Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University Chester News 1915 The heC ster News 9-21-1915 The eS mi-Weekly News September 21, 1915 W. W. Pegram Stewart L. Cassels J. H. Williamson Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/chesternews1915 Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Social History Commons Recommended Citation Pegram, W. W.; Cassels, Stewart L.; and Williamson, J. H., "The eS mi-Weekly News September 21, 1915" (1915). Chester News 1915. 24. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/chesternews1915/24 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster News at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chester News 1915 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UNABLE TO AGREE [ HERE AND THERE DEMAND FOR PAPER MONEY COTTON SEED HULLS FAIR ASSOCIATION SENATOR LEW- MEETING AIR PERIL, ABOUT MUNITIONS: I THE WAR CLIMBING IN PRICE ELECTS OFFICERS IS PROTESTED SAYS MR. BALFOOK .Wlsti Credit to Be Used Only f^r Washington. Sept. 17.—Improved business conditions are Indicated by Foodstuffs, Cotton and Manu- South Georgia Quarantine and North At a recent meeting of tbe Ches- British Go'^ernmcr.t Places O tiers the demand for paper mo ey, ac- factures. Georgia Demand Has Forced ter County Kalr Association !he fol- In Canada—Americans Insure A- cording to treasury officials. Up Price «t Carolina M l*. lowing offlcera were eiscted to New York, Sept. 17 —The Anglo- galnst Zeppelin Raid*. To meet the demand for United WasMngllo, 8»j!t. 18.—Senator J. French financial commUlont rg seek- serve for the approaching Fair: Hamilton Lewis's letter lo Secre- Figure* given out *l .Berl'a for States notes' and silver atd gold cer- Cotton seed hulls have ad vane <1 J. R. Dye, President. James U. London, 8ept. 15.—The ad^acy ing to establish a mammoth credit tary of tbe Treasury McAduo and the' railroad traffic during July, 1915 tificates, Secretary "McAdoo today /within the last few days (2 to 14. Glenn, Sec —Treas. Dr. W E. Ander- of the air service was tbe subject loan here and American financiers Federal Reserve Board, proteatlng show that the transportation of authorized the director of the bu- a too and tbe Indications are that son, lien. Mgr. ot some criticism In the Ho ss of who expect to suppljr the money wer< against tbe loan of $1,000.1.00 000 to Commons today. merchandise on German ral roads reau of engraving and printing to in- this la only a beginning, lb? appear- Directors: Robi. Krater. James 1. reported to be at odds tonight over jlOreat Brltlan and France, was laid was 2.8 per cent, greater than that crease the dally Output of paper ance recently in south Georgia of tht Hardin, H 11 Shannon. J. B Wesi- Arthur J. Balfour, the F rst Lord tb« question of including war muni- before the Federal Reserve I'oard for the same month of the preced- money b> 26,000 sheets. D.reetor (boll weevil and the orders of the au--j1)rook A)eJ ^ of the Admiralty, admitted that the tions among exports to be paid fjr L". Cartor, late this afternoon and, without dis- ing year, and set a new record Of Ralph**- of the bureau, sa d the n- ithoritles puttlrg this section u d - Riley. provisions whlcb had been ions der- by proceeds of the loan. cussion was- turned over to Governor the total 7.39 per cent represented creased demands show that money atrict quarantlre in so iar as th< ed sufficient at tbe beginning of the The commission and the bankers goods for the army. Is circulating more freely. Mr McA- shipment of seed and hulls from th i Hamlin for acknowledgment It is *war had to be materially deve'opel. have agreed on several details but to iblp. Strli-k doo 'i order does not Increase the to- territory was concerned h. s for et understood tbe reply to he ^-'ena'or He said, however, that the servlre this major question, It was said, 'he The British Government has pla- tal amount of paper money, but Is the north Georgia buye s to entei will be brief, and »he board will prob waa being supplemented iar more views are diametrically opposed 1 . Hazelwood Township: Hugh W ced Its first order for guns wl'h designed to keep up the ' reserve the Carolln market, with h re. u ably say It feels it has no superviso- rapidly than was tbe danger It was (There also Is an apparent split on ler, W. A. Glsdden. ry powers In relation to tb° e'for s Canadian manufacturers, ihe number stocks of the treasury in order that the demand ha* lncreired mu< I Halseivllle, Township. organized to njeet. the question In the ranks of the V of the Anglo-French Commlss'on, In involved being said to amount '.o notes which come In for rfde-rption faster than the supply, with the Inev 6tone, A Ross Durham. There bad been a great alratn. Mr. tuerlcan financiers. It was said to- which 11 is In no way Intonated 8HS.OOU.OOO The order will be augmet may be reissued Immediate y. liable booet of the price, inqu ry ai Itoasville Township. Balfour continued, on tbe sup*!