Uvod / Introduction...... 2

Županja...... 4

Štitar...... 26

Babina Greda...... 30

Karta Ceste zlatne niti / Golden Threads Road Map...... 36

Kruševica...... 39

Gradište...... 42

Cerna...... 44

Šiškovci...... 49

Bošnjaci...... 51

Drenovci...... 62

Vrbanja...... 65

Manifestacuje / Manifestations...... 68 Dobro došli na put Ceste zlatne niti!

ko se želite udaljiti iz gradske svakodnevice, udahnuti punim plućima, vidjeti ljepotu Aprirode, kušati slavonsku šljivovicu i uživati u biranim domaćim specijalitetima, te se nakon toga dobro naspavati – krenite putem Ceste zlatne niti.

esta zlatne niti je novi i jedinstveni turistički sadržaj. U jednu cjelinu povezuje povijest, Ckulturnu baštinu i mnoge tradicionalne vrijednosti, bogatstvo prirodnih posebnosti i gastronomiju.

latna nit je okosnica projekta, ona povezuje nekoliko mjesta. Svako pojedino mjesto Zponuditi će svoje posebnosti vezane uz život u plodnoj ravnici i istkati svoju jedinstvenu priču.

utem ove brošure možete pronaći ponude za aktivni odmor ili aktivni seoski turizam, Ppronaći korisne informacije za organizaciju izleta ili višednevnih putovanja, ali i direktne kontakte i praktične informacije o pojedinim seoskim gospodarstvima i njihovim turističkim aktivnostima i mogućnostima odmora na selu.

sim mira, tišine i obilja svježeg zraka, Cesta zlatne niti ponudit će vam tradicionalne Odomaće poslastice, osvježavajuće kapljice domaće šljivovice, a sve uz priču veselih i uvijek gostoljubivih domaćina.

esta zlatne niti novi je turistički proizvod koji će zasigurno obogatiti hrvatsku turističku Cponudu. Welcome to the Golden Threads Road!

f you want to escape everyday life of the city, breathe more easily, see the beauty of Inature, taste Slavonian šljivovica (plum brandy) or simply enjoy domestic specialities and then have a good night’s rest – you should take the Golden Threads Road.

he Golden Threads Road is neither new nor unique tourist attraction. It joins the Thistory, the cultural heritage and many other traditional values into one whole along with natural particularity and gastronomy.

he golden thread is the skeleton of the project, it connects several places. Every single Tplace offers its own particularities connected with life in fertile plains and tells its own unique story.

n this brochure you can fi nd different offers for active holidays and active country-style Itourism, useful information for organizing trips and days-long journeys as well as a direct contact and practical information about specifi c country-style big farms and their tourist activities and possibilities of holidays in the country.

eside the peace, the quiet and the abundance of fresh air, the Golden Threads Road Boffers traditional domestic delicacy, refreshing drops of domestic šljivovica, all these accompanied with the stories of cheerful and always hospitable hosts.

he Golden Threads Road is a new tourist product which will enrich Croatian tourist Tmarket Županja Zavičajni muzej

Zavičajni muzej Stjepana Grubera / Stjepan Gruber Native Museum kontakt / Contact: Andreja Malowoz 32270 Županja, Savska 3 tel: 00385 (0)32 837 101 e-mail: [email protected]

avičajni muzej Stjepana Grubera smješten je u graničarskom čardaku, jedinom očuvanom Zprimjerku vojno-krajiške obrambene arhitekture na području Republike Hrvatske. Druga muzejska zgrada - Agencija sagrađena je sredinom 19. stoljeća, u vrijeme kada je Savom, Dunavom i Tisom plovio prvi hrvatski parobrod “Sloga”. Stalni postav etnološke zbirke koncipiran je tako da su teme za prezentaciju tradicijske kulture razvrstane prema godišnjim dobima, običajima kroz godinu, ali i prema običajima tijekom života u Šokaca. Native Museum

