Official Gazette
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I BEGD. GOA - 5 1 Panaji, 31 st October, 1985 (Kartika 9, 19071 SERIES II No_ 31 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOAs DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN Home Department r AND DIU General Branch/Division Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms Notification Personnel Division No. 2/6/82-HD(G) Part File Order In exercise of the ~wers conferred by the proviSO to sub-section (1) of section 58 E of the Reserve Bank of No. 1/2/83-GA & C India Act, 1934 (Central Act 2 of 1934) (hereinafter referred The Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to to .as the "saJid Act") read with the Government of India, order the following transfer in the cadre of M:amlatdar/Jt. Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification No. U-l1030/3/84-UTL Mamlatdar/Block Development Officer with immediate effect dated 12~-1985. the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu and until further orders:- hereby authorises the Police Officers in-charge of the Police (i) Shri s. S. Kantak. Jt. MamIatdar, Quepem is trans stations in the Union Territory of Goa. Daman and Diu ferred and posted as Chief Officer, Sanguem Munici and who are not below the rank of Sub-Inspector, to make pal-COuncil vice.Shri A. C. Kamat transferred. a complaint in writing in respect of any offence pUnishable (it) Shrt A. C. Kamat, Chief Officer, Sanguem Municipal under sub-section (5A) of section 58 B of the said Act to Council is transferred and posted as Jt. M,amIatdar, any Court having jurisdiction. Quepem vice Shr! S. S. Kantak transferred. By order anp in the name of the Administrator . of 2. The transfer of Shr! S. S. Kantak in the Sa.nguem Muni Goa, Daman and Diu. cipal Council shall be treated as transfer on deputation. K. N. S. Nair, Under. Secretary (Home). S. Shri S. S. Kantak, Jt. Mamlatdar, Quepem shall move first and relieve 8M Kamat. Panaji, 24th October, 1985. By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman .and Diu. N. P. Gaunekar, Under Secretary (Personnel). Notification Panaji, 17th October, 1985. No. 2/6/82-HD(G) Part file " • In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) General Administration and Co-ordination Division ,of section 45 T of the Reserve Bank. of India Act, 1934 . (Central Act 2 of 1934) (hereinafter referred to as the lIsaid Act"), read with the Government of India, Ministry Order of Home Affairs', Notification No. U-ll030/3/84-UTL da ted 12th June, 1985, the Admindstrator of Goa, Daman and No. PER-822/GA&C (Part) Diu hereby authorises the Pollee Officers-in-charge of Police Read: i) Order No. PER/822/SA&C dated 12-10-84. Stations in the Union terrtltory of Goa, Daman and Diu and who are not below the rank of sub-Inspector, to apply to The period of deputation of Shri U. D. Sharma, ex-Law any Court having jurisdiction to issue a search warrant Secretary to the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu is extended for a further period from 1-5-1985 to 5-8-1985. under the Code of Crtminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Central Shr! Sh.arnia will not be entitled to draw deputation (duty) Act 2 of 1974), for issue of a warrant to search for docu allowance during this period. ments relating to acceptance of deposits in contravention of the provisions of section 45 S of the said Act, believed This issues with the approval of Government of India, to be secreted in any place within the local limits of the Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi vide their letter No. 14016/2/84-GP(I) dated 8-10-1985. jurisdiction of such COurt. By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman ,and Diu. Daman .and Diu. N. P. Gaunekar~ Under Secretary (G. A.). K. N. 8. Nait,r~ Under Secretary (Home). Panaji, 21st October, 1985. Panajl, 24th October, 1985. 480 SERIES II No. 31 Education Department Science, Technology and Environment Departmeni Physical ·Education Section Order Addendum No. 3-38-85-STE No. 190/B. Bhavan/PES/DE/85/372 The Government of Goa Daman and Diu hereby consti tutes a Committee, a.s indicated below, to formulate the rules Read Govt.Order No. 190/B. Bhavan/PES/DE/85/322. dated 27-9-1985. and regulations and to recommend to the Government the names for the grant of awards to the deserving Scientists The following changes/additions have been effected in the of the Union Territory of Goa, Daman & Diu with a view above referred Govt. Order: to encouraging them for the development of Science and 1) The Finance Secretary has been nominated in place Technology: of Shrf S. K. Gandhe, Special Secretary for Planning, 1. Dr. H. N. Siddiquie, Director, National Ins~tute of Secretariat, Panaji, at Sr. No, {) 'in the above referred Oceanography, Dona Paul.a - Chairman. Govt. Order as a member by designation and Finance Secretary has been appointed as the Treasurer of the 2. Dr. J. D'Souza, Lecturer, Microbiology Department, Bpl Bhavan Board, Panaji. Post Graduate Centre, Panaji-Goa - Member. 