Rembrandt's Bankruptcy: the Artist
Cambridge University Press 0521858259 - Rembrandt’s Bankruptcy: The Artist, His Patrons, and the Art Market in Seventeenth-Century Netherlands Paul Crenshaw Index More information index < Abraham’s Dismissal of Haagar (Rembrandt), 124 Baldinucci, Filippo, 17, 159 Adams, Ann Jensen, 163 on E. Keilhau, 186 van Aelst, Evert, 25 on price of Nightwatch, 167 van Aelst, Willem, 25 on Rembrandt collecting practices, 71–72 Alberti, Leon Battista, 193 on Rembrandt interest in painting, not Albertus Magnus, 148, 189, 192 socializing, 120 Alewyn (Alewijen), Abraham, 181 on Rembrandt marketing practices, 36–37 Alexander the Great (Rembrandt), 126–130, 131, on Rembrandt Ovid series, 31 , 171 132–133, 148, 189–190 on Rembrandt sale of own work, 187 Alpers, Svetlana, 12, 137, 191 on Rembrandt slow working pace, 118, 134 Ampzing, Samuel, 170–171 van Bambeeck, Nicholaes, 169, 170, 172–173, 182 Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp (Rembrandt), 58, 187, Banck, Adriaen, 165, 172 188 bankruptcy Anatomy of Dr. Deyman (Rembrandt), 60, 146, cession with committimus, 24 166, 173, 188 compared with abject poverty, 20 D’Andrade, Mordechay, 124 consequences of ruin, 22–27 D’Andrade, Diego, dispute with Rembrandt, 33, artist committing unlawful acts, 22–23 120–125 civic/institutional aid, 26–27 complaint against Rembrandt, 121 imprisonment/severe labor, 25–26 consequences of dispute, 123–124 indentured service, 23 Rembrandt relationship to Jewish insolvent estates, 24–25 community, 124 leave town, 24 location of portrait in question, 121 sale of possessions, 23 Rembrandt reply to complaint, 121–122 penury, causes of, 20–22 interpretation of, 122–123 failures in non-art investments/professions, subject of painting, 121 21 Angel, Philips, 17–18, 150 personal indebtedness, 21–22 Anglo-Dutch Wars, 21, 39–40, 53, 66, 97–98 personal problems, 21 First Anglo-Dutch War, 13, 28, 38, 163 research/commentary on Rembrandt Second Anglo-Dutch War, 26 archival corrections of, 8–11 van Anthonissen, Hendrick, 11 nineteenth century, 5–8 Apelles, 149–152 recent, 11–14.
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