
Installing the NYUHSL on iPad 3/2013

1. Open and go to http://hsl.med.nyu.edu. Click on “Bookmarklets for PubMed, Google Scholar, and EZProxy” (Alternatively, go to this direct link: http://hsl.med.nyu.edu/kc/bookmarklets-pubmed-google-scholar-and-ezproxy )

2. Scroll down to the section “Adding the Reload bookmarklet on mobile devices (e.g. iPad)”. Select the text in the box by tapping and holding on your screen. When you release, select all the text in the box and “Copy”.

3. Next, the page you are currently on by clicking in the icon in your Safari browser that looks like an arrow emerging from a square. Select “Bookmark”.

4. Press “Save”.

5. Tap on the “Open Book” icon in your Safari Browser. Select the “Open Book” icon in the lower left of the pop-up window to open your bookmarks. Find the Bookmark you just created – it might be located in your “Bookmarks Bar” folder. Press “Edit.”

6. Select the arrow to the right of the bookmark you just created (the bottom one, starts with “Bookmarklets for PubM…”)

7. Change the bookmark title (top box) to whatever you like (e.g. NYUHSL Bookmarklet). Delete the existing URL (lower box) by pressing on the “X” to the right. Paste text by pressing down in blank box and releasing, select “Paste”. Press “Bookmarks Bar” or “Bookmarks” in upper left corner. You have just installed your NYUHSL bookmarklet.

8. Browse to a journal website or specific article webpage (e.g. http://www.nature.com/nature/index.html) Press on the “NYUHSL Bookmark” to reload the page with NYU access. Note: the bookmark will appear in your safari Bookmark bar as seen below or will be accessible by pressing the “open book” icon.