Government of West Bengal Health & Family Welfare Department National Health Mission GN-29, 4th Floor, Swasthya Sathi Building, Swasthya Bhawan Premises, Sector - V, Salt-Lake, Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700091 (Phone) 033-2333 0238; (Fax) 033-2357 7930 Email: l1QJlh.m~hl@gn]'Ait~omI
[email protected]; Web: I 1 No. HFW/NHM~603/2019/ 3 '-:f Ij '.1- Dated. 1~I 11/ ~ 0 I ~ e I , ORDER Administrative approval and financial sanction is hereby accorded for 'Infrastructure Strengthening of 10 (Ten) nos. of Sub-Centres to be upgraded into Su-Swasthya Kendras (Health &, Wellness Centre) at Darjeeling (SMP) District' at an estimated cost of Rs. 78,03,244.00 (Rupees Seventy Eight Lakh Three Thousand Two Hundred ts: Forty Four) only as per the details shown at Annexure 'A'. 2. The work will be executed by the Engineering wing of District Health &, Family Welfare Samity, Darjeeling (SMP) in conformity with the norms prescribed in Finance Department G.O. No. 5400~F(Y) Dated. 25/06/2012 read with G.O No. 3060~F(Y) Dated. 11/07/2014. 3. Fund will be released after submission of requisition of fund along with the statement of work awarded cost for each facility in favour of District Health &, Family Welfare Samity, Darjeeling (SMP) as the implementing agency. 4. The released amount shall be treated as a pool fund for the said activity. 5. The expenditure shall be booked in the monthly FMR & will be submitted to this end in due course. 6. No price escalation will be allowed in any circumstances.