There’s No Satisfaction In Loafing All Day Unless You Ought to Be Working-Epictetus, Jr.

d HjIKVH ON Club tryout i will I»C held today and ( you visit Colorado Field tomorrow, Oct. :i and 4, from I frequently? The team 4:30 to "5:30 p. m. from 4::iO <1:00 liOt’s make it another riub i practices to daily. Go out and watch; to be proud of. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLLEGIAN the fellows want you to.

ru ished the weekly by Associated Students of the Colorado State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.


of S. A. T. C, Now Personnel on Duty 1 —l! —Physical Examinations Schedule Not Settled—-Out-of-St ate I*ro- A Playlet In Two Acts (iaiiu's (o b© CanfeHed- cmlitiK Swiftly Nix On Profanity; Lat- Ht*awon May Extend Into I>eceml»er est With the arrival of the In Which the Guggenheim Order newly as- Winning Ways of West- military officers here, fall Everyone is interested in the ath- signed and the t'aiise Complimentary work being made letic events this ever more than quick of physical Comment. Just year to look at her you wouldn't in ordinary times. examinations, the real routine of the > The football think It was in her. students* training has be-' schedule has beeu changed several army corps ACT I. If didn’t know you her you mi£ht times and isn’t settled Time* -Mid-afternoon possibly yet. gun. I of day in ] describe her as more or less of the The first schedule drawn A reversion of the naming the middle as up last of • of September. Puritan type, inclined to be severe winter divisions been will be played out as nearly two has made by the Place: Front porch > of bouse on , even to austerity. But Tacts speak as possible with department, the 8. A. T. C. di- Peterson the exception of out war - street. Approach, short otherwise. of state games. It will be almost im- vision being known as Division A. rotund . man who rings door-bell. Yes, there’s no doubt or the verity possible to give the time while the special detach-^ 1 Door is opened up neces- training ' by housewife. of the affair. The whole drafting cj sary for making long trips, hence the ment comprise Division B. Short Rotund inen Man: Good after- i class testifies to Its truth, and Miss H. W.: Who is that small rather say in fine condition when the do the wouldn’t be the but—mother games bring supreme sacrifice for his i stout fellow who is hunting rooms truth, come. always used red to burn country. for tlie Freshman? pepper out The men are ti ruing out in good Two companies. and II to the smirch of naughty words! A are > Son: Let nie see. Did he wear than 'shape, more 50 having made make students’ The truth must out. "You gave ap- up the army training : glasses and have a soft black hat? - OLD GLORY AND SERVICE for " Plication suits. The freshmen me >ll’ blushed the fair lady, ami j camp here. Ed. House and Paul If. W.: Yes! A nice looking fellow ' rubbing >■■■■■■ f Im>„, . the stern old halls of tiuggenhetrh Sweitzer have been appointed to act . with a broad cheerful smile. Is he and all promises well for the Aggie until frowned upon such deaeration. * top sergeants further notice, ole of your classmates? a team. *****HKmmn ®mn.kintonrd effto*rt* nil!!. i?ou* Why U»*tV- |Colorado Field h Scene of he appointed shortly. fall, the English teacher’

■ ■■■■■ ■■ ar - ! —J M. C. Solemn Induction Ceremonies SPECIAL TRAINING PRES. LORY DEFINE FRATS SHELVE ACTIVI- STATUS OF COLLEGE TIES TILL WAR ENDS MEN ON CAMPUSI ■'l pledge allegiance to my flag and I the oath of allegiance. Ft reads a* THIRTY-FOUR WANTED "This will be our happiest year.” th,‘ for which ft stands. One follows: republic 1 I • said President Lory, In his I’ntll the war is brought to p satin- giving! and nation, IndUisible, with liberty Mounge « f tli * I'l-c* dent of the welcome Students returning to Aggies and l address at the first factory end there will l.e no morel assem- FOR OFFICERS CAMP all.' In clear, determined justice for Unite I State** In Arm) , newly registered frosh as well, will 1 bly last Wednesday. “It will be the me rs fraternity activities at C. A. C. 1 out oath that made o' t a great nation, a na- witnessed The agreement drawn at that i College to officers* VField has ne\er tefore wireless tlon that stands up training camp-* win hi* own p!a'e in tlie world and •sends messages. Everywhere 5 for the upbuilding heedful the sugg.Jtlon, conference, end presented to the fac- PPiomptly of he is reminded of the pres- . of the human race; for equal oppor- ■ Tiavo i»* nine comrades in 'lie com- ( one goes By Oct. 1 Major Hardin li» to pro ulty is as follows: President Wilson. th‘* Colorado (>of of the in special training. . (unities to all and special privileges men c.iiu* of making the world a f- ence men pare and transfer "Because thirty men v ji«» College was initiating to of conditions resulting Agricultural The old rock walk which ran from \ none. We re Aggies yet, but back bw ttr*r place to live in You leave have been fully inducted with com- from the the fraternities of 0. Its contingent of the new students of that stands the war, |( entire Main to the college depot has been re- . nation we repre- olned you/ I’lvo : with the A. ploiA records, to ( amp MacArthur. 1, C. wishing to do all in their army training corps placed smooth concrete. sent. We’re Americans and as Amer- power Manhood of flic country and pledged. I by to | Texas, for Infantry training, and four soldiers ai d cooperate in its relentless Standing at attention, immediately leans we are going to prose- lives, Students will appre- . measure up and ns did your forefathers, “your cution. to the machine gun school at Camp listened the strains of the have adopted the policy here .Is Ilians to ciate this improvement by recalling ; qualify this winter ' vnur fortunes and your saevea Hancock, Georgia. , >vhllo Old Glory was in outlined for the duration of the ml tonal anthem. the number of times they have tried l The president .hen pointed out lonct" to tie freedom of humanity. * W'a r the of the campus flag that with last . aland to top to remove one of those huge rocks—- . year's Aggies largely All candidates must be good officer The enterprise upon which you 1 1. That four in the there uii pledging suspended pole. which projected some inches* service have with material, having passed rigid phys ** gone i l ave em larked is a hazardous and look charge of the' hy Saturday. Peptemher 2S, at 12 Major Hardin above the surrounding terrain—-from them many of the things of leal examination. One of the main i peace This i* war of bVI*y»lf which ifficult one. not a _ first part of the program, f itsj emplacement with the toe of their r Ninos, and the old Aggie institution it) itiiieiiiviMß of the n:cn ?« be sentj 1 vmrilh; til*M it not aCilOi.intlc StPUR 22. flag raising etereiies | n is now That itu pledgor* will bo In- tatted with the -hoe. They may also be able to re- . a highiy specialized lnsfltu- *o the machine school is that gun -k Is of ideals, tough; itiated After this, It a war yet tlo.i. during the war unless given snd oath of allegiance i call the utter failure of the effort and I whose purpose t* to train should have bad thoro training men they 1 devices of silence am; front the war do with ail the ( permission by the military depart- he read the orders | the sulphurous nature of the at- for military service. With the In- in arithmetic, algebra, and plane ge 1 first with the power of machines. Ti ment, oartment. aulhorUing the a,-1 mosphere round about as they gavea ductlon of the men Into the service, In jornetry. Students' Arms Train succeed you must not only I e the authority of 3. Thut the Alpha Psi fraternit) ■mhly of the ! vent to their feelings. the college over the this messages from Preal optrod Ly the ideals for which student’s shall not be required to conform to Corps, and On what used to he the boys' ten- conduct, ends, and lie is un- I OLLLP4 TION ItOO l I.S M»l( ing , Benedict Crowell, country stands, but you must als > fce this agreement if medical reserve I Oil Wilson. Hon. i ( nis courts urn two long buildings. In i ler military discipline, altho the col- lILKJ VN lIAIIES ABE of Staff Peyton C marten? of the technique with which mule lege is still me i are not Included in the students’ md General Chief t one of those about three dozen » responsible for his study EsTAIIIINIf El> lIEICI must not " the battle is fought. You , training the C. S. Army. shoers are learning the art of “In regard to former traili- army corps March of manu- our thrilled for the The Wilson's message was only bo with zeal and nailing shoas on the lions." continued the college authorities were much President facturing s speaker, “I Attractive milk lottle standi* for end of the 1 tilled common welfare, 1 ut you must also . which pull Uncle Barn's light would advise that pleased at the prompt and patriotic lashed from one animals » you forget old-time voluntary contributions to the Bel and formed a part Tie masters of the weapons of today. The traditions between Hctlnii taken and have extended to tales to the other artillery and supply wagons. - and giaii Relief fund have made their ap al all doul t of tli«* is- - thi* ceremonies Ther*» can be no other I uildlng is the automobile re- fraternities iippim-lutlon for their be of Hie Induction - sophomores, juniors and seniors ia> pea ranee In the city and will * where stu- The that is revealed and cooperation. and universities sue. spirit pair shop, where operations are per them rwiiv in c,lieges lavendAr. somewhere placed in different establishments ' men took on 6) Before army training rorps (Continued Page formed upon the Internal workings of where they will the suspension of activities dents' f keep Cherish evorv

