
Due: December 5, 2016

Group TPCASTT Analysis--

You will work as a team to analyze a poem by one of the great Fireside Poets. 1. Pick a poet (tell Mrs. Peden -- first come, first served) ​ a. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow d. b. Oliver Wendell Holmes e. c. 2. Pick a poem (minimum of 20 lines) by that poet. ​ ​ 3. Complete the artifacts below

Artifacts 1. Complete the TPCASTT as a group via GoogleDocs and share it with me. Make sure EVERYONE’s ​ name is on the document. Answer all questions using complete sentences. ​ 2. Create a slide with poet’s biographical information on it. Include a picture. Share your slide with me. ​ 3. Create an artistic representation of the poem (poster, diorama, model, movie, skit, etc.). It may NOT ​ be submitted on copy paper or notebook paper. Bring your representation on Monday, December 5th. 4. Answer the question: how does your poem reflect the values/characteristics of American ​ ?

Names:______Group Leader:______*The artifacts will be submitted TOGETHER using the group leader’s Henry County Gmail account. They must ​ ​ be shared with me BEFORE class starts so as to aid with presentations. ​ ​

Rubric: COLLABORATION (Peer survey)...... ____/25 ​ ● Did ALL members of the team work together? COMPLETED TPCASTT (using complete sentences)...... ____/25 ​ ● Correctness ● Depth of analysis PRESENTATION………………………………………………………………..____/50 ​ 1. Present your biographical information slide to the class. Include pictures, but keep it simple (10 points). a. CITE your sources! b. Is it: Visually appealing? Correct? Informational? 2. Read the poem to the class (10 points). a. Speak loud and clear. b. Don’t be boring. c. Extra credit for memorization. 3. Explain/teach the poem to the class (10 points). a. What is it about? b. What did you like most about it? “NOTHING” is not an answer. ​ 4. Present your artistic representation of the poem (10 points). a. Poster, diorama, model, movie, etc. b. NOT on copy paper or notebook paper 5. Answer the question: How does your poem reflect the values/characteristics of American Romanticism? (10 points)