Where Hendricks County Business Comes First RISING to the May 2016 | Issue 0129 www.businessleader.bz TOP Mike Baker turns up the heat GOLF GUIDE 2016 on community Pages 13-15 banking Page 5

HRH Breaks Ground BIZ LOCAL Page 6

Revving Up Engines in Brownsburg OPEN FOR BUSINESS Page 7

Should Staff Like the Boss? BIZ MANAGEMENT Page 17


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Youth Leadership Hendricks County all dressed up to visit the Indiana Statehouse. YLHC having a “formal” lunch at Charbonos and practicing their etiquette.

Each month, the Business Leader focuses on how Leadership Hendricks They’ll soon find themselves in situations in which people they need County delivers the skills local residents need to provide leadership in to impress will be studying their behavior. Some will have interviews our communities. with college officials for prized scholarships or admission to prestigious programs. Others will interview for jobs over lunch. And then there’s Which fork do I use? that particularly intimidating event -- the first fancy dinner or wedding reception with their girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s parents. I’m sure you’d I’ll wager you can still remember the moment. It was your first welcome a second chance at that one. important dinner. Perhaps it was a banquet, a job interview, or a Since 1998, YLHC has brought sophomores from all six county meeting with an important client. You were confronted with more high schools and local parochial schools together with homeschooled silverware than you’d ever seen, plates of all sizes, and an absolutely students to learn more about their county and the importance of terrifying decision: do I reach for the water glass on my left or on my leadership. right? Proper etiquette is important for leaders young and those slightly Even in an era in which business casual has replaced coats and ties, more mature, but not because they’re likely to encounter finger bowls or and contemporary worship has transformed sitting quietly in a pew into canapés. Etiquette provides basic standards for behavior in workplace something more like a TV show, manners still matter. That’s especially and social settings. The lessons they’re learning about handshakes and true in business settings, and even more so when you’re the one who’s thank-you notes are especially important for a generation that has in the uncomfortable glare of the spotlight. grown up on texting and Happy Meals. Being able to operate within That’s why a group of local high school sophomores recently found those standards will give the students a powerful edge as they move themselves seated in a local restaurant facing all those forks. One of the into college and their careers. They may not appreciate the value of that most important lessons taught as part of Youth Leadership Hendricks knowledge today, but the first time their boss invites them to a white- County is a practical introduction to proper etiquette. Granted, it’s not tablecloth restaurant, they’ll know how to behave. likely that any of these young men and women will find themselves Want to know more about Leadership Hendricks County does for invited to a state dinner or high tea anytime soon, but the points they the community and can do for you or your company? Visit our website received are very important. at leadershiphendrickscounty.org or call Susan Rozzi at 718-6076. Hendricks County Business Leader businessleader.bz • May 2016 3


Speer’s shining Local Decisions. moment By Rick Myers Most of us are now familiar with CBS’ People You Know. “One Shining Moment” which is played after Powerful the final game of the Men’s NCAA basketball championship. solutions Kevin Speer, president and CEO of Hen- Mike Baker We Do That! dricks Regional Health, who has led the hos- for powerful President and CEO pital since 2012 finally had his a few weeks ago during the groundbreaking of the $48M “We’ve added some well-known lenders to Emergency Department and Comprehensive businesses. Outpatient Center. our team at State Bank. They want you to The 100,000 square-feet retail healthcare have the kind of relationship that makes a center will be built on the northwest corner difference for your business. And we’re giving of Interstate 74 and Ronald Reagan Parkway near exit 68. It will house an emergency de- them the tools to do that.” — Mike Baker partment and immediate care center; lab and radiology services; a comprehensive women’s center; physical rehabilitation; physician of- Put our strength to work for you. fices; a retail pharmacy; a specialty clinic and additional retail space.

60 Garner Road Brownsburg 317.858.6182 “It’s the right place, the right community, the Emily Jerry Diane Greg right time and the right Biehn Miser Stennett Zusan model.” ~ Kevin Speer

When it’s all finished – it is expected to open fourth quarter of 2017 - HRH officials say it will create 110 jobs. “I could not be more excited about this project,” he told me after the ground break- Businesses depend ing. “As we look at the way health care will be delivered in the future we believe it’s through on Duke Energy for a retail delivery model. To be able to start our reliable service, from scratch with a blank sheet of paper and competitive rates, and Vice President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Senior Vice President, design and build a retail delivery facility that Commercial Banker Chief Lending Officer Retail Leader & Commercial Lending will allow people to interact with us more technical support to help 2100 Stafford Road 60 Garner Road Business Development Manager Plainfield Brownsburg 60 Garner Road 5201 E. US 36, Suite 213 conveniently, easier as we move forward …” manage their energy use. 317.858.6178 317.769.7345 Brownsburg Avon As his first major construction project 317.858.6144 317.858.6154 since taking the helm as CEO and president Our award-winning site of HRH, Speer said he is very proud of the selection services are project. also available to help our “It’s the right place, the right community, business customers gain the right time and the right model,” Speer concluded. a competitive edge – and My bet is there will be more shining mo- have a positive impact on ments for Speer as HRH’s chief executive. our communities. 866.348.4674 Rick Myers is founder and publisher of www.StateBankofLizton.com the Hendricks County Business Leader. Email: [email protected] Avon/Prestwick | Brownsburg | Dover | Jamestown Lebanon | Lizton | Plainfield | Pittsboro | Zionsville

#40419 SBL LendingWeDoThatCEO_BL4.7667x9.5.indd 1 11/20/15 1:52 PM 4 May 2016 • businessleader.bz OPINION Hendricks County Business Leader Our View Quote of the Month Cartoon

For the benefit of others Later this month, the third annual Mayberry in the Midwest Festival will “There is nothing quite draw thousands to Danville. It's hard to believe that the festival almost nev- so useless as doing er happened because one of the driving with great efficiency forces was afraid it would be self-serving. Christine and Brad Born started the something that should Mayberry Cafe 25 years ago. Quickly, it became a destination restaurant on the not be done at all.” weekends. The popularity made a May- berry-type festival seem like a no-brain- er. But Christine was afraid that it would ~ Peter Drucker, look self-serving. management consultant Even though she was confident that the festival would be a success, it made her uncomfortable to lead the charge. Thankfully, others, particularly the Downtown Danville Partnership of busi- nesses took the reins and began to plan the festival. Humor The partnership is made up of busi- nesses around the Historic Courthouse Square, Town representatives and the How to become chummy with your future self Chamber of Commerce. Together, they sit, face-to-face, in-person and discuss By Gus Pearcy greater gratification available to our future ideas. Good ideas are rare. They are rare- A recent article in the Harvard Business selves. Here's a half-full glass analogy: Giv- ly made in solitude. Good ideas get test- Review highlighted this concept of the fu- en a choice, would you rather get a $120 gift ed by questions or criticisms. Good ideas ture self. Author Peter Bregman argued that “So get acquainted card today, or wait a year to get a $240 gift are made better through conversation. we have become too busy putting out fires or card? That choice determines your relation- Steve Jobs knew this. He designed his accomplishing the immediate tasks that we with your future self. ship with your future self. Pixar headquarters with plenty of com- have ignored our future selves. That's where Take him out for a drink One tactic for dealing with rash anger is to munity spaces. Places where people can the real work lies. His analogy is running on imagine how you will feel about a situation a talk about their ideas. Heck, it doesn't a treadmill versus running towards a desti- and ask some hard year out. Will you still harbor the anger and have to be about work. Sometimes a cre- nation. One gets you where you want to be, resentment? Maybe. But I bet you will con- ative idea is the result of some random while the other is just "running in place." questions. Invite her trol your response better, even if you are still piece of information that makes it click. Consider who you want to be. Then con- to be your companion angered by the incident. It may appear to be self-serving, but sider the cost (usually time) of how you be- Enjoy your future self and make plans to there is no other festival like it in the come that. When your future self is intro- throughout the days." make them better. The results could surprise Midwest. Many people are coming to duced as "accomplished," do you think they you. Danville because of the Mayberry Cafe. mean "wiped out his inbox and completed The Mayberry in the Midwest Festi- his to-do-list every day for 30 years?" Daniel Bartels of the University of Chica- Gus Pearcy is a contributing columnist val is a huge success. In just two years, it So get acquainted with your future self. go Booth School of Business, through a se- to the Hendricks County Business Leader. has become the busiest weekend for all He may be reached at (317) 403-6485 Take him out for a drink and ask some hard ries of experiments, realized that we are es- Danville-area restaurants and other busi- or [email protected]. Gus blogs questions. Invite her to be your companion sentially optimists. We believe that things frequently at guspearcycommunica- nesses. Now that's a good idea. throughout the days. The more we think will get better for us over time. We can de- tions.wordpress.com. about our future selves, the more we become lay our gratification if we think about the rational in the present.