a wete mlglnalLv adopted ears without cost to the owner except one of them number of men weri pledged, and Tlot stand** t as glories of the days be- besides Committee for Bel- "or materials used. fore the these there who bv the California war. and let us make lire some up our *ere Relief and proved to he such a I In the electrical building may be minds that after pledged but not initiated last gian RUNS LATEST PROMOTIONS the war we will take source REGISTRATION two rooms full of soldiers U successful of income that the found P and V«ir. I’n'ess permission is given by | * carry them on in a bet that It should be made clicking away learning th« Interna- ter than in the military department, no plodge* committee felt IN ROLL way times ,»r peace a SERVICE rather than 600 MARK tional code. This building sounds se «ili a national movement ABOVE special bo initiated during the period of t organizations no long Western the local The is to eventually like a main office of the or for social war. one. plan r » advancement only The Union. A list of have stands of this kind In every city women win, of pledges follows On scanning the rows of sopho- course, nor tie so of (he United States and (Con' nued on Page Alpha PI Lambda Brown, any size in to Wednesday was seniors, is Continued on Page —Roy Registration more'?, juniors and one 5) turned over to the Harry Ai- the money will he still com- Menton, Ralp MacMunay, ( i;:;i'., with a few stragglers astonished at the absence of many national who will forward tnur Fpencor, Leonard Maker. Lari treasurer, ( 134 than the number of ing In. This Is more fsmiPar faces, as a (urge to authorities (Continued on Page 2| the same the Belgian last About training dur- total registration of year. flic men have entered Mar ca.j get more insight P. are enrolled In the the summer. Everywhere Ag- Into tlm :iß'i of these ing mysteries of lire of those winning commis- ami vision further A T C Of course some gie men have been ahead if hia work Witt optical et|ulpnient ia registered Tor 8. A. T. C. sions. so that It is difficult to keep ef flelent. You should examination not lie the physical track of the many making good. WOMEN S FALL STYLES ,„l pass iilind to the value take be of Kood will probably Some of the most recent might and consequently eyesight. OD us examine work. the close of the last Le secured this regular college noted here. At your eyes It they R«ally smart and choice Women's irhoe* cannot EYESIGHT are trou 111 T received hlinti you. We season ns easily heretofore for Rood leathers are scarce agriculture opens camp at the Presidio, seven I are hm The school or MAKtS coin petent to point W i : lI.U K Til KM. commissions second lieutenants In out your eye The outlook for short course us Oi l K. PROGRESS trouble to you and rit date und have been as- you about normal. To the infantry, now WK'UK AT VOITt Hlllil M K students is possible with proper glasses. instructors In ami dould there signed to positions as lTti have enrolled no Also the F. A. T. C. and other training EVANS more to hear from. OPTICAL PARLOUS VANCE-MAXWEI L SHOE CO.. are many THE Lieut. If. E. Vasey lias been usual unmber who come camps. there ts the 1S. Ave. adjutant College 158 South College total enroll- assigned bore as personnel without warning. The Makers of (»lus>t*s 353. Continued on Page 2) That L'it ment last year was 1»I8. IHIBSDAV. OCT. 8. ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLLEGIAN, TWO

Mountain Collegian NATIONAL BANK The Rocky THE FORT COLLIN’

Students of the State Agrf- OPERA HOUSE BLOCK F. W. Woolworth & Co. Tlir official publication of the Associated cultural College- the Collins I ostofflce. Entered as second-class mail at Fort accounts received Large or small Published morning of each neck. Cent on Thursday In our Savings Department 10 and 15 Store. 4 interest on all deposits 5, per cent paid 5 Values $l.OO Single copy tents. The Store of Big Subscription price, per year. the Manager. Address nil business correspondence to M. M. ST. CLAIR, 2nd V. Pres. S. W. JOHNSON, President Woolworth’s Service Advertising rates on application. WEBB, Cashier Wool worth's Quality R BRENIMAN, Vice-President G. A. Assistant Cashier K. C. CRESSWELL. Phones— THANK YOU Collegian Office: College Exchange Sherwood I *Ol. Sherwood *lO4, 4 rings. Closed Exchange Hour'-: 7

STAFF. Editor-In-Chief ELIZABETH H. D'AMOUR Business ROY FOARD Manager PAUL SWEITZER Athletic Editor The Times Demand Book Store MARY SHULTIS Society Editor Evans PEGGY BOYD Literary Editor MILDRED BRISTOL Local Editor Exchange Editor Trained Men and Women and School Supplies Sher. 444 JANE KIRK College PROFESSOR JONES Aluinni Editor JOHN CORREY. GRACE BREED, HELEN CLARKE Reporters

is often near the for the The Pen That Mrkes Writing a Pleasure There always a place, top, trained or woman. SHEAFFER’S man Self Cleaning WHO'S WHO Self Filling the times be like the present, $ anf the four hun- Filiform Courtesy Liberal Treatment Animal Husbandry General Science dred students at the wl Service Absolute Safety college ere he formerly taught, not only Prompt Electrical Engineering Veterinary Medicine does he know the name and fare, hut he has stored little personal Mechanical Vocal and Instrumental Mu- H. EVES, Vice-President items about each in his Engineering L C MOORE, President T. memory, so that when he meets them he is C. W. ZEPP, Vice-President sic. A C HU VKR. Vice-President not at a loss what to converse about, but makes them feel at Ass't Cash. once M o NELSON, Cashier A. J. WHISTLEMAN, have met take> real in them. they a friend who a interest Have you visit the school from An attractive campus, substantial buildings, well* ever returned to old which you graduated sev- eral to have years ago, only, one of your former teachers say', "I iieg equipped laboratories, an up*to*date little city, a pardon, what is the name?” You certainly did not feel compli- corps of professors and instructors of the first mented, and in of that teacher several Freestone Peaches spite yourself, sank degrees Fine Elberta in a student which an vour estimation. rank, body is inspiration. To the young man or woman taking up teaching for ttie first FRUITS time, this one difference AN EXCELLENT LINE OF FRESH faculty may spell the between success and THE COLLEGE LIBRARY failme. Children want to lie friends with the new teacher, and are COl ORADO FRUIT & PRODUCE CO. to if At Your Service sure feel slighted she cannot even remember their names. Not to the instructor, only but also to the business man, the 8:00 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. the military officer, is this an asset. 421 plotician, indispensable Many Phone Sherwood of Sunday Hours—9:oo a. m. to 9:30 p. m. our presidents are said to have i>ossessed this ability to a remark- able A is degree. story told by a ])olitician who, during his child- Il l lil|i:|llUMl>|l||ll|l|||||||||||||||||| I I I ;I >l| 11111 1 !| 111!' 1 1111 || I.I:' I 111 111111 111 111:. I I |M|'l||l||l||||'l|ll|ll|llt hood chanced to meet Abraham Lincoln during his brief sojourn in small town a country of Illinois Some years later thev met again, Colorado I and to the fact that fhi=* was the first Agricultural College and the lad who had to that Board grown maturity during time was The Bulletin ■ game ot the season, the play was Fort Colorado amazed see Collins, CHAS. A. LORY, President to Mr. Lincoln comt to him and greet him name. somewhat erratic. by President also excelled in this Coach Scott was much McKinley respect. XOTKE TO AKSKMHLY < IVOIUTS. pleased with Mow, at the when faces the showing of his teum. The opening year, friendly are All members of last years' glee few and is a rime the Fort Collins leant, which was the strangers many, good to cultivate Ttabit. Try clubs and atwelfthly chorus are In- ! to the 1917 northern Colorado pennant win impress upon your mind characteristics of each vlted to take seats on the platform striking per- ner, looks like a good bet and determine tor another son you meet, to to remember and ats and assist In the general singing. face, name, championship this season. other nnnv as about the STUDENTS—SOLDIERS points possible people you are introduced to. j j You will never the efforts MEK'ri GLEE CU B. regret sj>ent on what you may now con- LATEST PROMOTIONS sider a mere trifle. Those wishing to try out for the Our Jewelry Lines Are Unsurpassed— IN SERVICE ROLL above glee club will have the oppor- Our Repair Work Is Done by Experts tunity by calling at the conservatory (Continued from Page 1) on Thursday and Friday. Oct. 3 and MAN PROPOSES, HE MILITARY DISPOSES 4. from 4:30 to 3:30 p. m. of the C. C. student's train- C. C. Stone & A. army | Co., Jewelers | ing corps; Lieut. Clarence F. Dewey' (X)LLFXiE ll.\M) WANTS , and Hugh B. Smith assigned to South Avenue. were have % 117 College MOKE MKMIIKKS Perhaps von noticed on the fifth page of this issue the S. A. T. C. of Boulder, while a more shall I That the Aggie band this year schedule of class than in Lieuts. Osgood Mussey and Arthur complete daily periods was given 'he last than ever is the expectation This be better Collegian. was because of the that Fish hold similar positions at Mis- necessary fact last week of Mr. Win. Feldman, the director. we not that S. A. T. C. and soula, Mont., and Golden, respect- were aware students civilian- have a present the He reports twenty men at different ively. ‘‘Smoky Joe’’ Wood and John schedule in the afternoon. It is regretted that the li-t first first meeting, and hopes to hive Chiropractic G. Blanch have also been made sec not in given was complete every detail, as the oversight may have more members before long. ond lieutenants, and are now on duty caused some confusion to new students. at the induction program Already, If not it Camp Taylor, Ky. you are feeling tiptop, locates \nothcr rev ision in to why? Chiropractic of the S. A. T. C. the band took a arrangements which we might call at- Aggies receiving lieutenants' com- why, “The Cause," without a single It is much of the tention here is the fact that student in asking question. conspicuous part and the division training here is missions in branch of four since I thiv isii.n \ 203, Block, Above The Maher Store have be >n assigned to The local High school football sea- Camp Taylor. and 'he special training men as Division B. Kentucky. Bruce Thornton la now on Wble it all yon > ns opened last Saturday Col- is our policy' to get our news complete and correct Jackson. South Carolina. Field Collins High trim- at Camp in all Ix-st effort- orado when respect®, our cannot prevent a slip now and then. A number of the newly appointed med Loveland. The game was a This is true this when especially year, an order that is ts,i:c | ~t;e lieutenants were visitors on the 1 W. R. practice game. The local team de- dav r-scimled SHIELDS is another, and

