Theatre Programme LONDON SHOW 3Rd October 2009 EXHIBITORS

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Theatre Programme LONDON SHOW 3Rd October 2009 EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS THIS IS YOUR TICKET 1. 3rd Event Technologies 13. Qercus AMCS Music Creation system The magazine for all RISC OS users. Quincy Coleman demonstrating the Acorn derived music sequencer. 14. R-Comp R-Comp and R-Comp Interactive with a full range 2. 8 Bit - Gaming of hardware and software. With BBC, Electron and Atom represented, come 15. Retro Clinic along and give your old favourites a go. With USB and IDE for your BBC. 3. 8 Bit - Music Listen to the BBC and Electron as they were 16. Retro Software meant to be heard, with clever software and With a range of games for the BBC Micro. hardware. 17. RISC OS !Helpdesk LONDON SHOW Bernard Veasey will be on hand to answer your 4. Archive Magazine questions about some of RISC OS’s most 3rd October 2009 The monthly subscription magazine, for all users common software and will also be able to show of RISC OS software and hardware. items from his extensive freeware collection. 5. The Centre for Computing History 18. RISC OS Connect Theatre Programme The computer museum preserves and presents a Helping provide connections between people from collection of important computers, the RISC OS community. 11.30 6. Chris’s Acorns 19. RISCOS Ltd Chris Whytehead with a BBC Domesday System. Providing RISC OS users with over 10 years of The Centre for Computing History updates to the Operating System. 7. CJE Micro’s & The Fourth Dimension 12.15 The dealer with it all, if it’s not in stock, it probably 20. RISC OS Open Ltd doesn’t exist. Charged by Castle with maintaining the Shared The MathMagical Software Co Source RISC OS, come along and see the latest 8. The MathMagical Software Company 1.00 Martin Hansen exploring the world of maths and developments such as the Beagleboard. graphics. 21. ROUGOL MW Software The RISC OS User Group of London; the show 9. Michael Emerton organisers will be on hand to try to tempt you to its Demonstrating a digital music library, 100,000 1.45 upcoming meetings and talk about RISC OS in MP3 and OGG tracks. Orpheus Internet London in general. 10. MW Software Demonstrating the latest updates to ArtWorks and 22. RPCEmu Spoon Edition 2.30 Techwriter. The cross platform Risc PC emulator. RISCOS Ltd 23. Steve Fryatt 11. Organizer 2 Steve will have all the latest versions of his Nigel Willmott with the latest updates to the 3.15 software, CashBook, PrintPDF, etc. personal management software. RISC OS Open Ltd 12. Orpheus Internet The RISC OS friendly ISP..
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