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Chester News 1915 The heC ster News

9-21-1915 The eS mi-Weekly News September 21, 1915 W. W. Pegram

Stewart L. Cassels

J. H. Williamson

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Recommended Citation Pegram, W. W.; Cassels, Stewart L.; and Williamson, J. H., "The eS mi-Weekly News September 21, 1915" (1915). Chester News 1915. 24.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster News at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chester News 1915 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UNABLE TO AGREE [ HERE AND THERE DEMAND FOR PAPER MONEY COTTON SEED HULLS FAIR ASSOCIATION SENATOR LEW- MEETING AIR PERIL, ABOUT MUNITIONS: I THE WAR CLIMBING IN PRICE ELECTS OFFICERS IS PROTESTED SAYS MR. BALFOOK

.Wlsti Credit to Be Used Only f^r Washington. Sept. 17.—Improved business conditions are Indicated by Foodstuffs, Cotton and Manu- South Georgia Quarantine and North At a recent meeting of tbe Ches- British Go'^ernmcr.t Places O tiers the demand for paper mo ey, ac- factures. Georgia Demand Has Forced ter County Kalr Association !he fol- In Canada—Americans Insure A- cording to treasury officials. Up Price «t Carolina M l*. lowing offlcera were eiscted to New York, Sept. 17 —The Anglo- galnst Zeppelin Raid*. To meet the demand for United WasMngllo, 8»j!t. 18.—Senator J. French financial commUlont rg seek- serve for the approaching Fair: Hamilton Lewis's letter lo Secre- Figure* given out *l .Berl'a for States notes' and silver atd gold cer- Cotton seed hulls have ad vane <1 J. R. Dye, President. James U. London, 8ept. 15.—The ad^acy ing to establish a mammoth credit tary of tbe Treasury McAduo and the' railroad traffic during July, 1915 tificates, Secretary "McAdoo today /within the last few days (2 to 14. Glenn, Sec —Treas. Dr. W E. Ander- of the air service was tbe subject loan here and American financiers Federal Reserve Board, proteatlng show that the transportation of authorized the director of the bu- a too and tbe Indications are that son, lien. Mgr. ot some criticism In the Ho ss of who expect to suppljr the money wer< against tbe loan of $1,000.1.00 000 to Commons today. merchandise on German ral roads reau of engraving and printing to in- this la only a beginning, lb? appear- Directors: Robi. Krater. James 1. reported to be at odds tonight over jlOreat Brltlan and France, was laid was 2.8 per cent, greater than that crease the dally Output of paper ance recently in south Georgia of tht Hardin, H 11 Shannon. J. B Wesi- Arthur J. Balfour, the F rst Lord tb« question of including war muni- before the Federal Reserve I'oard for the same month of the preced- money b> 26,000 sheets. D.reetor (boll weevil and the orders of the au--j1)rook A)eJ ^ of the Admiralty, admitted that the tions among exports to be paid fjr L". Cartor, late this afternoon and, without dis- ing year, and set a new record Of Ralph**- of the bureau, sa d the n- ithoritles puttlrg this section u d - Riley. provisions whlcb had been ions der- by proceeds of the loan. cussion was- turned over to Governor the total 7.39 per cent represented creased demands show that money atrict quarantlre in so iar as th< ed sufficient at tbe beginning of the The commission and the bankers goods for the army. Is circulating more freely. Mr McA- shipment of seed and hulls from th i Hamlin for acknowledgment It is *war had to be materially deve'opel. have agreed on several details but to iblp. Strli-k doo 'i order does not Increase the to- territory was concerned h. s for et understood tbe reply to he ^-'ena'or He said, however, that the servlre this major question, It was said, 'he The British Government has pla- tal amount of paper money, but Is the north Georgia buye s to entei will be brief, and »he board will prob waa being supplemented iar more views are diametrically opposed 1 . Hazelwood Township: Hugh W ced Its first order for guns wl'h designed to keep up the ' reserve the Carolln market, with h re. u ably say It feels it has no superviso- rapidly than was tbe danger It was (There also Is an apparent split on ler, W. A. Glsdden. ry powers In relation to tb° e'for s Canadian manufacturers, ihe number stocks of the treasury in order that the demand ha* lncreired mu< I Halseivllle, Township. organized to njeet. the question In the ranks of the V of the Anglo-French Commlss'on, In involved being said to amount '.o notes which come In for rfde-rption faster than the supply, with the Inev 6tone, A Ross Durham. There bad been a great alratn. Mr. tuerlcan financiers. It was said to- which 11 is In no way Intonated 8HS.OOU.OOO The order will be augmet may be reissued Immediate y. liable booet of the price, inqu ry ai Itoasville Township. Balfour continued, on tbe sup*!/ of night. I In his letter Senator Lewis declar- a local cotton seed oil plant yes r E W. anti-aircraft guns. The devetopmeat The commission's attitude is said FIFTV PARENT8 INDICTED. day brought forth the inie «st ng r! ed the loan, if made, wou'd remove of an aerial offensive had not been to be that the Mg credit, whether a Rouge township from this country one-half of the "n» Brttlah Gover formation that not only had th« E. T- Wade. foreseen before the war, but the na- billion dollars or leas, should provide !<). able money in America for Amer ca. price of bulls advanced but 'bat rl Laudsfoid Township. A O Wi val air service was now of greet d:- funds for all exports and that muni- In excess of reserve and money il mentions. meal also, slthough the latter Is not brook. Paul 8. Ferguson tions should be Included. Some A- so much affected as the former ready obligated," and would preclpi Klnston, N. C. 8ept. 17.—ha'f a !