Both teams were constantly trying ern slang the Germans send back the THE SOLDIERS WALLOP new men. Due to these changes word, Not tin-type.” Taylor, Maurice ■at on your Morger, Lynn Bee- STUDENTS— A WORD OUR LIST SCORE :M-d ABOUT MAILING Uee, Mr. Daley, Carl Hlgby, Mr. Mc- Clellan, Max Hunter. Last Saturday afternoon Alpha Pal—Victor a college Tengwaid, H. baseball C. Patterson, team was given a few les- Many of the men now rooming in the various Fort O'.'lins Maurice Shahan. Bruce Baker, Chas. sons on the homes will into the barracks c. Foulk, Ray Stewart, game by tile drafted men. Oct. 4 move new within a few weeks To Empress—Fri. Walter W. The LaPayette, A. Boyd. T. F. score-keeper counted mail out the first two or three issues of The Collegian to their thirty-four pres- Nick. Grand addresses would of these lessons, Opening ent only necessitate revising our mailing list later. than got tired and Sigma Nu—Donald Stone, Franklin went home. And The staff has consequently decided to distribute The after perhaps it Is a good Collegian dtibbs. Joe Knapp, Leonard Doyle, for each the first few issues. thing our reputation that he did assembly Thursday Louis Nlatt, Harvey Bryant. VAUDEVILLE j go home Of course, the girls' could he sent to Fort copies their Collins Sigma Della Preston Mausey, There is to be another game this address, but that would si Season create me confusion at the time of distribu- Douglas Helblg. Ralph WooUon, coming Saturday. Let's reorganize tion at ihe door. Chuck Besides, the women to receive Davis, Alva Ratekln. assembly ought the team or get a r.ew team or do 6 BIG ACTS 6 their at the same time the men Sigma Phi Kps Iron papers do. Faculty meurliers Eastman, something may so that then we can give their be their and if Henry Mitchell. E. Carey. C. cxjvcrt copies to sent to office are not Ranka. the Matinee, 3 m.—All Seats 25c they' re- soldiers a few of these lessons. Bargain p. Oeo. Stanley. Alfred ceived the business would ad- Stanley, O. Remember, promptly, manager appreciate being a game Saturday T. morn- and 44c vised Baum, Sheahan, Jack Matheraon Evening, 8:15—25c, 33c of the fact. ing. EVERYBODY OUT! Doddsworth. P. 18 Strange, Theo. Lap- By October w e ho]>e to have our mailing list complete. 'Hie man. Percy Gellwlck, L A. T. will then Harvey. Lieutenant S. C. men receive their at the The Germans L Y R I and Saturday— Collegians barracks, Lloyd are C—Friday Ramey. Floyd Randolph, J. P while the thick as peas. others w ill thru the mail as in the All who have What had we bet- go )> Brush, Clarence Klmsey. ter do? WILLIAM FARNUM IN “TRUE BLUE" their address since asked changed registration are to send 'he cor- Sigma Alpha Epsilon—R. Klro- Captain—Shell idiot.- — rect address to the business manager. them, you inons, It. Hutton, Carl Stitt. Harold Exchange. ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLLEGIAN. OCTOBER X, 1918. THURSDAY, THREE

