University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 www.apaonline.org All data collected by the American Philosophical Association. The data in this publication have been provided by the departments and programs listed; in the cases where no response was received to repeated requests for , the most recent data provided, if any, can be found in the previous edition. The APA cannot guarantee the accuracy of this report; because all information has been self- reported, there may be errors or inconsistencies in these data. Readers should therefore examine the available data closely to ensure that any comparisons are made in a fair and reasonable manner. Errors or inconsistencies should be brought to the attention of the American Philosophical Association by email to [email protected]. For clarification, correction, updating, or supplementation of the information provided, contact the department(s) in question.

© 2014-2015 The American Philosophical Association

This publication of the American Philosophical Association may not be reproduced for sale or future distribution without the express written consent of the executive director. Inquiries should be directed as follows:

The American Philosophical Association University of Delaware, 31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716 Phone (302) 831-1112 • Fax (302) 831-8690 [email protected] Last updated June 12, 2015 About the Grad Guide The Guide to Graduate Programs in Philosophy, originally published biennially until the early 2000s, was relaunched in 2012 as an annual online resource. The guide compiles data on both doctoral and master’s degree programs in philosophy at institutions throughout the US and , offering prospective students, job candidates, and other members of the profession a rich resource on post­ graduate education and employment in philosophy. This year’s guide has been expanded to include more demographic data on each program as well as information on faculty, degree requirements, entry requirements, financial aid, placements, and more.

All data in the guide are self-reported by representatives of the institutions, and data are included only for institutions that completed the Grad Guide survey either this year or last. Using the Grad Guide The Grad Guide is a useful starting point for prospective graduate students and job candidates, but the APA recommends additional consultation with advisers and people directly involved with programs of interest. Further, as all information in the guide is self-reported by representatives of the institutions, readers should examine the data closely to ensure that any comparisons are made in a fair and reasonable manner.

Please note that the APA does not rank philosophy programs or institutions. Read the APA on rankings of departments. Demographic Data In the survey that underlies the 2014 edition, we requested information on race and LGBT status of students and faculty. We thank the APA Committee on the Status of Women for providing the demographic data survey instrument that was incorporated into the Grad Guide survey.

There is no widely accepted standard for collecting such data, however, and the availability and thoroughness of data varies greatly. Some schools do not track or share this information. For these reasons, we provide the data we received with the understanding that this data should not be used for quantitative evaluation of the diversity of programs or institutions. Though the demographic information is inconsistent, it is included in the Grad Guide because collecting and providing these data supports ongoing efforts to increase the diversity of the profession by making existing information more widely available and raising awareness about the need for additional data on diversity. Previous Editions • 2012 Guide to Graduate Programs in Philosophy (PDF) • 2013 Guide to Graduate Programs in Philosophy (PDF) Corrections and Feedback If your institution is not included in the guide and would like to be, if you would like to report errors or inconsistencies in the data, or if you have suggestions for future editions of the Guide to Graduate Programs in Philosophy, please submit a Grad Guide Feedback Form. 2014 Report Website Department name https://shprs.clas.asu.edu/philosophy Philosophy Faculty within the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies Department chair Doug Portmore,

Faculty Brad Armendt, • Thomas Blackson, Associate Professor • Elizabeth Brake, Associate Professor • Cheshire Calhoun, Professor • Peter French, Professor • Bernard Kobes, Associate Professor • Joan McGregor, Professor • Carla Merino-Rajme, • Angel Pinillos, Associate Professor • Douglas Portmore, Professor • Steven Reynolds, Associate Professor • Rebecca Tsosie, Regents Professor • Peter de Marneffe, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Our faculty is unusually diverse. In 2014-15, we are organizing a major conference to promote diversity and inclusiveness in philosophy. We are also opening a minority and philosophy (MAP) chapter. Our courses offerings often cover gender and race issues. Additional Information The PhD program was recently revamped. The first after the revamping entered in the fall of 2014. All 7 of them (4 Males, 3 Females) were fully funded with TAships. We expect to build a strong and inclusive program. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 4 1 0 Financial Aid Men 8 0 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 6 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 1 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 grading Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 2 N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 8 0 13 Arizona State University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Practical and Applied philosophy (including , Applied Ethics, Social and , Feminist Philosophy, Experimental Philosophy) Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 11302 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:26736 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 20 Asian 0 1 0 0 We may give credit for graduate courses completed at another institution Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 1 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 2 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 6 Total Ph.D. 2 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 3 4 4 2 Time to completion

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown 11302 Out of state:26736 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Arizona State University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 4 10 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 7 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 1 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 2 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 8 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 4 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 3 0 0 Unknown 0 4 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 3 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Indiana University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Nebraska

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. University of Kansas MA program outside of philosophy Baylor University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.baylor.edu/philosophy/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Michael Beaty, Professor and Chair

Faculty ANDERSON, CHARITY, Assistant Professor • BEATY, MICHAEL, Professor • BECKWITH, FRANCIS J, Professor • BURAS, TODD, Associate Professor • DAVIS, DARIN HARRIS, Assistant Professor • DOUGHERTY, TRENT GARTIN, Assistant Professor • EVANS, STEPHEN, University Professor of Philosophy and the Humanities • HENRY, DOUGLAS V, Associate Professor • HIBBS, THOMAS S, Professor and Dean of the Honors College • KRUSCHWITZ, ROBERT B, Professor • KVANVIG, JONATHAN L, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy • MARCUM, JAMES A, Professor • MINER, ROBERT C, Professor • MOORE, SCOTT H, Associate Professor • PRUSS, ALEXANDER, Professor • ROBERTS, ROBERT C, Distinguished Professor of Ethics • ROSENBAUM, STUART E, Professor • SCHULTZ, ANNE MARIE, Associate Professor • WRIGHT, LENORE, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness In our latest hiring, effort was made to ensure representation of women and minorities among the finalists, one of the two people brought to campus was a woman, and she was hired. In our last graduate admissions, four of the top eight applicants by GRE and GPA scores were women. We made twelve offers, five of them to women, and our incoming class consists of one woman and two men, one of them Asian. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 1 0 Financial Aid Men 15 1 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 11 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Normally all our graduate students receive five years of full financial aid, which includes full tuition remission and at least a $17,000 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 annual stipend (typically a little more). White 17 2 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 16 0 19 Baylor University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We have a special focus on preparing students to teach, with a particularly good placement record in small liberal arts colleges. This focus leads to an emphasis in learning the history of philosophy, in addition to contemporary work in the central areas of philosophy (, and ethics). / We have particularly noteworthy strengths in epistemology, philosophy of religion, Kierkegaard and Christian ethics. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 25866 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:25866 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 23.3 Asian 1 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 4 25 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 5 26 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: paper 550; computer 213; internet 80 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 34 Total Ph.D. 31 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 5 2 6 5 6 Time to completion 7 7.5 5.7 5.8 5.3 Baylor University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 21 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 2 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 9 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 10 0 0 Were not placed 0 2 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 0 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Hope College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Charleston Southern University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Harding University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer St. Louis University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Dixie State University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Baylor University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Franciscan University of Steubenville Type of position Tenure track. Binghamton University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.binghamton.edu/philosophy/ Philosophy

Department chair Max Pensky, Professor

Faculty Jeffner Allen [email protected] • Bat-Ami Bar On [email protected] page • Eric Dietrich [email protected] • Charles Goodman [email protected] • Robert Guay [email protected] • Nicole Hassoun [email protected] • Mattias Iser [email protected] • Anja Karnein [email protected] • Christopher Morgan-Knapp [email protected] • Max Pensky, Department Chair [email protected] • Anthony Preus [email protected] • Anthony Reeves [email protected] • Lisa Tessman [email protected] • Melissa Zinkin Efforts to increase inclusiveness The graduate program has a series of workshops focusing on inclusiveness and diversity in teaching and other aspects of the profession. The graduate students have run bystander training workshops and we have supported Clark diversity scholars whenever possible who have reduced teaching responsibilities. We also support the SWIP events to encourage diversity in the progession by requesting money from the dean to provide TAs. Several faculty work on feminism and issues related to culture and human rights and we have a significant strength in global justice as well as non-Western areas of philosophy. Additional Information The program is highly ranked on many alternative indexes besides the philosophical gourmet report (for which it was not considered) in part because we are committed to diversity. We have made some great hires and have a good placement record in the region. There are lots of opportunities for students to get involved in research and teaching and the program is special in that it provides a series of workshops to help prepare students to become professional . Please check out our website for more information: http://www.binghamton.edu/philosophy/graduate/index.html Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 5 1 0 Financial Aid Men 4 2 0 Teaching fellowships 23 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 6 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 All admitted PhD students have teaching assistantships for both semesters. There is a competitive dissertation assistantship Pacific Islander 1 0 0 available to support research after completion of coursework. Clark fellowships to support diversity come with a reduction in TA White 11 3 0 responsibilities and extended financial support Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 2 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 6 0 12 Binghamton University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We are an inclusive program that has strengths in critical theory, non-, and some areas of as well as core areas on value theory. Please check out our website for more information: http://www.binghamton.edu/philosophy/graduate/index.html Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 432 dollars per credit hour Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:841 dollars per credit hour African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 20 Asian 1 1 0 0 Students entering with a BA have more course requirements. Native American 0 1 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 3 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 12 14 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 2 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 14 22 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: 90 LGBT identifying 1 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 36 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: GRE and GPA should be reported, but no minimum is specified. Only Degrees awarded 12 credits are required for students entering with an MA. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 3 5 2 3 Time to completion 5 5 5 5 5

MA program strengths See PhD MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: See PhD Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:See PhD African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 12 Asian 0 0 0 0 See PhD Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Everything is the same in terms of requirements - GPA and GRE no minimum. Binghamton University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 4 9 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 4 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program: Law School

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Assistant Professor Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details SUNY College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Bryn Mawr Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Lehigh University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. Boston College 2014 Report Website Department name www.bc.edu Philosophy

Department chair Arthur Madigan, S.J., Professor

Faculty Richard Atkins, Assistant Professor • James Bernauer, S.J., Professor • Jeffrey Bloechl, Associate Professor • Oliva Blanchette, Professor • Aspen Brinton, Assistant Professor • Sarah Byers, Associate Professor • Patrick Byrne, Professor • Jorge Garcia, Professor • Gary Gurtler, S.J., Associate Professor • David Johnson, Assistant Professor • Richard Kearney, Professor • Peter Kreeft, Professor • Micah Lott, Assistant Professor • Arthur Madigan, S.J., Professor • Marina McCoy, Associate Professor • Daniel McKaughan, Associate Professor • David Rasmussen, Professor • Vanessa Rumble, Associate Professor • John Sallis, Professor • Jean-Luc Solère, Associate Professor • Andrea Staiti, Assistant Professor • Marius Stan, Assistant Professor • Eileen Sweeney, Professor • Ronald Tacelli, S.J., Associate Professor • Jonathan Trejo-Mathys, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department made two tenure track appointments in 2013-2014, one a woman and the other an Asian American. Since 2000 the department has granted doctoral degrees to eight Africans or African Americans, five Hispanics, five Asians or Asian Americans, one Native American, and ten women. Additional Information The MA comprehensive examination is a 75-minute oral examination on a reading list in the main periods of Western philosophy. The PhD comprehensive examination is a two-hour oral examination on a dissertation proposal, a systematic problem, and two major authors. One foreign is required for the MA. Two foreign are required for the PhD. Symbolic is a requirement for the PhD. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 4 1 3 Financial Aid Men 14 6 4 Teaching fellowships 10 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 12 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 1 (Fulbright) Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 19 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 7 MA Lonergan scholarships, 7 Lonergan post-doctoral scholarships (3 in fall, 4 in spring). 12 students receive tuition scholarship only. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 8 24 0 32 Boston College 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The department offers a comprehensive program in the history and problems of philosophy, allowing for concentration in the following areas: Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Continental Philosophy from Kant to the present, , and Practical Philosophy broadly conceived (Ethics, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Law). A significant feature of the program is the extensive and diverse range of courses available to graduate students every semester. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $1,398 per credit hour Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1,398 per credit hour African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 0 0 0 0 Normally 16 courses are required. Students entering the program with an M.A. in philosophy are only required to take 10 courses. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 0 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 0 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 3 7 4 11 7 Time to completion

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $1,398 per credit Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1,398 per credit African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 1 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 2 2 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 2 3 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 5 Total MA 5 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Boston College 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Boston College Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Part-time renewable

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Boston College Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): renewable

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Trinity Hartford Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Aquinas, Nashville Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer CSU Dominguez Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Loyola Maryland Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Seattle University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Trinity Christian Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Instructor/practitioner, renewable

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Mount St. Vincent, NY Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Pennsylvania State Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Creighton University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer St. Thomas, NB Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer McGill Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Adjunct, renewable

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer De Pauw Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Part-time, renewable Boston College 2014 Report

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Freiburg Type of position Post-doc Bowling Green State University-Main Campus 2013 Report Website http://www.bgsu.edu/departments/phil

Department name Philosophy

Department chair Michael Weber, Associate Professor

Faculty Donald Callen, Assistant Professor • Christian Coons, Associate Professor • Albert Dzur, Professor • Louis Katzner, Professor Trustee • Kevin Vallier, Assistant Professor • Michael Weber, Associate Professor, Chair • Sara Worley, Associate Professor • Richard Yetter Chappell, Assistant Professor • Helen Yetter-Chappell, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 1 0 Financial Aid Men 5 2 2 Teaching fellowships 0

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 23 African-American Scholarships 1 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 12 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 na Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 2 9 0 11 Bowling Green State University-Main Campus 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Moral and Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 4275.98 a term 9 hous Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:7,120.98 a term 9 hours

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 95 African, 0 0 1 1 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 2 4 1 4 3 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 7.5 7.5 7-8 7-8 7-8 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 11 12 18 19 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3.5 TOEFL score: 500 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 600 11 12 19 20 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 30 Total Ph.D. 32 Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Writing sample: Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: Other (or race 1 1 5 5 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 1 1 5 5 0 0

Total MA 6 Total MA 6 Students 2012 Students 2013 Bowling Green State University-Main Campus 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 6 10 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 7 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 1 0 Were not placed 2 2 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Brandeis University 2013 Report Website http://www.brandeis.edu/departments/philosophy

Department name Philosophy Department

Department chair Jerry Samet, Associate Professor

Faculty Alan Berger, Associate Professor of Philosophy, • Robert Greenberg, Professor of Philosophy, • Eli Hirsch, Charles Goldman Professor of Philosophy, • Berislav Marusic, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, • Jennifer Marusic, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, • Kate Moran, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Director of Graduate Studies, • Jerry Samet, Associate Professor of Philosophy, • Marion Smiley, J.P. Morgan Chase Professor of Philosophy, • Andreas Teuber, Associate Professor of Philosophy, • Palle Yourgrau, Harry A. Wolfson Professor of Philosophy • Ben Sherman, Lecturer in Philosophy • Jeremy Fantl, Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy Efforts to increase inclusiveness Whenever the Dept. conducts a search, we reach out to graduate departments that have a majority of women or African American or Native American students. We write to all the APA committees such as the committee of Black Philosophers and the committee of Hispanic Philosophers, for example. When it comes to applications of prospective MA students, our DGS makes an effort to reach out to Historically Black colleges and universities to invite their students to apply. We also invite applications from Philosophy Dept. of Women's schools for example. The focus has been to expand the diversity of the pool of applicants. Other information We do not track LGBT status of students or faculty. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 2 0 Financial Aid

Men 7 1 1 Teaching fellowships 0

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 26 African-American Scholarships 4 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes Not applicable Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 Merit-based and need-based Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 3 9 0 12 Brandeis University 2013 Report

MA program strengths metaphysics and epistemology, ethics, social and political philosophy, , logic, philosophy of and , history of modern philosophy, , philosophy of gender, and philosophy of law. MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 50000 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 50000 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 2 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 36 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 1 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: no min. Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 600 (paper) 250 (computer) 100 (internet) LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: no min. Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 1 2 0 0

Total MA 1 Total MA 2 Students 2012 Students 2013 Brandeis University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 3 2 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 5 18 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 4 0 Unknown 1 5 0 Brown University 2014 Report Website Department name www.brown.edu Department of Philosophy

Department chair Bernard Reginster, Professor and Chair of Philosophy

Faculty Felicia Nimue Ackerman, Professor • Nomy Arpaly, Associate Professor • Justin Broackes, Professor • David Christensen, Professor • Jamie Drier, Professor • Nina Emery, Assistant Professor • David Estlund, Professor • Mary Louise Gill, Professor • Paul Guyer, Professor • Richard G. Heck, Professor • Christopher Hill, Professor • , Emeritus • Charles Larmore, Professor • Bernard Reginster, Professor • Joshua Schechter, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Department has trained a number of women, and also a number of Asians and Hispanics, who have gone on to enjoy successful careers. At present there are special fellowship opportunities for women. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 1 0 Financial Aid Men 11 0 0 Teaching fellowships 4 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 7 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 15 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 2 Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 2 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 13 1 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 14 1 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 11 0 15 Brown University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Brown University Philosophy Department has been traditionally strong in epistemology, , metaphysics, ethics, and history of philosophy, and is currently also strong in political philosophy and in aesthetics. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 46408 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:46408 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 1 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 2 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 3 3 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 5 Total Ph.D. 6 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 3 2 4 5 6 Time to completion 6 6 6 6 6 Brown University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 4 15 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 8 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 7 0 0 Were not placed 2 3 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 2 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer DeAnza College Type of position Unknown

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Ohio State University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Details SUNY Buffalo Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer SUNY Buffalo Type of position Tenure track. California State University Long Beach 2014 Report Website Department name http://csulb.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Wayne Wright, Professor of Philosophy

Faculty Lawrence Nolan, Professor • Nellie Wieland, Associate Professor • Cory Wright, Associate Professor & Graduate Advisor • Alexander Klein, Assistant Professor • Charles Wallis, Professor • Wayne Wright Professor & Department Chair • Max Rosenkrantz, Associate Professor • Marcy Lascano, Associate Professor • Patrick Dieveney, Associate Professor • Jason Raibley, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 0 0 Financial Aid Men 7 1 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 8 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 2 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Out-of-state tuition/fee waivers, State University Grant covers all in­ state tuition/fees, nondepartmental teaching assistantships Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 10 10 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 8 0 10 California State University Long Beach 2014 Report

MA program strengths Philosophy of , Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science, Early , History of Early Modern Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Ethics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Religion MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 2k per semester Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 12 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 1 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 2 13 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 18 Total MA 15 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 California State University Long Beach 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Wisconsin Type of position Further academic study: PhD Carleton University 2014 Report Website Department name www.carleton.ca/philosophy Philosophy

Department chair Jay Drydyk, Full Professor

Faculty Contessa, Gabriele Associate Professor • Corazza, Eros Full Professor • Davis, Gordon Assistant Professor • Drydyk, Jay Full Professor • Finn, Geraldine Full Professor • Frankel, Melissa Assistant Professor • Koggel, Christine Full Professor • Larivée, Annie Associate Professor • Matheson, David Associate Professor • Panitch, Vida Assistant Professor • Maibom, Heidi Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 6 0 0 Financial Aid Men 5 0 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 10 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 10 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 11 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 5 0 11 Carleton University 2014 Report

MA program strengths Ethics, social, and political issues are an area of strong interest at Carleton. You can get started in this area by taking the limited enrolment, first-year seminar on Moral Issues. Other related introductory courses include Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, and Contemporary Moral, Social, and Religious Issues. As you progress in the program, you’ll be able to select from a range of topical courses such as human rights, , environmental ethics, Marxist philosophy, censorship, truth and propaganda, and computer ethics, to name a few. In addition, we offer a specialization in Philosophy, Ethics, and Public Affairs. / / Philosophical study of the mind, language, and knowledge is another area of strength for Carleton philosophers. You can begin your studies in this stream with a first-year seminar, Looking at Philosophy, that introduces issues such as logical thought, the existence of God, free will, and the nature of reality. Related introductory courses include Knowledge and Reality, and Mind and Truth. More advanced topics in this area include courses such as Personal Identity and the Self, and Language and . We also offer courses in the Philosophy of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, as well as Logic and Philosophy of Science. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 6800 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:6800 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 3 0 0 6 courses plus a thesis for a total of 5.0 credits OR 8 courses plus a research essay for a total of 5.0 credits. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 4 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 80 (B+) Totals 0 7 0 0 TOEFL score: 580 paper; 86 internet LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 6 Total MA 7 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Carleton University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 13 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 5 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 3 14 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 2 1 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Ottawa University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Waterloo University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Brown University Carnegie Mellon University 2014 Report Website Department name www.cmu.edu Philosophy

Department chair David Danks, Professor

Faculty Jeremy Avigad, Professor • Steve Awody, Professor • Robert Cavalier, Teaching Professor • David Danks, Professor • Clark Glymour, Alumni University Professor • Mara Harrell, Teaching Professor • Kevin Kelly, Professor • Alex London, Professor • Joseph Ramsey, Director of Research Computing • Richard Scheines, Professor (and Dean of Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences) • Teddy Seidenfeld, Herbert Simon Professor • Wilfried Seig, Patrick Suppes Professor • Mandy Simons, Associate Professor • Joel Smith, Distinguished Career Teaching Professor • Peter Spirtes, Professor • Tom Warner, Special Faculty • Kevin Zollman, Associate Professor • Danielle Wenner, A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow • Jennifer Zamzow, Postdoctoral Fellow in Ethics and Cognition • Wayne Wu, Associate Professor (without tenure) • As of August 2014: • Benjamin George, Assistant Professor • Adam Bjorndahl, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Hiring: Many (but not all of us) attempt to ensure that at least one female candidate is interviewed. We have for several years attempted (but failed) to hire a woman in a senior position. Several offers have been made, none accepted. We actively recruit women for our postdoctoral positions in the hopes that some of these scholars might be hired into tenure-track positions.•Graduate: We actively recruit women and minority students to our graduate program. Next year we will offer the "Horacio Arlo-Costa fellowship" for a graduate student who is from an under-represented group. We also run a summer school for undergraduates designed to attract students to our graduate program. Half of the students in the summer school are women (when possible). Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 1 0 3 Financial Aid Men 11 3 4 Teaching fellowships 16.2 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1.8 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 (during the academic yea Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Half tuition + teaching: 6 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 12 2 7 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 1 Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 18 0 22 Carnegie Mellon University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths A focus on scientifically and mathematically engaged philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 39842 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:39842 African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 18 Asian 2 3 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 9 8 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 11 12 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: 84 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 21 Total Ph.D. 23 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 2 2 3 2 Time to completion 7 4.25 6 6.67 5.5

MA program strengths A focus on scientifically and mathematically engaged philosophy. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 39842 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:39842 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 12 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 84 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Carnegie Mellon University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 9 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 3 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 2 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 18 3 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 8 1 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 2 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 3 0 0 0 Unknown 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 3 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Washington Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Carnegie Mellon University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Instructor - 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of California, Davis Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Carnegie Mellon University The Catholic University of America 2013 Report Website http://Philosophy.cua.edu

Department name School of Philosophy

Department chair John McCarthy, Dean

Faculty Michele Averchi, Assistant Professor • Antón Barba-Kay, Assistant Professor • James Brent, Assistant Professor • Jean De Groot, Associate Professor • Ignacio De Ribera-Martin, Assistant Professor • Gregory Doolan, Associate Professor • Thérèse-Anne Druart, Professor • Michael Gorman, Associate Professor • Richard Hassing, Associate Professor • Tobias Hoffmann, Associate Professor • Cristina Ionescu, Assistant Professor • Angela Knobel, Associate Professor • V. Bradley Lewis, Associate Professor • John C. McCarthy, Dean•Associate Professor • Melissa Moschella, Assistant Professor • Virgil Nemoianu, Ordinary Professor • Timothy Noone, Professor • John Rist, Professor • Michael Rohlf, Assistant Professor • Robert Sokolowski, Professor • Matthias Vorwerk, Associate Dean•Associate Professor • John Wippel, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided Other information We do not track student demographic information. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 2 0 Financial Aid Men 13 5 2 Teaching fellowships 18

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African-American Scholarships 35 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 18 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 9 merit stipends, 9 research assistantships Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 5 20 0 25 The Catholic University of America 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Metaphysics, ethics, political philosophy, medieval philosophy, Greek philosophy, 19th century German philosophy, phenomenology Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $39,500 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:n/a

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 20 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 3 4 3 8 6 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion n/a 7.5 6.6 8.5 9.5 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3 TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 315 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 0 Applicants who apply directly to the Ph.D. program must have Students 2012 Students 2013 completed an M.A. in philosophy in a program requiring 8 graduate courses and a thesis, or the functional equivalent thereof.

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state $39,500 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state n/a 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 8 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3 Other (or race 0 0 0 0 36 19 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 315 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 0 0 36 19 Master's thesis Total MA 36 Total MA 19 Students 2012 Students 2013 The Catholic University of America 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 23 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 2 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 0 8 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 0 7 Were not placed 0 0 2 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer College Type of position Tenure track

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UNC Asheville Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship). City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.gc.cuny.edu/home PhD/MA Program in Philosophy

Department chair Iakovos Vasiliou, Executive Officer

Faculty (DP) = Distinguished Professor: (Ass) = Associate Professor All others Full Christa D. Acampora • Linda M. Alcoff • Sergei Artemov (DP) • Bernard H. Baumrin • Jeffrey Blustein • Steven M. Cahn • Noel Carroll (DP) • Samir Chopra • Alberto Cordero • Omar Dahbour • Michael Devitt (DP) • William James Earle • Robert W. Fiengo • Peter Godfrey-Smith (DP) • Carol C. Gould (DP) • John D. Greenwood • Stephen Grover • Joel D. Hamkins • Jonathan Jacobs • Elliot L. Jurist • Frank Kirkland • (DP) • Douglas Lackey • Barbara Montero • Stephen Neale (DP) • Angelica Nuzzo • Gary Ostertag (Ass) • Nickolas Pappas • Rohit Parikh (DP) • David Papineau (DP) • Massimo Pigliucci • Gerald Alan Press • Graham Priest (DP) • Jesse J. Prinz (DP) • Rosamond Rhodes • David M. Rosenthal • Steven L. Ross • Sibyl A. Schwarzenbach • Peter Simpson • Thomas Teufel (Ass) • Iakovos Vasiliou • Catherine Wilson (DP) • Efforts to increase inclusiveness We have appointed a Diversity Recuitment Committee comprised of faculty and students charged with making concrete trecommendations for ways in which we can incease diversity in the program. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 8 0 0 Financial Aid Men 33 0 0 Teaching fellowships 10 full five year fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes All teach one class per sem Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 0 0 Disablity status N/A 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 8 33 0 41 City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We have a large and approachable faculty (including eleven distinguished professers), whose collective expertise covers most areas of philosophy. Through our consortium arrangements, students are also able to take courses at and form networks with philosophy faculty at NYU, Rutgers, Columbia, The New School, Fordham, and Princeton. We have a legendary colloquium series that attracts faculty and students from all around New York, and we have a strong program of professional development that encourages students to present and and publish papers as preparation for the competitiive job market. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown See http://www.gc.cuny.edu/CUNY_GC/media/CUNY- Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 0 2 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 5 5 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 6 9 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 10 Total Ph.D. 15 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 13 6 14 10 8 Time to completion 7 7 7 7 7

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: See http://www.gc.cuny.edu/CUNY_GC/media/CUNY- Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 1 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 9 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 5 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 5 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 1 1 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 1 3 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 7 15 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 19 Total MA 22 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track. Claremont Graduate University 2014 Report Website Department name www.cgu.edu Philosophy Department

Department chair Masahiro Yamada, Associate Professor of Philosophy

Faculty Masahiro Yamada, Associate Professor • Patricia Easton, Professor • Charles Young, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 1 0 0 Financial Aid Men 2 0 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 28 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 1 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 2 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 1 2 0 3 Claremont Graduate University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We are predominately a Masters program with a small PhD program drawn mostly from our masters program from students working in the history of philosophy. We rarely accept applications from outside our own master's program. We have a good record of placing students who want to go on to a PhD in the program of their choice. Our 3 core graduate faculty are joined by 3 other faculty at CGU and 18 Claremont Colleges faculty who teach or work with our students regularly. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $20892/semester Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$20892/semester African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 18 Asian 0 0 0 0 18 4-unit courses are required. Most courses are 4 units. The total number of units required is 72 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 6 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 2 1 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 3 8 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: 85 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: no minimum Total Ph.D. 12 Total Ph.D. 11 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Admission to the Ph.D. program is restricted to students who have Degrees awarded graduated with distinction from our M.A. program and who wish to 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 work in the history of philosophy. Degrees awarded 1 3 0 1 0 Time to completion 14 8 11

MA program strengths We are predominately a Masters program with a small PhD program drawn mostly from our masters program from students working in the history of philosophy. We rarely accept applications from outside our own master's program. We have a good record of placing students who want to go on to a PhD in the program of their choice. Our 3 core graduate faculty are joined by 3 other faculty at CGU and 18 Claremont Colleges faculty who teach or work with our students regularly. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $20, 892/semester Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$20,892/semester African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 40 units total are required; each course is usually 4 units Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 85 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Claremont Graduate University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 7 30 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 4 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 3 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 7 18 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 5 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Adjunct Colorado State University 2013 Report Website http://www.colostate.edu/

Department name Philosophy

Department chair Jane Kneller, Department Chair-Professor

Faculty Archie, Andre - Associate Professor • Cafaro, Philip - Professor • Hamid, Idris - Associate Professor • Kasser, Jeff - Assistant Professor • Kneller, Jane - Professor • Losonsky, Michael - Professor • MacKenzie, Matthew - Associate Professor • McCulloch, Mike - Assistant Professor • McKee, Patrick - Professor • McShane, Katie - Associate Professor • Rollin, Bernard - Professor • Tropman, Elizabeth- Associate Professor • Tucker, Dustin - Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Colorado State's M.A. Program is highly committed to diversity in philosophy. The program fosters an atmosphere of respect and inclusiveness in its seminars and in life around the department. This atmosphere starts with the departmental orientation for incoming graduate students each August - where these issues are discussed - and continues throughout the academic year with one-on-one meetings between individual graduate students and faculty mentors, and also in group meetings (e.g. meetings of women faculty with women graduate students) to provide additional support to under-represented groups in philosophy.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 0 3 Financial Aid Men 8 2 11 Teaching fellowships 0

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 African, 1 0 0 Teaching assistantships 13 African-American Scholarships 1 Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 3 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 1 None Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 1 0

Other race 9 1 13 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 6 21 0 27 Colorado State University 2013 Report

MA program strengths The department has established scholars specializing in traditional subdisciplines in philosophy including aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, history of philosophy, logic, and metaphysics. The department also has a focus on non-western , including Asian and Arabic Philosophy. The department has long been recognized as a leader in applied ethics, especially bioethics and environmental ethics. MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state $489.50 per credit per semester Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state $1200 per credit per semester 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 30 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 1 1 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3.25 Other (or race 3 6 12 11 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 550 (paper based) or 80 ( internet based) LGBT 0 0 0 0 1 1 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: req. only to be considered for a GTA Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 3 6 13 12 0 0

Total MA 16 Total MA 18 Students 2012 Students 2013 Colorado State University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 4 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 2 7 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 9 0 Entered another graduate program 3 7 1 Unknown 1 10 1 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Institution:

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Not specified Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job.

Degree Program Master's Details Other (business, industry, government, etc.). Dalhousie University 2013 Report Website http://philosophy.dal.ca

Department name The Department of Philosophy

Department chair Duncan MacIntosh, Chair

Faculty Darren Abramson, Associate Professor • Kirstin Borgerson, Assistant Professor • Susan Dieleman, Assistant Professor • Mike Hymers, Professor • Chike Jeffers, Assistant Professor • Duncan MacIntosh, Professor • Letitia Meynell, Associate Professor • Andrew Moon, Assistant Professor • Greg Scherkoske, Associate Professor • Peter Schotch, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Our university's hiring policy is that equity candidates must be hired unless a non-equity candidate is clearly superior. We have had a long­ standing specialization in feminist philosophy. We recently hired an African Canadian, and he teaches several classes in the philosophy of race.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 1 1 Financial Aid

Men 5 1 1 Teaching fellowships 1.5 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0

African, 0 1 0 Teaching assistantships 1.5 African-American Scholarships 1.5 Asian 0 0 1 Students teaching their own classes 2 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 we fund every graduate student we admit, for at lease 1 year in the Pacific Islander 0 0 0 M.A., 4 years in the ph.d. Funding is a combination of scholarship and teaching assistantship. Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 6 1 1

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 3 7 0 10 Dalhousie University 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We admit only a small number of students and so are able to offer them a lot of attention. There is a great deal of interaction between students and faculty. We run a weekly colloquium series year-round, so students see a lot of professional philosophy in action and have the opportunity to practice professional-level presenting in a nurturing environment. Students get a lot of counseling on their careers, and a lot of mentoring at all stages, including after they graduate and start seeking jobs. We have an extremely high placement record. Our department's Austin lecture series brings in important philosophers from around the world, and our graduate students get to interact with them. Our program features opportunities for graduate students to teach their own classes with mentoring. Students get detailed and quick feedback on their work in progress, their thesis drafts, and on papers they are preparing for public venues. We have placed students as faculty members in most Canadian universities, so our students' dossiers get read by people who know our program, and who are trying to export the philosophical culture they learned at Dalhousie Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 8000 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:8000

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 6 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 0 3 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion n/a 7.6 5.5 n/a n/a Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 3 3 3 2 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3.7 TOEFL score: 600 (PB); 100 (IBT) LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 3 3 3 2 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 6 Total Ph.D. 5 Statement of interests Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 8000 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 8000 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 1 1 1 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program.

Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 6 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3.7 Other (or race 1 1 2 6 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 600 (PB); 100 (LBT) LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 2 2 3 6 0 0 Statement of interests. Total MA 5 Total MA 8 Students 2012 Students 2013 Dalhousie University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 5 1 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 1 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 4 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 3 7 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 4 6 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 1 0 Entered another graduate program 3 5 0 Unknown 0 0 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Dalhousie University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship. Title & duration: Part-time instructor, temporary

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Dalhousie University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship. Title & duration: Part-time instructor, temporary

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Evansville Type of position Assistant Professor, Tenure Track

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of New Brunswick, Saint John Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship. Title & duration: Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Thompson Rivers University Type of position Assistant Professor, Tenure Track

Degree Program MA Details Other (business, industry, government, etc.). Policy Analyst, Maritime Provinces Council

Degree Program MA Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Institution: Dalhousie University

Degree Program MA Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Institution: LLB Student, University of British Columbia DePaul University 2013 Report Website http://las.depaul.edu/philosophy/

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair Michael Naas, Chair

Faculty Birmingham, Peg, Professor • Chanter, Tina, Professor • Goldman, Avery, Assoc. Prof. • Hill, Jason D., Prof. • Kirkland, Sean D. Assoc. Prof • Larrabee, Mary Jeanne, Assoc. Prof. • Lee, Jr., Richard A., Prof. • Martin, Bill, Prof. • McNeill, William, Prof. • Millán, Elizabeth, Assoc. Prof. • Moore, Darrell, Assoc. Prof. • Naas, Michael, Prof. • Painter-Morland, Mollie, Assoc. Prof. • Pellauer, David W., Assoc. Prof. • Perkins, Franklin, Prof. • Rottenberg, Elizabeth, Assoc. Prof. • Seyler, Frédéric, Assistant. Prof. • Steeves, H. Peter, Prof. • Thompson, Kevin, Assoc. Prof. • Werhane, Patricia, Prof. Efforts to increase inclusiveness In general, our department has realized that all measures that come at the faculty hiring phase, or even at the graduate admission phase are too late. Last year, only 20% of our graduate applicants were women, for example. So, we are focusing our attention on the Introduction to Philosophy classroom, and devising some specific strategies for generating enthusiasm for philosophy among women and minorities. Also, our department is home to SURG--Society for Under-Represented Groups, which holds meetings, strategy sessions, and invites speakers all with an eye toward supporting and increasing the presence of women, LGBT, and minority students in philosophy.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 7 0 0 Financial Aid

Men 12 1 0 Teaching fellowships 42

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 12 African, 2 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 24 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 $1000 health-care supplement, plus up to $1000/year for travel Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 4 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 7 13 0 20 DePaul University 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Continental Philosophy; History of Philosophy, paricularly , Ancient Philosophy, and Contemporary French Philosophy; Social and Political Philosophy; Feminist Theory; Phenomenology and Hermeneutics; Ethics; Comparative Philosophy; Chinese Philosophy; Latin Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 21000 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:same

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 28 African, 0 0 1 1 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 1 1 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 7 2 3 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 10 8.5 7 9 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 1 2 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) GPA: no real minimum TOEFL score: 80 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: no real minimum 1 1 3 4 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 4 Total Ph.D. 5 Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state same Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state same 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 1 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program.

Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 11 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: none Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 80 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: none Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 0 1 0 0

Total MA 0 Total MA 1 Students 2012 Students 2013 DePaul University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 8 4 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 2 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 3 1 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 5 3 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Colby College Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Lake Forest College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Emory University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Marian University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer American University in Cairo Type of position Tenure track. Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.dspt.edu/ Philosophy

Department chair Augustine Thompson, OP, Professor

Faculty Joseph Boenzi, S.D.B.,; Professor • Michael Dodds, O.P.; Professor • Marianne Farina, C.S.C.; Associate Professor • Justin Gable, O.P.; Assistant Professor • Barbara Green, O.P.; Professor • Edward Krasevac, O.P.; Professor • Bryan Kromholtz, O.P.; Assistant Professor • Eugene Ludwig, O.F.M., Cap.; Professor • Michael Morris, O.P.; Professor • Anselm Ramelow, O.P.; Associate Professor • Christopher Renz, O.P.; Associate Professor • Augustine Thompson, O.P.; Professor • Marga Vega, Ph.D.; Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness DSPT is one of the seven member school of the Graduate Theological Union. The combined consortial faculty is the largest theological faculty in the U.S., consisting of a diverse population of experts in a variety of fields. Additional Information Faculty expertise includes systematic philosophy, , medieval philosophy, phenomenology, aesthetics, science and religion. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 0 0 2 Financial Aid Men 0 0 5 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 18.1 FTE Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 1 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 6 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 7

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 5 0 7 Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology 2014 Report

MA program strengths Strengths include a full spectrum of historical philosophy from ancient to contemporary; emphasis on scholastic philosophy and Thomism; and the integration of philosophical and theological inquiry. DSPT is unique among our peer institutions in being the only school to offer a concurrent MA program in which students may obtain both MA (Philosophy) and MA (Theology) degrees by writing one thesis (approximately 120 pages in length). MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $675 per semester unit Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$675 per semester unit African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 14 Asian 0 0 0 0 14 courses are required for the MA (Philsophy) degree; 18 courses are required for the concurrent MA (Philosophy)/ MA (Theology) Native American 0 0 0 0 degree. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 68 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Verbal - 156 Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 A good writing sample is a recent research paper which demonstrates the capacity for graduate level work, including dynamic use of primary and secondary sources. Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 26 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 2 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 0 0 8 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 10 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 10 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 17

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's

Degree Program Master's

Degree Program Master's

Degree Program Master's

Degree Program Master's

Degree Program Master's Details Unknown.

Degree Program Master's Details Unknown.

Degree Program Master's Details Unknown.

