“Juetters to Jiueerne”.* Uonight J
) j ; f * _ -w # “ Juetters to Jiueerne”* . * U onight J <£hc Hampshire VOL. No. 34 Issue 27 Z413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAY 24, 1945 PRICE THREE CENTS WRA Holds Election Music Recital Sunday i At New’Hampshire Hall Pres. Stoke Awards Union Drive "Kickoff” Miss Ruth McDaniel, pianist, and Miss Slate Presented for Margaret Olson, violinist, will appear in Prizes at Sr. Convo a recital Sunday evening, May 27, at 8 o ’clock in New Hampshire Hall. Both 19 Outstanding Students New Executive Board performers are members of the music Rally, Monday at 7:3o department faculty. Miss McDaniel will Attain High Recognition Voting Friday, May 25, play works from the piano literature of Radio Program, 8 to 8:30, Brahms, Chopin, Goosens, and Saint- Yesterday afternoon at 1 :15 the mem Revised Constitution Saens. Miss Olson, accompanied by bers of the senior class attended their Minimum Goal $250,000 Miss Dorothy Kline, will play the last convocation as undergraduates at New "Pep Gang" Accepted at Convocation Franck Sonata for Violin and Piano, as the annual senior convocation. The pro- Honors Service People cesional started at T-Hall led by Presi well as shorter works by modern com A big “kickoff” meeting which will Last Wednesday a women’s convoca posers. dent Harold W. Stoke followed by mem Plans Baseball Rally tion was held to present’ the revised bers of the faculty and the senior class. broadcast over three radio stations will No admission will be charged. The launch the combined alumni and univer W.R.A.
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