Athletic Notes Our Latest Graduates FRAT CLOTHES

Irving and that last Curtis, ’l6, is practicing teaching again Go Out For Athletics final thrust which at Provo, Utah, while tells whether veterinary medicine at Richfield, awaiting her call. Minnie For Men or not the Koppe is Young young sol- Utah. with dier will her at Provo, English It You’d Be a come home to his teaching Soldier sweet- heart Ray Long, has and Science and folks ’l6, a good vet. in the school. or whether High or not he practice at N. D. wll 80 the Upton, wa y countless heroes have Pour How many Aggies are out for foot- Mr. Welty, ’lB, Specialized Men's make gone before him. is suffering from a Young Clothes—They Wm ball? How A. Stevenson, is broken leg, their many for cross country? Take that last ’l6, a veter and Is now In the hos- first appearance in Town this Fall. Their is sprint in a race Style Tho college has just these when inary physician at Delta, Utah. pital at Camp Greonlee, such to opened, the athlete thinks Georgia. We as \\ in Young Men in a are worth his heart and hurry. They have been In head for head wish him a questions my are to speodv recovery. Z going explode and seeing. scat- Friends I have! often wondered of Edward Alkire are days. if ter into a thousand sorr> pieces. Not at able walk to learn that he is 111 Mayo Dorothy every one to would answer all different from very at Gregory is teaching do- fighting all day Brothers’. He has had undergo mestic Coach Hughes’ appeal and come out and then, to science and physics at the now entirely worn to have out, several a suit. to operations, and is still very high school at Grover this in make a dash across year. an open field low. Ills wife and mother to are with MURPHY-READY cover when the CO. enemy has come The full benefit of coliege athletics him, doing everything in their at one from power Helen Marks Schmidt a new direction. has been did not to me until appear I “nterod to save him. MtUllllllll Il: The IIHlUt1l|lllll|ll|llllll>llll|'l(!l|ll|ll|l||||||||ll|ll|i:|ll|ll|!,1,11,1,1. |., Bi * 11,1.: *•I ( ■ I , same teaching for three in Alaska. ||f |, , leg weariness, exhaus- years the service some months Less ago. tion, Her iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisaitiiisuiiiiiiaitiitiiiiMiiiiiiiilnii'liilitliillillMliilt and desire husband is at war. She has re- ta stop and rest than a we©!; after I was drafted I be- Wilbur L. Brown, ’l7, is leaving a which one feels turned to Colorado and is now teach- and overcomes in to congratulate the lit- a lucrative gan myself on veterinary practice at ing domestic science at Pueblo. cross-country rqce confronts one tle bit of training I had received, and on Montrose to enter the a long h ke. army. ICE, CREAM Many a man 1 know has to wish that I had made full use of si niggled thru with a heavy Bessie Briggs, *l7, is teaching do- Colorado field and Coach pack Carl M. Hughes. Hall, ‘l7, has accepted u when he clean mestic was tired. Just because science and music at New Let’s first see that pari of soldier- position with tho Denver Ranch he h.d Hog learned while Itaymer, Colo. which is concerned running or Serum ing directly with company. playing fool ball that calisthenics a man can go Ask athletics, and recreation for our folder giving a full Just as far u« he thinks he can games. An example of the former Leon (“Ted”) McCandless, Hazel Mow, ’IT7I* Lamm, ’l7, is at Rock Aggies, get out for list of CREAMS and SHERD- he had simple some- practicing may by taking a move* voterlnnry medicine at Springs, Wyo.. teaching science in [ thing. if nothing more, namely, gel out and ment, jumping to the side Craig, Colo. the high school. ETS—lt’s throw a football to free for the each other or asking. p'raddle and clapping hands above play Do leap frog. that will back to attention anything heads, coming at George Cooper and Monroe Nelson, Florence Jones, ’lB, is teaching do- will give your muscles of It is suppleness graduates the count two. a simple ex- last Rprlng, are holding po • mestic science at Colo. •rhlch characterizes a thorohred ercise. yet I’ve seen many a husky, sions with the Bureau of Animal in horse from a plow horse. You do no! THE ICE well-muscled fellow get *.n unmerci- dustry, doing meat inspection work Fay Porter, ’lB, is instructor iu RIVERSIDE AND it see now, but l know that the “bawling out” little in Denver. ful because he wasn’t domestic science at the Sapfcent Con- STORAGE athletic CO. training I receded do under able to it right. Many of them school, at Monte Vista. It Hughes has solidated saved me a thousand Phone had the strength but were entirely George Carr, ’lB, is practicing vet • is an excellent position, and Miss Sherwood 1300 times from being humiliated in front In the at Leadville, Colo. Porter is lacking suppleness so common erinary enjoying her work very of GOO or COO men. Why, only yes- to a trained athlete. This is but one ‘ much. terday I saw a fellow made the example. Dozens of others could be Edith Baker has been notified to > laughing stock "QY'AMTV FIRST”—III T SAME of a company because QCAIJTIKS given where he to as Ida has well-meaning fellows re«idy go overseas hospital I Strachan, ’lB, a good po- ho couldn't “FOH LESS MONEY” Jump a trench five feet dietitian. Baker has been sition of felt the wrath of an officer just be- -1 at one the C. F. & I. camps wide. A lieutenant, a man whose I-h the reason of cause his muscles were not In shape accepted in similar work and is*; at Primero, Colo. our continuous growth. For the best time is valuable in tarining recruits, finalities are alwiiyn found here. to make little sideward movements. let another fellow take care of his Look Into some of the games which class while ho gave this fellow his wo are forced to play. For most of The personal attention. He FACULTY ROLL GALL GUGGENHEIM CHANGES llusy Tlie Store hammered at us no forcing wfaa necessary, but him for fully thirty minutes before some of the fellows Store on have virtually With a the fellow finally cleared the trench. to be driven to take part in any game You've got these FACULTY Linden St. things to do In ROLL CALL. Guggenheim has also felt the far- Steady Growth of skill. A typical game is one, 3 the so not army, why get in shape to For men may come and men may reaching hand of change during the which, for want of a better name, I do them at once and correctly. Re- go, but school goes on forever. summer. A well-equipped experi- will call “Jump the stick.’’ In this member, that the man who shoots Faculty members are not excluded mental laboratory now occupies the game the men are put in single file just a little who from straighter, can push the “men that go,” and a roll- room formerly serving as Miss Cor- and about four feet apart. Two fast his bayonet Just a little farther and call of the faculty shows ‘hat during bett’s office, the latter now occupies CREDIT HONOR REPUTATION men get a stick, and. holding it about quicker, who Is just a little more ‘he summer a number of instructors what was last year the Y. W. C. A. knee-high, .run down the line of men. clever his Is be have left and rest on feet, going to one been supplanted by room, and a beautiful Targe It’s up to each one of the fellows to AGGIES of the men to come next back and make others. Pome changes are given be room to the office of the dean Jump over it when it comes to him or old Denver ring with joy when lie low: of women serves as rest room. The run- We suffer the consequences. The invite you to call and open an account marches from the Union Station to laundry now has a dual function, as don’t The slow is ners stop. man The botany department has lost the Capitol; he'll be the fellow who a dehydrating plant has been in- to howled unmercifully the ground. I Professor Vasey, who is now person- comes home to the folks who are stalled there saw half a dozen follows get skinned nel officer in the S. A. T. C. here. a :i ■ ence to the officers, tho. Of course a graduate or Hillsdale College. Miss selves over to Hughes and do as he 1 sink, refrigerator and similar kitch- they were eorry. but then It was part “Where is to have a number of school Quality Counts” says. Then, If you do go, you'll stand Wing ens appurtenances are placed con- of their orders to train their in men of agriculture classes and college lab- an extra Chang 1 of coming hack. ■ veniontly along one side of the room, that and if the men had way slouched oratory work. FLANAGAN. while tables for carrying on chemical Patterson’s it on their exercise for years was I Pharmacy Mr. Hoffman of the horticulture j experiments, cupboards, delicate bal- z their loss. They had It to learn out department has gone into the mili- and instruments foi’ ances micro- N. Ave. there instead of having learned it al- 1 1 132 College Fort Collins, Colo. tary service, and Mr. E. L. scopic ON THE HOME FIELD Kirk-1 work occupy their allotted ready as most of us had. : WHITMAN’S CANDY Patrick now takes the place left va- space. If a man neglects his teeth he cant. i|l<|ll|ll|ll|li|:l|ll| The new office of the dean of must suffer having them fixed. If he Football has started off this year Tho work of Professor Aldrich has women is tastily decorated. Large neglects his muscles, ho must suffer over Kelly. with the old time Aggie spirit and been taken by Mr. Mr. willow easy chairs invite one to drop while he Is getting pounded Into Aldrich Is now engaged In war work i prospects for a winning team are ;in for a chat with the dean. shape for overseas. And he will be WHICH IHIS in one of the large Eastern steel SPICE NEXT WEEK very bright. It Is safe to say, however, that the pounded into shape, too, but the man plants. one room In Guggenheim that will whose muscles are loose and trained The left vacant when Pro The last year letter-men who are position be most appreciated by the girls is thru and is out a good gets having fessor Copeland left for the officers back this fall are Captain-elect 1 • the bright, cozy rest room, with its COL LEGE GROCERY AND MARKET time while the muscle-found fellow Rhoades, Olde- training has been taken charge ' chairs, lounges, books and Sweltser, Schiele, camp, easy writ- Carries Full Line of is working. of Professor- Raynor. This will meyer, Worthington and Lieby. by ing tables. Every girl on the campus take athletics and their Now, up necessitate finding man to fill the GROCERIES AND MEATS report this week. a is welcome to make free use of this G«mhl relation to actual combat. The last of II Qualil} Quick Delivery place of assistant state leader room. word n a fight, after the artillery has W. & Co. Over 50 men have made applica- county agents, which Mr. Raynor A dehydrating plant was Installed Kennedy has hollowed all after the day, aero- been holding. Phone Sherwood 305 630 South College Ave. tions for suits and there are still in the laundry, and is in charge of planes have barked and whirred to a L Homo who are not out that expect Tho college stood in imminent dan- Mr. Kirkpatrick, specialist in such, themselvpo hoarse, is spoken by a work. During the of ger of losing Professor Jones, of the greater part long steel bayonet. As far as phys- Iiresnahan. Rest. Puck, I.ills. Rail, entomology department, this sum- the summer he was assisted by Ra- ical movements are concerned, there's mona de- EVERYTHING IN | Hartshorn and Sanborn of last year’s mer. but the professor turned down Woodhams. and after her ; DRUGS YOU KNOW US : no difference between a bayonet fight for Nethertoti and Anne Freshmen team have reported a commission offered him fit the parture, Crystal and a football Tho & game. side-step- shared the addition Hurley Uvernash duty and are making Btrong bids for Presidio in order that he might re- Correy duty In and effort ping that final a player produce col- regular berths on the varsity turn to old Aggies. We call that real to the supplied by the OWL DRUG STORE mal es in holding his own line or college spirit. lege farm, to be dried and used in tho to break his opponents is ex- 1I II 'Biiliil.ilit| Irli liiiriniiiii 11111111111111 trying food laboratories this winter, the 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 11111111111 111 1 | | The Freshmen are eligible for the Miss Hoddle and Miss Wattles will actly the same as those movements (Continued on Page Five) bo with tho Engl.sit department on people of Ft. (’olllns and vicinity Lewis to bring their farm their return from the Ft. 1 were permitted We extend a cordial in- produce be cut and dried. The school. to up of vitation to student Professor Avery has not yet lean nominal charge 2 cents a pound every

an- was made to cover depreciation of called by the war department as at C. A. C. to visit our labor. ticipated, and he will conduct his implements and the necessary store and get acquainted. Welcome is also Boys! classes in the past year. Mr. Kirkpatrick experi- in menting with various brines of Your Credit Is Good Few changes have been made va- economics rious strengths, to be used for the faculty of the home pre- Girls! formerly serving Welcome department. Mrs. Barkley, vegetables. Practical work in this connection WARKER-INGLEFIEID Magdalene Hahn, has taken a posi- College for Women will be given to the foods classes cur tion in the State here is to ing the coming and should FURNITURE GO. In Georgia, and her place year, Store. Shutt prove of much greater educational Welcome to our City and Welcome to our be filled by Miss Shutt. Miss in of short value than the mere theoretical treat- last year was chargej We invite to make this store your headquar- cordially you most part, and ment of the subject as In previous course classes for the

and all times. a heavier sched- times. ters * use our writing* desk and stationery at any will therefore carry The kitchens of Guggenheim have ule this year. is the located store in town and This Store most centrally Lewis I had vacation this having The At the close of the Fort no summer, Johnston used school classes sell and children wear at pop- school. Marietta Wilson will return been for summer we everything* men, women and as laboratories for Miss Carpen- to C. A. C. as instructor. ular charge of ter’s in tho of wheat prices. Miss Halliday is to he in experiments use Creamery Co. laboratory. This flour and sugar substituted Her the experimental of the biggest in- ■ work has been highly successful and laboratory is one ICE CREAM ICES SHERBERTS THIS SPACE FOR EXTRA SPECIALS women’s : Iho results to be published in WATCH novations in the department are and w’hlch is ex- • bulletin form. of the college, one MILK BUTLER CREAM deal In the II —— ' pected to mean a great KNEW. economics later on. lie 1 home course -ALWAYS RELIABLE -JO i Ej Tommy (dictating letter to be sent 130-1154 180-134 using such his wife): “The here a Mother—Johnny, stop to nurses are Milk Delieveries SOUTH Daily I lot— SOUTH anETEtei I dreadful language. very plain come! I That’s rou.Kiin Johnny—Well, mother. Shakes- Nurse: “Oh, say! COIiLEQR Men Women, Everything r.ot polite to us.” it. very and Chldren Wear peare uses i don’t with 1 Tommy: “Never mind, nurse, put Mother- Then play Phone Sherwood 252 128 Laporte Ave. for down. It'll her.*’—Ex- a fit companion it please I him: he’s not change. ' you—Exchange. i i i OCTOBER «, U><»- FOUR ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLI.KGIAN, TIUIWHAY,


