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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 446 617 HE 033 460 TITLE The Independent Study Catalog. 7th Edition. INSTITUTION National Univ. Continuing Education Association, Washington, DC.; Peterson's Guides, Inc., Princeton, NJ. ISBN ISBN-0-7689-0008-5 ISSN ISSN-0733-6020 PUB DATE 1998-00-00 NOTE 400p.; For the sixth edition, see ED 405 788. AVAILABLE FROM Peterson's, 202 Carnegie Center, P.O. Box 2123, Princeton, NJ 08543-2123 ($21.95). Tel: 800-338-3282 (Toll Free); Fax: 609-243-9150. Web site: PUB TYPE Guides - Non-Classroom (055) -- Reference Materials - Directories /Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC16 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Continuing Education; Correspondence Schools; *Correspondence Study; Elementary Secondary Education; *Extension Education; *External Degree Programs; Graduate Study; High School Equivalency Programs; Higher Education; Home Study; *Independent Study; Lifelong Learning; Noncredit Courses; Nontraditional Education ABSTRACT This directory lists high school, college, and graduate study at-home opportunities, including extensive information about external degree and certificate programs offered by accredited institutions that participate in University Continuing Education Association programs. An introductory section, which explains what independent study is and how it works, is highlighted by profiles of individuals who have traveled this route. Another short section explains how to use the catalog listings. The catalog listings themselves provide short profiles of participating institutions, including cost and whom to contact. Indexes include: (1) geographical;(2) external degree;(3) certificate program;(4) institutions accepting international students;(5) alphabetical guide to subject areas; and (6) subject areas. (CH/EV) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. LIFELONG LEARNING "ASTANDOUT RESOURCE" JOYCE LAIN KENNEDY NATIONALLY SYNDICATED CAREERSCOLUMNIST 13 aOcCORRESPONDENCE COU S aTuIDER 140 ACCREDITEDSeFiliOLgAND I rtUTIONS, PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND BUILD JOB Skitrt-A-ND GAIN DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS ADVANCEMENT .BEEN GRANTEDBY .rediticielik GRADUATETtf; C.:DEGREE TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES 1 MI INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) COMPLETE YOUR HIGH SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS '''Y`' S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Ooor or Eaucaoona, .rotamn no EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERICI O This OCcurnent has been reproduCaa a S ENRICH YOUR LIFE_- THIS FULLY mcemeer3 from 1111 person or Orgianlyahon ongrnabng UPDATED EDITtOft: O hamar changes have been made to mlorove reprOcruction Quality Pornto of woof or OD000rm Stated in thIS BEST COPY AVAILABLE Oocurnoni do not necessarily represent OERI 00511011 de policy UNIVERSITY CONTINUING EDUCATION ASSOCIATION PUBLISHED BY P THE INDEPENDENT S UDY CATALOG OTE THE INDEPENDENT SUY CATALOG TH EDITION PUBLISHED BY PETERSON'S FORTHE UNIVERSITY CONTINUING EDUCATION ASSOCIATION COOL4 About Peterson's Peterson's is the country's largest educational information/ communications company, providing the academic, consumer, and professional communities with books, software, and online services in support of lifelong education access and career choice. Well- known references include Peterson's annual guides to private schools, summer programs, colleges and universities,graduate and profes- sional programs, financial aid, international study, adult learning, and career guidance. Peterson's Web site at is the only comprehensiveand most heavily travelededucation resource on the Internet. The site carries all of Peterson's fully searchable major databases and includes financial aid sources, test-prep help, job postings, direct inquiry and application features, and specially cre- ated Virtual Campuses for every accredited academic institution and summer program in the U.S. and Canada thatoffers in-depth narra- tives, announcements, and multimedia features. Visit Peterson's Education Center on the Internet (World Wide Web) at Published by Peterson's for the University Continuing Education Association Copyright © 1998 by the University Continuing Education Association, One Dupont Circle, Washington, D.C. Previous editions © 1983, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995 Previously published as Guide to Independent Study Through Correspondence Instruction, © 1977, 1980 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwiseexcept for citations of data for scholarly or reference purposes with full acknowledgment of title, edition, and publisher and written notification to Peterson's prior to such use. ISSN 0733-6020 ISBN 0-7689-0008-5 Printed in the United States of America Members of the University Continuing Education Association (UCEA) include accredited, degree-granting institutions of higher education and comparable nonprofit organizations with a substantial involvement in postsecondary continuing higher education. Through continuing education programs, UCEA members make the resources of their institutions available to youth, adults, volunteer organizations, professional bodies, government, labor, and private business and industry. 