The Hendricks County Business Leader is published by Times-Leader publications, Yes, we want your letters: LLC. Content published alongside this icon is Readers of the Hendricks County Business Times-Leader Publications, LLC sponsored by one of our valued advertisers. 6319 E. U.S. Hwy 36, Ste 3C, Mailbox #16 Sponsored content is produced or commissioned Leader are encouraged to send letters to the Avon, IN 46123 • Phone: (317) 451-4088 by advertisers working in tandem with Times- editor as often as they wish. The stipulations are Email: [email protected] Leader’s sales representatives. Sponsored content may not that the letter is timely, focused (not more than reflect the views of The Hendricks County Business Leader 200 words) and verifiable. Please make sure Founder & Publisher Richard K. “Rick” Myers to provide your complete name and daytime www.businessleader.bz Contributing Writer Gus Pearcy publisher, editorial staff or graphic design team. The Hendricks County Business Leader is devoted to clearly differentiating and evening telephone contact numbers. All Copyright 2016© Content Editor Katie Mosley letters are subject to editing for brevity, clarity Design/Production between sponsored content and editorial content. Potential Times-Leader Publications, LLC Carey Germana and grammar. Please direct correspondence to All rights reserved. advertisers interested in sponsored content should call (317) 300-8782 or email [email protected]. [email protected]. Hendricks County Business Leader COVER STORY businessleader.bz • May 2016 5

Mike's List Five books that influenced me: RISING to the TOP • Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand • Fountainhead by Ayn Rand • Leading Change by John Kotter Mike Baker turns up the heat on community banking • Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway By Gus Pearcy • 1984 by George Orwell Mike Baker's philosophy with the State Bank of Lizton is simple. How Mike did it? "What we're trying to do is provide enough scale so we can outnational the locals and What’s the best advice you ever received? outlocal the nationals," Baker said. In business, you need to evaluate it, In the highly competitive banking industry, understand it, organize it, and grow it. that means offer the services of the big banks while maintaining, even strengthening, the lo- Best business decision you ever made: cal advantage the bank has maintained since it To quit my job and lead the foundation of a started in 1910. start-up community bank in my hometown. Despite 11 branches sprinkled throughout Worst advice you ever received: "That Hendricks and Boone counties, Baker under- Chevrolet Citation is a great little car!" stands that most people want to bank from their homes on mobile devices. State Bank of In five years, I want… I want our bank to be Lizton has introduced online banking and is known as a community bank of the highest working on the ability to make deposits online quality. One that is dedicated to providing as well. financial solutions to our clients through Baker's challenge is to convince the commu- committed, friendly, engaged bankers who nity that State Bank of Lizton is a full service are trusted advisors. institution that not only helps the agricultur- al community (its heritage), but is also large enough to offer all the services of a large, multi- state institution. "We're relationship oriented. Baker says the industry philosophy is $500 million in assets to thrive into the future. We want to be a trusted The State Bank of Lizton currently has $380 advisor to people who million in assets. Leveraging the agricultural heritage while value what we do. offering modern banking services is the new How you develop that message proffered by the bank. "People don't really understand the breadth Mike Baker. Photo by Rick Myers relationship and how we of what we do, how well we do it," Baker said. been remodeling the former Strong Building into a place where the "That's a little bit of why we came up with this little advertising cam- become that trusted advisor entire bank administration and services can be housed. paign 'We do that!'" "I think the bank has always been understated in portraying the is what we're trying to do." Baker is a big-picture guy. He speaks the language of the 1,000 size and strength it really is," Baker said. "This building ... gives the foot view. His four years as CEO and president of SBL have been ~ Mike Baker community a better perspective on the relative size of the institu- a whirlwind of hiring and executing this vision. His leadership has tion." been focused on training, overhauling the online and technical as- The new headquarters opens this month. Built by as many local pects, and a beefed-up mortgage division that is cautiously entering contractors as possible, the building radiates earth tones and natural the secondary market. materials. Baker gives enthusiastic tours of the new building like a Trends in banking show that most people don't set foot in a bank new dad shows off photos of the first born. The Anderson, Ind.,- na Mike Baker unless they need more than a check cashed. Baker sees it as an op- tive has worked his whole life in community banking even starting State Bank of Lizton portunity. 900 E. 56th St. his own community bank in 1995. "We're relationship oriented," he said. "We want to be a trusted Brownsburg Anderson Community Bank was bought out by First Merchant advisor to people who value what we do. How you develop that rela- (And 10 other locations) Bank. Baker stayed with the bank until this opportunity became tionship and how we become that trusted advisor is what we're try- (317) 994-5115 available. ing to do." statebankoflizton.com "I wanted an opportunity to make a bigger difference," he said. One of his first charges by the bank's board was to build a new headquarters. For the last seven months, State Bank of Lizton has Local Decisions. People You Know. Put our strength to work for you.

We Do That! Greg Zusan Avon www.StateBankofLizton.com | 866-348-4674 317-858-6154

#41006 SBL WeDoThatStripZusan_HCBL9.7x1.5.indd 1 10/27/15 12:09 PM 6 May 2016 • businessleader.bz Hendricks County Business Leader

