Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science

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Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 76 1891. Jordan. Eelations of temperature to vertebrae among fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1891, pp. 107-120. 1891. BoUman, Charles Harvey. Review of the Centrarchida', or fresh water sun-fishes of North America. Kept. Comm. Fish and Fisheries 1888. 1884. Kirsch. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 18!i4. 1894. Eigenmann. The Fishes of Indiana. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. III. 1894. XJlrey, A. B. The Fishes of Wabash County. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. Ill, THE FISHES OF INDIANA. * By Carl H. Eigenmann and Charles H. Beeson. We have compiled a list of the species of fishes so far found in Indiana. After the names, scientific and common, we give a list of all the Indiana localities and authority for the locality. The dates with the authority taken with the bibliogi'aphy of Indiana fishes will probably be sufficient to enable anyone to look up any of the citations. In a few cases no date is given with the authority. This indicates that no account has been published of the collections made. I. U. Coll. indicates that specimens from that locality are in the collections of the Indiana University. The localities are arranged in the same order observed in the list of streams which precedes the list of fishes. We give only those streams in which collections have been made. Following the name of the stream we give the name and date of the recorder for the given stream. List of Localities Explored. The Ohio Kiver. White Water River, Brookville, Franklin county—Evermann, 1886. Laughery Creek, Milton, Ohio county—Jenkins, 1888. Fourteen Mile Creek, Clark county—Jenkins, 1888. Big Pigeon Creek, Evansville, Vanderburg county—Jordan, 1889. Cypress Swamp, Posey county—Jordan, 1889. The Wabash River. At Delphi, Carroll county—Evermann and Jenkins, 1888. At Terre Haute, N'igo county—Jenkins, 1.S86. At Vincennes, Knox county—Jordan, 1889. At New Harmony, Posey county—Jordan, 1889. At Mackey's Ferry, Posey county—Jordan, 1889. ••' Contributions from the Zoological Department of the Indiana University, No. '.'. ; Upper Wauash Basin. Blue, Round, Shriner and Cedar Lakes, Whitley county— Kirsch, l.S!t4. Blue River, Columbia City, Whitley county—Jordan, 18K2; Kirsch, ]S1)4. Eel River, Logansport, Cass county—Jordan, ISDl. Eel River, throughout its entire course—Kirsch, 1894. Tippecanoe Lake, Kosciusko county. Tippecanoe River—Jordan, 1877; Evermann and Jenkins, ISSS, Lake Maxinkuckee, Marshall county—Jenkins, 1888. Deer Creeks, Carroll county—Evermann and Jenkins, 1888. Wild Cat Creek, Carroll county—Evermann and Jenkins, 1888. Honey Creek, Howard county—Evermann and Jenkins, 1888, Raccoon Creek, Parke county—I. V. Coll. JLowER WanASH Basin. West Fork White River, Indianapolis—Jordan, 1877. Gosport—Eigenmann. Spencer—Jordan, ISSl). Pike Creek, Madison county—Shannon. Bean Blossom Creek, Monroe county—Eigenmann andFordice, 188o. Eel River, Owen county—Jordan 1889. Switz City Swamp, Greene county—Gilbert, 1884. East Fork White River, Bedford—Gilbert, 1884. Blue River, Knightstown^I. V. Coll. Flat Rock Creek, Decatur county, and