There’s No Satisfaction In Loafing All Day Unless You Ought to Be Working-Epictetus, Jr. d HjIKVH ON Club tryout i will I»C held today and ( you visit Colorado Field tomorrow, Oct. :i and 4, from I frequently? The team 4:30 to "5:30 p. m. from 4::iO <1:00 liOt’s make it another riub i practices to daily. Go out and watch; to be proud of. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLLEGIAN the fellows want you to. ru ished the weekly by Associated Students of the Colorado State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. VOL. XXVIII FORT COLM„ COLI.LXS, TIU'KSu.W. OCT, s, ujiB. \o. n NEWLY ASSIGNED MILITARY COLORADO FIELD BUSY PLACE AS STAFF OFFICERS ARE HERE HUGHES BUILDS HEW AGGIE TEAM of S. A. T. C, Now Personnel on Duty 1 —l! —Physical Examinations Schedule Not Settled—-Out-of-St ate I*ro- A Playlet In Two Acts (iaiiu's (o b© CanfeHed- cmlitiK Swiftly Nix On Profanity; Lat- Ht*awon May Extend Into I>eceml»er est With the arrival of the In Which the Guggenheim Order newly as- Winning Ways of West- military officers here, fall Everyone is interested in the ath- signed and the t'aiise Complimentary work being made letic events this ever more than quick of physical Comment. Just year to look at her you wouldn't in ordinary times. examinations, the real routine of the > The football think It was in her. students* training has be-' schedule has beeu changed several army corps ACT I. If didn’t know you her you mi£ht times and isn’t settled Time* -Mid-afternoon possibly yet. gun. I of day in ] describe her as more or less of the The first schedule drawn A reversion of the naming the middle as up last of • of September. Puritan type, inclined to be severe winter divisions been will be played out as nearly two has made by the Place: Front porch > of bouse on , even to austerity. But Tacts speak as possible with department, the 8. A. T. C. di- Peterson the exception of out war - street. Approach, short otherwise. of state games. It will be almost im- vision being known as Division A. rotund . man who rings door-bell. Yes, there’s no doubt or the verity possible to give the time while the special detach-^ 1 Door is opened up neces- training ' by housewife. of the affair. The whole drafting cj sary for making long trips, hence the ment comprise Division B. Short Rotund inen Man: Good after- i class testifies to Its truth, and Miss <anceiling oj those This On Monday Lieutenant for- noon!" games. Vasey, (Smiles broadly) Carpenter stands convicted on tho leaves some dates, which assistant open will he merly professor in the bot- Mouse Wife: flood afternoon! charge of provoking little ladles to in tilled as the time conies as much arrived here from S. R. M.: any department, i I am in search of rooms \ use naughty words. jih possible and should give us about the Presidio and took his up duties i for the men who will enter college I One must admit, her assignments the usual number of games. There Ih as personnel adjutant next ' are of the Stu- week. not made in a strictly far-sighted also a possibility of extending the dents* army training corps here, H. \V\: I have none to rent. I manner. She assigns each drawer In season well into December to make l ieutenant Blodgett is R. commanding S. M.: Continues: You know the sewing laboratory by letter, up for the time lost in starting, but officer of the men in Division A, will ona[ the men be In the barracks in a which isn’t a good thing to do, espe- nothing definite has beeu decided. I White ieutenant remains command- month so we need rooms for only this cially if the letters go as far as "I. The first game will be in probably ing officer of the special training de- • short time. They did this case. here October 12 with Utah Univers- tachment. H. I’m but That the drawer “1” should be W.: sorry, all of my as- ity. There is no certainty about this From the Presidio have also come• rooms are occupied. j signed. to a young lady of English as yet and some other team may op- four second lieutenants, assigned 1 S. R. M. (smiling obsequiously): extraction may not have been fore- pose us on that date. Other games here as instructors in the S. A. T. (’. All right. I thank you. Good day! seen. either. In kindness we will as- are being sought which wo' i Jesse T. Wilson. sume it not. for the matter nil They are: Lester A. Exit short rotund man en route