Board Prepares to Honour Community Builders Recognition | Chair Tim Manning on Volunteer Appreciation and the Prestigious Rix Awards
NEW GOVERNMENT TABLES ITS FIRST FEDERAL BUDGET Changes to the infrastructure funding model good news for major transit projects 3 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GREATER VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADE AND ITS MEMBERS | APRIL 2016 | VOLUME 56 / ISSUE 4 | BOARDOFTRADE.COM Board prepares to honour community builders RECOGNITION | Chair Tim Manning on volunteer appreciation and the prestigious Rix Awards business leader, philanthropist The awards will be presented BY TIM MANNING and volunteer who served as April 11 at our 29th Annual Gov- Chair in 2008-09. ernors’ Banquet, along with a ehind every good cham- This year, David Podmore will special tribute to Janet Austin, ber of commerce stands an receive the 2016 Rix Award for who served as our 2014-15 Chair Barmy of volunteers. Engaged Community Citizen- and has donated her time to The Greater Vancouver Board ship, in recognition of his past many other local organizations of Trade is no exception, driven leadership of the BC Pavilion over her career, including the by more than 400 individuals Corporation, his key role in help- Canadian Paediatric Society, who lend their time, talents, and ing bring the 2010 Olympics to Big Sisters of the Lower Main- expertise to helping us lead our Vancouver, and his decades of land, United Way of the Lower public policy committees, four volunteer work, including as Mainland, BC SPCA, MOSAIC, professional development pro- Chair of the BCIT Foundation, the Women’s Health Research grams, and more than 100 annual President of the Urban Develop- Institute, Dr. Peter AIDS Founda- business events. ment Institute, President of the tion, the Council for Early Child Volunteers are the engine that Greater Vancouver Home Build- Development, and more than a propels our non-profit organ- ers Association, Chair of the BC dozen others.
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