Acorn User Display at the AAUG Stand During Will Be Featuring Denbridge Digital the RISC OS '99 Show at Epsom Race in More Depth in a Future Issue of the Course

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Acorn User Display at the AAUG Stand During Will Be Featuring Denbridge Digital the RISC OS '99 Show at Epsom Race in More Depth in a Future Issue of the Course eD6st-§elling RISC OS magazine in the world 4^:^^ i I m Find out what Rf| ::j!:azj achines can do tau ISSUE 215 CHRISTMAS 1999 £4.20 1 1 1 1 1! House balls heavy (packol 10) £15 illSJ 640HS Media lot MO dri.c £|9 £!2J]| Mouse lor A7000/r- N/C CD 630t1B re-wriie niedia £10 £S Mouse for all Aciirns (not etr) A70DQ CD 630MB vrriie once raedis (Pk ol Computers for Education £12 II4.II1 10) £|0 £11.15 Original mouse for all Atoms (not A7K) HARDWARE i £16 urn JAZ IGB midta £58 £68.15 Business and Home |AZ 2GB media PERIPHERALS £69 [i PD 630MS media SPECIAL OFFER! £18 tll.lS I Syid 1.5GB media £S8 £S!IS ISDN MODEM + FREE Syquest lOSMB media £45 [S28I ACORN A7000+ tOHniTERS FIXING K. SytfuestOiMB media £45 islSjl INTERNET CONNEaiON )f[|iit'iij![IMB media £45 tS2S slice lor ,!.:., 2d Rlst PC int 1 waj L jj) i( 1 Syqufit 770HB media £76 £45 (Sji? I A?000 4. Ciasm [D £499 hard drive liting kir 2x 64k bpi ehaniiels mil M IDE £|2 £14.10 Zip lOOHBraetfia £8 (Ml IS9xU0«40mm A7000+(l3isnhO £449 i- baikplane (not il CO aJrody insialled) Zip mW £34 [3).!S iOOMB media 1; pack) £35 awl] ;;! footprint A71100+0(lyHeyCD £549 mil Fixing km for hard drives ^ £S ff.40 Zip2S0HBmedia £11.50 (I4.i .Wf^ »«* 2 analogue ports |aTODCH- Odysse)- Nmotk HoniiDr cable lor all £525 mm Acorn (lelecdon) £|0 fll iS | 30 I- Odyssey Primary £599 flOJ ai Podule mi lor A3D00 £|6 RISC OS UPGRADES 47000 I OdyssEc Setoiidary £599 Rise PC I slo[ backplane ISP trial mm ii4.B I Argonet I £29 A700Oi Rise OS 3.11 chip sti £20 am OdyssEr^uil £699 SCSI I S II [abteclioice from £io [II JS I - RiitOSJ.II hardware upgrade A300 (73-51} SCSI lerniiiiarar/adapiors £10 (seledion) £|0 (II.JS iiiiVAluidd[li«ry iSDNiintmrtri RiicQS }.ll tnannahei I £20 am ACORN NC COMPUTERS SCSI/IDE ribbon cables Irom £S lyj ili«0SJ.7fl(Ri!(PC0nly) £25 f7!.37 Sprin[(rl6f1B £299 BSI.Jll a-sc 4 0! (RiscPt/A700CI) £99 (Hi 32 FLOPPY DISC DRIVES MODEM I Spriiiier 16MB - Topcai rtady £299 OSI.H I23k ISDN 2 analogue ptione ports iliyj I SpfinLfr iplm I6HB inc M" MonnDt £379 t4< Fli)ppydiivfA![llDo(A!070 + £99 | £29 tiWl SCANNERS I I2flk ISDN hub louier with lOBaseT £249 0921! Fluppy drive A4/S000A7000Rii(P[: £29 imi CanoScan 27001 film scanner l2Bk ISDN modem £99 f.llU2 I £499 £586.32 ACORN RISC PC COMPUTERS Floppy drive lor AiUOD £29 BiW I mage Master & Iwain £57.5! Riiphiemeni lloppy tor l2Bk ISDN nioden\ router (managed) £385 C4S2.37 £49 drive A4 £20 0!,SO |flMPC!3!T;GB8HBEWrim £749 (880.1 Parallel ScanEipress 6000 SSk modem £59 ii'l! £99 £114,31 I RMpajJT4GEI6HBEWtim £799 mi ScanExptess iranspartnty kit-slides HARD DRIVES etc £75 £8812 |Rri(pa)3T[D £879 miu Seaiflai transparency iltdei MONITORS til eic £149 illi.OI RucPGJSTDVD £929 urns IOE2l!