we Essentials: He Yan < Book « UWDXRLCCWV

we Essentials: He Yan


paperback. Condition: New. Ship out in 2 business day, And Fast shipping, Free Tracking number will be provided after the shipment.Paperback. Pages Number: 154 Publisher: Yunnan Publishing Group. Yunnan Education Publishing House Pub. Date :2011-01-01. He Yan (196 - 249). Nanyang. people. Han period. the famous thinker. . Han generals grandson. Lawrence of s son. who have been through Emperor Xian of Han. Wei Wudi. Wendi. Emperor Ming. Qi Wang Caofang five important historical period. a former Department of Cao Weili Book. As a thinker. He Yan proposed a non-oriented thinking to improve the theorists at the ideological level. the trend began to learn the Han transition to metaphysical thought. He Yan is the founder of metaphysics. talk leaders. far-reaching impact in the history of Chinese thought. He Yan is we Essentials series one. describes the life story and the important thinking and academic achievement. We Essentials: He Yan. consists of He Yan and his age. Huang Chu nothing and Wo redundant officer. innovative thinkers who are interested in seven chapters. Contents: Chapter 1. He Yan and his era s first great unified empire chaos diverse ideas from one dollar to become the Han and Jin...



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