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r"·--· .IYI-mrrur·_· ·-....,, "` I·IL_ "1: P? 5\·?:· i-d I L i· Z r f' ": .. ',r er i, ~~;"~~~~w~~~· -p· I :T :'" · 33·1 .·· c-'z r .-c--··-·· VOLUME 93 NUJMBER~ i CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 'I a se stU~ ,as. "c Hs By Paul Schindler tuition income. Due to vari- dorms) combined with the large The class of 1977 will be ations in student need, marginal size of recent classes produced a targeted for 900 members, ac- income per student is not a housing "crunch," according to cording to Chancellor Paul E. simple, linear student-tuition re- Assistant Dean for Student Af- Gray. Historically, the number is lation. fairs Ken Browning. This over- not small, but it is a drop of 140 There has been a pattern of crowding was cited by Gray as from the record class of 1040 increasing class sizes over the last the primary reason for the re- admitted last year. five years (see graph on page 3) duction in class size. with last year's class being an "There are many forces As. mentioned previously in accidental overshoot of a target which push the class size up," The Tech (Tuesday, January 9), of 1025. Suddenly this year, a Gray noted, "but the housing the drop in class size will, ac- sharp upturn of the retention crunch is the main thing which cording to officials, have no sig- rate in the dormitories (the num- holds it down." The decision, nificant effect on financial aid or ber of people who stay in the announced in a meeting Friday morning, January 26, was de- News analysis bated for almost two weeks after it was discussed in Academic Council, and was considered pri- vately for some time before that. The persons at the meeting were Hat~8$l~P $ClnC pOEiXC those most directly affected: I ienicec ',pe-[: -, Gray, Director of Admissions 'w:9 run tis- Peter Richardson, Dean for Stu- By Norman D. Sandler Science Advisor to John F. Ken- dent Affairs Carola Eisenberg, Provost Walter Rosenblith, Vice Copyright 1973 nedy, the role of the OST is "to :4.;"'srrI ~;- , . ~·-*;: . ,·; ;~:2·~'"-9 > . - by Norman Sandler show the President what the President for Administration and With recent reports of a dis- options are, with regard to Personnel John Wynne, and Vice mantling of President Nixon's science programs and policies." President for Operations Philip Rick Carley '7l returned from a week-long tour with the MIT science advisory staff (see The "Wired nation" Stoddard. Concert Band last week and found, to his surprise, that Triends on Tech, January 16, 1973), and However, lately it has been Alternatives were considered, his floor in East Campus had constructed this wishing-well in his the formal resignation of the difficult to determine what'func- according to Gray, but within room, complete with bricks, roof, and approximately a foot of water President's science adviser. Dr. tions the science advisory staff the framework of having all i nsi de. Edward E. David, Jr., several has been performing for the freshmen live in Institute or Carley walked down the hall with an apprehensive look on his weeks ago, there has been a great President, and in one case where Institute-approved housing (i.e. face, which turned to surprise when he found a note reading "Best deal of controversy in Wash- the information was learned, the fraternities or Student House), Wishes, The hall" tacked to his door. "My God that's impressive" ington, as well as at institutions OST and Mr. Nixon came under there was no escaping the was the only thing he could manage to say upon seeing the well. such as MIT, over the position fire from both Congress and the smaller class size. The alterna- When asked about his plans for the structure, Carley said, '"Why, the Nixon administration will be general public. tives were: intentional over- every room should have a wishing well." Photo by Fred Hutchison (,4P) taking with respect to science That instance involved a crowding of the dorms, or use of and technology as Mr. Nixon study entitled "Communications interim housing which would be enters his second term. for Social Needs," and was pre- both expensive and inadequate ooel -a,c.te Traditionally. the President pared by David's office for Presi- for use by undergraduates. oy e na has directed science policy and dential Assistant for Domestic Vice President Kenneth Wad- has set priorities with the assis- Affairs John Erlichman and the leigh described the decisions as seen ,boynedaim tance of the science advisor, a President's Domestic Council. "denying some the right to come e~c or position originally established by The 300-page "Adminis- to MIT, while doing the best we By Jonathan Weker degrees for four years of night- President Dwight Eisenhower. tratively Confidential" docu- can for those who do come." At a time