BIZ RESEARCH Consumers want concierges By Jim Ittenbach As such, marketers must unlearn how to Consumers are interacting with brands in push products and begin acting like a person- more ways than ever before, with the explosive alized concierge. Just image what your promo- use of mobile devices, apps, customer portals, tional messaging and value proposition would and personalized communication channels. look and feel like if you fully understood the For marketing, the ability to manage and sup- targeted audience’s core thoughts, feelings and port a customer’s purchase decision journey is desired outcomes. Focusing on customers' ex- certainly daunting. To do so, one must unlearn periences, emotions and desires will allow you historically successful tactics and become a to better emulate a brand that understands its subservient enabler. audience. Want an example? Think Coke. Just According to an IBM study, only one in five pay attention to one of its recent advertise- Overall rendering provided by Hendricks Regional Health. Submitted Image consumers feels the average retailer under- ments and you will understand what comes stands them as an individual or provides them out of developing a Customer Journey Map as with relevant selling information. The essen- well as the benefits of empowering your cus- HRH breaks ground for $48 M Emergency tial truth in marketing is that, if you do not en- tomers to achieve an awesome experience (by gage, connect and emotionally energize a con- using your product or service). Department and Comprehensive sumer during the purchase process, you’re not Taking the time to get answers to these types capturing their loyalty, you are just facilitating of questions will put you into the buyer’s expe- Outpatient Center in Brownsburg transactions. rience, allowing an ability to harbor high levels The result of most marketing today is a mis- Hendricks Regional of empathy while developing your next go-to- match between the marketer’s approach to Health and local govern- market campaign. Live long and prosper! selling and a consumer’s approach to buying. ment officials held a ground- Many marketers continue to focus on pro- Jim Ittenbach is owner of SMARI, a breaking ceremony April 11 moting features, benefits and “what’s unique” research company, and he offers insights to celebrate the construction based in his years conducting research. about an offering. Yet, consumers want a per- of a new emergency depart- sonalized and engaging experience that is ment and outpatient center emotionally fulfilling and personally reward- on the east side of Browns- ing. burg. The 100,000 square-feet retail healthcare center will BIZ WEB be built on the northwest corner of Interstate 74 and Ronald Reagan Parkway near exit 68. To address the growing medical needs of Effectively limiting screen time By Andrew Angle northern Hendricks Coun- studying math problems beyond the school ty and beyond, it will house As a digital marketer, I’m enthusiastic assigned homework earned two hours com- From left, Dr. Barry Freeman, chief of staff, medical executive committee, about things digital but know that screens can puter gaming. Reading books converted at 50 an Emergency Department Hendricks Regional Health, chats with Kevin Speer, president and CEO of go overboard, especially with kids. percent, so an hour of reading bought 30 min- and immediate care center; HRH. Photo by Rick Myers lab and radiology services; Without deliberate intervention (nagging), utes of TV. For a movie theater pass, the kids a comprehensive women’s I bet offspring could spend 80 hours did something more substantial, like spend- a location and a way to bring an enhanced center; physical rehabilitation; physician of- per week mesmerized by screens. That’s bad. ing equal time as a nursing home volunteer or variety of services closer to the north side fices; a retail pharmacy; a specialty clinic and Several years ago I sought the advice of my decorating at church. Instead of starting a Sat- of Brownsburg,” said Hendricks Regional additional retail space. aunt and uncle, people I consider to be out- urday vegging to cartoons, they started their Health Vice President & Chief Strategy Of- “We are very excited to announce our fur- standing parents, based upon how respect- weekend eagerly searching for things to clean, ficer Gary Everling. “Our focus at the new ther growth with the Town of Brownsburg,” ful, intelligent, and self-disciplined my cous- practicing piano, or mowing lawns for elderly center will be on ease of access with more said Hendricks Regional Health President ins were. neighbors, never having to be told to “turn it emphasis on the continuum of care for fami- & CEO Kevin Speer. “The timing is right to Intrigued by my phone call soliciting par- off” hours later. The rules were known, moni- lies, in particular for women, as well as pro- more fully enhance our services in this area enting advice, my aunt explained that their tored, and respectfully enforced. viding care for emergent services.” and invest in a significant project that will kids lived their lives “unplugged” from elec- Over time the kids survived and thrived While the new center will service the benefit the community. We value the sup- tronic entertainment. They own a TV, a com- with the system. All graduated as valedicto- northern portions of Brownsburg, the exist- port that we have received from Town offi- puter, game console, mobile phones, and rians. Today they each possess fulfilling ca- ing Hendricks Regional Health medical of- cials and look forward to bringing this proj- a stereo, but getting to turn any of them on reers, close friendships, embrace work and fice building, located at 1411 South Green ect to fruition.” was strictly limited to being a privilege that community service, and reflect positive out- Street in Brownsburg, will remain open The facility will cost an estimated $48 mil- had to be earned by trading in the "Digibucks" looks. to serve the south side of Brownsburg and lion to construct and is planned to create coupons she printed for them. The Digibucks northwest side of Avon. That facility features more than 110 jobs once completed. It is ex- were a leisure-time currency cut in incre- a variety of physician offices and laboratory Andrew Angle is the owner of NetGain pected to open in the fourth quarter of 2017 ments of 30 minutes they physically traded Associates, Inc. He can be reached at services. In addition, as part of this enhance- and will coincide with the extension of Ron- for their choice of time with the TV, video (317)534-2382. ment of services, Hendricks Regional Health ald Reagan Parkway from US 136 to County games, or the computer. Coupons for bigger will be opening an Immediate Care location Road 300 North. things were available for bigger efforts. on Northfield Drive on May 2. “We have been working on identifying One hour spent cleaning the house earned one hour of screen time. Two hours spent Hendricks County Business Leader BIZ LOCAL businessleader.bz • May 2016 7 BIZ HISTORY OPEN 4 BIZ Presented by Cathy Sturm of REMAX & Ryan Wohlert of Meridian Mortgage Solutions Parent and child By Dan Miller deals, none of which amounted to much. He Revving up engines in Brownsburg A parent and child can take the same event responded to each setback with slightly more and adopt two totally different approaches. bitterness. He directed a growing hostility to- “Your one-stop au- So it was with Abraham Lincoln, the child, ward the son who never quite measured up tomotive shop spe- and Thomas Lincoln, the parent. to Dad's needs or expectations. That son was cializing in everything The event in question was a tough run of Abraham. customization,” that is hard luck. Abraham would encounter his own share how owner Scott Hill Prior to 1816, Thomas Lincoln was a suc- of failures. He failed in many of his romantic describes his new- cessful landowner and leader in northern relationships. He failed in several attempts to ly opened business in Kentucky. He owned and worked several win local and state political office. He failed to Brownsburg. Hill, want- hundred acres and possessed quite a few live- maintain a viable store. ing a more visible lo- stock. Thomas won the respect of most of his The son Abraham, however, didn't emu- cation and connection neighbors and associates. They placed him on late father Thomas in how he dealt with bad with the growing racing local juries as a man of his word and trust- times. Perhaps most importantly, Abraham scene in Brownsburg, ed him to serve as a volunteer enforcing lo- never adopted the slowly unfolding pessi- moved his detailing cal laws. mism and negativism of Thomas. The child business from Danville By nearly any measure, Thomas Lincoln wasn't the parent. and re-opened Indy Pro was a successful person. Is there a trait of yours that you hope your Trucks & Custom Auto But in 1815-1816, Lincoln fell on hard child doesn't embrace? And how will that in Brownsburg on Feb. times. He became embroiled in boundary help your son or daughter become a better 25. disputes. He lost. His wife died. He slipped leader than you? “I wanted to combine into near-bankruptcy. Struggling to reverse my passion with a ca- his fortunes, Lincoln moved his family across Dan Miller is founder and president the Ohio River to southern Indiana. He re- of Historical Solutions LLC - Ideas reer and give customers and Inspiration Through History. a quality product at an married and blended his family with that of Dan uses history to help people affordable price and to his new wife. strengthen their leadership. His website make a person’s vehicle Scott Hill. But Thomas never quite seemed the same is historicalsolutions.com. their very own. A vehi- Photo by Sherry Moodie again. He attempted to make various business cle can be an expression What would you tell someone starting of who you are,” explained Hill. If you his/her own business? USE THIS COUPON need headlights or a complete rebuild, It’s not always greener on the other GREAT SAVINGS OR no job is too big or too small according AT THE FRONT GATE to Hill. The business is also co-owned by side. Be ready for long hours and 110% BETTER dedication. Hill’s wife, Jessica, an army veteran. “We General Admission tickets SAVINGS! EXCLUSIVELY ONLINE are a veteran owned company and we do FAMILY-SIZED Save $10 in April & May What do you think about your Use Promo Code our best to employ veterans,” Hill added. Save $6 in June business’s future? Save $3 in July & August DISCOUNT600 Describe your business The sky’s the limit, my friends! Guest-Under-54”/ HolidayWorld.com/SAVE Senior (Age 60+) Admission in one sentence: Save $2 all season. To help a person to express their personality through their vehicle. *600* Scott and Jessica Hill, owners FUN #600 What has been your biggest Indy Pro Trucks lesson so far? & Custom Auto One coupon valid for up to 8 discounts. No double discounts. Expires September 18, 2016 Location! 1650 East Northfield Dr., Ste. 900 Brownsburg, IN 46112 What would be the one thing that (317) 350-2481 could help your business? indyprotrucks.com [email protected] I am a firm believer in word of mouth and social media. I treat everyone like Compiled by Sherry Moodie family and ask they send their friends and family in to see us.