Degree Program Master's Details Unknown. Duke University 2014 Report Website Department name philosophy.duke.edu Philosophy

Department chair Alex Rosenberg, Chair

Faculty Assistant Professor Sara Bernstein • Professor Robert Brandon • Professor Allen Buchanan • Assistant Professor Felipe De Brigard • Professor Michael Ferejohn • Professor Owen Flanagan • Associate Research Professor Jennifer Hawkins • Professor Kevin Hoover • Associate Professor Andrew Janiak • Professor Karen Neander • Professor Wayne Norman • Asssistant Professor Carlotta Pavese • Professor Alex Rosenberg • Professor Walter Sinnott-Armstrong • Professor Gopal Sreenivasan • Professor David Wong • Research Professor Peter van Inwagen Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Duke philosophy department has consistently maintained a ratio of female to male faculty well above the average for US doctoral departments. Women faculty members have worked mainly in metaphysics, logic and the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mind, and epistemology. The department has included African-American scholars in the past and currently includes an Asian-American scholar. Current graduate students include Hispanic, African American and other groups underrepresented in philosophy. The University provides a range of funding opportunities and research support for minorities in philosophy. The department has also offered classes at the undergraduate and graduate level on issues in comparative philosophy, Chinese philosophy, race and race theory, feminism, and other subjects where diversity matters arise. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 2 1 Financial Aid Men 11 1 1 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 15 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 10 2 2 Multi-racial 1 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 13 0 17 Duke University 2014 Report

Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 44000 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:44000 African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 1 3 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 6 11 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 1 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: No Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No Totals 9 17 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 1 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 26 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: The student must satisfy departmental requirements in each of the Degrees awarded following areas: history of philosophy; philosophy of science; 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 metaphysics, epistemology and philosophy of mind; value theory; logic Degrees awarded 4 1 2 6 2 Time to completion 7.5 10 6.5 6.6 7 Duke University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 13 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 1 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 7 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 4 0 0 Were not placed 1 1 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Dalhousie Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Pennsylvania Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 3

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Tennessee Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): VAP, 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): VAP, 1 year Duquesne University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.duq.edu/academics/schools/liberal­ Department of Philosophy arts/academic-departments-of-liberal-arts/philosophy Department chair Ronald Polansky, Professor & Chair

Faculty Kelly Arenson, Assistant Professor • Jennifer Bates, Associate Professor • Thérèse Bonin, Associate Professor • Brian Cronin, Associate Professor • Fred Evans, Professor • Tom Eyers, Assistant Professor • Michael Harrington, Associate Professor • Charles Don Keyes, Professor • Jay Lampert, Professor • Patrick Lee Miller, Associate Professor • Ronald Polansky, Professor and Chair • Lanei Rodemeyer, Associate Professor • Daniel Selcer, Associate Professor • James Swindal, Professor and Dean • Eric Vogelstein, Assistant Professor • George Yancy, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Diversity is a concern for the Department in its hiring, graduate student admissions, and coursework. We regularly offer graduate courses in several forms of Asian philosophy, critical philosophies of race, feminist philosophy, and philosophy of gender; we occasionally offer a course in African philosophy. The cultural diversity of our graduate program benefits from the significant number of international students (currently: 3 from Turkey, 2 from South Korea, and 1 each from Cameroon, China, Germany, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Nigeria, and Russia). We also regularly host visiting scholars from Peking University. Organizationally, we support The Center for Women and Gender Studies (founded and directed by Philosophy faculty members), Duquesne Women in Philosophy (organized by graduate students and involving faculty), and the Black Student Union (advised by a philosophy faculty member). Finally, one of our faculty member’s co-edits the APA Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience. Additional Information The mission of the doctoral program is to provide advanced philosophical training to students of demonstrated scholarly excellence so that they may pursue high-quality independent research under the mentorship of faculty, enter the academic profession as scholars and teachers, find tenure-track employment as professors of philosophy, and become members of the international philosophical community. Our department hosts an active, congenial, and vibrant philosophical community, including an extensive visiting speakers series and graduate research colloquium, student and faculty organized reading groups, and a strong graduate student organization. In the last few years, we have offered graduate courses on the pre-Socratics, , , , Hellenistic and Roman philosophy, Plotinus, Augustine, Pseudo- Dionysius, Aquinas, classical Islamic philosophy, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Husserl, Heidegger, Freud, Benjamin, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, Adorno, Levinas, Lacan, Derrida, Ricoeur, Habermas, Foucault, Deleuze, and Badiou. Recent thematic courses have included Aesthetics, Contemporary Social and Political Philosophy, Critical Race Theory, Feminist Phenomenology, German Idealism, History and Philosophy of Science, Early Modern Political Philosophy, Hermeneutics, Psychoanalysis, Idealism and Materialism, Moral Philosophy, Phenomenological Epistemology, Philosophy of the Body, Philosophy of Music, Philosophy of Time, and the Phenomenology of Space and Place. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 0 1 Financial Aid Men 9 2 1 Teaching fellowships 13 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 8 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American 17 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 13 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 In addition to a $17,000/year stipend (which we project will soon rise) all PhD students have full access to substantial yearly Pacific Islander 0 0 0 conference travel funds as well as a one-time ~$2,500 grant for intensive summer language study abroad. Further travel funds and White 11 2 2 research support -- including substantial dissertation completion Multi-racial 0 0 0 grants -- are available through competitive application. To assist with parsing the financial aid numbers above, here is our funding Other race 0 0 0 structure. All our PhD students receive the $17,000 stipend mentioned above. In return, they serve as teaching assistants for 3 Unknown race 0 0 0 semesters and then begin to teach their own small (27 students max) introductory-level classes. Though the funding sources LGBT N/A N/A N/A sometimes vary, the stipend or stipend-equivalent funding is Disablity status N/A N/A N/A guaranteed through the end of their 5th year. If necessary, from the 6th year forward, 2-class/semester adjunct teaching positions paying approximately the same as the stipend are nearly always available Total unknown/ Total women Total men Total faculty for any student who would like to have one. other gender 4 12 0 16 Duquesne University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We specialize in continental philosophy and the history of philosophy. Our program was among the first in the US to concentrate on phenomenology and continental thought. We remain committed to that tradition and focus on post-Kantian European philosophy, with multiple faculty working in German Idealism, phenomenology, social and political philosophy, psychoanalytic theory, as well as , poststructuralism, and their aftermaths. We integrate this into a broader emphasis on the history of philosophy as a cluster of research areas in their own right, as a set of methodological orientations, and as the necessary background for work in contemporary thought. To this end, we also have groups of faculty working in each of the main periods the history of philosophy, including ancient and classical philosophy, medieval philosophy, and modern philosophy. Our graduate program is built around small seminars that engage primary texts and conceptual problems. We strongly encourage reading philosophical works in their original languages, when possible, and place a premium on our students developing a high level of competence in the languages related to their doctoral research. To that end, we offer substantial support for our students to pursue language study at Duquesne and through intensive summer language programs abroad. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $1049/credit Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1049/credit African, 0 2 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 2 1 0 0 After a reasonable period has elapsed to observe performance, the transfer of up to 3 courses of previous graduate coursework in Native American 0 0 0 0 philosophy may be allowed, lowering the total number of required courses to 13. Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 15 31 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 2 3 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 19 39 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: 80 (online), 550 (paper): IELTS accepted with 6.5 LGBT identifying 6 Disability identifying 5 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 66 Total Ph.D. 58 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: We consider GRE scores as one measure of dossier quality among Degrees awarded others, but do not have quantitative minimums. / / We place a strong 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 emphasis on working with texts in original languages. Foreign language preparation is not required, but it does play a role in our Degrees awarded 4 5 4 2 9 admissions decisions. / / Additional language score info for ESL Time to completion 7 8 7.5 5 8

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $1049/credit Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1049/credit African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 2 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 1 2 0 0 TOEFL score: 80 (online), 550 (paper): IELTS accepted with 6.5 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 3 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 See Ph.D. above Duquesne University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 22 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 2 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 12 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 9 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 8 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 4 5 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 5 15 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 2 0 0 Entered another graduate program 2 1 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 7 13 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Florida Southern University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Wheeling Jesuit University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Pittsburgh Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Dickinson College Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer West Virginia University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Rochester Institute of Technology Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of Illinois, Chicago

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Duquesne University Eastern Michigan University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.emich.edu/historyphilosophy/ History & Philosophy

Department chair Richard Nation, Department Head

Faculty Brian Bruya, Associate Professor • Margaret Crouch, Professor • Jill Dieterle, Professor • Peter Higgins, Associate Professor • John Koolage, Associate Professor • Kate Mehuron, Associate Dean • Michael Scoville, Assistant Professor • Jeremy Proulx, Lecturer • Michael Doan, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Our MA program is designed to showcase the pluralistic (continental, analytic, comparative) composition of our faculty and our faculty’s commitment to the critical examination of injustice and inequality. We have specialists in Continental and Asian philosophy, in addition to strengths in analytic philosophy of science, metaphysics, and epistemology, and we have faculty working on immigration, gender and sexuality, food justice, and environmental issues. We are members of a joint chapter of Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) with University of Michigan – Ann Arbor Philosophy Department. Three members of our faculty participate in or contribute to Women’s and Gender Studies. One member of our section is a founding member of Eastern Michigan’s new Global Engagement Council. Our annual speaker series seeks to inspire interest in philosophy among students of diverse social backgrounds both by our selection of speakers and our selection of themes and topics. Additional Information We are very excited for this new program, and we look forward the coming years as the program grows. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 0 0 Financial Aid Men 3 2 1 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0.5

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 We are still a very new program (we've only existed one full semester, as of now). New restructuring of our Pacific Islander 0 0 0 looks like it may yeild a few more non-teaching assistantships. White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 2 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 6 0 9 Eastern Michigan University 2014 Report

MA program strengths Our course offerings include Analytic, Continental, Feminist, and Asian philosophy. Many of our faculty have active research programs focused on matters of social justice, science, the environment, and non-Western philosophy, and our courses reflect these research programs. We maintain an active speaker series, bringing other professional philosophers to campus on a regular basis. Our program offers flexibility in a student’s capstone experience (Thesis, Project, etc.), allowing students to tailor their MA to their interests and needs. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 10400 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:18500 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 Students may opt to complete a Course Work capstone, in which case they will take 10 courses, rather than the Thesis or Project, Native American 0 0 0 0 where students only take 8 courses. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No GPA: 2.7 Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 2 courses in Philosophy from an acredited instituition. Conditional admissions are possible. We have rolling admissions (i.e. no admissions deadlines). Eastern Michigan University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided Emory University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.emory.edu Philosophy Department

Department chair John Stuhr, Deparment Chair, Arts and Sciences Distinguishe

Faculty Bredlau, Susan M Asst. Professor_TT • FLYNN, THOMAS R Professor • FOTION, NICHOLAS G Professor • GOLDENBAUM, URSULA Asc Professor • HARTLE, ANN D Professor • HUSEYINZADEGAN, DILEK Asst. Professor - TT • JIMENEZ RODRIGUEZ VALDES, MARTA Asst Professor - TT • LYSAKER, JOHN Timothy Professor • MCAFEE, NOELLE C Assoc Professor • MITCHELL, ANDREW John Assoc Professor • PATTERSON, RICHARD A Professor • RISJORD, MARK Winden Assoc Professor • Rogers, Melvin L Asst Professor - TT • STUHR, JOHN J Professor And Chair • SULLIVAN, MICHAEL Assoc Professor • VERENE, DONALD Phillip Professor • WILLETT, CYNTHIA J Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We are currently hiring in African Philosophy and have plans to hire in Latin American philosophy. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 4 3 0 Financial Aid Men 9 1 0 Teaching fellowships 29 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African, 0 1 0 Scholarships African-American 29 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 10 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Each student receives $5K in travel support. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 13 1 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 2 0 LGBT 0 2 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 7 10 0 17 Emory University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Emory's graduate program in Philosophy produces teachers and scholars who address living questions through perspectives grounded in a broad and systematic understanding of the history of philosophy. We welcome a diversity of approaches to the study of philosophy, including: analytic, continental, historical, literary, multicultural, and pragmatic. Above all, we prepare our graduate students to make scholarly contributions in their areas of expertise and to become responsible members of the philosophical community. We are particularly strong in four areas, where regular courses and seminars are complemented by informal reading groups: History of Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Culture, Social Theory, and Value, and American Philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 49600 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:49600 African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 18 Asian 1 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 4 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 16 14 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 3 2 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 21 22 0 0 GPA: No Minimum Score TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 4 Disability identifying 2 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: No Minimum Score Total Ph.D. 42 Total Ph.D. 43 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 5 0 7 5 6 Time to completion 7.7 7.2 6.5 6.7 Emory University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Hong Kong Baptist University’s College of International Education Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Sienna University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Florida Atlantic Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Emory University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor, 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer SUNY New Paltz Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Nevada Reno Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Washington University St. Louis Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years Florida State University 2014 Report Website Department name philosophy.fsu.edu Philosophy

Department chair Piers Rawling, Professor & Chair

Faculty Rawling, Chair and Professor • Bishop, Professor • Clarke, Professor • Fleming, Professor • McNaughton, Professor • Mele, Professor • Ruse, Professor • Morales, Associate Professor • Roberts, Associate Professor • Justus, Assistant Professor • Kearns, Assistant Professor • May, Assistant Professor • Stein, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Florida State University’s philosophy department is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty and students. When hiring, we ensure that we interview women and minority applicants whenever possible (this is obviously dependent upon the applicant pool), and we have offered two recent positions to women (one declined, one accepted). We encourage members of under-represented groups to apply to our graduate program, and several have been successful in securing university fellowships (those students that lack fellowship support are funded by the department as teaching assistants). The Society for Women’s Advancement in Philosophy is based in the department, and our graduate students have recently founded a Minorities and Philosophy (M.A.P.) Chapter (which is collaborating closely with the broader network of the same name) to promote the personal and professional climate for minority students in philosophy. Finally, we provide a welcoming atmosphere, and insist upon mutual respect among all students and faculty. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 0 0 Financial Aid Men 9 4 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 26 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 3 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 3 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 10 4 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 13 0 15 Florida State University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The faculty has a diverse set of interests with special strength in areas such as ancient philosophy, action theory, ethics, metaphysics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of biology. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 11504 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:26658 African, 0 2 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 2 4 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 5 23 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 1 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 7 30 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 80 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Q: 152; V: 164 Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 37 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded Time to completion

MA program strengths The faculty has a diverse set of interests with special strength in areas such as ancient philosophy, action theory, ethics, metaphysics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of biology. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 11504 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:26658 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 80 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Q: 152, V: 164 Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Florida State University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Alabama Type of position Unknown Fordham University 2013 Report Website http://www.fordham.edu/philosophy

Department name Philosophy Department

Department chair Christopher Gowans, Chair

Faculty Babette Babich, Professor • Dominic Balestra, Professor • Nathan Ballantyne, Assistant Professor • Michael Baur, Associate Professor • Christopher Cullen, SJ, Associate Professor • John Davenport, Associate Professor • Brian Davies, Distinguished Professor • John J.Drummond, Robert Southwell, S.J. Distinguished Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy • Jeffrey Flynn, Associate Professor • Bryan Frances, Associate Professor • Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei, Professor • Christopher Gowans, Professor • Judith Green, Professor • Stephen Grimm, Associate Professor • Raymond T. Grontkowski, Associate Professor • Crina Gschwandtner, Associate Professor • Samir Haddad, Assistant Professor • William Jaworski, Associate Professor • Brian Johnson, Assistant Professor • Judith Jones, Associate Professor • Gyula Klima, Professor • Joseph Koterski, SJ, Associate Professor • Gerald Thomas Krettek, S.J., Visiting Associate Professor • Dana Miller, Associate Professor • Ohad Nachtomy, Associate Professor • Giorgio Pini, Associate Professor • Jada Twedt Strabbing, Assistant Professor • Daryl Tress, Associate Professor • John Van Buren, Professor • Gerard Vong, Assistant Professor • Reed Winegar, Assistant Professor • Shiloh Whitney, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 6 2 0 Financial Aid

Men 18 5 1 Teaching fellowships 22 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 14

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 5 African-American Scholarships Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 27 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 1 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 8 24 0 32 Fordham University 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths History of philosophy (especially medieval and continental), Ethics, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophy of religion Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $1370 per credit Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:$1370 per credit

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 16 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 1 1 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 7 9 5 6 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 8 8.5 7.5 7.5 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 1 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 8 9 40 37 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3.5 TOEFL score: 100 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 160 8 9 41 39 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 49 Total Ph.D. 48 Statement of intent Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state Women Men Other gender $1370 per credit (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state $1370 per credit 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 10 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3.3 Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 100 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 150 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Students 2012 Students 2013 Fordham University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.georgetown.edu/ Philosophy Department

Department chair Wayne Davis, Professor

Faculty Frank Ambrosio, Associate Professor • Tom Beauchamp, Professor • William Blattner, Professor • David Bronstein, Assistant Professor • Alisa Carse, Associate Professor • Wayne Davis, Professor • Mark Henninger, Professor • L. Bryce Huebner, Associate Professor • Steve Kuhn, Professor • Rebecca Kukla, Professor • Mark Lance, Professor • John Langan, Professor • Neil Lewis, Associate Professor • Judith Lichtenberg, Professor • Margaret Little, Associate Professor • Huaping Lu-Adler, Assistant Professor • David Luban, Professor • James Mattingly, Associate Professor • Mark Murphy, Professor • Terry Pinkard, Professor • G. Madison Powers, Professor • Henry Richardson, Professor • Nancy Sherman, Professor • Karen Stohr, Associate Professor • Robert Veatch, Professor • Wilfried Ver Eecke, Professor • Linda Wetzel, Associate Professor • Kate Withy, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 7 2 0 Financial Aid Men 18 1 0 Teaching fellowships 31 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 13 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 27 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 9 19 0 28 Georgetown University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Bioethics, 19th & 20th Century European, Medieval Philosophy, Catholic Philosophical Tradition, Philosophy of Language / Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 31302 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:31302 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 2 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 2 1 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 6 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 3 Total Ph.D. 3 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 4 4 3 6 Time to completion 8 7 7 7 8 Georgetown University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 14 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 8 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 4 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 2 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Southern Illinois University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Beloit College Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Dickinson College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship).

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Department of State Type of position Other: Senior Military Advisor, US Department of State Georgia State University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.gsu.edu/philosophy Department of Philosophy

Department chair George Rainbolt, Professor

Faculty Andrew Altman, Professor • Jessica Berry, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Andrew I. Cohen, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Andrew Jason Cohen, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Edward Cox, Lecturer • Sandra Dwyer, Senior Lecturer • George Graham, Professor of Philosophy • Christie Hartley, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Stephen Jacobson, Senior Lecturer • Eddy Nahmias, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Tim O'Keefe, Associate Professor of Philosophy • George Rainbolt, Professor of Philosophy • Sebastian Rand, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Andrea Scarantino, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Neil Van Leeuwen, Assistant Professor of Philosophy • Nicole Vincent, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Law, and Neuroscience • Daniel Weiskopf, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Eric Wilson, Assistant Professor of Philosophy • Affiliated Faculty • Sarah Brosnan Assistant Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy • William A.Edmundson, Professor of Law and Philosophy • Peter Lindsay, Associate Professor of Political Science and Philosophy • Gregory Moore, Associate Professor of History and Philosophy Efforts to increase inclusiveness We require graduate students teaching introduction to philosophy to use syllabi that include at least 20 percent women philosophers, and not to require any textbook purchase (exclusively use pdfs that are public domain, within fair use, or available behind paywall as part of GSU library collection) to help students of limited financial means. Two of our former graduate students, Toni Adleberg and Morgan Thompson, along with Eddy Nahmias, surveyed introduction to philosophy students to find out why male and female students enroll in introductory-level courses in similar numbers but women drop out of the discipline in much greater numbers. This research is continuing. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 1 1 Financial Aid Men 10 2 2 Teaching fellowships 26 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 19 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 3 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 26 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 All admitted students receive an aid package that includes a tuition waiver. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 12 3 3 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 1 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 14 0 18 Georgia State University 2014 Report

MA program strengths Legal and Political Philosophy, Neurophilosophy (Empirical philosophy of mind), and Kant & post-Kantian German Philosophy. Extensive teacher training program. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 10814 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:31468 African, 0 3 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 9 Asian 2 2 0 0 Non-thesis option requires 11 courses, but most students do the thesis option. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 9 35 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 11 40 0 0 TOEFL score: 80 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 53 Total MA 51 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Georgia State University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 7 14 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 6 13 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 11 40 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 4 7 0 0 Entered another graduate program 3 16 0 0 Unknown 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Stanford

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Columbia

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Boston University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Indiana University (History and Philosophy of Science program)

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Pennsylvania.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Miami

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of Missouri

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of Western Ontario

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program: Business PhD, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Gonzaga University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.gonzaga.edu Philosophy Department

Department chair Jay Ciaffa, Associate Professor & Chair

Faculty Alfino, Mark, Professor • Armitage, Duane, Lecturer • Besmer, Kirk, Assoc. Professor • Bradley, Daniel, Asst. Professor • Calhoun, David, Assoc. Professor • Ciaffa, Jay, Assoc. Professor • Clancy, S.J., Tim, Assoc. Professor • Clayton, Brian, Assoc. Professor • DiMaria, Ted, Assoc. Professor • Henning, Brian, Professor • Jeannot, Thomas, Professor • Kries, Douglas, Professor • Lassiter, Charles, Lecturer • Danielle Layne, Asst. Professor • Liu, Quanhua, Assoc. Professor • Maccarone, Ellen, Assoc. Professor • Pomerleau, Wayne, Professor • Schmidt, Erik, Assoc. Professor • Thomas, Mark, Lecturer • Tkacz, Michael, Professor • Volbrecht, Rose Mary, Professor • Wagner, John, Assoc. Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Department deliberately seeks to recruit women and minority faculty by considering women and minority candidates for inclusion in interview pools (both phone and on-campus). Additional Information updated information, including historical information about placement, application materials, and information about the annual graduate philosophy conference, is available at the program website: http://www.gonzaga.edu/philosophy/graduate Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 1 0 Financial Aid Men 15 2 2 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 2 Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 All full-time students are eligible for 3 semesters of Graduate Assistantships (non-teaching faculty research / administrative Pacific Islander 0 0 0 support worth 3 credits / semester); there are 2 competitive summer Graduate Assistantships, one worth 3 credits and one worth 6 White 16 3 2 credits. There are two competitively awarded scholarships each year; Multi-racial 0 0 0 each is worth $1500-1800. Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 19 0 22 Gonzaga University 2014 Report

MA program strengths Large, philosophically pluralist faculty; close faculty-student contact with opportunities for independent studies and informal mentoring; 3 graduate-only seminars/year with strong slate of historical and topical courses; solid philosophy library resources; strong placement record of graduates in PhD programs and teaching positions; annual graduate conference MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $9000 / year over 3 years average Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$9000 / year over 3 years average African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 3 0 0 We offer some MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 1 3 0 0 TOEFL score: 100 internet-based, 250 computer-based LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 6 Total MA 4 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 online application materials are available at the program website: http://www.gonzaga.edu/philosophy/graduate Gonzaga University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided Indiana University-Bloomington 2013 Report Website http://www.indiana.edu/~phil

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair Gary Ebbs, Department Chair

Faculty Kate Abramson • Associate Professor • Marcia Baron • Rudy Professor of Philosophy • Gary Ebbs • Professor • Pieter Hasper • Assistant Professor • Mark Kaplan • Professor • Adam Leite • Associate Professor • Kirk Lsudwig • Professor • Director of Graduate Studies • David McCarty • Professor • Director of Graduate Admissions • Tim O’Connor • Professor • Leah Savion • Senior Lecturer • Director of Associate Instructor Training • Frederick Schmitt • Professor • Sandra Shapshay • Assistant Professor • Director of Undergraduate Studies • Joan Weiner • Professor • Allen Wood • Ruth Norman Halls Professor of Philosophy • Rega Wood • Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 4 1 1 Financial Aid

Men 8 1 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4 - 2 semesters

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 26 each semester African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes Varies each semester. Curr Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 n/a Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 1 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 6 9 0 15 Indiana University-Bloomington 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths No information provided Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $331 per credit hour Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:$994 per credit hour

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 90 African, 1 1 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 1 1 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 6 4 5 1 3 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 9.5 10 7 5 10.3 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 1 1 2 2 0 0 not provided) GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status GRE score: 2 2 3 3 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 5 Total Ph.D. 5 n/a Students 2012 Students 2013 Indiana University-Bloomington 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 5 22 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 10 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 7 0 Were not placed 2 3 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Dayton Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Pennsylvania Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship. Duration:

Degree Program Ph.D. Details King's College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Auburn University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Franklin & Marshall Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. Indiana University, Dept. of HPS 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.indiana.edu/~hpscdept/ Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science

Department chair Sander Gliboff, Associate Professor and Department Chair

Faculty Colin Alllen, Professor • Domenico Bertoloni Meli, Professor • James Capshew, Associate Professor • Jordi Cat, Associate Professor • Sander Gliboff, Associate Professor • Amit Hagar, Associate Professor • Elisabeth Lloyd, Professor • William Newman, Professor • Jutta Schickore, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness History and Philosophy of Science at Indiana University is a small department, without standing committees or formal infrastructure for diversity or minority recruiting and retention. For recruiting we rely heavily on diversity-building awards like the McNair or the AGEP or internal IU fellowships, and we have had several awardees in our program in recent years. For mentoring and skill development, we take advantage of our small size. Students—not only minorities—have close personal contacts with all the faculty and find support and encouragement in addition to expertise in their special areas of interest. It should be noted that we do not compile statistics on sexual orientation. The absence of LGBT data in this report does not indicate lack of inclusiveness. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 0 0 Financial Aid Men 7 0 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2-3 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 9 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 41765 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 2 research assistantships Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 9 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 7 0 9 Indiana University, Dept. of HPS 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Philosophy of Science; History of Science; Philosophy of Mind/Cognitive Science; Environmental History/Philosophy; Early Modern Science; History of the Philosophy of Science; History and Philosophy of Evolutionary Biology; History and Philosophy of Medicine; History and Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $342/credit-hr + $650 in fees per term Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1054/credit-hr + $650 in fees per term African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 0 1 0 0 Number of courses varies with choices of minor and other options Native American 0 1 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 6 16 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 7 19 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 90 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 1 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 26 Total Ph.D. 26 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 4 2 1 3 Time to completion 5.5 8.5 6.5 9 6.33

MA program strengths Same as PhD MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $342/credit-hr + $650 in fees per term Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1054/credit-hr + $650 in fees per term African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 1 0 0 Number may vary, depending on course selection or thesis option Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 2 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 4 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 4 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Indiana University, Dept. of HPS 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 10 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 11 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 5 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 1 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 1 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 4 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 1 0 0 Unknown 0 4 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 1 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Ivy Tech Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Columbia University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship).

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of California at Davis Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship).

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. PhD program in History of Science

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Please describe: Community college

Degree Program Master's Details Other (business, industry, government, etc.). Please describe: US National Park Service Johns Hopkins University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.jhu.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Richard Bett, Professor

Faculty Peter Achinstein, Professor of Philosophy • Richard Bett, Professor of Philosophy and Chair • Justin Bledin, Assistant Professor of Philosophy • Hilary Bok, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Luce Professor in Bioethics and Moral and Political Theory, Director of Bioethics Program, and Director of Undergraduate Studies • Eckart Förster, Professor of Philosophy • Steven Gross, Associate Professor of Philosophy & Placement Coordinator • Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Professor of Philosophy • Dean Moyar, Associate Professor of Philosophy & Director of Graduate Studies • Robert Rynasiewicz, Professor of Philosophy • L. Nandi Theunissen, Duane L. Peterson Assistant Professor in Ethics • Meredith Williams, Professor of Philosophy • Michael Williams, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Philosophy Efforts to increase inclusiveness Johns Hopkins is a community committed to sharing values of diversity and inclusion in order to achieve and sustain excellence. We firmly believe that we can best promote excellence by recruiting and retaining a diverse group of students, faculty and staff and by creating a climate of respect that is supportive of their success. One of the most recent hires into a tenure-track position was a woman. In addition, the Department of Philosophy did better in terms of diversity than in many previous years in the last student admissions period; one of the incoming students is a woman (and Asian) and one is African-American. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 2 0 Financial Aid Men 6 3 0 Teaching fellowships 5 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2.5 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 13 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 6 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 7 5 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 9 0 12 Johns Hopkins University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The Department of Philosophy retains a distinctive character, giving students a broad but analytically rigorous philosophical education. At Johns Hopkins, the study of philosophy can be pursued in a number of ways on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, two undergraduate minors are available in philosophy and bioethics. The primary areas of focus in the department are metaphysics and epistemology, philosophy of science, and the history of philosophy (in particular, the history of modern philosophy). Ethics and political philosophy are also studied. When Johns Hopkins University was founded in 1876, it was the first university in the United States designed as a center for research and doctoral education. Among its earliest graduates were well-known philosophers Josiah Royce and . Charles Saunders Peirce, American and scientist known as the “father of ,” was an early faculty member in the department. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 47060 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:­ African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 13 Asian 0 1 0 0 A minimum of 13 courses is required of all students in the Ph.D. program. Usually all 13 courses must be Philosophy Department Native American 0 0 0 0 offerings. However, certain courses offered by other departments may be allowed to count towards the total of 13 courses. Except Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 4 17 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 4 18 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: 100 (computer based) LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 23 Total Ph.D. 22 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 5 5 2 3 4 Time to completion Johns Hopkins University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 10 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 0 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 10 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Miami University (Ohio) Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Sinica Academy - Taiwan Type of position Further academic study: Postdoc

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Towson University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship):

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Colby College Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Faculty Fellow one year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Gettysburg College Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): one year

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Boston College Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): one year Keele University 2014 Report Website Department name www.keele.ac.uk Philosophy Programme

Department chair Sorin Baiasu, Dr

Faculty Sorin Baiasu, • Andrew Dobson, Professor • Giuseppina D'Oro, Reader • Sherilyn McGregor, Senior Lecturer • James Tartaglia, Senior Lecturer Efforts to increase inclusiveness There are several ways in which the Philosophy Programme team provide for diversity. During the last few years, Keele Philosophy Programme pursued this aim along several directions: Study and employability skills; Plagiarism avoidance; Disability. Additional Information The Philosophy Graduate Programme at Keele has a long tradition, but for several years, due to staff shortage we did not advertise it and only accepted a few students exceptionally. We resumed activities for the academic year 2012/13 and currently there are 7 PhD students and 5 MPhil students. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 1 0 0 Financial Aid Men 2 0 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American £1000 for Keele graduate s Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 8 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 We advertise annually competitions for PhD studentships - some are Teaching Assistantships, some are fee-waivers, some are fee­ Pacific Islander 0 0 0 waivers that include also funding for living expenses, but they are advertised for the whole Faculty, not only for Philosophy White 3 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 1 2 0 3 Keele University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Students receive excellent supervision / They have the opportunity to improve their CVs through teaching, organisation of conferences, seminars, workshops / They have good research resources (each student has a space in an office equipped with a computer, for instance) / They can benefit from a busy research environment / They can take advantage of the beautiful campus and fantastic social life Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 2 Asian 0 0 0 0 The courses a student needs to do (equivalent of 60 credits, that is, depending on how a course is credited, 2 or 3 courses) depends on Native American 0 0 0 0 their training needs. Some students may wish to take a teaching training course, others will take a Philosophy course i Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 0 0 0 We offer some Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 2 1 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 1 Total Ph.D. 3 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: N/A Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: £3,996 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:£12,000 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 6 Asian 0 0 0 0 The MRes in Humanities (Philosophy) has fewer courses than the usual taught Masters programme, since considerable emphasis is Native American 0 0 0 0 placed on the final dissertation. The MPhil in Philosophy has even fewer courses required than the MRes; a student can complete b Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 12 0 0 We offer some MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 3 12 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 20 Total MA 15 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 We have two Masters programmes: MRes in Humanities (Philosophy) and MPhil in Philosophy; for the MPhil, the writing sample must be a research project. Keele University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 2 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 1 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 1 0 0 Unknown 0 4 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Please describe: Local high-school

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Liverpool Unviersity and Keele University Kent State University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.kent.edu Philosophy Department

Department chair Deborah Barnbaum, Professor and Chair

Faculty Deborah R. Barnbaum Professor & Chair • Michael Byron Associate Professor • Kim K. Garchar Associate Professor • Polycarp A. Ikuenobe Professor • Jung-Yeup Kim Assistant Professor • Thomas Michael Norton-Smith Professor • Daniel E. Palmer Associate Professor and Assistant Dean • David Pereplyotchik Assistant Professor • Frank X. Ryan Associate Professor • Deborah C. Smith Associate Professor • Linda L. Williams Associate Professor • Gina Zavota Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Affirmative action efforts in every hire, aggressive recruiting of graduate students from under-represented groups, additional funding from the university for graduate students from under-represented groups. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 5 0 0 Financial Aid Men 5 1 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 9 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes Native American 1 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 6 0 11 Kent State University 2014 Report

MA program strengths The Master of Arts degree program in philosophy at Kent State University offers intensive, in-depth study of philosophy, with particular attention to the diversity and plurality of philosophical methods, perspectives, and modes of analysis, and their relation to other disciplines. Most of our graduate students pursue one of the following goals: doctoral work in philosophy a terminal Master's degree in philosophy supplementing and enhancing their work in other disciplines. The graduate program stresses both breadth and depth and offers students the option of a thesis or a non-thesis research project as a culminating experience. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown 8730 Out of state:14886 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 5 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No GPA: 3 Totals 1 5 0 0 TOEFL score: 100 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: N/A Total MA 0 Total MA 6 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Kent State University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 6 18 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 4 5 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 6 0 0 Entered another graduate program 1 0 0 0 Unknown 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 5 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Employer Duquesne University Type of position Further academic study: PhD

Degree Program Master's Employer University of Nebraska Type of position Further academic study: PhD Louisiana State University 2014 Report Website Department name http://uiswcmsweb.prod.lsu.edu/hss/prs/ Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Department chair Delbert Burkett, Chair

Faculty Jon Cogburn, Associate Professor • Deborah Goldgaber, Assistant Professor • Rachel Parsons, Instructor • Charles Pence, Assistant Professor • John Protevi, Professor • Francois Raffoul, Professor • James Rocha, Associate Professor • Jeffrey Roland, Associate Professor • Husain Sarkar, Professor • Gregory Schufreider, Professor • Mary Sirridge, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 1 2 0 Financial Aid Men 6 1 2 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 5 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes none Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 7 2 2 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 9 0 12 Louisiana State University 2014 Report

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $4726 per semester Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$13,644 per semester African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. Asian 1 4 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 3 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 5 24 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 Totals 6 31 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 39 Total MA 37 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Louisiana State University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided Loyola Marymount University 2013 Report Website bellarmine2.lmu.edu

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair Eric Perl, Acting Chair

Faculty Jason Baehr, Associate Professor • Scott Cameron, Professor • Gretchen Gusich, Assistant Professor • James G. Hanink, Professor • Christopher Kaczor, Professor • Mark D. Morelli, Professor • Elizabeth A. Murray, Professor • V. Martin Nemoianu, Assistant Professor • Eric Perl, Professor • Timothy Shanahan, Professor • Daniel Speak, Associate Professor • Erin Stackle, Assistant Professor • Brian Treanor, Professor • Robin R. Wang, Professor • Thomas M. Ward, Assistant Professor • Brad Stone, Associate Professor • Jeffrey Wilson, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness In our hiring process, we make special efforts to solicit applications from women and minorities.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 2 0 Financial Aid

Men 12 1 0 Teaching fellowships 8 - one semester Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

African, 1 0 0 Teaching assistantships 3 African-American Scholarships Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 8 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 Tuition assistance is provided to every enrolled student Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 1 0 0 Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 1 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 4 13 0 17 Loyola Marymount University 2013 Report

MA program strengths Continental, History of Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy in the Catholic tradition MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 14000 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 14000 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 2 2 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program.

Native American 1 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 10 Hispanic or Latino 1 2 2 2 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 1 1 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3 Other (or race 1 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: no minimum Disability status 0 0 1 1 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 4 3 4 4 0 0

Total MA 8 Total MA 7 Students 2012 Students 2013 Loyola Marymount University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 6 14 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 7 22 0 Placed in a teaching job 2 5 0 Entered another graduate program 1 1 0 Unknown 0 0 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Adjunct instructor

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Adjunct instructor

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Adjunct instructor Loyola University Chicago 2014 Report Website Department name luc.edu Philosophy

Department chair Mark Waymack, Associate Professor and Chairperson

Faculty Thomas L. Carson. Professor. • Ardis B. Collins. Professor and editor of the Owl of Minerva. • Andrew Cutrofello. Professor. • Blake D. Dutton. Associate Professor. • Harry Gensler, SJ. Professor • Peter Hartman. Assistant Professor. • David B. Ingram. Professor. • Kristen Irwin. Assistant Professor. • Hanne Jacobs. Assistant Professor. • Pamela Lomelino. Assistant Professor. • Heidi Malm. Professor. • Hugh Miller. Assistant Professor. • Paul K. Moser. Professor. • James Murphy, S.J. Associate Professor • David T. Ozar. Professor. PhD • Jennifer Parks. Professor and Bioethics Minor Director. • Adriaan Peperzak. Arthur J. Schmitt Professor. • Thomas J. Regan, S.J. Associate Professor, Director Jesuit First Studies Program and Academic Dean at St. Joseph College Seminary. • Jason Rheins. Assistant Professor. • David Schweickart. Professor. • Jacqueline Scott. Associate Professor and Assistant Chairperson. • J. D. Trout. Professor of Philosophy and Psychology. • Daniel Vaillancourt. Professor. • Arnold vander Nat. Associate Professor. • Julie Ward. Professor. • Mark H. Waymack. Associate Professor and Chairperson. • Victoria S. Wike. Professor and Director of Graduate Studies. • Thomas E. Wren. Professor. • K. David Yandell. Associate Professor. Efforts to increase inclusiveness We promote diversity and inclusiveness by hiring international faculty, enrolling international students, enrolling McNair funded students, and attending graduate school recruitment events for McNair students. Additional Information Recognized for our commitment to personalized teaching and intensive research, we are a diverse department that offers: Degree Options: We have a doctoral program and two terminal master's programs: one in philosophy and one in social philosophy. Various Specializations: Although we are especially strong in Continental philosophy and Ethics/Social Political philosophy, our faculty is also recognized for expertise in History of philosophy, Anglo-American Philosophy, and philosophy of Religion. Outstanding Faculty: With one of the largest faculties in North America composed of approximately thirty full-time faculty members, we are able to offer a wide array of graduate seminars. Many of our faculty members are experts in their fields, with national or international reputations. Teaching Experience: We offer an in-depth teaching internship that fosters practical experience in the classroom. Teaching assistantships also provide students with educational and professional benefits, enhancing their pedagogical skills. Excellent Placement: Our alumni enjoy great success in their chosen career paths, and many secure full-time positions at respected colleges and universities. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 6 3 0 Financial Aid Men 16 2 6 Teaching fellowships Competitive Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Competitive Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 19 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American Competitive Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 7 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Other financial aid includes work opportunities in the university, grant-funded positions, diversity scholarships, research awards, and Pacific Islander 0 0 0 teaching awards, White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 9 24 0 33 Loyola University Chicago 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The two principal areas of focus are: continental philosophy and ethics/social-political philosophy. We also have significant supporting strengths in the history of philosophy, philosophy of religion, and epistemology. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $965.00 per credit hour Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 2 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 2 1 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 12 29 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 16 31 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 45 Total Ph.D. 47 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: A statement of purpose describing academic and research interests, Degrees awarded as well as professional goals, application form 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 6 5 7 5 4 Time to completion

MA program strengths The two principal areas of focus are: continental philosophy and ethics/social-political philosophy. We also have significant supporting strengths in the history of philosophy, philosophy of religion, and epistemology. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $965.00 per credit hour Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 A statement of purpose describing academic and research interests, as well as professional goals, completed application form. Loyola University Chicago 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 11 36 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 6 23 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 9 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 2 5 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 0 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Other: Director of Audience Development and Operations for Tikkum Magazine.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Type of position Other (business, industry, government, etc.). Bioethicist

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Loyola University Chicago Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Master's Details Other: Music Teacher at Berchmans Academy, a Sacred Heart School.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Research Center of the Humanities for Unification in Konkuk University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Mississippi University for Women Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Triton College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Oklahoma State University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer School of Business at Metropolitan State University of Denver Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Lecturer in Business Ethics

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Loyola University Chicago Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Revolv Type of position Other: Lead Cloud Engineer Marquette University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.marquette.edu/phil/index.shtml Philosophy

Department chair Nancy Snow, Professor, Acting Chair

Faculty Noel Adams, Associate Professor • Corinne Bloch-Mullins, Assistant Professor • Curtis L. Carter, Professor • Yoon H. Choi, Assistant Professor • Susanne E. Foster, Associate Professor • Kevin W. Gibson, Associate Professor • Owen M. Goldin, Professor • Stanley M. Harrison, Associate Professor • Javier A. Ibáñez-Noé, Associate Professor • Rev. John D. Jones, Professor • Sebastian Luft, Associate Professor • Michael Monahan, Associate Professor • Anthony F. Peressini, Associate Professor • Katherine Rickus, Assistant Professor • Grant Silva, Assistant Professor • Nancy E. Snow, Professor • James B. South, Associate Professor • William C. Starr, Associate Professor • Andrew Tallon, Ph.D., Universite de Louvain Professor • Richard C. Taylor, Professor • Theresa W. Tobin, Associate Professor • Ericka Tucker, Assistant Professor • David B. Twetten, Associate Professor • Pol G. Vandevelde, Professor • Margaret Urban Walker, Professor, Schuenke Chair • Michael J. Wreen, Professor • Efforts to increase inclusiveness Hiring faculty in Africana, Latin American, and Feminist Philosophy. Course offerings in Africana, Latin American, Asian, and Feminist Philosophy. Course offerings in Philosophy of Race and Racism. Participation in University climate surveys and initiatives. Future plans to participate in college-wide interdisciplinary programs under development. Faculty affiliations with newly-established university Gender and Sexuality Center. Active support of the university-wide strategic plan to increase diversity through hiring, programing, and curricular development. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 4 4 1 Financial Aid Men 17 1 2 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 9 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 3 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 9 Native American 1 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 Research assistants - 5 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 19 3 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 9 20 0 29 Marquette University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths History of Philosophy, especially Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. 19th & 20th Century European Philosophy, especially Phenomenology. Philosophy of Religion. Social & Political Philosophy. Value Theory, especially Virtue Ethics, Applied Ethics, Aesthetics. Feminist Philosophy. Non-Western Philosophy. Cross-disciplinary approaches to Philosophy of Mind Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $1,025/credit hour Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1,025/credit hour African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We offer some Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: No Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No Totals 0 0 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 0 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: A statement of purpose outlining applicant’s achievements and Degrees awarded intentions in philosophy 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 7 3 2 2 7 Time to completion 7 7.5 8.5 7.5 7

MA program strengths Specific tracks in Social & Political Philosophy, and the History of Philosophy. Large faculty with diverse interests, as noted in strengths of PhD program. Interdisciplinary opportunities across the university MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $1,025 per credit hour Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1,025 per credit hour African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 In Plan A, the student must complete 24 credit hours (8 courses) of graduate-level course work and six credit hours of thesis work. In Native American 0 0 0 0 Plan B, the student must complete 30 credit hours (10 courses) of graduate-level course work Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: No Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Marquette University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 6 15 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 14 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 3 5 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 5 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 6 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 20 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 10 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 2 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 2 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014 Report Website Department name web.mit.edu/philosophy Department of and Philosophy

Department chair Alex Byrne, Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Program

Faculty Alex Byrne, professor and chair • Caspar Hare, associate professor • Sally Haslanger, professor • Justin Khoo, assistant professor • Vann McGee, professor • Agustín Rayo, associate professor • Kieran Setiya, professor • Brad Skow, associate professor • Jack Spencer, assistant professor • , professor • Roger White, associate professor • , professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We have formed the Coalition for Racial Diversity in Philosophy, which had its first meeting at MIT in August 2014. We are currently working with the APA and local universities to develop the PIKSI-Boston Summer Institute, modeled on PIKSI-PA.• Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 0 0 Financial Aid Men 7 2 0 Teaching fellowships 2 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 5 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 21 (10 TAs; 11 RAs) African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Amounts of types of financial aid changes year to year. The program supports students for five years. Students teach second through Pacific Islander 0 0 0 fourth years. White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 8 2 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 1 9 0 10 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Metaphysics, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, logic, feminist philosophy, philosophy of science, epistemology, ethics, Kant, moral psychology Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 44720 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:44720 African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 6 6 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 3 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 2 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 9 10 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: Allows waivers LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 19 Total Ph.D. 19 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 6 7 10 2 4 Time to completion 5.5 7 5.5 5 6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Rice University Type of position Tenure track. McGill University 2014 Report Website Department name www.mcgill.ca/philosophy Philosophy

Department chair David Davies, Professor

Faculty Alia AlSaji Associate Professor • Michael BlomeTillman Associate • Philip Buckley Associate • Carson Associate • David Davies Full Professor • Marguerite Deslauriers Full Professor • George diGiovanni Full Professor • Gaelle Fiasse Associate • Carlos Fraenkel Associate • Ian Gold Associate • Michael Hallett Full Professor • Iwao Hirose Associate • Alison Laywine Associate • Eric Lewis Associate • Storrs McCall Full Professor • Stephen Menn Associate • Greg Mikkelson Associate • Andrew Reisner Associate • Dirk Schlimm Associate • Hasana Sharp Associate • Natalie Stoljar Associate • Sarah Stroud Associate • Kristin Voigt Assistant Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 8 1 0 Financial Aid Men 14 0 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 9 14 0 23 McGill University 2014 Report

Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 2200 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:14000 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 9 Asian 0 0 0 0 The number of courses required depends on whether the student has done previous graduate work in Philosophy: if not, they take 12 Native American 0 0 0 0 courses Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 0 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: 100 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 0 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded Time to completion McGill University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Fordham Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Stony Brook Type of position Tenure track. McMaster University 2013 Report Website http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~philos/

Department name Philosophy

Department chair Elisabeth Gedge, Dr.

