Washington, DC
HOUSES UNFURNISHED. HOUSES UNFURNISHED. HOUSES FOR SALE. (Continued.) _HOUSES FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR SALE. HOUSIS FOR SALE. COLORED—No. S. 8 ALEXANDRIA CT. (Continued.) HOUSES FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR SALE. HOMES NEAR WOODRIDGE. SEE THIS PRETTY HOME. BEAUTIFUL N.W. 4 Rooms. $15. FOXHALL VILLAGE. SHEPHERD PARK—CAN BE PURCHASED 2812 Hamlin St. N.E.—*5,500. Open; 5024 Illinois n.w.: 7 rms. lncl. 3932 LEGATION ATTRACTIVE Lovely home lor small family; BRODIE A COLBERT. INC., NATL. 8875. 200» 2flth St. ST.* BUNGALOW. WOODRIDGE SPECIALS. perfect for $12,500. owner transferred from city. N.E.—*0,500. porch; arranged 2 families; gar. Qeo. 1122. CHEVY CHASE. D. C. 2«U2 eond.; large llv. rm. with -800 30th HAMLIN ST. N.E. house fireplace, din COLORED—5100 FITCH BT. N E._ 2-story brick, highest elevation. 0 rooms. 3 St. N.E.—*6,600. Home of unuiual charm, well conatructed. Beautiful 3 baths, big lot. only rm modern kit. 2 2849 Monroe 5-room and bath bungalow. large bedrms.. tiled Charming 5-rm. bungalow, excellent condi- large bedrooms, breakfast room. 2 complete St. N.E.—*0.050. roomy, large porches; lot 60x140; oil Attic, front garage bargain at bath. 2 screened tion: WM. R. WEST D. C. porch, large lot; near school 2- roo,mi porches, gar.; auto, heat electricity: nice situation: acre ol baths, automatic oil heat, built-in garage, .... THOROWGOOD, WOODRIDGE, heat, 2-car close to shopping center and stores. bouses for rent. H. C. refrigeration. D. R. I. Ave. N.E. garage; Bargain. Price. $5,600.
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