Centerstone Cathy Sturm (317) 402-7177 Ryan Wohlert 7341 E US Highway 36 (317) 968-9500 Avon, IN 46123 8500 Keystone Crossing, Ste 350 [email protected] Indianapolis, IN 46240 cathysturmhomes.com meridianmortgagesolutions.net Santa Claus, Indiana Food • Fun • Networking 2016 COVER PARTY

presented by

Join us for the Hendricks County Business Leader’s May Cover Party, sponsored by State Bank of Lizton. Enjoy wine and hors d’oeuvres and mix with colleagues and your peers from throughout Hendricks County during this fun and casual after- hours business affair as we honor: March cover, John Mollaun, Hope Healthcare Services; April cover, Cleda Janke, Ginger n’ Spice; and May cover, Mike Baker, State Bank of Lizton. Thurs., May 12th 4:30-6:30 p.m.

State Bank of Lizton 900 E. 56th St., Brownsburg

RSVP to [email protected] or by calling (317) 918-0334. Hendricks County Business Leader businessleader.bz • May 2016 9

MONEY MATTERS Good day for investors By Jeff Binkley the high cost of these types of investments. On April 6, the Department of Labor issued The spin from players in the industry began new regulations establishing a “fiduciary rule” almost immediately after the announcement. legally requiring financial advisers and brokers The players spinning hardest were the com- handling individual retirement and 401(k) ac- mission-dependent traditional firms that fear counts to act in the best interests of their cli- profit losses due to this additional transparen- ents. This new fiduciary rule only applies to cy requirement. They spun the rule as being retirement accounts. If you have just a regular “bad for investors” and would limit choices or old brokerage account, your advisor still isn’t availability of brokers to work with small inves- legally required to put your interests ahead of tors. theirs or their firms. Previously, brokers and Respectfully, my education, training and 23 advisors could sell you anything that they de- years of experience as an investment advisor termined was “suitable.” Now, they have to act representative cause me to vehemently dis- in a fiduciary capacity, placing your interests agree with the “bad for investors” spin. I can't ahead of all others. understand how finally making it a legal re- This new DOL rule has been a long time quirement to put client interests first or mak- coming. Unfortunately, even before the ink ing it a requirement to disclose to clients when had a chance to dry, powerful forces fearing they are taking a backseat to the firm is a bad the potential impact to their bottom lines had thing. already lobbied and won "carve outs" to the rule, i.e. the best interest contract exemption (BICE) and prohibited transaction exemption Jeff Binkley is the Founder and (PTE). These "carve outs" still allow brokers to Managing Director of Binkley Wealth sell whatever they can convince their clients Management Group. He can be reached at [email protected] or to buy. They just require that a higher level of (317) 697-1618. disclosure and transparency be provided to cli- ents by that broker showing them more clearly

BIZ BRIEF NEW Department of Labor RULES 1100 sq. ft • All Utilities, Taxes for Advisors servicing IRA’s and and Outside Maintenance, Paid. Office Space 401k clients. Advisors must now for Lease Launch of Revolutionary put CLIENT interests FIRST! West Side WHAT DO YOU MEAN? They did not have to before? Networking Group Jeff Binkley… Co-founders Tony Reffeitt of In- Putting clients FIRST since 1993 tegrity Real Estate and Lacey Verbik Got Questions about the new rule? of Imagine Virtual Assistant Services Binkley Wealth Management launched Best of the West in March Group LLC. is an Independent fee only 2016. The two developed a network- Indiana Registered Investment Advisor ing group exclusive to companies that (RIA Firm). We are a different kind of 712 West Main St., Plainfield • Call (317) 714-7539 serve the greater Hendricks County firm. Let us show you how. area as well as Indy’s west side. Best of the West aims to connect individuals No Commissions seeking goods and services to the best No Conflicts local providers of those goods and ser- NEW RULES No Kidding™ vices. If you’re interested in learning IRA’s/401k more about Best of the West, check out its website at BestOfTheWest-In- dy.com.

Jeff Binkley Visit HC Business Leader online (317) 697-1618 today! www.thebinkleygroup.com Pictured: Gwyn, Probation O cer and Healthier Employee, Hendricks County Government

GETTING FIT HAS ITS REWARDS. And Gwyn has the medal to pove it.

As a probation o cer for Hendricks County Government, Gwyn spends most of her day sitting at a desk. Which isn’t the best routine for a healthy lifestyle. When her employer partnered with Hendricks Regional Health At Work for its healthcare services, Gwyn was able to participate in Great Shape, a six-month wellness program with personal coaching, nutrition consultation and more. She not only lost 40 pounds, she conquered her fi rst Warrior Dash with her husband and two sons.

Healthier employees. Healthier business. The Hendricks At Work team not only helped Gywn get fi t, we saved Hendricks County Government $2 million in healthcare costs over fi ve years. To learn more, visit HENDRICKSATWORK.COM or call (317) 745-3532. Pictured: Gwyn, Probation O cer and Healthier Employee, Hendricks County Government

GETTING FIT HAS ITS REWARDS. And Gwyn has the medal to pove it.

As a probation o cer for Hendricks County Government, Gwyn spends most of her day sitting at a desk. Which isn’t the best routine for a healthy lifestyle. When her employer partnered with Hendricks Regional Health At Work for its healthcare services, Gwyn was able to participate in Great Shape, a six-month wellness program with personal coaching, nutrition consultation and more. She not only lost 40 pounds, she conquered her fi rst Warrior Dash with her husband and two sons.

Healthier employees. Healthier business. The Hendricks At Work team not only helped Gywn get fi t, we saved Hendricks County Government $2 million in healthcare costs over fi ve years. To learn more, visit HENDRICKSATWORK.COM or call (317) 745-3532. 12 May 2016 • businessleader.bz BIZ FOCUS Hendricks County Business Leader Stars shine on a great night for dancing They could’ve danced all night! The stars shined at the Hendricks County Historical Museum’s Dancing with the Stars, Hendricks County version. The fun and frivolity captured the imaginations of more than 300 attendees. Here are just some of the high- lights. Photos by Nicole Davis and Gus Pearcy

Jeff Binkley and Rhett Stuard.

Deanna Hindsley, president of the Hendricks County Historical Museum.

From left) Judge Dan Zielinski, Jack Clark, Patty Zielinski and Faith Toole.

Rick Myers and Anna Fernandez.

Jay Puckett, the Emcee. Marsha Drzakowski and The-Resa Lipsey.