Faculty Professors: • Barry Allen • Richard Arthur • Nicholas Griffin • David Hitchcock • Wilfrid Waluchpw • Associates: • Nancy Doubleday • Diane Enns • Elisabeth Gedge • Violetta Igneski • Sandra Lapointe • Brigitte Sassen • Mark Vorobej • Assistants: • Mark Johnstone • Stefan Sciaraffa Efforts to increase inclusiveness We have been in a hiring freeze for the last two years so have been unable to attend to diversity in hiring. In the last two rounds of hiring we ensured that women as well as men were on our short list. Other information A number of our PhD graduates won post-doctoral fellowships. Our 12-13 graduates have only just completed their degrees. Our placement record after the PhD averages about 2 years before finding smething other than occasional teching. MA graduates often take year off before proceeding to a PhD - this year most of them made that decision. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 6 0 0 Financial Aid

Men 6 2 2 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships approx 30 African-American Scholarships approx 30 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 All grad students admitted are given a scholarship and a teaching Pacific Islander 0 0 0 assistantship. Numbers vary by year. Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 1 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 6 10 0 16 McMaster University 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We have particuar strength in philosophy of law and Russell Studies (the Russell Archives are housed at McMaster, and we have the Research Centre. We are members of the Ontario Legal Philosophy Partnership, with partners Osgoode Hall Law School and York University's Philosophy Department. We have a history of collaboration with the Universities of Guelph and Wilfrid Laurier where are grad students can take courses without additional payment. Grad students may enrol in two associated diplma programs: Gender Studies and Feminist Research, and Water Without Borders (offered through the United Nations University in Hamilton). Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other gender approx $10000 pa (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:double that

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 6 African, 0 0 1 1 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 1 1 2 2 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 4 7 2 2 3 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 5 5 5 5 5 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 1 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) GPA: roughly A­ TOEFL score: LGBT 1 1 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 1 1 3 4 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 4 Total Ph.D. 5 Students 2012 Students 2013 MA program strengths We have a two year + thesis MA program. Students may be 'promoted' after Year 1 to the PhD. Students may also enrol in the Water Without Borders Diploma Program, offered through the UN University in Hamilton. MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 10000 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 20000 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 2 1 9 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 1 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 6 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: A­ Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 1 3 2 9 0 0 Written thesis and oral exam Total MA 3 Total MA 12 Students 2012 Students 2013 McMaster University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 6 15 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 6 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 2 0 Were not placed 1 1 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 2 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 Unknown 0 6 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Trent University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. Miami University 2014 Report Website Department name miamioh.edu Philosophy

Department chair Emily Zakin , Dr.

Faculty Emily Zakin, Professor • Elaine Miller, Professor • William McKenna, Professor • Gaile Pohlhaus, Associate Professor • Pascal Massie, Associate Professor • Brian Domino, Associate Professor • Michael Hicks, Assistant Professor • Keith Fennen, Lecturer Efforts to increase inclusiveness Our department is committed to diversity and inclusiveness. We hope to be able to hire minority facuty in the near future. In previous and future searches diversity was and will remain a concern of this department. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 0 0 Financial Aid Men 3 1 1 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 7 (number varies) African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 7 (number varies) Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Assistantships in the amount of $11.660 come with remission of tuition. In addition, an $1800 scholarship is available during the Pacific Islander 0 0 0 summer for students enroled for full-time summer study. White 6 1 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 5 0 8 Miami University 2014 Report

MA program strengths The M.A. provides both broad competence in the history of philosophy and depth in specific areas of student choosing. The department is pluralist, with particular strengths in 19th and 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Ancient and Modern Philosophy, Feminist Theory, and Epistemology.The philosophy faculty as a whole has a diverse array of interests, although many of us have research and/or teaching focus in the history of philosophy (especially Ancient, Modern, 19th Century, and 20th Century) and our program emphasizes the development of historical competence. / The number of graduate students in residence at a given time has been about 6-8. Our seminars encourage intellectual community both among students and between faculty and students. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $6,444/semester + fees Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$14,226/semester + fees African, 1 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 12 Asian 0 1 0 0 Graduate-level courses are 4 credit hours. Studetns must take at least 46 graduate credit hours including a 2 credit hour teaching Native American 0 0 0 0 practicum. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 4 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 4 5 0 0 TOEFL score: 80 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 9 Total MA 9 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Miami University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 3 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 5 11 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 1 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 2 3 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of California Santa Cruz

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. PhD in Communication

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of South Florida Michigan State University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.philosophy.msu.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Matthew McKeon, Department Chair, Associate Professor

Faculty Kristie Dotson, Associate Professor • Stephen L. Esquith, Professor • Leonard Fleck, Professor • Fred Gifford, Professor • Todd Hedrick, Associate Professor • Hilde Lindemann, Professor • Christian Lotz, Associate Professor • John McClendon, Professor • Matthew W. McKeon, Associate Professor • Debra Nails, Professor • Jamie Lindemann Nelson, Professor • Michael O’Rourke, Professor • Frederick Rauscher, Associate Professor • James E. Roper, Associate Professor • Lisa H. Schwartzman, Associate Professor • Daniel P. Steel, Associate Professor • Paul B. Thompson, Professor • Tom Tomlinson, Professor • Sean Valles, Assistant Professor • Kyle Powys Whyte, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Faculty are teaching and doing research in areas of philosophy that concern diverse populations, including African American philosophy, feminist theory, and environmental justice. The Department hosted a very successful conference on the topic of intersectionality that brought prominent feminist race theorists into dialogue with each other and with many members of the local (and regional) community, including a number of non-academic scholars and activists. Both our course offering and our visiting reflect our commitment to diversity. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 5 0 2 Financial Aid Men 13 2 3 Teaching fellowships 3 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 7 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 14 African, 2 0 0 Scholarships African-American 7 Asian 0 0 1 Students teaching their own classes 16 Native American 0 1 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 travel funding, summer support fellowships, summer teaching Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 7 18 0 25 Michigan State University 2014 Report

Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 11662 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:22876 African, 0 3 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. Asian 1 0 0 0 8-15. Students without an M.A. are required to take 45 credits (approx. 15 credits). Students entering with an M.A. may have up to Native American 0 0 0 0 21 credits (approx. 7 courses) waived. Most graduate courses are 3 credits, but some are 4 credits. Hispanic or Latino 2 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 14 23 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 1 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 1 1 0 0 Transcripts: No Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No Totals 19 28 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 48 Total Ph.D. 47 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 0 3 2 3 4 Time to completion 6.3 9 6.3 7.5

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 11662 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:22876 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: No Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No GPA: 3 Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 550 (paper), 80 (internet) LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Michigan State University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 6 6 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 4 1 0 0 Were not placed 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 2 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 1 1 0 0 Unknown 2 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Michigan State University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Lecturer, 1 semester

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Mount St. Mary's University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Manchester University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor, 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Grand Valle State University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer LaGuardia Community College/CUNY Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Western Kentucky University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor, 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Drexel University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Services Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Yeshiva University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: The New School for Social Research 2014 Report Website Department name www.newschool.edu Philosophy

Department chair Ryan Gustafson, Student Advisor

Faculty Richard J Bernstein, Professor • Nancy Fraser, Professor • J.M. Bernstein, Professor • Simon Critchley, Professor • Dmitri Nikulin, Professor • , Associate Professor • James Dodd, Associate Professor • Chiara Bottici, Associate Professor • Zed Adams, Assistant Professor • Cinzia Arruzza, Assistant Professor • Omri Boehm, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Our department recognizes the damage that sexism and racism have caused in academic communities in general and philosophy departments in particular. We have collectively committed ourselves to measures that we hope will help to cultivate and sustain an inclusive environment. These include improving gender and race inclusiveness at our weekly speaker series, both with respect to the diversity of our speakers and the protocols of discussion; focusing on outreach to historically under-represented populations in our admissions process; and making deliberate efforts to include such students in classroom discussions. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 1 0 Financial Aid Men 5 2 0 Teaching fellowships 6 = two semesters Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4 = two semesters Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 9 = two semesters African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Percentage scholarship Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 8 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 7 0 11 The New School for Social Research 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Post-Kantian German Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics, History of Philosophy, American Philosophy, History of Analytic Philosophy, Moral and Political Philosophy Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $1,820 per credit Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1,820 per credit African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 20 Asian 0 0 0 0 Students must complete 60 credits (3 credits per course = 20 credits) for the PhD degree. Externally admitted PhD students with Native American 0 0 0 0 previous coursework may transfer up to 30 credits. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 0 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 0 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 3 8 3 10 Time to completion

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown $1,820 per credit Out of state:$1,820 per credit African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 The New School for Social Research 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Not provided Type of position Tenure-track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Not provided Type of position Full-time

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Not provided Type of position Full-time

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Not provided Type of position Full-time

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Post-doc

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Post-Doc

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Post-doc

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Post-doc

Degree Program Master's Type of position Ph.D. program

Degree Program Master's Type of position Ph.D. program

Degree Program Master's Type of position Ph.D. program

Degree Program Master's Type of position Ph.D. program

Degree Program Master's Type of position Ph.D. program

Degree Program Master's Type of position Ph.D. program

Degree Program Master's Type of position Ph.D. program 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.nyu.edu/ Philosophy Department

Department chair Don Garrett, Professor, Chair

Faculty 1. Anthony Appiah, Professor • 2. Ned Block, Professor • 3. Paul Boghossian, Professor • 4. David Chalmers, Professor • 5. Cian Dorr, Professor • 6. Hartry Field, Professor • 7. Kit Fine, Professor • 8. Richard Foley, Professor • 9. Laura Franklin-Hall, Assistant Professor • 10. Jane Friedman, Assistant Professor • 11. Don Garrett, Professor • 12. Robert Hopkins, Professor • 13. Paul Horwich, Professor • 14. Anja Jauernig, Associate Professor (Spring 2015) • 15. Beatrice Longuenesse, Professor • 16. Marko Malink, Associate Professor • 17. Tim Maudlin, Professor • 18. Jessica Moss, Professor • 19. James Pryor, Professor • 20. John Richardson, Professor • 21. Samuel Scheffler, Professor • 22. Stephen Schiffer, Professor • 23. Sharon Street, Associate Professor • 24. Michael Strevens, Professor • 25. Peter Unger, Professor • 26. J. David Velleman, Professor • 27. Crispin Wright, Professor • • Faculty Fellows: • 28. Nicolas Bommarito, Assistant Professor • 29, J. Dmitri Gallow, Assistant Professor • 30. Harvey Lederman, Assistant Professor • 31. Lisa Miracchi, Assistant Professor • 32. Kristin Primus, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department has an active faculty-student Committee on Climate, Inclusiveness, and Diversity which conducts a climate survey, invites guest speakers, reviews the procedures of search and admissions committees, brings issues to the faculty, and undertakes other initiatives. The Department supports the Gendered Conferences campaign. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 4 2 2 Financial Aid Men 20 0 3 Teaching fellowships None Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 5 FTE Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 4 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 4 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 23 2 5 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 8 23 0 31 New York University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The department has strengths in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophy of action, , philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of physics, philosophy of cognitive science, ethics, metaethics, political philosophy, philosophy of law, aesthetics, ancient philosophy, early modern philosophy, Kant, and nineteenth-century continental philosophy. / Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 18 Asian 0 0 0 9 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 1 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 36 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 0 0 46 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 47 Total Ph.D. 46 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 6 5 6 2 Time to completion 7 5 7 7 7

MA program strengths The department has strengths in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophy of action, philosophical logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of physics, philosophy of cognitive science, ethics, metaethics, political philosophy, philosophy of law, aesthetics, ancient philosophy, early modern philosophy, Kant, and nineteenth-century continental philosophy. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 0 0 2 N/A Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 1 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 4 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 3 Total MA 4 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 New York University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 6 19 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 2 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 6 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 15 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 2 4 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 4 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 1 2 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 2 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UCLA Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details National University of Singapore Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Cape Town Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Tel Aviv University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration:

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Lafayette College Type of position Unknown

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer NYU Type of position Unknown Northern Illinois University 2014 Report Website Department name niu.edu Philosophy

Department chair David Buller, Professor and Chair

Faculty Valia Allori, associate professor • David J. Buller, professor • Leonard Clapp, professor • Steven Daskal, associate professor • Jr., professor • Alicia Finch, associate professor • Carl Gillett, professor • Jason Hanna, assistant professor • Geoffrey Pynn, assistant professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 0 2 Financial Aid Men 5 2 2 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0-1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 12 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 1 tuition waivers, competitive across university, full time for first year only Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 7 2 3 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 9 0 13 Northern Illinois University 2014 Report

MA program strengths epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and political philosophy MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 9935.18 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:16220.42 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: no set minimum Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 80 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: no set minimum Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Northern Illinois University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Toronto

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Indiana University at Bloomington

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Southern California

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Connecticut Northwestern University 2013 Report Website http://www.northwestern.edu/

Department name Northwestern University Department of Philosophy

Department chair Sandy Goldberg, Professor

Faculty Mark Alznauer, Assistant Professor • Fabrizio Cariani, Assistant Professor • Penelope Deutscher, Professor • Kyla Ebels-Duggan, Associate Professor • Sean Ebels-Duggan, Lecturer • David Ebrey, Assistant Professor • Michael Glanzberg, Professor • Sandy Goldberg, Professor • Richard Kraut, Professor • Jennifer Lackey, Professor • Cristina Lafont, Professor • Peter Ludlow, Professor • Charles Mills, Professor • Axel Mueller, Senior Lecturer • Baron Reed, Associate Professor • Ken Seeskin, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness (1) Several years ago we created a departmental “Climate Committee,” aimed at ensuring an inclusive and welcoming intellectual environment for all. They are available for listening and advising all of our students, they are working to conduct annual climate surveys, and they present annual reports to the department as a whole. They sponsor an annual "Inclusiveness Lecture," given by a philosopher outside of NU on a topic of inclusiveness in the profession. (2) We initiated “WiPhi” (“Women into Philosophy”), a group of female faculty and graduate students who support our current women majors and others interested in philosophy. They run programs, sponsor events and talks, and have informal meetings. (3) Three years ago we established the Gertrude Bussey annual lecture, highlighting diversity and under-represented minorities in philosophy.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 5 0 0 Financial Aid Men 7 4 3 Teaching fellowships 0

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 25 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 3-4 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 occasional pre-doctoral fellowships Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 1 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 5 14 0 19 Northwestern University 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Ancient Philosophy; Epistemology and Metaphysics; Ethics and Political Philosophy; European Philosophy; Mind and Language Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $45,120/yr (for 3 quarters) Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:$45,120/yr (for 3 quarters)

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 27 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 1 8 2 4 1 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 7 6.7 6.5 6.5 7 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3.5 TOEFL score: 80 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 1800 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 0 Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 18 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Writing sample: Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Students 2012 Students 2013 Northwestern University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 6 10 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 3 5 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 5 0 Were not placed 1 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Arkansas Type of position Tenure Track Ohio University-Main Campus 2013 Report Website http://WWW.philosophy.ohiou.edu/

Department name Philosophy

Department chair John Bender, Professor

Faculty John W. Bender, Professor • Philip Ehrlich, Professor • Mark LeBar, Professor • Scott Carson, Associate Professor • Robert Briscoe, Associate Professor • Alyssa Bernstein, Associate Professor • James Petrik, Associate Professor • Wendy Parker, Adjunct Associate Professor • Alfred Lent, Assistant Professor • Jeremy Morris, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 0 0 Financial Aid Men 6 0 2 Teaching fellowships 0

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 8 African-American Scholarships 4 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 4 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 2 8 0 10 Ohio University-Main Campus 2013 Report

MA program strengths Philosophy of Science, Epistemology. Moral and Social Theory MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 4722 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 8718 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program.

Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 11 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 1 1 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3 Other (or race 1 2 9 7 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 550 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 570 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 1 2 10 8 0 0

Total MA 11 Total MA 10 Students 2012 Students 2013 Ohio University-Main Campus 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 1 11 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 9 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 7 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 4 0 Entered another graduate program 0 4 0 Unknown 0 4 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Teach America - high school teacher

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Course Facilitator, Ohio University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. Institution: Ohio University International Arts The Ohio State University 2014 Report Website Department name www.osu.edu Department of Philosophy

Department chair Justin D'Arms, Department Chair

Faculty Ben Caplan, Professor • Justin D’Arms, Professor • Lisa Downing, Professor • Glenn Hartz, Professor • Julia Jorati, Assistant Professor • Robert Kraut, Professor • Christopher Pincock, Associate Professor • Abe Roth, Associate Professor • Tamar Rudavsky, Professor • Richard Samuels, Professor • Kevin Scharp, Associate Professor • Timothy Schroeder, Associate Professor • Lisa Shabel, Associate Professor • Stewart Shapiro, Professor • Allan Silverman, Professor • Declan Smithies, Associate Professor • Dawn Starr, Assistant Professor • William Taschek, Associate Professor • Neil Tennant, Professor • Piers Turner, Assistant Professor • Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 2 0 Financial Aid Men 14 1 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4 (1=2 semesters) Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 35 (1=2 semesters) African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 20 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 16 2 0 Multi-racial 0 1 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 15 0 20 The Ohio State University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, Logic, Modern Philosophy, Ethics and Metaethics, Moral Psychology and Action Theory, Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Language, History of Analytic Philosophy, and Metaphysics. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 12424 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:30088 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 14 Asian 1 1 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 8 27 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 1 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 10 30 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 600 paper; 100 IBT; speaking score 28 LGBT identifying 1 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: w %82.2 Q%82 V%93 Total Ph.D. 32 Total Ph.D. 40 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 5 3 5 2 4 Time to completion 7.57 5 8 7.5 8.5 The Ohio State University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 4 10 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 3 7 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 3 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Ohio State Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Ohio State Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: Oklahoma State University-Main Campus 2013 Report Website http://go.okstate.edu/

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair Doren Recker, Associate Professor

Faculty Dr. Doren Recker: Associate Professor and Head of Department • Dr. Eric Reitan: Professor and Graduate Advisor • Dr. Rebecca Bensen-Cain: Associate Professor • Dr. James Cain: Associate Professor • Dr. Scott Gelfand: Associate Professor and Director of Ethics Center • Dr. Marty Heitz: Associate Professor • Dr. Lawrence Pasternack: Associate Professor • Dr. Apple Igrek: Assistant Professor • Dr. Lorraine Y. Landry: Assistant Professor and Assistant Director of Ethics Center • Dr. Shannon Spaulding: Assistant Professor • Dr. Mary Gwin: Visiting Assistant Professor • Dr. Timothy Weidel: Visiting Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided Other information Grad requirements are specified in terms of hours in our department, as opposed to # of courses. The Master's program here has a 30 hour requirement for those completing a Master's degree, and a 32 hour requirement for those completing the degree with a report or creative component. For the former, 24 hours are in the form of coursework (8 courses at 3 credit hours each), followed by 6 hours of thesis research hours. For the latter, 30 hours are in the form of coursework (10 courses), followed by 2 hours of research. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 2 4 Financial Aid Men 6 1 6 Teaching fellowships

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

African, 0 0 1 Teaching assistantships 8 African-American Scholarships Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 5 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 7 13 0 20 Oklahoma State University-Main Campus 2013 Report

MA program strengths The department combines a breadth of faculty research interests with considerable depth in ethics and growing depth in philosophy of religion and philosophy of science. Seminars are small, and the department offers a collegial environment for graduate students interested in developing their philosophical training in preparation for entering a PhD program or earning a Master's degree as a terminal degree. MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state $178 per credit hour Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state $728 per credit hour 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 1 1 2 1 0 0 Courses required for MA: 10 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 550 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 1 1 2 1 0 0

Total MA 3 Total MA 2 Students 2012 Students 2013 Oklahoma State University-Main Campus 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 1 7 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 8 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 3 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 7 0 Entered another graduate program 2 5 0 Unknown 0 2 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Lecturer Penn State University 2014 Report Website Department name www.psu.edu Philosophy

Department chair John Christman, Interim Head

Faculty Robert Bernasconi, Professor • Vincent Colapietro, Professor • Nancy Tuana, Professor • Chris Long, Professor • Paul Taylor, Associate Professor • Kathryn Gines, Associate Professor • Leonard Lawlor, Professor • Emily Grosholz, Professor • Irene Harvey, Associate Professor • Sarah C. Miller, Associate Professor • Brady Bowman, Associate Professor • Mark Sentesy, Assistant Professor • John Christman, Professor • Dennis Schmidt, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Penn State Philosophy Doctoral Program enrolls the most African-American students in the country: 12. It also enrolls one African student, and we recruited an African-Canadian for this year's cohort. The Rock Ethics Institute also houses the Critical Philosophy of Race journal and critical philosophy of race is one of the Philosophy Department's research-teaching areas. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 5 0 0 Financial Aid Men 9 1 3 Teaching fellowships 4 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 2 0 0 Scholarships African-American 2 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 25 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 We provide summer funding and travel money. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 13 0 18 Penn State University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The philosophy department’s mission for the next five years is to coordinate its longstanding strength in continental philosophy with its emerging specialties in feminist philosophy and critical philosophy of race. Our signature style of pursuing these strengths involves engagement with and reflection on the history of philosophy. It also integrates our strengths with the study of ethics richly informed by a historical approach. We understand Continental philosophy to be a family of traditions of philosophy, while feminist philosophy and critical philosophy of race could be described as problematics (focusing on gender and race, respectively) that necessarily draw from multiple traditions, including analytic and American as well as Continental philosophy. Likewise, the field of ethics draws on multiple traditions, and the history of philosophy can be and is pursued by means of different problematics and diverse philosophical traditions. Our department does not aim to cover all of these areas, but we affirm that our mission statement constitutes a commitment to train our graduate students in multiple traditions, helping produce a new generation of diverse students who are philosophically “multilingual.” Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 18270 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:31246 African, 9 3 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 50 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 7 11 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 16 14 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 12 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 150 Total Ph.D. 23 Total Ph.D. 30 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: We also require a statement of purpose. Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 6 4 5 4 2 Time to completion 7 7 6 7 6.5 Penn State University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 13 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 7 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 5 0 0 Were not placed 1 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Goergia College and University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UC-Irvine Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Sweet Briar College Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.princeton.edu/main/ Philosophy

Department chair Michael Smith, McCosh Professor of Philosophy

Faculty John Burgess, Professor • John Cooper, Professor • Shamik Dasgupta, Assistant Professor • Adam Elga, Professor • Delia Graff Fara, Professor • Jonathan Frick, Instructor • Daniel Garber, Professor • Hans Halvorson, Professor • Elizabath Harman, Associate Professor • Gilbert Harman, Professor • Desmond Hogan, Associate Professor • Mark Johnston, Professor • Thomas Kelly, Professor • Boris Kment, Assistant Professor • Sarah-Jane Leslie, Professor • Hendrik Lorenz, Professor • Sarah McGrath, Assistant Professor • Benjamin Morison, Professor • Alexander Nehamas, Professor • Gideon Rosen, Professor • Michael Smith, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness In AY2013-14, the Philosophy Department at Princeton funded an initiative by a new graduate student, Yena Lee, to set up the Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) network for graduate students in philosophy. The main function of MAP is to organize workshops locally and put students in touch with faculty mentors, but there is also an overarching website that serves as a clearing-house for similar events run by the twenty-six MAP chapters. For more information see: http://www.mapforthegap.com. In AY2013-14, the the Philosophy Department at Princeton co-funded an initiative by a faculty member, Elizabeth Harman, who together with colleagues at Rutgers and Cornell has organized a series of three networking and mentoring workshops for graduate student women in philosophy. The first of these will take place at Princeton 21-24 August 2014. For more information see: http://networkingandmentoringworkshop.weebly.com/ Additional Information For additional information, please see our website: http://philosophy.princeton.edu/ . Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 1 1 Financial Aid Men 14 3 1 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 36 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 36 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 n/a Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 18 0 23 Princeton University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Philosophy of Cognitive Science; Moral Psychology; Metaethics; Applied Ethics; Political Philosophy; Philosophy of Social Science; Ancient Philosophy; Early Modern Philosophy; 17th Century; Early Modern Philosophy; 18th Century; Philosophy of Art; Philosophy of Language; Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Action; Metaphysics; Epistemology; Philosophical Logic; Mathematical Logic; Decision, Rational Choice, and Game Theory; General Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Physics Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 41820 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:41820 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 0 Asian 1 3 0 0 We do not use courses, but unit reports issued by faculty, to determine eligibility. The student is responsible for 10 units or 14 Native American 0 0 0 0 units, depending on the program. Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 5 19 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 2 4 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 9 27 0 0 GPA: no minimum TOEFL score: no minimum LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: no minimum Total Ph.D. 37 Total Ph.D. 36 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Broad background in philosophy required; however, a bachelor’s Degrees awarded degree in Philosophy is not a prerequisite. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 3 5 4 8 14 Time to completion 5.7 6.2 6.25 7 6.14 Princeton University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 11 30 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 1 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 5 8 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 6 21 0 0 Were not placed 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Simon Fraser University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1-year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Western Michigan University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Sorbonne Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 9 months

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UCLA Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Pennsylvania Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Professor, renewable for up to 5 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Kansas Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Colby College Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor, 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of South Florida Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Delaware Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Oxford University Type of position Other: Academic Project Manager, 6-month position Purdue University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.cla.purdue.edu/philosophy/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Matthias Steup, Professor and Head

Faculty Michael Bergmann, Professor • Mark Bernstein, Professor • Rod Bertolet, Professor • Jeffrey Brower, Professor • Jan A. Cover, Professor • Martin Curd, Associate Professor • Patricia Curd, Professor • Taylor Davis, Assistant Professor • Paul Draper, Professor • Daniel H. Frank, Professor • Leonard Harris, Professor • Michael Jacovides, Associate Professor • Patrick Kain, Associate Professor • Daniel Kelly, Associate Professor • William L. McBride, Professor • Jacqueline Mariña, Professor • Daniel W. Smith, Professor • Matthias Steup, Professor • Dana Tulodziecki, Assistant Professor • Chris Yeomans, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department has formed a Diversity and Inclusiveness Committee to promote further progress. In addition, thanks to the generosity of the Office of the Provost and the College of Liberal Arts Dean's Office, we now have a Graduate Student Fellowship for Diversity and Inclusion. The Fellow’s duties include creating and maintaining a departmental web page that lists resources, organizing workshops for philosophy graduate students on the inclusive classroom, and helping put together a series of talks by distinguished philosophers on the full range of issues relating to diversity and inclusion to facilitate dialogue on and understanding of these very important issues. We continue to seek fellowships Purdue offers to students accepted to graduate school, on a competitive basis, to enhance diversity in the graduate student population. We have often, though not always, been successful. At the assistant professor level, half of our faculty are women. We have been successful at diversifying our colloquium series speakers. Additional Information Tuition: Funded students have tuition waived and pay only a small portion of student fees, currently $303. Attrition: The six students who left the program without receiving a did so before advancing to the dissertation stage, so none of them entered the job market before leaving. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 1 1 Financial Aid Men 17 1 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 26 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 1 Students teaching their own classes 16 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 One research assistant associated with a named professorship, one TA funded by the provost's office who runs a univeristy-wide Pacific Islander 0 0 0 bioethics lecture series. White 16 2 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 18 0 22 Purdue University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The graduate program offers its students the opportunity to pursue an unusually diversified and well-balanced plan of study. Our recognized strengths include History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, and Continental Philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 5501 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:14402 African, 1 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 12 Asian 1 1 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 11 26 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 14 28 0 0 GPA: 3.4 TOEFL score: 100 on TOEFL iBT LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: none Total Ph.D. 32 Total Ph.D. 42 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 9 3 11 2 6 Time to completion 7 5 8 7 7 Purdue University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 8 36 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 5 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 3 22 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 4 5 0 0 Were not placed 0 9 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.philosophy.rutgers.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Larry Temkin, Chair

Faculty Martha Bolton-Professor I • Robert Bolton-Professor I • Martin Bunzl- Professor I • Elisabeth Camp-Associate Professor • Ruth Chang- Professor I • Andrew Egan-Associate Professor • Mary Frances Egan- Professor I • Branden Fitelson- Professor I • Anthony Gillies-Associate Professor • -Distinguished Professor of Philosophy•Board of Governors Professor of Philosophy & Cognitive Science • Douglas Husak- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy • Jeffrey King- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy • Peter Kivy- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy • Peter Klein-Professor I • Ernest Lepore- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy • Martin Lin-Associate Professor • Robert Matthews-Professor I • Howard McGary, Jr- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy • Brian McLaughlin- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy • Jonathan Schaffer- Professor I • Susanna Schellenberg- Associate Professor • Holly Smith- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy • Ernest Sosa- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy• Board of Governors Professor of Philosophy • Stephen Stich- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy• Board of Governors Professor of Philosophy • Larry Temkin- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy • Dean Zimmerman-Professor I Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Rutgers Department of Philosophy that a crucial part of supporting and maintaining a thriving department climate for women and underrepresented groups in philosophy is making information and resources accessible to current and prospective students, and that an important part of creating and developing an excellent professional philosophical climate for all philosophers is making information on implicit bias and stereotype threat, how to counteract them, and departmental and professional statistics more publicly accessible. In this spirit, the reader will find here information relevant to those who are current or prospective members of Rutgers’ philosophical community, as well as the broader philosophical community. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 4 2 0 Financial Aid Men 17 3 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 19 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 12 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American 1 Asian 1 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 11 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 22 0 0 Multi-racial 0 1 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 20 0 26 Rutgers University 2014 Report

Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $5,958 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$10,026 African, 1 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 24 Asian 1 1 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 17 11 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 4 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: No Unknown race 3 7 0 0 Writing sample: No Totals 22 24 0 0 GPA: 3.7 TOEFL score: 80 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 5 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Verbal: 160-170, Qant.: 155-170, Analytical: 5 Total Ph.D. 46 Total Ph.D. 46 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 10 3 12 5 Time to completion 6 7 5 7 6

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $5,958 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$10,026 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 To be awarded the M.A. a student must successfully complete 30 credits and write a thesis. Up to 8 of the 30 credits can be Native American 0 0 0 0 transferred from the applicant’s law school. The law courses that would be counted toward the M.A. must be approved by the Progra Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 1 0 0 We offer some MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: No Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No GPA: 3.75 Totals 0 2 0 0 TOEFL score: 80 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Verbal: 160-170, Quant: 155-170, Analytical: 5 Total MA 3 Total MA 2 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Rutgers University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 13 29 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 4 8 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 10 15 0 0 Were not placed 0 3 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UCLA Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Illinois-Wesleyan University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details UNAM Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Pennsylvania Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Southampton, UK Type of position Post-doc. Saint Louis University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.slu.edu/colleges/AS/philos/site/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Theodore Vitali, Reverend

Faculty Michael Barber SJ, Professor • Gregory Beabout, Associate Professor • Scott Berman, Associate Professor • Jeffrey Bishop, Professor • James Bohman, Professor • Susan Brower-Toland, Associate Professor • John Greco, Professor • Dan Haybron, Associate Professor • Jonathan Jacobs, Associate Professor • Kathryn Lindeman, Assistant Professor • Jack Marler, Associate Professor • Colleen McCluskey, Associate Professor • Ian McCready-Flora, Assistant Professor • Scott Ragland, Associate Professor • William Rehg SJ, Professor • Joe Salerno, Associate Professor • Kent Staley, Associate Professor • Eleonore Stump, Professor • George Terzis, Associate Professor • Jason Turner, Associate Professor • Theodore Vitali CP, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We encourage women and minorities to apply to our faculty positions; we include that statement in our job advertisements. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 1 0 Financial Aid Men 16 1 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 20 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 13 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 19 2 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 17 0 21 Saint Louis University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The graduate program at Saint Louis University provides an intellectual environment in which students may pursue advanced studies in a wide range of philosophical topics and methods—systematic, analytic, and historical. The department places equal emphasis on work in and on the value of history of philosophy. The program is designed to offer students a diverse and well-rounded course of study. Graduates students will take seminars in Logic, in each of the main periods of the history of philosophy, as well as seminars devoted to topics in traditional areas of philosophy, including metaphysics and epistemology, value theory, social/political theory, philosophy of religion, language, and science. The department has been recognized in the most recent Philosophical Gourmet Report for its strengths in a number of these areas, most notably in Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Action Theory, Epistemology, and Social Political Philosophy. The department offers a variety of resources to graduate students including a world-renowned faculty, regular opportunities to work with eminent visiting scholars, numerous colloquia and conferences, a wide variety reading groups, as well as opportunities to participate in exchange programs. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 1030 per hour Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:1030 per hour African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 18 Asian 0 4 0 0 Students entering the Ph.D. program with an MA degree may transfer up to nine hours from their MA program with consent of the Native American 0 0 0 0 Chair. Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 17 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 2 22 0 0 GPA: No minimum TOEFL score: No minimum LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: No minimum Total Ph.D. 24 Total Ph.D. 24 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 3 5 3 2 Time to completion 11 6 5.6 11 13

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 1030 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:1030 African, 0 2 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 30 Asian 0 6 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 5 6 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 19 32 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 3 5 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 1 3 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 5 12 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: No minimum Totals 33 66 0 0 TOEFL score: No minimum LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: No minimum Total MA 224 Total MA 99 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Saint Louis University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 9 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 4 0 0 Were not placed N/A N/A 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job N/A N/A 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Augustana College Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. San Diego State University 2013 Report Website http://philosophy.sdsu.edu/

Department name Philosophy Department

Department chair Peter Atterton, Professor

Faculty Peter Atterton, professor • Steve Barbone, associate professor • J. Angelo Corlett, professor • Robert Francescotti, professor • Sandra Wawrytko, professor • Tom Weston, professor • Mark Wheeler, associate professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness One way is that we neither collect nor maintain any record of perceived or expressed identities, so there are no divisions of “us” and “them.” At the same time, we have added or are now adding several courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels that cover Asian philosophies and courses that focus on women in philosophy. In terms of recent applications and acceptances to the MA program, the department often achieves about 30% women.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 0 3 Financial Aid

Men 6 0 4 Teaching fellowships 5 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 2 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 5 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 none Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 4 10 0 14 San Diego State University 2013 Report

MA program strengths Small department, so students can get some personal attention. There is no specialty of the department, but broad representation within the discipline, including Asian philosophy, is available. MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 0 + fee of 2,600 (6 units or less) or 4,016 (more than 6 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 372 per unit + fee of 2,600 (6 units or less) or 4,01 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 30 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3.0 general/3.3 philosophy Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 550 paper/213 computer/80 internet LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: none Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Students 2012 Students 2013 San Diego State University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 3 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 5 8 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 2 8 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 4 0 Entered another graduate program 0 6 0 Unknown 1 10 0 San Francisco State University 2014 Report Website Department name www.sfsu.edu Department of Philosophy

Department chair Anita Silvers, Chair, Professor

Faculty Anita Silvers, Professor • Bas van Fraassen, Distinguished Professor • Pamela Hood, Professor • Mohammad Azadpur, Professor • Shelley Wilcox, Professor • Alice Sowaal, Associate Professor • Asta Sveinsdottir, Associate Professor • Justin Tiwald, Associate Professor • Isabelle Peshard, Associate Professor • David Landy, Associate Professor • Carlos Montemayor, Associate Professor • Kevin Toh, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We have a diverse faculty who are strongly committed to mentoring students from groups underrepresented in philosophy. We have also been very successful in encouraging and supporting our students in winning competitive scholarships aimed at helping member of underrepresented groups, e.g., the Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholarship, and SFSU Provost's Scholar Award. Additional Information Thanks to a generous six-figure bequest from a former SFSU M.A degree holder who went on to earn his doctorate, the SFSU Philosophy Department will begin a new scholarship program for students entering the M.A. program in Fall '15 and subsequent years. Scholarships may be matched with Graduate Teaching Associate Fellowships. Information about scholarship criteria and application forms will be available on the SFSU Philosophy Department's webpage by January 15, 2015. / / SFSU also has a variety of other scholarships for graduate students, as well as financial aid. Students seeking the maximum in financial aid for Fall '15 entry should submit a FAFSA by the end of February '15, even if they have not yet applied to the Philosophy MA program. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 6 0 0 Financial Aid Men 4 1 1 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 32 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 74 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 7 0 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 1 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 2 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 6 0 12 San Francisco State University 2014 Report

MA program strengths Philosophy of Science, Feminist Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Political Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Ancient Philosophy MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $7,734 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:Must pay additional $372 per credit African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 11 Asian 1 0 0 0 33 units are required. Most courses are 3 units, although some can be taken for less. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 9 12 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 1 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 Totals 11 13 0 0 TOEFL score: Paper: 500 Computer: 173 Internet: 61 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 18 Total MA 24 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 San Francisco State University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 9 23 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 3 12 0 0 Entered another graduate program 4 12 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: UC Irvine

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Yale

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. UC Riverside

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. UC Santa Cruz

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Washington

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. UCLA

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program: MA in East Asian Studies

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program: Golden Gate University DBA in Business Administration

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: SUNY Albany

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job: Instructor in Philosophy at Thammasat University, Thailand

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. Please specify: Medical School (unknown)

Degree Program Master's Details12 Teaching job. Please describe: Saraburiwitthayakhom School

Degree Program Master's Details13 Teaching job: Diablo Valley College

Degree Program Master's Details14 Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Purdue University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Texas A&M San Jose State University 2013 Report Website www.sjsu.edu/philosophy

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair Peter Hadreas, Chair

Faculty Peter Hadreas, Professor and Chair • Rita Manning, Professor • Thomas W. Leddy, Professor • William H. Shaw, Professor • Tommy L. Lott, Professor • Richard Tieszen, Professor • Bo Mou, Professor • Anand Vaidya, Associate Professor • Janet Stemwedel, Associate Professor • Karin Brown, Associate Professor • Carlos Alberto Sanchez, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We boast a notably diverse faculty with a wide range of interest. Our faculty teach and publish in the following areas: Analytic, continental, Africana, Latin American, Chinese, Indian, and Feminist philosophies. We are the home of the Center for Comparative Philosophy and publish the peer reviewed journal, Comparative Philosophy, of which Professor Bo Mou is the founding and managing Editor. Professor Carlos Alberto Sanchez is the Editor of the APA Newsletter for Hispanic Latino Issues in Philosophy.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 0 3 Financial Aid Men 7 0 5 Teaching fellowships 0

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 African, 1 0 0 Teaching assistantships 1 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 1 0 1 Students teaching their own classes 4 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 1 0 0 All incoming graduate students are offered Graduate Assistantships. Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 1 0 1 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 6 12 0 18 San Jose State University 2013 Report

MA program strengths The "focus" of San Jose State's Department of Philosophy is on diversity. Thus, traditional areas of philosophy are well covered, along with many other areas. The latter include: Feminist Philosophy; African and African-American Philosophy; Buddhist Philosophy; Japanese Philosophy; Chinese Philosophy; Latin American Philosophy; Indian Philosophy; Gender Studies; and (in keeping with out setting in Silicon Valley), various perspectives on science and technology. Both traditional and other areas are reflected in the department curriculum and in faculty areas of interest (www.sjsu.edu/philosophy/contact/). In terms of professional activity (research, publication, consulting, etc.), outside reviewers have found the department to be notable nationally, to be among the top within the campuses of the California State University system, and to compare favorably with public and private PhD granting universities in the region. MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 8569 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state Same as above plus $374 per unit 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 30 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3 Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 80 (internet based) LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Students 2012 Students 2013 San Jose State University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Simon Fraser University 2014 Report Website Department name www.sfu.ca Philosophy

Department chair Martin Hahn, Dr.

