Possible Hazards of Cell Phones and Towers, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, and Wireless Computers, Printers, Laptops, Mice, Keyboards, and Routers Book One Since 2013 I have been emailed several dozen reports of possible medical and other hazards from intense electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and towers, Wi-Fi, smart meters, and wireless computer accessories including wireless computers, keyboards, mice, routers, printers, and laptops. I have compiled over 200 pages of these reports in chronological order. This file is linked at www.commutefaster.com/vesperman.html and www.padrak.com/vesperman. Several related ‗EMF‘ files are also linked at these two websites. A second Book Two with the same title as this Book One is also linked at these two websites. This report begins with ―Disclaimers‖, Table of Contents, and potentially useful ―Recommendations for Actions‖ followed by a selection of short ―Items of Outstanding Interest‖. Gary Vesperman 588 Lake Huron Lane Boulder City, NV 89005-1018 702-435-7947
[email protected] Urgent! By July 12, 2016 please send the template letter on page 210 to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and your Senators and Representative. The FCC is voting July 14, 2016 on whether to move forward with 5G – an extremely dangerous technology. Wireless technology has the potential to compromise the genetic integrity of individuals for all future generations. (The FCC did approve 5G at their July 14 meeting.) Hazards of Toxic Cell Phones, Wireless Devices, Etc – Book One 1 August 17, 2016 Disclaimers Inclusion of any invention or technology in this ―Possible Hazards of Cell Phones and Towers, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, and Wireless Computers, Printers, Laptops, Mice, Keyboards, and Routers – Book One‖ does not in any way imply its suitability for investments of any kind.