Above: Nancy Johnson and Alex Skudrovskis. Left: Ifen Donovan and Mark Adang win " Dip for the Night" award. From left, Shirley Hottman and Kelly and Steve Henshilwood. Hendricks County Business Leader businessleader.bz • May 2016 13

Oak Tree Golf Course GOLF GUIDE 2016 offers all the amenities golfers desire! SPECIAL SECTION published by Times-Leader Publications, LLC • 18 Hole Golf Course • Golf Lessons & Clinics • Driving Range • Demo Days Pages 13-15 • Golf Outings • Club Repair • Memberships • Custom Club Fitting GOLF TIPS • Snack Bar • PGA Junior League • Leagues • First Tee Program

Get into the scoring zone $28 Visit us By Derek Carlson, Deer Creek Pro Shop repeatable contact with the ball. This cre- How do I get better? This is a ates instant and constant feedback on how WITH CART today! question I hear almost every day fast and how hard to move the club to get behind the golf shop counter. My the ball closer to the hole every time. I have 7 DAYS 4712 E US HWY 40 answer is to practice shots in the some keys to a better scoring zone play and Plainfield, IN 46168 scoring zone. I often get a puz- repeatable contact with the ball: A WEEK zled look on the golfers face, but it’s true. Open up: Drop your front foot back about 317.839.6205 The scoring zone is simply the areas on the 6 inches from the target line. This clears your course that golfers must execute shots to ef- front hip and allows your arms and hands to fectively lower their score. travel towards the target. www.oaktreegolf.net Think about your normal round of golf. Get Stable: Quiet your lower body. A qui- How many times do you find yourself 50 et lower body lets the arms and shoulders yards away from the green? How did you get move the club easily towards the target. there? An errant tee shot that makes you play Control the clubface: Controlling the safe out of the trees or a second shot into a clubface is easier to do from 50 yards and par five? Sure, golf is a fun and challenging closer to the green. If you control the club- game, but half of the shots golfers take occur face, it is the quickest and easiest way to low- within 50 yards of the hole. Half of the round er your score. If you want to hit a high shot, of golf is played in the scoring zone. Think Now Open for keep the face pointed towards the sky; hit it about that when you think about how much low, keep the face towards the target. time you spend practicing or just warming So next time you find yourself in the scor- up before your round. Hopefully that helps ing zone, remember these simple but effec- see the importance of the scoring zone shots tive practice tips and fundamentals and play the Season! and what just a few well executed shots can the shot with confidence. Before your next do to lower your score. round of golf at Deer Creek, remember to Repeatable contact with the ball is the practice the shots that can lower your score. Call Today most important factor is developing a better If you have any questions about these ideas, Book your scoring zone game. From a greenside bunker contact Derek Carlson at the Deer Creek pro (317) 539-2013 to a low pitch and run, the golfer must have shop (317) 539-2013. …ask about Tee Times Yearly Membership online! We love Open Hours Crossroads Feed Barn has been Wedding Receptions gardening, Mon-Fri, 9-7 family owned and operated for Event Rentals deercreekgolfclub.com lets talk Sat, 8-5 27 years. We believe in quality Sun, 12-4 service before and after the sale. about it. IS THIS YOUR FIRST YEAR FOR GARDENING? 7143 S State Hwy. 39 ARE YOU A SEASONED PRO? Stop by and Clayton, IN 46118 We can help with all of your Meet our Pro soil needs! Top soil, mushroom Check out compost, and raised bed mixes NEW ITEMS in are just a few examples. Call (317) 852-8680 today! our Pro Shop! www.crossroadsfeedbarn.com 14 May 2016 • businessleader.bz GOLF GUIDE 2016 Hendricks County Business Leader

WHAT'S NEW? WHERE TO PLAY Two areas to focus on HC has a wealth of By Jeff Schroeder, PGA Professional be scheduled with one of Prestwick’s PGA great golf courses Prestwick Country Club professional. You can call Prestwick Country By Brad Dubois, Plainfied Chamber country clubs, making it a very good value. As the golf season approaches Club at 317-745-6448 for scheduling a les- I don’t have to tell those of you who were The course is more of the “old school” design and with a somewhat mild win- son or simulator time. born and raised in Indiana how quickly the with water, trees and sand that are placed in ter so far, golfers all around are Now let’s talk about equipment. Each Jan- weather can change. It seems as though we precarious places. Ben Weaver, Head Pro/ asking “what’s new and what uary down in Orlando there is the largest golf go from snow to warmth and sunshine in a GM/Owner and his staff can help any an- should I do to make my golf for show. The PGA Merchandise Show compris- matter of minutes. A few days ago I heard swering questions about membership and 2106 better?” es upwards of 1.5 million square feet of every the sandhill cranes overhead and I’ve always more at (317) 745-6448. There are two areas that we can concen- imaginable golf product known. There is the been told that is a sure sign of warmer tem- Just south of Danville on Cartersburg trate on and they are the physical aspect of latest clubs, golf balls, training aids, GPS de- peratures and spring. With that being said, Road we have another exceptional 18-hole golf and the other being equipment. The vices and golf apparel. As a PGA profession- I’m sure many fellow Hendricks County golf- course aptly named Twin Bridges Golf Club. physical aspect can be achieved in a cou- al we are able to see all the latest products ers are anxious to get out and chase the little Cut from “buffer land” next to Waste Man- ple different ways. First we can start by ei- and even test some that are not even on the white ball. agement’s Area Land-fill. Don’t let that fool ther going to a gym for a little stretching and market yet. It takes at least 2 days or more We are fortunate to have some very good you; it can be very difficult with very few weights or we can do some basic stretching just to walk the aisles and see everything. Ev- and well maintained golf courses here in holes running next to each other. This is be- exercises in the home. A lot of those exer- ery major manufacturer in golf is there and Hendricks County. Go for a drive on any cause it’s built on over 250 acres of wooded cises can be found by simply searching the some we have not even heard of. Most of the 40+ degree day and you will find someone land with White Lick Creek running through internet for golf stretching exercises or you emphasis now in golf equipment is being put “teeing it up” at one of our area golf courses. the property. Large greens with devious ele- can enlist a physical trainer at your local on getting fitted for your clubs. This means 25 years ago you would have found only one vation changes make a challenging venture gym. Another way to stay golf ready during finding the right shaft, length and lie for your 18-hole golf course in the county, that being with the putter. the winter months is do some indoor prac- clubs to help you perform better. If you are Prestwick GC, and it was private. The other In the southern region of the county we ticing. Here at practice we have a indoor hit- not in the market for new clubs there are 2 7 were all nine-hole tracks. Jump to 2016 and have Oak Tree Golf Course. It’s an origi- ting area with a simulator that will give you suggestions to follow to start the year, one we find Hendricks County with six 18 hole nal Pete Dye design that started as a 9-hole the distance and other data after your shot. check your grips to make sure they are worn courses that vary in length and difficulty. We course and grew to include an additional 9 The simulator also has 4 preloaded courses and if so replace before you start the season still have a pretty good share of 9-hole cours- in the mid-nineties. Undulating greens are that you can actually play a round of golf and the other is get a lesson from a PGA Pro- es also, three to be exact, all with their own trademarks of the front 9 with a little relief on complete with putting. The simulator is fessional before it is to late! personality and flavor. Most have been in the on the back 9. Again, with the front 9 being available to the public and golf lessons can community for decades and have seen many the older of the two, there are trees every- generations of families learning the game on where. Keeping it in the fairway is important Hendricks County Golf Clubs and Courses their fairways and greens. because driving into the trees will cost you at In the far northern part of the county least a stroke. Oak Tree, once known as the Deer Creek Golf Club Prestwick Country Club West Chase Golf Club we have Tomahawk Hills, one of the 9-hole “Elk’s Club” is only a few miles west of Plain- 18 holes over 6,510 yards 18 holes over 6,885 yards 18 holes over 6,700 yards courses that has been around since 1973. It field on US 40. with a par of 71 (Public) with a par of 72 with a par of 71 (Public) provides tree lined fairways and some pes- Friendswood Golf Course is in the far 7143 S State Road 39 (Private Non-Equity) 4 Hollaway Blvd ky water hazards. The town of Pittsboro south-eastern portion of Hendricks County. Clayton, IN 46118 5197 Fairway Dr, Avon, IN Brownsburg, IN 46112 boasts 2 courses. Quail Creek is an 18-hole Its clubhouse is an old school that was built (317) 539-2013 46123 • (317) 745-6448 (317) 892-7888 course that has recently changed ownership in 1909 and still has photos of the last stu- and provides a good challenge to all levels dents that attended. The 9-hole golf course of golfers. Pittsboro Golf Course is another Friendswood Golf Club Quail Creek Golf Course White Lick Golf Course is beginner friendly with very reasonable 9-hole course with straight forward design fees and a nice peaceful layout. It’s great for 9 Holes over 18 holes over 6,329 yards 9 holes over 2,622 yards and good value. It is great for the beginner a quick afternoon golf experience and com- 2700 yards Par 36 with a par of 72 (Public) with a par of 34 (Public) and families with budding golf fanatics. muning with nature. 7730 S. Co. Rd. 1050 E. 7591 Quail Creek Trce. 4 White Lick Ln. In Brownsburg, you will find one of the Deer Creek in Clayton is one of the best Camby, IN 46113 Pittsboro, IN 46167-9034 Brownsburg, IN 46112 most unique 18 courses in the area. West maintained golf courses in the county. The (317) 856-5372 (317) 892-2582 (317) 852-2931 Chase is a challenge on many levels. The greens are fast and true. Home to DePauw front is akin to the links style course with University’s Men’s and Ladies’ Golf Teams Oaktree Golf Course Tomahawk Hills Golf Club rolling hills just off the fairways and greens the course has come to be a local gem. There 18 holes over 6,376 yards 9 Holes over 3100 and heather in the rough. The back leans is a value greens fee every day of the work with a par of 72 (Public) yards Par 36 more to the older “country club” style course week and it is just a few miles from I70 mak- 4710 E US Highway 40 10291 N. SR 75 with tighter fairways that are tree lined. Wa- ing it very easily accessible to many in the re- Plainfield, IN 46168 Jamestown, IN 46147 ter comes into play on 9 of the holes with gion. Many holes have water that come into (317) 839-6205 (765) 676-6022 forced carries. Tee selection here is a key play and very narrow tree-lined and roll- component to a good round. ing hill fairways. It’s an absolutely beautiful In the middle of our county we have two place to play and enjoy the scenery. Pittsboro Golf Club Twin Bridges Golf Club exceptional 18-hole courses. Prestwick Whether you are a low handicapper or 9 holes over 3,111 yards 18 holes over 7,058 yards Country Club is one of Indiana’s best known just starting out, there is a course in Hen- with a par of 35 (Public) with a par of 72 (Public) golf courses. Established in 1974, it has been dricks County for every skill level. So get out 2227 E US Highway 136 1001 Cartersburg Rd home to several IHSAA Boy’s and Girl’s State there and chase the little white ball and enjoy Pittsboro, IN 46167 Danville, IN 46122 Tournaments, State Opens and various oth- the outdoors. Just remember that it’s only a (317) 892-3335 (317) 745-9098 er IGA/PGA events. It is Hendricks County’s game, don’t take it too seriously and you just only private golf course with its dues struc- might have some fun. tured below many of central Indiana’s other Hendricks County Business Leader GOLF GUIDE 2016 businessleader.bz • May 2016 15

