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PHONOGRAP'HIO',"'BULLETIN Revlewpf , 'Arc.hives Organec:l~ Sonores " ' , ' ' ~~its , ohriftderInte:tnational.:en Ve~elni9'ungcier schalla';rchi ve ' Eci;Ltor : ,Dr. Ro IfL. Schuursma,·" opc,umenta,tioncehtre ,liengeveldstraat,:29, "Utrecht., The "Neth.erlands The , PHONOGRAPHl:C ' BULLETIN i$onlyavail~bleoto Inemb;~l;S ' : Q£IASA, the Internatiqnal Associa,tion,of Sound " f , 'l'hestibscriptionprice,coveredby:the ,memPershipdues, ' is dil. 9.00 for individual members .anCl ,df,1.30.00fQJ; institutional members. Applica,tionsfor membersh;tp :a+e tone addressed ,to the secretflry of IASA. ' " ", , ' , ,,' "...I " ' " , "', " " ' , ,' , , ' ,,' " LePHQNOGRAPHIC BULLETlN n' est destineq\l'auxmetnb:t;'~s l' IASA • Leprix de 1 'abonnement est. .compris dans la cotisation; c~ttederniere ,est dehfl.9 .00 ,pourles ro~mbresindividuels et dehfl. , 30. oq ,pourles membres, collectifs. Les d~mandes d'adh~siondoiventetre adreQs~e$ ,. au Secretariat del'I1\SA. " PHONOGRAPHIC l30~LETINwi:rd nu'r anMi tgl~edel: d.erl1\SA ausgel,iefert. Der Bezu<:1spreisi~t im 'Mi,:tgliedspel,t;r,aq erhalten.Esbet,digt,hfl.. 9. 00 fUr ,Einze1mitg:lieder, und hfl,. 30.00 fur korporative Mitgli~der. , Anmelclungen 'z,nr Mitgli,:edschaft sind an dasSe~retariatder.l1\SA zl,\ richten. ' -0- International Association of Sound Archives (IASJ.\.) President : Timothy Eckersley ,R.ecordingServfces ,Radic;>~ , ' , British Broadcasting, Corporation, Broadcasting 1fouse, Langham Place, London WI, England Vice Presidents:M;lle Prof.Dr~' Claw::1ieMarcel';"DubQis, Musee National des Arts et TradLt,ionspopiJlaires, ,6 R<?ute du Mahatma Gandhi, 75116 Paris ; ,France Don~ld L.Leavitt,MusicPivision' of , t:he Library ' of Congress ,Washington P. C. 2()540,USA ", ' ,' , , '. "" , Dr. Ivanl?ethes,Depar tmentofSc;:ientificIIlformati6n, .
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