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Honoring Aitkin County * * * * * * * * * * * * 6C Ait kin Independe nt A g We Wednesd ay, N ov . 6, 2013 www.aitkinage.com # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Honoring Aitkin County VETERANS Remembering those who served our country and are now deceased WORLD WAR II • Albert “Ham” Ackley (also Korea), Arthur Aho, Gerald Allen, Anna Glad Amato, Art Ammila, Adam Anderson, Axel Anderson, Bernard Anderson, Billy Anderson, Carl Anderson, Clarence Anderson, Clifford Anderson, Donald Anderson, Ernest Anderson, Glen Anderson, George & June Anderson, Harold Anderson, Henry Anderson, Irvin Anderson, John Anderson, John G. Anderson, Lavern Anderson, Lyle C. Anderson, Ned Anderson, Olaf Anderson, Orvis Anderson, Robert E. Anderson, Robert G. Anderson, Swen Anderson, Virgil Anderson, Shirley Avdt, John E. Backstrom, Roy Backstrom, Arnold Bare, Rodman Bailey, Verton Bailey, Robert Banker, William Banks, Thomas Bann, Floyd Barkley, Ira Bashore, Tom Battson, Joseph Bayerle, James Beall, Robert Beal, LeRoy Beaudry, Elbert Beauneir, Carl Beck, Frank Beck, James Beck, Norman Beckman, Harris Beecher, Don Beerbower, James Bender, Raymond Beneke, LeRoy Benson, James L. Berg, Marvin Berg, Nels Berg, Milton Berglund, Kenneth Berquist, Everett Berry, Lyle Berry, Nancy Berry, Alton Bertels, John Bigouett, John J. Bishop, Howard Bjorlin, Lester Blakesley, Lloyd Blakesley, Willard Blakesley, Dee Blanchard, Roger Bleeker, Carl Bloch, George “Pete” Blount, Fredrick Bodie, George Boleman, Everett Bolster, Armund Botz, Burton Boudreau, Edwin Boyd, Clarence “Mike” Boyer, Francis Boyer, Ori Boyer, Fred Bozvay, Del Brekke, Robert Brekke, Alfred Bridgwater, William Bridgwater, Wallace Brodhead (also Korea), Dennis Brooks, James Broselle, Arthur D. Brown, George Brown, Lester Brown, Louis Bunt, Leo Butterfield, Donald Bzadak, Frank Calwell, Lloyd Cannon, Steven Carda, Gordon Carlberg, Carl M. Carlson, Ludwig Carlson, Orville Carlson, Robert D. Carlson, Kay Carlstrom, Boyd Carr, Calvin Carr, Francis Carr, Robert Carr, Marvin Carroll, Michael Cassady, Wendell Cassady, Chester Catlin, Robert Catlin, Floyd Caverly, James Chatelle (also Korea and Vietnam), Joseph Chatelle (also Korea), Raymond Chatelle, Robert Chatelle, Russell Cheney, LeRoy Chihak, Clarence Chouinard, Walter Chouinard, Albert Chris- tensen, Beatrice Christensen, John Christensen, Marv Christensen, Russell Christensen, Warren Christensen, William Christensen, Gordon Christiansen, Harold E. Chute, Harold Chute Jr., Joseph Clasen, Douglas W. Cline, Frederick Closuit, Lawrence Coleman, Donald Collins (also Korea), William Conner Jr., Pearle Cook, Harold Cooper, Marion Cooper, Roy Corbett, Duane Cory, Jack Cosgriff, Edwin Cousins, Alvin Cox, Scott Cramer, Richard Crossman, Roger Cunnien, Haven Damar, Albert Danielson, Art Danielson, Mathias Danielson, Sam Danielson, William Dare, Don Daskam, Glen Davies, Benjamin Davis, John Dayton, David DeMenge, Charles DeRidder, George Donnelly (also Korea), Wayne Dotten, Denvy Doty, Frank Dotzler, Shelby Dowd, Michael Dragovich, Frank Draper, Wayne Dreher, Jerome Dudley, John Duffy, Gordon Dufrensne, John Dunbar, Paul Dunker, Lloyd Dupont, Norman Dybdahl, Wayne Earsby, James