2016 HC Golf Outings of Note April 23: Avon Golf Day | Prestwick Country Club, Avon | Contact: avongov. org or (317) 745-6448. MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US May 21: Family Promise of Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION County 4th Annual Golf Invitational | Deer Creek Golf Club, Clayton | Contact: golf@ familypromisehendrickscounty.org or ND ANNUAL (317) 296-3742. 22 June 2: Hendricks Regional Health Foundation | Country Club of Indianapolis GOLF OUTING | Contact: supporthendricks.org or (317) 745-7376. PRESTWICK COUNTRY CLUB, June 10: Brownsburg Education AVON, IN Foundation | West Chase Golf 6.14.2016 Club, Brownsburg | Contact: brownsburgeducationfoundation.org or (317) 852-1056.

June 10: Danville Education Foundation | Twin Bridges Golf Club, Danville | Contact: www.warriordcef.org. July 20: Rotary Club of Avon 27th Annual To register your team or to learn about sponsorship opportunities, Golf Open | West Chase Golf Club, please call 317.268.6240 or visit www.hendrickscountycf.org. June 16: Danville Chamber of Commerce Brownsburg | Contact: (317) 852-3540. Golf Outing | Twin Bridges Golf Club, Danville | Contact danvillechamber.org or July 29: 10th Annual Hendricks County (317) 745-0670. Professional Firefighters Golf Outing , Non-Member Test Drive benefiting Hoosier Burn Camp and Susie’s Membership June 14: Hendricks County Community Place | Twin Bridges Golf Club, Danville | Golf, Cart and Range: $35 Foundation’s 22nd Annual Golf Outing | Contact: [email protected]. Open House Monday and Tuesday Only Prestwick Country Club, Avon | Contact: Saturday, May 21, 2016 Good for up to 4 Players hendrickscountycf.org or (317) 268-6240. Aug. 17: Wings of Golf | Deer Creek Golf Club, Clayton | Contact: wingsofgolf.com Call for Tee Times Must call for advanced tee time. June 23: Plainfield Chamber of Commerce or (317) 718-8750. Proper Dress Required Proper dress required. Golf Outing | Deer Creek Golf Club, Clayton | Contact: plainfield-in.com or Aug. 24: Avon Chamber of Commerce New member signing bonus! Expires May 31, 2016 (317) 839-3800. Golf Outing | Prestwick Country Club, Avon | Contact: avonchamber.org or (317) Amenities: June 29: 2nd Annual Fairway to Haven 272-4333. Join for $2016 • 18 Hole Championship Golf Course Golf Outing, benefiting Sheltering Wings (the rest of 2016) • Practice and Short Game Areas | West Chase Golf Club, Brownsburg | Sept. 21: Brownsburg Chamber of • Dining • Weddings & Banquets Contact: shelteringwings.org or (317) 745- Commerce Golf Outing | West Chase Golf LIMITED OFFER! • Golf Simulator • Golf Outings 1497. Club, Brownsburg | Contact: brownsburg. Includes: Dues, Cart & Range • Golf Lessons & Clinics com or (317) 852-7885. *Some restrictions apply. July 14: Leadership Hendricks • PGA Jr. League • PeeWee & Jr. Camps County Annual Golf Outing | Quail Oct. 3: 18th Annual Hendricks Regional Limited to the first 20 families. • Club Repair • Custom Club Fitting Creek Golf Club, Pittsboro | Contact: Health YMCA Golf Outing | Country Club Leadershiphendrickscounty.org or (317) of Indianapolis | Contact: spaul@indymca. 718-6178. org or (317) 204-1903. No Initiation Fee! No Assessments! Hendricks County’s Send your 2017 Golf Outing information only private club! to [email protected] for publication in next year's guide. 5197 Fairway Drive • Avon, Indiana 46123 (317) 745-6448 • www.prestwickcountryclub.net 16 May 2016 • businessleader.bz Hendricks County Business Leader

