nd Govt. of West Bengal Hill Cart Road, Airview More, Near 2 Mahananda Bridge, Siliguri-734001. Office of the Executive Engineer (P.W.D.) Ph. No.0353-2431529 North Bengal Construction Division e-Mail
[email protected] Public Works Department Memo No. 583 Date: 31-03-2021 Notice Inviting Quotation No. 38 of 2020-2021 of E.E./P.W.D./N.B.C.D., Siliguri Sealed quotations are hereby invited from reputed & reliable specified Decorators/Firms having wide experience and Credential in Erection of Pandals, Bamboo structure and supply of furniture etc., for the work of “Hire charges for Construction of Kitchen cum dining shed and other ancillary works for CAPF in connection with Assembly Election 2021, at different locations within the jurisdiction of Phansidewa & Kharibari Police Station, Superintendent of Police, Darjeeling under North Bengal Construction Division, P.W.D., Siliguri as per requisition no. 179/RI dated 31.03.2021 of Superintendent of Police, Darjeeling.” as mentioned in Annexure-I attached herewith. The intending quotationer shall have to submit:- 1. Valid Trade License. 2. PAN Card. 3. Professional Tax Clearance Certificate of 2020-21. 4. Valid 15-digit Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number (GSTIN) under GST Act, 2017. Last date and Time limit for application: 05/04/2021 upto 04.00 P.M. Last date & time limit for permission certificate of technical eligibility : 05/04/2021 after 04.00 P.M. Technically qualified agency as allowed by the Tendering Authority shall be allowed to submit the Quotation documents in the Tender Box kept in the chamber of the tendering authority along with permission certificate of technical eligibility to be received from the office of the tendering authority.