Appendix A-4 Forks of the Thames EIS DRAFT

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Appendix A-4 Forks of the Thames EIS DRAFT Appendix A-4 Forks of the Thames EIS DRAFT ONE RIVER MASTER PLAN FORKS OF THE THAMES ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY CITY OF LONDON THAMES RIVER Report Prepared for: JACOBS AND THE CITY OF LONDON Prepared by: MATRIX SOLUTIONS INC. Version 0.3 March 2019 Guelph, Ontario 7B- 650 Woodlawn Road West Guelph, Ontario N1K 1B8 T 519.772.3777 F 519.648.3168 DRAFT ONE RIVER MASTER PLAN FORKS OF THE THAMES ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY Report prepared for Jacobs and The City of London, March 2019 reviewed by Karen Reis, B.E.S. (Hons) Arnie Fausto, M.Sc. Ecologist Senior Ecologist contributor Martine Esraelian, B.Sc. Terrestrial Ecologist DISCLAIMER Information collected in the EIS may be used by the City of London to contribute to its programs as well as those of the Conservation Authorities, other member municipalities and the province. Matrix Solutions Inc. certifies that this report is accurate and complete and accords with the information available during the project. Information obtained during the project or provided by third parties is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Matrix Solutions Inc. has exercised reasonable skill, care, and diligence in assessing the information obtained during the preparation of this report. This report was prepared for Jacobs and The City of London. The report may not be relied upon by any other person or entity without the written consent of Matrix Solutions Inc. and of Jacobs and The City of London. Any uses of this report by a third party, or any reliance on decisions made based on it, are the responsibility of that party. Matrix Solutions Inc. is not responsible for damages or injuries incurred by any third party, as a result of decisions made or actions taken based on this report. 24504-528 Forks of the Thames EIS 2019-03-29 draft V0.3.docx ii Matrix Solutions Inc. DRAFT VERSION CONTROL Version Date Issue Type Filename Description V0.1 29-Oct-2018 Draft 24504-528 Back to the River EIS 2018-10-29 draft V0.1.docx Issued to client for review V0.2 05-Dec-2018 Draft 24504-528 Back to the River EIS 2018-12-05 draft V0.2.docx Issued to client for review with revisions V0.3 29-Mar-2019 Draft 24504-528 Forks of the Thames EIS 2019-03-29 draft Issued to client for review with revisions V0.3.docx TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations Description BSC Bird Studies Canada CBC Christmas Bird Count COSEWIC Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada COSSARO Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario The Forks Confluence of the North and South Thames Rivers DFO Department of Fisheries and Oceans EA Environmental Assessment EIS Environmental Impact Study ELC Ecological Land Classification END Endangered ESA Environmentally Significant Areas ESA, 2007 Endangered Species Act, 2007 FBI Family Biotic Index MNRF Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry NAR Not at Risk NHIC Natural Heritage Information Centre NSRI Natural Resource Solutions Inc. OBA Ontario Butterfly Atlas OBBA Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas OMA Ontario Mammal Atlas OOA Ontario Odonata Atlas ORAA Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas PPS Provincial Policy Statement Project Site The Forks of the Thames River River Thames River SAR Species at Risk SARA Species at Risk Act SARO Species at Risk Ontario SC Special Concern SCC Species of Conservation Concern SLSR Subject Land Status Report SRANK Subnational Rank Study Area Project Site and the 120 m setback The City City of London THR Threatened UTRCA Upper Thames River Conservation Authority WSC Water Survey of Canada 24504-528 Forks of the Thames EIS 2019-03-29 draft V0.3.docx iii Matrix Solutions Inc. DRAFT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Matrix Solutions Inc. was retained by the City of London (the City) in March 2018 to complete an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) to support the Municipal Class Schedule B Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Fork of the Thames. The Schedule B Class EA is being conducted as part of Stage 2 of the One River Master Plan EA (Master Plan). The Schedule B EA was initiated by the City, after the completion of Stage 1 of the Master Plan, upon confirmation by City Council in January 2018 that Springbank Dam will not be re-instated. The preferred Forks of the Thames alternative has been defined as a suspended walkway and softscape terracing along the eastern shoreline of the Thames River. The design is intended to re-shape the existing parkland, drawing the community to the urban centre along the waterfront. The EIS describes the significant natural heritage features and functions within the Study Area and identifies what potential impacts the preferred alternative may have on the significant features and functions. Based on the assessment, the EIS recommends strategies to avoid or mitigate the potential impacts which are incorporated into the project approval. Matrix combined information gathered from the ecological field studies with relevant information from previous background studies to characterize the natural heritage setting and identify significant features within the Study Area. The results of the significance and sensitivity analysis indicated the presence of several natural heritage features and functions, including Significant Valleylands, Significant Wildlife Habitat (SWH), fish and aquatic habitat, and Species at Risk (SAR) within the Study Area. The potential effects that may be caused by the implementation of the preferred alternative (i.e., suspended walkway ribbon design, combined with softscape bank terracing) were evaluated against the identified natural heritage features. The results of the assessment indicated that the potentially negative impacts associated with the preferred alternative are low if mitigation measures and recommendations are followed. The softscape terracing and suspended walkway, along with construction access, staging, and vegetation clearing are expected to alter the existing vegetation communities in Ivey Park. The alteration of these communities is not anticipated to have long-term negative impacts, as it primarily affects non-native and invasive vegetation species which are currently present within the project area. The non-native and invasive species will be removed as part of the London Invasive Plant Management Strategy, and replaced with native trees and shrub plantings throughout the Park as part of the softscape design. The removal of the gabion baskets along the eastern edge of the river will improve the connection between the aquatic and terrestrial environment, as well as provide more stable slope conditions along the bank. As the completed works are expected to increase the level of pedestrian activity within Ivey Park, this should not result in additional impacts as this park is already an area of high human presence. Strategic accessibility, monitoring, and signage are recommended during the detailed design phase to direct the 24504-528 Forks of the Thames EIS 2019-03-29 draft V0.3.docx iv Matrix Solutions Inc. DRAFT public away from any sensitive areas within the Thames River. No SAR or Species of Conservation Concern are expected to be directly impacted by the design; however, it is important to direct access to the river away from sensitive areas to avoid any indirect impacts from the public. It is recommended that consultation and permitting/approvals discussion with the appropriate regulatory authorities be conducted before any construction work is commenced. This document was reviewed by Matrix Solutions Senior Ecologist, Arnel Fausto. Their comments and recommendations have been incorporated into this report. 24504-528 Forks of the Thames EIS 2019-03-29 draft V0.3.docx v Matrix Solutions Inc. DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. iv 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Report Purpose ................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Project Study Area .............................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Environmental Impact Study Objectives ............................................................................. 5 2 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Federal Legislation .............................................................................................................. 5 2.1.1 Fisheries Act ........................................................................................................... 6 2.1.2 Migratory Birds Convention Act ............................................................................. 7 2.2 Provincial Legislation .......................................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 Environmental Assessment Act .............................................................................. 7 2.2.2 Provincial Policy Statement ................................................................................... 8 2.2.3 Endangered Species Act ......................................................................................... 8 2.2.4 Conservation Authorities Act ................................................................................. 8 2.2.5 Upper Thames Conservation Authority ................................................................
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