THE PERSONAL TOUCH PEER TO PEER Bullet points… starting points Bad connection in By Scott Flood facts. They lack the warmth and the passion When creating a website, a brochure, or that enters your voice when you talk about customer service an ad, many people believe that the best ap- your company and what it does. By Howard Hubler proach is to be as simple and straightforward It’s okay to use bullet points as a tool within er satisfaction record of any out there. After Businesspeople work hard for good repu- as possible. And, for many of those people, your overriding message, or as a support to the cell phone and cable industries decided tations. If you read my articles with any de- being simple and straightforward means us- summarize what’s elsewhere on the page, but to join the electronic revolution and never gree of regularity, you may know where I am ing brief bullet points instead of sentences if you rely on them as your sole form of com- talk to a customer, they made owning car going: the world of cell phone companies. and paragraphs. munication you’re shortchanging your audi- dealerships seem like a trip to Dairy Queen. I had a faulty cell phone (it wouldn’t take Bullet points are certainly more economi- ence. Business owners are really processes man- a charge). After a few previous visits, I again cal in terms of time and space, but they ac- Not convinced yet? Then take a moment agers: whoever can process the client in the went to the phone store. I wanted a solution. tually provide a false economy. You see, to compare the column you just read with the best fashion wins the deal. I indicated to the At auto dealerships, we reconcile problems choosing bullet points over sentences and following: store manager that I would only be half mad like this on a daily basis without as much as paragraphs presupposes that your audience is • Bullet points are popular if I thought my problem was solved for me a glitch. I told an employee that I would like made up of rational creatures — and that just • Users focus on facts and others, but I knew that it was not. If you a new phone and that I did not want to drive isn’t the case. • Users presume that people are rational are never motivated to train your staff to across country to do it. I wanted to be ser- Bullet points speak to the rational shell by • Decisions begin with emotion keep them on their toes, go to the cell phone viced where I bought my phone; however, to conveying facts, but they don’t sound like • Bullet points lack emotion store. They will give you a great taste of mo- them it appeared to be a novel concept. people talking, and another human’s voice is • Bullet points don’t sound like you tivation to properly train your staff. Eventually, I demanded to see the man- one of the most powerful emotional triggers. • Don’t use them alone ager. After the better part of an hour, I got Consider that your marketing and com- Not quite as compelling or instructive, is it? munications materials stand in for you when what I would consider a fair shake; however, you’re not able to deliver messages in person. Scott Flood can be contacted via email I went through the better part of the year in Howard Hubler can be reached at at [email protected] or by calling [email protected]. To do that effectively, they have to sound like ownership dropping into the phone compa- (317) 839-1739, or visit his blog at: ny from time to time only to leave after I had you and/or your company. They have to speak sfwriting.com/blog/. with your voice. But when you rely solely on been offended and insulted. I did congratu- bullet points, your company’s voice becomes late the lady on one thing however. My auto little more than a robot spewing out a list of industry job used to have the worst custom- COACH’S CORNER MEMBER OF THE MONTH 3 simple behaviors to boost your biz By Jack Klemeyer even considered. That’s the power of multiple Yes, there really are three simple behav- heads working together and holding everyone iors you can begin to employ today to boost accountable for their part. your business. The best part is that they do Giving people feedback makes a huge as- not cost you anything and are immediately sumption that you have informed them of implementable: what you expect. By first giving clear and spe- 1. Include your team in your business cific expectations followed up with specific 2. Hold your team accountable and relevant feedback you will be reward- 3. Give feedback to your team ed by performance. Giving the right kind of Now, you have to admit they are simple. feedback to your team will develop your em- But you have probably already recognized ployees. Submitted Photo that they are not that easy. Many times the • Include your team in your boss enjoys holding the team accountable but business for dynamic engagement. From left: Scott Elliott, Heather Delaney, David Taylor, Mike Lhotka, Kelly Lhotka, Shannon Burnett, without the other two behaviors, the account- • Hold your team accountable Damon Medari, Mike Thompson, Sarah Adams, and April Milner ability does little good. to get buy-in. Part of holding your team accountable for • Give your team feedback results is also providing a clear expectation of to develop them. what you’re after, the resources and room to Go ahead and employ these three. You’ll be Morse Moving and Storage achieve the goals. Trying to make a silk purse glad you did! out of a sow’s ear does not work for you and Member of the Month it won’t work for them either. And micro- Jack Klemeyer is the founder and head performance coach of GYB Coaching Morse Moving and Storage was recently named Member of the Month by the Plain- managing their every move stymies their own (gybcoaching.com). Contact him at: field Chamber of Commerce at its monthly members’ meeting. For more information creativity and diminishes trust. Besides, you [email protected]. about Morse Moving and its services, call (877) 725-5433 or visit our company’s web hired them for a reason – let them show you site at morsemoving.com. what they can do. It might just exceed your expectations with achievement you never Hendricks County Business Leader businessleader.bz • May 2016 17

BIZ MANAGEMENT Should staff like the boss? By Carolyn Goerner do their best). Interestingly, however, they We’ve long known that being liked, and found no difference between the groups feeling affection from the liked person in when it came to task-oriented behaviors, or return, is powerful stuff. We also know that those things that allowed work to be com- liking isn’t automatic, and that it simply isn’t pleted in a timely and reliable manner. This natural to like everyone equally. Despite involves giving information or instruction their desire to remain unbiased and fair, the to co-workers, and coordinating work flow widely accepted theory of Leader-Member amongst organizational members and de- Exchange indicates that most leaders have partments using current protocols. “in groups” and “out groups” among their For day-to-day work to be done, relation- subordinates, and that the feelings are usu- ships between the supervisor and his/her ally mutual. subordinates may not be all that important. To further explore this phenomenon, two Even for a boss no one really likes, the ba- researchers set out to determine if there are sic work of the organization can be accom- particular kinds of behaviors that people plished. But for companies who care about who perceive themselves to be in the leaders things like culture and employee engage- “in-group” are more likely to perform. They ment, personal relationships with supervi- started with the understanding that people sors matter. Companies would do well, then, who have strong feelings of liking, respect, to ensure that the people promoted to man- and loyalty towards the leader also identify agement positions are likeable. with that leader, and so are more likely to mimic that leader’s behaviors when interact- Carolyn Goerner is a Professor of ing with other subordinates. Management at Indiana University- People who felt part of the in-group were Bloomington’s Kelley School of Business. more likely to mimic leader’s behaviors when Email: [email protected]. those behaviors were person-based (focused on making people feel more comfortable in the workplace or encouraging employees to



3925 River Crossing Pkwy, Suite 300 | Indianapolis, IN 46240 | 317.472.2200 | [email protected] 2016 Hendricks County Business Leader’s Women’s Luncheon

Presented by Our May Speaker: Patty Prosser Managing Partner – Center for Leadership Excellence, Career Consultants OI Global Partners Topic: “Your Personal Board of Directors” Where Women Leaders today may still think it somewhat “unfashionable” to ask for help - they are deceiving themselves! The key is knowing who and when to ask for help! Many successful women leaders fully admit Patty Prosser to having what is sometimes referred to as “A Personal Board of Directors” that they can go to for honest and confidential advice when they need it - and report this resource as invaluable. Save the Date! Patty will share some wisdom on the ins and outs and recommendations for cultivating the right “board” for you. th Patty has over 30 years of experience in partnering with organizations in June 7 the delivery of effective and measurable solutions to a variety of leadership development issues. She has assisted a broad base of client companies, both locally and nationally in both the profit and not-for-profit sectors, in growing, Luncheon time: 11:30am-1pm developing, and retaining their high potential leadership talent. As a corporate executive with a multibillion dollar global organization for Cost: $15.00 12 years, followed by 20+ years as the head of a highly regarded career and leadership development firm, Patty has both experienced and understands many of the challenges and opportunities facing organizations and their key Prestwick Country Club leaders today. Her expertise lies in an ability to assist leaders and teams in understanding 5197 Fairway Dr, Avon, IN 46123 themselves, the impact they have within their organizations and on others, opportunities for growth and enhanced leadership effectiveness, and action planning to meet both professional and personal goals. Her approach is collaborative and focuses on helping individuals build upon the strengths, skills and experiences that have contributed to their current success, while identifying opportunities and tools to help them significantly raise their leadership capital within the organizations they serve. Patty is a recognized and active leader in the Indianapolis business community, sitting on a variety of for-profit and not-for-profit boards and is the immediate Past Chair of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and the Central Indiana Women’s Business Council of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce. She is a long-time advocate for advancing the career of women and believes strongly in the concept of “paying it forward” and that leaders have a responsibility to be role models and strong stewards in their communities. Patty has a B.S. in Education from the University of Kentucky, as well as numerous post-graduate hours in career management and professional A portion of the proceeds to benefit and leadership development. She is a Certified Integrity Coach and a graduate of the Marshall Goldsmith Leadership Development and Executive Leadership Hendricks County. Coaching Academy. She is certified in numerous leadership assessment and developmental tools that she uses to both diagnose situations and create effective and measurable action plans.

