Catalogue of ELECTRA Papers and SESSION Papers 12/11/2007 Contents The catalogue lists the papers published in ELECTRA after 1967 and the papers discussed at CIGRE Sessions from 1968 on. ELECTRA Papers are listed in chronological order. They are of various nature. The catalogue displays: - the ELECTRA reference - the year of publication - the title of the paper - the nature of the paper - the author(s), either the Working Body which produced it, or the author(s),when it was not the result of a collective work. The Session papers are listed in chronological order also. For each paper are given: - the paper reference, with the year - the title of the paper - the author(s) Structure of the Catalogue -There is a Table of Contents at the beginning of the Catalogue, indexed per year, which helps accessing the right part of the catalogue -The ELECTRA papers follow -The Session papers section comes after. Getting the documents ELECTRA papers and Session papers can be delivered to CIGRE members only. Non members can only get the full sets of Session papers (see the catalogue of Publications) After selection of the papers, members are requested to use the Order Form, available on the Web and send it to the Central Office of CIGRE. This order form gives details on payment, when applying. Documents will be sent in electronic (preferably) or on paper. The service is usually charged for, and charge depends on the nature of the services provided (large number of papers, special request with search…) - Orders will be emailed (
[email protected]), posted to: CIGRE (21 rue d’Artois – 75008 Paris) , or faxed (+33 1 53 89 12 99) - Enquiries should be directed to:
[email protected], secretary-
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[email protected] (for membership details) IMPORTANT: Intellectual ownership of CIGRE documents.