Gapura Annual Report 2017

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Gapura Annual Report 2017 2017 Laporan Tahunan Annual Report PERFORMANCE THROUGH SERVICE & OPERATIONS EXCELLENCE DAFTAR ISI Table of Contents PERFORMANCE THROUGH SERVICE & PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISA MANAJEMEN OPERATIONS EXCELLENCE 1 Management Discussion & Analysis 56 Tinjauan Bisnis dan Operasional IKHTISAR 2017 Business & Operational Review 58 2017 Highlights 2 Tinjauan Pendukung Bisnis Business Support Review 64 Kinerja 2017 Tinjauan Keuangan 2017 Performance 2 Financial Review 80 Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights 4 TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN LAPORAN MANAJEMEN Corporate Governance 92 Management Report 6 Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham General Shareholders Meeting 103 Laporan Dewan Komisaris Dewan Komisaris Report from the Board of Commissioners 8 Board of Commissioners 104 Laporan Direksi Direksi Report from the Board of Directors 14 Board of Directors 109 Komite Audit PROFIL PERUSAHAAN Audit Committee 119 Company Profile 22 Sekretaris Perusahaan Identitas Perusahaan Corporate Secretary 121 Company Identity 24 Manajemen Risiko Sekilas Gapura Risk Management 126 Gapura in Brief 26 Kode Etik Perusahaan Visi dan Misi Company Code of Conduct 130 Vision & Mission 28 Komposisi Pemegang Saham TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN Shareholders Composition 30 Corporate Social Responsibility 136 Jejak Langkah Milestones 32 Bidang Usaha LAPORAN KEUANGAN Field of Business 36 Financial Statements 153 Produk dan Jasa Products & Services 38 DATA PERUSAHAAN Wilayah Operasi Corporate Data 207 Operational Area 40 Pertumbuhan GSE 2014-2018 Struktur Organisasi GSE Growth 2014-2018 208 Organizational Structure 42 Alamat Cabang/Perwakilan Peristiwa Penting 2017 Addresses of Branch/Representatives Ofce 210 2017 Event Highlights 44 Pejabat Senior Penghargaan & Sertifikasi Senior Management 214 Awards & Certifications 46 Surat Pernyataan Anggota Dewan Komisaris Tentang Profil Dewan Komisaris Tanggung Jawab Atas Laporan Tahunan 2017 Board of Commissioners’ Profile 48 PT Gapura Angkasa Profil Direksi Statement of the Board of Commissioners Board of Directors’ Profile 51 Regarding Responsibility for the 2017 Annual Report Lembaga dan Profesi Penunjang Perusahaan of PT Gapura Angkasa 216 Supporting Institutions and Professionals to the Company 54 Surat Pernyataan Anggota Direksi Tentang Tanggung Jawab Atas Laporan Tahunan 2017 PT Gapura Angkasa Statement of the Board of Directors Regarding Responsibility for the 2017 Annual Report of PT Gapura Angkasa 217 | 1 | PERFORMANCE THROUGH SERVICE & OPERATIONS EXCELLENCE Sepanjang 2017, Gapura Throughout 2017, Gapura Angkasa konsisten Angkasa consistently menerapkan agenda implemented its transformasi menuju ‘service transformation agenda & operations excellence’. towards ‘service & operations Upaya-upaya tersebut fokus excellence’. These focus on, pada, antara lain, peningkatan among others, improving the kualitas sumber daya quality of human resources, manusia, pengembangan building a culture of service budaya kerja melayani and productivity, and dan produktivitas, serta enhancing the efectiveness peningkatan efektivitas proses of work processes by kerja melalui optimalisasi optimizing the utilization pemanfaatan sistem informasi of information systems dan teknologi. Di akhir tahun and technology. By end of tersebut, Gapura Angkasa the year, Gapura Angkasa telah selangkah lebih dekat is one step closer to the pada tujuan visi perusahaan, manifestation of its corporate yang berujung pada manfaat vision to the eventual benefit bagi pelanggan dan pemangku of customers and all other kepentingan lainnya. stakeholders. Gapura Angkasa Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report IKHTISAR 2017 LAPORAN MANAJEMEN PROFIL PERUSAHAAN PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISA MANAJEMEN 2017 Highlights Management Report Company Profile Management Discussion & Analysis | 2 | KINERJA 2017 2017 Performance PELANGGAN & JARINGAN | ARMADA GSE | GSE Fleet Customers & Network Penambahan GSE Additional GSE Maskapai Asing 47 Foreign Airlines 65 unit baru | new units Maskapai Domestik Jumlah Armada GSE Motorized 66 Domestic Airlines Total Motorized GSE Fleet Cabang Bandara 1.194 unit | units 30 Airport Branch Jumlah Armada GSE Non-Motorized Total Non-Motorized GSE Fleet SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA | Human Resources 3.915 unit | units Rata-rata jam pelatihan Rata-rata Usia GSE Motorized pegawai di 2017 Average Age of Motorized GSE sebanyak 19,22 jam/pegawai 13 tahun | years Average employee Produktivitas GSE training hours in 2017 is GSE Productivity 19.22 hours/employee 273,6 flight/GSE Gapura Angkasa Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN TANGGUNGTANGGUNG JAWAB JAWAB SOSIAL SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN PERUSAHAAN LAPORAN KEUANGANLAPORAN KEUANGAN DATA PERUSAHAAN Corporate Governance CorporateCorporate Social