Faculty Martin Hahn, Associate Professor • Samual Black, Associate Professor • Evan Tiffany, Associate Professor • Philip Hanson, Associate Professor • Holly Andersen, Assistant Professor • Endry Begby, Assistant Professor • Owen Ware, Assistant Professor • Nic Fillion, Visiting Assistant Professor (4 year) • Ray Jennings, Professor • Lisa Shapiro, Professor • Kathleen Akins, Professor • Dai Heide, Lecturer (permanent position wth tenure) • Jill McIntosh, Senior Lectuere (Permanent position with tenure) Efforts to increase inclusiveness Because our institution is a public multi-ethnic university, we view diversity as an important goal. We would like to institute a least one special research chair, in either Asian philosophy or Indian philosophy. In past searches, we have counted ethnic diversity as a positive asset of the relevant candidates. Although our initial sorting of job files is based on merit alone, we have sometimes ended up with short lists that were predominantly caucasion males. In this situation, we re-assess all of the top female and non-causian files with a new group of readers, with an eye towards making our lists more inclusive. Looking at the balance of male to female files we have received, we make certain that our interview and fly-out lists relfect—at the very least—the percentages of the files received in this regard. Note that our maternity/paternity leaves are very generous, and both parents are encouraged to take their maximal leave. Additional Information Our program is geared towards students who will be applying to PhD programs and who wish to have the best education possible prior to application. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 1 0 Financial Aid Men 5 3 1 Teaching fellowships 1.5 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 35 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 3 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 1 PhD student Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 About two students per year will haveSSHRC scholariships from the Canadian Government. We have a tri-mester system and graduate Pacific Islander 0 0 0 students are enrolled throughout. Each admitted student is guaranted either an TAship, Scolarship, or RAship for 6 semesters, White 8 5 1 i.e. for the 2 years of the MA program. Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 1 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 9 0 13 Simon Fraser University 2014 Report

MA program strengths Our program has several features designed to strengthen future PhD's. (1) A mandatory 1st year professonal seminar on 20th century 'seminal works'; (2) Our course work breadth requirements take into account undergraduate coursework, so that each student emerges with roughly the same breadth and depth of education. Each student must have a minimun 2 upper level undergraduate courses in each of the four areas, plus 1 graduate course in each area, plus a logical requirement. Students who do not meet the undergrad requirements must make this up through graduate courses; (3) The capstone project is a 'professional paper' suitable for submission to grad programs, which must be 'publishable' (if not in the best journals) and must be presented tothe department. (4) $1300 of travel money for students whose papers are accepted at conferences. (4) Two year completion time with all 6 tri-mesters funded.(5) Small incoming co-hort (8-10) with very similar goals. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $1700 Cdn Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1700 Cdn African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 6 Asian 0 1 0 0 Students must either have taken 2 upper level undergrad courses (B+ or higher) in 4 areas or make these courses up ithrough graduate Native American 0 0 0 0 courses (1 undergrad course may be taken). Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 4 8 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 1 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3.5 Totals 5 10 0 0 TOEFL score: 93 on-line/580 paper LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 21 Total MA 15 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 We are willing to consider applications from students who did not major in philosophy or whose transcripts are "unusual" — e.g. showed a sudden leap in achievement in the last 2 years. We regard our program as providing educational training for students Simon Fraser University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 8 2 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 5 0 0 Unknown 0 3 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Texas at Austin

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Texas at Austin

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Purdue Southern Illinois University Carbondale 2014 Report Website Department name siu.edu Philosophy

Department chair Stephen Tyman, interim chair

Faculty Thomas Alexander, full professor • Douglas Anderson, full professor • Randall Auxier, full professor • Sara Beardsworth, associate professor • Douglas Berger, associate professor • Robert Hahn, full professor • Lawrence Hickman, full professor • Anthony Steinbock, full professor • Kenneth Stikkers, full professor • Andrew Youpa, associate professor • Roudy Hildreth, associate professor, adjunct in philosophy • Thomas Price, adjunct faculty • Terri Wilson, asssitant professor, adjunct in philosophy • Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department has been increasing its course offerings in feminist philosophy, Africana philosophy and the philosophy of race. It is trying to get a hire in Africana philosophy. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 0 0 Financial Aid Men 11 0 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 18 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 2 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 9 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 6 research assistants Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 13 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 1 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 11 0 13 Southern Illinois University Carbondale 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Southern Illinois University's Ph.D has strong faculty and curriculum in the fields of American, Continental, Asian and Feminist Philosophy, rigorous qualifying exams for candidacy, and is home to several prominent book series, journals and centers where students can acquire wide professional experience, and offers students valuable teaching experience. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 5088.47 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:10490.3 African, 0 2 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 10 Asian 0 2 0 0 Native American 0 1 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 10 36 1 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 11 43 1 0 GPA: 3.25 TOEFL score: 80/213/550 LGBT identifying 1 Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 300 Total Ph.D. 62 Total Ph.D. 55 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: New students will take our comprehensive exams if they have not Degrees awarded taken the equivalent in their MA. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 6 4 6 4 5 Time to completion

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 5088.47 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:10490.3 African, 0 3 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 1 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 3 3 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 12 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 1 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 1 2 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 2.7 Totals 5 22 0 0 TOEFL score: 80/213/550 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 300 Total MA 28 Total MA 27 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 The same is required for the MA that would qualify for entrance into the Ph.D program. Southern Illinois University Carbondale 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 7 22 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 7 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 15 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 6 0 0 Were not placed N/A N/A N/A N/A Placed in a non-academic job N/A N/A N/A N/A

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 2 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 1 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 4 14 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program N/A N/A N/A N/A Unknown 0 3 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 1 2 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer SIU Philosophy Ph.D Type of position Further academic study (J.D., D.Th., other Ph.D., etc.).

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer SIU philosophy Ph.D program Type of position Further academic study.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details SIU Philosophy Ph.D program Type of position Further academic study (J.D., D.Th., other Ph.D., etc.)

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer SIU Philosophy Ph.D program Type of position Further academic study (J.D., D.Th., other Ph.D., etc.). Please specify:

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Department of Philosophy and Religion, Morningside College, Sioux City, IA Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details John A. Logan Community College Carbondale, IL Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer The Brazilian Center for Research in Democracy, Pontifical Catholic University, Porto Alegre, Brazil Type of position Unknown

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Resident Master and Instructor at the University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer unknown Type of position Unknown Stanford University 2013 Report Website philosophy.stanford.edu

Department name Philosophy

Department chair R. Lanier Anderson, Chair

Faculty Chris Bobonich • Michael Bratman • • Joshua Cohen • John Etchemendy • Michael Friedman • Helen Longino • Grigori Mints • Thomas Ryckman • Debra Satz • Brian Skyrms • Kenneth Taylor • Johan van Benthem • Thomas Wasow • R. Lanier Anderson • Mark Crimmins • Graciela De Pierris • David Hills • Nadeem Hussain • Krista Lawlor • Tamar Schapiro • Alexis Burgess • Jorah Dannenberg • Anna-Sara Malmgren • André Laks • David Barker-Plummer • Will Beals • Marcello Di Bello • Shane Duarte • Faviola Rivera Castro • Paul Skokowski • Richard Sommer • Pat Suppes Efforts to increase inclusiveness We try very hard to hire a diverse faculty as well as a diverse student population

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 5 1 1 Financial Aid

Men 16 2 7 Teaching fellowships NA Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 27

African, 1 0 0 Teaching assistantships 12 African-American Scholarships NA Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 6 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 1 0 1 NA Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 7 25 0 32 Stanford University 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Ancient Greek philosophy, political philosophy, Kant studies, philosophy of action, epistemology, feminist philosophy, logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of science Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 42690 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:42690

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 135 African, 0 0 1 1 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 3 2 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 7 6 5 6 Native American 0 0 1 1 0 0 Time to completion 6.2 6 6 6 5.5 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 4 4 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 1 1 0 0 0 0 not provided) GPA: NA TOEFL score: NA LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: NA 2 2 9 8 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 11 Total Ph.D. 10 None Students 2012 Students 2013 MA program strengths History of philosophy, Kant studies, ancient Greek philosophy, logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy of action, political philosophy, feminist philosophy MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 42690 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 42690 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 1 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 1 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program.

Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 45 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: NA Other (or race 1 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: NA Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 2 0 0 1 0 0 none Total MA 2 Total MA 1 Students 2012 Students 2013 Stanford University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 9 23 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 4 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 3 12 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 5 10 0 Were not placed 1 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 2 3 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 3 3 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 2 0 Unknown 0 0 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Stanford University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer London School of Economics Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Stanford University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Santa Clara Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Stanford University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details London School of Economics Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Stanford University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Stanford University Type of position Other (business, industry, government, etc.). Education SUNY at Binghamton 2013 Report Website http://www2.binghamton.edu/philosophy/graduate/index.ht

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair Max Pensky, Department Chair

Faculty Jeffner Allen Professor of Philosophy • Bat-Ami Bar On Professor of Philosophy • Eric Dietrich Professor of Philosophy • Charles Goodman Associate Professor of Philosophy • Robert Guay Associate Professor of Philosophy • Nicole Hassoun Associate Professor of Philosophy • Christopher Morgan-Knapp Associate Professor of Philosophye • Max Pensky, Department Chair Professor of Philosophy • Anthony Preus Distinguished Teaching Professor of Philosophy • Anthony Reeves Assistant Professor of Philosophy • Lisa Tessman Associate Professor of Philosophy • Melissa Zinkin Associate Professor of Philosophy Efforts to increase inclusiveness SUNY Binghamton makes a strong effort to recruit graduate students from minority backgrounds and provides some scholarships to support these efforts. Other aspects of the diversity of the faculty are reflected in the student body.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 5 0 0 Financial Aid Men 6 1 0 Teaching fellowships 20

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African-American Scholarships Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 5 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 Diversity Fellows Pacific Islander 1 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 3 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 5 7 0 12 SUNY at Binghamton 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Ethics, social philosophy, political philosophy, feminist philosophy, continental philosophy, Asian philosophy, aesthetics Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 7020 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:12450

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 14 African, 0 0 0 1 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 2 3 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 3 6 6 3 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 5 5 5 6 4 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 2 3 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) GPA: N/A TOEFL score: LGBT 0 1 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: N/A 1 1 4 7 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 5 Total Ph.D. 8 We encourage submissions from strong students with non-traditional Students 2012 Students 2013 backgrounds. MA program strengths Social and political, continental, ethics, feminist MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 7020 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 12450 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 6 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: Other (or race 0 1 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 1 0 0 0 0

Total MA 0 Total MA 1 Students 2012 Students 2013 SUNY at Binghamton 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 5 8 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 4 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 4 2 0 Were not placed 1 2 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 Unknown 2 3 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Mount Holyoke Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship. Title & duration: Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer SIU Edwardsville Type of position Tenure track. 2014 Report Website Department name www.stonybrook.edu/philosophy Stony Brook University Department of Philosophy

Department chair Eduardo Mendieta, Professor

Faculty Eduardo Mendieta, Professor • Anne O'Byrne, Associate Professor • Megan Craig, Associate Professor • Edward S. Casey, Distinguished Professor • Harvey Cormier, Associate Professor • Robert Crease, Professor • David Dilworth, Professor • Jeffrey Edwards, Associate Professor • Gabrielle Jackson, Assistant Professor • Alan Kim, Assistant Professor • Eva Kittay, Distinguished Professor • Allegra de Laurentiis, Associate Professor • Peter Manchester, Associate Professor • Clyde Lee Miller, Professor • Andrew Platt, Assistant Professor • Mary C. Rawlinson, Professor • Lorenzo Simpson, Professor • Donn Welton, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Stony Brook Philosophy faculty reflect the commitment to both the ethnic and the philosophical diversity espoused by the department as a whole: faculty include two African Americans, one Asian American, one person of Latino origin, one of Middle Eastern provenance, one of Swiss-Korean background, as well as six women in a total faculty of twenty-one. Our course offerings at the undergraduate and graduate levels include feminist philosophy, philosophy of race and gender, and non-Western philosophies. When it comes to recruiting students to the MA and PhD programs, we advertise widely, but our most effective recruiters are the alumni—themselves a diverse group—who now teach in colleges and universities nationwide. Regarding funding, Stony Brook offers a number of awards (Turner Fellowships) aimed at students from underrepresented communities; philosophy PhD students regularly win these generous awards. In addition, Stony Brook graduate and undergraduate students are regular participants in the Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute (PIKSI), the central aim of which is to promote diversity in the discipline. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 5 1 0 Financial Aid Men 12 2 1 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 28 African, 2 0 0 Scholarships African-American All students receive tuition Asian 1 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 10 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 13 2 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 2 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 15 0 21 Stony Brook University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The Stony Brook Philosophy Doctoral Program has strengths in Continental Philosophy, History of Philosophy and Analytic Philosophy. The purpose of the Program is to train students to perform independent research and scholarship and to provide them with the skills necessary for teaching philosophy. Seminars are held regularly in the following areas: phenomenology, psychoanalysis, post-structuralism, feminism, aesthetics, critical theory, American pragmatism, social and political philosophy, ethics, ancient Greek, late medieval, early modern, modern, and nineteenth-century philosophy, philosophy of science and technology, philosophy of mind, and philosophical logic. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition of a plurality of perspectives and methods, as well as on interdisciplinary research. The program offers research opportunities in Europe and encourages foreign modern and ancient language acquisition. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $4583.65 - $5900.50 (Semesterly) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$8,246.65 - $10,816.50 (Semesterly) African, 1 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 12 Asian 1 2 0 0 Native American 0 1 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 2 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 14 29 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 3 2 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 21 37 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 90 LGBT identifying 5 Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Successful candidates typically have high scores, Total Ph.D. 57 Total Ph.D. 58 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 9 6 6 8 7 Time to completion 7 7 7 7.5 6

MA program strengths Philosophical dimensions of art have become of increasing concern to artists, art historians, art critics, and philosophers themselves in the last decade. The question as to what constitutes an artwork has been much debated and is an example of a specific theme to be treated in offerings at Stony Brook Manhattan. No other set of courses with a comparable emphasis exists in the New York area. Thus, artists, who consider philosophical features of their work, the educated public, art collectors and art administrators, and those who seek to earn a master's degree in philosophy, will be interested in this unique opportunity. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $4583.65 - $5900.50 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$8264.65 - $10,816.50 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 1 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 Totals 0 1 0 0 TOEFL score: 90 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Successful candidates typically have high scores, Total MA 0 Total MA 1 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Stony Brook University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 10 26 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 6 13 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 4 12 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 5 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 3 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 12 9 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 3 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 2 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Stony Brook University.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Stony Brook University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral programs at Columbia, New School, Rutgers, CUNY and Uchicago

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. University of Toronto, Center for Comparative Literature

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer SUNY Farmingdale Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Adjunct Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Details SAGE National Resource Center for LGBT Aging Type of position Other (business, industry, government, etc.): Manager of Education and Training

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Cal State University Fullerton Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer St. Lawrence University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Unknown Syracuse University 2014 Report Website Department name philosophy.syr.edu Department of Philosophy

Department chair Ben Bradley, Allan and Anita Sutton Professor of Philosophy

Faculty Ken Baynes, Professor • Fred Beiser, Professor • Ben Bradley, Professor • Michael Caie, Assistant Professor • Janice Dowell, Associate Professor • Kevan Edwards, Assistant Professor • Kim Frost, Assistant Professor • Andre Gallois, Professor • Jessica Gelber, Assistant Professor • Samuel Gorovitz, Professor • Mark Heller, Professor • Kris McDaniel, Associate Professor • Tom McKay, Professor • Hille Paakkunainen, Assistant Professor • Kara Richardson, Assistant Professor • Emily Robertson, Associate Professor • John Robertson, Assistant Professor • David Sobel, Professor • Laurence Thomas, Professor • Robert Van Gulick, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department has supported a "women in philosophy" group that invites an external speaker once per year; the speaker has a meal with our female graduate students to discuss issues pertaining to women in the profession. We have hired three female faculty members in the past three years and have arranged for spousal appointments to improve retention efforts. We ensure that our colloquium series is neither allwhite nor all-male. We have made conscious efforts to diversify our grad student body. Over the last two years our incoming graduate student population has been 50% female, 20% hispanic and 10% African-American. In 2013-14 we formed a climate committee and began anonymizing graduate admissions files to counteract potential bias against members of underrepresented groups. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 2 0 Financial Aid Men 12 2 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 22 African, 0 1 0 Scholarships African-American 1 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 12 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 6 one-time-only TA appointments for 2014-15 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 16 0 Multi-racial 0 1 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A 1 N/A Disablity status N/A N/A 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 14 0 18 Syracuse University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Metaphysics, Ethics, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 38970 (waived for PhD students) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:38970 (waived) African, 0 2 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 1 2 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 10 18 0 0 We offer some Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: No Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No Totals 12 24 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 36 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 5 3 4 2 5 Time to completion 11 9.5 10.5 6 9

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 38970 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:38970 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 3 0 0 We offer some MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: No Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No GPA: Totals 1 3 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 1 Total MA 4 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Syracuse University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 18 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 3 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 13 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 2 0 0 Were not placed 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 2 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Texas Christian University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Coastal Carolina University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor, 1-year renewable

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Manchester Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 year postdoc

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Kutztown University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor, one year renewable Temple University 2014 Report Website Department name www.temple.edu Department of Philosophy

Department chair Miriam Solomon, Professor

Faculty Charles Dyke (Professor) • Espen Hammer (Professor) • Joseph Margolis (Professor) • Miriam Solomon (Professor) • Jerry Vision (Professor) • Kristin Gjesdal (Associate Professor) • David Wolfsdorf (Associate Professor) • Colin Chamberlain (Assistant Professor) • Lara Ostaric (Assistant Professor) Efforts to increase inclusiveness We are a philosophically diverse department. Topics such as philosophy of race, philosophy of gender, and feminism are taught routinely. We encourage diversity, in background and philosophical interests, when creating job advertisements. And we follow guidelines and recommendations from the APA and others when it comes to diversity friendly ways of long and shortlisting job candidates as well as future PhD students. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 2 1 Financial Aid Men 5 1 3 Teaching fellowships 11 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 2 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 11-15 students Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 7 2 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 1 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 9 0 14 Temple University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Temple’s Department of Philosophy has had a traditional strength in the fields of aesthetics, the philosophy of the arts, and the philosophy of culture that extends back to the contributions of the late professors Monroe Beardsley, John Fisher, and Judith Tormey. Among its current faculty, department members have also made significant contributions in African American philosophy, ancient philosophy, Continental philosophy, epistemology, ethics, history of philosophy, philosophy of culture, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, social and political philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown $805 per credit Out of state:$1,105 per credit African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 12 Asian 1 1 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 11 23 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 2 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 12 27 0 0 GPA: 3.5 TOEFL score: 105 IBT/620 PBT LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: typically 60-75% range Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 39 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 6 5 Time to completion 7.5 8

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $805 per credit Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1,105 per credit African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 4 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 1 4 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 7 Total MA 5 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Temple University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 13 13 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 6 6 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 1 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 5 6 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer university of new haven Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer unkniwn Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship).

Degree Program Ph.D. Details temple university Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Unknown

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer unknown Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Texas A&M University 2014 Report Website Department name http://philosophy.tamu.edu/html/home.html Department of Philosophy

Department chair Gary Varner, Professor and Head

Faculty Scott Austin • Robert Burch • Daniel Conway • Tommy Curry • Stephen H. Daniel • Kenny Easwaran • Robert Garcia • Theodore George • Michael Hand • C.E. Harris • Claire Katz • Hugh J. McCann • John J. McDermott • Benjamin McMyler • Christopher Menzel • • Gregory F. Pappas • Martin Peterson • Linda Radzik • Dwayne Raymond • Roger Sansom • Robin Smith • Richard Stadelmann • Kristi Sweet • Gary Varner Efforts to increase inclusiveness Our department is expressly committed to fostering both cultural and intellectual diversity. We have been successful in our active recruitment of students from groups underrepresented in the discipline (women and persons of color, specifically): 45% of our students are from such groups and 20% of our students are recipients of university-level Diversity Fellowships. We also promote diversity and inclusiveness in our curriculum, our course offerings, and the activities sponsored by the department. For example, we regularly offer graduate courses not only in Analytic, Continental, and Historical areas, but also in Feminism, Critical Race Theory and Latin American Philosophy. Our department is also home to a genuinely diverse group of scholarly endeavors, including journals such as The Inter-American Journal of Philosophy, and Epoché: a journal for the history of philosophy, and regular conferences such as the Southwest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, and Philosophy Born of Struggle. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 4 0 0 Financial Aid Men 13 3 5 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 9 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 16 0 5 Multi-racial 1 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 2 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 21 0 25 Texas A&M University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The strengths of the Ph.D. program at Texas A&M lie not only in specific areas, but especially in the broad philosophical training we offer in a diverse intellectual environment. We have clusters of established scholars working in Ethics, Social/Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics, American Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Metaphysics, Decision Theory, and Logic. Our program is distinctive in requiring students to pursue a Master’s degree in another field that complements their course of study. With this, our students’ philosophical training is augmented by cross-disciplinary research. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown 3240.75 semester Out of state:6498.75 semester African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 0 0 0 0 While students must take 15 courses toward their Ph.D., our program requires students to acquire a Master’s degree in another field. This Native American 0 0 0 0 external MA typically requires 7 courses, but will vary with the chosen discipline. (If a student already has an MA f Hispanic or Latino 2 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 4 12 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 6 15 0 0 GPA: na TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: na Total Ph.D. 19 Total Ph.D. 21 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 1 3 1 2 Time to completion 8 4 5.6 6 6

MA program strengths The strengths of the Ph.D. program at Texas A&M lie not only in specific areas, but especially in the broad philosophical training we offer in a diverse intellectual environment. We have clusters of established scholars working in Ethics, Social/Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics, American Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Metaphysics, History of Philosophy, Decision Theory, and Logic. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 3240.75 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:6498.75 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 1 0 0 0 na Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 20 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 1 2 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: na Totals 4 23 0 0 TOEFL score: na LGBT identifying 27 Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: na Total MA 18 Total MA 27 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Texas A&M University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 6 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 3 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 5 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 1 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 3 13 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 2 1 0 1 Unknown 0 2 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Sam Houston State University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Copenhagen Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1 year Texas Tech University 2014 Report Website Department name www.depts.ttu.edu/philosophy/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Mark Webb, Professor & Chair

Faculty Howard Curzer, Professor • Francesca di Poppa, Associate Professor • Jonathan Dorsey, Instructor • Alex Grzankowski, Assistant Professor • Darren Hick, Visiting Assistant Professor • Christopher Hom, Associate Professor • Daniel Nathan, Associate Professor • Anna Christina Ribeiro, Associate Professor • Walter Schaller, Associate Professor • Jeremy Schwartz, Assistant Professor • Joel Velasco, Assistant Professor • Mark Webb, Professor • Edward Averill, Emeritus Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness In every one of our faculty searches over the past two decades, the Department has given special emphasis to identifying and encouraging applicants from underrepresented groups. This has resulted in increasing the diversity of our faculty, though not nearly enough to be satisfactory. Additional Information Through acquisition and usage of increased funding for our program, the Department has systematically sought to grow a more diverse graduate student population that also includes strong representation of international students. As a consequence of these efforts, our cohort of graduate students has become significantly more diverse over the last few years and we expect to be able to continue this progress over the next few years. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 0 0 Financial Aid Men 5 3 2 Teaching fellowships 2 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 22 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 3 Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 2 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 5 3 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 10 0 12 Texas Tech University 2014 Report

MA program strengths We offer a broadly-based program in analytic philosophy, with notable strengths in history of philosophy, aesthetics, ethics, science, language, and mind. Our curriculum includes more stand-alone graduate seminars than most other highly reputable terminal master's programs and, as a consequence, our graduate students take coursework that is populated by their peers, i.e., exclusively by other graduate students, not undergraduate students. Students in our program receive support to present their research at professional philosophy conferences elsewhere, and the students themselves have hosted a graduate student conference drawing students from around the country and abroad each spring for the past ten years. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 7500 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:14000 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 11 Asian 1 0 0 0 The number of organized courses can be as few as 8 (plus 2 courses in thesis) for students who choose to write a master's thesis, or as Native American 0 0 0 0 many as 11 for those choosing a non-thesis option. Most students in the program select the non-thesis option. Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 20 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 1 2 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: no minimum Totals 4 23 0 0 TOEFL score: 95 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: no minimum Total MA 18 Total MA 27 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Texas Tech University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 6 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 4 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 2 16 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 2 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 2 4 0 0 Unknown 2 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 6 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Employer Syracuse University Type of position Further academic study: Philosophy PhD

Degree Program Master's Employer University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Type of position Further academic study: Philosophy PhD

Degree Program Master's Details University of Kansas Type of position Further academic study: Philosophy PhD

Degree Program Master's Details Other: US Marine Corps Officer Training 2014 Report Website Department name http://ase.tufts.edu/philosophy/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair George Smith, Professor

Faculty Erin Kelly, Associate Professor, Department Chair • Jody Azzouni, Professor • Daniel C. Dennett, University Professor and Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, Co-Director, Center for Cognitive Studies • Ray Jackendoff, Seth Merrin Professor of Philosophy, Co-Director, Center for Cognitive Studies • George E. Smith, Professor • Stephen L. White, Professor • Nancy Bauer, Dean of Academic Affairs for Arts and Sciences, Professor • Avner Baz, Associate Professor • Sigrún Svavarsdóttir, Associate Professor • Patrick Forber, Associate Professor • Lionel K. McPherson, Associate Professor • Brian Epstein, Assistant Professor • Dilip Ninan, Assistant Professor • Christiana Olfert, Assistant Professor • Peter Levine, Research Professor in Philosophy, Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Director of CIRCLE • Mario De Caro, Visiting Professor • Amelie Rorty, Visiting Professor • David Denby, Senior Lecturer • Susan Russinoff, Senior Lecturer • Monica Link, Lecturer • Jeffrey McConnell, Lecturer • Charles Oliver, Lecturer • Christopher Phillips, Lecturer • Mitchell Silver, Lecturer • Valentina Urbanek, Lecturer Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 1 4 Financial Aid Men 9 2 6 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 15 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 We offer financial assistance in the form of partial tuition remission-­ usually 50%-90%, depending on the strength of the application and Pacific Islander 0 0 0 the applicant's need. The tuition goal for the master's program is to award an average tuition scholarship of roughly 60%, or White 0 0 0 approximately $25,000 for master students. Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 1 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 8 17 0 25 Tufts University 2014 Report

MA program strengths Placement in PhD programs / High quality faculty MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: ~ $46,000 (for the entire 2 yr. program) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:~ $46,000 (for the entire 2 yr. program) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 11 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 3 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 2 3 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 4 Total MA 5 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Tufts University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 13 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 3 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 9 16 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 1 2 0 0 Unknown 3 23 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 2 12 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer (Not Applicable, See Below) Type of position Further academic study: PhD, Duke University

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer (Not Applicable, See Below) Type of position Further academic study: PhD, University of Arizona

Degree Program Ph.D. Details (Not Applicable, See Below) Type of position Further academic study: PhD, Brown University Tulane University 2014 Report Website Department name www.tulane.edu Philosophy Department

Department chair Bruce Brower, Associate Professor

Faculty Not provided Efforts to increase inclusiveness We have added one woman and several women graduate students to the faculty; we continue to search for all sorts of diversity. Additional Information Most of our students who are not in tenure-track jobs are in good or very good academic positions. Two are in five year fellowships, one in a three year fellowship, several others are in renewable visiting positions that have been renewed. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 0 0 Financial Aid Men 8 1 5 Teaching fellowships 8 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 6 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 8 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 1 year aid available for several graduate students at the Murphy Institute Center for Ethics and Public Affairs. We also usually have Pacific Islander 0 0 0 one student in an exchange program in Berlin. White 10 1 5 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 1 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 14 0 16 Tulane University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Our greatest strength is in Ethics, Political and Social Philosophy. We have a strong connection with the Murphy Institute Center for Ethics and Public Affairs on our campus, which funds 14 visiting speakers and several conferences each year, provides support for graduate students, and has three year-long faculty research fellows visiting from other institutions. We are also quite strong in history, especially in Ancient, Kant, and the history of political philosophy. We have moderate strength in Philosophy of Mind. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 46326 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:46326 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 24 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 3 24 0 0 GPA: 0 TOEFL score: 0 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 0 GRE score: 0 Total Ph.D. 26 Total Ph.D. 27 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Where we have entered a "0" for GPA, GRE, etc., we have no specific Degrees awarded minimum, but do not take students with poor scores. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 2 3 2 4 Time to completion 7 6 6 6 7

MA program strengths Our greatest strength is in Ethics, Political and Social Philosophy. We have a strong connection with the Murphy Institute Center for Ethics and Public Affairs on our campus, which funds 14 visiting speakers and several conferences each year, provides support for graduate students, and has three year-long faculty research fellows visiting from other institutions. We are also quite strong in history, especially in Ancient, Kant, and the history of political philosophy. We have moderate strength in Philosophy of Mind. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 46326 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:46326 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 We require only 8 courses instead of 10 for students who write a thesis. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No GPA: 0 Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 0 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 0 GRE score: 0 Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 In describing the above as "0" for GRE, etc., there is no specific minimum but we do not accept poor scores Tulane University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 9 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 3 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 6 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 3 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 2 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 1 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 4 12 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0 University of Alberta 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.ualberta.ca/ Philosopy

Department chair Jack Zupko, Professor & Chair of Philosophy

Faculty Katalin Bimbó, Associate Professor • Ingo Brigandt, Associate Professor • Robert Burch, Associate Professor • Phil Corkum, Associate Professor • Neil Dalal, Assistant Professor (Joint with Religious Studies) • Glenn Griener, Associate Professor (Joint with Public Health) • Cressida Heyes , Professor and Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Gender and Sexuality (Joint with Political Science) • Kathrin Koslicki, Professor and Canada Research Chair (as of January 2014) • Bernard Linsky, Professor • Marie-Eve Morin, Associate Professor • Howard Nye, Assistant Professor • Francis Jeffry Pelletier, Long-term Visiting Professor • Geoffrey Rockwell, Professor (Joint with Humanities Computing) • Alexander Rueger, Professor • Amy Schmitter, Associate Professor • Chloë Taylor, Assistant Professor (Joint with Women's Studies Program) • Jennifer Welchman, Professor • Robert A. Wilson, Professor (Joint with Education) • Jack Zupko, Professor • Emeritus professors who sometimes offer graduate instruction in Philosophy: Bruce Hunter, Associate Professor • Martin Tweedale, Professor • Adjunct professors who sometimes offer graduate instruction in Philosophy: Allen Hazen • Donald Ipperciel, Professeur titulaire de philosophie (Campus St. Jean) • Matthew Kostelecky, Assistant Professor (St. Joseph's College) • Robert Nichols, Assistant Professor (Political Science•Contract Instructors who sometimes offer graduate instruction in Philosophy: Sam Hillier • Chris Lepock Efforts to increase inclusiveness In all relevant situations, we follow (and advertise) the University of Alberta's Equity Policy: “The University of Alberta hires on the basis of merit. We are committed to the principle of equity in employment. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from all qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and Aboriginal persons.” (Note, however, that hiring is done by an Arts Faculty Commitee, not the department per se.) The department makes particular efforts to recruit a diverse graduate student body, both in our admissions and funding practices, and by accomodating different interests and needs in our programs (e.g., accomodating the special needs of several disabled students in our graduate programs). Our faculty and staff come from every different continent. Our department supports research projects and education in gender studies and queer theory, and about eugenics and the treatment of disability. And we demand that students and faculty interact with other department members with very different interests and backgrounds. Additional Information Our MA program has a particularly successful record for those who go on to doctoral programs in philosophy. We are just as proud, however, of those students who go on to pursue degrees in other disciplines, or to non-academic work. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 6 1 3 Financial Aid Men 8 2 0 Teaching fellowships ?? Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4.5 (Research Assistantship Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 8-10 (not including those t African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American varies (usually about 4.5-6 f Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes When?? This term? This yea Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 We do not have "lines," but bundles of money and various scholarships distributed by the university, some of which are Pacific Islander 0 0 0 competitive and some of which given to departments. There are also many students supported by federal scholarships (SSHRCs). The White 0 0 0 numbers are VERY erratic. I have used the amount required by the Multi-racial 0 0 1 Graduate Students' negotiated agreement to get the numbers above. Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 N/A 1 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 10 10 0 20 University of Alberta 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We have an exceptionally diverse set of areas of expertise, ranging over most areas of the history of western philosophy, feminist philosophy, logic and philosophy of language, and "continental" philosophy, and a small bit of Indian philosophy. As such, we can offer a much more comprehensive training in philosophy than most departments of our size. Areas of particular focus within the department include "continental" philosophy (particularly phenomenology), Foucault, aesthetics, feminist philosophy, Aristotle, Aristotelian metaphysics, non-classical , the history of analytic philosophy, Hume, some areas in the philosophy of emotions, philosophy of biology, biomedical ethics, and the philosophy of disability. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 3,662.40 (not including non-instructional fees) -- CAN Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:6598.20 (not including non-instructional fees) -- I African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 9 Asian 1 1 0 0 9 with an MA; but 12 without an MA. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 1 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 2 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 5 2 0 0 GPA: 3.3 (but usually need much higher) TOEFL score: 550 (paper-based), or a total score of 88 with a s LGBT identifying 1 Disability identifying 2 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 7 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: All applications are considered as a whole, with the writing sample Degrees awarded given particularly close attention. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 3 Time to completion

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: same as for Ph.D. Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:same as for Ph.D. African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 6 Asian 0 0 0 0 Students without adequate background in philosophy may be admitted to a "Qualifying Year," in which they take about 8 term Native American 0 0 0 0 courses (undergraduate) in philosophy. They can then apply for a change-of-status to the full MA program. Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 5 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3.3 (but usually much higher is needed) Totals 4 6 0 0 TOEFL score: 550 (paper-based), or a total score of 88 with a s LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 11 Total MA 10 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 See as for Ph.D. program University of Alberta 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program:

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. Music Ph.D. program

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. MA cognitive science

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. Political Science (unsure whether MA or Ph.D.)

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Alberta; Grant MacKewan University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Sessional teaching

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Alberta (maybe Grant MacKewan?) Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Sessional teaching

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Alberta; Grant MacKewan University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Sessional teaching University at Albany 2014 Report Website Department name www.albany.edu Philosophy

Department chair P.D. Magnus, Department Chair and Associate Professor

Faculty Marcus Adams - Assistant Professor • Bradley Armour-Garb - Associate Professor • Rachel Cohon - Professor • Jason D'Cruz - Assistant Professor • Lisa Fuller - Assistant Professor • Kristen Hessler - Associate Professor • Robert Howell - Professor • P.D. Magnus - Associate Professor • Jonathan Mandle - Professor • Ron McClamrock - Associate Professor • Nathan Powers - Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 1 0 Financial Aid Men 6 2 0 Teaching fellowships 2 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 3 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 6 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 3 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 8 3 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 8 0 11 University at Albany 2014 Report

Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 11920 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:21740 African, 1 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 0 1 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 24 26 0 0 We offer some Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 26 27 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 41673 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 53 Total Ph.D. 53 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 1 2 7 Time to completion 10.5 10 5.5 9.5

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 11920 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:21740 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 6 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We offer some MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 9 16 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 9 16 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 24 Total MA 25 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University at Albany 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Southeast University - China Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University at Albany, Albany, NY Type of position Other: Senior Staff Assistant for Inst--Teach Learn and Acad Ldr

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Siena College, Loudonville, NY Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Please describe: Tenure-track position at Pennsylvania Highlands Community College University of Arizona 2014 Report Website Department name http://philosophy.arizona.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Michael Gill, Professor of Philosophy

Faculty Julia Annas, Regents Professor • Thomas Christiano, Professor • Stewart Cohen, Professor • Juan Comesaña, Associate Professor • Jerry Gaus, James E. Rogers Professor of Philosophy • Michael Gill, Professor, Department Head • Richard Healey, Professor, Director of Graduate Studies • Terry Horgan, Professor • Jenann Ismael, Associate Professor • Rachana Kamtekar, Associate Professor • Shaughan Lavine, Associate Professor • J. Christopher Maloney, Professor • Michael McKenna, Keith Lehrer Professor of Philosophy • Shaun Nichols, Professor • David Owen, Associate Professor • Guido Pincione, Professor • Marga Reimer, Professor • Connie Rosati, Associate Professor • Daniel C. Russell, Professor • Ana Carolina Sartorio, Associate Professor • David Schmidtz, Kendrick Professor of Philosophy, Director of UA Center for the Philosophy of Freedom • Houston Smit, Associate Professor • Mark Timmons, Professor • Joseph Tolliver, Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies • Steven Wall, Professor • Jonathan Weinberg, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Philosophy Department faculty en toto recently endorsed a statement expressing the Department’s commitment to equality and determination to ensure an intellectual community in which all may fully participate freely, equally and without discrimination or harassment; this included a Title IX presentation at a 2013 department meeting. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 6 0 0 Financial Aid Men 19 0 0 Teaching fellowships 10 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 30 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 22 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 3 0 0 Prizes and awards ranging from $500-$1500 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 21 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 19 0 25 University of Arizona 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The University of Arizona Philosophy Department is ranked 14th in the US. Our political philosophy program, with its connections to both economics and law, is ranked first among all English-speaking Universities. We also have significant strengths in ethics, metaphysics and epistemology, philosophy of mind and cognitive science, philosophy of physics, and the history of ancient and modern philosophy. We have an active and successful placement program the results of which you can see from the record on our website. The Department regularly sponsors the following scholarly gatherings on campus that attract scholars from across the nation and around the world: The Arizona Ancient Philosophy Colloquium, The Arizona Normative Ethics Workshop, and The Center for the Philosophy of Freedom’s Current Research Workshop. An annual colloquium series hosts distinguished philosophers lecturing on their current research. Additionally, the Center for the Philosophy of Freedom conducts a brown bag lecture series featuring speakers from national institutions. Ours is also a strongly interdisciplinary department in which faculty and graduate students work in the intersections of philosophy with psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, physics, , economics, art, and mathematics. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $5,359/ semester (7+ units) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$13,850/ semester (9+ units) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 1 1 0 0 15 courses + minimum of 18 dissertation credits Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 8 19 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 1 8 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 10 29 0 0 GPA: 3.5 TOEFL score: 550 or 79 (Internet) LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 1 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: None Total Ph.D. 39 Total Ph.D. 39 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: None Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 6 9 6 6 5 Time to completion 7.8 7.5 7.2 7 7.8

MA program strengths In addition to the strengths of the UA Philosophy PhD program listed above, the department offers an Accelerated MA in Philosophy that allows a UA senior to complete a master’s degree in one additional year. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown $5,359/ semester (7+ units) Out of state:$13,850/ semester (9+ units) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 In the Accelerated Master’s Program, four of the 10 required courses may also simultaneously satisfy requirements of the BA in either Native American 0 0 0 0 Philosophy or Philosophy, Politics, Economics And Law. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 7 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3.3 Totals 0 7 0 0 TOEFL score: 550 or 79 (Internet) LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 1 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 8 Total MA 7 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 None University of Arizona 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 9 29 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 7 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 4 13 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 4 7 0 0 Were not placed 1 8 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 7 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 2 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 2 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 4 0 0 Unknown 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 1 1 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Mississippi State University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting assistant professor, 2-year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Rochester Institute of Technology Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor, 1-year

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Arizona Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Adjunct lecturer, 1-year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Monash University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Wake Forest University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration:

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. Duke Univesity School of Law

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program: PhD, University of Arizona Near Eastern Studies

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of Liverpool

Degree Program Master's Details Other (business, industry, government, etc.): Business University of Arkansas 2014 Report Website Department name https://www.uark.edu/ Philosophy

Department chair Edward Minar, Professor

Faculty Jacob Adler, Associate Professor • Eric Funkhouser, Associate Professor • Warren Herold, Assistant Professor • Richard Lee, Associate Professor • Jack Lyons, Professor • Oksana Maksymchuk, Assistant Professor • Edward Minar, Professor • Thomas Senor, Professor • Barry Ward, Associate Professor • Rebekka Williams, Visiting Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness With both graduate admissions and faculty searches we have made a serious effort to hire qualified women and minorities. With respect to undergraduate teaching, we have also solicited input from a graduate student who attended APA/AAPT sanctioned workshops on diversity and inclusiveness. We are looking to bring an expert to campus this academic year to improve our abilities in these areas. Additional Information As we offer a terminal M.A. in addition to our PhD program (which itself requires an M.A.), we are a particularly good choice for students looking to improve their philosophical training before applying to PhD programs. We are a very well rounded department for our size. For example, we have faculty who are research active in philosophy of mind, epistemology, metaphysics, the history of philosophy (especially Wittgenstein, Ancient, and Early Modern), philosophy of science, philosophy of religion, and ethics, among other areas. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 0 1 3 Financial Aid Men 7 1 7 Teaching fellowships 1 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 11 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 8 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Adjunct Teaching Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 7 2 10 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 15 0 19 University of Arkansas 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Structurally, we offer separate M.A. and PhD programs. The PhD is a three-year degree open only to students who have already received their M.A. Philosophically, we have particular strengths in philosophy of mind, epistemology, and philosophy of religion. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 7821 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:17367 African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 No. But it is relatively low since an M.A. in philosophy is also required. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 9 3 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 9 4 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 10 Total Ph.D. 13 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: M.A. in philosophy is required Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 3 2 3 1 Time to completion 4 6 5 6 3

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown 7821 Out of state:17367 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 9 Asian 0 0 0 0 Sometimes students admitted with "deficiencies", in which case the number of required courses is slightly higher. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 5 7 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 5 7 0 3 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 17 Total MA 15 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Arkansas 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 10 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 3 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 5 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 2 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 3 10 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 8 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 2 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Unknown.