DON’T MISS! To register, contact Cathy Myers [email protected] or call/text (317) 918-0334. Hendricks County Business Leader businessleader.bz • May 2016 19 PLANNER OF NOTE SERVICE GUIDE 11 - Danville Chamber Danville Chamber Plan Commission Board of Zoning Sales Leads Loris Cleaning Service of Commerce New Member (Second Tuesday Appeals Newly incorporated Lori Hedrick COUNSELING (member’s meeting): every month) (Second Monday every business through 6 Westview Dr. Wednesday, May 11 Flora Brothers Painting May 10, 6:30 p.m. month) May 9, 7 p.m. April 25, 2016 Roachdale, IN 46172 at 11:15 a.m.; HC 4-H 1834 S. Co. Rd. 1050 E. Brownsburg Town Hall WE OFFER Fairgrounds, 1900 E Indianapolis, IN 46231 Board of Zoning Bellas Best Pet Supply Massage By Trace Main St. Danville. For (317) 447-5227 Appeals (Third Monday Town of Danville Wanda M Jarvis Tracy Thompson-Greer NATURAL more information, call every month) Unless otherwise noted, 5846 Kiah Ct. 2353 Liatris Dr. ALTERNATIVES (317) 745-0670 Hendricks County May 16, 7:30 p.m. all meetings held at Plainfield, IN 46168 Plainfield, IN 46168 Specializing in: Humane Society Danville Town Hall • Business Destressing WITH 17 - Plainfield 3033 E. Main St. Commissioners 49 N. Wayne St. Best of the West Stifflers • Individual • Family TREATMENT Chamber of Commerce Danville, IN 46122 (Second and fourth Danville, IN 46122 Phillip Anthony Reffeitt Innovative (member’s meeting): (317) 745-3338 Tuesday every month) (317) 745-4180 124 E Northfield Dr, STE Performance Ph: (317) 852-2300 • Fax: (317) 852-2416 Tuesday, May 17 at May 10, 9 a.m. Note: Call 317-745- F #211 Technologies 515 N. Green Street, Suite 301 • Brownsburg, IN 46112 11:30 a.m.; Plainfield Aflac May 24, 9 a.m. 3001 to confirm Brownsburg, IN 46112 Brian Figg Rec and Aquatic 2206 Fortune meetings have not 660 Andico Rd, STE A ccscounseling.net Center, 651 Vestal Rd., Circle E. Dr. Town of Avon been cancelled. Best Western Plus Plainfield, IN 46168 Plainfield. For more Indianapolis, In 46241 Unless otherwise noted, Airport Inn & Suites information, call (317) (317) 615-0986 all meetings held at Council Bipin U Patel Taylor Sportswear HEATING & COOLING 839-3800 Avon Town Hall (First and third Monday c/o FedEx and Gear Plainfield Chamber 6570 E. U.S. Hwy. 36 every month) 9128 Florence Ave Brent Taylor 18 - Brownsburg New Member Avon, In 46123 May 2, 7 p.m. Downey, CA 90240 Terri Taylor SALES • SERVICE Chamber of Commerce (317) 272-0948 May 16, 7 p.m. 117 S Washington St (member’s meeting): Hendricks County Buchanan Landscape Danville, IN 46122 HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING Wednesday, May 18 at Humane Society Town Council Plan Commission James Cody Buchanan 11 a.m.; Brownsburg 3033 E. Main St. (Second and fourth (Second Monday every 507 Raintree Dr. Transcription Fire Territory, 470 Danville, Indiana 46122 Thursday every month) month) May 9, 7 p.m.** Danville, IN 46122 Specialists “Your comfort is our business!” E. Northfield Dr., (317) 745-3338 May 12, 7 – 9 p.m. William J Evans 72 W. Main St., Danville, In 46122 Brownsburg. For more May 26, 7 – 9 p.m. Board of Zoning Campus Paints 1065 Pinewood Dr. Call: (317) 745-5635 information call (317) Carpenter Realtors/ Appeals Shane Way Plainfield, IN 46168 852-7885 John Dininger Advisory Plan (Meets as needed 586 Sun Ridge Blvd EAT Fax: (317) 745-1340 3602 Clarks Creek Rd. Commission on the Third Tuesday of Avon, IN 46123 Wildfire Learning H www.heatandcool.net 24 - Avon Chamber of Plainfield, IN 46168 (Fourth Monday the month) Daniel F Worley OOL Commerce (member’s (317) 727-5536 every month) May 17, 7 p.m. Classical 8596 Captain Drive &C LLC. SINCE 1970 meeting): Tuesday, May 23, 7 p.m. Conversations of Avon Avon, IN 46123 May 24 at 11:30 a.m.; Orange Leaf Town of Plainfield Erin Swanson HYPNOSIS Prestwick Country Club, Frozen Yogurt Board of Unless otherwise noted, 420 Blake St Your Right Hand 5197 Fairway Dr., Avon. 2499 Perry Crossing Zoning Appeals all meetings held at Danville, IN 46122 Bookkeeping For more information, Way, Ste. 114 (Third Thursday Plainfield Municipal Cameron J Johnson call (317) 272-4333 Plainfield, IN 46168 every month) Building FRP Education Group 5718 Spring Hollow Ct (317) 742-5310 May 19, 7 p.m. in the 206 W. Main St. Andrew Blakley Avon, IN 46123 Avon Chamber Court Room Plainfield, IN 46168 65 Phillips Place New Members County and (317) 839-2561 Zionsville, IN 46077 Municipal Meetings Town of Brownsburg RaceMaker Brownsburg Town Hall Town Council Fun Foundation Productions LLC Hendricks County Eaton Hall (Second and fourth Preschool & 5250 E US Highway 36 Unless otherwise noted, 61 N. Green St. Monday every month) Child Care Avon, IN 46123 all meetings held at Brownsburg, IN 46112 May 9, 7 p.m. Joseph B Haltom (317)625-2223 Government Center (317) 852-1120 May 23, 7 p.m. Laura Haltom 355 S. Washington St. 1011 Hess Street Brownsburg Chamber Danville, IN 46122 Town Council Plan commission Plainfield, IN 46168 New Members (317) 745-9221 (Second and fourth (First Monday Thursday every month) every month) Krome Industrial, LLC Fabric Care Center/ Council May 12, 7 – 9 p.m. May 2, 7 p.m. Taryn Brundridge Modern Cleaners (Second Thursday May 26, 7 – 9 p.m. Russell Brundridge 728 East Main St. every month) Board of Zoning 1770 East Fork Dr. Brownsburg, IN 46112 May 12, 2 p.m. Plan Commission Appeals Brownsburg, IN 46112 (317) 852-4277 (Fourth Monday every (Third Monday every month) May 23, 7 p.m. month) May 16, 7 p.m. Brownsburg Town Hall Visit online

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