tjepan Gruber Native Museum is situated in a border log watch-tower (čardak), the only Spreserved specimen of military-borderer’s defensive architecture on the Republic of region. The other museum building – Agency was built in the mid 19th century during the times when the fi rst steamboat “Sloga” sailed down the Sava, the Danube and the Tisa Rivers. The permanent exhibit is set up so that the themes for traditional culture presentation are classifi ed according to the seasons, customs throughout the year as well as according to customs during life of native Slavonian inhabitants (Šokci). Zlatovez i seoski turizam Markovi kućari kontakt / Contact: Marko Maroševac 32270 Županja, Baruna Trenka 59 tel: 00385 (0)32 837 296 mob: 00385 (0)98 846 351

radicijska šokačka kuća izgrađena je 1900. godine kao zadružna kuća za stanovanje 20-ak Tukućana s pripadajućim objektima: kućari (spavaća soba bračnog para), štagalj i štala, bunar i đeram, ambar, krušna peć. «Markovi kućari» pokazati će Vam nekadašnji život starosjedilaca – Šokaca na granici kroz prezentaciju tradicijskog načina života. Uživajte u vožnji zaprežnim kolima ili saonicama, u radionicama izrade zlatoveza i mogućnosti oblačenja u narodnu nošnju, te kušajte domaće gastro proizvode kulin, slaninu, kobasice, kravlji sir, pekmez i dr. Golden embroidery and country-style tourism he traditional Šokci house was built in 1900 as a cooperative house for living for about Ttwenty tenants with the accompanying facilities: kućari (wedding couple’s bedroom), a barn and a shed, a well and draw-well sweep, a granary and the baker’s oven for baking bread. “Markovi kućari” will show you traditional life of native Šokci on the border through the presentation of traditional way of life. Enjoy the ride in horse- drawn cart or sledges, the workshops for golden embroidery production, the possibilities of dressing in national costumes and try domestic gastronomic products such as kulin (paprika fl avoured sausage) , bacon, cow cheese, jam, etc. Županjski suveniri Lončarska i ukrasna keramika / Pottery and ornamental ceramics kontakt / Contact: Katica Šimunović Pauković 32270 Županja, J. J. Strossmayera 61 Mob: +385(0)91 1735 423 e-mail: [email protected]

ostojanost lončarske tradicije i ciglarske Pdjelatnosti bio je osnovni poticaj i ideja za oživljavanje starog lončarsko-tradicijskog obrta i njegovo povezivanje s ukrasnom i upotrebnom keramikom. Spoj tradicije, gline i Prve nogometne lopte odnosno Prvog igranja nogometa i tenisa u Hrvatskoj pretočeni su u dva suvenira grada Županje – Županja kolijevka nogometa 1880. i Županja kolijevka tenisa 1881. Tu su i drugi suveniri nastali u radionici poput šalica, posudica za šećer u obliku šećerne repe, broševa i magneta. Također se može vidjeti stara obrtnička tradicija utiskivanja («drukanja») lokalne nošnje ovoga kraja pretočena u modernije upotrebne tekstilne predmete. Svi ti suveniri izrađeni na tradicijski način obogaćuju turističku ponudu suvenira grada Županje.

Souvenirs from Županja

he endurance of pottery tradition and brick making Twas the basic stimuli and the basic idea for the revival of the old traditional pottery craft and for its connecting with ornamental and ceramics of use. The blend of tradition, clay and The fi rst football with reference to The fi rst playing of football and tennis in Croatia are converted into two souvenirs of the town of Županja – Županja the cradle of football in 1880 and Županja the cradle of tennis in 1881. There are also other souvenirs made at the workshops such as cups, sugar dishes in shape of a sugar beet, broaches and magnets. You can also see old crafts tradition of embossing (“drukanje”) of native costumes of this region transformed into more modern textile objects of use. All these souvenirs, which are made in a traditional way, enrich the tourist offer of souvenirs of the town of Županja. Udruga Galerije Veliki Kraj Udruga Galerije Veliki Kraj kontakt / Contact: Magdalena Lončarević 32270 Županja, Veliki kraj 73 tel/fax: 00385 (0)32 831 388 e-mail: [email protected]