Rushville—Shannon, 1887 Rush county, Gilbert, 1 884. Clifty—Shannon, 1887. Sand. Little Salt Creek, Franklin county—Evermann and Jenkins, 1888. Salt Creek—Gilbert, 18.S4. Clear Creek—Eigenmann, Lost River, Orangeville, Orange county—Jordan and Eigenmann. Patoka River, Gibson county—Jordan, 1889. Black River, Posey county—Jordan, 1889. Gresham's Creek, Posey county—Jordan, ISS'i. Big Creek, Posey county—Jordan, 1889. The Maumee System. Maumee River—Jordan, Kirsch. St. Joseph's River—Kirsch. St. Mary's River—Kirsch. 78 The Illinois Basin. Kankakee Eiver, at Riverside—Bates, LS86; Jordan, 1889. Yellow River, Plymouth, Marshall county—Jordan, 1889. Lake Michigan System. Lake, Michigan City—Bates, 188(1; Jordan and Evermann. Turkey Lake. St. Joseph's River, JNIishawaka—Jordan, 1889. Trail Creek, LaPorte county— Ridgley, 1892. Clear and I'ine Lakes, LaPorte county—Jordan, 1887. List of Indiana Fishes and their Distribution. Class MARSIPOBRANCHII (The Myzoiits). Order Hypekoartia (The Lampreys). Family Petrormjzontidiv. Arnmoartes bmnchialis (L). Brook Lamprey, Mud Lamprey. West Fork White river at Indianapolis, Jordan 1877 as A. nigi'r ; Bean Blossom, Eigenmanii and Fordice as -1. irpijpterus. Ichihyohvjzon concolor (Kirkland). Ohio at New Albany, Jordan ; Blue river at Wyandotte Cave, I. U. Coll.; Wabash at Delphi, Jenkins and Evermann 1888; at New Harmony, Jordan 1889; Indianapolis, Jordan 1877 as A. argentatus. Class PISCES (The true Fishes). Order Selaciiostomi. Family Polyoilontidx (The Paddle-fishes.) Polyodon spatlnda (Walbaum). Spoon-bill Cat, Duck-bill Cat. Ohio at Rockport, Eigenmann ; AVhite Water at Brookville, Evermann 1886; Wabash at Delphi, Evermann 1888; at Terre Haute, Jenkins 188(5; at New Harmony, Jordan 1889; Lake Manitou, Eigenmann and Norman 1894; Indianapolis, Jordan 1877 as P. folium. Order Ciiondrostei. Family Acipenseridic (The Sturgeons). ,'^<aj>hirfnjnchiis platyrhynchus (Raf.). Shovel nosed Sturgeon. Ohio, Rafinesqire ; Wabash at Delphi, Evermann 1888 ; at Terre Haute, Jenlvins 1886. Acipenser ruMcundus Le Sueur. Lake Sturgeon, Rock Sturgeon. Ohio at Louisville, Jordan and Evermann 1887 ; at Rockport, Eigen- 1S.S6 ; mann ; at Terre Haute, Jenkins at New Harmony, Jordan 1889 ; Lake Michigan at Michigan City, Bates 1886. 79 Order Riiombouanoidea. Family Lepisodeidu (The Gar-fishes). Lepimstcux ofseus (L). Common Gar Pike, Long Xosed Gar, Bill-fish. Ohio at Rockport, Eigenmann ; White Water at Brookville, Evermann 1886; Big Pigeon creek at Evansville, Eigenmann ; Wabash at Delphi, Evermann and Jenkins 188S; at Terre Haute, Jenkins 1886 ; at New Harmony, Jordan, 188!>; Blue river at Columbia City, Kirech 18U4; Tippecanoe river, Evermann and Jenkins 1888; Lake Maxinkuckee, Jenkins 1888; Loon, Big and Crooked lakes, Kirsch 1894; Indianapo- lis, Jordan 1877; Gosport, Eigenmann. Lepuostem platystomm Rafinesque. Short-nosed Gar-pike. Wabash .at Terre Haute, Jenkins 1886; at Vincennes, New Harmony and Mackey's Ferry, Jordan 1889; Lake Manitou, Eigenmann and Norman ISvM. Le2jisostetis tristachus (Bloch and Schneider). Alligator Gar. Wabash at New Harmon)', Jordan 1889. Order Cvclo(;anoii)ei. Family Amiidx (The Bow-fins). Amia calca L. Bow-fin, Mud-fish, Dog-fish. Wabash at Terre Haute, Jenkins 1886 ; Blue river. Eel river, and in nearly all its upper