«* is vine. Township J N Wh "1 cannot iay." Mr. Ba'four Mid, tnerican bankers think so. too. but The situation is one that will Dear tate a repltltlon of the pen cs of that there will be a dls ootinuance a great many are said to hold that hundred parents of children «if side, Dsn S. Mollis. J 873 and 1893 watching In the estimation of loc/l Biacksto'-k Township: Capt J. of tbe attacka on Ixjndon. bat no one the loan should cover only suih ex- school age here have been Indicted The Senator declares the buyers. North Georgia Is a large McKeown, J A. B Boyd (will suggest that such methods jf ports as wheat, cotton and manufac- ifor violation of the compulsory eh! as the Essex or Suffo k, about some districts has decreased amar- brought the situation to a head mu'l purposes, in ibis tent spare orely worried you? Have the way of dealing adequately wlttr. angiy since ls*i year. earlier than expected ' times wondered how ihe new and great responsibility. No say that while the ; might better assurance could be given the present prlc oro 12 lo 14 up. rdens House that the defenses of Lond n only to,decide thai keeplr g your against air raids were re-e vlng tbe yields up to the mark demanded :he tnost careful attention than the ap- Ion of Pan-Amtedcan Confer continued uae of fertilizers? pointment of Admiral 8lr Percy 8cotl ae Give® Gen. Carranza Beat But there's a way out. !r end: you to lake charge of them. nent "does not demund. but re- Chance for Recount-Ion. don't have to continue to buy hug. This soun that better than the Ce mass, throu»?h- e cotton Industry, as ihe I'ounill emment In Mexico. and under rules 'of civilised Sta >uld of Ministers has removed the pro- The decision of the F'au-Amer can warfare, Lxmdoa should he Im- actly the same terma aa the largest hibition against growers demoting inference in New York 10 study |proving eve mune from tbe attacks- to wh cb she or aa any groai private banking firm lthln the next three weeks "tha had been subjected. But he coaP- If this programme be followed -e than one-third of their acre pnllitary and morel capacity'' of the dently hoped that the effor s cf ihe there are indications that the aocal'.- to this crop, accordlrg to a dis- that . lo er sod patch fr liro. lements aspiring to recognition has truth or falsity of our state Admiralty would lead to a gTeit II- t>ro-Germen financiers of New !d to the general belief here thst In the air all above the mlnutlon 'in the danger wh cb mlgbt Americans In [.oudon pre taking niess the military sltuat'on char- literally billions and blllio i anticipated from German a'rships. rrlbe illllor.s toward the ,e precaution of Insuring sgainst es soon, the recogniilon of Carran- dressing of stable manure, and this lars worth of nitrogen, th The newspspera. both editor sl'y 1th the condition a is virtually certain. Boston. Sept. 19 — l-e sons from Zeppelin raids.. Neither the United 1 have found worth much more f house In New York city that will (physical state of affairs In Mexico Braves' Field, opposed "prepare !- have been most assiduous la e'y In Ihe fertilizing value of crlrns n rlng thlSv valuable pia "It is getting rather brrd to keep five years, or ,10 yean, or serially control the territory It c'alrrs III probably lead to war, Inatead of The Petrogral corrtspcn<"ent of JO loads of the best stab'e manure ip with tbe Zeppelin visits." ssys from five to 10 years, aa may be Mexico will be the object of a dele- preventing It." be said. "If you The Dally Telegraph. In an art c!e d* at one .dollar per load.bes des the The Pail Mall Gazette, "Late'y ibey deemed expedient after the adjust- gation of Vllla-Zapata fol'owera ex- would realize tbe results of the scribing political conditions in Rus- expense of handling." have taken place avfry tnent oI othcrsdetalls. doctrine of preparedness, just Imag- sia at the present time, rajs that pected here this week. They will be "I do not think that you < an re- night. There was another on tbe Th© form—the loan la to b* granted ine what condition we would be In until Russia's domestic prob'em It I card by Secretary Lansing as well place crimson clover with fertll - Stud) carefully all that Is pigh; of the 13th, and msybe later upon traslelu British and FYench aa Carranxa's representatives. To If we had In Ihe While House a Jin- "solved one way or another" it wl I -zer It will take a coat of a, able ma- the Progressive Farmer tbe day we shall hesr or a raid Rovernment bonds, payable In dollars. •ipport the argument that ths C»r- go with hia hand on the tr'gger." •exceed in popular Interest any otb- pure costlrg 120 to tty to do the about how to succeed wl i night. Remembering tbe raids These bonds are. in effe.t. to be a ranza movement should not be recog- "We have reason to be grateful.' vr aspect of the war. Member* of the Pa«ni." • bat have come off. w« are inclined first mortgage on Greai Brltlan and nized becauae of an alle ed lack of Mr. Bryan told his beare s "that we Cabinet and the Duma are sa d by "We have gro,wii corn 10 years 'n •ank growth of corn lhat I to believe that only a liti e extra France and coosequeiuly aie to take moral character, tbe VII a govern- have one who loves peace ard longs the same writer to be In confer- succession on the same land with makes, so rank, as one of our fri- luck enabled the Invader to slip priority over alt other ou"Blinding- ment Is planning an extensive guer- to keep the nation in peaceful »ays.' •enco over bis problem. crimson clover. The yield »es 25 ends say, that "You can s>e light through a week ago. bond lsanes. / rilla warfare. The former secretary said that no buobels of corn the first >esr and SO ilng bugs in it In the day time: The Globe Is arranging s mass . The collateral—there Is to be none nation challenged us now, but tha'. n Dr. Frldtjof Nausen, the Norwe- bushels per acre the tenth yesr " when you have seen how mellow an meeting to def* ^ nprttA-S, so.Jh»C The amount of the loan, there is a Correction In Prohibiten Vo *. r "If any of the madmen of Eurojie gian explorer, has publish) d a bo k "1 would rathej ha*« * I'h- loo so It mskes your soil snd how I every raid over an English town general belief, can be adjusted ami- should challenge us our nation would advocating' that Norway rrm her- pon sod than IS to 20 loadi taaes yields for years . after shall be answered by one over a Qer- i^ably ajter a final decision '.s reach- In publishing the rote as cast by be Justified In ssylng. No we will self strongly for defensive pur- Jnanuro per acre. My land befrre ward, you will bless tbe day yoi man town. ed aa to the Inclusion, of war muni- each precinct In Chester county, not battle with you; we have 100,- pose* before It Is too late. use of crlmaon clover, wou'd found It, and.your only regret wll Count von Revenllow's p'ea fcr tion^ Financiers sald^tonight that we reported Great Ralls as 52 for 000.000 people to guard, »e have grow more than 10 and 15 brahe' that you did not discover i greater vehemence In the air attacka while the^nm—tentative proposals the manufacture of whiskey snd IX countless Ideals to preserve, and we A cable dispatch to London fir. W. C. Winter's met It could be had with honer, rnd t< Crown Prince Humbert of Ita'y has upon complaint of tbe Mia'ster of the suggestions by the goverair that Loray Manufacturing Co., of Gae- V with a very serious accident on last preserve neutrality and to upbo'd been received iby the large Ch're just spurned from the front, where Marine. Thj man accused Is alleged an agreement Waa reached. ^Saturday. The boy found an old gun the preeldent. bsnks, bu: great there as arllle Kaatillrer. . | ,;j , purchase German ^pois. to wn* »MW s*