druga Galerije Veliki Kraj smještena je u šokačkoj kući s kraja 19. st. Tu nastaju radovi Uod recikliranog papira s otiscima preko ručnih radova. Igrom boja dobivenih od bilja i cvijeća na prirodni način i slaganjem detalja fotografi ja našeg kraja i običaja, crtežima i dodatnim bojanjem, nastaje poveznica između tradicije izrade šokačkih ručnih radova i modernih slika. Preradom starog papira i ideja koje proizlaze iz starinskog načina rada iglom i koncem, povezujući ekologiju s tradicijom, moguće je doći do novih i zanimljivih suvenira. Osim ovih radova u prostorijama Galerije može se pogledati i prikaz rada na tradicijskom tkalačkom stanu, te izrada predmeta od fi lcane vune.

Art gallery Veliki kraj Association

rt gallery Veliki kraj Association is situated in a Šokci house dating from the 19th century. AIt is the place where recycled paper with the prints over handicrafts works of art are made. Through the play with colours obtained from plants and fl owers in a natural way, the arranging of details of photography of our region and customs as well as drawings and the additional colouring, we make a connection between the tradition of making Šokci handicrafts and modern paintings. Recycling the old paper and the ideas that spring from the old ways of working with needle and thread, connecting technology with tradition, it is possible to obtain new and interesting souvenirs. Besides these works you can also see the display of working with the traditional weavers’ loom as well as the display of making objects of felt mad wool. Rukotvorine Udruga za očuvanje etno kulture «Zavičajna tkanica» / Native Weave Association for Preservation of Ethno Culture kontakt / Contact: Dubravka Matić 32270 Županja, Ilirskog preporoda 54 tel/fax: 00385 (0)32 837 441 mob: 00385 (0)98 1984 755 e-mail: [email protected]

tno Udruga ,,Zavičajna tkanica’’ njeguje tradicijske vezove, izrađuje slike s motivima Ezlatoveza, razne ručne radove, čunčane ručnike, ukrase, ogrlice, narukvice, broševe, torbice, pojase, oslikane boce, drvoreze i narodne nošnje. Udruga također organizira radionice pod nazivom «Domaćinstvo», na kojima djeca uče kako izraditi ručne radove i kuhati tradicijska jela našeg kraja. Dođite i izradite predmete i budite barem na kratko u šokačkoj nošnji.


thno Association Native Weave nourishes Etraditional embroidery, making of pictures with the golden embroidery motives, various handicrafts, neveditura towels, decorations, necklaces, necklaces, broaches, handbags, belts, painting bottles, wood engraving and native costumes. The Association organizes workshops titled “Household”, in which children learn how to make handicrafts and how to cook traditional dishes of our region. Come and make objects and spend some time dressed in native Šokci costume. Zlatovez Etno udruga «Rasplit» / Rasplit Ethno Association kontakt / Contact: Kata Čehovski 32270 Županja, Aleja Matice Hrvatske 7 tel: 00385 (0)99 506 1875

latovez je tehnika veza zlatnim koncem. Postoje dvije vrste zlatnoga konca: zlato i bijelo Zzlato. Osim za ukrašavenje dijelova narodnih nošnji Udruga «Rasplit» tehnikom zlatoveza ukrašava staklene boce, narukvice, ogrlice i broševe. Najčešće se koriste fl oralni motivi poput pupa cvijeta, ruže, ploda hrasta - žira, lista, vitice, grančica i sl. Udruga također održava edukativna druženja na kojima svi zainteresirani mogu naučiti tehniku zlatoveza, te organizira izložbe svojih radova.