1098765 4 3 21 INTRODUCTION 1 What is Independent Study? 1 What's New in Independent Study? 1 What Does Independent Study Offer? 5 Who Takes Independent Study? '7 Why Consider Independent Study? 7 The Importance of an Accredited Collegeor University 12 Questions You Should Ask Before Registering 13 Is Independent Study for Me? 15 How Does It Work? 15 What Are My Financing Options? 23 HOW TO USE THIS CATALOG 25 Finding Courses 25 Finding Program Information 25 Kinds of Courses 26 Course Information and Abbreviations 27 INSTITUTION PROFILES AND INDEPENDENT STUDY COURSELISTINGS 29 Adams State College 30 Arizona State University 30 Athabasca University 32 Auburn University 37 Ball State University 37 Bastyr University 39 Bethany College of the Assemblies of God 39 Brigham Young University 41 Caldwell College 48 California State University, Dominguez Hills 48 California State University, Sacramento 49 Central Michigan University 50 Chadron State College 51 Charter Oak State College 52 Cincinnati Bible College and Seminary 53 The College of West Virginia 53 Colorado State University 55 Columbia Union College 57 Creighton University, University College 58 David N. Myers College 59 Delaware Valley College 61 Eastern Kentucky University Ci. U 61 Contents Eastern Michigan University 63 Eastern Oregon University 63 Eastern Washington University 66 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 67 Emporia State University 68 Governors State University 69 Home Study International/Griggs University 70 Indiana State University 73 Indiana University 74 Johnson Bible College 80 Kansas State University 80 Keystone National High School 82 LIFE Bible College 83 Louisiana State University and Agricultural and MechanicalCollege 83 Marywood University 87 McGill University 88 Memorial University of Newfoundland 89 Middle Tennessee State University 92 Millersville University of Pennsylvania 93 Minot State University 93 Mississippi State University 94 Moody Bible Institute 96 Murray State University 96 North Dakota Division of Independent Study 97 Northern Michigan University 99 Northern State University 100 Northwestern College 100 Northwood University 101 Ohio University 102 Oklahoma State University 105 Oregon State University 108 Pennsylvania State University 109 Portland State University 113 Purdue University 115 Regents College 116 Regis University 116 Roger Williams University 117 Roosevelt University 118 Saint Joseph's College 119 Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College 121 Salve Regina University 122 Sam Houston State University 123 San Jose State University 125 Savannah State University 126 Skidmore College 126 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 126 Contents Southern Utah University 127 Southwestern Assemblies of God University 128 Southwest Texas State University 129 State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry 130 State University of New York Empire State College 130 Stephens College 133 Syracuse University 137 Taylor University, Worldwide Campus 139 Texas A&M UniversityCommerce 140 Texas Tech University 142 Texas Wesleyan University 145 Thomas Edison State College 145 The Union Institute 148 United States Sports Academy 148 The University of Alabama 149 University of Alaska Fairbanks 152 University of Alaska Southeast 154 The University of Arizona 154 University of Arkansas 159 University of California Extension 162 University of Central Arkansas 164 The University of Charleston 166 University of Colorado at Boulder 166 University of Florida 168 University of Idaho 171 University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign 174 The University of Iowa 176 University of Kansas 180 University of Kentucky 183 University of Manitoba 185 University of Maryland University College 188 The University of Memphis 190 University of Michigan 191 University of Minnesota 192 University of Mississippi 196 University of MissouriColumbia 198 University of NebraskaLincoln 204 University of Nevada, Reno 207 University of New Brunswick 209 University of New Mexico 210 The University of North Carolina 211 University of North Carolina at Greensboro 213 University of North Dakota 213 University of Northern Colorado 215 University of Northern Iowa 216 University of Oklahoma 218 .f.') 'J.,. 6 Contents University of Saskatchewan 222 University of South Carolina 223 University