a pruii^roos WE CAN SUIT YOU .-ttf Wfritory. Pllnters (Sou Buy WITH SHOES rich lands ytolded a bale of kolmont. S. C. Sept. 16—At a cotton per sere. Which cotton w«» stockholders moetluff of the Imo-^ xWithlt? AND HOSE sold it s loss, were now able, with lal Yarn Mills formal an noun entent EWART L. CAMEL® J. Fred Pgag, Bankrupt this new crop to clear from I "0 to {was made of the plans for H new .^WJL.UAMMN To the Honorable HAM Hmlth. 1500 pcr^acre- No wonder tobacco cotton mill, the fifth suoh enterpri-e Judgi: of the District Court of tb<- Owners and Publlshsre. growing apread like wlld-flre for this town. The new mill is to be United States for. the District of In five years lime this new lobar .capitalized *i $200,1/00. Of tiiia s Houth Carolina: mount three-fourths was *u >s -nb**d CO section waa growing M-n ',.nn<1 J. Krod i'oag of Ches er In tte by the stockholders of the Imperial County of Chester and Hia:e o? pounds of the ysllow weed selling South Carolina In said Ds'rct. if. it at a net profit of over »* 0 ,0.000 spectfully represents that >>n Ike, per year People could ha d y believe 21s(. day of September last past be that such a wonder change »sa p'.s nianagenieti WKJ duly adjudged Bankrupt und-r alble in thin brief period An on tire the acts of (i of property, and has (ally ;a«nplled and nearly fifty miles wld» hid em with all the requlrwuet'e of said St the I'sstoffloe « CDMUH orged from a «t*te of povirty to MI- phenomenal. Work on the building acta and of the order* of ih«- 1 ourt At Our Store !r~j7C., sa second-class matter of ihc greaiest prusperlty i h«v b:id touching hla Bankrupt. ) Wherefore be pray# th'at h«- niay Wat da for Our Announcement be declared by the Court to have a InThis ftiper TUESDAY, SEPT 21 fuh dip harge from all deli's pnivn WE CAN SUIT YOU WITH SH.^ES BECAUSE WE Bankrupt Acta, except *u h d"brs CLARK CARRY THE RIGHT STYLES. OUR SHOES FEEL (T34E COTTON MARKET. GOOD. TOO. WHY? BECAUSE WE BUY SLIM , A compaiiaoc of prices |>«I" FURNITURE CO. LASTS FOR SLIM FEET AND BROAD. COMFORT- Cotton In various to' ABLE LASTS FOR BROAD FEET. OUR SHOES •difference, for wbi«ii tl""» On the Hill WEAR. t, cauae. OPTOMETRISTS In reporting the market Are Red ionized as No. Six-Sixty-Six SO DO OUR HOSE WEAR. BUY THEM. TRY practically all new,psper, Eyestrain Specialists This is a prescriptioo prepared e«peci»lly THEM. AND Y0U"LL GOME AGAIN FOR THEM. h- lor MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. highest price peld <•>: ' " Who apply ((lasscti U> crirrect tip Fire or tix dt>*es will break any caae, and ket, repreaentlng the aci.ia f"flu (/f \im-n. thereby nms'-rv if taken then aa a tonic the Fever will not person may receive for h » •UK TK.N Calomel snd does not gripe 01 sicken. 26c RODMAN-BROWN COMPANY In some towns a men !u:. Ki'miltK- -Imjtri.vHl Physical Ht-aHh in{las»«** ;et a bove the actual market i-nmpli'U' scit-ntifir examination if .Mmr cyt-s hy an cxpt-rt Op- aeconnt with the firm T •• Autumn Millinery Opening In prl<*« aa qu»t« vir H. w! LEWIS, Oph. D. papers would lndi