Golden embroidery

olden embroidery is a technique of embroidery with golden thread. There are two types Gof golden thread: gold and white gold. Besides for decorating parts of native costumes, Rasplit Ethno Association uses the golden embroidery technique for decorating glass bottles, bracelets, necklaces and broaches. The most frequently used are fl oral motives such as fl ower buds, roses, acorn, leaves, tendril, branches, etc. The Association holds educative gatherings at which the interested parties can learn the technique of golden embroidery and it organizes the exhibitions of its works of art. Rukotvorine Udruga «Zlatni Klas» / Golden Ear Association kontakt / Contact: Željka Ćosić 32270 Županja, Trg prof. Martina Robotića 1 tel: 00385 (0)32 833 755 mob: 00385 (0)98 996 2148

z tradicionalne tehnike kao što su šlinganje, zlatovez Ui heklanje, Udruga «Zlatni klas» posebno je aktivna u primjeni tehnike bojanja na staklu. Radi se o ručnom oslikavanju različitih staklenih predmeta, većinom boca i vaza različitih oblika i veličine, posebnim bojama za staklo na bazi silikona. Motivi su uglavnom prilagođene ili stilizirane „mustre“ sa starih slavonskih, odnosno šokačkih šlingeraja u zlatnom i srebrnom tonu, poput pletera, grba, zastave, hrastovog lišća, žitnog klasa, šljiva i sl.


esides traditional techniques such as weaving, Bgolden embroidery and crochet-work, Golden Ear Association is especially active in the application of glass painting technique. It is the painting of different glass objects made by hand, mainly bottles and vases of different shapes and sizes with special glass silicone colours. The themes are usually adapted or stylized patterns (“mustre”) from old Slavonian Šokci weavings in a golden and silver tone, such as interlacing-ribbon pattern, coast of arms, fl ag, oak-tree leaves, ears of corn, plums, etc. Rukotvorine i stari zanati

Zadruga «Šokački divani» / Šokački divani Association kontakt / Contact: Nada Nikolić 32270 Županja, Matije Gupca 56 mob: 00385 (0)98 905 0341

adruga se bavi izradom zlatoveza i svih vrsta ručnog Zrada, od narodnog veza do šlinganja i izrade narodnih nošnji, te oslikavanja boca. U svojim prostorima uređenim u starinskom, šokačkom stilu u središtu grada izlažu starine i rukotvorine. Na radionicama ženski članovi Zadruge prikazuju izradu ručnog rada, „fodrukanje“ platna, namatanje mosura za tkanje i šlinganje na mašini staroj 120 godina, dok muški članovi prikazuju stare, gotovo izumrle zanate poput remenara kako „krpa“ orme ili stolara koji izrađuje držala za metle i krunjača za kukuruze iz 1880. godine. Handicrafts and old crafts

he Association deals with the making of golden embroidery Tand all types of handicrafts, from the native weaving and the making of native costumes to the painting of bottles. In its facilities decorated in the old Šokci style in the centre of the town, it displays the old handicrafts. During the workshops, the female members of the Association present the making of handicrafts, “fodrukovanje” of cloth, winding of mosur for weaving mill as well as embroidery on a 120-year-old machine, while the male members present the old, almost gone crafts such as a belt-maker patching harness or a joiner making broomsticks and a corn shelling machine dating from 1880. Eko proizvodi

EKO UTJIP «Medna rosa» / EKO UTJIP Honey Dew kontakt / Contact: Nada Samardžija 32270 Županja, Matije Gupca 42 tel: 00385 (0)32 837 172

ko udruga «Medna rosa» bavi se pripremanjem tradicijskih jela Ei pića. U ponudi eko proizvodnje po tradicijskim receptima naših baka nalaze se: kandirani orasi i narančine kore, sir i slatko od dunja, razni domaći džemovi, zimnice, medena rakija, domaća tjestenina, med, sok od limuna, višnje, bazge, koprive... Osim toga, Udruga nudi mogućnost organiziranja izložbi i okruglih stolova s degustacijom tradicijskih jela i pića. Dođite, izaberite ili pripremite Vašu omiljenu slasticu. Eco Products

