754 176502 502718 336137 252542 their six children, namely; 1. Domingos Rosario D'Souza 461042 678267 576802 305407 alias Dominic D'Souza; 2. Raymond Anthony D'Souza alias 576900 Remedios D'Souza; 3. Caitano D'Souza alias Cajetan D'Souza; 504501 153656 392119 327948 634783 4. Valerian Grathias D'Souq:a; 5 .. Jude Martin Marques 160225 512413 649225 424050 365523 D'Souza alias Jude D'Souza' and 6. Agnelo Lazarus. Clifford II D'Souza, there being no one else who couId prefer them in Fourth Prize: (60): Rs. 500/_ each. Numbers ending w~th the succession of their late parents or could concur with last ,5 digits in all series as follows. them in the inheritance left by the said their late parents 76088 03523 Jopn J?'Souza and Paulina D'Souza.

Fifth Prize: (600): Rs. 100/- each: Numbers~ending with . PanaJi, 7th March, 1990. - The Notary ex-officIo, Aslla last, 4 digits in aU series as follows. Suresh Kam.at. 2322, 3999 'V. No. 5413/1990 Sixth Prize: (3000): Rs. 50/- each: Numbers ending with last 4 digits, in all series as follows. • 6638 5715 2454 4341 5406 Oflice of the Civil Regis!rar-cum-Sub-Registrcn 2212 5409 6406 1827 8013 and Notary Ex-Officio in the Judicial Division Seventh Prize: (15.000): RS:l 10/- each. Numbers ending of Bardez, at Mapusa: with last 3 diii,ts in all series as follows. 500 116 451 998 751 Pedro Filipe das Merces Joao, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub~Regis­ trar and Notary Ex-Officio in the said Judicial Division. Eighth Prize: (1.20.000): Rs. 5/- each. Numbers ending with last 2 digits in all series as follows. ,3 In -accordance with para ,1st of the Article 179 of Law No. 2049, dated 6-8-1951 and for the purpose of para 30 11 40' 97 2nd of the same Article, it is hereby made public that by a Deed of Succession drawn by and before me on 21·2-1990 10% of the 1st -& 2nd priz~s will be deducted towards pay­ at page 95v onwards of Book No. _71;1 of Deeds of this ment to Agent, Sellers and Stockist. Office, Estafania Ros'a ·Maria Filomena _Simoes, Faustina Panaji, 14th -March, 1990. - The Ex-Officio Director. of Elisa Luisa Maria Simoes, Maria Rosaria Piedade Alzira Lotteries & Ex-Officio Dy. Secretary, to Govt. of Goa, B. S. Simoes, Cirila Santana Eugenia Simoes, Maria Fatima Si­ ByaZi. ' moes and Maria Felicidade Georgina de Rego Simoes has been qualified. as the sole and'universal heiresses and succes­ ••• sors of their late parents Rosalina Simoes or Escolastica Regina Casmina Fernandes or Regina Escolastica Carrnelina Advertisemellts RosaUna Fernandes or RosaUna Carme1ina Fernandes e Si­ moes or Carmelina Rosalina Escolastica Fernandes or Rosa­ In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division Una Carmelina EscoIastica Fernandes and Domingos Pon­ 'at Quepem ciano Filipe Neri Casmiro Simoes or Philip Neri. Simoes.or Salvador Francisco Simoes or Filipe Neri Simoes who died Spectal Civil Suit No. 17/80 on 11-6-1981 and 15-3-1982 respectively. who hailed from Smt. Maria Saxe Dominguinha dos Reme­ Guirim, Bardez-Goa. ' dios Costa, housewife, rio Quepem -Plaintiff Vis Mapusa, 6th March, 1990. - The N?tary Ex-Offici?, Pedro Roql,le Placido do RosariO, Police Officer, Filipe das Merros Joiio. rio Sanguem ~ Defendant. V. No: 5421/1990 • 612 SERIES III No. 51