tributaries, Kirsch 1894 ; Lake Maxinkuckee, Jenkins 1888 ; Switz City swamp, Gilbert 1884. Order rEMAT0(;NATin. Family Silurkhc (The Cat-fishes). Ictalurus fnrcatm (Le Sueur). Chuckle-headed Cat. Ohio river, Jordan and Evermann 1887. Ictalurus pundatus (Rafinesque). Channel Cat, AVhite Cat, Silver Cat. Ohio river, Rafinesque ; White Water at Brookville, Evermann 1886; Laughery creek near Milton, Jenkins 1888 ; Big Pigeon near Evansville, Jordan 1889 ; Wabash at Delphi, Jenkins 1888 ; at Terre Haute, Jenkins 1886 ; at Vincennes, New Harmony and Mackey's Ferry, Jordan 1889 ; Raccoon creek at Mecca, I. U. Coll.; West Fork White river at Indian- apolis, Jordan 1877 ; at Gosport, Eigenmann ; at Spencer, Jordan, 1889 ; East Fork White river near Bedford, Gilbert 1884 ; Patoka river, Gibson county. Black river and Big creek, Jordan 1889. Aineiui-us Jacustris (Walbaum). Great Cat-fish, Mississippi Cat, Flannel- mouthed Cat. ;; 80 Wabash at Delphi, Evermann 18SS, as A. nigricam: Lake Michigan, Jordan and Evermann 1887, as A. nigricans. Ameiurus natalis (Le Sueur). Yellow Cat. White Water at Brookville, Evermann 1886 ; Laughery creek near Mil- ton, Ohio county, Jenkins 1888 ; Lower Wabash, Jordan 1877 as cupreus ; Elel Elver basin in all the lakes, Kirsch 1894 ; Tippecanoe river, Jordan 1877 as cupreux and 1889 ; Lake Manitou, Eigenmann and Norman ; Lake Maxinkuckee, Jenkins 1888; Deer creeks, Evermann and Jenkins 1888 ; West Fork White river at Indianapolis, Jordan 1877 as cupreus ; Bean Blossom, Eigenmann and Fordice 1885; Flat Rock and Clifty creeks, Decatur county ; Flat Rock Creek at Rushville, Shannon 1887 ; Salt creek near Bedford, Gilbert 18S4 ; Yellow river at Plymouth, Jor- dan 1889; St. Joseph's river, Jordan 1877 as cuprei's, and Clear and Pine lakes, La Porte county. Ameiurus vulgaris (Thompson). Ohio, Wabash, and Lake Michigan, Jordan and Evermann li?87. Ameiurus nebuJosus (Le Sueur). Common Bullhead, Horned Pout. Wabash at Terre Haute, Jenkins lss6; Eel river and its tributary lakes and streams, Kirsch 1894: Tippecanoe river, Jordan 1877: Loon, Big and Crooked lakes, Kirsch 1.S94: West Fork White river at Indian- apolis, Jordan 1877; Switz City swamp, Greene county, Gilbert 1884; Trail creek, LaPorte county, Ridgley. Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque). Wabash at Terre Haute, Jenkins 1S8() ; Tippecanoe river and Lake Max- inkuckee, Jenkins ISSS; Deer creeks, Evermann 1888; Raccoon creek at Mecca, Parke county, I. LT. Coll. ; West Fork White river at Indian- apolis, Jordan 1877 as xanthoceplialus : Bean Blossom creek, Eigenmann and Fordice 1885 ; Eel river at Cataract, Owen county, Jordan 1889 Switz City swamp, Gilbert 1884 ; East Fork White river and Salt creek near Bedford, Gilbert 1884 ; Gresham's creek at New Harmony, Jordan 1889 ; Trail creek, LaPorte county, Ridgley. Leptops oUvaiis Rafinesque. Mud Cat, Flat-headed Cat, Russian Cat, Ba- shaw, Goujon. White Water at Brookville, Evermann isso ; Laughery creek at Milton, Ohio county, Jenkins 1888 ; Big Pigeon creek at Evansville, Jordan 1889 Wabash river at Terre Haute, Jenkins 188tj; Tippecanoe river, Jordan 1877 ; West Fork White river at Indianapolis, Jordan 1877 ; Bean Blos- som creek, Eigenmann and Fordice 1885 ; East Fork White river
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