co AssociationAssoco iati Honey Dew deals with traditional food and drinks preparation. Included in Ethethe offeroffeer of eco production prepared according to the traditional grandmas’ recipes there are:aare:: candiedcandied walnutswa and orange peel, quince cheese and sweet, various domestic jams, winter foodfood stores,storess, honeyhon brandy, domestic pasta, honey as well as juice made from lemon, cherries, eldereelder tree andand nettle.n Besides the stated, the Association offers the possibility of organizing the exhibitionsexe hibitions anandd conferences with tasting of food and drinks. Come, choose and prepare your favouritefavourite delicacy.delica Konjogojstvo Konjogojska udruga Stari Graničar / The Old Borderer Horse-breeding Association kontakt / Contact: Vinko Filipović 32270 Županja, Baruna Trenka 49 tel: 00385 (0)98 914 0725

onjogojska udruga Stari Graničar svim Kposjetiteljima Županje u mogućnosti je organizirati vožnju zaprežnim drvenim šokačkim kolima, vožnju u fi jakeru, jahanje u prirodi, te zimi vožnju saonicama i karucama. Vojno povijesna postrojba Serežani - kao pješačka postrojba i konjica, organizira prikaz Konjarskih vatri. To je običaj okupljanja oko vatre uz priče i događaje vezane za Graničare koji su čuvali granicu od turskih napada.


he Old Borderer Horse-breeding TAssociation is capable of organizing for the benefi t of all visitors of the town of Županja various attractions such as riding on a wooden horse-drawn cart, riding on a hackney-carriage, riding horses in nature as well as riding on a sledge and karuca wagon during the winter. Historicalriical militarymim litaryry unitunit SrežaniSrežani – as anan infantryinfantry unit and as a cavalry, organizes the display of Horse fi res. This is a tradition of gathering around fi res with telling stories and events connected with Borderers who guarded the border against Turkish attacks. Gastro ponuda

Mesnica As / As Butcher’s kontakt / Contact: Ilija Jelović 32270 Županja, Veliki kraj 3 Tel: 00385 (0)32 837 590 Fax: 00385 (0)32 837 592 mail: [email protected]

esnica As utemeljena je 1992. godine. Osnovna Mznačajka u proizvodnji suhomesnatih prerađevina, poglavito kulina, jeste tradicionalni način pripravljanja, sušenja i skladištenja po staroj recepturi! Slavonski domaći kulin, kulinova seka, slavonska kobasica, slanina, čvarci, švargl, šunka, obarena kobasica, salama, te svježe meso su proizvodi na kojima je Mesnica As izgradila svoj proizvodni asortiman. Iz bogate ponude Mesnice As izaberite proizvode za razne prigode.

Gastronomy Offer

s Butcher’s was founded in 1992. The main Aquality in production of smoked and cured meat, especially of paprika fl avoured sausage kulin, is a traditional way of preparing, smoking and storing according to the old recipes. Slavonian homemade kulin, kulinova seka, Slavonian sausage, bacon, greaves, headcheese pressed sausage, ham, cooked sausage, salami as well as fresh meat, are the products which form part of product range of As Butcher’s. You can choose products for various occasions from the offer of As Butcher’s. Smještaj Prenoćište Stari Jelen** / Old Deer Bed and Breakfast** kontakt / Contact: Anica Dugeč 32270 Županja, J. J. Strossmayera 2 tel/fax: 00385 (0)32 832 383

renoćište «Stari Jelen» nalazi se u centru grada. Prenoćište nudi 21 sobu s 42 kreveta i Potvoreno je cijele godine. Sobe imaju klimu i TV. Tu se nalazi i pivnica s restoranom.

Accommodation facilities

ld Deer (“Stari Jelen”) Bed and breakfast is situated in the town centre. The bed and Obreakfast offers 21 rooms with 42 beds and is open throughout the whole year. The rooms are equipped with a TV set and air-conditioning. There is a beer-hall and a restaurant in the premises. Smještaj

Gracija Ivančić ** 32270 Županja, Petra Krešimira IV / 21 tel: 00385 (0)91 7212 553

rivatni smještaj Gracija Ivančić nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini centra grada. Smještaj ima 5 Psoba i 14 ležaja s odvojenim kupaonicama i TV-om. Accommodation facilities

he private accommodation Gracija Ivančić is situated in the vicinity of the town centre. TThe accommodation has got 5 rooms and 14 beds with separate bathrooms and a TV set Restoran