Degree Program Master's Details Unknown.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track. University of Barcelona 2014 Report Website Department name www.ub.edu/aphil, www.ub.edu/ccil Barcelona Graduate Studies in Philosophy (APhil & CCiL- Philosophy) Department chair Manuel García-Carpintero, Prof

Faculty Albert Solé postdoc (Autonomous University of Barcelona) • Andrew Williams ICREA research professor (University Pompeu Fabra) • Bjørn Jespersen postdoc (University of Barcelona) • Calixto Badesa associate professor (University of Barcelona) • Dan López de Sa ICREA research professor (University of Barcelona) • Daniel Quesada professor (Autonomous University of Barcelona) • David Pineda associate professor (University of Girona) • Esa Diaz León assistant professor (University of Barcelona) • Joan Pagès associate professor (University of Girona) • Jordi Ferrer professor (University of Girona) • José Díez associate professor (University of Barcelona) • José Juan Moreso professor (University Pompeu Fabra) • José Luís Martí associate professor (University Pompeu Fabra) • José Martínez associate professor (University of Barcelona) • Josefa Toribio ICREA research professor (University of Barcelona) • Josep Lluís Prades associate professor (University of Girona) • Josep Macià associate professor (University of Barcelona) • Manolo Martínez postdoc (Autonomous University of Barcelona) • Manuel García-Carpintero professor (University of Barcelona) • Manuel Pérez Otero associate professor (University of Barcelona) • Marta Campdelacreu assistant professor (University of Barcelona) • Max Kölbel ICREA research professor (University of Barcelona) • Olga Fernández Prat associate professor (Autonomous University of Barcelona) • Paula Casal ICREA research professor (University Pompeu Fabra) • Serena Olsaretti ICREA research professor (University Pompeu Fabra) • Susanna Schellenberg visiting professor (Rutgers University) • Sven Rosenkranz ICREA research professor (University of Barcelona) Efforts to increase inclusiveness We admit students from all backgrounds who meet the admission criteria, which are of a purely academic nature. Our students come from all over the world, for example, we have had students from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Colombia, Cyprus, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Iran, Mexico, Rumania, Russia, Poland Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, United States, Uruguay. •In our visiting speaker colloquia (http://www.ub.edu/grc_logos/colloquium.php) we run a special question session attended only by PhD students.•Wherever we control the hiring process, we use an equal opportunities policy, giving preference to female candidates in cases of comparable qualification. Additional Information Our masters students often go on to study for a PhD at other universities, such as, for example, the Australian National University, Singapore National University, University of Pittsburgh, King's College London. The majority continue in our own PhD programme. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 5 1 2 Financial Aid Men 17 0 3 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American ca. 3 (on average) Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes none. Some teach exercise Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 The 3 scholarships (on average per year) mentioned above are PhD scholarships attached to research projects connected to our Pacific Islander 0 0 0 graduate programme. In addition, many of our students receive scholarships from the Spanish or Catalan state. These are White 0 0 0 competitive grants that students apply for with our support. More Multi-racial 0 0 0 information is available here: http://www.ub.edu/aphil/?q=en/content/grants. Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 22 1 5 LGBT 22 1 5 Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 8 20 0 28 University of Barcelona 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Excellent faculty who are internationally active researchers and publish in first-rate journals • Lively and large postgraduate community of students, with its own work-in-progress seminar • embedded into the LOGOS research group and its activities, as well as those of a range of further research projects. • Regular visiting speakers and local work-in-progress seminar • Frequent conferences that keep students in touch with the latest developments • annual "How to get a job in philosophy" session Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 401.12 Euros Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:401.12 Euros African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 3 Asian 0 0 0 0 During the PhD programme, there is typically one 1-week intensive course from a visiting professor every year, which is obligatory for Native American 0 0 0 0 PhD students. So the number of PhD-courses depends on the number of years it takes to get the PhD (standard: 3-4 years). Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 13 17 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 13 17 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 31 Total Ph.D. 30 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 3 5 2 5 Time to completion

MA program strengths Research master • One year/60 credits (ECTS) • Itineraries in Theoretical Philosophy and Practical Philosophy • Language of instruction: English • Mix of obligatory and optional courses plus one research paper with personal supervisor • Internationally recognized faculty from 4 Catalan Universities (UB, UPF, UdG, UAB) • One course taught by international guest every year • Connected to well-known research groups, embedded in a lively postgraduate community • Prepares you for PhD-level research in philosophy • Feeds into highly successful PhD programmes. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 2790 Euros Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:4920 Euros (non-EU students) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 The number of courses at master level is 10 five-credit courses (typical number of courses involved in our master programme, which Native American 0 0 0 0 is 60 ECTS credits). In the interdisciplinary, cognitive science specialization, the dissertation is 15 ECTS, and consequent Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 5 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 3 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: No GPA: Totals 2 8 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 6 Total MA 10 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Barcelona 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 10 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 3 8 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 1 0 0 Were not placed 1 1 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: PhD in Analytic Philosophy, Barcelona

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. PhD in Analytic Philosophy, Barcelona

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. PhD in Analytic Philosophy, Barcelona

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. PhD in Analytic Philosophy, Barcelona

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. PhD in Analytic Philosophy, Barcelona

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. PhD in Analytic Philosophy, Barcelona

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: PhD in Analytic Philosophy, Barcelona

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, UNAM, Mexico City. Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy, KU Leuven, Belgium. Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years University of British Columbia 2014 Report Website Department name http://philosophy.ubc.ca/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Alan Richardson, Professor and Department Head

Faculty Scott Anderson, Assistant Professor (tenured) • Murat Aydede, Professor (tenured) • Roberta Ballarin, Associate Professor (tenured) • Paul Bartha, Professor (tenured) • John Beatty, Professor (tenured) • Matt Bedke, Associate Professor (tenured) • Leslie Burkholder, Senior Instructor (tenured) • Michael Griffin, Assistant Professor (non-tenured) • Christina Hendricks, Senior Instructor (tenured) • Jonathan Ichikawa, Assistant Professor (tenure track) • Carrie Jenkins, Professor (tenured) • Dominic McIver Lopes, Professor, Distinguished University Scholar (tenured) • Eric Margolis, Professor (tenured) • Christopher Mole, Associate Professor (tenured) • Adam Morton, (tenured) • Alan Richardson, Professor, Distinguished University Scholar (tenured) • Paul Russell, Professor (tenured) • Steven Savitt, Professor (tenured) retired after summer 2015 • Margaret Schabas, Professor (tenured) • Ori Simchen, Professor (tenured) • Christopher Stephens, Associate Professor (tenured) • Evan Thompson, Professor (tenured) • John Woods, Honorary Professor of Logic, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (non-tenured) Efforts to increase inclusiveness The UBC philosophy department prides itself on its open and inclusive environment. Undergraduate and graduate students from a wide range of national and cultural backgrounds thrive here. Our departmental taskforce on women in philosophy has examined the participation rates of women across our undergraduate and graduate curricula. We are currently taking a number of steps to ensure that we have official policies that reinforce our supportive culture, and that prevent implicit or explicit biases from affecting the opportunities that are available to our students and colleagues. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 4 0 0 Financial Aid Men 16 1 2 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 3 Four-Year Fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 2013-2014 FTE: 57.50 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American See below. Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 3 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 4-year fellowships are $18,000.00 per year. PhD SSHRC (2) & MA CGSM SSHRC (2) amount varies based on award; qualififed Canadian Pacific Islander 0 0 0 graduate students. Research Assistantships (27 RA's; Total of $101, 853.72) / Graduate Student Initiative (GSI, Faculty of Arts) / UBC White 17 0 1 Affiliated Awards / Multi-racial 2 0 0 Other race 1 1 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 19 0 23 University of British Columbia 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The Department of Philosophy is an active, mid-sized department that has broad interests in philosophical issues within the Anglo-American analytic tradition. Members of the department are engaged in research in philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language, aesthetics, ethics, social/political philosophy, logic, Indian philosophy and the history of philosophy. / Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $4,524.84 (Domestic) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$7,949.40 (International) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. Asian 2 3 0 0 The normal course load for PhD students is 3 courses per term (9 credits per term). / For students who enter the PhD program with a Native American 0 0 0 0 master’s degree, a minimum of 8 courses (24 credits) at / the 500 level or above are required. For all other students, a mi Hispanic or Latino 0 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 13 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 1 2 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 6 20 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: 100 (internet version), 600 (paper versions) 250 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 32 Total Ph.D. 26 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: An MA (or equivalent) from an approved institution; OR A BA with one Degrees awarded year study in an MA program with 12 credits of first class average, of 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 which 9 credits at the 500-level or above and at least 9 credits of first class standing. Degrees awarded 1 4 2 4 5 Time to completion 7 6.75 6.5 7.5 7.4

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $4,524.84 (Domestic) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$7,949.40 (International) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. Asian 0 0 0 0 Course Only Option: 10 courses, including 8 at or above the 500 level. 6 courses must be in must be in Philosophy. Thesis Option. 30 Native American 0 0 0 0 credits, including 18 credits awarded through course work. 2 courses must be at the 300 level or above, and 4 courses must Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 100 (internet, 600 (paper version) * 250 (compu LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 A minimum overall average in the B+ range (76% at UBC) in third- and fourth-year courses or Academic standing with at least 12 credits of third- or fourth-year courses in the A grade range (80% or higher at UBC) in the field of study. University of British Columbia 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 7 14 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 2 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 4 8 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 4 1 0 0 Were not placed 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 2 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 5 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 2 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 3 9 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 1 0 0 Unknown 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 2 5 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Boston University

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Department of Philosophy at Purdue University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details School of Philosophy, Renmin University, Beijing China Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer SSHRC post-doctoral fellowship at in the Department of the History of Science, and the Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Banting Postdoc Fellow position at Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Details SSHRC post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Arizona Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years University of Calgary 2014 Report Website Department name www.ucalgary.ca Philosophy

Department chair Nicole Wyatt, Department Chair

Faculty John A. Baker-Associate Professor • Reid Buchanan-Instructor • Megan Delehanty-Assistant Professor • David Dick-Assistant Professor • Marc Ereshefsky-Professor (Graduate Director) • Jeremy Fantl-Associate Professor • Christopher Framarin-Associate Professor • Katrin Froese- Professor • Walter Glannon-Professor • Allen Habib-Assistant Professor • Ishtiyaque Haji-Professor • Ali Kazmi-Associate Professor • Noa Latham-Associate Professor • Ann Levey-Associate Professor • David Liebesman-Assistant Professor • J.J. MacIntosh-Professor • Lorraine Markotic-Associate Professor • Mark Migotti-Associate Professor • Nicole Wyatt-Assistant Professor (Department Head) • C. Kenneth Waters- Professor • Richard Zach-Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 5 0 0 Financial Aid Men 13 3 0 Teaching fellowships 1 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0.5 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 3 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 12 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 4 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 External scholarships are available for Canadian Residents up to the amount of $105,000 and $80,000 respectively over three or four Pacific Islander 0 0 0 years and $17,500 for MA students in one year. These are competitive awards but we have been very successful in these White 0 0 0 competitions. Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 16 0 21 University of Calgary 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The Department is strong in many areas of philosophy, especially Ethics, Philosophy of Science, and Philosophy of Language and Logic. A graduate enrollment of about 30 students allows for small graduate classes and quality student-faculty interaction. The Department is an active and welcoming philosophical community and encourages diversity. The Department hosts an extensive visiting speakers program, conferences, graduate colloquia, and research group meetings. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 5593.5 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:12695.88 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 6 Asian 0 0 0 0 We have a fast-track program from MA to PhD which requires students without a terminal Masters degree take up to twelve half Native American 0 0 0 0 course for the PhD program. This is assessed on a case by case basis. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3.5 TOEFL score: 100 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 0 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 4 4 2 2 Time to completion 5 5 5 5 5

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 5593.5 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:12695.88 African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 6 Asian 0 0 0 0 We have both a course-based and a thesis-based Master's degree. Ten courses are required for the course-based degree and six for the Native American 0 0 0 0 thesis-based Master's program. Hispanic or Latino 0 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 1 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3.5 Totals 1 4 0 0 TOEFL score: 100 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 5 Total MA 5 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Calgary 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 11 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 2 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 2 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 5 0 0 Were not placed 0 2 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 2 2 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 5 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 1 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 4 3 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 1 1 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Iceland, Director Centre for Ethics Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Queen's University University of California, Berkeley 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.berkeley.edu/ Philosophy

Department chair John MacFarlane, Professor

Faculty Janet Broughton, Professor • Lara Buchak, Assistant Professor • John Campbell, Professor • Timothy Clarke, Assistant Professor • Klaus Corcilius, Associate Professor • Timothy Crockett, Lecturer • Hubert Dreyfus, Professor Emeritus Recalled • Hannah Ginsborg, Professor • Wesley H. Holliday, Assistant Professor • Katharina Kaiser, Continuing Lecturer • Niko Kolodny, Professor • Geoffey Lee, Assistant Professor • John MacFarlane, Professor • Paolo Mancosu, Professor • Michael Martin, Professor • Véronique Munoz-Dardé, Professor • Alva Nöe, Professor • , Professor of the Graduate School • Kwong-loi Shun, Professor • Hans Sluga, Professor • Barry Stroud, Professor • R. Jay Wallace, Professor • Daniel Warren, Associate Professor • Seth Yalcin, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department has participated actively in UC Berkeley's Diversity Research Initiative, as a founding member of the Diversity and Democracy Cluster in the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society. In this capacity, we have worked to make the contributions of diversity to flourishing societies an object of academic study at Berkeley, including study by philosophers. The cluster makes available resources to hire faculty members who will both add diversity to our community, and contribute to the academic study of diversity within the departments participating in the cluster. The department makes ongoing efforts to identify promising women and members of underrepresented groups in all faculty searches, reaching out to such candidates to encourage them to apply for our positions. We have frequently applied for, and been granted, additional faculty positions to make offers to candidates who would add diversity to our faculty. The department supports regular informal meetings by women who are faculty members and graduate students for philosophical exchange, as well as discussion of ongoing challenges that women face in our field. (The group meets under the name "Philfemme".) Our department is well aware of the systemic problems about equity and inclusion facing philosophy as a whole, including philosophy at Berkeley, and we aim to be an active participant in the effort to improve the situation in philosophy for women and underrepresented minorities. To this end, we have recently established a departmental task force for equity and inclusion, which includes both graduate students and members of the faculty. The task force meets regularly throughout the academic year to develop strategies for fostering diversity and inclusion both in the department and in the profession more generally. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 4 0 1 Financial Aid Men 15 3 1 Teaching fellowships Varies Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Varies Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships Varies African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Varies Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 All admitted students receive a comprehensive fellowship package with at least two years of non-teaching and at least four years of Pacific Islander 0 0 0 teaching fellowship support, as well as summer stipends and teaching opportunities. No students teach classes in the regular / White 17 4 2 academic year, though several each year do so in the summer Multi-racial 0 0 0 semester. Other race 1 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 19 0 24 University of California, Berkeley 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The program offers a comprehensive and historically informed education in philosophy, mostly within the analytic tradition, although with opportunities to take courses in, and carry out dissertation research in, some areas of continental philosophy. Current areas of strength include, in no particular order: philosophy of language, ethics and political philosophy, philosophy of mind (especially philosophy of perception), epistemology (including philosophy of science), Kant, ancient philosophy, philosophy of mathematics and philosophical logic. We have close connections, and in some cases joint programs, with other departments and programs at Berkeley, including Psychology, Mathematics, Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Classics. Many graduate students take advantage of these connections both at the prequalifying stage of the program and in pursuing dissertation research. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 16231.50 (our students are fully funded) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:31.333.50 (our students are fully funded) African, 0 2 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 10 Asian 1 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 5 16 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 4 11 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 10 30 0 0 GPA: No minimum TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: No minimum Total Ph.D. 36 Total Ph.D. 40 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 8 4 4 4 4 Time to completion 7.8 8.5 7.75 7.5 8.6 University of California, Berkeley 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 6 18 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 3 4 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 3 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 5 10 0 0 Were not placed 0 3 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 2 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Utah Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UC Berkeley Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Berkeley Connect program

Degree Program Ph.D. Details UC Berkeley Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): UC Extension

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer N/A Type of position Unknown University of California, Davis 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.ucdavis.edu/ UC Davis Philosophy Department

Department chair David Copp, Distinguished Professor

Faculty G. Aldo Antonelli, Professor • David Copp, Distinguished Professor and Chair • Cody Gilmore, Associate Professor • James Griesemer, Professor • Elaine Landry, Professor and Graduate Adviser • Hanti Lin, Assistant Professor • George J. Mattey II, Senior Lecturer and Undergraduate Adviser • Robert May, Distinguished Professor • Roberta Millstein, Professor • Bernard Molyneux, Associate Professor • Marina Oshana, Professor • Tina Rulli, Assistant Professor • Adam Sennet, Associate Professor • Jan Szaif, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness See last year's response. Additional Information The Graduate Program in Philosophy at UC Davis is a small collegial and supportive program with a largely analytic orientation. The faculty specialize in a variety of areas, including metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science (especially biology), philosophy of mathematics, philosophical logic, ethics, meta-ethics, political philosophy, history of analytic philosophy, history of modern philosophy, and ancient philosophy. The Program has both M.A. and Ph.D. “tracks.” Students who aim to complete a Ph.D. should apply directly to the Ph.D. track, even if they have not yet earned an M.A. in Philosophy. Ph.D. students may earn the M.A. in the course of working toward the Ph.D. Students who do not aim to complete a Ph.D. in philosophy should apply for admission to the M.A. track. Students who enroll in the M.A. track may, however, later petition for admission to the Ph.D. track if they so desire. At present, there are 25 students in the Ph.D. program, including eleven who have passed their qualifying examination and are working on their dissertations. The student/faculty ratio is 2 to 1. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 1 0 Financial Aid Men 9 1 0 Teaching fellowships 3 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 5 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 14 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 2 0 Students teaching their own classes 3 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 11 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A 0 Disablity status N/A N/A 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 10 0 14 University of California, Davis 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The faculty specialize in a variety of areas, including metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science (especially biology), philosophy of mathematics, philosophical logic, decision theory, ethics, bioethics, meta-ethics, political philosophy, history of analytic philosophy, history of modern philosophy, and ancient philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 16110 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:31212 African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 0 1 0 0 Although we require 16 courses, it should be kept in mind that we are on the Quarter system, and each Quarter is 10 weeks long. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 4 17 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 1 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 5 20 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 25 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 6 Time to completion 6.17

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 13 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of California, Davis 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 4 11 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 9 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 1 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 4 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided University of California, Irvine 2014 Report Website Department name www.uci.edu Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science

Department chair Kyle Stanford, Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science

Faculty Jeffrey A. Barrett, Professor • Jeremy Heis, Associate Professor • Simon Huttegger, Associate Professor • Kent Johnson, Associate Professor • Penelope Maddy, UCI Distinguished Professor • John Byron Manchak, Associate Professor • Cailin O'Connor, Assistant Professor • Brian Skyrms, UCI Distinguished Professor • P. Kyle Stanford, Professor • Sean Walsh, Assistant Professor • James Owen Weatherall, Associate Professor • Kai Wehmeier, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at UC Irvine strives to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for graduate study in philosophy. UCI is home to the Hypatia Society, an NSF-supported group of graduate women in Philosophy at UCI and a chapter of the Minorities and Philosophy network. LPS faculty member Cailin O'Connor is the group’s faculty mentor. Hypatia, with support from LPS and other campus organizations, recently organized the conference "Perspectives on Gender," which explored gender diversity in the academy. LPS faculty and graduate students actively participate in the Department of Education-supported DECADE Program at UCI, which aims to increase the number of minorities and women underrepresented in their disciplines receiving doctoral degrees at UCI and to provide professional development and support for such students. Several LPS faculty members and graduate students have participated in Safe Zone training through the UCI LGBT resource center. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 1 0 Financial Aid Men 9 1 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 14 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 2 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 All admitted graduate students are given a six year funding guarantee, including one full year of fellowship support and five Pacific Islander 0 0 0 years of teaching assistantships. Students may also be awarded additional intramural fellowship support. In addition, students are White 10 2 0 regularly supported by extramural grants awarded to faculty and to Multi-racial 0 0 0 students. Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 1 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 10 0 12 University of California, Irvine 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science has particular strengths in: Logic, Philosophy of Logic, and Philosophy of Mathematics; Philosophy of Physics; Philosophy of Biology; Philosophy of the Social Sciences and Philosophy of Economics; Game Theory, Decision Theory, and Rational Choice; General Philosophy of Science; and History of Philosophy of Science (incl. Logic and Mathematics). Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $16,035 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$31,137 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 14 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 11 0 0 We offer some Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 1 12 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 20 Total Ph.D. 13 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 3 3 2 1 6 Time to completion 7 7.33 5.5 3 5.83 University of California, Irvine 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 13 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 8 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 6 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 4 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 3 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Australian National University Type of position Fellowship.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne Type of position Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Amsterdam, Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation Type of position Fellowship.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer The Windward School Type of position Other: Private secondary school.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Salzburg Type of position Fellowship: One year. University of California-Los Angeles 2013 Report Website www.ucla.edu

Department name UCLA Philosophy Department

Department chair Gavin Lawrence, Chair

Faculty Tyler Burge - Professor • John Carriero - Professor • Brian Copenhaver - Professor • Sam Cumming - Assistant Professor • Katrina Elliott - Assistant Professor • Gabriel Greenberg - Assistant Professor • Mark Greenberg - Associate Professor • Barbara Herman - Professor • Pamela Hieronymi - Professor • Andrew Hsu - Instructor • A.J. Julius - Assistant Professor • David Kaplan - Professor • Gavin Lawrence - Professor • Tony Martin - Professor • Calvin Normore - Professor • Seana Shiffrin - Professor • Sheldon Smith - Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The UCLA Department’s commitment to creating a diverse faculty and student body is reflected in all stages of our hiring and admissions policy. We actively seek out minority and women applicants through advertising and direct communication with other departments; we carefully track their applications in departmental processes; we have secured special funding to insure the attractiveness of offers in our recruitment of faculty and students who will enhance the diversity of our program.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 1 0 Financial Aid

Men 9 3 1 Teaching fellowships 19 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 14

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 16 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 1 Students teaching their own classes 13 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 1 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 4 13 0 17 University of California-Los Angeles 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, Ethics, Philosophy of Language, History of Philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 15208.38 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:30310.38

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 14 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 9 7 4 4 3 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 8.33 6.11 7.04 8.59 7.89 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) GPA: no official minimum TOEFL score: 560 - paper, 220 - computer, 87 - internet LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: no official minimum 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 0 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of California-Los Angeles 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided University of California-Riverside 2013 Report Website http://www.philosophy.ucr.edu/

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair Erich Reck, Professor

Faculty Maudemarie Clark, Professor • Carl F. Cranor, Distinguished Professor • John Martin Fischer, Distinguished Professor • Peter Graham, Professor • Agnieszka Jaworska, Associate Professor • Pierre Keller, Associate Professor • Jozef Müller, Assistant Professor • Michael Nelson, Associate Professor • , Distinguished Professor • Andrews Reath, Professor • Erich Reck, Professor • Eric Schwitzgebel, Professor • Howard Wettstein, Professor • Mark Wrathall, Professor • Larry Wright , Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We take diversity very seriously whenever we have a faculty position to fill.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 1 0 Financial Aid

Men 12 1 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Currently 2

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 21 per year African-American Scholarships Some scholarship funds ar Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes Varies from year to year. M Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 We offer one year of centrally funded fellowship and four years of Pacific Islander 0 0 0 support as a TA to all incoming graduate students (including tuition and health insurance). Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 2 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 3 13 0 16 University of California-Riverside 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Agency theory, 19th and 20th c. European philosophy, Kant, moral philosophy, philosophy of language and mind, epistemology Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 14,646 per year Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:29,748 per year

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 15 African, 1 1 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 1 1 1 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 3 7 5 5 6 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 7 6 7 5.5 6 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 1 1 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 1 1 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 1 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 3 6 21 19 0 0 not provided) GPA: no set minimum TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: no set minimum 5 8 25 21 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 30 Total Ph.D. 29 Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 12 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Writing sample: Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of California-Riverside 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 4 22 0 Left without receiving a degree 3 4 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 9 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 10 0 Were not placed 1 3 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided University of California-San Diego 2013 Report Website http://www/ucsd.edu

Department name Philosophy

Department chair Craig Callender, Professor of Philosophy

Faculty Not provided Efforts to increase inclusiveness the department makes all efforts to support and increase diversity and inclusiveness in philosophy

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 0 0 Financial Aid Men 14 1 1 Teaching fellowships varies but always some

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships varies by year, 1 African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 20 African-American Scholarships none Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 14 Native American 0 1 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 1 0 0 All our financial aid is in the form of Fellowships or Teaching Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Assistantships Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 1 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 3 16 0 19 University of California-San Diego 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Ethics, History of Philosophy, Philosophy/cognitive Science, Science Studies, logic Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $15,000+ Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:additional $15,000+

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 14 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 2 2 3 3 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 0 2 5 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 7 7 7 7 4 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 230 LGBT 1 1 1 1 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 6 0 GRE score: 0 2 2 3 3 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 5 Total Ph.D. 5 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of California-San Diego 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 6 13 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 3 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 5 10 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided University of California, Santa Barbara 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.philosophy.ucsb.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Thomas Holden, Professor/Chair

Faculty C. Anthony Anderson, Professor • E. Sonny Elizondo, Assistant Professor • Kevin Falvey, Associate Professor • Matthew Hanser, Professor • Thomas Holden, Professor & Chair • Christopher McMahon, Professor • Michael Rescorla, Associate Professor • Teresa Robertson, Associate Professor • Nathan Salmon, Professor & Faculty Graduate Adivsor • Voula Tsouna, Professor & Faculty Graduate Adivsor • Aaron Zimmerman, Associate Professor • Steven Humphrey, Adjunct Professor • Gregory Jarrett, Visiting Faculty Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department is actively seeking to add diversity by increasing the ratio of women to men in the pool of faculty. In our most recent job search 3 of 4 of our finalists were women. In the prior few years we added a tenured female faculty member increasing our female percentage by 100%.Our program has the highest volume of women in our Graduate Student population to date, with a highly outstanding and achieving student among that group. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 1 0 Financial Aid Men 5 4 5 Teaching fellowships 3 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 3-5 (1 year fellowships) Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 18 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 1 Asian 0 1 1 Students teaching their own classes Average of 5 per year Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 6 3 3 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 14 0 16 University of California, Santa Barbara 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Metaethics; Ethics; Moral Philosophy; Epistemology; Philosophy of Mind, Logic; Metaphysics; History of Philosophy especially in Ancient Philosophy and in Modern Philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 13114.74 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:28093.83 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 14 Asian 0 2 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 2 0 0 Online Courses White 4 19 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 4 23 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 550 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 30 Total Ph.D. 27 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 4 3 5 3 4 Time to completion 8.25 6.75 7.8 6 6.5 University of California, Santa Barbara 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 4 23 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 3 7 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 12 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 7 0 0 Were not placed 1 1 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Notre Dame de Namur University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Adjunct Professor University of California-Santa Cruz 2014 Report Website Department name http://philosophy.ucsc.edu/ Philosophy

Department chair Daniel Guevara, Chair

Faculty John F. Bowin, Associate Professor • Janette Dinishak, Assistant Professor • Jonathan Ellis, Associate Professor • Daniel Guevara, Associate Professor • Samantha Matherne, Assistant Professor • Nicoletta Orlandi, Assistant Professor • Richard Otte, Professor • Paul A. Roth, Professor • Abraham Stone, Associate Professor • Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness UC Santa Cruz is an equal opportunity employer. Last year, the department hired three new Assistant Professors, all women. So, out of a department of ten faculty, three are women. Also, the Chair of the department is Latino. In recent years, the philosophy department has had one of the most diverse cohorts of graduate students in its history. For example, nearly all of the students in our department who were finishing up their MA last year are from ethnically underrepresented groups. About a third of our doctoral students are women. In general, the department makes every effort to hire and retain a diverse faculty and student body. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 0 3 1 Financial Aid Men 7 0 0 Teaching fellowships 1 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0.5 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 11 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 3 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 3 (5 in summer) Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 6 3 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 N/A 0 Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 7 0 11 University of California-Santa Cruz 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Our department integrates historical, analytic, and continental approaches to philosophy, in its teaching and research. Contemporary strengths include broad coverage in philosophy of science and philosophy of mind. Historical strengths include ancient, Kant, and key figures and issues in all traditions in 19th and 20th century philosophy—e.g., Husserl, Heidegger, Carnap, Quine, Merleau-Ponty, and Wittgenstein. Uniquely for such a small department, its teaching and research interests also include leading figures from the Middle Ages and late antiquity, including medieval Islamic figures. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown 16958.58 Out of state:32060.58 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 12 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 2 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 4 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 5 5 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 9 Total Ph.D. 10 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 2 2 5 1 Time to completion 6 6 6 7 7

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 16958.58 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:32060.58 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 9 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 1 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 1 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of California-Santa Cruz 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 4 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 3 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 3 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 0 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 0 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 1 1 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 1 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Grand Valley State University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor, 3 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Self-employed Type of position Other: Business

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Self-employed Type of position Other: Business

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Roskilde University, Denmark Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Limited term lecturer, duration unknown

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Singapore Civil Service Type of position Other: Senior Strategist (Singapore Civil Service)

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Southern Connecticut State University Type of position Tenure track. University of Cincinnati 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.artsci.uc.edu/departments/philosophy.html Department of Philosophy

Department chair Robert Skipper, Professor

Faculty Zvi Biener • Vanessa Carbonell • Tony Chemero • Valerie G. Hardcastle • Lawrence J. Jost • Peter Langland-Hassan • Koffi N. Maglo • Heidi Maibom • John McEvoy • Thomas W. Polger • Angela Potochnik • Robert C. Richardson • Jenefer M. Robinson • Robert Skipper, Jr. Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department is proactive in recruiting diverse faculty, graduate students, and majors. Questions can be directed to the Director of Graduate Studies or the chair of the Diversity Committee. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 4 1 0 Financial Aid Men 7 2 1 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 14 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American 16 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 2 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 Summer teaching is available for extra income. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 13 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 10 0 15 University of Cincinnati 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Philosophy and the life sciences, especially philosophy of biology and cognitive science; philosophy of mind. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 14468 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:26210 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 1 0 0 0 Students in the Philosophy and the Sciences track take extra philosophy and science classes Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 6 15 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 7 17 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 23 Total Ph.D. 24 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 2 1 0 2 Time to completion 6 6 5 0 9 University of Cincinnati 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 5 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 3 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 2 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 3 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer College of Mount St. Joseph Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Toledo Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor University College Dublin 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.ucd.ie/ UCD School of Philosophy

Department chair Rowland Stout, Professor

Faculty Maria Baghramian, BA (QUB), PhD (Dub), MRIA, Professor • Gerard Casey, BA, MA (Notre Dame), PhD (Notre Dame), LLB (London), LLM, Associate Professor • Joseph Cohen, BA (York, Canada), MA (Paris), Ph.D. (Paris•Caen) Lecturer • Maeve Cooke, BA, MA, DrPhil (Konstanz), MRIA, Professor • Christopher Cowley, BA (London), MA (Montréal), PhD (Bristol). Lecturer • Tim Crowley, BA, MLitt (NUI), DPhil (Oxon) Lecturer • Richard Kearney, MA (McGill), PhD (Paris) Visiting Professor • Timothy Mooney, MA (NUI), Phd (Essex), Senior Lecturer • Dermot Moran, BA (NUI), MA (Yale), MPhil (Yale), PhD (Yale), DLitt (NUI), MRIA, Professor, Chair of Philosophy (Metaphysics and Logic). Director, UCD International Centre for Newman Studies • Brian O'Connor, MA, DPhil (Oxon), Associate Professor • Fran O'Rourke MA, LicPhil (Louvain), PhD (Leuven), Associate Professor • James O'Shea, BA (Georgetown), MA (North Carolina), PhD (North Carolina), Associate Professor • Markus Schlosser, Mag. Phil. (Vienna), Ph.D. (St. Andrews), Lecturer • Rowland Stout, MA (Oxon) DPhil (Oxon), Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Society for Women in Philosophy, Ireland was set up by a staff member of the School of Philosophy in 2010 and has become increasingly active since 2012. A School of Philosophy Committee on the status of Women was set up in 2013-14. A school-wide workshop, which among other things will examine the low rate of participation of women in the philosophy programme, is planned for the current academic year. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 0 1 Financial Aid Men 10 1 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 3 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 The School provides 3 partial scholarships. Full scholarships on competitive basis are available from the Irish Research Council. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 11 0 14 University College Dublin 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The strong research profile of staff working on Phenomenology, Critical Theory, Pragmatism and Neo-Pragmatism, and Ancient Philosophy ensures that the School is well placed for supervising students interested in going beyond the usual divisions between analytic and continental philosophy. The School organisesinternational conferences, workshops, and graduate masterclasses per year. It also hosts some of the biggest names in contemporary philosophy on regular basis. We also offer competitive funding to graduate students for conferences. There are module sharing arrangements with the Department of Philosophy at Trinity College Dublin. UCD and TCD PhD students organise a number of events, including an annual international conference. The School is also home to the International Journal of Philosophical Studies and the international postgraduate philosophy journal Perspectives. The School has numerous exchange agreements with universities in Europe and USA. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: EU 5600 euro Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:Rest of the world 11200 euro African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 4 Asian 0 0 0 0 The minimum period for the completion of a structured PhD at UCD is four years. In their first year, students are required to successfully Native American 0 0 0 0 complete any four modules from those on offer. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 0 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: a minimum score of 600 TOEFL (250 computer b LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 1 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 25 Total Ph.D. 0 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Before applying, we strongly recommend that applicants to Degrees awarded familiarise themselves with the research interests of the member of 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 staff. Prospective students are also encouraged to contact staffs member directly and to discuss possible PhD projects informally. Degrees awarded 6 6 10 4 4 Time to completion 4.5 5.33 5 4.5 4.5

MA program strengths The courses on offer include all aspects of Contemporary European philosophy as well as courses in core areas of analytic philosophy. We also offer a number of interdisciplinary programmes including and Embodiment, Philosophy and Literature, and Philosophy and Public Affairs. MA students may specialise by choosing from modules both in Analytic Philosophy and/or Continental Philosophy. The Master's programme has proven an ideal preparation for students who wish to enter PhD programmes in US, UK and the continental Europe. Recent holders of the UCD MA in Philosophy have been successful in gaining places in the PhD programs of – among others – Notre Dame, University of Texas, Austin, Brown, The New School, University College London, Kings College London, Oxford, Cambridge and Sheffield. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: EU 6,000 euro for full time students Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:Rest of the world 13,500 euro African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 6 Asian 0 1 0 0 In addition to six taught modules, students are required to write an MA thesis Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 2 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 3 3 0 0 TOEFL score: 600 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 1 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 6 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University College Dublin 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: King's College London

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. UCD

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. UCD

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Indiana University of Connecticut 2014 Report Website Department name http://philosophy.uconn.edu/ Philosophy Department

Department chair Donald Baxter, Professor and Department Head

Faculty Dorit Bar-On-Full Professor • Donald Baxter- Full Professor • Jc Beall-Full Professor • Paul Bloomfield-Full Professor • Austen Clark- Full Professor • Lewis Gordon- Full Professor • Mitchell Green-Full Professor • Michael Lynch-Full Professor • Keith Simmons- Full Professor • Samuel Wheeler-Full Professor • Thomas Bontly-Associate Professor • Susan Schneider- Associate Professor • Marcus Rossberg- Associate Professor • Lionel Shapiro- Associate Professor • Suzy Killmister-Assistant Professor • Hallie Liberto-Assistant Professor • David Ripley-Assistant Professor • Daniel Silvermint- Assistant Professor • William Lycan- Visiting Distinguished Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness In hiring and admissions the department has made a concerted effort to correct for the implicit biases that lead to overlooking various strong applications. In our last three faculty searches we have hired four women and one person who is multi-racial including African-American, Asian, and Caucasian. The department now has one faculty member joint with the Institute of Africana Studies. Of the 15 total graduate students that we have admitted in the last two years, 7 are women, 1 is androgynous, 3 are Asian, 1 is African-American, 4 are LGBT, 6 are foreign nationals. The department has discussed during department meetings the climate for women, has been careful to investigate and report possible cases of sexual harassment, and gives strong support to our local chapter of the Society for Women in Philosophy. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 2 0 Financial Aid Men 11 2 1 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2.5 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 24.5 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 13 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 12 4 1 Multi-racial 1 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 14 0 18 University of Connecticut 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths With strong support from the University, the UConn Philosophy Department is growing during a time in which most philosophy departments are not. The department is one of the best places in the world to study Logic and is perhaps the best place to study Africana philosophy. It is an outstanding place to study Philosophy of Mind and Language from the standpoint of Cognitive Science, and an up-and-coming place to study Moral, Social, and Political Philosophy especially concerning issues of injustice. The department is known for its congeniality and cohesiveness--an atmosphere anchored by its long-running weekly Brown Bag Colloquium in which faculty and advanced graduate students present work in progress to each other. The graduate students are active, engaged, and support each other, and there is a great deal of interaction between graduate students and faculty. In addition to becoming publishing researchers, graduate students become experienced teachers, and consequently our placement record is excellent. The department participates in various interdisciplinary programs, including the Logic Group, Cognitive Science, and ECOM (a research group on the evolution of communication), and has many ties to other units in the university including the Human Rights Institute, the Institute for Africana Studies, the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, and the Humanities Institute. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 11456 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:29740 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 2 3 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 6 21 1 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 1 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 9 24 1 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 5 Disability identifying 1 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 26 Total Ph.D. 34 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 3 4 4 2 4 Time to completion 6.2 7.25 5.4 5.2 6.75

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown 11456 Out of state:29740 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 1 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 4 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 Totals 2 6 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 6 Total MA 8 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Connecticut 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 12 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 5 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 8 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Southern Connecticut State University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Quinebaug Valley Community College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Veritas Institute, Yonsei University, South Korea Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Monash University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Lectureship, 2 years University of Dallas 2013 Report Website http://www.udallas.edu/philosophy

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair Philipp Rosemann, Professor

Faculty William A. Frank, Full Professor • Rev. James L. Lehrberger, O. Cist., Associate Professor • Christopher V. Mirus, Associate Professor • Joshua Parens, Full Professor • Philipp W. Rosemann, Full Professor • Dennis L. Sepper, Full Professor • Lance Simmons, Associate Professor • Matthew Walz, Assistant Professor • Robert E. Wood, Full Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness As a small conservative Catholic university, UD has trouble increasing diversity and inclusiveness. We've had modest success attracting female graduate students and no success in retaining female professors. The graduate program as a whole (8 programs with MAs and 3 PhD programs) has not been actively promoted. As the newly appointed graduate dean, I will be attempting to expand our reach through active promotion of our graduate programs, which has never been done before.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 0 0 0 Financial Aid Men 9 0 0 Teaching fellowships 2

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 10 African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African-American Scholarships 5 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 7 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 n/a Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 0 9 0 9 University of Dallas 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Medieval Philosophy, Thomas Aquinas, Continental Philosophy Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 14400 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:14400

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 22 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 1 3 1 6 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 11 5 6 8 N/A Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 3 4 16 15 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3.4 TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: variable 3 4 16 15 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 19 Total Ph.D. 19 Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state Women Men Other gender 5400 (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 5400 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 8 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 1 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3 Other (or race 2 2 10 11 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: variable Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 2 2 11 11 0 0

Total MA 13 Total MA 13 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Dallas 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 1 10 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 6 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 3 0 Were not placed 0 1 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 1 4 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 5 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 2 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 2 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 Unknown 0 8 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Institution: University of Dallas

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Institution: University of Dallas

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Not provided Type of position Other: Parish priest 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.phil.ufl.edu Department of Philosophy

Department chair Gene Witmer, Associate Professor

Faculty Jaime Ahlberg (Assistant Professor) • Thomas Auxter (Associate Professor) • John Biro (Professor) • Robert D'Amico (Professor) • Stewart Duncan (Associate Professor) • Chuang Liu (Professor) • John Palmer (Professor) • Greg Ray (Associate Professor) • Gene Witmer (Associate Professor) • Please note: We have faculty who teach graduate courses who are not yet officially designated as graduate faculty. (That designation only means they cannot yet serve on graduate committees for theses and dissertations.) They are: • Peter Westmoreland (Lecturer) • Jennifer Rothschild (Assistant Professor) • Nathan Rothschild (Lecturer) Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Department has been actively discussing ways of making underrepresented groups feel more welcome in philosophy, especially at the undergraduate level. A 2013 community event featuring free food and short talks focused on diversity in philosophy. (See http://www.phil.ufl.edu/ugrad/food_and_talk/index.html for the 2013 topic "Who Does Philosophy? And Why Them? Questions of Diversity in the Discipline.") We sent two faculty members to the 2013 conference on Diversity in Philosophy in Ohio to gain information and strategies, and we are instituting a standing "Recruitment and Diversity" committee for ongoing work on pooling resources and strategies for such recruitment, including suggestions for readings for syllabi and teaching strategies. Additional Information The Department offers both Ph.D. and terminal M.A. programs in Philosophy. Students who pursue an M.A. in Philosophy at U.F. are provided a rigorous and well-rounded education with a faculty boasting expertise in core areas of all major areas of philosophy. The Department is committed to a strong M.A. program, providing graduate students with not only an excellent education but a supportive, active community of students, teachers, and scholars. Students admitted with funding are generally provided support for two years, the standard time for completing the M.A. Students who complete the M.A. program are well-placed to pursue a Ph.D. in Philosophy, whether at another institution or at the University of Florida. The M.A. should also serve well students who wish to pursue advanced degrees in related areas of law, political science, linguistics, and other disciplines. At present, we are unable to admit new students to the Ph.D. program. In 2009, due to budgetary concerns, the central admistration imposed a suspension of admissions to a number of doctoral programs, including Philosophy. While we hope this changes in the near future, we cannot make any confident predictions about when admissions will be reopened. In the meantime, we invite undergraduates to apply for the M.A. program. See http://www.phil.ufl.edu/grad/prosp.html for information on how to apply, and feel free to contact the Graduate Coordinator at [email protected] with any questions. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 0 2 0 Financial Aid Men 8 0 2 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 10 at present African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 2-3 advanced PhD students Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Each teaching assitantship provides a stipend of around $13,000 and tuition waiver for 9 credits Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 7 2 2 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 10 0 12 University of Florida 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Research strengths: The Department has special strengths in both history of philosophy and core areas of metaphysics and epistemology, but has faculty covering all areas, including those with a focus on ethics, political philosophy, and Continental philosophy. Special strengths include Ancient Philosophy (Palmer, Rothschild), Modern Philosophy (Biro, Duncan), Philosophy of Language (Biro, Ray), Philosophy of Mind (Biro, Witmer), Philosophy of Science (D'Amico, Liu), and Metaphysics (Ray, Witmer). The community is small but supportive; graduate students are assigned office space (2-3 per office at present) and organize an annual graduate student conference, the Southeast Graduate Philosophy Conference. See information on the 2014 conference at http://www.phil.ufl.edu/events/2014/02/seg/index.html. Students have many opportunities for teaching experience, and advanced students often get to teach summer courses on their own, including upper-level undergraduate courses. Financial support for graduate student travel to conferences is available, and faculty are generally quite accessible. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $528/hour (includes fees) (usual 9 hours per term) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1253 /hour (includes fees) (usual 9 hours per te African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 30 Asian 0 0 0 0 Once a student is admitted to candidacy, he or she is required to take an advanced seminar every semester on a pass/fail basis in Native American 0 0 0 0 order to remain active in ways other than dissertation work. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 4 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 4 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 80 (internet) 550 (paper) LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: No specific minimum Total Ph.D. 4 Total Ph.D. 4 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 2 1 2 0 Time to completion 6.5 5 8 9.5

