American Library Association Potential Candidate Nomination 00
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American Library Association Potential Candidate Nomination 00. ALA OFFICERS BALLOT ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Maureen Sullivan Current Position: Organization Development Consultant and Educator, 1991, Maureen Sullivan Associates, 3696 Thomas Point Road, Annapolis, MD 21403 Previous Positions: Professor of Practice, Ph.D., Managerial Leadership in the Information Professions, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College 2007‐present Human Resources Administrator, Yale University Libraries, 1983‐1991 Management Training Specialist, Association of Research Libraries, 1980‐1983 Degrees and Certificates: Un iversity of Maryland, MLS, 1976 University of Maryland, BA History, 1974 ALA and/or ALA‐APA Activities: Co‐Chair, Our Authors, Our Advocates Initiative, 2010‐2011 Co‐Chair, Emerging Leaders Initiative, 2006‐2010 Member, Core Values Task Force, 2000‐2004 Member, Competencies for Librarians Task Force, 2000‐2002 Chair, Office for Library Personnel Resources Advisory Committee, 1991‐93 Chair, Minority Fellowship Program Advisory Board, 1989‐1995 Chair, H. W. Wilson Staff Development Award Jury, 1985 Member, Nominations Committee, 1986 Consultant, Advisory Committee to the Office for Library Outreach Services, 1988‐1995 Member, Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award Jury, 1993‐1997 President, Association of College and Research Libraries, 1998‐99 Member, ACRL Personnel and Staff Development Officers Discussion Group, 1980‐ Chair, ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute Advisory Committee, 1999‐2004 Member, ACRL 2003 and 2005 National Conference Planning Committee President, Library Leadership, Administration and Management Association, 1988‐89 Chair, LAMA Personnel Administration Section, 1984‐85 Offices held in the ALA‐APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Connecticut White House Conference on Libraries and Information Services Planning Committee, 1989‐1990 Honors and Awards (library and non‐library, including DATES): Named the 2010 Academic/Research Librarian of the Year by the Association of College and Research Libraries Recipient of the American Library Association’s Elizabeth Futas Catalyst for Change Award in 1999 Chica go Public Library’s 2006 Charlotte Kim Scholar in Residence: The Promise of Appreciative Inquiry in Library Organizations Major Accomplishments: As ACRL president, co‐founded the Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1999 and have served on the faculty annually since 2000; designed and facilitated numerous workshops and institutes for libraries, library consortia and library associations including TALL Texans Institute, New England Library Leadership Symposium, Mountain Plains Leadership Institute, New Jersey Leadership Academy, Iowa Leadership Institute; Learning Community Director for the Urban Libraries Council's Librarians for America's Neighborhoods program; frequent speaker and presenter at ALA and ALA Chapter conferences on such topics as transforming libraries, redesigning work, leading from any position, fostering collaboration, making the case for the library's value, creating a culture of diversity and inclusion, delivering quality service, using power and influence to advance the library's place in its community; consultant to libraries of all types on strategic planning, work redesign, changing roles and contribution of librarians, revising support s taff classification structures, developing teams; facilitator of the 3rd Congress on Professional Education: Focus on Support Staff (COPE III) Publications: Co‐author with Robert D. Stueart of two Neal‐Schuman publications: Developing Library Leaders (2010) and Performance Analysis and Appraisal (1991) "The Promise of Appreciative Inquiry in Library Organizations," Library Trends, Volume 53, Number 1, 2004 Links for further information: Statement of Professional Concerns: Thi s is a time of great opportunity and challenge for libraries, librarians and library staff. We must strengthen our ability to make the case for how we make a difference in the lives of the people in our communities. I believe ALA is the best resource and most effective voice for libraries on a national level. The 2011‐2015 Strategic Plan provides an excellent framework for ensuring a vibrant future for the profession. My professional concerns include: (1) competition from publishers and other vendors of information access who believe they can bypass libraries and sell information products directly to the publics we serve; (2) challenges to and erosion of our principles and values, eesp cially intellectual freedom, privacy, and access to