Momentous Future We are now showing rvi-rytliinsj that's new- ni the world of MIIIIIHTS .

In Woman's Mind The Fall and Winti*r Styles in an array of pleas.Pjj. graceful ami charniinj; modi-Is.

An urgent invitation is fxtvntlt'il t<> all the ladies to come in ami try .111 sortie of the new creations.

We promise that it will be a \ isit much enjoyed.

•drain on nerves, cunla, lifamenta aivl all j pnrta Involved. It make* the muaclm BO pliant thai tltey rxpurxl naturally- Arwt ** ! 'f the mine time they ar» |n»ijorote«t try I .. aliaertce of linrn»«inf patna in «pt to dl«trrrj< the mlml. Whatever will »4

The exacting demands of Imperialism; the sac riliiing of principle for gold; the deliberate selling of soul for gold and position in life; the diabolical disposition on the part of some people to study up something to say or do that will knock the smile from the face of a friend; ingratitude; irreverence; the art of playing off big and not paying for any- thing; the posing as Royalty with not "a dime in the bank; the disposition on the part of some people not to give one inch of the road while out driving or motoring; the disgusting habit on the part of some preachers of preaching people into heli because of their refusal to give all their money away and eat cold corn bread three times a dav; the tremendous applause accorded the high rofiing grafters who have proven themselves "Stronger than the Law;" the hand out and hand around crowd [losing as in- fluentials; the encroachments of wealth and the abuse of power; the marking for destruction the mer. who had the audacity to walk out into the open and fight for the right; the giving away of money imply to please preachers, and. w.n the applause of i he populace, instead of paying the twelve month's over due grocery bill around tne corner. W. R. NAIL,

On the Hill. Near City Hal es and regard for the lsws r>f «. the South will at tie farmers ID these «<><•(SOD• «* • .t> • second year of the gT' •tltute tobacco for cotton «ic he practically out of the '

vrote Sfversl art I' !«•« ai< n* :hB line. An officii.I r>' the ('unit' CORTRIGHT E. E. CLOUD line Railroad W^Ti-f iutT«t«ii in HEAD8 BOARD Made in the old-fashioned way, by hand |he articles*ai»d got IL t.»u h with dipping,—one at a tim<» The first meeting of V e board cf Second Door Below People* Bank. Phone 180 (Mr. Harjnaji and thouhut.ri*

