Tim W. E. Maudlin curriculum vitae

Dep't of Philosophy Davison Hall Douglass College Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (732) 932-9861


1986 Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, History & Philosophy of Science

1982 M.A., University of Pittsburgh, History & Philosophy of Science

1980 B.A., Yale University, Physics & Philosophy

1976 Diploma, The Sidwell Friends School, Washington DC

Employment and Teaching Experience

2005- present Professor II, Rutgers University

1996-2005 Professor, Rutgers University

1996 Visiting Associate Professor,

1992- 96 Associate Professor, Rutgers University

1986-92 Assistant Professor, Rutgers University

1985-86 Visiting Lecturer, Carnegie-Mellon University

1984-85 Teaching Fellow, University of Pittsburgh

1982-83 Teaching Fellow, University of Pittsburgh

Academic Awards, Honors, and Fellowships

2008 Guggenheim Fellowship

2007 Elected to Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences

1992 Rutgers University Board of Trustees Research Fellowship for Scholarly Excellence

1992 NEH Summer Stipend to complete book manuscript Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity

1989 Invited participant, Sixty-two Years of Uncertainty: Historical, Philosophical and Physics Inquiries into the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics , International School of History of Science,Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy

1988 Participant in National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute on Aristotle's , Biology and Ethics

1986-88 Henry Rutgers Research Fellowship, Rutgers University

1984 Apple for the Teacher Award, College of General Studies, University of Pittsburgh

1980 B.A. awarded Summa Cum Laude and with honors in Physics and Philosophy

1979 Elected to

Areas of Specialization

Philosophy of Science, especially Physics; Metaphysics; Ancient Philosophy

Areas of Competence

17th & 18th Century Philosophy; Logic; History of Science



The Metaphysics Within Physics; Oxford University Press, 2007

Truth and Paradox: Solving the Riddles; Oxford University Press, 2004

Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity: Metaphysical Intimations of Modern Physics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell (1994); Second Edition, 2002

Articles and Chapters

“Space, Absolute and Relational”, forthcoming in the Routledge Companion to Metaphysics,

“Grading, Sorting and the Sorites”, Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Volume XXXII (“Truth and Its Defomrities”) 2008, pp. 141-168

“Reducing Revenge to Discomfort” in Revenge of the Liar, editied by J. C. Beall, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 184-196

“Completeness, Supervenience and Ontology” in The Quantum Universe, a special edition of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007) 3151-3171

“The Message of the Quantum?”, with M. Daumer, D. Dürr, S. Goldstein, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, in Quantum Mechanics: Are there Quantum Jumps? and On the Present Status of Quantum Mechanics, edited by A. Bassi, D. Dürr, T. Weber and N. Zanghì, AIP Conference Proceedings 844, 129-132 (American Institute of Physics, 2006), quant-ph/0604173

Abstract of Truth and Paradox with replies to comments by Hartry Field, Anil Gupta, and Nuel Belnap, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Nov. 2006, 696-704 and 728-739

“What Could Be Objective About Probabilities?” Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38, 275-91, with a longer version to be published in Probabilities in Physics, edited by Stephan Hartmann and Roman Frigg

“Non-Local Correlations in Quantum Theory: Some Ways the Trick Might be Done”, Einstein, Relativity, and Absolute Simultaneity, ed. Quentin Smith and William Lane Craig, Routledge (2007) pp. 186-209

“Relativity”, “Quantum Logic and Probability”, “Gauge Theory”, “Non-Locality” and “Quantum Mechanics” articles for the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald Borchert, Thompson Gale (2006)

"Causes, Counterfactuals and the Third Factor" in Causes and Counterfactuals edited by N. Hall, L. Paul and J. Collins, MIT Press, 2004, pp. 419-443

“Thoroughly Muddled McTaggart or How to Abuse Gauge freedom to Generate Metaphysical Monstrosities” Philosopher’s Imprint, vol. 2, #4 August 2002

“Distilling Metaphysics from Quantum Physics”, The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics, edited by Michael Loux and Dean Zimmerman, Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 461-487

“The Tale of Quantum Logic”, in edited by Yemima Ben Menahem, Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. 156-187

“Time Travel and Modern Physics” (With Frank Arntzenius), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (http://plato.stanford.edu), republished in Time, Reality and Experience edited by C. Callender, Cambridge University Press, 2002

“Remarks on the Passing of Time”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society volume CII (part 3), pp. 237- 252

"Dickson on Quantum Chance and Non-locality", British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51, December 2001, pp. 875-882

"Interpreting Probabilities: What's interference got to do with it?", in Chance in Physics, edited by J. Bricmont, D. Dürr, M.C. Galvotti, G. Ghiardi, F. Petruccione, and N. Zanghi, Springer-Verlag Heidleberg 2001

