Opción, Año 34, Especial No.15 (2018): 1265-1294 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385 Artistic function of detail in Kazakh prose Gulmira Satylkhanova1 1 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan
[email protected] Aliya Tanzharykova2 2 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan
[email protected] Nurbol Khudaibergenov3 3 Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan
[email protected] Gulnaz Tokshylykova4 4 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan
[email protected] Sara Taimanova5 5Bolashak University, Kyzylorda, Almaty, Kazakhstan
[email protected] Abstract The artistic detail plays an important role in the transmission of artistic thought. For this reason, the article is aimed to determine the essence and importance of detail on the basis of national knowledge and concepts via comparative historical research method. As a result, in folk historical works there are a huge number of artistic details of the ethnocultural nature. In conclusion, the independent and original place of each nation in the system of universal values is determined only by the ethnocultural features inherent in these people. Key words: artistic, Kazakh, prose, ethnocultural, novel. Recibido: 04-12--2017 Aceptado: 10-03-2018 1266 Satylkhanova et al. Opción, Año 34, Especial No.15(2018):1265-1294 Función artística del detalle en la prosa kazaja Resumen El detalle artístico juega un papel importante en la transmisión del pensamiento artístico. Por este motivo, el artículo pretende determinar la esencia y la importancia de los detalles sobre la base del conocimiento y los conceptos nacionales a través del método de investigación histórica comparativa.