Lthe British Columbia Federati Dustrial Unity: Strength
LTHE BRITISH COLUMBIA FEDERATI DUSTRIAL UNITY: STRENGTH. OFFICIAL PAPER: VANCOUVER TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL AND B. C. FEDERATION OF LABOR. BIXTHYEAR. No. 167. VANCOUVER, B. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 19,1914. SIX PAGES (*^R»A«J»** 1 ,":.••-• *~* -a . IT ONLY NEEDS MEN CAXT FRATERNITY TO MEM ENTERTAINMENT TOPOW; JULY 21 iplit Up into Vancouver "United Workmen's Club" As Regards Labor Repre J. Francis Burslll WUl As Centre, Vancouver South Stock for sentation for British sist the Printers'Ap and Burrard Three Dollars Columbia prentices I. 0. Will Have Thirteen Members Pay Fifty Cents a Workers Must Hare Better To Entertain Their Friends Constituencies Instead v Month aa Dues—Oreat Conditions and More —Program Oommlttee of Seven Expectations Money Appointed The new redistribution act, gives The "employment shark fratern [By J. B. Wilton, Chairman of Labor The Caxton Apprentloe olub, com rltish Columbia thirteen seats in- ity," like wage-earnera nowadays, Representation League] prised of apprentlcaa to tha typo ead of seven. Five constituencies flnd lt hard to make both ends meet. Under, all forma of' govern graphical art In thlt olty and vicinity, re added to Manitoba. Four are One of the "gang," through necessity, ment ths ultimata power lias held a very enthusiastic meeting ta then away from Ontario, three from has hit on a new "skin" game. He has with tha masses. It Is not king) typographical headquarters Wednes ew Brunswick and one from Prince an ofllce on Carroll street, almost nor aristocracies, nor land own day evening last Then mat a good • dward leland. Alberta and Bas- opposite to Hick's- layout—the high ers, nor capitalists, that anywhsrs attendance and Preaident Albert atchewan gain additional represen- Mogul of the E.
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