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $528/hour (includes fees) (usual 9 hours per term) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1253 /hour (includes fees) (usual 9 hours per te African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 12 Asian 0 0 0 1 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 2 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 Totals 0 0 0 4 TOEFL score: 80 (internet) 550 (paper) LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: No specific minimum Total MA 5 Total MA 4 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Florida 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 5 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 1 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 2 0 0 Were not placed 0 2 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 2 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 3 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 2 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of Massachusetts Amherst

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Miami

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Arizona State University University of Georgia 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.phil.uga.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Victoria Davion, Professor and Head

Faculty Yuri Balashov - Professor • Bradley Bassler - Associate Professor • Elizabeth Brient - Associate Professor • Charles B. Cross - Professor • Chris Cuomo - Professor • Victoria Davion - Professor • Melissa Seymour Fahmy - Associate Professor • Edward Charles Halper - Professor • Rene Jagnow - Associate Professor • Beth Preston - Professor • Piers Stephens - Associate Professor • Richard Dien Winfield - Professor • Sarah Wright - Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We already have a number of women on our faculty--6 out of 15. All of these women are tenured and four are full professors.. We have also been more successful recently in increasing the number of women among our graduate students--currently 8 out of 35. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 6 0 0 Financial Aid Men 8 0 1 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 15 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 9 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Research assistantships - number varies, usually 1-2 per year. Students assist faculty with research for two years, and then have a Pacific Islander 0 0 0 teaching assistantship for four years after that. / / Out-of-state tuition waivers - number varies, usually 1-2 per year White 14 0 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 9 0 15 University of Georgia 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The department is strongest in Metaphysics (both analytic and traditional) and Environmental Philosophy. We also have significant strengths in Feminist Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Ethics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 1-11 credit hours, $337/hr; 12 + credit hours, $4,044/ Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:1-11 credit hours, $975/hr; 12 + credit hours, $11 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 0 0 0 0 15 courses are required for students entering without an MA in philosophy; 10 courses are required for students with an MA in Native American 0 0 0 0 philosophy. Students with an MA in another discipline may be required to take 15 courses or only 10,at the department's discretio Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 1 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 29 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 5 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 0 0 35 GPA: TOEFL score: 80 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 41 Total Ph.D. 35 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 3 0 3 3 Time to completion 7 9 0 7.3 8.3

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown 1-11 credit hours, $337/hr; 12+ credit hours, $4,044/s Out of state:1-11 credit hours, $975/hr; 12+ credit hours, $11, African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 5 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 1 3 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 4 8 0 0 TOEFL score: 80 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 17 Total MA 12 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Georgia 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 10 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 8 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 1 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 2 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 1 2 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 1 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of North Georgia Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Temporary faculty, duration unknown

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Augsburg College Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Instructor, duration unknown

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Clemson University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Lecturer, duration unknown

Degree Program Master's Details Other: University administration

Degree Program Master's Details Unknown. University of Guelph 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.uoguelph.ca/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Mark McCullagh, Associate Professor and Department Chair

Faculty Andrew Bailey - Associate Professor • Donald Dedrick - Associate Professor • Monique Deveaux - Professor and Canada Research Chair • Peter Eardley - Associate Professor • Karyn L. Freedman - Associate Professor • Maya Goldenberg - Associate Professor • John Hacker-Wright ­ Associate Professor • Karen L. Houle - Associate Professor • Jay Lampert - Professor • Stefan Linquist - Associate Professor • Mark McCullagh ­ Associate Professor and Chair • Jeffrey A. Mitscherling - Professor • Omid Payrow Shabani - Associate Professor • John Russon - Professor • Patricia Sheridan - Associate Professor • Andrew Wayne - Associate Professor • Karen Wendling - Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Philosophy Department offers an Entrance Scholarship for Women in Philosophy. Valued at $1000, this scholarship is awarded annually to a woman student entering the Graduate Program in Philosophy, either at the master's or the doctoral level. Additional Information The Department of Philosophy at the University of Guelph was established in 1967 and has particular strengths in Continental Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Ethics, the History of Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, and Philosophy of Science, Mind and Language. A number of our faculty are committed to interdisciplinary research and actively collaborate with colleagues from departments such as Physics, Psychology and Environmental Biology. The department hosts one of the largest PhD programs in philosophy in Canada with roughly 35 PhD students focusing on numerous topics within philosophy. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 6 0 0 Financial Aid Men 11 0 1 Teaching fellowships 1 for PhDs in 3rd year Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 1 for MAs 1.5 for PhDs (GS African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 1 (Dean's Scholarship) Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes appoximately 22 - 24 teachi Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Students are required to apply for Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Scholarships (SSHRC). If successfull, the scholarship is applied towards their funding. White 16 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 1 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 12 0 18 University of Guelph 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The Department of Philosophy at the University of Guelph was established in 1967 and has particular strengths in Continental Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Ethics, the History of Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, and the Philosophy of Science, Mind and Language. A number of our faculty are committed to interdisciplinary research and actively collaborate with colleagues from departments such as Physics, Psychology and Environmental Biology. We also provide courses in many other areas from which our students benefit, and we encourage them to take an active part in the profession both inside and outside of the academy. Our MA and PhD students are active in organizing and participating in annual conferences at the MA and PhD levels. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $CAN 3,126 per semester Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$CAN 6,949 per semester African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. Asian 0 0 0 0 The normal coursework requirement for the PhD program is ten one­ semester graduate courses (in addition to the PhD Seminar, taken in Native American 0 0 0 0 the second year). Up to four one-semester graduate-level courses in philosophy (or approved cognate areas) taken at any de Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 7 18 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 1 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 2 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 8 20 0 0 GPA: 0.75 TOEFL score: 89 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 38 Total Ph.D. 28 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Admission to the program is restricted to those who have an MA in Degrees awarded philosophy, or an outstanding record in undergraduate studies in 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 philosophy. Degrees awarded 4 3 5 0 12 Time to completion 4.9 5 6.5 0 6.6

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $CAN 3,126 per semester Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$CAN 6,949 per semester African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. Asian 0 0 0 0 All students must take the MA Seminar (PHIL*6950) and complete either a thesis of between 20,000 and 30,000 words or a research Native American 0 0 0 0 project of between 10,000 and 15,000 words. Candidates by thesis must take at least four semester-long courses plus the two-sem Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 0.75 Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 89 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 A four-year bachelor's degree is required from a recognized university. Normally this will include at least a major in philosophy, although the program is also open to students who may not have had a substantial number of philosophy undergraduate courses University of Guelph 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 7 17 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 3 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 6 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 1 0 0 Were not placed 5 9 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 9 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 1 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 4 5 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 1 0 0 0 Unknown 0 3 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 1 6 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of Guelph

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Ottawa

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Northern Arizona University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Hunter College of the City University of New York Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Trent University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2013 Report Website http://www.hawaii.edu/phil/

Department name Philosophy

Department chair Ron Bontekoe, Professor and Chair

Faculty Tamara Albertini, Professor • Roger T. Ames, Professor • Ron Bontekoe, Professor • Arindam Chakrabarti, Professor • Chung-Ying Cheng, Professor • Vrinda Dalmiya, Associate Professor • Masato Ishida, Assistant Professor • Kenneth Kipnis, Professor • Steve Odin, Professor • Joseph Tanke, Associate Professor • George Tsai, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Since the 1930s the Philosophy Department at the University of Hawaii has taken the lead in establishing the legitimacy and importance of Asian philosophical traditions.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 1 0 Financial Aid

Men 8 2 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 9 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 3 3 0 Students teaching their own classes 6 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 tuition waiver support, lectureships Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 7 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 3 10 0 13 University of Hawaii at Manoa 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Asian and comparative philosophy Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $12,000 p/a Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:$29,000 p/a

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 10 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 3 3 6 6 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 3 2 8 1 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 7 6 6 8 8 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 4 4 19 17 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3.2 TOEFL score: 200 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 150 in each of verbal and quantitative 8 8 25 23 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 33 Total Ph.D. 31 1) completed M.A. in philosophy / 2) research interest in Asian and Students 2012 Students 2013 comparative philosophy

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state Women Men Other gender $12,000 p/a (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state $29,000 p/a 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 1 1 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 10 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 1 1 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3.15 Other (or race 2 2 1 1 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 190 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 150 in both verbal & quantitative tests Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 4 4 1 1 0 0 undergraduate major in philosophy Total MA 5 Total MA 5 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Hawaii at Manoa 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 5 14 1 Left without receiving a degree 1 1 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 2 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 4 9 1 Were not placed 1 3 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 1 3 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 3 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 5 12 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 1 2 0 Unknown 0 0 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Univ. of Central Arkansas Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Western New University Type of position Tenure track. University of Houston 2013 Report Website http://www.uh.edu/class/philosophy/graduate-program/inde

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair David Phillips, Full Professor

Faculty Gregory A. Brown, Professor • Cameron Buckner, Assistant Professor • D. Justin Coates, Assistant Professor • Cynthia A. Freeland, Professor • James W. Garson, Professor • Helen Hattab, Associate Professor • Anne Jaap Jacobson, Professor Emeritus • Bredo C. Johnsen, Professor • Christy Mag Uidhir, Assistant Professor • David K. Phillips, Professor and Chair • Tamler Sommers, Associate Professor • Josh Weisberg, Associate Professor • Johanna Luttrell, Post-doctoral Associate Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department has made special efforts over the last 20 years to encourage applications from women and minorities for open positions. This includes compiling lists of such candidates and making contact with potential candidates.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 3 0 Financial Aid

Men 6 8 1 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 9 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 6 15 0 21 University of Houston 2013 Report

MA program strengths The University of Houston Masters Program in Philosophy features a stellar research faculty boasting a per-person publication record equal to or exceeding that of any terminal Masters program in philosophy over the last five years. The program is especially strong in: History of Philosophy: Greg Brown is a leading Leibniz scholar. Helen Hattab has published extensively in early modern philosophy, including a recent Cambridge monograph on Descartes, and is Vice President of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science. Aesthetics: Both Cynthia Freeland and Christy Mag Uidhir have published broadly, each with a recent Oxford monograph (with Mag Uidhir winning the ASA Outstanding Monograph Prize). Cognitive Science: Jim Garson has published much at the interface of logic and cognitive science, with two books at Cambridge. Joshua Weisberg and Cameron Buckner have published extensively on consciousness and respectively. The department also has ties to UH's Perception & Visual Cognition and Cognitive Development Labs. Ethics: Tamler Sommers recently published a monograph with Princeton on justice. Justin Coates is a leading scholar on blame (with a recent anthology at Oxford). David Phillips is a leading Sidgwick scholar (also with a recent monograph at OUP). MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state Women Men Other gender 6138 (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 14154 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 1 1 2 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 36 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 1 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3.3 Other (or race 3 5 28 24 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 90 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 0 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 3 7 29 27 0 0

Total MA 32 Total MA 34 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Houston 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 15 35 0 Left without receiving a degree 4 5 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 6 18 0 Placed in a teaching job 2 1 0 Entered another graduate program 0 3 0 Unknown 3 8 0 University of Illinois At Chicago 2014 Report Website Department name http://philosophy.las.uic.edu/ PHILOSOPHY

Department chair Anthony Laden, Professor

Faculty Almotahari, Mahrad, Assistant Professor • Eaton, A.W., Associate Professor • Fleischacker, Samuel, Professor • Gray, Aidan, Assistant Professor • Hilbert, David, Professor • Huggett, Nicholas, Professor • Hylton, Peter, Professor • Jarrett, Jon, Associate • Laden, Anthony, Professor • Meinwald, Constance, Associate • Schechtman, Marya, Professor • Sedgwick, Sally, Professor • Sinkler, Georgette, Associate • Small, Will, Assistant • Sutherland, Daniel, Associate • Whipple, John, Assistant Efforts to increase inclusiveness UIC is an urban research university with one of the most diverse student bodies in the country. The philosophy department has historically had one of the highest percentages of women faculty amongst research departments, and continues to do so. Of 16 tenure-line faculty, five are women (all tenured). In recent and anticipated searches, we have made a special effort to further improve our gender balance as well as improve on other measures of diversity. UIC provides targeted graduate student fellowships to members of under-represented minorities, and minority students in philosophy have generally been successful in winning them. We have been using dedicated departmental fellowship funds to recruit women students. We cultivate and foster a welcoming and open environment in the department (in and out of class), and have regular open department meetings to address issues of inclusion, diversity and climate. We encourage all instructors to pay atention to issues of diversity in their syllabi. There is a standing faculty/graduate student reading group in feminist philosophy. Additional Information None. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 5 0 0 Financial Aid Men 7 4 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 5 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 23 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 9 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 1=Tuition and Fee Waivers, Summer Teaching and Librarian job. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 14 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 11 0 16 University of Illinois At Chicago 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths "We have strengths in many areas broadly within the analytic tradition, but for the kind of detailed information useful for a decision about graduate school applications, please consult our website: http://philosophy.las.uic.edu" / Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 5627 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:11626 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 14 Asian 2 1 0 0 Up to four courses may be waived from the required 14, for appropriate graduate level work in other departments or institutions. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 6 22 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 8 23 0 0 GPA: 3.5 TOEFL score: 80 IBT/ 6.5 IELTS/54 Pearson LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 2.75 is the graduate college minimum requiremen Total Ph.D. 32 Total Ph.D. 31 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: --- Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 5 4 5 1 Time to completion 10 9.9 8 8.1 7 University of Illinois At Chicago 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 9 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 7 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 2 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Texas State Univ. , San Marcos Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer City Colleges of San Francisco Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Part time teaching pool

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Lehman College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Montgomery County Community college Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Adjunct, Montgomery County Community College

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Bucknell Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Affiliate

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Northern Illinois University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Full time Instructor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Illinois at Chicago Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Humanities Institute Dissertation Fellowship

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Pittsburgh Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Full Time Visiting Lecturer

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Rutgers University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: Post Doc

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Illinois at Chicago Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: Postdoc in Teaching and Mentorship at the Honors College University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.philosophy.illinois.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Kirk Sanders, Interim Chair

Faculty Andrew Arana, Associate Professor • Justin Clark, Visiting Lecturer • Daniel Korman, Associate Professor • Jonathan Livengood, Assistant Professor • Timothy McCarthy, Professor • Michael Moore, Professor • Colleen Murphy, Associate Professor • Alexandra Newton, Assistant Professor • Kirk Sanders, Associate Professor • David Sussman, Associate Professor • Helga Varden, Associate Professor • Jonathan Waskan, Associate Professor • Shelley Weinberg, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We utilize the broader university's Target of Opportunity hire process to recruit and retain more diverse applicants to our department. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 2 0 Financial Aid Men 7 1 1 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 6 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 25 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 10 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 8 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Our students receive a commitment to full funding for up to 5 years of graduate studies. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 8 3 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 1 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 9 0 13 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths History of Philosophy (esp. Kant), Logic, Normative Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Science, Political Philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: n/a Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:n/a African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 0 1 0 0 Native American 1 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 16 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 4 18 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 28 Total Ph.D. 22 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 4 3 10 6 Time to completion 8 8.5 7.5 7 8 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 15 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 3 10 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 8 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 4 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Rice University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Swarthmore Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details West Liberty University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Lincoln College Type of position Tenure track. University of Iowa 2014 Report Website Department name http://clas.uiowa.edu/philosophy/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair David Cunning, Professor

Faculty Asha Bhandary, Assistant Professor • David Cunning, Associate Professor • Jovana Davidovic, Assistant Professor • James Duerlinger, Professor • Evan Fales, Associate Professor • Carrie Figdor, Associate Professor • Richard Fumerton, Professor • Ali Hasan, Assistant Professor • Diane Jeske, Professor • Gregory Landini, Professor • Katarina Perovic, Assistant Professor • David Stern, Professor • Carrie Swanson, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Department of Philosophy at the University of Iowa has a faculty that come from diverse cultural backgrounds and is almost half female. The course offerings are diverse as well, including issues in just war theory, special obligations, rights and autonomy. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 4 0 Financial Aid Men 6 1 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 3 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 12-13 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 3 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 15 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Dissertation fellowships; summer fellowships. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 8 5 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 1 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 7 0 13 University of Iowa 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Research oriented faculty with strong records of publication in the fields of ethics, value theory, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of logic, early analytic philosophy (Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein) and philosophy of science. A diverse and friendly faculty offering research training and strong teaching training program in diverse fields of study. A solid placement record in tenure-line positions in philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $8,000 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$10,000 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 0 1 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 14 0 0 We offer some Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 2 15 0 0 GPA: 3.3 TOEFL score: 90 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 145 Total Ph.D. 1 Total Ph.D. 17 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 5 4 6 3 3 Time to completion 7 6 7 6 6 University of Iowa 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 20 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 3 1 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 0 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 18 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided University of Kentucky 2014 Report Website Department name http://philosophy.as.uky.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Brandon Look, Professor

Faculty Clare Batty, Associate Professor Stefan Bird-Pollan, Assistant Professor David Bradshaw, Professor Daniel Breazeale, Professor Ronald Bruzina, Professor Arnold Farr, Associate Professor Oliver Leaman, Professor Brandon Look,Professor Natalie Nenadic, Assistant Professor Alan Perreiah, Professor Eric Sanday, Associate Professor Robert Sandmeyer, Assistant Professor Theodore Schatzki, Professor Timothy Sundell, Assistant Professor Anita Superson, Professor Megan Wallace, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 2 0 Financial Aid Men 9 3 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 23 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 23 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 10 5 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 12 0 16 University of Kentucky 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths History of Early Modern Philosophy History of post-Kantian Continental Philosophy 20th-century Continental Philosophy Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 14 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 7 23 0 0 We offer some Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 1 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 8 23 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 31 Total Ph.D. 31 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 4 5 6 2 Time to completion 7 7 7 6 7 University of Kentucky 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 18 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 4 6 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 8 0 0 Were not placed 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 5 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Bowling Green State University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Mount Mary College Type of position Tenure Track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point Type of position Tenure Track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point Type of position Visiting/temporary.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Grand Valley State University Type of position Visiting/temporary. University of Manitoba 2014 Report Website Department name http://umanitoba.ca/philosophy/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Carl Matheson, Professor

Faculty Jack Bailey, Associate Professor • Dimitrios Dentsoras, Assistant Professor • Esa Diaz Leon, Associate Professor • Joyce Jenkins, Associate Professor • Meena Krishnamurthy, Assistant Professor • Simone Mahrenholz, Associate Professor • Rhonda Martens, Associate Professor • Carl Matheson, Professor • Neil McArthur, Associate Professor • Arthur Schafer, Professor • Rob Shaver, Professor • Michael Stack, Associate Professor • Chris Tillman, Associate Professor • Ken Warmbrod, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Faculty members strive for more inclusive reading lists. There are also a number of "women in philosophy" meetings throughout the year which consist in female faculty meeting with female students interested in philosophy in a casual, social setting. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 2 0 Financial Aid Men 8 1 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 7 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 2 Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 2k Research Assistantships (3-5 per year); 1-2k Bursaries (by need) Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 11 1 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 1 0 Disablity status 2 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 9 0 14 University of Manitoba 2014 Report

MA program strengths Applied ethics, ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of art, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Canadian: $4455.75 year 1; $717.60 subsequent year Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:International: $8911.50 year 1; $717.60 subseque African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 5 Asian 0 0 0 0 Option A: 9 courses (at least 6 at graduate seminar level); Option B: 6 courses (at least 4 at graduate seminar level) plus two research Native American 0 0 0 0 papers; Optino C: 5 courses (at least 2 at graduate seminar level) plus major thesis and oral defence. There is a logi Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: B average over last two years of study Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Direct entry to teh M.A. program also requires the equivalent of an honours degree in philosophy. Those who do not meet the requirement may be eligible for admittance to the pre-M.A. program. University of Manitoba 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 3 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 3 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 7 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 2 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of Toronto

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Syracuse Unviversity

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. Education, Columbia University University of Massachusetts Amherst 2014 Report Website Department name www.umass.edu/philosophy Philosophy

Department chair Joseph Levine, Professor

Faculty Louise Antony, Professor • Phillip Bricker, Professor • Maya Eddon, Assistant Professor • Fred Feldman, Professor • Ernesto Garcia, Assistant Professor • Peter Graham, Associate Professor • Gary Hardegree, Associate Professor • Vanessa de Harven, Assistant Professor • Kevin Klement, Associuate Professor • Hilary Kornblith, Professor • Joseph Levine, Professor • Christopher Meacham, Associate Professor • Eileen O'Neill, Professor • Alejandro Perez Carballo, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Our admissions committee works hard to ensure that applications from women and minorities are given a careful review. Women and minority applicants who are offered fellowships are aggressively recruited by our faculty. We nominate suitable applicants for university funded diversity fellowships and normally receive at least one such fellowship each year. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 2 0 Financial Aid Men 8 2 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 23 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 12 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 : Fellowship recipients are guaranteed full support for five years. In recent years, we have been able to provide full support for all of our Pacific Islander 0 0 0 PhD students through a sixth year, if needed. Normally, students do not teach their first year in the program. They are TA’s for their White 0 0 0 second and third years, and TO’s (teach their own class) after that. Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 10 0 14 University of Massachusetts Amherst 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Feminist Philosophy, Ethics, History of Analytic Philosophy Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 6695 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:13030.5 African, 1 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 1 2 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 8 18 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 10 22 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 2 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 30 Total Ph.D. 32 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 7 4 3 2 3 Time to completion 5.5 6 6.5 6 7.5 University of Massachusetts Amherst 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 15 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 4 3 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 6 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 9 0 0 Were not placed 0 1 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UMass Lowell Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Dartmouth College Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Auburn University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. The University of Memphis 2014 Report Website Department name https://www.memphis.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Pleshette DeArmitt, Associate Professor

Faculty Luvell Anderson Assistant Professor • Stephan Blatti Associate Professor • Pleshette DeArmitt Associate Professor & Department Chair • Remy Debes Associate Professor • Verena Erlenbusch Assistant Professor • Shaun Gallagher Lillian and Morrie Moss Professor of Philosophy • Lucien Manning Garrett Senior Lecturer • Bill Lawson Distinguished Professor • Mary Beth Mader Professor • Thomas Nenon Professor & Dean, College of Arts & Sciences • Hoke Robinson Professor • Timothy Roche Associate Professor • Kas Saghafi Associate Professor • John Tienson Professor • Deborah Tollefsen Professor • Somogy Varga Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Diversity of many kinds is a high priority in departmental undertakings. Means to concretely achieve and foster it vary. The University of Memphis Philosophy Department has contributed substantially and uniquely to the racial diversification of the academic profession of philosophy. Recent data indicates that Memphis occupies the highest ranks among philosophy departments that have trained women and non­ white philosophy PhDs in the United States. See Botts et al, “What is the State of Blacks in Philosophy?” Critical Philosophy of Race, Volume 2, Issue 2, 229: “Most US BIPs [“Blacks in Philosophy”] earned their PhDs at Memphis, followed by Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Pittsburgh.” The Ida B. Wells Association is a graduate student group organized to promote philosophical investigation of issues arising from the African American experience and to mentor undergraduate students. The Philosophical Horizons program brings philosophy instruction to children of all ages in Memphis city schools. Additional Information Note on statistics / The APA Survey requests official university-level demographic data on diversity for faculty and graduate students. Our official university-level data at present is incomplete. We hope next year to have more accurate data to report. However, some of the requested data, such as that on LGBTQ students and faculty, is collected by no university unit, so cannot be reported in this survey. Since at this point we could provide only incomplete or subjectively generated claims on these important matters, we leave many survey queries blank. Non-statistical information on the various diversity initiatives and achievements of the Philosophy Department is easily locatable on our department website. Faculty and students will be pleased to communicate with prospective students about the department’s record on diversity. / Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 1 0 Financial Aid Men 9 2 1 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 1 1 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 15 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 MA Teaching Assistantships - 1 FTE - 2 or 3/year / PhD Teaching Assistantships - 1.7 FTE - 2-4/year / Provost's Pre-Doctoral Diversity Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Assistantships - 1.7 FTE - 2-3/year White 11 2 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 12 0 16 The University of Memphis 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Cognitive Science / Philosophy of Mind / European Philosophy / African American Philosophy / Feminist Philosophy / Race Theory / Metaphysics / Gender Theory / Ethics / Social Philosophy / Political Philosophy / History of Philosophy / Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $4933.50 (per semester) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$5176.50 (per semester) African, 2 4 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 12 Asian 0 0 0 0 72 hours total required beyond the B.A. 8 required core graduate credit philosophy courses, plus a graduate proseminar. 5 additional Native American 0 0 0 0 graduate credit philosophy courses required, but these requirements may be satisfied by core courses depending on their Hispanic or Latino 0 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 6 10 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 1 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 8 17 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 25 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 4 2 4 4 Time to completion 6 5 6 5.5 5

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown $4933.50 (per semester) Out of state:$5176.50 (per semester) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 11 Asian 3 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 6 18 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 2 1 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 1 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 11 22 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 33 Total MA 33 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 The University of Memphis 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 7 7 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 3 2 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 1 0 0 Were not placed 2 2 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba (Brazil) Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1 year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Universite de Paris - IV (Sorbonne) University of Miami 2014 Report Website Department name www.miami.edu Department of Philosophy

Department chair Otavio Bueno, Professor

Faculty Berit Brogaard, Professor • Otávio Bueno, Professor • Elijah Chudnoff, Associate Professor • Bradford Cokelet, Assistant Professor • Edward Erwin, Professor • Simon Evnine, Associate Professor • Susan Haack, Professor • Risto Hilpinen, Professor • Peter Lewis, Associate Professor • James W. Nickel, Professor • , Professor • Harvey Siegel, Professor • Michael Slote, Professor • Amie Thomasson, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We have succeeded at increasing the diversity of both our graduate students and our faculty over the past few years, and we continue to strive to make further improvements. We continue to work with the Florida Education Fund (McKnight Program) to attract minority applicants to our program. We are committed to sustaining an inclusive and collegial atmosphere. We invited the Site Visit Program of the APA Committee on the Status of Women to our department in March 2014, and we are working to implement the recommendations of their very helpful report. The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Miami has recently instituted a paid maternity leave program for graduate students, and a program to reimburse child travel and childcare expenses for junior faculty attending conferences. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 0 0 Financial Aid Men 10 1 1 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 18 African, 0 0 1 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 13 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Competitive fellowships are available. University of Miami Fellowships and Dean’s Fellowships provide an additional $5000 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 stipend and carry no teaching duties for two years. Holmes Fellowships provide an additional $5000 stipend for the first two White 12 1 0 years of study. Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 12 0 15 University of Miami 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The department’s areas of specialization are in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics, and philosophy of logic. It also has particular strengths in virtue ethics, philosophy of art, pragmatism, philosophy of science, and philosophy of education. We are dedicated to offering graduate students close personal attention and professional mentoring, along with rigorous philosophical training. About 25 students are currently enrolled in the program, a relatively small size that facilitates contact between the students and the faculty and ensures that graduate students are an integral part of department life. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown 31140 Out of state:31140 African, 0 2 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 1 2 0 0 The standard course plan requires 15 courses. A shortened course plan is available for students entering with an MA in philosophy. The Native American 0 0 0 0 number of courses required in the shortened plan depends on previous graduate coursework; the minimum is 9 courses. Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 7 16 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 9 21 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 31 Total Ph.D. 30 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 2 4 3 5 Time to completion 5 6 6 7.5 8.2 University of Miami 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 14 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 3 1 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 9 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 3 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 2 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Broward College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Miami Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Lecturer (1 year)

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Miami University, Oxford Ohio Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Visiting Assistant Professor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer South Texas College Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Bogazici University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Clemson University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Lecturer (renewable)

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Full-Time Temporary Instructor (three-year renewable) University of Michigan 2014 Report Website Department name http://umich.edu/ Philosophy

Department chair Elizabeth Anderson, Professor

Faculty Elizabeth Anderson, Professor • David Baker, Associate Professor • Gordon Belot, Professor • Sarah Buss, Professor • Victor Caston, Professor • Derrick Darby, Professor • , Professor • Daniel Jacobson, Professor • James Joyce, Professor • Maria Lasonen-Aarnio, Assistant Professor • Louis Loeb, Professor • Eric Lormand, Associate Professor • Ishani Maitra, Associate Professor • David Manley, Associate Professor • Sarah Moss, Associate Professor • Peter Railton, Professor • Laura Ruetsche, Professor • Tad Schmaltz, Professor • Lawrence Sklar, Professor • Eric Swanson, Associate Professor • James Tappenden, Associate Professor • Rich Thomason, Professor • Brian Weatherson, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 5 1 0 Financial Aid Men 17 0 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 3 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 3 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 3 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 20 1 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 17 0 23 University of Michigan 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Moral and Political Philosophy / History of Ancient Philosophy / History of Modern Philosophy / Metaphysics / Epistemology / Philosophy of Science / Philosophy of Mind / Philosophy of Language Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 20406 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:40892 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 18 Asian 3 2 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 10 21 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 13 25 0 0 GPA: no minimum but entering class has 3.6 to 4.0 GPA TOEFL score: 84 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: no minimum but entering class as V & Q 650 to 80 Total Ph.D. 36 Total Ph.D. 38 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 8 8 4 5 5 Time to completion 6.7 5.8 5.5 5.4 6.6

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown 20406 Out of state:40892 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 2 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: no minimum Totals 0 2 0 0 TOEFL score: 84 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: no minimum Total MA 2 Total MA 2 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Michigan 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 8 25 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 4 15 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 4 11 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer New York University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship): 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Arkansas Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Dartmouth Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UCLA Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Columbia University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1 year University of Minnesota 2014 Report Website Department name umn.edu Philosophy

Department chair Valerie Tiberius, Professor & Chair

Faculty Bix, Brian, Professor • Cook, Roy, Professor • Hanks, Peter, Associate Professor • Hellman, Geoffrey, Professor • Holtman, Sarah, Associate Professor • Kac, Michael, Professor • Love, Alan, Associate Professor • Mason, Michelle, Associate Professor • Owens, Joseph, Professor • Peterson, Sandra, Professor • Rosaler, Joshua, Visiting Assistant Professor • Scheman, Naomi, Professor • Tiberius, Valerie, Professor • Uffink, Jos, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department of philosophy at the University of Minnesota strives to encourage diversity within the department at all levels. As a result of diversity-minded recruitment and retention efforts on the part of the department and its diversity committee, over one-third of our full-time faculty and almost two-fifths of our graduate students are women. Further, we are currently undertaking a review of our exam procedures to ascertain whether any undetected biases exist. During the data-collection portion of this project, the department’s diversity committee recently identified the first woman to receive her PhD from the philosophy department at the University of Minnesota: Alice J. Mott. Dr. Mott completed her thesis, “The Ninth year of a Deaf Child’s Life”, in 1899, and also completed minors in and French. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 4 0 0 Financial Aid Men 9 0 1 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 4.25 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 14 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 1 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 6-10 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 13 0 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 10 0 14 University of Minnesota 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We have faculty who work in areas across the philosophical spectrum but we are particularly strong in philosophy of science, logic and philosophy of mathematics, ethics and moral philosophy, and the philosophy of law. The Ph.D. program maintains strong ties with the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science and with the University of Minnesota Law School, both of which sponsor a wide range of reading groups, visiting speakers, and other kinds of philosophical events. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 15458 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:23680 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. Asian 0 1 0 0 PhD candidates are required to take courses in specific areas including history (modern & ancient); ELMS (epistemology, Native American 0 0 0 0 language, metaphysics, science); logic; value theory; and a supporting program (non-philosophy courses). Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 7 12 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 1 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 9 13 0 0 GPA: U standard is 3.4 TOEFL score: 79 or 550 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: required, but no minimum Total Ph.D. 23 Total Ph.D. 22 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: We review candidates' complete experience in philosophy or related Degrees awarded disciplines, personal statement, letters of recommendation, writing 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 sample, in conjunction with transcript and GRE & TOEFL scores. Degrees awarded 3 2 2 5 1 Time to completion 7.8 8.2 7 7.3 8

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 15458 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:23680 African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. Asian 0 0 0 0 8-10 courses (30 credits) for Plan B; 6-7 courses (20 credits) for Plan A, plus 10 thesis credits Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 6 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: U standard is 3.4 Totals 0 7 0 0 TOEFL score: 79 or 550 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: required but no minimum Total MA 10 Total MA 7 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Minnesota 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 15 10 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 5 6 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 6 5 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 9 5 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 4 3 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 3 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 0 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 1 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 1 2 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Please describe: College level philosophy in Napa, CA

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Mississippi State U Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details St. Paul College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Wisconsin, River Falls Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. University of Mississippi 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.olemiss.edu/ Department of Philosophy and Religion

Department chair Steven Skultety, Associate Professor and Chair

Faculty Steven Skultety, Associate Professor • Robert Westmoreland, Associate Professor • Donovan Wishon, Assistant Professor • Robert Barnard, Associate Professor • Timothy Yenter, Assistant Professor • Neil Manson, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness In our last job search, female applicants were ranked 1st and 2nd for a tenure-track job offer. Both turned us down. We hope to be conducting another job search in the near future that will attract a diverse applicant pool. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 1 2 1 Financial Aid Men 4 3 1 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 2 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 All students in our Masters program receive a partial tuition waiver Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 5 4 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 1 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 8 0 12 University of Mississippi 2014 Report

MA program strengths Subject areas: metaphysics, history of philosophy. Program: small grad-only seminars, dedicated faculty, some funding for travel MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 7002 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:19044 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 12 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 18 hours of undergraduate work in philosophy University of Mississippi 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 10 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 4 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 2 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 1 8 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Purdue University Type of position Further academic study: PhD University of Missouri 2014 Report Website Department name www.missouri.edu Philosophy

Department chair Robert Johnson, Professor

Faculty André Ariew, associate professor • Joseph Bien, professor • Kenneth Boyce, assistant professor • Sara Rachel Chant, associate professor • Marina Folescu, assistant professor • Bina Gupta, professor • Claire Horisk, associate professor • Robert N. Johnson, professor • Matthew McGrath, professor • Peter Markie, professor • Andrew Melnyk, professor • Alexandru Radulescu, assistant professor • Philip Robbins, associate professor • Donald Sievert, professor • Peter Vallentyne, professor • Paul Weirich, professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 1 0 Financial Aid Men 10 2 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 5 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 10 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 12 3 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 1 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 12 0 16 University of Missouri 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We have strengths across the discipline, including epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, logic, ethics, social and political philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of law, and the history of philosophy (both Western and Eastern traditions). Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 24 Asian 2 2 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 17 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 1 0 0 Transcripts: No Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 5 21 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: 100 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 26 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 4 2 5 0 4 Time to completion 6 6 6 6 6 University of Missouri 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer National Chung Cheng University (Taiwan) Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Xiamen University (China) Type of position Tenure track. University of Nebraska - Lincoln 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.unl.edu/philosophy/philosophy Department of Philosophy

Department chair Joe Mendola, Professor

Faculty Edward Becker, Professor • Aaron Bronfman, Assistant Professor, • John Brunero, Asssociate Professor • Albert Casullo, Professor • Reina Hayaki, Associate Professor • David Henderson, Professor • Harry Ide, Associate Professor • Jennifer McKitrick, Professor • Colin McLear, Assistant Professor • Joseph Mendola, Professor • Robert Schopp, Professor of Law • Mark van Roojen, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Most of our successful placement happens via several steps, starting in renewable but typically not tenure track jobs but then moving from there to tenure track jobs, usually over the course of several years. We have more detailed information on our website. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 0 1 Financial Aid Men 8 2 1 Teaching fellowships 1 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 15 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 4 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 We typically get two 2 to 3 year fellowships that go on top of a TAship for newly admitted students each year. We also get quite a Pacific Islander 0 0 0 few (typically 6) fellowships for students without TAships that bring tuition down to close to the in state level. White 9 2 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 1 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 10 2 2

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 11 0 14 University of Nebraska - Lincoln 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Providing a relatively broad background across different main philosophical areas. Providing students opportunities to present their work to others and get feedback. Relative flexiblity to support diverse thesis topics for a small faculty. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 5030 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:14670 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 54 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 7 28 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 7 28 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: 600 paper/100 electronic LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 35 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 3 3 0 0 4 Time to completion 9 7 10.5 University of Nebraska - Lincoln 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 4 6 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 11 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 1 0 0 Were not placed 1 1 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 1 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 4 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 0 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Auburn University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Nebraska Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2014 Report Website Department name philosophy.unc.edu Department of Philosophy

Department chair Marc Lange, Theda Perdue Distinguished Professor

Faculty Simon Blackburn, Distinguished Professor • Bernard Boxill, Distinguished Professor • Geoffrey Brennan, Distinguished Professor • Thomas E. Hill Jr., Distinguished Professor • Marc Lange, Distinguished Professor • William G. Lycan, • Distinguished Professor • Alan Nelson, Distinguished Professor • Gerald J. Postema, Distinguished Professor • C. D. C. Reeve, Distinguished Professor • Geoffrey Sayre-McCord, Distinguished Professor • Susan Wolf, Distinguished Professor • Thomas Hofweber, Professor • James Lesher, Professor • Ram Neta, Professor • Douglas MacLean, Professor • L.A. Paul, Professor • John T. Roberts, Professor • Matthew Kotzen, Distinguished Associate Professor • Mariska Leunissen, Associate Professor • Ryan Preston-Roedder, Assistant Professor • Rebecca Walker, Adjunct Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Department has a positive, encouraging, supportive, and transparent environment with a diverse corps of faculty and graduate students. We held a workshop in April 2014 to identify best practices for recruiting and retaining philosophy majors from historically underrepresented groups, especially women. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 0 4 Financial Aid Men 13 1 10 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes See below. Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 All students in good standing receive full financial support for five years of graduate study. (For five of those ten semesters, students Pacific Islander 0 0 0 have no teaching responsibilities.) The Department has been able to supply sixth-year funding in all cases where a sixth year was White 0 0 0 necessary. In addition, Chapel Hill graduate students have been very Multi-racial 0 0 0 successful in winning prestigious national fellowships once here, including Mellon/ACLS, Newcombe, and NSF fellowships. Most 3rd-, Other race 0 0 0 4th-, and second-semester 6th-year graduate students teach their own classes unless they receive UNC or external fellowships. Unknown race 16 1 14 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 7 24 0 31 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Along with a vigorous intellectual culture and a warm, collegial environment, the Department has particular research strengths in epistemology, history of philosophy, meta-ethics, metaphysics, moral theory, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and political philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $3,211/semester (12 cr) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$15,752/semester (12 cr) African, 1 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 20 Asian 1 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 10 20 0 0 We offer some Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 2 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 14 20 0 0 GPA: 3.3 TOEFL score: 79 (Internet) 550 (paper) LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 35 Total Ph.D. 34 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 5 9 5 6 8 Time to completion 6 5.5 7 6 6 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 14 19 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 9 11 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 5 8 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Reading (UK) Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Brown University Type of position Fellowship.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Stonehill College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Ohio State University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than a fellowship.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Vermont Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Cologne (Germany) Type of position Fellowship. University of North Carolina, Charlotte 2014 Report Website Department name uncc.edu Philosophy

Department chair Shannon Sullivan, Professor

Faculty Daniel R. Boisvert, Lecturer Gordon Hull, Associate Professor Robin James, Associate Professor Michael J. Kelly, Professor Phillip McReynolds, Assistant Professor Trevor Pearce, Assistant Professor Lisa M. Rasmussen, Associate Professor Mark Sanders, Senior Lecturer Eddy Souffrant, Associate Professor Shannon Sullivan, Professor Jayne A. Tristan, Lecturer Efforts to increase inclusiveness Our last 5 out of 6 hires have been women, including one woman of color and one member of the LGBT community, but with departures and retirements, our current makeup does not reflect that hiring history. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 0 1 Financial Aid Men 3 2 2 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 3 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 5 African, 1 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 5 2 3 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 7 0 11 University of North Carolina, Charlotte 2014 Report

MA program strengths Our primary focus is on the interdisciplinary nature of philosophy and how it applies to such subjects as science, literature, art, health care, and information technology, among others. We also focus on contemporary issues in biomedical, business, environmental and professional ethics through our Center for Professional and Applied Ethics. The department aspires to embody an intertraditional approach to philosophy, by which we mean that we support and pursue work within and between differing philosophical traditions. This is more than a commitment to pluralism or the retention of specialists representing analytic, continental and pragmatist traditions. Rather, we aim to build a culture where these subdisciplinary boundaries are less important than the resources they provide for addressing concrete problems. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Not provided Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:Not provided African, 1 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 7 0 0 We offer some MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 1 9 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 10 Total MA 10 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of North Carolina, Charlotte 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 4 8 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 2 0 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 3 2 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0 University of North Florida 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.unf.edu/default.aspx Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Department chair Hans-Herbert Koegler, Professor

Faculty Hans-Herbert Koegler, Professor • Andrew Buchwalter, Professor • Paul Carelli, Assistant Professor • David Fenner, Professor • Erinn Gilson, Assistant Professor • Mitch Haney, Associate Professor • Jonathan Matheson, Assistant Professor • Sarah Mattice, Assistant Professor • Alissa Hurwitz Swota, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We actively seek to recruit diverse faculty and students. We also foster diversity within our curriculum. The program regularly offers courses that represent and are inclusive of diverse philosophical perspectives (i.e., Non-western philosophy, multicultural perspectives, feminist and queer theory, race theory). This year we are revising our undergraduate curriculum to reflect this pluralist approach. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 1 2 0 Financial Aid Men 4 2 1 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 2 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 We also offer additional funding through a research assistantship and a grading position. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 4 4 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 7 0 10 University of North Florida 2014 Report

MA program strengths The program has strengths in practical philosophy (social, political, legal, cultural, and feminist philosophy), applied ethics (especially business ethics and bioethics), and comparative philosophy (especially Asian philosophy). It also offers students a solid foundation in the history of philosophy. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 8881.02 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:18794.34 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 11 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We offer some MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of North Florida 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Michigan State University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Georgia 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.nd.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Richard Cross, Rev. John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy,