information; (3) the difficulty those we serve have in achieving information and media literacy as the complex world of information explodes in a socially networked environment; (4) preparing ourselves to lead the transformation necessary to remain vital and relevant in the digital world; (5) capitalizing on the talents and commitments of everyone who works in our libraries; (6) strengthening our commitment to create a culture of inclusion and diversity in ALA and in our organizations; and (7) collaborating with our international colleagues to ensure quality library service around the world. We must continue to provide free and open access to information. We must increase our efforts to defend and foster our principles and values locally, nationally and globally. Our ability to make the case for the value of libraries in community development, life‐long learning and education is essential to our democracy. Continued collaboration with our international colleagues is critical to advocacy for the value of libraries and the work of librarians and library staff throughout the world. ALA and ALA‐APA must be at the forefront of this work. Member of ALA since: 1977 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Sue Stroyan Current Position: Information Services Librarian, 2008, Illinois Wesleyan University, Ames Library, P.O. Box 2899, Bloomington, IL 61702‐2899 Previous Positions: Director, Digital Citizen Project, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 2007‐‐2008 University Librarian ,Illinois Wesleyan University, 1992‐2007 Assistant Executive Director, Illinois Valley Library System, Pekin, IL 1988‐1992 Degrees and Certificates: Illinois State University, Bachelor of Science, Library Science and American History, 1972 University of Illinois, Masters in Science, Library Science, 1973 University of Illinois, Doctor of Philosophy, Library Science, 1986 ALA and/or ALA‐APA Activities: ALA Council ‐ Member‐at‐large 1994‐1998 Awards Committee 1984‐1986, 2007, Chair 2008‐2010 Donald H. Kohlstedt Award 1981‐1983, Jury Chair 1985‐1986 Ken Haycock Award Jury 2007 Lippincott Jury 2009‐2010 ALA Self Study Committee 1992‐1995 ALA Division Executive Boards’ Joint Session Program, Chair 1992 Conference Program Committee 1992 ALA Division Leadership Program, Chair 1991 ACRL: Small College Mentor Program,1996‐1997, 1998‐1999, 2007; Coordinating Committee for ACRL Advocacy Initiatives 2004 ‐2008; National Conference Executive Committee, Detroit Co‐chair Scenarios Subcommittee 1997‐99; National Conference Executive Committee, Denver Co‐chair Keynote Speakers 1999‐2001; National Conference Executive Committee, Charlotte Co‐chair Poster Sessions 2001‐2003; Marketing Academic Research Libraries Committee 2002‐2004; Wonk ewo @ Your Library Workshop 2002; Mentor: for the Sharon A. Hogan Management Symposium 2003; Presidential Grassroots Advocacy Toolkit Task Force 2004‐2006; College Library Section: Nominating Committee 1995‐1996; LAMA: Editorial Advisory Board 1991‐1992; Task Force on Marketing 1989‐1990; Recognition of Achievement 1987‐1989, Chair 1987‐1989; Orientation 1984‐86, Chair 1985‐1986; Junior Members Round Table (JMRT): Professional Booth Committee 1977‐78, Chair 1978‐79; Social Committee 1977‐1978. Offices held in the ALA‐APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Beta Phi Mu International Library and information Studies Honor Society: Board Member‐at‐Large 1996‐2004 Vice ‐President 2007‐2009 President 2009 ‐2010, Past‐President 2010‐2011 LAMA: Director at Large 1986‐1988 Vice‐President 1990‐1991 President 1991‐1992; Past‐President 1992‐1993 Junior Members Round Table (JMRT): Director of Conference Arrangements 1979‐80 Director of Membership, Awards, and Continuing Education 1980‐81 SnowBird Leadership Conference, Mentor 1998, 1999, 2000 Illinois Library Association: Vice President 1994‐95 President 1995‐96 Past‐President 1996‐97 Second Century Fund Drive 1997 Executive Director Search 1995, Chair Conference Committee, Chair 1994‐96 Centennial Committee, Chair 1994‐96 Finance Committee 1995‐96 Public Policy Committee 1994‐96 Legislative Consultant Search 1984‐86 Membership Function 1989‐91, Chair, 1990‐91 Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award Committee 1987 Illinois State Library: Synergy, The Illinois Library Leadership Initiative, Mentor 2002‐2004 Illinois Library Computer Systems Organization (ILCSO) name change to CARLI: President 2003‐2005 Strategic Planning Committee 1992‐95 Vision & Leadership Transition Team 2003‐2005 ISL Functional Specifications Task Force 1994‐95 The Reference Librarian Editorial Board Haworth Press 2005 ‐current Highsmith Press Editorial Advisory Board 1992‐1999 Honors and Awards (library and non‐library, including DATES): Mortar Board, 1971 Beta Phi