3. Shri Kesava D,as, Scientist, National Institute of 2) The Director of Health Services has been further nominated as a member of the Bal Bhavan Board, Oceanography, Dona Paula - Member-Secretary. Panaji. in the existing vacancy. The Committee has to s~bmit its ~eport WJthin one month. By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman .and Diu. Daman .and Diu. L. Tochha'l.JY't'l,.g, Director of Education and Additional Secre tary to Govt. of Goa, Daman and Diu (Ex-Officio). T. J. Fa'leiro;> Under Secretary (S. T. E.). panaji, 23rd October, 1985. ... Panaji, 21st October, 1985. dering the report 'made \Ulder sub-section (2) of Section 5A Revenue Department of the said Act, that the said land specified in the schedule hereto lS needed to be acquired for the public purpose speciw fled above. Notification Now, Therefore, the Government is pleased to declare No. 22/115/84-RD under the provisions of Section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above, Whereas by Goverrunent -Notification No. 2-2/115/84-RD dated 12/6/84 published on page 242-243 of Series II, No. 2. The Government is also pleased to appoint under 12 of the Official Gazette, dated 21-6-84 it was notifieci clause (c) of Section S of the said Act, the Additional Deputy under Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act" 1894 (hereinafter Collector 2~South Margao -to perform the functions of a referred to as "the said Act") that the land, specified hl the Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to be taken in res schedule .appended to the said Noti~ication (hereinafter re pect of the 'said land, and to direct him under Section 7 of ferred to as the usaid land") was likely to be needed for the the said' Act to take order for the acquisition of the said public purpose viz. L.A. for improvement of. road from Maina land, to Gaonkarwada in village Panch.ayat Kavrem ~n Quepem. S: A pian of the said land can be' inspected ,at the office And Whereas the appropriate Gqvernment (hereinafter of the said Additional Dy. Collector 2-South Margao till the, referred to as IIthe- Government") is satisfied after consi- award is made under Section 11. SCHEDULE (Description of the said land) Taluka Village Survey No. Sub. Div. No. Names of the persons believed to he interested Area in sq. "mta 1 2 3 4 5 'j • Quepem Maina 20 2 H: Manguesh Voikunt Sinai Bende. 200.00 18 6 part :a:: Yeshwant Uttam Sinai Ambe. 25.00 18 8 part .n: Manguesh Voikunt Sinai Bende. 200.00 18 11 part R: Yeshwant Uttam Sinai Ambe. 535.00 48 1 part H: 1. Mangesh Bende. 200.00 2. Uttam Sazro Bende. 3. Gauso Uttam Sinai Bende. 48 2 part H: -Uttam Sadashiv Gaunkar. 420.00 50 1 part H: Uttam Sadashiv Gaunkar. 1400.00 51 part H: 1. Uttam Sadashiv Gaunkar. 370,00 2. Shankar Sadashiv Ga.unkar. 44 part H: 1. Uttam Sadashiv Gaunkar. 1570.00 2. Shankar Sadashiv Gaunkar. T: 1. Chandrakant Devidas. 2. Ushijuto Devidas. 3. Madi Shirjuto Devidas, Total .............. 4920.00 By order and in the name of the Lt. Governor of Goa, Daman· and Diu. P. 8. Nadkarni;>""Under Secretary (Revenue). Panaji, 16th October, 1985.· • ------ -c_'" ----:=~_c=.-:.- 31ST OCTOBER, 1985 (KARTIKA 9, 1907) 481 Notific~tion 3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land is needed for the _aforesaid purPose, a' declaration· to that effect No. 22/l37/85-RD under Section 6 of the said Act will be published . in· the Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (here Gazette, in due course. If the ,acquiSition is abando inafter referred to as "the Government") that the land ned wholly or in part, the fact will be notified. specified in the schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to .as the "said land") is likely to be needed -for public purpose viz. 4. The Government is further pleased to- appoint under L.A. for construction of road Vassuwado Soriem to Wadi .clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the Additional Deput.y Vassuwado in V. P. Benaulim SaIcete Taluka (addl. area). Collector (2-South) Margao to perform the functions of a Collector under the said Act in respect of the· sald land.