Faculty Karl Ameriks, McMahon-Hank Professor of Philosophy • , Rev. John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy • Timothy Bays, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Patricia Blanchette, Professor of Philosophy • Katherine Brading, Professor of Philosophy • Anjan Chakravartty, Professor of Philosophy • Richard Cross, Rev. John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy • Cornelius Delaney, Professor of Philosophy • Michael DePaul, Professor of Philosophy • Michael Detlefsen, McMahon-Hank Professor of Philosophy • Stephen Dumont, Professor of Philosophy • Thomas Flint, Professor of Philosophy • Curtis Franks, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Alfred Freddoso, John and Jean Oesterle Professor of Philosophy • Gary Gutting, Notre Dame Endowed Chair in Philosophy • Don Howard, Professor of Philosophy • Lynn Joy, Professor of Philosophy • Joseph Karbowski, Assistant Professor of Philosophy • Sean Kelsey, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Janet Kourany, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Samuel Newlands, William J. and Dorothy K. O'Neill Collegiate Associate Professor in Philosophy • John O’Callaghan, Associate Professor of Philosophy • David O’Connor, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Grant Ramsey, Assistant Professor of Philosophy • Michael Rea, Professor of Philosophy • Blake Roeber, Assistant Professor of Philosophy • Fred Rush, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Christopher Shields, Shuster Professor of Philosophy • Kristin Shrader-Frechette, O'Neill Family Professor of Philosophy and Concurrent Professor of Biological Sciences • David Solomon, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Jeffrey Speaks, Associate Professor of Philosophy • James Sterba, Professor of Philosophy • Leopold Stubenberg, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Meghan Sullivan, Rev. John A. O'Brien Collegiate Assistant Professor of Philosophy • Peter van Inwagen, John Cardinal O'Hara Professor of Philosophy • Ted Warfield, Professor of Philosophy • Stephen Watson, Professor of Philosophy • Paul Weithman, Professor of Philosophy Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 5 1 0 Financial Aid Men 29 3 1 Teaching fellowships 16 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 17 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 23 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 60 Asian 2 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 16 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 32 4 1 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 6 33 0 39 University of Notre Dame 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The philosophy department at Notre Dame combines pluralism with a commitment to the clarity and rigor of analytic philosophy. It is also marked by an enduring sense that philosophy is not simply about the narrower questions that occasionally seem to preoccupy academic philosophy and thus strives to maintain a balance between professionalism and the exploration of those bigger questions that have been philosophy’s traditional concern. Particular areas of strength include the history of philosophy (in all areas, from ancient through medieval and early modern and Kantian and post-Kantian philosophy to 20th century analytic and Continental philosophy), metaphysics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of action, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and philosophy of mathematics. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 46010 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:46010 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 14 Asian 0 5 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 4 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 15 42 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 15 52 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 67 Total Ph.D. 67 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 10 Time to completion 7.9 University of Notre Dame 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 47 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 8 0 26 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 8 0 21 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Oxford Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship): 3 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer City College, CUNY Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Helsinki Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 3

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer St. Norbert's College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Notre Dame Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Berry College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Louisiana State University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Utah Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Baylor University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 3

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Fordham University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Neuchatel Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 3 University of Oklahoma 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.ou.edu/ouphil/ Philosophy

Department chair Wayne Riggs, Associate Professor and Chair

Faculty Hugh Benson, Samuel Roberts Noble Presidential Professor • Monte Cook, Professor • Heather Demarest, Assistant Professor • Steve Ellis, Associate Professor • James Hawthorne, Professor • Sherri Irvin, Associate Professor • Neal Judisch, Associate Professor • Emily McRae, Assistant Professor • Zak Miller, Assistant Professor • Martin Montminy, Professor • Amy Olberding, Associate Professor • Matt Priselac, Assistant Professor • Wayne Riggs, Associate Professor • Edward Sankoswki, Professor • Zev Trachtenberg, Associate Professor • Linda Zagzebski, Kingfisher College Chair of the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics and George Lynn Cross Research Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We have a strong commitment to hiring and admissions procedures that create fair conditions for candidates from underrepresented groups, and have developed new hiring procedures as reported here: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.apaonline.org/resource/resmgr/feminism_newsletter/feminismv13n2.pdf (p. 27ff). We have created a new funded MA program to support members of underrepresented groups in strengthening their candidacy for PhD programs. 5 of 15 faculty members in our department full-time are women, and we have an active Women in Philosophy group. Many of our faculty, staff and grad students participate in OU’s LGBTQ ally program. Several of us are interested in feminist philosophy and philosophy and race, and we regularly invite speakers who specialize in philosophy of race and feminist, LGBT and Native American philosophies. Our Recruiting and Diversity Committee works toward inclusiveness in recruiting and retention of students and faculty, and we are vigilant about factors that create a hostile climate for women and members of underrepresented groups. Additional Information Norman, OK, has great quality of life and beautiful green space, and it is the second least expensive city in the US (Council for Community and Economic Research, Nov. 2012). The campus area and downtown core are thriving, with many locally owned restaurants, coffee shops and small businesses. Domestic partners and families enjoy excellent public schools, a wide array of inexpensive extracurricular activities, and very low unemployment (4.2% as of June 2014, US Bureau of Labor Statistics). There is reasonably priced housing for single graduate students and families both on and off campus, in walking or biking distance or accessible by public transportation. We welcome applications from all qualified students, and particularly women, members of racial and ethnic minorities, LBGT people, disabled people, and members of other groups underrepresented in philosophy. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 2 0 Financial Aid Men 9 2 0 Teaching fellowships 3 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 18 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 8 in fall 2014 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 2 research assistantships. / Graduate students are also eligible to apply for a wide array of university scholarships. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 12 4 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 11 0 16 University of Oklahoma 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths All PhD students and up to 4 terminal MA students hold $16,000 teaching assistantships with tuition waivers and health insurance. We are ranked by the Philosophical Gourmet Report in Chinese philosophy (top 9), philosophy of religion (top 16), and philosophy of art (top 28); we also have notable strengths in ethics, epistemology, ancient philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, feminist philosophy, environmental philosophy, and modern philosophy. We offer lecture series, conferences, reading groups, and a Women in Philosophy group. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 3296 (waived) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:12728 (waived) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 17 Asian 0 0 1 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 22 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 1 2 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 5 24 1 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 79 (or 6.5 on IELTS) LGBT identifying 2 Disability identifying 1 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: no minimum Total Ph.D. 24 Total Ph.D. 30 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Writing are very important in our admissions process. We welcome Degrees awarded international applicants and recognize that their GRE scores may be 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 lower than those of US applicants if English is not their native language. Degrees awarded 3 3 4 2 2 Time to completion 4.8 5.8 7.9 5 7

MA program strengths MA students take the same courses as PhD students and have the same access to faculty. We offer up to 2 fully funded teaching fellowships per admissions year, with a $16,000 stipend, tuition waiver and health insurance. Our Director of Graduate Admissions advises MA students on the PhD admissions process through workshops and individual consultations. We have a strong record of placing our MA students in PhD programs. We are willing to consider applicants who are returning to graduate study after working in another field, or who are changing to philosophy from another academic discipline. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 3296 (waived for funded MA students) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:12728 (waived for funded MA students) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. Asian 0 0 0 0 9-10 courses for the MA with a master's thesis (depending on the scale of the thesis) / 12 courses for the MA with a comprehensive Native American 0 1 0 0 exam Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 4 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 1 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 Totals 1 7 0 0 TOEFL score: 79 (or 6.5 on IELTS) LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: no minimum Total MA 6 Total MA 8 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 The writing sample plays a very important role in the admissions process, especially for funded MA positions. We welcome international applicants and recognize that their GRE scores may be lower than those of US applicants if English is not their native l University of Oklahoma 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 15 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 6 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 8 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 4 0 0 Were not placed 0 2 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 4 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 7 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 6 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 2 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 4 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Ohio State University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. St. Louis University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Oklahoma

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Rose State College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Marquette University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Fort Hays State University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Walters State Community College Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Instructor

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Hal C. Smith and Associates Type of position Other (business, industry, government, etc.): Title researcher University of Oregon 2014 Report Website Department name http://uoregon.edu Philosophy

Department chair Bonnie Mann, Head and Associate Professor

Faculty Mark Alfano, Asst. Prof. Mark Johnson, Philip H. Knight Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences Colin Koopman, Assoc. Prof. Bonnie Mann, Assoc. Prof Nicolae Morar, Visiting Asst. Prof. (regular Asst. Prof. beginning Sept. 2015) Scott Pratt, Prof. Beata Stawarska, Assoc. Prof. Ted Toadvine, Assoc. Prof. Alejandro Vallega, Assoc. Prof. Daniela Vallega-Neu, Asst. Prof. Peter Warnek, Assoc. Prof. Naomi Zack, Prof. Rocio Zambrana, Asst. Prof. Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Univ. of Oregon Philosophy Dept. has a long-standing and much-cherished commitment to diversity and inclusiveness. Our standing commitee on Diversity and Inclusiveness is proactive in the enhancement of multiple kinds of diversity at the programmatic level. The faculty is committed to furthering multiple kinds of diversity and inclusiveness at the faculty, graduate, and undergraduate levels. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 5 0 Financial Aid Men 6 8 2 Teaching fellowships 22 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1

Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 7 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 2 0 All Ph.D. students receive five years of full funding (covering tuition and fees with an additional monthly stipend). Typically students Pacific Islander 0 0 0 receive funding by working for the university as Teaching Assistants. White 7 10 2 Multi-racial 1 1 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 1 0 Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 8 16 0 24 University of Oregon 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Our program is known for its pluralism, close mentoring relationships between graduate students and faculty, a faculty committed to teaching excellence as well as research, supportive rather than competitive relationships among graduate students, and professionally active and successful graduate students. The department and faculty have particular strengths in a range of traditions, most notably Continental Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, American Pragmatist Philosophy. These strengths extend across a range of thematic subfields including History of Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Race, Latin American Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy, and Philosophy of Language. The program requires students to develop a broad knowledge of the history of philosophy, major fields, and various approaches and methods. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $15,000 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$25,000 African, 1 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 0 0 0 0 Students typically complete all course work by the end of Year 2 or the first term of Year 3. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 12 11 0 0 We offer some Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 2 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 16 11 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 27 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: A highly-competitive program committed to pluralistic and engaged Degrees awarded philosophy, we are especially interested in 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 students seeking to pursue studies in Continental, Feminist, and American Pragmatist philosophy. Degrees awarded 3 8 4 2 4 Time to completion 7 6 6 6 7

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $15,000 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$25,000 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 15 Asian 0 0 0 0 Student's electing to write an M.A. thesis typically take 15 courses, including thesis credits. Students pursuing a Native American 0 0 0 0 coursework-only M.A. typically take 16 courses Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 4 0 0 We offer some MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 1 4 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 5 Total MA 5 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Oregon 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 11 10 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 1 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 3 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 8 7 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 3 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 3 5 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 3 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 1 1 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Morgan State University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer McDaniel College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Midwestern State University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Conflict and Dispute Resolution Program, University of Oregon Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. University of Pittsburgh 2014 Report Website Department name http://pitt.edu/ Philosophy

Department chair , Alan Ross Anderson Distinguished Professor

Faculty Robert Batterman, Professor • Robert Brandom, Distinguished Professor • Michael Caie, Assistant Professor • Stephen Engstrom, Professor • Jessica Gelber, Assistant Professor • Anil Gupta, Alan Ross Anderson Distinguished Professor • Kristen Inglis, Assistant Professor • Anja Jauernig, Associate Professor • Kenneth Manders, Associate Professor • John McDowell, Distinguished University Professor • Japa Pallikkathayil, Assistant Professor • Nicholas Rescher, Distinguished University Professor • Thomas Ricketts, Professor • Karl Schafer, Associate Professor • James Shaw, Assistant Professor • Michael Thompson, Professor • Giovanni Valente, Assistant Professor • Mark Wilson, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We value diversity, and this is reflected in the composition of our department, both in faculty and in our graduate students. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 3 0 Financial Aid Men 11 3 0 Teaching fellowships 11 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 21 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 10 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 1 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 3 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 13 3 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 14 0 18 University of Pittsburgh 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Metaphysics and Epistemology, Moral and Political Philosophy, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Mind, History of Ancient Philosophy, History of Modern Philosophy, Kant, Hegel, History of Analytic Philosophy Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 21482 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:34700 African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 24 Asian 2 3 0 0 Native American 0 1 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 13 27 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 2 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 15 34 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 90 (with at least 22 in all four sections LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 49 Total Ph.D. 49 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 14 8 4 6 Time to completion 8 10.18 9.31 9.25 8.5 University of Pittsburgh 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 7 23 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 12 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 9 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 7 12 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 2 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Loyola University Maryland Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer St. Louis University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Texas State Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): one-year appointment University of Pittsburgh (HPS) 2013 Report Website http://www.hps.pitt.edu/

Department name History and Philosophy of Science

Department chair Sandra Mitchell, Professor and Chair

Faculty Mazviita Chirimuuta, Assistant Professor • James G. Lennox, Professor • Peter K. Machamer, Professor • Edouard Machery, Professor • Sandra Mitchell, Professor • John D. Norton, Professor • Paolo Palmieri, Associate Professor • Kenneth F. Schaffner, Distinguished University Professor • James Woodward, Distinguished Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Consistent efforts to diversify graduate student body. Other information We do not track LGBT status of students or faculty. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 1 0 Financial Aid Men 7 0 0 Teaching fellowships 9

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 25 African, 0 1 0 Teaching assistantships 8.5 African-American Scholarships 30 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 7 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 National Science Foundation Fellowship, part-time instructors Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 2 7 0 9 University of Pittsburgh (HPS) 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Top ranked department in philosophy of science. Nearly 100% placement record. Active faculty/student engagement. Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 19964 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:32686

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 24 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 2 2 3 3 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 1 2 2 1 3 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 8 7 6 7 8 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3.6 TOEFL score: 90 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: n/a 2 2 3 3 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 5 Total Ph.D. 5 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Pittsburgh (HPS) 2013 Report


Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 3 6 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 1 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 1 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 5 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Western Michigan University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Arkansas Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Ryerson University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship. Title & duration: Limited Term Faculty University of Rochester 2013 Report Website http://www.rochester.edu/college/phl/

Department name Philosophy

Department chair Randall Curren, Professor

Faculty Gregory Carlson, Professor • Earl Conee, Professor • Randall Curren, Professor • Richard Dees, Associate Professor • Richard Feldman, Professor • William FitzPatrick, Associate Professor • Deborah Modrak, Professor • Alyssa Ney, Associate Professor • Alison Peterman, Assistant Professor • Brett Sherman, Assistant Professor • Bradley Weslake, Assistant Professor • Edward Wierenga, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We compete effectively for university-level targeted fellowships. We give priority to diversity in hiring and have pursued candidates for joint appointments in African and African-American studies. We have increased the number of women faculty, appointed an African-American distinguished visiting professor of humanities, and appointed two visiting Hispanic faculty members.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 1 0 Financial Aid

Men 6 2 1 Teaching fellowships 9 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 3

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 3 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 3 9 0 12 University of Rochester 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Philosophy of Science, History of Philosophy, metaphysics Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 1, 394 credit hour Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:1, 394 credit hour

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 90 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 0 4 2 5 5 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 0 9 11 9 7 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 2 2 15 16 0 0 not provided) GPA: TOEFL score: 0 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 0 2 2 15 16 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 17 Total Ph.D. 18 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Rochester 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 3 11 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 3 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 2 0 Were not placed 1 6 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Alabama, Birmingham Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Wisconsin, Osh Kosh Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship. Title & duration: Visiting instructor, one year University of South Carolina 2014 Report Website Department name artsandsciences.sc.edu/phil/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Michael Dickson, Professor

Faculty Anne Bezuidenhout, Professor • F. Thomas Burke, Professor • Michael Dickson, Professor • Christopher Frey, Assistant Professor • Jennifer Frey, Assistant Professor • Jeremiah Hackett, Professor • Ann Johnson, Associate Professor • George Khushf, Professor • Matthew Kisner, Associate Professor • Tarja Knuuttila, Associate Professor • Leah McClimans, Associate Professor • Anne Pollok, Assistant Professor • Konstantin Pollok, Associate Professor • Heike Sefrin-Weis, Associate Professor • Michael Stoeltzner, Associate Professor • Christopher Tollefsen, Professor • Justin Weinberg, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Applications are invited for PhD positions in philosophy at the University of South Carolina. Funding and teaching requirements vary depending on the quality of the application, but generally include stipends ($17,000-25,000), tuition and fees (approximately $10,000). Students are generally required to assist faculty in teaching. The research area for these positions is open, but we are particularly looking for students whose interests compliment the research of our faculty members. For more information about the research going on in our department see: http://artsandsciences.sc.edu/phil/faculty Applications can be made here: http://gradschool.sc.edu/prospective/apply.asp?page=apply For full consideration applications should be received by 15 January. For more information about the program please contact Konstantin Pollok at [email protected] The University of South Carolina is located in Columbia, SC, a thriving and diverse city. Columbia is home to miles of river walks, fine dining, museums and a vibrant nightlife. Three major interstates run through the city making it easy to travel to major cities such as Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 5 2 0 Financial Aid Men 9 1 2 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 19 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 13 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 University-wide Competitive Presidential Fellowships are often awarded to our graduate students. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 14 3 2 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 N/A N/A Disablity status 14 3 2

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 7 12 0 19 University of South Carolina 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths History of Modern Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Practical Ethics. We have a history of working across sub-disciplines and across disciplines to form surprising and fruitful collaborations. Many of our faculty have joint appointments or have worked closely with other departments, including linguistics, classics, history, physics, and others. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 6012 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:12885 African, 0 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 1 2 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 7 16 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 8 19 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 29 Total Ph.D. 27 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 0 1 2 3 Time to completion 7 5 6 6

MA program strengths The Department has a strong record of preparing masters students for entry into top PhD programs. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 6012 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:12885 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 11 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of South Carolina 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 6 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 4 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 2 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 2 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program:

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Type of position Tenure track. University of South Florida 2014 Report Website Department name http://philosophy.usf.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Roger Ariew, Professor and Department Chair

Faculty Ariew, Roger – Professor; Department Chair • Braver, Lee - Associate Professor • Goodwin, William - Assistant Professor • Heydt, Colin ­ Associate Professor • Jesseph, Douglas – Professor • Levine, Alex – Professor; Undergraduate Mentor • Manning, Richard - Associate Professor • Morris, Michael - Assistant Professor • Rayman, Joshua - Assistant Professor • Sadler, Brook - Associate Professor of Humanities and Cultural Studies, and Philosophy • Schönfeld, Martin – Professor • Segev, Mor -- Assistant Professor • Turner, Stephen - Distinguished University Professor • Waugh, Joanne - American Foundation for Greek Language and Culture (AFGLC); Professor of Greek Culture; Director of Graduate Studies; Associate Department Chair • Williams, Thomas - Professor of Philosophy and Catholic Studies • Winsberg, Eric – Professor • Zhang, Wei - Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness USF is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Equal Access employer. The USF Department of Philosophy welcomes a diversity of approaches to the study of philosophy, including analytic, continental, historical, literary, and multicultural. Above all, we seek to prepare our students to make contributions in their areas of expertise and to become responsible members of the philosophical community. Our department has historical and systematic interests. We are particularly committed to four general areas: 1. History of Philosophy; 2. Continental Philosophy; 3. History and Philosophy of Science; 4. Ethics, Social and Political, and Feminist Philosophy. The University and the Department makes some limited funds available for student conference participation and prospective student visits. We have offered a graduate reading group in feminist aesthetics and taught a graduate seminar in feminist philosophy of science. We will be teaching a graduate seminar in feminist philosophy this Spring. We have recruited numerous minority graduate students and have succeeded in matriculating a much higher- than-average proportion of Hispanic students. • Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 0 0 Financial Aid Men 10 4 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 30 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 21 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 The Philosophy Department nominates one applicant each spring to compete for the Presidential Doctoral Fellowship. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 10 4 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 2 0 0 LGBT 1 0 0 Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 14 0 17 University of South Florida 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Primary strength is History of Philosophy. Emphasis on the Continental and Analytic traditions are equal and faculty collegial. Course distribution is balanced in History of Philosophy and Philosophical Problems. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $ 7,766 for 18 credits (9 Fall + 9 Spring) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$15,789 for 18 credits (9 Fall + 9 Spring) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 14 Asian 1 2 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 5 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 2 7 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 79 (TOEFL iBT) LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Competitive Scores: V160, Q152, AW 5.0 Total Ph.D. 9 Total Ph.D. 9 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Statement of Purpose Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 5 6 5 7 Time to completion 7 6 5 6 5

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown $7,766 for 18 credits (9 Fall + 9 Spring) Out of state:$15,789 for 18 credits (9 Fall + 9 Spring) African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 9 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 79 (TOEFL iBT) LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Competitive Scores: V160, Q152, AW 5.0 Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Statement of Purpose University of South Florida 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 22 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 5 6 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 9 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 10 0 0 Were not placed 1 2 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Virginia Commonwealth University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Middle East Technical Univresity, Ankara, Turkey Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Jefferson College, Hillsboro, Missouri Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer William Paterson University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Finlandia University, Hancock, Michigan Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Lake Sumter State College, Leesburg, Florida Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of South Florida Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer St. Norbert College, DePere, Wisconsin Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration:

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Texas-Pan American Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Lecturer University of Southern California 2013 Report Website http://dornsife.usc.edu/phil

Department name School of Philosophy

Department chair , Distinguished Professor and Chair

Faculty Andrew Bacon, Zlatan Damnjanovic, John Dreher, Kenneth Easwaran, Stephen Finlay, , James Higginbotham, Robin Jeshion, Shieva Kleinschmidt, Janet Levin, Sharon Lloyd, Andrei Marmor, Edwin McCann, Jonathan Quong, Kevin Robb, Jacob Ross, Mark Schroeder, Scott Soames, Gabriel Uzquiano Cruz, James Van Cleve, Kadri Vihvelin, Gary Watson, Ralph Wedgwood Efforts to increase inclusiveness USC is home to a chapter of Minorities And Philosophy Other information We do not track LGBT status of students. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 4 1 0 Financial Aid Men 16 2 0 Teaching fellowships

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African-American Scholarships Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 1 0 0 Every admitted PhD student receives five years of guaranteed Pacific Islander 0 0 0 support, including at least two years of fellowship and three years of teaching assistantship. Students who meet departmental Multi-racial 1 0 0 benchmarks for progress earn additional fellowship semesters, and further sources of competitive fellowship funding are available. Other race 0 0 0 Teaching assistants are supported by a robust system of graduate teaching mentors. LGBT 1 1 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 5 18 0 23 University of Southern California 2013 Report

Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: Every admitted student is fully funded. Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:Every admitted student is fully funded.

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 60 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 5 4 2 2 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 4 6 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 6.75 6.67 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 2 1 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 5 7 27 25 0 0 not provided) GPA: No minimum TOEFL score: No minimum LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: not specified Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 10 11 31 28 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 41 Total Ph.D. 39 Candidates for admission must demonstrate philosophical promise, Students 2012 Students 2013 as measured primarily by letters and by a sample of philosophical written work. University of Southern California 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 4 13 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 14 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 7 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 5 0 Were not placed 1 2 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided University of Sussex 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.sussex.ac.uk/ Philosophy

Department chair Tanja Staehler, Dr

Faculty Corine Besson, Lecturer in Philosophy • Anthony Booth, Lecturer in Philosophy • Andrew Chitty, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy • Paul Davies, Reader • Katerina Deligiorgi, Reader • Gordon Finlayson, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy • Jonardon Ganeri, Professor • Michael Morris, Professor • Mahon O'Brien, Lecturer in Philosophy • Sarah Sawyer, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy • Tanja Staehler, Reader • Kathleen Stock, Reader Efforts to increase inclusiveness Our Departement follows strict equal opportunities policy in hiring and promotion, and complies with all regulations for the fair and equitable treatment of our students. But we do more than this, both in thinking about what the rules should be (in our research programmes on Social and Political Thought for example) and in following good practice as set out in the recent British Philosophical Association report (2011 'Women in Philosophy in the UK'). For example, we have appointed a women's officer, currently Dr Besson, who helps promote gender equality, e.g. by looking at the invited speakers for conferences organised in the department to ensure they are not male only lists . In 2007, our Department was recognised as Women Friendly, see http://www.sussex.ac.uk/internal/bulletin/archive/13jul07/article3.shtml•Since 2012, we made sure our reading lists are diverse and inclusive and we have validated and continue to run courses in Islamic philosophy and feminist philosophy. We have a thriving Sussex Society for Women in Philosophy see http://www.sussex.ac.uk/philosophy/newsandevents/swips •Our efforts should be seen in the context of our University's record in promoting equality and diversity (see http://www.sussex.ac.uk/study/ug/international) and determination not to be complacent about it (see recent stendet led campaign on Zero tolerance http://www.sussex.ac.uk/internal/bulletin/student/2013-14/081013/zerotolerancezine). Please see also the information and points of contact offered on the admissions page (under other information about admissions http://www.sussex.ac.uk/study/pg/applying/2015entry/how) Additional Information In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), the Philosophy department at Sussex was one of only nine Philosophy departments in the country to have 100% of the research we submitted judged as internationally recognised or better. Meanwhile, 60% was judged as world- leading or internationally excellent, and we hope to do even better in the forthcoming Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 5 0 0 Financial Aid Men 6 1 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 13 currently African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 3 Asian 1 0 0 Students teaching their own classes Our students only teach se Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 £500 per graduate student (research only) for each year of their research for travel and conference attendance Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 10 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 0 0 Disablity status N/A 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 7 0 12 University of Sussex 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Philosophy at Sussex is distinctive in a number of ways. Unlike most other universities, we cover both Anglo-American ‘analytic’ and Post- Kantian ‘continental’ philosophical traditions, and allow students at all levels to specialise in one tradition or to draw on both. We also cover both the history of philosophy and issues in contemporary philosophy. Our approach to teaching, our engagement with students, and the quality of research undertaken by our faculty is widely reflected in how the Philosophy Department at Sussex performs in all the major, independent ranking surveys. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown £3,996 Out of state:£13,750 African, 1 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 0 Asian 0 2 0 0 Not applicable. All the courses we offer our Ph.D. students are skills, training, and career related ones. Summer schools are offered on Native American 0 0 0 0 specific topics (e.g. aesthetics) but participation is not mandatory. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 4 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 3 6 0 0 GPA: 3.3-3.5/4.0 TOEFL score: 88 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 1 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: not applicable Total Ph.D. 3 Total Ph.D. 9 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: 1. Masters degree or equivalent / 2. Research proposal: a research Degrees awarded proposal is essential to the selection process. We offer detailed 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 information online about this, please see http://www.sussex.ac.uk/philosophy/pgstudy/researchproposal / For Degrees awarded 1 4 4 3 5 detailed information about all other aspects of application, funding, Time to completion 6 5 5 4 4.5

MA program strengths The Department offers 3 MA programmes: The Philosophy MA offers an advanced general grounding in philosophy, which forms a good basis for further research. It includes modules in both the analytic and continental traditions of philosophy, reflecting the wide range of interests within the Department of Philosophy. The Social and Political Thought MA is an interdisciplinary course that bridges the divides between social theory, political theory and philosophy, the history of social and political thought, and the study of political and social movements. The MA aims to cover both historical traditions and contemporary developments. The Literature and Philosophy MA builds on a strong tradition of crossdisciplinary research at Sussex, with links between the Department of Philosophy and the School of English. We examine central topics that arise at the intersection of philosophy and literature such as the autonomy of the work of art, literature as philosophy, ethics and literature, the experience of reading, style and narrative, modernism and modernity. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: £5,775 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:£13,750 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 4 Asian 0 0 0 0 The programme requires 4 taught courses plus a dissertation course, which is by supervision only. / / Our data collection for this and Native American 0 0 0 0 following page is patchy so it is left blank. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 2 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3.3-3.5/4.0 Totals 3 2 0 0 TOEFL score: 88 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: not applicable Total MA 5 Total MA 5 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Personal statement/Statement of academic interests University of Sussex 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 8 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 3 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 3 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 4 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 3 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Essex Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). University of Tennessee 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.utk.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair David Reidy, Department Head

Faculty Not provided. Efforts to increase inclusiveness Last year we hired a female tenure-track faculty member, the year before that we hired a black tenure-track faculty member, and the year before that we hired a female tenure-track faculty member. The number of female students in our graduate program has also increased each of the past three years. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 0 2 2 Financial Aid Men 4 5 9 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 20 African, 0 1 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 1 Students teaching their own classes 8 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships are not guaranteed but are available through internal competitions at the university. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 4 6 10 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 1 N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 18 0 22 University of Tennessee 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We have a young and energetic faculty, a trajectory of improvement, and special strengths in action theory (including free will and moral responsibility) and in ethical theory and political philosophy (including but not limited to strength in the theoretical approaches of and John Rawls). Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 3 2 0 0 Students who already have a master's degree in philosophy are normally required to complete only 8 additional courses. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 7 16 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 10 18 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total Ph.D. 29 Total Ph.D. 28 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 0 2 7 2 2 Time to completion 6 6 6 6

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 The number given is if the student also completes and defends a thesis. If the student opts instead for an examination then 10 Native American 0 0 0 0 courses are required. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Tennessee 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Crafton Hills College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Roane State Community College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Tennessee Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Lecturer (1 year) University of Texas at Austin 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.utexas.edu/ Department of Philosophy, The University of Texas at Austin

Department chair David Sosa, Professor and Chair

Faculty David Beaver, Associate Professor • Daniel Bonevac, Professor • Lawrence R. Buchanan, Assistant Professor • J. Budziszewski, J., Professor • Jonathan Dancy, Professor • John Deigh, Professor • Joshua Dever, Associate Professor • Sinan Dogramaci, Assistant Professor • Katherine Dunlop, Assistant Professor • Matthew L. Evans, Associate Profesor • Robert J. Hankinson, Professor • Kathleen Higgins, Professor • Cory Juhl, Associate Professor • Johan A. Kamp, Professor • Robert Koons, Professor • Larry Laudan, Provessor • Jon E. Litland, Assistant Professor • Aloysius Martinich, Professor • Michelle Montague, Associate Professor • Alexander Mourelatos, Professor • Adam Pautz, Associate Professor • Stephen Phillips, Professor • Ian Proops, Professor • Richard M. Sainsbury, Professor • Sahotra Sarkar, Professor • Miriam Schoenfield, Assistant Professor • T. K. Seung, Professor • Tara Smith, Professor • David Sosa, Professor • Galen Strawson, Professor • Michael Tye, Professor • Stephen White, Professor • Paul Woodruff, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 3 2 2 Financial Aid Men 27 1 2 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 12 semesters African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 2 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 5 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Professional development travel awards, various competitive scholarships Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 23 3 4 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 1 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 7 30 0 37 University of Texas at Austin 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $4,044 (9 hours) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$8,016 (9 hours) African, 1 1 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 12 Asian 2 1 0 0 In some cases transfer credit may be granted for graduate coursework previously completed Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 11 34 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 14 37 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 1 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 50 Total Ph.D. 51 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 6 13 7 5 5 Time to completion 8 7.5 8.4 6 6 University of Texas at Austin 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 20 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 5 3 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 5 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 4 14 0 0 Were not placed 0 2 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 3 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer St. John's College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Boston College Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details The City College of New York - CUNY Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Auburn University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship):

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer The Jesuit School of Philosophy and Theology, Brazil Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details West Chester University of Pennsylvania Type of position Tenure track. University of Toledo 2013 Report Website http://www.utoledo.edu/llss/philosophy/index.html

Department name Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Department chair John Sarnecki, Associate Professor

Faculty Dr. Ammon Allred, Assistant Professor • Dr. Jeanine Diller, Assistant Professor • Dr. Benjamin Grazzini, Associate Lecturer • Dr. John Sarnecki, Associate Professor • Dr. Madeline Muntersbjorn, Associate Professor • Dr. Ben Pryor, Associate Professor • Dr. Susan Purviance, Associate Professor • Dr. James Campbell, University Distinguished Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness For the past four years, students in our M.A. program have organized and hosted a colloquium celebrating World Philosophy Day. The grad students present and lead discussions, and undergraduates are strongly encouraged to participate. Average attendance is approximately 40.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 1 0 Financial Aid

Men 3 1 1 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 5 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 4 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 3 5 0 8 University of Toledo 2013 Report

MA program strengths History; 19th and 20th Cent. European; American; Ethics; Philosophy of Science MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state $6,517.80/semester Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state $11,634.84/semester 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program.

Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 9 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3 Other (or race 0 2 8 5 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 2 8 5 0 0

Total MA 8 Total MA 7 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Toledo 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided University of Toronto 2014 Report Website Department name www.utoronto.ca Philosophy

Department chair Martin Pickave, Chair

Faculty Donald Ainslie Prof. • Derek PH Allen Prof. • James Allen Prof. • Rachel Barney Prof. • Joseph Berkovitz Assoc. Prof. • Deborah Black Prof. • James R Brown Prof. • Nate Charlow Asst Prof • Philip Clark Assoc. Prof. • Rebecca Comay Prof. • Imogen Dickie Assoc. Prof. • David Dyzenhaus Prof. • Andrew Franklin-Hall Asst Prof • Lloyd P Gerson Prof. • Robert Gibbs Prof. • Willi Goetschel Prof. • Joe Heath Prof. • Benj Hellie Assoc. Prof. • Franz Huber Asst. Prof. • Karolina Huebner Asst. Prof. • Tom Hurka Univ. Prof. • Waheed Hussain Asst Prof • Douglas Hutchinson Prof. • Brad Inwood Univ. Prof. • Bernard D Katz Prof. • Peter King Prof. • Mark G Kingwell Prof. • Philip Kremer Prof. • Mohan Matthen Prof. • Cheryl Misak Prof. • Sophia Moreau Assoc. Prof. • Margaret C Morrison Prof. • Amy Mullin Prof. • Jennifer Nagel Assoc. Prof. • Julia Nefsky Asst Prof • David Novak Prof. • Martin Pickavé Assoc. Prof. • Diana Raffman Prof. • Gurpreet Rattan Assoc. Prof. • Arthur Ripstein Prof. • Marleen Rozemond Prof. • William E Seager Prof. • Sonia Sedivy Assoc. Prof. • Andrew Sepielli Asst. Prof. • Vincent Shen Prof. • Brian Cantwell Smith Prof. • Nicholas Stang Asst Prof • Sergio Tenenbaum Prof. • Denis Walsh Prof. • Jonathan Weisberg Assoc. Prof. • Jennifer Whiting Prof. • Jessica Wilson Assoc. Prof. • Byeong-Uk Yi Prof. Efforts to increase inclusiveness Toronto's size enables us to offer exceptionally broad coverage of philosophy, including areas outside the mainstream, such as Classical Islamic philosophy, Asian Philosophy, and Feminist Philosophy. The departmental chapter of Minorities and Philosophy hosts lectures and discussion events on topics of speical interest to minority students. The Women's Caucus brings women students and faculty together for philosophical discussion and networking. In recent years we've greatly improved the gender balance in our graduate programs, and we warmly encourage applications for graduate study from women and other groups historically underrepresented in philosophy. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 14 2 4 Financial Aid Men 28 6 6 Teaching fellowships n/a Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships n/a Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships n/a African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American n/a Asian 3 1 0 Students teaching their own classes Roughly 10 in any given ye Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 All students receive full funding, including tuition, fees, health insurance and funds for living expenses, for the prescribed duration Pacific Islander 0 0 0 of their programs. Average earnings are $26,000 after tuition, including teaching and scholarships. First year PhD students do not White 0 53 0 have to teach. We also offer travel funding of up to $1400 per year, Multi-racial 0 0 0 per student. Other race 0 1 1 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 20 40 0 60 University of Toronto 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths With over 50 graduate faculty active in both teaching and research, we offer supervision in all major areas of philosophy. The department has outstanding coverage of all periods in the History of Philosophy. The Collaborative Program in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy offers students an intensive education in the languages and philosophical texts of antiquity; the department is also strong in Early Modern Philosophy. Value Theory is another area of strength, with prominent faculty in Ethics, Metaethics, Practical Reason and Aesthetics. The department has leading scholars in Philosophy of Mind, as well as Metaphysics, Epistemology, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Science. / Graduate students are very actively involved in our research community, not only attending lectures but also organizing reading groups and workshops. In recent years, Toronto graduate students have published in journals such as The Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Studies, Philosophical Quarterly, Analysis, Philosophy of Science, and British Journal for the History of Philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 12 Asian 0 2 0 0 Most students will do 12 courses. Some students who already have an MA will be admitted to our 4-year program and do one year of Native American 0 0 0 0 coursework (6 courses) rather than two years (12 courses). Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 12 55 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 1 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 1 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 13 58 0 0 GPA: 3.3 TOEFL score: 100 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 71 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 6 13 8 3 12 Time to completion 8 8 6 7 7

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $8426 CDN Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$20,549 CDN African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 7 Asian 0 1 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 8 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3.3 Totals 2 9 0 0 TOEFL score: 100 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 8 Total MA 11 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Toronto 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 17 25 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 7 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 6 16 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 6 5 0 0 Were not placed 3 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 2 4 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Illinois State University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Iowa State University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Bryn Mawr College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UC Riverside Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Dalhousie University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Assistant Professor, Limited Term (2 years)

Degree Program Ph.D. Details St Louis University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: one year postdoc

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Fordham University Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: one year postdoc

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer NYU Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: two year postdoc

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer McGill Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: two year postdoc

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Colgate University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Lecturer

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Bonn, Institut fur Philosophie Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: two year postdoc

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer National Institutes of Health Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: postdoc, one year University of Toronto 2014 Report

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Fairfield University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship): Lecturer

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Hebrew University, Jerusalem Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: two year postdoc

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Nottingham Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: two year research fellowship University of Utah 2013 Report Website www.utah.edu

Department name Philosophy

Department chair Stephen Downes, Chair

Faculty ANDREOU,CHRISOULA: Associate Professor • BATTIN,MARGARET Professor • DOWNES,STEPHEN M: Professor • FRANCIS,LESLIE: Associate Dean in Law School • HABER,MATTHEW: Associate Professor • HANNA,PATRICIA: Professor • HUTTON,ERIC Associate Professor • MILLGRAM,ELIJAH: Professor • NEWMAN,LEX: Associate Professor • SCHUPBACH,JONAH N: Assistant Professor • STARK,CYNTHIA A: Associate Professor • STEGENGA,JACOB MORI: Assistant Professor • STOKES,DUSTIN R: Assistant Professor • TABERY,JAMES: Associate Professor • THALOS,MARIAM G: Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness During the past year, we placed ads for two Assistant Professor openings, highlighting our reputation as a women-friendly department. We advertised in APA Jobs for Philosophers, Chronicle of Higher Education, Hispanic Outlook, and a listserve for women in Philosophy. We interviewed three women and one man. We extended two offers, which were not accepted because the applicants accepted positions with other universities. We plan to advertise the two positions again this year.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 6 0 0 Financial Aid Men 6 3 2 Teaching fellowships 1 (Graduate School)

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 (Department) African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 12 (Department) African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 6 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 1 n/a Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 6 11 0 17 University of Utah 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Areas of faculty focus include: Philosophy of Biology, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Chinese Philosophy, Practical Reasoning, Formal Philosophy, Political Philosophy, and Feminist Philosophy. Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $7,463.26 for 12 credit hours Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:$1,2011.36 for 12 credit hours

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 42 African, 1 1 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 4 3 1 4 2 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 8 8 12 4.5 6.5 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3.1 TOEFL score: 61 internet LGBT 1 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 1 Total Ph.D. 1 None Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state $7,463.26 for 12 credit hours Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 12011.36 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 30 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3.1 Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 500/173 or 61 (internet) LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: no minimum score specified Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Utah 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 5 9 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 5 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 7 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 2 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 2 14 0 Left without receiving a degree 3 5 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 2 3 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 7 0 Unknown 0 0 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Challenger School in Utah

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Toronto Philosophy Department Type of position Further academic study (J.D., D.Th., other Ph.D., etc.). Please specify: Post-doc

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Northwest Arkansas Community College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Utah Valley University Philosophy Department Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. University of Virginia - Main campus 2014 Report Website Department name www.philosophy.virginia.edu Corcoran Department of Philosophy

Department chair Talbot Brewer, Professor of Philosophy

Faculty Sahar Akhtar, Assistant Professor of Philosophy • John Arras, Professor of Philosophy, Porterfield Professor of Bioethics • Elizabeth Barnes, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Talbot Brewer, Chair, Professor of Philosophy • Ross Cameron, Associate Professor of Philosophy • James Cargile, Professor of Philosophy • Daniel Devereux, Professor of Philosophy • Brie Gertler, Commonwealth Professor of Philosophy • Paul Humphreys, Commonwealth Professor of Philosophy • Harold Langsam, Professor of Philosophy • Antonia LoLordo, Professor of Philosophy • Loren Lomasky, Professor of Philosophy, Cory Professor of Political Philosophy, Policy, and Law • Trenton Merricks, Professor of Philosophy • Walter Ott, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Jorge Secada, Professor of Philosophy • A. John Simmons, Commonwealth Professor of Philosophy • Rebecca Stangl, Associate Professor of Philosophy Efforts to increase inclusiveness Hardly more than a decade ago, the department had only one female member. We have taken significant strides in addressing this imbalance. Six of our last ten hires have been women, four of these six are now tenured, two are full professors and one was recently awarded an endowed chair. We have managed in recent years to recruit a very diverse graduate student body, with current or recent members hailing from Argentina, Peru, Romania, South Korea, Russia and Turkey. The undergraduate program has also become increasingly diverse over the past decade. The number of female majors has increased from about 15% to about 45%, which is well above the national average for philosophy majors, and the number of African American students has climbed from 5% to 12%, which is higher than the UVa average. We are continuing to explore ways to build on these accomplishments by diversifying our undergraduate offerings in ways that might appeal to a wider array of students. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 4 1 0 Financial Aid Men 12 0 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 16: 1/2 FTE each African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 3 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 15 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A 0 Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 5 12 0 17 University of Virginia - Main campus 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We are a well rounded program whose strengths include; Metaphysics, History (Ancient and Modern), Political Philosophy, Ethical Theory, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Mind. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 6758 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:7440 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 12 Asian 0 2 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 4 19 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 4 22 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 600 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 24 Total Ph.D. 26 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 8 3 3 Time to completion 6 7 6 5 University of Virginia - Main campus 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 18 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 3 13 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 5 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided University of Washington-Seattle Campus 2013 Report Website http://www.phil.washington.edu/

Department name Philosophy

Department chair Michael Rosenthal, Professor

Faculty Michael Blake, Professor • Arthur Fine, Professor • Stephen Gardiner, Professor • Sara Goering, Associate Professor • Lynn Hankinson Nelson, Professor • Carole Lee, Assistant Professor • John Manchak, Associate Professor, • Colin Marshall, Assistant Professor • Adam Moore, Associate Professor • Ronald Moore, Professor • Jean Roberts, Professor • Michael Rosenthal, Professor • Ingra Schellenberg, Assistant Professor • William Talbott, Professor • Cass Weller, Associate Professor • Andrea Woody, Associate Professor • Alison Wylie, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The UW Department of Philosophy works throughout the year to recruit top scholars to our graduate program, and our faculty is committed to making our program attractive to traditionally under-represented candidates (we understand this category to include women, students from ethnic minorities, LGBT students, students with disabilities, and students who may be the first in their families to attend college). We use the National Name Exchange; Have an active departmental “Climate” committee (which addresses diversity issues); Have Implicit Bias training for all incoming graduate students; Work closely with the UW Graduate Opportunity and Minorities Achievement (Go-Map) office to secure scholarships for incoming minority students. In an effort to create a cooperative, rather than a competitive learning environment, we offer all incoming students 5 years of guaranteed funding (given satisfactory progress).