/ of night. I In his letter Senator Lewis declar- a local cotton seed oil plant yes r E W. anti-aircraft guns. The devetopmeat The commission's attitude is said FIFTV PARENT8 INDICTED. day brought forth the inie «st ng r! ed the loan, if made, wou'd remove of an aerial offensive had not been to be that the Mg credit, whether a Rouge township from this country one-half of the "n» Brttlah Gover formation that not only had th« E. T- Wade. foreseen before the war, but the na- billion dollars or leas, should provide !<). able money in America for Amer ca. price of bulls advanced but 'bat rl Laudsfoid Township. A O Wi val air service was now of greet d:- funds for all exports and that muni- In excess of reserve and money il mentions. meal also, slthough the latter Is not brook. Paul 8. Ferguson tions should be Included. Some A- so much affected as the former ready obligated," and would preclpi Klnston, N. C. 8ept. 17.—ha'f a !«* is vine. Township J N Wh "1 cannot iay." Mr. Ba'four Mid, tnerican bankers think so. too. but The situation is one that will Dear tate a repltltlon of the pen cs of that there will be a dls ootinuance a great many are said to hold that hundred parents of children «if side, Dsn S. Mollis. J 873 and 1893 watching In the estimation of loc/l Biacksto'-k Township: Capt J. of tbe attacka on Ixjndon. bat no one the loan should cover only suih ex- school age here have been Indicted The Senator declares the buyers. North Georgia Is a large McKeown, J A. B Boyd (will suggest that such methods jf ports as wheat, cotton and manufac- ifor violation of the compulsory e<lu- puggested at. a time when "t )buyer of hulto for feeding purposes ting terrotsm are going in tbe slightest tured products and that ano her met!, and the production of the State is ron CaldweU, superintendent of Young Aeroplane degree to shske tbe reso u Ion of od must be found to pay lor r.un I seldom ever adequate to the d«mard sloned by the Kuropesn ws i utt'ng the British people. " schools. A number of people for Company for an aeroplane ohicii lions, even If It Involves sMpme: save when there is an ai'og thor ex- off imports .and necessl:al "whom warrants have been snved are will make two flights each day dur- Mr. Balfour frankly admifed that huge stocks of gold. ceptional crop. North ' nr s borrowing by America fr in white. Half a dozen negroes were ar- a ing the three days of tbe t-a r. lbs be was much surprised to d'scover, The situation has not rea< lit-d therefore forced to look elte*be e ralnged before Judge Woot«n in po- is one of the most rellab n cbmpi- when appointed First Lord of the Ad- deadlock, or anything approach n for its hulls. The same is true of izens If there be a deficiency lice court yesterday. Several pleaded nles In business and all people who miralty. that he was respons ble for but the line of demarcation Is i Alabama and Mississippi. It is next ey In America to meet sn A come lo the Fair will see two thril- the aerial service, which had only a to impossible to ship in hulls from Government losn. rhlldren between eight and 12 years ling nights dally and made by an ex- remote connection with naval work. the boll weevil territory berauS" 'h s Finally, he suggests if An.e of age to attend school four consecu- perienced aviator. If tbe Government bad set to work Is against the Kederal regulat'ons money to ieqd it lend It to tive months In the year. Three of The contract has been closed with three or four years before ihe war. These buyers are therefoie compeU- America, where "we would t the defendants were won en Judge tbe I-ondon Hippodrome Company with full knowledge of the re n're- play In participation ed to look to the Carolina ri ills for chance to build up trade rnents of aerial warfare, he said, the ^Woolen withheld judgment In a'I the vtn fou <* set a collateral and ting off our roast were confirmed cases until Monday.
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