when the Lowell school study." He believes the However, it now appears that ment was a feasibility study of Stating that the decision to ad- Institute School is undergoing other cause to be that the the advisor system is being using telecommunications and mit 900 next year will "hold the the most fundamental changes in School's curriculum was becom- superseded by one which will computer technology to produce line on decent housing," he its seventy year history, Dr. ing "outdated." again have the President alone a nation-wide communications noted that the decrease in size Bruce Daniels Wedlock has been Until 1969 the Lowell Insti- making policy decisions, phasing system. The master plan in- this year will allow classes of named as director-designate of tute School had maintained the out or eliminating the role of the cluded placing FM receivers in 950 in succeeding years. Wad- the School, according to Dr. same educational format as had professional advisory staff. every home, boat and auto- leigh also told The Tech that Walter -Rosenblith, MIT provost, been used since the School's The scientists were in the mobile, which could be turned there is no immediate prospect and Dr. Ralph Lowell, trustee of inception in 1903. The school Office of Science and Tech- on and off by only the govern- of funding for a new under- the Lowell Institute. had been started at that time as nology (OST) and the Presi- ment, eventually leading to the graduate dormitory, which Wedlock will assume the posi- the brainchild of Dr. A. Law- dent's Science Advisory Com- concept of the "wired city" and would be the long range solution tion to be vacated on June 30 by rence Lowell, at that time presi- mittee (PSAC). According to finally to a "wired nation." for the housing problem. Dr. F. Leroy Foster, who has dent of Harvard as well as MIT President Jerome Wiesner, (Please turn to Page 6) (Please turn to Page 3) senred as director of the Lowell trustee of the Lowell Institute. Institute School since 1959. The Lowell institute had been 1h ki~ His appointment, Wedlock founded in 1836 by John A@CE~~~~~i'A K 'rDV re$ a, feels, is part of an effort by MIT Lowell, who left half of his to revitalize the Lowell School fortune of $500,000 for the Special to The Tech knowledge that such a prank was Advisor to President Nixon, and following a period during the "maintenance and support of In a daring early morning in the making, and have been would be leaving the Institute, Sixties when the School's role as public lectures, to be delivered coup yesterday, persons osten- assured that hlo one from The succeeded by Chancellor Paul an evening institution with tech- in Boston, upon philosophy, sibly connected with The Tech Tech was even remotely respon- Gray. nical instruction for persons in natural history, the arts and perpetrated a major hoax upon sible for the plot." Radio station WBZ picked up industry seemed to be diminish- sciences, or any of them, as the members of the MIT community Re cen tly-elected Editor-in- the Wiesner story on its ten and ing. Enrollment has been de- trustees, from time to time, and the Boston press. Chief Paul Schindler '74, could eleven morning news, changing creasing over the past five years, deem expedient." The Lowell The hoax was accomplished not be reached for comment the report to a feature on the a phenomenon Wedlock attri- Institute has expanded to where by the clandestine distribution yesterday. Several persons re- hoax for its noon program. butes to two factors. it now is a benefactor of tele- of a spurious version of Tech ported seeing Schindler at vari- Members of the MIT admini- The major reason for this de- vision station WGBH channel 2, Talk, which so closely resembled ous locations throughout the stration and the staff of the MIT cline, according to Wedlock, is and also offers the Harvard Uni- the original that many persons MIT campus on Monday, though News Office and Tech Talk were because of "competition from versity Extension Courses and were fooled even after close in- none of these tentative identifi- not available for corrment at community colleges and other the periodic Lowell Lectures for spection. cations could be substantiated. press time. institutions that offer associate (Please turn to Page 2) Copies of the bogus issue In a written statement left in the were reportedly distributed to offices of The Tech, Schindler the home of Dr. Jerome Wiesner, explained that he regretted his ~o we t~ ~ a.s t c ha nesMo offices of MIT administrators, "lapse of good judgment," and and the Boston press, including set the blame for the deed on both wire services, the Boston Tenenbaum and The Tech News By Sandra Yulke pation as "Consultant Econo- member of the American Econo- Glo be, the Herald-Am ericanl, and Editor Norman Sandler.