Nagro Had Bonn Working tKe Color- AUTUMN ed Population to a Flnsh—8herlff FAIJ. DHF.HS (JINUHAM. NFW SILK WAIST GOOM. Colvln and Deputies Pirmlt Him While III the northern markets we To'invade CJjerter'e New Jail. Another extra value we discovered. »curod a caae of Ki it# /ard lovely Is the 25 to 36 eta. yard allk waist Men Are Getting Ready for it Every One Thomas Jenkln^, alias Krank JOG be alias Herbert Scott. »bo hue ew fall drean ulriKham. nearly a yard goods In all the new stripes Is being

been plying a special 'rude n i * tilt h «e '»ff»*r at only 10c offered at only. . . •. . . .15c Day. One Man Said to us yesterday Edgemoor section of the county has Veen landed by Sheriff <"o vln ai d Yj Mll.UNKRY TWputles Jenkins wae some lalker. He could take a negro ln.o- conn KlitUz b* a unVjfouH display of Udlfft' lU-adj-To-Wwr IJala, I have been taking my time fitting out for deuce and quietly locale a bo* ~>t gold dirt vh'lch was burled However. We employ no mi!liner, hence when y«»u buy here there arr a.*» extra Fall, dropping in here and there to look things It was necessary to purrhsac a rer attached to your haI*. We buy our «t tlie name plarr* that the r^»c- tain kind of machine which would over. Comparing and so forth You have got ulur milliner) otore* «lo. Here )«»u find all the full'* latent ntylex. separate the treasure salaDie them all beat I HAVN'T 'SEEN AS FINE A condition and varlou* ooiorod i fop • were called upon to furn>*h t o cap STOCK OF MENS CLOTHING AND - Hal to buy the machinery, of rour^" NKW f»I.AII> HiLKft. Jenkins was the treaa^rer and chair NISHINGS in town as you are showing here. man of the finance Your Varsity 55 suits are Just what the young men are looking for, and those new Au- tumn Hats are beauties. was alright. Just sell the gold dual fixed up, reap 'h«' prof This man knows what he is talking about. and pay off the mortKa.e dead cinch." Mr. Jenkins Call and see for yourself. very careful to let Kluttz Department Store

THE BIG STORE Our Hosier Kitchen Cabinet The S. M. Jones Company Sale begins Monday. September 27th and con- tinues through Saturday October 2th. These Cabinets will be told at cash price for one dollar Jtenklua If you per week Modern Mo Mr J. K Vmiierv was awar.leil the prize Sept. lHth llapoblnK TO-DAY Lowrance Bros. MA t< Kb: I S KHKO and HEAR 1 53 Gadsden Street. Cotton Market Today , from lilat-ks'Of k Informed Phone* Store 292 Residence 136 and 356 :hat J«*nklna was 'HACK" FERGUSON Undertakers and Licensed Embalmers. aklng efforla to being 5inK trie latest song dust Depuii Hits nf th> of pi ght. at w::in a: (i and their and quickly bi'Kin i he Wjnt brought LOCAL and PERSONAL demonat rated \ l ale of Twenty Stories" FALL MILLINERY n*.... Ever P th M 1*1 yrn outh OPENING at BAER'S congregat 1 he Chimney morning and confessed We take pleasure in announcing that on next fallen Secret" With L Wednesday and Thursday, September 22nd & 23 tjualneaa material prosper we will have on display an exquisite line of had strayed ro MORROW appointed o®p** °ck McQu jnteresiinc Hlllls The Mystery o( th Ladies', Misses' and Children's realdence Tapestry R gallons and uroniisen In Th Hats,