Restoran «Desetka» / Desetka Restaurant kontakt / Contact: Anica Dugeč 32270 Županja, Vinkovačka bb tel: 00385 (0)32 835 076

estoran «Desetka» nalazi se na cesti RVinkovci-Tuzla (BiH) na ulazu u grad Županju. Restoran raspolaže ugodnim restoranskim prostorom i caffe barom gdje se svakodnevno nude gotova jela, jela po narudžbi a posebno slavonski specijaliteti. U neposrednoj blizini je benzinska crpka i veliki parking.


esetka Restaurant is on the Vinkovci- DTuzla (BiH) motorway at the entrance to the town of Županja. The restaurant has got a cosy surrounding with a coffee bar where ready-made meals are served daily, along with the a la carte dishes and especially Slavonian specialities. There is a petrol station and a large car park in the vicinity. Restoran

Restoran «Sava» / The Sava Restaurant kontakt / Contact: Antun Malbašić 32270 Županja, Ilirskog preporoda 30 tel: 00385 (0)32 830 695 fax: 00385 (0)32 830 694

bogatoj ponudi Restorana «Sava» možete pronaći prepoznatljive slavonske specijalitete, Urazna jela ispod peke, jela s roštilja, riblje specijalitete, jela po narudžbi, razne deserte, sve uz bogatu vinsku kartu. Restoran s više od 100 mjesta u klimatiziranim prostorima, vrtom i parkingom, idealan je za organizaciju raznih događaja. U neposrednoj blizini nalaze se sportsko- rekreacijski tereni.


n the rich menu of the Sava Restaurant, you can fi nd distinctive Slavonian specialities, Ivarious dishes made under the baking lid, grilled dishes, fi sh specialities, a la carte dishes and various desserts accompanied with the rich wine list. The restaurant has 100 seats in its air-conditioned facilities, a garden and a car park, and is ideal for organizing various events. There are sports-recreational courts in the vicinity. Restoran

Restoran «Graničar» / The Borderer Restaurant kontakt / Contact: Tihomir Pavošević 32270 Županja, J. J. Strossmayera 49 tel: 00385 (0)32 833 871 mob: 00385 (0)98 667 564

hladu dviju stoljetnih Ulipa nalazi se Restoran «Graničar. S 140 mjesta i vanjskom terasom s 180 mjesta, restoran nudi svojim gostima jela tradicijske kuhinje, jela po narudžbi, jela s roštilja kao i mogućnost besplatne dostave. Uz ugodne zvuke tamburaške glazbe u restoranu se mogu organizirati domjenci i razne proslave.


n the shade of one-hundred-year-old lime-trees lies the Borderer Restaurant. With 140 Idining seats and outside terrace with 180 seats, the restaurant offers its guests traditional cuisine meals, a la carte dishes, grilled dishes as well as the possibility of free food delivery to homes. The restaurant can organize receptions and various parties with the background south of tamburitza music. Restoran Restoran «Kristal» / Kristal Restaurant kontakt / Contact: Ivica Vidović Šećerana bb, 32270 Županja tel: 00385 (0)32 840 010

estoran Kristal svojim ugodnim ambijentom i neobičnom tavernom te ljetnom Rterasom okruženom cvijećem i zelenilom u svojoj ponudi ima brojne slavonske specijalitete i bogatu gastro ponudu. Restaurant he Kristal Restaurant has a cosy atmosphere and an unusual tavern as well as the summer Tterrace surrounded by fl owers and greenery. Its offer includes various Slavonian specialities and the rich gastronomy offer. Buffet