Pedro Filipe das Merces Joao, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Re­ Any person having any objection is hereby invited to file gistrar and Notary Ex-officio in the said judicial Division. the same in this Office in view of SeC!. 178(3) of the.,0ivil Registration Code, within a l>etiod of 30 days from, the date 4 In a~cordance with para. 1st of Article 179 of the Law of this publication. No. 2049 dated 6-8-1951 and for the purpose of para 22nd of the same Article, it is hereby made public that. by a Valpoi, 19th February, 1990. - The Civil Registrar, Vithal "Deed of Succession" dated 9-3·1990 drawn by and before. Gopal8aZkar. me at page 23 overleaf onwards of the Book No. 744 of V. No. 5464/1990 Deeds of this Office, Mr. Gerson Marcellus Fonseca and his wife Claire Dantas e Fonseca, residents of Assagao, Bardez. have been qualified, as sole testamentary heirs of their uncle, ~----- Gregorio Romem Coutinho alias Gregorio Zeferino Inocen­ cio Romem Coutinho, who died at HOly Cross Hospital, Administration Office of the Comunidades Mapusa, on 7-4-1989. in the status of bachelor, without any legal heirs (herdeiros legitimarios), leaving behind a will of· Salcete and South Zone. Margao dated 5-11-1985, bequeathing all his assets in favour of the aforesaid Gerson Marcellus Fonseca and :his wife ClaiJ:e Dantas e Fonseca and besides these there is no other person Notice or persons, who according to law may,have preference over 9 In terms and for the purpose established in article 330 of them or who may concur alongwith them to the estate left the Code of Comunidades, in force, it is hereby announced by the aforesaid deceased person. that Shri Julio Norbert D'Silva Almeida, resident of Margao, Govt. Servant, working as' a Cold Storage Plant Operator, in :MapuSa, -15th March, 1990 .. _- The Notary E..x-officl0, Hospicio Hospital" Margao, has applied on lease (Aforamento) Pedro FiUpe das Merces Joiio. basis, for construction of house, without auction, an unculti­ V. No. 5541/1990 vated plot, Chalta. No"~ 31 of P.T. Sheet No. 167, being a part and parcel of Chalta No.6 of P.T. Sheet NO.,162 in the • Office of Inquiry Officer, City Survey, Margao, Situated at Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Reqistrar. Bardez Gogol, Margao, belonging to the Comunidade of Margao, in Mapusa area of 400 Sq. rots., which is bounded on the east by 6.00 mts. and 8.00 rots. reserved road by the Comunidade, on the West by Chalta No. 30 of P.T. Sheet No. 167 (Comunidade land), Notices on the North by Chalts No. 28 and 29 of P.T. Sheet No. 167 (Comunidade land) and South by Chalta No. 16 (Comuni­ 5 Whereas 'Mr. Joseph Fernandes, c/o Mrs. Monica dade land) and road of 8.00 mts. File No. 8/1990. Fernandes, Near the Church, Mapusa; Goa, desires to. change his na.m:e from "Jose Antonio Joao Fernandes" to .. Joseph, If any person has any objection against the proposed Fernandes" . allotment he/she should submit his/her objection in writing Therefore, any person having objection is hereby invited to the "Administrator of Comunidades of Salcete and South ZOne, Margao, within 30 days from the second publication to file the same in this Office und~r the provisions of Article 178(3) of the Civil Registration Code in force, of this notice in the Official Gazette. within thirty days frOm the date of publication of this MaJ.·gao, 16th February. 1990.-The acting Secretary, Babu notice. Vi.svo-nata Naique Des8Q;i .. Mapusa, 2nd March, 1990. - The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­ V. No.· 5322/1990 -Registrar, Pedro FUipe lk1s Merces Joiio. (Repeated) V. No. 5485/1990 • 6 Whereas Shrikant Bhiku Chari, "alias" Naraina Chari, Administration Office of Comunidades of Bardez R/o, Anjuna, Brurdez, Goa, desires tv change his name from "Naraina Chari" to "Shrikant Bhiku Chari'p. Mapusa-Goa Therefore, any person having objection is hereby invited to file the same in this Office under the provisions of Arti­ Notices cle 178(3) of the Civil Registration Code in force, within / 10 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose esta­ thirty days from the date of publication of this notice. blished in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and ~used plot Mapusa, 7th February, 1990. - The Civil Registrar-cum­ of land details of which are given below has been applied -Sub Registrar, Pedro F·ilipe das Merc6s JOfio. on lease (afora.mento basis) for construction of a residential V. No. 5526/1990 house. 