November 15, 2015 Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 1 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

• Attending this conference is an active action of Continuous Improvement • Interaction at events like this expands your thinking and generates new ideas • This will lead to improvements in your approach to challenges

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 2 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

• Is an ongoing effort to improve products, services or processes. These efforts can seek “incremental” improvement over time or “breakthrough” improvement all at once • Simple approach to making things better • A process to deal with the things you don’t get right in the original plan

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 3 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

• Engineering Manager at Liburdi Turbine Services (LTS) • LTS – repairs gas turbine components using processes including welding, machining and coating

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 4 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 5 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

• Plan Do Check Act

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 6 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

• Plan Do Check Act

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 7 Real Life Example

• 2014 • May 9th Game Versus Empire • The RUSH won 28-25 • Post game break down • Seared into my mind was the picture of the Empire handlers launching discs at will

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 8 Real Life Example

• Player 1 • Left handed handler • Interesting throwing style • Holds the disc out wide and then launches it from there • And Launch he did • Highlighted Limitation

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 9 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

• Plan Do Check Act

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 10 Plan - Problem

• Toronto RUSH players were not applying sufficient pressure to open side throws

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 11 Plan - Data

• Statistics – Ultianalytics

Turn Passing Name Assists Completions +/- Overs Percentage

Player 1 5 27 2 93 5

Player 2 5 38 3 93 3

• Empire Goals scored = 25

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 12 Video Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 13 Video Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 14 Video Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 15 Video Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 16 Video Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 17 Video Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 18 Video Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 19 Video Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 20 Video Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 21 Plan – Identify Root Causes

• We do lots of drills where marking is a key component but we haven’t taught all of the specifics of marking • Rookies don’t necessarily know • Veterans may have forgotten all the drills we did the last fall where we highlighted influencing open throws or at least are not demonstrating good technique

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 22 Plan – Identify Root Causes

• RUSH and GOAT use a lot of around backhands so we are programmed to set up to stop these throws in practice

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 23 Plan – Identify Root Causes

• In the AUDL teams are confined to certain areas of the field (typically one sideline, in a 20 yard area) • Markers cannot rely on feedback from the sidelines (right, left, close, no huck) • Assistance that they have grown to rely on is not necessarily available

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 24 Plan – Brainstorm Solutions

• Review literature to see what is available to teach better marking • Looked at previous ultimate conferences for resources • Remembered last years UCC in Toronto and the presentation by Mario O’Brien from Rise UP • Checked through their resources and found – Marking – The Triangle Progression

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 25 Plan – Brainstorm Solutions

• Smart experienced players but also teachers

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 26 Plan – Brainstorm Solutions

Used with permission from

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 27 Plan – Brainstorm Solutions

Used with permission from

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 28 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

• Use techniques and terminology from RISE UP to teach specific approach to marking • Stop the Shown Throw • Triangle marking Progression

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 29 Plan – Develop Solution Plan


Stopped by the OPEN Side Marker


November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 30 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

FORCE Open side But also no Influence on the throw

Stopped by the Marker


November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 31 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

Stop the Shown Throw FORCE OPEN SIDE But we can Influence the influence Open Huck Stopped by the Force Pivoting Marker


November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 32 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

Step across to stop the FORCE OPEN SIDE pivot

Stopped by the Marker


November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 33 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

Step back to give FORCE angle to stop the break

Stopped by the Marker


November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 34 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

Regain position to FORCE OPEN SIDE stop the But we can Shown Throw influence Stopped by the Marker


November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 35 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

• Introduce Triangle Marking • Improve Marking versus Inside Breaks • Stop Show Throw • Influence hucks • Create need to pivot to open up space • Eliminate stand, survey and fire

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 36 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

• Improve Marking Movement • Add drills that facilitate this movement • Show entire team movement patterns • Bring in Strength and Conditioning Coach – Mike Haddock

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 37 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 38 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

• Improve Marking Movement • Short pop

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 39 Plan – Develop Solution Plan

• Improve Marking Movement • Shuffle

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 40 Do – Implement Plan

• Run drills from RISE UP • No Pivot – Stop the Shown Throw • One Pivot – Stop the Pivot • Full Triangle • Stop the Shown Throw • Stop the Pivot • Step Back to Create Angle • Regain Position

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 41 Do – Implement Plan

• Add Full Triangle marking to drills we already had in our repertoire • Add Full Triangle marking to our warm up

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 42 Do – Implement Plan

• Add Marking movement to post practice work • Short Pop • Shuffle

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 43 Do – Implement Plan

• Verify outcome is good in drills • Verify outcome is good in Scrimmage • Time to demonstrate in a game

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 44 Check - Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 45 Check - Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 46 Check - Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 47 Check - Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 48 Check - Data

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 49 CHECK - Data

• Statistics – After

Turn Passing Name Assists Completions +/- Overs Percentage

Player 1 0 22 5 81 -3

Player 2 3 33 4 89 2

• Empire Goals scored = 16

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 50 CHECK - Data

• Statistics – Improvement

Turn Passing Name Assists Completions +/- Overs Percentage

Player 1 -5 -5 +3 -12 -8

Player 2 -2 -5 +1 -4 -1

• Empire Goals scored = -9

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 51 Act - Standardize

• Add drill and terminology to practices • Continue to look for and encourage strong marking during subsequent games

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 52 Act – Standardize – a little later

• Realized that we didn’t run this drill enough down the fall stretch • We will run this drill set and refresh this concept before the season even starts so that we don’t regress

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 53 Summary

• Even experienced teams have challenges - even with fundamentals • Continuous Improvement using PDCA tools can eliminate problems leading to better results • Absorb everything you can • You don’t have to know everything just be confident enough to ask for help

November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 54 Summary


November 15, 2015 Ultimate Canada Conference 2015 - Halifax 55