The PEN and Retail Ice Cream The G. Wholesale Store A. Shop and Confectionery Jewelry MILITARY “Clothes for Women” Greatest Poem of the World War JEWELRY Home- The Home of Damn* EXPERT REPAIR WORK NEW COATS NEW DRESSES Made Bread. IN FLAN DERR FIELDS (The poem “In Flanders Fields,” n 6 NORTH COLLEGE in reply to Colonel AVE NEW SUITS NEW SKIRTS by the late Lieut. Col. John McCrae (An answer by Mr. McCrae’s veraes was written Phone Sherwood of the Canadian Expeditionary j 552 of Ohio,! C. H. Galbreath, Columbus, Forces, has been declared to be the , Ohio State Librarian the mcmillan transfer, Why Not “Try Out” the New Store? greatest poem of the war. Lieut. THE FORT Col. McCrae died at Boulogne, In Flanders fields the cannon boom i COAL & STORAGE CO. COLLINS STEAM France, Jan. 28, 19181. And fitful flashes light the gloom. LAUNDRY Gorham Coal Auto Truck AGEE While up above, like eagles, fly IN FLANDERS FIELDS Ihe fierce destroyers of the sky:

In Flanders the With stains the earth wherein you lie fields, poppies grow I’hones the I redder than the poppy bloom, Between crosses, row on row. < Office: Sherwood 770 Pry Cleaning, fields. Pressing and That mark our place. and in the sk ?n Flanders Residence: Sherwood 294 Dyeing The larks, still bravely singing, fly. MARGARET WELDON, '15 Residence: Sherwood 551 See Our Scarce heard amid the guns below College it, - Ifci Sleep on. ye brave The shrieking Agents shell, r Fort o!lin* 1 We are the dead. Short days Ave. ENTERS WAR SERVICE ago The quaking trench, the startled yell. 115 We lived, felt dawn, sow sunset -5 The fury of the battle hell 325 East Mountain Loved and were loved; and now we lie Avenue shall wake you for all Is well, Margaret Weldon has enlisted In not, In Flanders fields. for all Is well. | the Red Cross canteen service, and at Sleep peacefully COLLEGE GIRLS last reports was In New York city, , Take up our quarrel with the foe! waiting orders to sail for Europe , See Our New Line of Fall and flaming torch aloft we bear. We c To you. from falling hands, we throw Your the completely is only She doubtless by this time in ac- , Winter Hats The torch. Be to lift it With burning heart an oath we swear Plant in yours high! equipped Grinding titce service over seas. MILLER’S the oath, to It through, | If ye break faith with us who die To keep fight Fort Collins and are DYEKMAN & WIDDOWS prc- After graduating from the Agricui-h with We shall not sleep, tha poppies blow To crush the foe or sleep you >aiecl to W. Mountain (five quick serv- tural in 1913. Miss 119 coittcf you College Weldon In Flanders fields. In Flanders fields. book srnRF ice OU tool: the position of teacher of Co- 1 mestlc science at Opportunity 2 school in Denver, where he work was lOS Reception a la Depot Brigade Picture SOUTH COLLEGE AVE. Any -of the highest quality. It was more Framing life I or u of service than that of the Where Art is a Study. Phone Sherwood 13 | ordinary teacher, for the hours are Lens • Call ll ,| |n|,i| l,a, | inn, - long, and the people, young and old Among the diverse duties of depot I “Yes, war. lots of war.” NEW YORK ART STORE alike, brigade - nre sadly in need of instruc- officers i» the receiving and "Did claim —N'o matter how difficult | you exemption?” I tlon. and of cheerful help. registering of aliens, whether they bo We have a Huh?” larger line of Me* “ Several months before enlisting in alien enemies or men of foreign na- ‘‘Did tell the local board that chanics' the canteen service she her tionality. The you Tools, suitable for | gave following story is told PRICES REASONABLE did not want to to war?” I service for Red Cross work at the by an officer you go Aggie in one of the use of Students, such as In* = Catholic Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Red large Eeastern “Huh?” ■ I IIIII HilMI II I 111 lllllli : training campp. Cross at the Knights or Columbus A sort of side Calipers, ; J reception was given by “Did you register?” “You Want the Best— Steel Rules, The Old House, ’ building. I mo yesterday afternoon. “Yes.” We Give It to You” Up-to-Date It was a Wrenches, Pliers, etc. with ‘ The best wishes of her Aggio very enjoyable affair. Service, Accuracy and many It lasted from “When you registered, did you ? friends with her. 1:30 to 4:00 CENTRAL Satisfaction. go p. m., and during that write a long paper?” BARBER SHOP time I met about a hundred people. “Yes.” l’ete La * ; I Oh. it wasn’t anything “Did Riviere, THE pretentious. you tell them you did not Prop. THE LOWELL-MOORE HOW. . girls can you swim? The most Cor. CARPENTER unusual feature of the re want to be a soldier?’” College and Mountain Avcs. COMPANY HIBBARD HERE'S YOUR CHANCE that jeeptfon was no one said that hr “Yes.” Under OPTICAL CO. Wilson, “My Clothier” was glad to meet and “Did me. some of you want to go to war?” Liston girls! The Ft. Collins “Y” ; , them were so "Yes.” Denver and Fort Collins Improper as to answer i ■ is offering you a splendid opportun- my questions In somewhat the fol- What is your name?” 6 I ‘ 11 \V. Oak St., Opp. P. O. ! ity to learn swimming this winter. | lowing manner: “X—Jxyz—?•*!” Phone Sherwood 263 A course in gym and swfmming Is “How long vou “Where vvere you born?” have been in your | 'Ulltllllliil given there each Wednesday after- “Turkey.” company?” noon and evening under the direc- FIRST AGGIE ’ When?” “Five years.” CO-ED tion of Mrs. Couch, wife of the Y. M. Boise-Payette “Do you “Five years.” , Know what you are talk-1 U. C. I. C. A. director. Classes Tor high C. Bradley “n what city wore you born?” ing about?” school girls are held between 4 and 5 1 TO SERVE IN FRANCE “Indiana Harbor.” “Yes.” Lumber Co. The Bicycle Man o’clock: teachers’ classes from 5 to “No: in what “When?” C>: 15, place were you born and business girls’ classes from A the Pierce an