1. Name of the applicant:~ Shri Joaquirn Philip'D'SOuza, resident at Ganvoim, of Tivim, Ba.rdez-Goa. Office of the Civil ReQislrar-cum-Sub-Registrar. 2. Land named "Oiteiro de Danua" , Lote No. 400. Pemem Survey No. 280/l, plot No. 10, situated at Tivim village of Bardez T:iJuka and belonging to the Comu­ nidade of TiVlln, covering an area -of 400,00 sq. mts. Notice 7 Whereas Vithoba Nauso Mahar, rio Khaznem-Pednem, 3. BowlClaries:- Goa, desires to change his name from Vithoba Nausa Mahar It is bounded on the East: By the Danua village. road, to Vithoba Nauso Kbaznekar. on the West: By the plot no. 26 of the same Sub­ Therefore, any person having objection may lodge the -diVision, same in this office, within thirty days, as per Article 178(3) of the Civil Registr~tion' Code in force. on the North: By the plot no. 9 of the same Sub-di­ viSion, and Pernem, 5th March, 1990. - The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­ -Registrar, P. S

---~~- -C-C-. ._-----_._------_._------_._--

,,2ND MARCH, 1990 (CHAITRA 1, 1912) 613

11 In accordance.,with the terms and for the purpose 2. Land named ... , Lote No•...• Survey No. 10/3 Plot established in ,Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in No.- ...• situated" at Nachinola village of Bardet Taluka force it is' hereby ·annolUlCed that the uncultivated and and belonging to- the COmunidad_e -of Nachinola ad­ unus;d plot of land details of ,which are given below has measuring an area: of 25.00 square metres. been _applied -on· lease (aforatnento basis) for construction 3. Boundaries:...... ' of Nadora Panchayat Ghar; East:· By Road; 1. Name of the applicant: - The . Sarpanch. Village West:_ By Luis Milagres D'Cunha; Pan'chayat of Nadora, Bardez-Goa. North: By Road; and 2. Land named "Mharwada.", Lote No. -, Survey South: By Henry Carvalho. No. 48/0. Plot No, - situated at Nadora village of Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunldade . File No. 1()-25-89-ACB/ of Nadora, covering an area of 300,00 sq. rots. If any person has any objection against the proposed lease 3. Boundaries:- he/she should submit his/her objection in writing to the .Administrator of COmunidades of Bardez, Within 30, days It is bounded on the East: By Village- panchaya:.t from -the second publication of this notice in the Official Road, Gazette. on the West: By the Comunidade land under Survey Mapusa, 6th March, 1990. - The acting' Secretary, Ratna. No. 48/(part), car Porob Dessai. on the" North: By the Comunidade land under Survey . V.No.. 55.07/1990 No. 48/(part) & Survey No. 47/29 and on the South: By the Comunidade land under Survey No. 48/(part). 14 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose esta­ blished in Article 330 of the COde of Comunidades in force, File No. 4-23-89-ACB/1989. it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused If any person has any objection against the proposed lea.'3e '. plot of land, details of whtch are given below, has been ap­ plied on lease (aforarnento basis-) for constrtlction of a resi­ he/she should submit his/her objection in -writing_ tq the dential house. Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez within 30 days - . . from the second publication of' this notice in the Official 1. Naine of the applicant:- Shri' Cassiano D'Souza, resi­ Oazette. dent at capelwada, Sirsaim, Bardez~Goa. Mapusa, 8th March, 1990. - The . acting Secretary. Ratoo­ 2.· Land named "Simechi Datt". Lote No. 77 Survey car P(yf'obo De88Cti. No. 27/1, plot No. 66, situated at SirsaUn village af V. No. 5431/1990 Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Sirsaim, cove;mg an area of 350,00 sq. :znts. 3. Boundaries:-- 12 In-· accordance with the terms and for the purpose. It is bounded on the East: By 8 metres wide pro­ established in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force. posed road of the Same Sub-division, it is hereby announced that the unrnIltivated a.,nd unused plot--of land details of which are· given below. has b~en on the West: By the plot no. 67 of the same' Sub­ applied On lease (aforamento' basis) for construction of 3: ~vis~on, residential, h.ouse. on the North: By the plot no. 65 of the same Sub­ -division, . and 1. Name of the applicant: ~ Shri Felicio Gomes, resident at Danna, Tivim, ~ardez-Goa. ~n the SOuth: By 6 metres wide proposed road of the same Sub-diviSion. 2. Land -named "Oiteiro de Danua", Lote No. 400, Survey No. 280/1~ Plot No.3, situated at Tivim File No. 1-43-90-ACB/1990. Village. 9f Bardez Taluka and belonging to the If any person has any objection against the proposed lease Comunidade of Tiyim, covering an area of 400,00 sq. he/she should' submit his/her objection in writing to the mts.. Administrator . of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days 3. Boundaries:- from the s.econd publication of this notice in the Official G8.7..ette. It is bOWlded on the - East: By S metre& proposed road of the same Sub-division, . . 1\Ifapusa) 13th March, 1990. - The acting .secretary, Rat'J'/.a- , car Porobo De8sai; . on the West: By the',plot No. 19 of the same Sub­ -division, V .. No. 5510/1990 on the North: By the plot No.2 of the same Sub- -division and . on the South: By the plot No. 4 of the same Sub­ / 15 In accordance' with the terms and for tp.e purpose esta­ -division. bUshed. in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby ~ounced that the unCultivated and unused File No. 1-1()-90-ACB/1990. plot of land, details of which are given below, has been ap­ plied on lease (aforamento basis) for construction of a resi­ If any person has any objection against the proposed . dential house. lease he/she should submit his/her objection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez. Within 30 days 1. Name of the a.J?plicant:-_ Shri Nascimento Vinancio from the second publication of this notice in the Official Fernandes, resident at Sirsaim; Tivim, Bardez-Goa; Gazette. . 2. Land named "Simechi Datt'l, Lote No. 77, Survey Mapusa, 14th March; 1990. - The a<:ting Secretary, Rat­ No. 27/1, plot No. 59, situated at Sirsaim village of 't/.acar Porobo Des8ai·. Bardez Taluka anq. belonging to the Comunidade of V. No. 5463/1990 . Sirsaim, covering an area of 400,00 sq. mts. 3. Boundaries:- 13 In accordance with the terms and for -the purpose esta­ It is bounded on the...East: By the private property, blished in Article 330 ~ of the .Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused on the 'V\'est: By the p~ot ·no. 60 of the same Sub­ , plot of land, details of which are given below, has been ap­ -division. I plied on lease basis, for construction of· Tinshed. on the North: By the plot no. -58 of the same Sub- 1. Name of the AppIicant:- Mrs. Levita Carvalho, resi­ division. and dent -of Alto Vaddo, H. No. 263, Nachinola,_ Bardez, on the South: By the plot no. 62 of'the same Sub­ Goa. . division. 