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 5 2 2 Financial Aid

Men 9 1 2 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2.5

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 23 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 14 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 1 ~12 summer quarter teaching assistantships, Funds for Summer Pacific Islander 0 0 0 projects, $900 per year/per student conference travel, $900 per student for job Eastern APA job market activiites, Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 9 12 0 21 University of Washington-Seattle Campus 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Epistemology, Feminist Philosophy,Philosophy of Science, Value Theory, History of Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Political Philosophy Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $5101 per quarter Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:$9185 per quarter

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 12 African, 0 0 1 1 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 2 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 2 4 0 3 5 Native American 1 1 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 6.5 7.5 0 7 7.4 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 1 2 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 8 6 18 16 0 0 not provided) GPA: No minimum TOEFL score: 600 LGBT 0 0 1 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 9 9 20 19 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 29 Total Ph.D. 28 N/A Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Washington-Seattle Campus 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 5 7 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 4 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 6 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 5 1 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer The Center of Ethics in Society, Stanford Universtiy Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship. Duration: 2 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer College of Charleston Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship. Title & duration: Acting Assistant Professor, Temporary University of Waterloo 2013 Report Website https://philosophy.uwaterloo.ca

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair David DeVidi, Professor

Faculty Gerry Callahgan - Continuing lecturer • David DeVidi - Professor • Shannon Dea - Associate Professor • Heather Douglas - Associate Professor • Mathieu Doucet - Assistant Professor • Chris Eliasmith - Professor • Carla Fehr Associate Professor • Doreen Fraser - Associate Professor • Tim Kenyon - Associate Professor • Chris Lowry Assistant Professor • Patricia Marino - Associate Professor • Brian Orend - Professor • Paul Thagard ­ Professor • John Turri - Assistant Professor • Steven Weinstein - Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We strive to maintain an open climate through formal and informal initiatives. This year we reviewed our hiring process to better incorporate best practices and revamped our graduate student orientation. All students have advisors or supervisors and the Grad Chair and Department Chair have open door policies. Our faculty includes tenured women who work across a range of sub-fields of philosophy.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 5 0 0 Financial Aid Men 6 3 1 Teaching fellowships See below

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships See below African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African-American Scholarships See below Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes Varies Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 All students are fully funded through a combination of scholarships Pacific Islander 0 0 0 and teaching fellowships. There are non-teaching fellowship available. Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 5 10 0 15 University of Waterloo 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The Department’s approach to philosophy encourages applications to real-world problems and to disciplines outside philosophy. Philosophers in our Department value engagement with scholars in other fields such as the natural and social sciences, history, mathematics, and engineering. The Department’s areas of research strength include Language, Logic and Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, Ethics and Political Philosophy, and Philosophy of Science and Mathematics. The PhD program at Waterloo is exceptional among Philosophy programs for its flexibility. There are no particular distribution requirements; rather, students work with their supervisor and the graduate chair to determine which courses are best for them. For their directed research area studies, PhD students work intensively with two professors on topics chosen by the student in consultation with faculty. Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $2,774 per term (Canadian) Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:$6,482 per term (Canadian)

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 5 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 2 2 0 3 1 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 9 8 9 10 0 0 not provided) GPA: TOEFL score: 580 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 9 8 9 10 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 18 Total Ph.D. 18 Statement of interest Students 2012 Students 2013 MA program strengths The MA in Philosophy is a 12 month program that includes both coursework and independent research. MA students can write a traditional thesis, or choose a three paper option, which entails working with three different professors on three different topics. MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state $2,744/term (Canadian) Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state $6 ,482/term (International) 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program.

Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 5 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: Other (or race 6 1 7 6 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 580 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 6 1 7 6 0 0 Statement of interest Total MA 13 Total MA 7 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Waterloo 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided University of Western Ontario 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.uwo.ca Philosophy

Department chair Henrik Lagerlund, Professor

Faculty Gillian Barker, Assistant Professor • John Bell, Professor • Andrew Botterell, Associate Professor • (Law and Philosophy) David Bourget, Assistant Professor • Samantha Brennan, Professor • Louis Charland, Professor • Eric Desjardins, Assistant Professor • Robert Disalle, Professor • Corey Dyck, Associate Professor • Lorne Falkenstein, Professor • Helen Fielding, Associate Professor • (Philosophy, Women’s Studies and Feminist Research) Devin Henry, Associate Professor • Benjamin Hill, Associate Professor • Carl Hoefer, Professor • Barry Hoffmaster, Professor • Tracy Isaacs, Professor • (Philosophy, Women’s Studies and Feminist Research) Dennis Klimchuk, Associate Professor • Henrik Lagerlund, Professor • Genoveva Marti, Professor • Carolyn McLeod, Professor • Angela Mendelovici, Assistant Professor • Michael Milde, Associate Professor • Wayne Myrvold, Professor • Kathleen Okruhlik, Associate Professor • Stathis Psillos, Professor • Anthony Skelton, Associate Professor • Christopher Smeenk, Associate Professor • Robert Stainton, Distinguished University Professor • Jackie Sullivan, Assistant Professor • John Thorp, Associate Professor • Christopher Viger, Associate Professor • Charles Weijer, Professor • (Philosophy & Medicine) Additional Graduate Faculty: Robert Batterman, Professor • (Pittsburgh) Antonia Calcagna, Professor • (King’s University College) Robert Corless, Professor • (Applied Mathematics) William Demopolous, Professor Emeritus • William Harper, Professor Emeritus • Charles Jones, Professor (Political Science) • John Nicholas, Professor Emeritus • Karen M Nielsen, Fellow and Tutor (Oxford) • Adrian Owen, Professor (Brain and Mind Institute) • Richard Vernon, Distinguished University Professor (Political Science) Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Entrance Scholarships: The program has several excellent entrance scholarships, including Rotman scholarships valued at $10,000 for students in philosophy of science and the Barnard Scholarship valued at $10,000 for students in political philosophy, as well as other entrance scholarships that typically range from $1000 to $5000. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 6 3 3 Financial Aid Men 21 2 13 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 52 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 81 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 1 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 $500-$600 per year of travel funding to present papers at conferences (students must apply); some research assistantships. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Students beyond the four years of funding may apply for part-time teaching. White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 12 36 0 48 University of Western Ontario 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Western is a well-respected philosophy department with an international reputation in philosophy of science and recognized strength and depth in: history; moral, legal, and political philosophy; feminist philosophy; mind and language. The Department is home to the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, whose mission is to bring philosophers into productive engagement with scientists, policy makers and the public. Both the Institute and the Department are lively research communities with a steady calendar of events, conferences, workshops and visiting speakers. The Department and the Rotman Institute collaborate with the Brain and Mind Institute, affording graduate students an opportunity to become part of the Lab Associate Program. Graduate students at Western receive part of their funding from Graduate Teaching Assistantships. In addition to teaching opportunities, TA-ships may also be as editorial assistants for The Feminist Philosophy Quarterly and The European Journal of Philosophy of Science and as assistants in the Centre for Digital Philosophy and PhilPapers. The range of possibilities for student involvement and training at Western provides many exciting opportunities appealing to broad interests. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $6740 CDN Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$16612 CDN African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 7 Asian 0 0 0 0 Students in the regular program (who come with a Masters) take 6 courses plus a prospectus course. Students who are admitted into Native American 0 0 0 0 the direct entry program (from their undergraduate degree; 5 year program) must take 11 courses plus a prospectus course. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We offer some Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 0 0 0 GPA: 3.3 TOEFL score: 90 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 0 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Though unofficial transcripts are acceptable for the on-line Degrees awarded applications, students who are admitted must supply official 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 transcripts to the University before registration. Degrees awarded 9 6 6 11 11 Time to completion 5.5 4 6 5 5.7

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $6740 CDN Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$16612 CDN African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 6 Asian 0 0 0 0 Students must also complete a summer research project following their course work. Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We offer some MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3.3 Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 90 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Unofficial transcripts are acceptable for the online application but students who are admitted must supply official transcripts before they may be registered. University of Western Ontario 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 13 32 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 7 18 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 5 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 3 9 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Unknown Type of position Other (business, industry, government, etc.).

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Le Port Schools, California Type of position Other (business, industry, government, etc.).

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Oxford University Type of position Fellowship.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Unknown Type of position Other (business, industry, government, etc.).

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Humboldt University of Berlin (Excellence Cluster TOPOI) Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship).

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Western University Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship). Details Limited Duties (part-time)

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer MacLean and Company Type of position Other (business, industry, government, etc.). Details Consulting Analyst

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Western University (Applied Math) Type of position Further academic study: PhD, Applied Mathematics.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Bristol University Type of position Fellowship.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UBC Okanagan Type of position Visiting Assistant Professor. University of Windsor 2013 Report Website www.uwindsor.ca/philosophy

Department name Department of Philosophy

Department chair Marcello Guarini, Dr.

Faculty Pierre Boulos, Adjunct Professor (Philosophy), Associate Professor (Computer Science, Center for Teaching and Learning) • Deborah Cook, Professor • William Conklin, Adjunct Professor (Philosophy), Professor (Law) • Leo Groarke, Professor and Provost • Marcello Guarini, Associate Professor • Hans V. Hansen, Associate Professor • Catherine Hundleby, Associate Professor • Radu Neculau, Associate Professor • Jeff Noonan, Professor • Philip Rose, Associate Professor • Christopher Tindale, Professor • Douglas Walton, Adjunct Professor (Philosophy), Professor (CRRAR) Efforts to increase inclusiveness Regular graduate teaching and research in (1) feminism and argumentation and (2) critical social theory. Inviting women and visible minorities as graduate and undergraduate conference keynote speakers. Sustained effort to attract undergraduate women and visible minority students to the MA program.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 0 1 Financial Aid

Men 7 0 3 Teaching fellowships NA Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships See below

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 26 African-American Scholarships See below Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 (NA) Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 1 CRRAR fellowship; variable number of OGS and SSHRC Pacific Islander 0 0 0 scholarships. University entrance scholarships awarded to students with a minimum GPA of 80%. Employment with Informal Logic; Multi-racial 0 0 0 research assistantships with individual faculty members. Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 3 10 0 13 University of Windsor 2013 Report

MA program strengths , reasoning, argumentation (including informal logic, epistemology, philosophy of mind). / Critical social theory (including feminism and environmental philosophy), Continental philosophy. MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 5110 (Domestic) Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 12000 (International) 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 1 1 0 1 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 8 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 1 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: 0.75 Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: 250 (600), IBT 100 LGBT 2 2 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 1 1 0 2 0 0 Optional writing sample. Total MA 1 Total MA 3 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Windsor 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 3 7 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 2 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 5 8 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 3 0 Entered another graduate program 4 2 0 Unknown 0 0 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Institution: University of British Columbia

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Institution: McMaster University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Institution: University of Waterloo

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Institution: University of Waterloo

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Institution: Carleton University University of Wisconsin-Madison 2013 Report Website philosophy.wisc.edu

Department name Philosophy Department

Department chair Russ Shafer-Landau, Chair and Professor

Faculty Bengson, John Assistant Professor • Brighouse, Harry Professor • Card, Claudia Professor • Fletcher, Emily Assistant Professor • Forster, Malcolm Professor • Gottlieb, Paula Professor • Hausman, Daniel Professor • Hunt, Lester Professor • Mackay, John Assistant Professor • Messina, James Assistant Professor • Nadler, Steve Professor • Paul, Sarah Assistant Professor • Shafer-Landau, Russ Professor • Shapiro, Larry Professor • Sidelle, Alan Professor • Sober, Elliott Professor • Streiffer, Rob Associate Professor • Titelbaum, Mike Assistant Professor • Vranas, Peter Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Our Women in Philosophy at UW group is composed of female graduate students in the philosophy department. Their mission is to strengthen community among women graduate students in order to secure a climate in which all philosophers can flourish. They meet regularly, pursue projects that will promote inclusiveness of gender and other underrepresented groups, and build mentor relationships. We also recruit graduate students from racial and ethnic minorities, and provide fellowships to them, to improve the diversity of our program. Other information We do not track LGBT or disability status of faculty or students. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 2 2 1 Financial Aid Men 10 4 1 Teaching fellowships 0

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 3

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 25 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 8 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 All students with teaching assistantships or fellowships are fully Pacific Islander 0 0 0 funded. Teaching Assistants receive a supplemental scholarship of $1,000 for each of their first four semesters. Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 12 6 2 LGBT 1 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 5 15 0 20 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, epistemology, metaethics, ethics, history of philosophy, logic Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: 8880 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:18874

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 12 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 2 2 2 2 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 6 14 6 6 4 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 7 9 8 9 10 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 1 1 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 1 2 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 10 10 34 32 0 0 not provided) GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 92 LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 12 12 38 37 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 50 Total Ph.D. 49 none Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 10 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Writing sample: Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 11 26 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 7 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 9 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 8 10 0 Were not placed 0 1 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Illinois State University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship. Duration: 2 year

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Washington State University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer London School of Economics Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship. Duration: 3 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Saint Thomas Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship. Title & duration: Adjunct Instructor

Degree Program Ph.D. Details Illinois State University Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Arkansas Type of position Visiting/temporary other than fellowship. Title & duration: 3 years University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2014 Report Website Department name http://www4.uwm.edu/letsci/philosophy/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Richard Tierney, Associate Professor & Chair

Faculty Margaret Atherton, Distinguished Professor • Stephen Leeds, Distinguished Professor • Robert Schwartz, Distinguished Professor • Michael Liston, Professor • Fabrizio Mondadori, Professor • Julius Sensat, Professor • William Bristow, Associate Professor • Luca Ferrero, Associate Professor • Edward Hinchman, Associate Professor • Blain Neufeld, Associate Professor • Richard Tierney, Associate Professor • Andrea Westlund, Associate Professor • Miren Boehm, Assistant Professor • Stan Husi, Assistant Professor • Joshua Spencer, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The graduate program in Philosophy at UWM supports inclusivity and encourages applications from students of diverse backgrounds. The school offers a fellowship for qualified members of underrepresented groups and other disadvantaged students in graduate studies. The department coordinates a research workshop for Milwaukee area women in philosophy (MAWP), which includes gradaute students and faculty from UWM and other nearby institutions. The department also encourages faculty and teaching staff to include a diverse range of philosophers in their reading lists and syllabi. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 1 0 Financial Aid Men 10 2 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 18 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 2 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 's Awards (about $1000 to most incoming students) Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 12 3 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 12 0 15 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2014 Report

MA program strengths Success in placing students in highly ranked PhD programs. Area strenghts include: History of Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Pragmatism, Nineteenth Century German Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Logic and Language. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $11,686 / year Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$24,152 / year African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: no minimum score Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: no minimum score LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: no minimum score Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 6 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 2 1 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 12 25 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 4 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program:

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program:

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program:

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program:

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Please specify:

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. Please specify:

Degree Program Master's Details12 Other.

Degree Program Master's Details13 Other. University of Wyoming 2013 Report Website http://www.uwyo.edu/philosophy/

Department name Philosophy

Department chair Susanna Goodin, Associate Professor

Faculty Robert Colter, Assistant Academic Professional Lecturer • Franz-Peter Griesmaier, Associate Professor • Susanna Goodin, Associate Professor • Jeff Lockwood, Professor • H.L. Hix, Professor, • Ed Sherline, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Recruitment of women and minority graduate students, via Facebook and word of mouth. It is working since we have all women as our incoming graduate class this year. Typically there is one or none.

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 1 0 0 Financial Aid Men 4 0 1 Teaching fellowships 0

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 0 African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 6 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 (except in summer when Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 tuition waiver for all graduate students accepted as teaching Pacific Islander 0 0 0 assistants Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 1 5 0 6 University of Wyoming 2013 Report

MA program strengths Epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, ethics, environmental ethics,history of philosophy (ancient and modern) MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state 4806.00 (includes fees) Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 11,934.00 (includes fees) 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 1 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program.

Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 36 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 1 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: Other (or race 1 0 4 5 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 1 0 5 6 0 0 NA Total MA 6 Total MA 6 Students 2012 Students 2013 University of Wyoming 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Data not provided Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 1 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 6 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 8 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 2 0 Entered another graduate program 0 3 0 Unknown 0 0 0 Vanderbilt University 2013 Report Website http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AnS/philosophy/index.html

Department name Philosophy Department

Department chair Robert Talisse, Professor of Philosophy and Political Science,

Faculty Scott Aikin, Assistant Professor of Philosophy • Idit Dobbs-Weinstein, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Marilyn Friedman, Professor of Philsophy and W. Alton Jones Chair of Philosophy • Lenn Goodman, Professor of Philosophy and Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities • Lisa Guenther, Associate Professor of Philosophy • Michael Hodges, Professor of Philosophy and Director of Undergraduate Studies • John Lachs, Centennial Professor of Philosophy • Larry May, W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law • José Medina, Professor of Philosophy and Director of Graduate Studies • Kelly Oliver, W. Alton Jones Chair of Philosophy with appointments in African-American and Diaspora Studies, Film Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies • Lucius T. Outlaw (jr.), Professor of Philosophy • Robert B. Talisse, Professor of Philosophy and Political Science and Chair of the Philosophy Department • Jeffrey Tlumak, Associate Professor of Philosophy • , W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy, Professor of European Studies and Professor of Art • Julian Wuerth, Associate Professor of Philosophy Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Vanderbilt PhD Program in Philosophy has achieved, and strives to maintain, gender parity in its graduate student population. Our faculty and curriculum reflect our longstanding commitment to disciplinary inclusiveness and diversity. Several faculty have specialization in Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Race, and Philosophy of Gender. Graduate-level seminars in these areas are offered regularly. In addition, there is a steady offering of seminars in Social and Political Philosophy with substantial international, global, and environmental content. Seminars in traditional disciplinary areas—Epistemology, and Philosophy of Language, for example—often include engagements with materials drawn from non-traditional sources. Varied methodological approaches, including Analytic, Continental, Historical, and Pragmatist are well represented in the department. Other information Note concerning MA degrees: We admit students for a terminal MA only under special circumstances. Vanderbilt undergrads who take the 4+1 program may receive a MA for 1 extra year of work beyond the BA. All Ph.D. recipients receive a MA as part of the graduate program. Please note that job placement information was provided only for our Ph.D. graduates who graduated during the 2012-2013 academic year and who went on the job market. Also, we admit students for a terminal MA only under special circumstances. Vanderbilt undergrads who take the 4 +1 program may receive a MA for 1 extra year of work beyond the BA. All Ph.D. recipients receive a MA as part of the graduate program. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 4 0 0 Financial Aid Men 10 1 0 Teaching fellowships 23

Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 African, 1 0 0 Teaching assistantships 23 African-American Scholarships 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 19 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 NA Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Multi-racial 0 0 0

Other race 0 0 0 LGBT 2 0 0

Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 4 11 0 15 Vanderbilt University 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Epistemology, ethics, feminist philosophy, metaphysics, phenomenology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, and social and political philosophy Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $1747 per credit hour Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:$1747 per credit hour

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 16 African, 0 1 1 1 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 1 1 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 5 4 6 5 5 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 9.2 6.5 7 9.8 6.8 Hispanic or Latino 2 1 2 2 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 18 17 20 18 0 0 not provided) GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT 2 2 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 39876 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 20 19 24 22 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 44 Total Ph.D. 41 Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program. Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Writing sample: Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: Other (or race 0 0 2 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 2 0 0 0

Total MA 2 Total MA 0 Students 2012 Students 2013 Vanderbilt University 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 11 6 17 Left without receiving a degree 1 2 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 3 6 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 8 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Stetson College Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Fresno State University Type of position Tenure track. Villanova University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/artsci/philosophy.html Philosophy

Department chair John Immerwahr, Professor

Faculty Sarah-Vaughan Brakman Associate Professor • Walter Brogan Professor • Thomas Busch Professor • John Carvalho Proferssor • William Desmond Professor • John Doody Professor • Julie Klein Associate Professor • Helen Lang Professor • Chaone Mallory Associate Professor • James McCartney Associate Professor • Stephen Napier Assistant Professor • Gabriel Rockhill Associate Professor • Sally Scholz Professor • Georg Theiner Assistant professor • Annika Thiem Professor • James Wetzel Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Villanova Philosophy Department is committed to teaching, scholarship and hiring practices that emphasize diversity, inclusiveness and , especially with regard to gender and race. This is evident in our graduate and undergraduate curriculum. It is also evident with regard to our efforts in hiring to achieve gender balance. We currently have 7 women on our faculty. We house Hypatia, the leading Journal in feminist philosophy with our colleague Sally Scholz as editor. Additional Information We have on average 6 assistantships per year. We receive on average 120 applications. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 7 0 0 Financial Aid Men 11 2 1 Teaching fellowships 12 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 6 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 18 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 12 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 We provide significant travel awards for those presenting papers at conferences. We off competitive summer research grants. We offer Pacific Islander 0 0 0 support for summer abroad programs for graduate students. White 19 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 3 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 7 14 0 21 Villanova University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths Villanova University offers a doctoral program in Philosophy specializing in Continental Philosophy and the History of Philosophy. Qualified students are eligible for six years of guaranteed funding, with financial awards (including tuition remission and a stipend) for the first four years and the guaranteed teaching of two courses per semester in years five and six, with compensation at the Ph.D. adjunct faculty rate. In addition to its regular awards, the University also offers one special assistantship each year to a student who has an interdisciplinary interest in the intersections of philosophy and theology. Graduate students have the opportunity to study at other area graduate programs through affiliation with the Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium. Students also participate in a highly-touted teacher training program. The Doctoral Philosophy Program offers courses that emphasize Continental Philosophy and the History of Philosophy. It is especially strong in the tradition of Western thought, and we have specialists in ancient Greek philosophy and late antiquity, as well as in early modern and modern philosophy. Our strengths in Continental Philosophy range from its beginnings in Kant, Hegel, Schelling, and Nietzsche, through the classic texts of Adorno, Beauvoir, Benjamin, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Sartre, and up to the contemporary treatments of hermeneutics, , genealogy, psychoanalysis and critical and feminist theories found in writers such as Agamben, Badiou, Baudrillard, Butler, Castoriadis, Deleuze, Derrida, Foucault, Irigaray, Kristeva, Nancy and Rancière. The Department prides itself on its pluralism. Students are exposed to both the continental and the analytic traditions, and we have particular strengths in the philosophy of mind, analytic aesthetics and social and political philosophy, feminism, environmental philosophy and bioethics. Finally, there is wide concern with questions of social justice, ranging from issues of gender, race and class, to questions of sexual and cultural politics. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $720 per credit Women Men Other Unknown Out of state: African, 1 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 16 Asian 1 1 0 0 students can transfer up to 4 course from MA courses at another institution Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 25 19 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 1 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 29 21 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 80 or6.5 on ELTS LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 50 Total Ph.D. 50 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 2 3 3 5 6 Time to completion 7 7 7 7 7 Villanova University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 4 17 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 2 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 6 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 3 6 0 0 Were not placed 0 2 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 1 3 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Ball State Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Villanova University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of St. Thomas Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Villanova University Ethics Program Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Wabash Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of South Georgia Type of position Tenure track. Virginia Tech 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.vt.edu Philosophy

Department chair Joseph Pitt, Professor

Faculty Richard Burian, Professor Emeritus • Benjamin Jantzen, Assistant Professor • James Klagge, Professor • Deborah Mayo, Professor • Michael Moehler, Assistant Professor • Tristram McPherson, Assistant Professor • Lydia Patton, Associate Professor • Joseph Pitt, Professor • Kelly Trogdon, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness Recruitment programs for MA students at institutions with a significant minority presence. Successful nomination of talented MA students for the Dean's Diversity Fellowship, which provides a GTAship and funding. Significant efforts to recruit talented faculty. Additional Information The director of the Graduate Program is Lydia Patton (critique[at]vt[dot]edu). Send her an email if you would like to discuss the program, admissions, climate, or placement. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 2 0 1 Financial Aid Men 2 4 4 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 4.5 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes Possible summer teaching Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Competitive Dean's Diversity Fellowships are available to students who qualify. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 3 10 0 13 Virginia Tech 2014 Report

MA program strengths Our program has strengths in the history and philosophy of science and in value theory, and has faculty working on metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, and the history of philosophy. Faculty maintain active research profiles and all are available to supervise MA thesis work. We are currently providing tuition waivers and stipends to 76% of our students, and we are able to offer standalone teaching positions over the summer to some students. MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: 13585 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:25884 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 2 7 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 2 7 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 7 Total MA 9 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Virginia Tech 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 3 11 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 7 19 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 2 5 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 11 0 0 Unknown 1 4 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 1 3 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of Western Ontario

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. Seattle University Psychology M.A. Also accepted Boston

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. City University of New York. Also accepted Washington

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. IU Bloomington, History and Philosophy of Science

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Maryland, College Park.

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to other post-baccalaureate program. Virginia Tech ASPECT Ph.D. program

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to Virginia Tech ASPECT Ph.D. program; declined admission; now teaching part time at Utah Valley

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job. Please describe: St. Paul's Girls' School, London, England

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job: Instructor, Virginia Tech Philosophy Department

Degree Program Master's Details Teaching job: Teaching philosophy at Thomas Nelson Community College, Virginia Beach, VA

Degree Program Master's Details Other: Changed fields; will apply for programs in new field next year.

Degree Program Master's Details12 Other: University of Virginia Law School

Degree Program Master's Details13 Other: Working in health care policy, which is this student's field. Washington University in St. Louis 2013 Report Website http://philosophy.artsci.wustl.edu

Department name Philosophy

Department chair Kit Wellman, Professor

Faculty Kit Wellman, Chair, Professor • Anne Margaret Baxley, Associate Professor • Eric Brown, Associate Professor • Carl F. Craver, Professor • Dennis DesChene, Professor • John Doris, Professor • Julia Driver, Professor • G. Fay Edwards, Assistant Professor • Claude Evans, Professor • John Heil, Professor • Brett Hyde, Assistant Professor • Charlie Kurth, Assistant Professor • Ron Mallon Director of the Philosophy-Neuroscience- Psychology program, Associate Professor • Anya Plutynski, Associate Professor • Mark Rollins, Professor • Gillian Russell, Associate Professor • Elizabeth Schechter, Assistant Professor • Roy Sorensen, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We had a departmental reading group on Cordelia Fine's book "Delusions of Gender." We found it so helpful that we now email a copy to all our incoming graduate students to read over the summer before they start their PhDs. We hope that this will gradually awareness throughout the department of diversity and inclusiveness issues, especially things like implicit bias and stereotype threat. - we have a thriving feminist reading group in the department - our Women in Philosophy group also meets social three times each semester, to allow all women in the department to meet and exchange ideas and advice (for example, our first year students get to talk to students who are going through job searches and learn about what that will be like. And our assistant professors get to workshop ideas with senior faculty.)

Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 4 2 0 Financial Aid

Men 11 1 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 2

African, 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 4 African-American Scholarships Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latin 0 0 0 Students receive travel funding and often apply successfully for Pacific Islander 0 0 0 summer funding as well. Many of our graduate students choose to teach their own classes in the associated University College Multi-racial 0 0 0 program. This is a way of getting more teaching experience Other race 0 0 0

LGBT 0 0 0 Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total other Total faculty gender 6 12 0 18 Washington University in St. Louis 2013 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The Philosophy, Neuroscience and Psychology program (students may pursue a PhD in philosophy, or in PNP.) Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Cognitive Science Metaphysics Ethics and metaethics Political Theory Experimental Philosophy History (both early modern and Ancient) Ph.D. Students 2012 - 2013 Ph.D. tuition In state: $44,100 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state:$44,100

2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Courses required for Ph.D.: 24 African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 African-American Degrees awarded Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 2 3 6 4 3 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time to completion 6.5 7 7.5 7.5 7.5 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 1 1 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Transcripts: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Other (or race 7 9 18 18 0 0 not provided) GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT 1 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRE score: 7 9 19 19 0 0 Totals Other requirements: Total Ph.D. 26 Total Ph.D. 28 Students 2012 Students 2013

MA Students 2012 - 2013 MA tuition In state $44,100 Women Men Other gender (Year ending) (Year ending) (Year ending) Out of state $44,100 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Types of MA offered African, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal MA Non-terminal MA African-American The APA defines a terminal master's degree as one that can be Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 pursued without enrolling in a Ph.D. program.

Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courses required for MA: 12 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPA: Other (or race 0 0 0 0 0 0 not provided) TOEFL score: LGBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Disability status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other requirements: Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Students 2012 Students 2013 Washington University in St. Louis 2013 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2013 Women Men Other gender Entered the marketplace 7 9 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 1 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 4 6 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 3 0 Were not placed 1 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2008 to 2013 Data not provided Individual Placements for the 2012-2013 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Nechatel in Switzerland Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 3 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Pennsylvania Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Kansas Type of position Tenure track 2014 Report Website Department name wayne.edu Department of Philosophy

Department chair John Corvino, Associate Professor

Faculty John Corvino, Associate Professor and Chair • Lawrence B. Lombard, Professor • T. Michael McKinsey, Professor • Bruce Russell, Professor • Eric Hiddleston, Associate Professor • Susan Vineberg, Associate Professor • Jonathan Cottrell, Assistant Professor • Eun-Jung Katherine Kim, Assistant Professor • Joshua Wilburn, Assistent Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 1 1 0 Financial Aid Men 5 2 2 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 6 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 1 0 Students teaching their own classes 6 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 6 2 2 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 1 1 0 Disablity status 6 3 2

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 9 0 11 Wayne State University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The Wayne St. Ph.D. program offers close contact with excellent faculty across a broad range of areas in analytic philosophy. The department and graduate program are small and close-knit. Ph.D. students receive rigorous training as well as personal and focused attention. One possibly unexpected strength of the program is that it is located in resurgent midtown Detroit which offers a variety of artistic and cultural opportunities. Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: $572 / credit hour Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1239 / credit hour African, 0 2 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 15 Asian 0 1 0 0 The official requirement is 60 credit hours of course-work, 30 of which must be at the 7000-level (graudate seminar-level). Some Native American 0 0 0 0 variations in number of courses can be used to satisfy this requirement. For example, there is a 2-course "cognate" requirem Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 1 13 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 1 16 0 0 GPA: TOEFL score: LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 10 Total Ph.D. 17 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 3 Time to completion 8

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $572 / credit hour Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1239 / credit hour African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 7 Asian 1 2 0 0 Wayne offers "Plan A" (Thesis) and "Plan B" (Essay) M.A. degrees. The M.A. Thesis is more demanding than the M.A. Essay. The Thesis Native American 0 0 0 0 plan generally takes 6 courses (24 credits) plus a "Master's Thesis Direction" course. The Essay plan generally takes 7 Hispanic or Latino 0 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 16 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: Totals 4 19 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 22 Total MA 23 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Wayne State University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 3 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 1 5 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 0 1 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 0 1 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 1 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 1 6 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 1 0 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 4 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 1 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Witchita State University Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing.

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Type of position Tenure track.

Degree Program Ph.D. Details MuleSoft Inc. Type of position Other (business, industry, government, etc.). Please describe: Software development West Chester University 2014 Report Website Department name wcupa.edu Philosophy

Department chair Helen Schroepfer, Associate Professor

Faculty Dr. Ruth Porritt, Professor • Dr. Joan Woolfrey, Associate Professor • Dr. Helen Schroepfer, Associate Professor • Dr. Matthew Pierlott, Associate Professor • Dr. Timothy Golden, Associate Professor • Dr. Dan Forbes, Assistant Professor • Dr. Cassie Striblen, Assistant Professor • Dr. Larry Udell, Assistant Professor • Dr. Steven James, Assistant Professor • Dr. Dean Johnson, Assistant Professor • Dr. Simon Ruchti, Assistant Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness We ensure that all undergraduate syllabi include readings outside the canon, and we have a diversity requirement for our undergraduate majors. We offer a graduate level course on African American Philosophies taught by our African American scholar Dr. Timothy Golden. We have achieved a high level of balance in the faculty in terms of gender. We are reaching out to local historically black colleges, and are exploring a joint BA/MA with one of them. Additional Information Our program is part of the Greater Philadelphia Philosphy Consortium (GPPC) with opportunities to take advantage of conferences and scholarly events taking place at the various universities in the Philadelphia area. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 3 1 0 Financial Aid Men 2 4 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 1 0 Non-teaching fellowships 1.5 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 0 African, 0 1 0 Scholarships African-American 0 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 0 (not allowed) Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 5 5 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT 0 1 0 Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 4 6 1 11 West Chester University 2014 Report

MA program strengths Ethics, Applied Ethics, History of Philosophy, African American Philosophies, Feminist Theory MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $5,201/semester (9 credits) Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$7,532/semester (9 credits) African, 0 2 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 10 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 2 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 4 12 0 0 We offer some MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 2.8 Totals 4 16 0 0 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 2 GRE score: Total MA 26 Total MA 20 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 West Chester University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 7 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 1 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 10 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 5 8 0 0 Entered another graduate program 2 3 0 0 Unknown 1 3 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Type of position Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Temple University

Degree Program Master's Type of position Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Temple University

Degree Program Master's Type of position Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: Temple University Western Michigan University 2014 Report Website Department name http://wmich.edu/philosophy Department of Philosophy

Department chair Marc Alspector-Kelly, Associate Professor

Faculty Fritz Allhoff, Associate Professor • Marc Alspector-Kelly, Associate Professor • Ashley Atkins, Assistant Professor • Kent Baldner, Associate- Professor • Janelle DeWitt, Visiting Assistant Professor • John Dilworth, Professor • Dan Dolson, Visiting Assistant Professor • Arthur Falk, Professor Emeritus and Lecturer • Richard Glatz, Lecturer • Luke Manning, Lecturer • Nicholas Mantegani, Visiting Assistant Professor • Timothy McGrew, Professor • Michael Pritchard, Professor • Quentin Smith, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The department offers a course in the philosophy of race and gender every semester. It also successfully completed two searches (one tenure track and one non-tenure track) in spring 2014 in which female candidates were hired, yielding an increase in the diversity of the department's faculty. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 0 1 1 Financial Aid Men 7 0 7 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 22 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 4 ($4000 total) Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 11 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 There are additional sources of financial aid (including scholarships and fellowships) available through the WMU financial aid office and Pacific Islander 0 0 0 the graduate college. White 7 1 8 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status 0 0 0

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 14 0 16 Western Michigan University 2014 Report

MA program strengths Epistemology, Ethics (Theoretical and Applied), Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: $513.97 per credit hour Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:$1088.62 per credit hour African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. Asian 1 2 0 0 A total of 30 credit hours is required. Seminars are typically 3 hours, but a student may complete the degree without taking seminars Native American 0 0 0 0 alone (e.g. a limited number of independent study course for 1, 2, or 3 credits may be counted toward the degree). Hispanic or Latino 1 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 3 13 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3.0 (in undergraduate philosophy courses) Totals 5 15 0 0 TOEFL score: 500 PBT (61 IBT) for restricted admission; 550 PB LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 20 Total MA 20 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 Minimum 12 hours of undergraduate work in philosophy, including a course in the history of modern philosophy and a course in symbolic logic. Western Michigan University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 0 0 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 0 0 29 Placed in a teaching job 0 0 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. University of Massachusetts Amherst William Marsh Rice University 2014 Report Website Department name http://www.rice.edu/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Steven Crowell, Joseph and Joanna Nazro Mullen Professor in

Faculty Gwen Bradford, Assistant Professor • Baruch Brody, Andrew W. Mellon Professor in Humanities, Professor Philosophy. • Steven Crowell Joseph and Joanna Nazro Mullen Professor of Philosophy and Chair. • H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. , Professor • Richard Grandy Carolyn and Fred McManis Professor of Philosophy • Sophie Horowitz, Assistant Professor • Mark A. Kulstad, Professor • Donald R. Morrison, Professor • George Sher, Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Philosophy • Charles Siewert, Robert Alan and Kathryn Dunlevie Hayes Chair in Humanities, Professor of Philosophy Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information For a non-thesis M.A., the candidate must satisfy the following requirements • Complete at least two semesters in residence at Rice University. • Complete 42 hours of courses approved for graduate credit in philosophy at Rice University with B- or better. • Accumulate an overall GPA of at least 3.0. • Complete at least 30 hours in philosophy at the 500 level. • Satisfy the departmental logic requirement (Philosophy 505 or examination). • Complete at least 5 courses in an area of concentration. • Satisfactorily complete departmental duties. Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's track Women 0 2 0 Financial Aid Men 8 0 0 Teaching fellowships 0 Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships 14 Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 1 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 1 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 8 2 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 2 8 0 10 William Marsh Rice University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths The graduate program educates students to pursue research and teach in the main areas of department concentration: Biomedical Ethics Program, Normative Philosophy, Mind, Science and Knowledge, History of Philosophy Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 39880 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:39880 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 14 Asian 1 2 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 1 1 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 5 18 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 7 21 0 0 GPA: 3 TOEFL score: LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 29 Total Ph.D. 28 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 1 6 1 2 1 Time to completion 7 7 10 6 7 William Marsh Rice University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 13 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 7 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 1 9 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 1 4 0 0 Were not placed 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 2 0 0

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 2 1 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 2 4 0 0 Accepted into a Ph.D. Program 0 1 0 0 Placed in a teaching job 1 2 0 0 Entered another graduate program 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-teaching job 0 0 0 0

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer University of Pennsylvania Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: York University 2014 Report Website Department name http://philosophy.gradstudies.yorku.ca/ Department of Philosophy

Department chair Robert Myers, Professor

Faculty , Associate Professor • Jacob Beck, Assistant Professor • Idil Boran, Associate Professor • Christopher Campbell, Associate Professor • Susan Dimock, Professor • Michael Gilbert. Professor • Michael Giudice, Professor • Joseph Gonda, Associate Professor • Verena Gottschling, Associate Professor • Jagdish Hattiangadi, Professor • Louis-Philippe Hodgson, Associate Professor • Henry Jackman, Associate Professor • David Jopling, Professor • Joseph Keeping, Associate Professor • Muhammad Ali Khalidi, Associate Professor • Alice MacLachlan, Associate Professor • Daniel McArthur, Associate Professor • Esteve Morera, Associate Professor • Georges Moyal, Professor • Robert Myers, Professor • Gerard Naddaf, Professor • Doris Olin, Professor • Judy Pelham, Associate Professor • Stuart Shanker, Professor • Claudine Verheggen, Associate Professor • James Vernon, Associate Professor • Duff Waring, Associate Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness None provided. Additional Information Faculty Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure Degrees offered: Ph.D. Terminal Master's track Women 8 0 0 Financial Aid Men 18 1 0 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships 40 African, 0 0 0 Scholarships African-American 30 Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 4 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A

Total women Total men Total unknown/ Total faculty other gender 8 19 0 27 York University 2014 Report

Ph.D. program strengths We focus on four broad areas: / / --ethics, political philosophy and philosophy of law / / --philosophy of cognitive science, mind and language / / --history of 19th and 20th century philosophy / / --philosophy of science and epistemology Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: approx. $6,000 Women Men Other Unknown Out of state:aprrox, $19,000 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for Ph.D. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes Totals 0 0 0 0 GPA: B+ TOEFL score: 100 LGBT identifying N/A Disability identifying N/A Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total Ph.D. 0 Total Ph.D. 0 Students 2013 Students 2014 Other requirements: Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Degrees awarded 5 3 5 2 5 Time to completion 6 6 6 6 6

MA Students 2013 - 2014 Year MA tuition In state: Women Men Other Unknown approx. $6,000 Out of state:approx. $19,000 African, 0 0 0 0 African-American Number of courses required for MA. 8 Asian 0 0 0 0 8 courses are required if the degree is done by coursework and comprehensive exams. 4 courses are required if it is done by Native American 0 0 0 0 coursework and thesis. Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 0 0 0 0 We do not offer MA courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 MA program entry requirements Other race 0 0 0 0 Transcripts: Yes Unknown race 0 0 0 0 Writing sample: Yes GPA: B+ Totals 0 0 0 0 TOEFL score: 100 LGBT identifying 0 Disability identifying 0 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: Total MA 0 Total MA 0 Other requirements: Students 2013 Students 2014 York University 2014 Report

Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided

Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program: York University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. York University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. York University

Degree Program Master's Details Accepted to philosophy doctoral program. York University

Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Washington University, St. Louis Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years

Degree Program Ph.D. Details University of Helsinki Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 2 years