to was soon out our schedule and give the JarvN John Iliff. and Warren O. the next house. escaped her memory. Seeing ihe the usual number of games to attend Thompson Lieut. John Koenig, who t ACT II young lady at a far desk near the end As these are scheduled they will be ill with at of the room, she inquired, “What was pneumonia the base Time: Evening same day. did announced so that will at Ft. I give you?" everyone hospital Sheridan. Illinois, was i Enter house wlfo and son. a col- know. In the meantime the team also detailed here. Since then word I lege student. Now', we ask you. what could she will practice as hard as ever and be has of his death—another answer? Should she “m?" It come to > H. W.: Who is that small rather say in fine condition when the do the wouldn’t be the but—mother games bring supreme sacrifice for his i stout fellow who is hunting rooms truth, come. always used red to burn country. for tlie Freshman? pepper out The men are ti ruing out in good Two companies. and II to the smirch of naughty words! A are > Son: Let nie see. Did he wear than 'shape, more 50 having made make students’ The truth must out. "You gave ap- up the army training : glasses and have a soft black hat? - OLD GLORY AND SERVICE for " Plication suits. The freshmen me >ll’ blushed the fair lady, ami j camp here. Ed. House and Paul If. W.: Yes! A nice looking fellow ' rubbing >■■■■■■ f Im>„, . the stern old halls of tiuggenhetrh Sweitzer have been appointed to act . with a broad cheerful smile. Is he and all promises well for the Aggie until frowned upon such deaeration. * top sergeants further notice, ole of your classmates? a team. *****HKmmn ®mn.kintonrd effto*rt* nil!!. i?ou* Why U»*tV- |Colorado Field h Scene of he appointed shortly. fall, the English teacher’ ■ ■■■■■ ■■ ar - ! —J M. C. Solemn Induction Ceremonies SPECIAL TRAINING PRES. LORY DEFINE FRATS SHELVE ACTIVI- STATUS OF COLLEGE TIES TILL WAR ENDS MEN ON CAMPUSI ■'l pledge allegiance to my flag and I the oath of allegiance. Ft reads a* THIRTY-FOUR WANTED "This will be our happiest year.” th,‘ for which ft stands. One follows: republic 1 I • said President Lory, In his I’ntll the war is brought to p satin- giving! and nation, IndUisible, with liberty Mounge « f tli * I'l-c* dent of the welcome Students returning to Aggies and l address at the first factory end there will l.e no morel assem- FOR OFFICERS CAMP all.' In clear, determined justice for Unite I State** In Arm) , newly registered frosh as well, will 1 bly last Wednesday. “It will be the me rs fraternity activities at C. A. C. 1 out oath that made o' t<tones rang the Tnininc f’irp**. Get. I. ISMS: , not happiest because of is This was the decision at find that the campus has been i every one us reached n j the \0 Aggie students soldiers In working for meetirg The . tep you have taken is a most 1 vacant this summer. Two hundred 1 a definite purpose, every of the representatives of the j Already has come the call for thir great army of the I’nited States. ono is busy. Back.of it one By it have and fifty soldiers have been busyr ail comes various- men’s organizations held sgnlficant you : , tv-four to be sent from the H A men At 10:110 o'clock Tuesday morning this idea—that fOMcr) Ic individuals, mixing concrete repairing, automo- . all of us are here here* last Friday afternoon. to merely i m T. Colorado Colorado C. of the Agricultural I t etati a program such as the service of till r '<*'»kltifc to perfe l himself to l biles, shoeing horses, and learning to> a great nation, a na- witnessed The agreement drawn at that i College to officers* VField has ne\er tefore wireless tlon that stands up training camp-* win hi* own p!a'e in tlie world and •sends messages. Everywhere 5 for the upbuilding heedful the sugg.Jtlon, conference, end presented to the fac- PPiomptly of he is reminded of the pres- . of the human race; for equal oppor- ■ Tiavo i»* nine comrades in 'lie com- ( one goes By Oct. 1 Major Hardin li» to pro ulty is as follows: President Wilson. th‘* Colorado (>of of the in special training. (unities to all and special privileges men c.iiu* of making the world a f- ence men pare and transfer "Because thirty men v ji«» College was initiating to of conditions resulting Agricultural The old rock walk which ran from \ none.
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