614 SERIES IIl,No.,51 ------'--~-~-- File No. 1-14-9{).ACB/1990_ 11.00 ,a. m. in the premises of' Comunidade, of , for the prices 'and conditions approved ·by the comp/itent It any _person has any- objection against the propOsed lease authority. he/she should submit his/her objection in writing t.o the Administrator .of Comunidades .of Bardez, within 30 days Ucassaim, 8th March; 1990_ - The U. D. C., Sd/-. from the second publication .of thi~ notice in the Official Gazette. V. 'l'!0' 5477/1990 Mapusa, 6th :March, 1990. - The acting secretary, Ratmt­ OW" Pd plot of land named 'Simechi-Datt', lote No. 77, Survey No. -27/1, plot No. 111, situated at Sir­ SIRSArM saim of BardeZ Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of 'Sirsaim admeasuring an- area of 400 square metres. It is 22 ,The .above mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened boWlded on the East by 6 metres proposed road - and plot fOr an extraordinary meeting in its Meeting Hall at ',10.00 a. m. No. 116 of the same sub-division; on the west by the .plot on 3rd Tuesday after the publication of this notice. in the Nos. 105 & 106 of the Same sub-division; on the North by Official Gazette, in order to give its opinion on the F.'ile the plot No. 112 of -the same sub-division, and on the South No. 1-332-89-ACB/1989, in whi~h Shri Maheshwar Narayan by the plot No. 1~O -of tp.e same sub-division. Parab, resident at V~gator, Anjuna, Bardez,' Goa, has applied on lease (aforamento basis) for construction of a residential Assonora; 9th March, 1990. - The Clerk in _charge, Anand house; the uncultivated and unused plot of land named Shankar NaA.k. . 'Simechi-Datt', lote No. 77, Survey -'No. 27/1, plot No. 98, V. No. 5460/1990 situated at Sirsaim of Bardez .Taluka and - belonging to the Comunidade of Sirsaim, admeasuring an area of 400 sq.. mts .. It is bounded on the east by the plot No. 99 of the same­ c

sub-division; on- the west by open space of Comwtidade'land; PIRNA on the north by the plot Nos. 91 & 92 of the'same sub-division and. 'on the south by 6 metres proposed road of the same sub-division. 17 The 'above mentioned Comunidade is convened in its extraordinary meeting on third SWlday after publication of Assonora, 9th March, 1990. - The Clerk in' ch~ge; Ana11(~ this notice- in- Official Gazette, at its meeting Hall ~t Phna. Shankar Naik. at 11.00 a.m., to discuss' on following:-l°-Auction of cashew plots and paddy .fields of _ComWlidade. 20 - Ilegal V. No. 5482/1990 constructions on Comunidade' land.. 3° - Fixed ,Deposits of Comunidade. 4° - Extraction of laterite stones' and land SIRODA given on lease by managing -Committee and an increase of remunaration of sitting fees to the members. of Committee. 23 The above mentioned Comunidade is convened on the Pirn:a, 5th _February, 1990. - The Clerk in charge, Sridora . third Sunday after the publication of this not~ce in, the Offi­ cial Gazette, at its' -usual place, -at 10.30 .-a. m., in order to MadetJa Xete. discuss the follo'Wihg subjects; V. No. 5469/1990 1 - To defend the case -in High ,Court Branch, Panaji, regarding .the petition filed by Forest Department against the Order .of Hon. District Court, Case no. 433/81. NADORA 2 - Rcgarqing Land acquisition of the .qomunidad~ land,' 18 The above mentioned C~unidade: is hereby convened acquired for ro~d which passes from Pedem to Rachol. in its extraordinary meeting,' at its meeting Hall at Nadora, on 3rd Wednesday, after publication of present notice 'in 3 - To consider the application of Lions Club of Sircda, to Official -Gazette at 11.00 a. m., in order to _give its opinion construct ~ Bus stop at Pandagal \Caraim Siroda). on the subject of increasing of remuneration of the members 4 - 'To consider regarding the aforamento Rumdem granted of Managing Committee. to Vinayak Porcbo of -Mamgal TarvaJem of Siroda. Revora, ,31st January, 1990. - The Clerk in charge, ' Siroda, 27th February, 1990. - The. Clerk, Madhucar Sinai Sridora Madeva Xete. . 