BIGQER8 Trimmed and Untrimmcd. The ladies of DIED 8ATURDAV NIGHT Chester and vicinity are cordially invited to Special Prices come in and look them over. L>aK "f Kold Bigger* A beautiful painted light brought MR:.. SAUL BAER, Manager work o* n?r many friends THE VKRV irty-to- • arranged from nrougho through the parlor (11 (or Climax of Baer's Millinery Department generally l^esbyt'-rlsin crurch riM* Regl guest touno a huge war serious She of age Mosquito ney proved (6 be lovely p Bigger* was the df>ugii( liK'ting a of hand embroidered Incn from Steele and byterlan friends Mlasea h'rancls Hleklt Canopy ulmlnat Ing Sadie McKee . Margaret White and | marrled. her first husband lx>rd's Supp* Harriet HI.kiln aaalated ih* ho j Harper Thociasaon THE CHESTER BUILDING AND HrrCin Motor Co a keeping score and serving an one Bon Harper Thoo>asson Kort Uwn Thayer Sumter John IMgKera LOAN ASSOCIATION Col lieroy Springs eater tonight this union one>«on Clark bualness visitor Tour daughter* y eaterda> Merry. Misses Margaret. E.he Will Begin Series No. 13 on Margaret White left yester | Minnie survive Survl Furniture College, va sister. Mrs. "Margar TUESDAY, OCT. 5th, 1915, FOR Automobile repa .. others Mr and Mrs C. C parts see the Fennell-Young Motor Steele, all Company Monday September, 20th And our books are now open for subscrip- Co. Gadsden street Mrs Btggers w C. Jr., Chester R F D. No 1 tions to this Set ies. kind If and retiring disposition On the Hill Mrs. I^ndaton Flshhurn The condition „TM,. 0 W Mr H. Grant of Armenia woo ma i was loved and admired by Now is your time to subscribe to this stock and begin :hc guests who live* al Rlrhburg recently operate* upon al the Chos- was a consecrated member to SAVE YOUR MONEY • We feef safe in saying that home or too former's parents, Judge changed. !ljr Kodde Sanatorium expects- to return First Presbyterian ebun-li no investment has bt«;n of greater benefit to the people of and Mrs. George W. <5»ge KJt Situr- seriously 111 ft day or two. I Herald Chester than building and loan stock It is the only way arnlng for their hou "Vaporize Croup to save y >ur money in hatd times and >t is no trouble to I'HONE YOUR ORDERS for homf terboro Dejath of Mr. Joseph Burde save your money this way in good times. The stockhold- ground meal to McCullough's Gro- or Cold Troubles ers have everything In gain and nothing to lose by la>irig Mrs Robbln Mason Mr. Joseph Burdell died ye terlay up each month a small part*of your earnings F.VKKV Memphis a ter apend There will t»e preaching afternoon at n hospital In Columbia MAN in (Inester, whether he be a wage earner or a capi- >ther Saturday night and Sunday i requested to ann< ti a lingering Illness In h's 30th. b«u«r*thsO internal nicilicm**. E Jones The public there will bo no meeting of the th* in«kli*ai!«»a talist. a clerk or a merchant, a renter or land owner, a M V. Patteraon year. Lir pasAa^cB without duturbiuy young mart or an old man, ought ro carry building and Cheater Chspter, U. D. C-. '.n 8ei>- CALL, on us for Texas gaso'lne ant Mr. Burdell has been s resident nf th# itonmch. loan stock. tomber. Wh« Vick't "T.p-O-Rob" Salv» i> «p- Chester county practically his '»• ills. rennell-Youog Motor t o. Gads- lied over ths thf^l and chest, tfc»«« va- FRE8H HOME GROUND rreal all We have shown by twelve years of successful man- tire Ufe and hsd many friends who por., r«l»Md by th. bo^ of th. body, »" den street. 8-t- • agement that the stockholders c^f CHESTER BUIIDIM: In .lie city. the'lime at McCullough's tiro ery. mourn bis loss. He was a devoted Inhaled with each brc-sth. 25c. to $1 00. A.ND LOAN ASSOCIATION have made money by this Mr. and Mm. Elliott V- Hall and member of the Ureal Presby criin not qininni HM mu rm*D* MA*K. , Mrs. J. 1- narldson h s returned Born to Mr and Mrs. Larry DH- means and we invite you take stocl with us. children are spending a raw days .it church.. home after a few days stay at Salu- lard, of Clinton. Monday 8ept. "O'h. "V^POHUB Ihelr fii"m near the clty- Mr. Burdell was one of the eld- da. N C. 1915. a daughter, Mary Howie Dll- JOSEPH LINDSAY. Pres. ROBT. CAGE. Sec & Treas. est engineers In the state he be- THE CHESTER MO^NERY Co. lard. Miss Rebeera llaXner Is entertain- ing among the first to run a locomo- VKKSSQ^SALYE R. b. CALDWELL, Vice-I'res. A GASTON'. Attorney •wish