Social Responsibility Responsibility Financial StatementsFinancial Statements Corporate Data | 3 | PENGHARGAAN | Awards OPERASIONAL & KEUANGAN | Operational & Finance • Penghargaan “Zero Incident/Accident in Ground Handling & AHAN 2016” dari KLM Royal Dutch Airlines + 2,2% Award for “Zero Incident/ Accident in 2016” from KLM 313.547 Royal Dutch Airlines penerbangan | flights • Penghargaan “Outstanding Performance” dari Korean Cargo & Warehousing Air + 70,1% Award for “Outstanding Performance” from Korean Air 341.281 ton | tones • Penghargaan “25 Years of Loyal Business Partnership” dari China Pendapatan Usaha | Revenue Airlines + 8,4% Award for “25 Years of Loyal Business Partnership” from China Airlines Rp1.619 miliar | billion Laba Bersih | Net Income LAIN-LAIN | Others + 93,9% • Gapura menangani layanan kargo bagi KLM di cabang Cengkareng dan Denpasar sejak 11 September 2017 Rp54,8 Since 11 September 2017, Gapura miliar | billion provided cargo handling services for KLM at Cengkareng and Denpasar branch • Gapura meluncurkan layanan airport hospitality Joumpa Gapura inaugurated its airport hospitality service Joumpa Gapura Angkasa Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report IKHTISAR 2017 LAPORAN MANAJEMEN PROFIL PERUSAHAAN PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISA MANAJEMEN 2017 Highlights Management Report Company Profile Management Discussion & Analysis | 4 | IKHTISAR KEUANGAN Financial Highlights Angka pada tabel dan grafik menggunakan notasi bahasa Indonesia Numerical notation in all tables and graphs are in Indonesia (Dalam Rp Juta, kecuali disebut khusus) (in Million Rupiah, or otherwise stated) 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Pendapatan Usaha 1.619.397 1.493.312 1.318.818 1.210.443 1.092.668 Operating Revenues Beban Usaha 1.560.531 1.448.265 1.233.475 1.195.408 1.038.202 Operating Expenses Laba (Rugi) Usaha 58.866 45.047 85.344 15.035 54.466 Income (Loss) from Operations Penghasilan (Beban) Lain-lain- 151 -3.551 -7.458 47.925 14.857 Other Income (Expenses)-Net Bersih Laba Sebelum Pajak 59.018 41.496 77.885 62.960 69.323 Profit Before Tax Beban Pajak -4.217 -13.235 -24.089 -27.769 -25.670 Tax Expenses Laba Tahun Berjalan 54.801 28.261 53.796 35.191 43.652 Net Income for the Year Pendapatan Komprehensif Lain -20.154 -42.913 8.746 13.698 - Other Comprehensive Income Jumlah Pendapatan Komprehensif 34.647 -14.652 62.542 48.889 43.652 Total Comprehensive Income Jumlah Aset Lancar 516.325 423.237 382.949 335.070 282.011 Total Current Assets Jumlah Aset Tidak Lancar 403.296 1.340.409 621.818 461.127 463.520 Total Non-Current Assets Jumlah Aset 919.622 1.763.646 1.004.767 796.197 745.530 Total Assets Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 296.451 358.890 249.020 202.871 255.442 Total Current Liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 203.205 241.646 355.776 255.897 183.906 Total Non-Current Liabilities Liabilitas Sewa Pembiayaan - 777.792 176.422 - - Lease Liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas 499.656 1.378.328 604.796 458.768 439.348 Total Liabilities Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor 215.040 215.040 215.040 215.040 215.040 Issued and Fully Paid Capital Komponen Ekuitas Lainnya 204.924 170.279 184.931 122.389 91.142 Other Components of Equity Jumlah Ekuitas 419.964 385.319 399.971 337.429 306.182 Total Equity Jumlah Liabilitas dan Ekuitas 919.622 1.763.646 1.004.767 796.197 745.530 Total Liabilities and Equity Arus Kas Diperoleh dari Aktivitas 147.551 128.892 64.492 -47.036 101.138 Cash Flows Provided by Operating Operasi Activities Arus Kas Diperoleh dari -134.980 -92.522 -14.590 13.227 -118.372 Cash Flows Provided by (Used in) (Digunakan Untuk) Aktivitas Investing Activities Investasi Arus Kas Diperoleh dari -5.760 -21.000 -24.000 21.260 - Cash Flows Provided by (Used in) (Digunakan Untuk) Aktivitas Financing Activities Pendanaan Rasio Ratios EBITDA Marjin (%) 12,7 8,9 10,9 10,0 10,7 EBITDA Margin (%) Marjin Laba Usaha (%) 3,6 3,0 6,5 1,2 5,0 Operating Income Margin (%) Marjin Laba Bersih (%) 3,4 -1,0 4,7 4,0 4,0 Net Income Margin (%) Tingkat Pengembalian Aktiva (%) 6,4 3,8 6,7 4,4 5,9 Return on Assets (%) Tingkat Pengembalian Ekuitas (%) 13,1 7,3 13,4 10,4 14,2 Return on Equity (%) Rasio Lancar (%) 174,2 117,9 153,8 165,2 110,0 Current Ratio (%) Debt to Equity Ratio (%) 119,0 123,3 101,2 136,0 143,4 Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Debt to Asset Ratio (%) 54,3 64,5 50,3 57,6 58,9 Debt to Asset Ratio (%) Gapura Angkasa Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN DATA PERUSAHAAN Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility Financial Statements Corporate Data | 5 | PENDAPATAN USAHA (Rp juta) LABA TAHUN BERJALAN (Rp juta) Operating Revenue (Rp million) Net Income for the Year (Rp million) 1.318.818 43.652 54.801 53.796 1.210.443 1.619.397 1.092.668 1.493.312 35.191 28.261 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 JUMLAH ASET (Rp juta) JUMLAH EKUITAS (Rp juta) Total Assets (Rp million)
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