Eddy, Ralph Ekelund, Olaf Eken, Henry Elo, Charles Elvecrog, Lewis Emery, Donald Enberg, Milton Enberg, Louis Enderle, Mathias Enderly, Donald Engberg, Carl Engebretsen, Del Engle, Eddie Lee Engquist, Ralph Epler, Lloyd Erick- son, Richard Erickson, Russell Erickson, Victor Erickson, Arthur Erkkila, Henry Fageroos, Joe Farah, Willie Fellerman, Sam Fields, Paul Filer, Francis Finnerty, Frank Fish, Thorvald Fisher, Ken Fjerstad (also Korea and Vietnam) Clair Flood, Clifford Flood, Janet (McQuade) Foehle, Ed Follett, Clarence Forsmen, Birger Fossum, Glenn Fouse, Ray Fowlds, Roland Francin, Wilbur Frank, Carl Franzen, Donald Franzen, Howard Franzen, Walter Franzen, Carl “Ed” Fredrickson, Hjalmer Fredrickson, Morrill “Bud” Freeman, Nyle Fulton, Harold Futhey, T.G. Garlinghouse, Owen Gar- linghouse, Ralph Gerads, Arvid Gerard, Elmer Gilgenbach, Frederick Isadore Glad, Walter Glad, John Glashon, Gordon Goble, Lawrence Goble, Harvy Goetch, Richard Goforth, Edwin Goldman, Lawrence Gouthier, John Grefornik, Jesse Griffin, Walter Groehler, John Grubb, Ray Grubb, William Grubb, John Grulke, Arthur Guimond, Albin Gustafson, Andrew Gustafson (also Korea), Ver- non Haagensen, Robert Haglund, Daryl Hagman, Harris Hagman, Wayne Hagman, Willard Hagman, Ernest Hall, John Hamdorf, Richard Hamment, Edwin Hammer, Russell Hammond, Clarence Hansen, James Hansen, George Hansen, Arthur Hanson, Carl Hanson, Carl H. Hanson, Clinton Hanson, Jessie Hanson, George Hanson, Lawrence Hanson, Lampert Hanson, Marvin Hanson, Orbin Hanson, Robert Hanson, Robert Harder, Robert Harler, Francis Harris, Robert Hartman, Raymond Hartzberg, Noel Hasskamp, Denzil Hatfield, James Hawke (also Korea), Angus Hawkin- son, Duane Hazelton, David Hector, Gorden Hedstrom, Carroll Heft, Lee Heft, Norman Heft (also Korea and Vietnam), Harley Heineman, Walter Heineman, Abel Heirick, George Hejny, Thomas Henderson Sr., John Hendrickson, Lloyd Hendrickson, Norman Hendrickson, Larry Henkel, John Henricks, Verdon Henrickson, Raymond Henry, Olaf Hermanson, Henry Hesse, Stanford Hestbeck (also Korea), Thomas Hicks, Ralph Hietalati, Allen Hill, John Hogan, Donald Hogland, Floyd Holden, Charles Holland, Clarence Hollister, Christian Holm, John Holm, Knute Holm, Mattie Holm, Richard Holmquist, Earl Hoover, George “Jim” Hooper, Robert Horne, Pete Houwman, Francis Howard, George Howard, Lawrence Howard, Richard Howard, Walter Howard, Wilbur Howard, Woodrow Howard, Eugene Howe, William Hudson, Alfred Huhta, Norman Hulin, Robert Humphrey, Leonard Hurd, Martin Hyytinen, Paul Hyytinen, George Ince, Eugene Insley (also Korea), Otis Insley, John Isaacson, Orville Island, Edwin Iverson, John Iverson, Leslie Iverson, Bruce Jacobs, Burnett Jacobs, Gordon Jacobs, Roger Jacobs, Cliff Jacobson, Elton Jacobson, Newman Jacob- son, Edward Jarson, Don Jensen, Ivan Jindra, Alfred Johnson, Arnie Johnson, Arthur A. Johnson, Bernerd Johnson, Carl Johnson, Chester Johnson, Clifford Johnson, Clyde Johnson, Curtis John- son, Edward Johnson, Edwin N. Johnson, Fred Johnson, Glen Johnson, Hans Johnson, Harris Johnson, James Johnson, John “Art” Johnson, Melvin Johnson, Milt Johnson, Ray Johnson, Robert Johnson, Stanley Johnson, Vernon Johnson, Viljo Johnson, Walter Johnson, Warren Johnson, William