ROCKY mountain grain learn here is a privilege not offered to women here before. College girls Be a Man NV hlle Hiere has been AND CO. do well to of PRACTICAL WORK GIVEN TRAIN- little time for COAL would take advantage it. INGNEWPROVEMENTS.DETACHMENTWALKS AND RESULTSOTHER IM-IN " much building Improvements a small amount of work in Altho it has been this direction has it's a mighty good thing, while e an W. A. Hacked you’ri In your judgment of men hive 0 exceedingly & Son, Props. SHE’LL ATTEND TO THAT. y been done. Th© running life’s usy summer on the exterior of the CMvi! race, I always been fair? t campus, a num- Employer—And that and now wt are l,cr of Improvements Irrigation Engineering building Just to as and Have you learned to , have been made pause you go, to con . forgive In th has |engaged to be married. I suppose I been painted Phone Sherwood will add to the as has also the 64 face to face face of despair? comfort and conveni- shall have new to engage a typist? | drawing room In ence of tho students und Mechanical Engi- Have you fought against greed to the ap- Clerk—Not dear. I shall With your conscience, and it o at all, at-; osk neering The walls of pearance of the the main hall- succumbed to its lust? campus and build- question or two: tend to the engaging of your typists way of the Main ings. The soldiers building have been Have you learned what it t in the concrete For it’s right you should know wli; means 11 11 1*»»lii after this!—Exchange. tinted and the i i i i i i * | 11|, i | j detachment woodwork and stairs ) protect and to trust? were put upon actual your life means to you. repainted. work while on the campus, with the result (hat It’s to a number of j' Oh, easy preach, and it's eas improve- Have done worth ments have been you things while to tell made. The iren BILL VETTER WRITES FROM Have you drifted along? Of railing at one side of the the other chap's faults—hut drive in CAMP JOSEPH ou E. JOHNSTON front of Main building i Ha' j you f i I led it with sighs? Ilav own faults, ah, well, has been re- Dear Dr. I.ory: moved and Your filled We a concrete curbing, a foot Keep to you it with song? are cowards at times, and th Pledge At last time has found to 18 inches me in the truth, will find. high, extending from j Have you helped when should? you one and because you army of a college College avenue ’ edu- ‘ls thing we gate to the other, lias Have tried to do right? a dislike, for it’s rathe you -1 cation, some of the fruits of life been In. are unkind. put This curbing was w. s. Have or lo- s. you struggled for good, ju 1 coming my way. cated inside the row of trees nnd fought on for might? f w-ish you would send me a letter But greatly adds to the the past, let it rest. Give i appearance of the of recommendation so I College front 1 can apply to yard as well as ef- thought today for the officers’ training school. *• Ihe American loves a Have given hand ' winner. We’re an you your to soire And tomorrow, fectirelj blocking the sending as well, for the time' backing of There are only four Aggies fellow in need? automobiles and other to my growing vehicles onto gray: j knowledge in army of and 1 camp. They Paul winners, we must those fellows Have sneered at the man who I the are give you Do things that grass. 1 you should, do tin Cottrell, Granovsky, an at this time, 98 >«n an* make him fight.” lower than it was formerly, per cent Exchange. making lmve a this grammar school education. laboratory a much more pleasant Tecond Colored About Gent: “B6y, dry ninety-eight hundredths of 1 Place in which to work. pei cent oun’ make yo* fight. I)ey finished college. This is jest sends West of the Entomology building a Messerschmitt-Fulbright For artillery, automatic rifles, and something the o* to country ought to think France, puts yo’ in a trench, concrete foundation has been small in for about. arms, and for ammunition for & Co. nd when de Gormans a greenhouse for the Watch Jewelry Optical 7 charge at yoi ' them, have Entomology de- w'e spent over $3,700,- Trusting I may receive pertinent. All of this an eaily re- IIcj tailing 141 ey ,11st lea\es to 000,000. work Is of t„ e N. College five, o™ it yo* best judg- ply, I am best [very nuaUty and Is a credit to lent whether yo' bettah fight Yours or Every Liberty Loan subscriber the soldier truly, boys as v eil m an addi ot!"—Exchange. WILLIAM YETTER. helps to arm our soldiers. lion the | to campus. Seri I ice Company No. 3. ItOiJKY MOUNTAIN COLLEGIAN, THI’KMItAY, (MT. », HUH. FIVE

LADIES—- Come in and get our prices on Men’s and Boys' . The OBSERVATORY Clothing, You will find the new fash- Shoes and Furnishings

Major ionable colors and H.'ardin spent In styles here Saturday j Dorothy Barton, who was forced to We to Denver. can guarantee save you from 2 to on all leave o'f 30% school last April on account of in your size and width, | priced your wants as we our wants a or two Illness, has been very sick since and anticipated year ago, Among the C. A. (’. professors and will not be able to attend school this and are now in to sell at to your position gtx»!s today's wholesale liking. extension workers in charge of ex- year. price or less. hibits at the State Fair at Pueblo Ist week were Professor Mr. Ethel Sargent, Currie is doing her bit for Come in look Vuplon, Miss and Miss the and us over, Carpenter, war taking nurses' training at Sheridan. the Let Us Royal Victoria Hospital In Mon- treal, Canada. Merc“" t,,e Mr. Kgginton spent considerable LEADER time Company last week at Pueblo, he The Show You where veterinary department reports helped with N, Ave. I’hnno demonstrations which the rex Utrat lon here or fourteen 171 College Sherwood the Botany department at the from gave men the Kansas Veterinary Col- State Fair. lege The latter closed because of

the war and Dr. Bourne was instru- I State leader of County A ADAMS SHOE STORE Agents, mental In bringing these men to C f K. Lovett, visited Sterling. Ilolyoke. A. C. If You Want and the State Fair, In the Interests i29 South College Phone Delicious Home-Made Sherwood 140 of county agent work. Ruth Bond, last year a freshman In 1 the home economica department. Is CANDY We have spent over school $120,000,000, teaching this year. just for staples supplies for our army, Try such flour, an bacon, rice, etc. Orrll Donnell. ’2O. is not returning this year. She is doing special Natl-j Nick's Every subscriber Candy Kitchen to the Liberty det work In the chemistry laboratory Loan feed soldiers, helps our of the sugar factory. Hello Girls 167 No. College Ave. Lieut. Rodney ’l7, Tucker, spent a Roy Ginter Is a candidate for a few' hours on the last campus week. commission in the chemical war- , He leave absence was on of after com- fare service at the American ITnivers-! pleting his course at the school of Ity, Washington, D. c. We are having one of the biggest GARMENT SALES j fire at Fort Bliss, and Is now at 1 he Funston. Wano Camp Cafe Lieut Dotson, who we ever had. Be sure and attend this week. Harry won fame on the Aggie champ, football Weltha Browne of class of 1920 is team, spent several days in the city Is prepared to serve students with attending the of Southern before University reporting to the Fourteenth first-class meals Edmonds California this year. field artillery at Camp Grant. Miriam of Bangs, a freshman last We have spent over $500,000,000 in ; year, is teaching Denver at a our sub- We have Private for Ito clothe soldiers. Every Dining Rooms Parties or Banquets 'comptometer school. scriber to the Liberty Loan has had

I ; a part in this care of the Americans; Gertrude Lauver Hull, ! spent Sunday in who are fighting in France. Greeley visiting relatives.

a SOLDIERS AND STUDENTS THE 0. K. BARBER SHOP Professor Boyack is planning Mr. and Mrs. Nell Sanborn were trip to several of the Eeastern experi- 124 South College in the mountains Sunday. ment stations, including Cornell, Let Ub Work You Over of Ohio. and Colorado Agricultural are in- E. F. ANDERS, PROP. Pennsylvania, otherH. in College cordially Harold Stitt and Roy Ratekin mo- the interests of pure seed work. He vited to visit the home of DEFIANCE FLOUR tored to Denver Saturday, returning expects to be away for six weeks. ®MlM|M|ll|Ul*4|H§H|W|MlMlM|WlM|MHt|Wt*4|M|n|M|ll|H|M|M|:t|ll|H|lt|lt|ll|lt|ll|'llllCH|llllll l|H|ll|U|Hri|M| | time. i Sunday evening. any

111 THE POUDRE VALLEY NATIONAL BANK Prof. Glen Ray has been made ex- Mr. C. M. Stitt of Fort KNtMbllHhcd 1878 | Morgan vU- tension agronomist. II at The Fort Collins | ited the Kappa Delta House Sun- Flour Mills OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: day. ; The Department of Agronomy car- ried and on enterprise farm manage- B. F. HOTTEL, President VERNER U. WOLF, Ass t Cash. ment survey work during the sum- F. P. Vice-President TT. H. ROBERTSON moted from second lieutenant to first STOVER, Miss Katherine Macßae of Glen- coming year's work. AH ho the fra mer. The former included CHAS. H. SHELDON. Cashier A. W. SCOTT surveys lieutenant. He is a member of the ■ wood Springs, who has been here ternal organizations among F. W. STOVER on small grains, corn, hay, beets, college 3 55th infantry in France. with her ! sister, Miss Gladys, returned women need not beans, sorghums, broom corn, and be suspended nor in to her home Sunday. She will visit silage. any way crippled during the war, us and Wallace K. Monroe is in the 16(5th Capital Surplus, $250,000 in Boulder a few days, en route. is the case with the men’s fraterni- Depot Brigade, Camp Lewis, Wash- ■i ««tinu«tilu«< «tn I*tIt 1i«< It ua .i«. *t*n«nf ! Rita Maris did not return to col- ties. the girls recognize the fact that of ington. Frank Johnson Portland. Ore., Is this year. She is doing her btr this the time to make their frater- has been spending a few days with nity for the war in the Food Conservation an avenue thru which they can Ilego Lieutenant Putty and Seargeant his sister, Miss Edna Johnson, and , ooffice at Fort Morgan. help in some way toward winning the Winslow, when last heard from, were his mother. war. Some have already taken up PORTRAITS OF MEN at Camp Merritt. active Betty Morgan has a position this war relief work and all are in the office of the Local Draft practicing conservation Etta Shellenburger of Boul- vear along all Mary Major Coffin is now instructor at Board at Fort Morgan. lines. For a number der is attending of years it has Aggleß this year and a camp in Texas. The Rolfe»Studio been the custom to the college living at the K. D. house. She at open Harriet Fulton finished her is tended course year by giving what known as lowa Agricultural College at Bill Taylor is now a second lieu- a at the State Teachers’ and I'an-lfellenic tea set Ames, low’a, last was member College a day apart 120 W. Oak Phone Sherwood 342 yea.r a tenant in the aviation section. now holds a teaching position In New when the new girls are invited of Sigma Sigm.i chapter of Kappa to Moxlco. meet all the girls in their Delta there. ''Bernio'' i fraternity KODAH Flanagan has been trans- FINISHING bullies. This has proved such a pleas- ferred from Travis to Camp Sheri- | Hansen was not able to ant occasion that the will be dan, Alabama. custom Flora Slocum did not come bar lx to return college this year on ac- continued this year. 1 to Aggies this She is spending ount of health. She year. poor hopes to Therefore on next Saturday aftei- Jack Pierce is now a second Hem- the winter in Denver. bo back next year. | noon between the hours of 1! and 6 p. tenant at Camp Funston. in. all the THE FT. COLUNS COAL, SEED & TRANSFER CO. five houses will be open; a cordial welcome will be given, a AND CLEAN COAT, First Lieut. Frank Booton is now MOVING, STORAGE, chance to get better acquainted, and t HAS. MeINTOSII, Manager in Third F. A., at th