"The Element of Surprise: Novelty and Realism" (critical notice of Jarrett Leplin's A Novel Defense of Scientific Realism) Philosophical Books 1999, pp. 81-86

"Discussion: Healey on the Aharonov-Bohm Effect", Philosophy of Science 65 #2 (June 1998) pp. 361- 368

"Part and Whole in Quantum Mechanics" in Interpreting Bodies: Classical and Quantum Objects in Modern Physics, E. Castellani ed., (Princeton: Press, 1998), pp. 46-60. Reprinted in Philosophy of Science: An Anthology, edited by Mark Lange, Oxford,Blackwell Publishing 2007, pp. 634-642

"Descrying the World in the Wavefunction" The Monist 80, pp. 2-23 (January 1997)

"On the Impossibility of Lewis's Modal Realism" Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74, pp. 669-682 (December 1996)

"On the Unification of Physics" Journal of Philosophy 93, pp. 129-144 (March 1996)

"Kuhn édenté: incommensurabilité et choix entre théories" (Kuhn Defanged: Incommensuarability and Theory Choice) Revue Philosophique de Louvain 94, pp. 428-446 (August, 1996)

"Space-Time in the Quantum World", in Bohmian Mechanics and Quantum Theory: An Appraisal, J. Cushing, A. Fine and S. Goldstein eds. (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1996) pp. 285-307

"Between the Motion and the Act….” Psyche 2:40-51

"Why Bohm's Theory Solves the Measurement Problem" Philosophy of Science 62, pp. 479-483 (September, 1995)

"Three Measurement Problems" Topoi 14, pp. 7-15 (March 1995)

"The Irrelevance of Incommensurability", Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 26, pp. 113-120 (February, 1995)

"The Unbuttoned Empiricist: van Fraassen Speculates on the Quantum World" (critical notice of Quantum Mechanics: An Empiricist View), Philosophical Books 35, pp. 94-101 (April 1994)

"Buckets of Water and Waves of Space: Why Space-Time is Probably a Substance", Philosophy of Science 60, pp. 183-203 (June 1993)

"Bell's Inequality, Information Transmission and Prism Models", In D. Hull, M. Forbes, and K. Okruhlik (eds) PSA 1992, vol. 1, East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association, pp. 404-17

"Time Travel and Topology", Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association Meeting, 1990, vol. 1, pp. 304-15

"Substances and Space-Time: What Aristotle Would Have Said to Einstein", Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 531-561 (also published in Biologie, Logique et Metaphysique chez Aristote, (ed. D. Devereux and P. Pellgrin) Paris: editions du CNRS, 1990)

"Computation and Consciousness", Journal of Philosophy 86, pp. 407-432

"A Model of Classical Space-Times", The Physics Teacher 27, no. 7, pp. 540-544

"The Essence of Space-Time", Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association Meetings, 1988, vol. 2, pp. 82-91

"Keeping Body and Soul Together: the Z.3 Puzzle and the Unity of Substances", The Dayton Review19, no. 3, Winter 1988-89, pp. 121-133 (This is the first section of "Substances and Space-Time", listed above.

"The Structure of Skepticism", Ancient Philosophy VI, pp. 177-193

"De Anima 3.1: Is Any Sense Missing?", Phronesis XXXI.1, pp. 51-67


Review of David Ruelle’s The Mathematician’s Brain, Journal of Statistical Physics volume 130, number 4 (Feb. 2008), pp. 823-5

Review of Truth and Realism, edited by P. Greenough and M. Lynch, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, June 18, 2007

Review of Rob Clifton Quantum Entanglements, edited by J. Butterfield and H. Halvorsen, Mind 115, number 460, pp. 1111-1120 (October 2006)

Review of David Bohm and Basil Hiley's The Undivided Universe, Philosophical Books 36, pp. 281-83 (October 1995)

Review of James Cushing's Quantum Mechanics: Historical Contingency and the Copenhagen Interpretation, American Journal of Physics 63, pp. 1155-56 (December 1995)

Review of Lawrence Sklar's Physics and Chance and , British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46, pp. 145-49 (March 1995)

Review of Nancy Cartwright's Nature's Capacities and their Measurement, Journal of Philosophy XC, pp. 599-603 (November 1993)

Review of David Armstrong's A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility , Philosophy of Science 59, pp. 716- 718 (December 1992)

Review of Deborah Modrak's Aristotle: The Power of Perception , The Philosophical Review , XCIX, no. 2, pp. 305-309

Works in Progress

Book manuscript: Within the Bounds of Reason, under consideration at Oxford University Press

Book manuscript: New Foundations for Physical Geometry, or How to ATemporalize Space