Johnson, Willard Johnson, Richard Johnston, William Jorgensen, Richard Joriman, Larry Jungell, Robert Kane, Arnie Kangas, Ben Kangas, Carl Kangas, Raymond Kangas, A. Myron Kast, John Keen, William “Red” Keenan, Edward Kehoe, Fred Kellerman, Bryce Kelsey, Rex. Kelsey, James Killeen, Harlan Kingsley, Ray Kirkhorn, Leonard Kittleson, Ervin Klingelhofer, Marvin Klingelhofer, Willmer Knight, Harry Kobs, Louis Konovsek, Bill Kopp, Dick Kopp, Jim Kopp, George Kruse, Russell Kullhem, Glenn Kumm, Glenn Kunshier, Edward Kurkinen, Eino Kurkinen, Reino Kurkinen, William Kurkinen, Byron Kurtz, Steve Kurtz, Kenneth LaBar, Warren Lackie, Weslie Lackie, Don Lafferty, Frank Lafferty, Joseph LaHood, Archie Lamke, Calvin Lamke, Robert Lampert, Archie Landey, Theodore Landgren, Raymond Landrus, Harvey Lange (also Korea), Homer Lange, William Lange, Everett Larson, Bernard Latterell, Arthur Latvala, Eino Latvala, Robert Lawrenz, Frank Leitner, Bernard Lemire, Cyril Lemire, Victor Lemire, Clyde Lesh, John Lewis, Russell Lewis, Elmer Liljenquist, Hilding Linde, Vernon Linde, Clarence Lindgren, Oscar Lindman, Cliff Loomis, Alfred Lounas, Robert Laurey (also Vietnam), Bill Lovegren (also Korea), Conrad Lueck, William Lueck, Donald Lundberg, Gerald Lundberg, Leslie Lundberg, Eugene Lundeen, Roy Lundeen, Curtis Lundquist, Hugo Lundquist, Melvin Lundquist (also Korea), Kenneth Lyons, Charles MacDon- ald, Linda Voltz MacDonald, Warne MacDonald, Fred Mackaman, Russell Maddy, Robert Madeson, Tom Madsen, Bernard Magnuson, Merl Malin, George Manning, Lester Marsh, Art Mathison, Melvin Mathson, Thomas Matten, Alvin Matthews, Donald Maul, Ervin Maul, Duell McCullough, John McCullum, Alvin McFarlane, Charles McKinley, Douglas Meacham, Henry Mead, Arvid Mehtala, Otto Mellema, Albert Melsby, William Melsby, Ed Meyer, Walter Meyer, Arnold Mickelson, Joel Mickelson, Lawrence Mikes, Karl Miles, Ed Miller, Howard Miller, Wilmer Miller, Lamberth Min- drum, Norman Misfeldt, Alvin Moe, Ralph Moe, Robert Moe, Victor Monse, Harold Moore, Roland Moore, Harold Morgan, Wilson Morris, Jack Morrison, Bernard Multz, Clifford Munter, Arnold Murphy, Fred Murray, Harold Mushel, Donald Nadeau, Andrew Nelson, Charles Nelson, Edward Nelson, L. A. “Bud” Nelson, Lawrence W. Nelson (also Korea), Vern Nelson, Robert Nelson, Robert W. Nelson, Orvin Nestrud, Donald Newstrom, O.W. “Wally” Newstrom, Lloyd Nemetz, Vernon Nienow, Edward Nyberg (also Korea and Vietnam), Harry Nyberg, Vern Oaks, Lyman Oberg, John Ofstead, August Oja, Henry Oja, Wendell Olive, Alfa Olson, Alvin Olson, Cecil Olson, Conrad Olson, Don Olson, Holger Olson, Melvin Olson (also Korea), Robert L. Olson (also Korea), Dennis O’Neil (also Korea), Larry O’Neil, Carl Orjala, Lloyd Osborn, Wilton Otis, George Ottis, Russell Oxley, Roland Panning, Melvin Parker, Harold Parikka, John Palthe, LeVerne Parrow, Carl Passig, Clarence Patrick, Frank Patrick Sr. (also Korea), Howard Paulsen, Erland Paulson, Arvid Pearson, E. Allan Pearson, Gunder Pearson, John Edgar Pearson, Milton Pearson, Harland Pedersen, Raymond Peoples, Earl Perkins, Lorin Petersdorff, Ben Petersen, Albert Peterson, Bernard Peterson, Byron Peterson, Cameron Peterson, Clarence Peterson,
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