}i1BJ.Si<iforA4DDO£A50DD Scantspresi £40 HIM SCSI 12000 £149 i 175.07 Ri!( ?Um Web Wr;ard £259 (iM.i! £1149 (IJSCO IOE500HBi.SinlofA4000S/lSCH)[) £45 mi SCSI Stan Eipress 6000 £119 imn IO[1.2GB5iinforRiscPCU7MI)/+ I4inliyama colour ICD display £575 £WS.(! £49 tsi.s? SCSI ScanExpress A) SP £199 £133.82 IDE2GB3,SinlorRiitP[aA700O/ + I4in SKA £79 C!l!) CD ROM DRIVES £59 imi SCSI Seanflai 1200 pro 099 (468.8! H ISin digital SVGA £99 IIIU7 !D£4GB3.Sin(orRiscP[8A70OQ/+ £70 am CD ROM tumg ki: (daia I. audio (Able) £4 UM ISm digiial liyania SCSllOOMBi.Sm £39 imi SVGA £125 il4i,8J SCSI INTERFACES IDE 24x speed CD KOH drive GO mi I7in digital SVGA £149 (115.07 IB SCSI 2GB J.Sin £90 (l«.!S IDE 44ii spseiJ CD ROM dfive as LiWl Storm I7in fiyama Pro 410 BS(SI2miecrace-A3DiOA4000 £88 £IOj.4ll SCSI £269 £316.07 4GB 5,5ir £129 ilSl.i7 IDE CD driver lor Msc PC fi A7000 mil as 2lrn liyania Pro SitirmliSCSI2i/f-A100/A40DAS/7D00 £96 £11191 J,5in SIO £649 £16257 SCSI SOOMB £49 (S?.S? SCSI 32> speed CD ROM drivf £69 m Siorml6/IQBaseT SCSI! S Ethernet i/l £148 f t73.?l 1 SCSI 9GB ].Sin £199 am SCSI ^i speed (D ROM drive £29 04,(1 Storm NETWORK CARDS 16,'Combo SCSI2 5 Ethernet i/( £196 (ZSO.JO i«l speed CD ROM drtvc h £30 C!U5 StomiDHAJZ SCSI2 i/l ftPC HARD DRIVES inc Interface I £|2B £ISO^ Ethernet Card A3D0/A400/ASk (R)4S) £94 £IIO« I Ethernet Card I70M6 IDE A300/A400/ASk (RJ4S/BNC) £99 (116.32 CD TOWERS km/mo interface inclnded £100 illJ.SO SOFTWARE Ethernet Card A]020/A4k (BNC MAU) £94 £111.45 nOMBIDE AJDOO Interlace Inrlnded £85 imi £549 iMs.or RisCafelavaioftwarMCD) Ethernet Caid A3O20/A4I! {R|4S MAO) £94 £111.45 04.03 am 170MB IDE A3010 Idicrtace Incliided £8S Bm fix CO 7 drivf Wer £379 !MS.!? Acom C/C * -^ Ethernet Card A30iO/A4k (Rj4S) £111.45 £160 £168,10 I7nM6 IDE A] firiine kit included £94 I 030 £49 mi initniernei Suite £'ll.i! Eihernei Card A30«0/A4k i RJ4S/BNC) £99 (II6JJ £95 IDE A3D0/A400 in[erlace Included £130 flS27S TOPCAT NT server iottware CD WRITER Ethernet Card Rite PC/A7k (Rj4S) £94 £110.45 £500 tSS7.S0 hOtlllBIDE AJOOOiniei face included £115 umi Eihernei Card Rut PC/A7k soohbide AJOIOInjerfac? Included {RJ4VBNC| £99 (116.32 SPECIAL OFFER! £115 Limi SPECIALS soomb ide A302O fining kii included £79 Lm PRINTERS INKJET A-link for pocket book (AHAJO) 6x record £|0 £11. /S A4 LCD Screen 4x re-write HARD DRIVES Video Acorn prmtw driver for any hsted printer £10 £11.75 £30 0S.7i A4PSUPa(k I6xread CANON B{(.200D (lOI.OS £10 01.75 Video SCSI £86 1 9GB eternal £599 ASOOO PoHiT Supply Unit CANON BJf -4400 £129 {151.52 £|0 (||,7S I Video SCSt external £899 Dtetrlbute your A/000 Computer CANON BIC-46S0 (A3) £225 Q64i7 £299 £3Sl.i7 resources, back-up HARD DRIVES Xtra CANON ajC-6000 £189 Dim Acorn Econet i/t all Ktepi RPC £5 iS.SI your data and give Aiwa h CO player CANON B]C-7I00 £219 (IS737 £49 (SJ,s; unlimited youneK ! Xira SCSI iiiiernal Alcatel voice auto aittiidani leltphont PC £169 ilSSSlj EPSON Stylus coloin 4iO £85 mil card £500 £587.5) ttorage! I Xira SCSI iniernal DIS Upgrade £299 fiSuH EPSON Stylus colour m £99 mil £5 (SSI German keyboards RiscPC/A7000 etc EPSON Stylui colour