“Logic, Existence, Ontology”

“Two Problems About Evaporating Black Holes”

Presentations and Papers Read

Response at Author Meets Critics session, Pacific APA, Pasadena, March 2008

“Relativity as a Constructive Theory”, Rutgers Physics Workshop, Lake Placid, March 2008

“Completeness, Supervenience and Ontology”, Metaphysics Meets Physics on the Banks of the Raritan, Rutgers University, October 2007

“Grading, Sorting and the Sorites”, University of Maryland, College Park, October 2007

“Remarks on Flat-Footed Ontology”, Shellyfest (Conference in honor of Sheldon Goldstein’s 60th Birthday), Rutgers University, October 2007

“Can the World be Made of Wavefunction?”, Everett@50 conference, Oxford, England, July 2007

“Solving the Paradoxes”, SUNY Stony Brook, April 2007

“Topology and Linear Structures”, Rutgers Physics Workshop, Lake Placid, March 2007

“Further Thoughts on the Completeness of Quantum Mechanics”, Rochester University, November 2006

“What Could Be Objective about Probability”, Boltzmann Symposium, Munich, Germany, October 2006

Series of lectures on Space-time and quantum theory at Summer School “Descrying the World in Physics”, Budapest, Hungary, July 2006

Lectures on Space and Time, Metaphysics Mayhem, Rutgers University, June 2006

“Is Everything in the Universe Interconnected? Quantum Theory and Bell’ Theorem”, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, May 2006

“On the Material Contents of the Universe” , Hebrew University, Jerusalem, March 2006

“Two Problem About Evaporating Black Holes”, Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University, March 2006

Introductory lecture of Plato’s Apology before a dramatic production of the Apology by Yannis Simonides, Rutgers University, March 2006

Symposium “On the Fundamental Structure of the Universe”, Eastern APA, New York, Dec 2005

Two lectures, “The Hole Argument” and “Neighborhood Locality and Gauge Theory” at the 4th International Summerschool, Philosophy, Probability and Physics, University of Konstanz, Germany, August 2005

“What is the Universe Made Of?: The Case of Energy”, Johns Hopkins University, March 2005

“Suggestions from Physics for Deep Metaphysics”, Princeton University, October 2004

“On the Passing of Time” University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, July 2004

Series of three lectures on the interpretation of quantum mechanics and non-locality at the Second School of the Foundations of Physical Theories, Urbino, Italy, July 2004

“Suggestions from Physics for Deep Metaphysics”, Society for Exact Philosophy, College Park Maryland, May 2004

“On the Passing of Time” Johns Hopkins University, May 2004

“Two Problems About Evaporating Black Holes”, University of California, San Diego, June 2003

“On the Passing of Time”, The Einstein Forum, Potsdam, Germany, May 2003

“Logic and the Liar Paradox”, NYU, April 2003

“On the Albertian Demon” March 2003, Columbia University

Participant in episode of No Dogs and Philosophers Allowed on the interpretation of quantum mechanics, recorded February 2003, aired beginning in September 2003

“On the Passing of Time”, Philosophy of Time Society, APA, Philadelphia, December 2002

“Logic and Liar Paradox”, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, September 2002

“Remarks on the Passing of Time”, The Aristotelian Society, London, June, 2002

"Suggestions from Physics for Deep Metaphysics", MIT, April 2001

"Suggestions from Physics for Deep Metaphysics", CUNY, March 2001

"The Character of Chaos", invited presentation, APA Eastern Division Meetings, New York, December 2000

"Suggestions from Physics for Deep Metaphysics", University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, October 2000

Organizer and participant in roundtable discussion on Philosophy of Probability, Chance in Physics: Foundations and Perspectives, Nov.-Dec. 1999, Naples, Italy

"What Physics Can Teach Metaphysics", William Patterson University, October 1999

"Science, Pseudoscience, and Religion", Bergen County Community College, October 1999

Descrying the World in the Wave-Function", Columbia University, November 1998

"From Physics to Metaphysics", Johns Hopkins, October 1998

"Descrying the World in the Wave-Function", Conference on the Metaphysics of Quantum Theory, Rutgers, April 1998

"The Problem of Quantum Gravity", Dep't of Mathematics, Rutgers, February 1998

"Why Be Humean?", University of Minnesota, January 1998

"The Real Problems of Quantum Mechanics", Emory University, October 1997

"Solving the Riddles of Truth and Paradox", London School of Economics, March 1997

"Why Be Humean?", Department of Philosophy, Harvard University, October 1996

"Why Be Humean?", Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, October 1996

"The Real Problems of Quantum Mechanics", Physics Department, Wesleyan University, April 1996

"Why Be Humean?" Philosophy Department, NYU March 1996

"Why Be Humean?", Center for the Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, September 1995