Many items of importance were in Windsor. She expects to return Early in his sophomore year at Ted Finger has recently been and plans made for the to school next semester. Aggies. Winters left to enter the pro- discussed, PKKB. UMtY DEFINES IJI7 service. During the summer of STATUS OF (X)LLKGK he trained at Fort Riley. In Novem- SCHEDULE. ber, 1917, he w'ent to Urbana, 111., to ♦ Due to an oversight there was * 1 (Continued from Page ) tale training in aviation, and was 4» published in last week's Col- + ’ater ordered to Waco. Tex., to com- 4* legian only the schedule of class + plete his training. On graduation Wales + periods for civilians, whereas 4* as Betty greatly affected the men. Yet the from the school there, on June 1, he <• the schedule for men in the ♦ women should use their organiza- was commissioned and soon after- ♦ students' training 4* army camp tions only for the big for The Girl enterprise that wards was made instructor. Dresses, College 4* differs For the somewhat. men 4* all wo are in, and the only reason for Lieutenant Winter is the second Dre/sses ♦ in the 8. A. T. C. there is one ♦ them to continue is because it gives Aggie aviator whose death is mourned In no can ♦ additional period at noon hour, ♦ better way and women of America a serve Sold at thiA girls chance to as an organized by C. A. C., George Beach being our 4* namely, from 1:00 to 1:45 P. 4» show their than in the dresses unit for better and effective ]>atriotic spirit they more first man to give his life in freedom's 4* M., and should be inserted Ator.© to the this «*• work. wear. BKTTY WALES DRESSES conform cause. If is death is brought home to 4* in the schedule. * rules of fabric conservation, and are durable more of the students, perhaps, than practical, “As far as the men are concerned, exclusively 4* To correct any false impres- *4 and that of George Beach, for it is but a economically priced. we recognize one fraternity, 4* sions, there is given below a 4* only ’>rief time since Lieutenant Winter which under the of the ♦ schedule of? hours, containing goes name 4*| was in the midst of his classmates, ‘United States Army.’ I would And so, in BETTY WALES has used ail the best ideas of Amer- 4» the proper correction: * rec- patriotic spirit, who now in sadness cherish the mem- ommend that men plan to sub- and the best Paris of her col- 4- A. M. *r you ica Americanized lines from in the making Autumn -31 y of one who gave his all. let houses, the heat 4* Begin Close + your get terms lection. and simply face the situa- 4» 8:00 8:45 ♦ you can, Latest reports from Klem and Art taste tion a of men and that The result is that simple, good dresses for wear, school, recreation 4- 8:53 9:38 4- as group say general Rosa, now at Camp DU, are to the ef- fraternities this cannot and and occasions are in the best fabrics and colors of the season and <• 9:45 10:45 < for year special presented fect (hat preparations indicate a long ” to dress. 4* 10:53 11:38 4*l will not operate prices conform the national demand for economy in ourney in the near future. They 4 11.45 12:30 4- Students were urged to Keep up as are In the intelligence department Priced from to 4- I*. M. + $18.75 $45.00 fas as possible such student activities there. 4- 1:00 1:45 4* as would not interfere with war ♦ 1:56 2:40 4* HALT received major's THE HUH Keep Your Pledge work. The lecture course. Collegian, Ralph Smith a 4- 2:50 3:35 4» commission a few weeks ago. and athlotics should be maintained, BUY LIBERTY 4* 3:45 4:30 4* BUY WAR said the president, and he quoted sev- •4- 5:25 4* 4:40 E. McKeown, 'lO. eral paragraphs from the war de- Lieut. Stewart a. BONDS SAVINGS STAMPS

, aero , , , , , , American squadron, 4 + 4 4, 4, 4 4*4 + 4*4 4 4 , 4 4 , ‘1* partment's instructions in which was liter in the J recommended the continuance of France, was eported missing in ac-

same day when his Leonard Smith is In training atI such physical training as is given b> tion on the Quentin Roosevelt, Camp Greenlee, Georgia. good wholesome athletic sports. bunkle, Lieut. a. HHB. COLLEGIAN, THURSDAY, OCT, SIX lt


Welcome Back Aggies

it. do we want to make To you who know us we want to renew your acquaintance—To you who not,

will like our method oi doing business. Come in and get acquainted with those behind the counter. We are sure you Ifith GJlntljing (Eic FRED W. SCHUELER, Mgr. 125 North College The Home of Good Clothes

Society Siftings Say, Fellows! The

Brimmer, who has u ♦ ♦ + ♦*♦ + + + ♦♦ + + + + Bessie Van laboratory ♦ + position In the chemistry Electric visited ¥ SOCIAL C ALENDAR. 4- In the steel works at Pueblo,

■> Saturday Afternoon: + with the Thetas over Sunday. Campus Shoe ¥ Pan-Hellenic Reception. + <• Shop Monday Night: 4* Marlon Brink and Gladys Farr * Sigma Alpha Epsilon Party. + were here for the Kappa Alpha Theta I f Saturday. 4. initiation Saturday. Shop Is in line SHOh RKPAIKIXG | to BEST equip|K*«l give you 4* (lamina Phi Beta Reception. 4*

i Friday Night: 4. Remember the Place- Kappa Alpha Theta Initiated Ice- ¥ Dr. and Mrs. Lory entertain- 4* land Mac Murry, Margaret Galbraith. I* Ing the faculty. + THE COLLEGE SUPPLY STORE NOS. COLLEGE AVE. Luclle Woodard. Zenada Alexander. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦*♦ + ♦♦*♦♦4) Mrs. Persons, nee Crane, at the chap- I HUMPHREY. MANAGER C. ter house on Saturday afternoon. FACT'LTV RECEPTION.

y The annual faculty reception was held last Friday evening at Guggen Morris Townsend and Marion Yea- l l helm A very large number of the ger were married Wednesday morn-

- students attended. An orchestra fur ing. Their many friends wish them nished • music tltruout the evening happiness. A. I were C. C. and punch and wafers served

Greeting, “ All present an report enjoyable time Orra Tanner is studying nursing at ELLY’S

- and the largest crowd In years. FRESH the Children's hospital in Denver. ANDY andour bestwishes CANDK K I Y. W. C. A. Jane Kirk is not coming I ack to ITCHEN

I The \. W. C. A. reception this year school this ye r.

• was a very informal affair. Instead Z at of holding it Guggenheim, as for Helen A Ison, a Gamma Phi Beta

Z tnerlv, the girls gathered on Miss from I). U. is going to school at Ag- Man off to School, to have Every Young starting * Corbett’s lawn and played games and gies this fall and is living et the

real enjoyment and comfort, should he properly - sai.g songs. War times abolished the 1 Gamma Phi house. Z clothed. usual refreshments, but the green apples obtained from the in Z trees the Tuesday night the A. P Ls. gave

* Welcome Girls >nrd were enjoyed by all. •in informal dance at their house. All College We are now exceedingly well supplied with warm present had an enjoyable time. Gertrude Lauver Clothes, Underwear. Gloves, Caps. Z Is wearing Irvtnj's We will In- to in pleased meet you our store and show you Z F A. E. phi. Who's surprised? Hattie Haythorne came back to the latent Ready-to-Wear Model- in the most exclusive Aggies Sunday attend school this You will find a fine line of SWEATERS here, al to fabrics and styles. - Bill Nye spent the week-end In year. This is the Sweater Season. WE ALSO MAKE A ways. Z Fort Morgan. SPECIALTY i>| YOUR NEEDS IX DRY Ruth Kiteley went home to Long GOODS.

- Corner College and Oak Coat Sweaters, Roll Collars, Shawl Collars, V Lieut. Russell Fish visited with the inont Friday. St Necks—Jerseys, knit Vests. Sleeveless Sweaters. Z Flgtna Rho Deltas Sunday. JONES DRY GOODS CO. A motor party, made up of Mrs N. Come in and see them. - Parker ami Cldemyer spent the I. Murray, her two daughters, and ■ I week-end in Denver. « Gladysi and Hilda Vrgall. visited w ith | UersiP D. Murrav at the Tri Delt

“ Bob Worthington went to Denver 1 house Yundav. ■i Friday. J. W. FIELDS The Collins Cash Edith Baler and Gale Robinson

“ Russell Fish entertained a were dinner guests of Tri party the Delta Tremble Court Dry Cleaner Clothing 5 of Sigma Rho Deltas and their lady Sunday. Company friends - at the Northern hold Sun- All work called for and delivered Phone Sher. 16 Stork Scrip So. College Ave. Z day evening. Dune Hartshorn w<*it to Long- mont Suuduv.