B60 £194 £227.!S £|0 (II 7S )PI50 sheet feeder IDE INTERFACES Parallel prmtfr cable £t0 £117! £I0 (IL7i Mailer 128 TCP/IP (LPR}pnstii.prriirEr driver £175 £!I]S(I motherboard £|0 £Ii 75 Ai/400 IDE interface foi 2.Siii S l.Sin luiii dnvti £60 OOSCl GREAT V MailT internal SOOHB SCSI drive £99 (l|iJ2 AJOOO IDE inierlace kii - I.Sm hard drive £S2 fiJ.IO Mustek I2000P Scanner (PC Only) £55 iifl.JI A3I1I0 IDE hierface Kit - 2,iin Hard Drive £52 [61 10 NEW! Netprodutti Netitaiion £120 (141.01) AJD20 Imng tii 2. Sin hard drive £8 H.40 ^251 233MHz StrongARM (revt) PC card lor A3000 A30I0 A3020 AJOOO £49 £57.i7 KEYBOARDS UPGRADE WITH RISC OS 4 Rf Modulator N/C etc (phono in - TV out] £|5 (ll.j) Rise PC sound card (ACDOS) £|0 £JI7i AilRA Acain keyboard fur A700CI and Rise PC £29 m il Sj Econet Bridge £20 £7i.S(l I I Ok performance Erjo keyboard CD WRITERS £39 £4S.!! SJ Etnnti starter kit £20 IZi.Sil increase whh Ergo keyboard for pre Rlic Pt £69 £11.07 Ui^jiie SCSI CO in[ RcWmei m ICDBiirN £219 OS?!! 1^ StrongARM Ke^boaid cable |'6 waf) £10 CII.IS DELIVERY CHARGES - next dny insured 6<4«l6SCSItiiCDItaWri[eri[ic!CDBum £249 t29JSJ upgrade 49% performance Orders over £200 paid by debit card FREE fltE[ COMBOS (HO A CD) MEMORY incrense with Small Items £6 fJ.OS RISC OS 4 All other orders £11 £11,93 A30USA')00l-4MB OS li\ I! {call for details) (CDSIOOHeHD-eMernalSCSI £99 Fitting charge (inc collecDon) £18 £11 15 AiOOO I -4MB £55 iiUl 1 8y CD S SOOME HD - e«mnal SCSI £129 We welcome payment by cheque (allow A3O00 4-8HB £124 (14110 PROCESSORS S days to clear). Credit and Dehii cards, EXTENDED WARRANTY A3000 serial port upgrade £B am A3Q!OI-2MB £25 ARM 3 processor lor A4(KI aw AiOOO A300 £||S (I3i.|i I EDUCATIONAL ORDERS WELCOMED. • - A7000/A7000 e*l(nded warranty I yclr £S9 AJ0I0I-4MB 610 £55 mi ARM processor (2nd user) £69 (J|.07 CASTLE TECHNOLOGY Ltd, Ore Trading Estate A7000/A7000 • exiended warranty - 7 year £109 A3020SA4000 inm 2-'1H6 £35 UI.I7 StrongARM processor & RISE OS 4 £254.47 I IW WoDdbndge Road. Framlingham, Suffolk iPI3 9LL A70OO/A7DOO !- UKiended warranty -4 year £189 £227117 |A4004-aHB- £99 (111,32 StrongARM processor (tevi) S RISC OS 3 1 £229 £269.(17 Rise PC - (600/700) eitended warranty I 1104.57 2-4MB ftsr £89 00 £45 iS7,87 TEL0172e723200 FAX. 0300 783 9638 Rise PC extended warranty - (600/700) 3 year £159 ilEiSi [AS00D4liMB £119 IDImI REMOVABLE DRIVES Sales lines open Monday to Fnday 9,00am [ill 5 OOpm Uist PC (S00./700) emended warranty -4 year £279 07/ il Sattirday lO.OOamill I.OOpm i ZIP drive external SCSI I Rise - £99 il|(,Jj SifongARM PC eiiended warranty I year £99 m.n MEMORY RISC PC A7000 drive - i ZIP parallel not A300 etc £109 £I7S,0I SirongARH Rise PC eiiended warranty 1 year £179 ami Contact us by e-mail: [email protected] 4HB SIMM lor Rise PC and A7U00 £7 an 250HB 7IP drive external SCSI Visit 1 £129 fiSfJ) our web site' www.casrle StronjARM Rise PC emended warranty - 4 year £319 074! | KMB SIMM fur RISC PC and A700I) £10 MO dive internal I Mm £239 fJSO.S All trademarks acknowledged.
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