A N Ews Bu Lletin New Zealand Antarctic Society
A N EWS BU LLETIN p u b l i s h e d q u a r t e r l y b y t h e NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY MAN HAS HIS USES! A hole made by marine biologists saves this Weddell seal a lot of trouble. KJ_!5'i —Official U.S. Navy photograph. ■ Vol. 3, No. 12 DECEMBER, 1964 AUSTRALIA Winter and Summer bases Scott- S u m m e r b a s e o n l y t S k y - H i Jointly operated base Halletr NEW ZEALAND tTransferred - . base( UWilkes . S . - N . l ) _ , U . S . t o A u s t TASMANIA Temporarily non -operational....*Syowi . Campbell I. (n.I) ■ Macquarie I, (Aust) mik %ot-iiin«' r *. Wilkes— '•'.•'.•• ->Vt Little Roc Mo: U.S.toAust. NAAf '•S/SSJUJJ •*-),•P. L « A^Burdmo4/ ( / 7 - > \ ( u s\ j «^ v N' *• f tA, S 'Byrd B r (tf.SA\ * +"Vostok , .(U.S.S.R J V / > >\^Ainiindsen -ScoIt (UiJ ^ A N T 1 A R ( A u t t ) ) i \ / \ • \f\ /\ ^Hjds'.'tofig'i-c. < ^ M a w i t f n v \ / (Ay) '<? ikiud ♦ f c r t ff i r o ^ ? (VtV^F/,^ >-tL 40^° i nnawu t WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, SEP. 1962. fie l (Successor to "Antarctic News Bulletin") Vol. 3, No. 12 DECEMBER, 1964 Editor: L. B. Quartermain, M.A., 1 Ariki Road, Wellington, E.2, New Zealand. Business Communications, Subscriptions, etc., to: Secretary, New Zealand Antarctic Society, P.O. Box 2110, Wellington, N.Z. BASES AND MEN week, from December 4.
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