'Oandeaparcar. V, No. 5470/1990 V. No. 5543/1990 "'. "Devalctia',' MAPUSA 19 The above mentioned Comunidade, as per the resolu­ SHRI MAHADEV DEVASTHAN. KOTHOMBI. QUEPEM tion taken by_ the General Body on 18-2-90' and' endorsed by 24 An Ordinaiy Meeting of Mahajans of' Shu Mahadev the Managing Committee on 25-2-90, the non-working days Devasthan, Kothombi. Quepem, Will be h~ld on '25-3-1990, in the week, have been changed to Friday ~d Sa~ay with at usual -meeting place of the Devasthan at 4.30 p. m. sharp, immediate effect. to discuss ~and approve the following Agenda:- Mapusa, 6th March, 1990. -The Clerk, Vishnu Namdeu. AyfYYl

4. To approve the" proposal of donating the ~piece of Comunidade of Varca: -Titles Nos. 1583; 873-A and land of Devasthan to Sateri Mahamaya Mahila Dairy 874-A of 10 "hares each of Nos. 7184 to 7193; 3996 1:<> 4005 Co-Operative Society, Kothombi-Quepem. and 4006· to 4015, respectively. Objections if any may be 5. Any other subject with the permission of the raised in the competent office within the prescribed Chairman. time of 60 days. v. No. 5228/1990 Quepem, 9th March. 1990. - The Secretary, B. V. Pmbhu Des8U1i. Seen -. The President, Rajendra Y. P. nessai-. 29 Mrs. Barbara Sodder alias Barbara Sadder Fernandes widow of Bruno Lizardo Fernandes, 1'/0. Mapusa, wishes t~ Note: -If ther~ is no quorum the Meeting will be adjour­ transfer in her name title No. 335-A containing 10 shares ned and the same ,will be held on same day at 5.30 p. m. under Nos. 668 to 677 of the Comunidade of Mormugao pertaining to her late husband above said, Bruno Lizardo v. No. 5409/1990 Fernandes and to collect the accrued and unlapsed dividends standing on ~he said shares.

• Objections, if any, may he raised in the competent Offices, Private Advertisements within the prescribed time limit. 25 Rama Visnum Porobo Gauncar, married of Vagurbem, v. No. 5426/1990 hereby announces that he/ wishes to transfer in his name four shares nos. 203 to 206 standing in the tittle no. 25 A Desdo­ brado.- standing in the name of his -late father Shri Visnum Govennent Press Rogunata Porobo who was from Vargurbem _and five shares . bearing numbers 6 to 10 containing in the tittle number 2, and standing in the name of his late mother Smt. Laximbai Poro~ bo, who was from Vagurbem as well intends to collect the Notice dividends of the said shares of the last ten years which are The oubscribs.... to the Official Gazette are Iilndly reminded not prescribed. that their preaent aubscription term ends on the 31st MarCh, Anyone interested may claim to its competent authority 1990. which the clO:S!e of financial year. within legal time. In case they wi»h to continue to be subscribers for the v. No. 5152/1990 ensuing financial year of 1990-91 they have to renew their subscription from 1st Al)ril, 1990. . Subscriptions also ca.n be opened for balf year i. e. from 1st April, 1st July or !at October or for any quarter, begin­ 26 Shri Custa Purxotoma Porobo of Vagurbem, married ning on 1st April, lat July, 1st October or 1st January. hereby announces that he intends to transfer in his name six shares of Comunidade of Vagul'bem, bearing numbers 101 to Renewal of .uI>o

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