- Dora Newell and l.uellu Wiper

Z the spent week-end In Berthouil Tin* Kappa D»'ti seniors enter ON THE HOME FIEI l> mired the rest of the members of the Meddings l 11l Fpungler ’ is ack at Aggies a verity anil pledge* at u *,ps Son i Continued from Page »

again. *«;. e enltig —gr CONSERVATORY NOTES Hum|»lirey-Kobln*oit. Floyd J. Brown Chorus by fiMiH The team military wedding of Helen The Conservatory has opened with Everybody. varsity this year as the con- Ths* Deltas have moved is and Marjorie I ewis wearing an A. I*. rule Humphrey and Lieut. Robin u good enrollment and prospects for ; Fongs ference regarding this has been 1 Ralph living where the Gamma ate now Phi j V frat pin. We are \xondering whose :on took place Wednesday afternoon a fine "Sweet waived. This gi\es a wealth of : year fa! o' the Year" Salterr new ’ Betas did last year, at 121 W. Oli.e. t can bo 1 ;t it must te Hallet in the St. Luke's Everyone loss material to pick from and Increases Episcopal chiiron regrets the of Mi (hi "Have You Seen Him j 'roam's. for it is that he The reported for members of the Gamma Phi Beta Dunham from the faculty. He re France?" our chances a winning team to a Ward Stephen>n Fer.uda Alexander is living at the lost hit while visiting in Trinidad sorority 'arge marched down tliu aisle, signed in the summer to take up Miss Estelle McDuugall. extent. Theta house now. this stimmor. inking. work in a business field. Hut his Violin—"Hjrekatr* Herbay The ushers and best Mr. place has been well filled by Miss Professor Reynolds. ?? ran. eral high school stars of the , Georg* himmitt. all members of the Demaray. Mr. Reynolds is again in Miss •-tatc Accompanist. Reynolds. have drawn suits and are mak- groom’s fraternity Sigma charge of the violin department and Alpha Song- irg their presence felt. Among these Epsilon—were In uniform. Mrs. Emslie of the piano. 'Battle military Hymn of the Republic".. Current Comment are O'Brien. all-Denver quarter-back • After the wedding a reception was Julia Ward Howe ’ast year; Morgen, of the champion The usual activities w ill be kept up held nt th.*» home of the bride's Solo Part Miss Fort by Louise Bowman - ship Collins team; Fineellver.i In spite of unsettled conditions. A mother. Mrs. H. D. Humphrey. Chorus by Everybody. Ex cry one of the State Agricul- tie* is due to the war and also to the i: o her Denver man. und Boner o? band will be organized under the di- Lieut, and Mrs. Robinson taken the are both Song tural colleges has bee a over hy ■ fact that government has taken StMling. There are others who of Feldman. Mr. Rey- are rection Mr. A aduates of the Colorado (a) the military authorities for the «Vnin all into Agricul- "Keep on Hopin' Maxwell over of the fiat houses !n Boul- ccming the front and will he 1 nolds will his ngain ha\e symphony tural college and their friends (b> "Smile, tug of S. A T. C. students. . This ’'.card many Smile. Smile’’.,.. is n der for war purposes. They will te from later. orchestra. A club will b wish girl’s glee them happiness in their now Powell fine record for the • Angie'* colleges. ure.l for I arracks and other army started soon. The days for tryouts home at l ake Charles. La., where Katie McKillop Hay Chorus by purposes. Every afternoon from 4:30 to 6 will he posted the bulletin board. on Lieutenant Robinson is stationed In o'clock be to Everybody. Eight hundred men for the will given over practice men's will also be applied A glee club organ- the aviation service. Song— S. A. T. C. at Boulder. which will be plenty of time for the ized and the work will be adapted to Oxer 600 have now enrolled In O’. "Soldier’s Song" .. Maseheroni •earn to round into form. the length of time they will have for ; Co’orado "Aggie? ** fb» "We’ll Never Let Our Old Yale is tubing foe■ ball again SPECIAL TRAINING training. up Fall" The out Flag Kelly tliis year. men on the field like to MKX H Director Emslie says this is to be a OX CAMIH Professor Emslie—Chorus Capt. lames A. Merritt by has been -e * interested members of the school singing "Sings” are to be held year. assigned Evt rvbody. as commanding officer of «nd The fraternities of Boulder have faculty out to watch the practice (Continued from amonf the soldiers and students. Page 1) Song "Star Spangled Banner” the Students' army training It adds voted to do no more pledging or in- corpH os more ginger and snap to Everyone on the campus is to sing, unit at the Colorado Frances Scott Key during the of Mate Teachers the work. If you have few minutes itiating period the war. a And say, those hoys can even to Dean Johnson Better not drill, too. Solo by Mr. Brown college at Greeley. —Chorus by to spare wander out to the field and When big Scotch- they pass in review it Is diffi- nsy you can't sing or the Everybody. -how the Mines claims to have a strong team that you are interest- cult to believe that they man nnill have you in his studio show- are men of Mrs. Alexander Emslie. Miss Ruth football team this year. lust ed in their work. horw The first woman to enjoy the rank only a month and a half ing you you can sing training. Demaray. accompanists. strong, we will find out when she lieutenant United are engaged in of in the States Thoy special training Dr. W. H. Feldman, cornel. Pro'. Marshall has plays here on Oct 26. However, we is I)r. OHie Baird reported for most of the day. hut Nest Monday morning at i»:45 army Josephine of when they arc Arthur Kroll, trombone. duty is have claims of our own. Detroit, a again this year and seen out drilling offer o’clock the assembly exercises will be j surgeon. Maybe some day they close competition Mr, Burnett, trombone. on the field we shall hear West each evening. He never for the In charge of the Con«er\atory of j of Point * alum- dough-boy.. The suspension of all frat aotivf- nae.” misses an evening’s practice and is u Ha\e Marie. This will he the first of a you heard their hand? Tho FORMER COMMANDANT valuable the asset to team. small, it males series of "sings' as authorized by good music and Is ( OI.OHADO FIELD IS NOW IS LIEUT. COLONEL several pleasing numbers. The ud- the department in Washington. Partly responsible for the good drill- SCENE OF SOLEMN dress of Major Hardin succeeded was One of the most pathetic of ob- ing of Everyone present is invited to sing the men. The letter INDUCTION CEREMONIES by following has been re- the invocation, offered by Rev. jects. just now. is a rolling pin. Tis are fine and a* good rousing time may be ex- They a lot of soldiers and ceived from Lieutenant Colonel Ball, Charles D. Darling. a sud relic of pie-gone days!—Lon- pected. The singing will lie led by we are glad to share the campus who was last commandant here (Continued from Page 1) Mayor Stover, Senator year Agnes Rid- don Opinion Professor Emslie. assisted by a with them. ut the college, dle. and Governor Gunter then v.*el- chorus and several hand instruments. the in which My dear Doctor Lory: manner America has coined the j men. and at the close of THE CItKDI'LOUS LLAMA. The public is cordially invited to at NKHIKII NO PASS \\Oltl>. 1 responded to the cal! is indomitable. thought you would be pleased to the goxernor’s address the companies There once was a credulous Llama. Sentry: "Who tend and assist in the singing. The; goes there?" hear that have 1 have doubt that I been promoted to no you too will of mechanics in and newly- Who training consulted a priestess of program to be given ts as follows: Brahma. Soldier: ‘ Russian soldier." lieutenant colonel, assigned the u.e your utmost strength to main- to organized student companies passed "In life," your next said she. Sentry: "Peas on, Russia soldier." infantry for duty, relieved tain that spirit and to it for- overseas carry in review Lieutenant White in "You will was probably be "Who America" Masom Sentry: goes there?" Song * front duties here and ordered ward to the final that my to victory will active command of field operations. A dressing '■j gown, rug or pajama." Soldier: Everybody "English soldier." join at Camp Cody, Deming. New certainlv be ours This same ceremony was enacted —Life. Who 5" Corns Aggies • • • Sentry: goes there on Mexico. WOODROW WILSON simultaneously all over the country, Soldier: Fongs "Who in h— wants to Sincerely yours. While awaiting the arrival of Gov- 150,000 voting men at more than 500 The Phi Zeta Chls are now li\ing know?" Long. Long Trail". .Elliot u) . L. S. R BALL, ernor Gunter, the Training colleges and universities in- corps being in their new home at 500 West I There” Cohen Sentry: "Pass American sol- (hi "Over Lieutenant Colonel. V. on, 1 1 S A. : and ami Liberty chorus furnished ducted i Laurel • , street. dier." Optimist.