Glaciological Studies at Wilkes Station, Budd Coast, Antarctica
This dissertation has been 64—1247 microfilmed exactly as received CAMERON, Richard Leo, 1930- GLAClOLOGICAL STUDIES AT WILKES STATION, BUDD COAST, ANTARCTICA. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1963 G eology University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan GLACIOLOGICAL STUDIES AT WIUKES STATION, BUDD COAST, ANTARCTICA DISSERTATION Presented In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy In the Graduate School of Rie Ohio State University by Richard Leo Cameron, B.Sc The Ohio State University 1963 Approved by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The glaclologlcal field work was accomplished with the able assistance of Dr. Olav I^ken, now of Queens Univer sity, Kingston, Ontario and Mr. John Molholm. The work was financed by money granted to the Arctic Institute of North America by the National Academy of Sciences. The late Dr. Carl Eklund, Chief of the Polar Branch of the Army Research Office and Senior Scientist at Wilkes Station, was an inspiring leader and a close friend who vigorously backed the glaclologlcal program and maintained an active interest in the results of this work. The U.S. Navy supported the International Geophysical Year efforts in the Antarctic and their support at Wilkes Station was excellent. At Wilkes the scientific work progressed smoothly because of the unfailing support of seventeen Navy men commanded by Lt. Donald Burnett. Dr. Eklund and Lt. Burnett are to be credited with making Wilkes Station the No. 1 IGY station in Antarctica. The glaclologlcal data were redded at The Ohio State University under a grant (y/r.10/285) from the National Foundation and have been published by The Ohio State Univer sity Research Foundation (Cameron, L/ken, and Molholm, 1959)* 11 Analysis of these data has been accomplished under National Science Foundation grants 0-8992 and 0-14799 and a grant from the National Aoademy of Sciences.
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