to announce their opening A FRESH 8HIPMBNT of dried 4" ing the Junior Forty-two cluh this af- tive 0n tb-s Southern railway be- Wednesday and Thursday 8®pt. beef Just received at MoCullough's Mrs. W. D. Robinson left this DIRECTORS Icrnoon. i , tween Charlotte and Co umbia. .he *r? and 23. The Lad(e« of the city and Qrocery. morning to visit her sister. M »• road at that time being known as R E. SIMS L. T. NICHOLS. • county are cordially Invited to Mrs. Dr. McFadden of Clloion ma White, at L'.nwood College JUST ARRIVED Fresh Grsham the Charlotte and Augusta railroad spending a few days in the < DR. J. B. BIG HAM, A. L GASTON, Attorney Flour aj McCullough's Grocery. He i» survived by his widow and JUST RECEIVED a great sstp with her father who Is belrg treated \ *T the following sons and daughters Mr. A. A. Boon© who hatStfPbold of fall rugs of all kinds and i R! T MORRIS. at the Chester Sanatorium. Mr. and Mrs. A.. C. Wise are fever Is progressing satistactorlly Messrs. Sam Burdell, Charlie. N Kluttz Dcp't Store. guest* of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wise W. F. Burdell. Chester. Chirlle the Chester Ssnatorlum. .. I The Executive board will meet and family on Church, street. Sordell, Jyewls, and Harvey Burdell There will be a meeting of the . ' . „d with tie Board of Directors of Pat- Jacksonville. Fla., and Mrs. John' Civic Improvement Asso latlon at There was about 260 bales of cot- Day at The State Pair. »hl h Is ro natural resources of that partlcu- Fraier. Chester, and Miss Ana Bur the Commercial Club rooms. Thuri . a VI- aftOTOOOO at 5 O CIOCK ton sold on the local market !a»t Sat day afternoon at 6 o'clock be held In Columbia. | rery at the Mil® Gill A. Agnew *,i . . • «a' couity. urday averaging about 10:25 which On this day It Is propos d to h ive j JInery 8toie,. Wednesday »nd 1hurs-| be an Ice cresm Sup- Ther<1 -was about 10 points off from Fri- fay, September 22nd, and 23rd. Our ^ thejbougls* School honae on at Ureal Preabytrlan chur h. Lewis' a parade Illustrative of the Na In tills connection Che»t«r 1 day's market. •tock coc»UU of the la est s yles RoB(e 2 ntfM, lhe pro.eeJs this afternoon at fonr o'clo-k, con- Resources of the State of S-' I could make an excellent show > and models. from which wll KLUTTZ Department Store la the ducted by ROT. A. D. P. Oltaoor, D. Carolina. :t Is hoped that ea*b. Wednesday. Octpber 27th.. has •me of the "Educator" sad "Trot D. The Interment will be In the sUvE MONEY by reading the ad» school. Tbo Jfit la cordially !B«4-. countr Will bo represented by one i Is W be hoped she *1" not la* been designated aa» South Carolina sefflmaft*la The N«w«- ; '• i <>•led" \ •, t - TAX NOTICE. LECTURING ADAM AND EVE ULITH NOT A BIBLE accordanco to law, I he UK order of P. a 8om«whst Humorous Pain-ling In Q#^ books will open on October 1'th lor Figure* In Jewish Legend*, aa a De- trlct Court In th»jnatter of man Church. Work of Artist of collection, of taxes. and remain op- •troyer of infanta—Also a* Townee. Bankrupt, I will aell from the Middle Age*- Adam * F!r*t Wife. tho storeroom on Gadsden Street, Lesson XIII.—Bird Quarter, For to December 31st -without penalty d for the month of January one Cheater, 8. C. formerly occupied by In the Church of 8alnt Sebaldua at 1.111th I* not a B'.ble Sept. 26, 19T5 - ieut on .dcllnqu«*trt*'*: for tho «ald Bankrupt, on Tuesday October NuremberK there la a delightful mural Hebrew word. u--d to designate an 9 oo DROPS CASTORIA month of Kcbruary one per " world-old probli XXTIU. U. ' In father anil Hebrev Auto Transfer heart au-1 nlch though I kxmirg says. "Th* nhull rt'tll" Phone as for night or undiscovered human »ttr1b day service Use : hough pofalbly the world Aperfrri Remedy forCi/nwfi- would siill go on PV'-H if th.- problem tmuglnar iMi. Sour Stomach.Dtontmn be perf the J-- A •-->! enrvclopedla rrompt attention given Wrn»ronvulsionj/fvTrisi unsolved iiess ai*l LOSS OF SLEEP For Over parliament adjourned Tho super to all calls. TeleRrapb KW htrurg FacSuak Stgnararf of Cfte3ter Cafe aWG^- Thirty Years BARRED FROM HALL OF FAME huol I' ople St NEW YORK form of a Df Humorous Hiciure* Phone 381 justly Trested. Is the Assertion Itodnuin School District No. 21 permit w infants Made by writer CASTORIA ExaC Copy of Wrapper For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years