Organized and introduced session of non-locality and Lorentz invariance at "Quantum Mechanics without the Observer", Bielefeld, Germany, July 1995

"A Modest Proposal on Laws, Counterfactuals, and Explanations", Societé Belge de Logique et Philosophie de la Science", Brussels, Belgium, May 1994

"On the Unfication of Physics", Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 1994

"EPR, Bell and Causality", Université Catholique de Leuwen, Leuwen, Belgium, May 1994

"On the Unification of Physics", Quantum Theory Conference, Rutgers, April 1994

"A Modest Proposal Concerning Laws of Nature", University of Southern California, April 1994

"EPR, Bell's Theorem and Non-Locality: More Trouble for Causation", California Institute of Technology, April 1994

"Interpretation of Experiment: the Photoelectric Effect", Pitzer College, April 1994

"Mixed Signals: Operationalism and Relativity Theory", Columbia University, October 1993

"Bell's Inequality, Information Transmission and Prism Models", Philosophy of Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, 1992

"A Modest Proposal on Laws of Nature", CUNY Graduate Center, September 1992, Temple University, November 1992, New Jersey Regional Philosophical Association, November 1992

"Time Travel and Topology", Philosophy of Science Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 1990

"Buckets of Water and Waves of Space: Why Space-Time is Probably a Substance", Conference on Space and Time, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, September 1989

"The Essence of Space-Time" invited colloquium presentation, Philosophy of Science Association meetings, Evanston, Ill., October 1988

"Is a Computational Theory of Consciousness Possible?", University of Pittsburgh, January 1988

"Substances and Space-Time", Ohio State Logic Colloquium, November 1987

"Keeping Body and Soul Together: the Z.3 Puzzle and the Unity of Substances" presented at the Colloquium on Aristotle's Metaphysics and Ethics, November 6-7, 1987 Dayton, Ohio

"Substances and Space-Time: What Aristotle Would Have Said to Einstein" presented at the joint U.S.-French Conference on Aristotle's Biology, Logic, and Metaphysics, July-August 1987, Ile d'Oleron, France.

"de Anima 3.1: Is Any Sense Missing?", presented at the conference on Aristotle's de Anima, March 1984, University of Pittsburgh

Comments and Panel Participation

Commentor at conference on the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, Princeton University, April 30-May 1, 1993

Commentator on Session "The Search for Electroweak Unification", Third International Symposium on the History of Particle Physics, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, June 1992

Panelist on session "Is Everything in the Universe Interconnected?", Rutgers University Distinguished Science Lecture Series, February 1991

Panelist on Symposium "The Humanities and the Sciences: Two Cultures in Undergraduate Education?", Rutgers University Distinguished Lecture Series

Comment on George H. Brakas's "Aristotle on the Ambiguity of 'Good'": Nicomachean Ethics I.6: 1096a23-29 Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, April 1989

Comment on David Albert's "Quantum Mechanics as a Universal Theory", New Jersey Regional Philosophical Association, November 1987

Comment on Peter Railton's "Explanation and Metaphysics", New Jersey Regional Philosophical Association, November 1986

Comment on Thomas C. Ryckman's "Kripke on a prioricity and necessity", Pacific Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, March 1986


Member of the Editorial Board, The Philosopher's Imprint Member of the Editorial Board, Nous Member of the Editorial Board, Foundations of Physics Member of the Editorial Board of Philosophy of Science, 1992-2000


Cambridge University Press Princeton University Press Oxford University Press Philosophy of Science Physics Review Letters Foundations of Physics American Journal of Physics British Journal for the Philosophy of Science Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science International Studies in the Philosophy of Science Nous Synthese Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Canadian Journal of Philosophy Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic Ancient Philosophy

University Activities

A & P Committee, 2006-8 Reviewer for Rutgers Undergraduate Research Fellows Program, 2003, 2004 University Senator, 2001-2004 Executive Committee, Rutgers Honors Program, 1989-1996

Professional Affiliations

American Philosophical Association Philosophy of Science Association

Professional Activities

Program Committee, Eastern Division, American Philosophical Association, 1997-1999 Program Committee, Philosophy of Science Association Meetings, Cleveland, 1996 Elected to Nominating Committee, Philosophy of Science Association, 1996-98 (chair of committee)


Organizer, Rutgers Physics Workshop, Lake Placid, NY, annually 2002-present.

Co-organizer Quantum Theory and Relativity, ZiF, Bielefeld, Germany February 2004

Co-organizer with Bas van Fraassen and Gordon Belot of joint Rutgers-Princeton conference entitled "Gravity and the Quantum", May 14-17 1998


Director of Undergraduate Studies, 2001- 2004 Placement Director 1990-1, 1994