National Transportation Safety Board
,oc ITSB'. ~MM :o 18 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD U.S. GENERAL AVIATION 1978 NTSB-AMM-80-8 >C rss llM , UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATIO~ PAGE 1. Report No. I 2.Government Accession No. 3.Recipient's Catalog No. NTSB-AMM-80;...8 4. Title and Subtitle 5.Report Date Briefs of Accidents, Involving Corporate/Executive August 5, 1980 Aircraft, U.S. General Aviation, 1978 6.Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) E.Performing Organization Report No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10.Work Unit No. Bureau of Technology 3021 National Transportation Safety Board 11 .Contract or Grant No. Washington, D.C. 20594 13.Type of Report and Period Cove red 12.Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Accident Reports in Brief Format - U.S. General Aviation Corporate/Executive NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD Aircraft, 1978 Washington, D. C. 20594 14.Sponsoring Agency Code 15.Supplementary Notes 16.Abstract This publication contains reports of U.S. general aviation corporate/ executive aircraft accidents occurring in 1978. Included are 87 accident Briefs, 23 of which involve fatal accidents. The brief format presents the facts, conditions, circumstances and probable cause(s) for each accident. Additional statistical information is tabulated by type of accident, phase of operation, injuries and causal/factor(s). This publication will be published annually. 17 ·Key Words Aviation accidents, corporate/executive 18.Distribution Statement aircraft, U.S. general aviation, probable cause, This document is available type of accident, phase of operation, kind of to the public through the flying, aircraft damage, injuries, p~lot data. National Technical Infor mation Service, Spring field, Virginia 22151 19.Security Classification 20.Security Classification 21 .No.
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