na«*!p and UNINSURED urdtxing his

gala LOOK TO WORKERS SAFETY paint and This Case Is Selected From the Company s Recent Rejected Applications which 3*

nul tSoiom "veloprnt-nV •* Married man 47. Wife and children beneficiaries. God had We Are Showing brought gift Has no insurance. Declined un account of rapid \ beautiful line Ladies only dang* pulse and high blood pressure. Twenty years ago, holiday Rings, in all the different even ten years ago, he might have secured the pro- rnpari tally stones. Would be glad tection he now seeks and cannot get. for you to look them over Monthly Income Service I'tihi-rnerul when you want one for pictorial that girl. Value of Mother's 8torles Karah I-oulse Arnold Ha>* "Llfp JOSEPH LINDSAY, District Agent . whl< h Strieker's Jewelry Chester, S. C. :hu mot hi . - Hie child Store A. M. SIMPSON, Agent Richburg, S. C. Opposite Commercial Bank * WONDERFUL ANTISEPTIC M. M. MATTISON, General Agent appreciation Invitations Sent Out Anderson, S. C.

To '• very gentleman to call ami see the Prettiest Wool- ens that have ever been shown on the market- Smaller prices than ever before. A misfit is not We Aire Now known in ovir trade. A dis- „ ...... sordid satisfied customer of ours is not known. Ask any person to let In llio light about. Located children Is your duty and your i round gathered THE f lull J au privilege Lhe KenII In the new building on Gadsden Cosrnopontan J. M. MURRAY nppolMed The Roumanian Street. mountalntt «»d th« woods TAILORS deed, to t»e peaks and iorenta !-*or rh«erfu!ness during tho Walker & Henry Building Carpathians that he owes his national We carry everything in the au- Roumanian has to line Our repairing department Dacloualy to Studious Girl Neglect. Her H«lr. | THE NEXT BEST THING TO THE I hoard Mm U'llHI once tell the FORE8T FOR COLD8 18-^ unexcelled. said that of a yuunc lady who acquired i today his language contains more pui« languages while doing her hair, I Boll'. - whlth Italian, lie U y prominent Umdon man. *oes to th« very of co'.d 4* -omposlte nationality. However Thei> she trotted her three lang'-tages ; hies. It clears the throat and gl«rea Your Patronage Appreciated About twenty towns and villages of surprise that re|ief from that clogged and stufe'l positively Ident) J. A. BARRON BeenK-d^paKicu^arly anxious f6€liDg Tbe plnei have ever en^uge her. They really could not fled by arrheologlste s* Roman Undertaker and Embalmer the friend of man origin, but there were Daclans the look of her head She dls- Succcssor to Childa & Barron colds. Moreover", the pine-honey Qual- land before the Romans and ed the caus»«' of her failure at Phono 119. Chester. 8. 0 last, when one very Irritable old gen ities are peculiarly effective in FENNELL--YOUNG . racial slocks h«ve left their mark and character of the flr&n's' eot< turn. I KIOCM people. if a brush and that a cold b roken at the start Motor Co. with -the one. greatly removes the possibility of Exercise Snd Health. /Vuto habltH of tldlnesa Take exercise Take dally exercise, complications. 25c. of Irregular verbs. (lave a hobby that gets doors. Walk to your business, to Transfer Serving In Tennis. sake of walking. Join a walking club and Tennis is no for a lackadaisi- keep your weekly score of mHPS. Keep cal person. chickens, make a garden, wheel the PHONE 12 A girl who attempts to serve the baby or play golf or any other game first lime she holds a racket and take two hours outdoor PROMPT SERVICE works all afternoon trying to get one every day. Gymnasium work Is good ball in the right place Is not likely to V^vuUxm to ymake who like It and can afford become enthusiastic Ktnph&sls should be placed on the swsy the under but avoid heavy athletics. Don't JOHN WALKER your ouw UHUJ Xu tivfo AWMA \ v strong man." the cbam position of tbe feet, with the left foot drunken teli»g In front, outside the court. For gener sight, and* H ' plon athlete often dies young. You WVNT money trow — you'll NEED it worse later est moderate, persistent, dally expo- al use s sort of chop with a downward pull of tbe racket, started a little Start to put your money in the Bank A little at a time. & weak and «lnful o.l helped nent FACTS FOB SUFFERERS above t&e head, training for accuracy Deny your self ana start s&viny, Systematic Saving:. him for Hiit i the family carriage, as Benjamin rather than for severity, Is advised.— Israel's! Hiilte I •uggeated. but at leaBt, fa lie advi.ed, Pain result, from Injury or conges- * Spurts don't The final score make* iao valk. walk. »alk. tion. Be It neuralgia, rbeumstlam, mctition of & splendid slarl if the finibh proves you j lumbago, neurit la, toothache, apraln. SEABOARD 8CHEDULE v/tre an Also-RanT j/ERjtEftr KAUTMAM. FUL COUGH ANO CPLD REMEDY NORT^OUND bruise tore stiff tiiusclea or wha'over pain you have ylelda to Sloan'a Llnl T <:09 P. M. When seasons change and colda ment—brings new fresh blood dta 0.37 P. M. appear—when you first detect a slug- solves \the congeatlon, re 'eiea the ! ...... 4:25 A. M That Blugglah liver wlt!j cold after sitting next 10 ore woo injury, the..circulation 's fiee and SOUTHBOUND glah How of bile la what makea tho .has sneexed. then it 1> that a tried your pain leaves as If by magic. No. 29 12:16 Noon world look ao dark at tinea Dr. and tested remedy, should be faith- The National Exchange Bank Klng"a New IJfa PHU go "traight The 'nature of Ita qualities peno- No. 6. 11:17 A. M. fully used. "I never wrote a testi- irate. Immediately io the sore spot. to the root ol the dltOculty by wak- monial before, but, I know positive- Chester, S. C. No. 11 11:45 nlytt. Don't keep on suffering. Get a bot- op the action of tho Uier and ly that tor myself and family, Dr. lncroaalng the bUe- Dr. Klng'i New tle of Sloan's Liniment. Use it King's New Discovery Is . th* best CAPITAL $100,000.00 MRS. J WILLIAMSON 'CUM ia.bowVt tti It meant lnst*nt_y«Uef. .Price 25#. cough remedy 'we ever used sad we and 'drtra away tho** and EOc. J1.00 bottiu bold1 '•irt •Kc.bcttl* . times as much u th» Be. t ie. tried Uteni i . ;