Buffet «Štagalj» / The Barn Buffet kontakt / Contact: Zdenko Kružljak 32270 Županja, Veliki kraj 75a tel: 00385 (0)32 832 144 fax: 00385 (0) 832 247 mob: 00385 (0) 98 217 435 e-mail: [email protected]

edinstvena etno-gastro destinacija u centru grada smještena je u nekadašnjem štaglju po Jkojemu je i dobila ime. Svojim gostima svakodnevno nudi više puta nagrađivani riblji paprikaš - fi š, prženu slatkovodnu i morsku ribu, riblju paštetu, čobanac, grah sa slaninom i gulaš od gljiva. U ovom atraktivnom prostoru «Štaglja» moguće je organizirati manje svečanosti i skupove. U blizine se nalazi i «Etno pub» s terasom.


unique ethno-gastronomy destination in the town centre is situated in an old barn which Aalso gave it its name. It offers its guests fi shermen’s soup which was given a lot of prizes at various competitions, fresh water and sea fi sh, fi sh pate, shepherd’s thick soup, beans with bacon and mushroom goulash. In the attractive facilities of the Barn, it is possible to organize smaller receptions and gatherings. There is the Ethno Pub with an open terrace in the vicinity.

Štitar Zlatovez i suveniri

OPGOPG DominkoviDominković kokontaktntakt / Contact:Contact: Kata Kata & IvoIvo DominkoviDom ć 32274 Štitar, Bana Jelačića 36 tel: 00385 (0)32 847 310 mob: 00385 (0)91 785 2930

titar je mjesto koje je nadaleko poznato po izradi zlatoveza. Ova tehnika, koja se naročito Šcijeni zbog svoje ljepote, uspjela se sačuvati prenošenjem s koljena na koljeno. Zlatnom niti se ukrašavaju tradicijski dijelovi svečanoga ruha, zapregovi, marame i pojasevi uz svečane vezenke, rubine i skuti, te otarci, kao i ukrasni i modni detalji. OPG Dominković bavi se i izradom raznih tradicijskih suvenira napravljenih od drveta. Također svim posjetiteljima željnim aktivnog odmora omogućava sudjelovanje u sezonskim poljodjelskim poslovima ovog gospodarstva.

Golden embroidery and souvenirs

titar is a village well known for its making of golden embroidery. This technique, which Šis obviously appreciated because of its beauty, managed to be preserved and passed on from generation to generation. The golden thread is used for decorating the traditional parts of festive attire, horse-drawn carts, bandannas and belts along with the festive embroidered rubina and skuti, otarak towels as well as decorative and fashion details. OPG Dominković deals with making of various traditional souvenirs made of wood. It also offers its visitors desiring active holidays the possibility of taking part in seasonal agricultural works of this big farm. Tradicijska narodna nošnja

Udruga «Etno Ana» / Ethno Ana Association kontakt / Contact: Ana Vincetić 32274 Štitar, Bana Jelačića 58 tel: 00385 (0)98 922 4877

e tako davno narodna nošnja muška i ženska nosila se kao glavna odjeća i ljeti i zimi. U NŠtitaru, ali i u drugim selima, po odjeći se prepoznavalo doba godine i vrsta blagdana. Udruga «Etno Ana» iz ljubavi prema narodnom ruhu i ljepoti njezinih krojeva započela je s izradom narodnih nošnji. Sam proces izrade nošnje je dugotrajan i nimalo lak. Narodna nošnja sastoji se od platnenih odjevnih predmeta - rubine, oplećaka i skuta, muških rubina i gaća. Danas se narodna nošnja nosi za posebne prigode a izrađuju se i moderne etno kreacije kao spoj modernog i tradicijskog.

Traditional native costume

ot so long ago, the native male and female costume was worn as a main peace of clothing Nduring the summer and the winter. In Štitar, as well as in other villages, you could tell the seasons and the type of holidays only by the looks of clothes. The Ethno Ana Association started to make native costumes out of the love to traditional folk attire. The process of making the attire itself is a time consuming and at no means easy. The native attire includes clothes such as – rubina, oplećak and skuti, male rubina and pants. Nowadays, the native clothes are worn for special occasions and modern ethno creations are made as a mixture of modern and traditional. Tradicijski kolači

«Snaše zlatne niti» / Snaše of golden thread kontakt / Contact: Kata Dimić 32274 Štitar, Županjska 5d tel: 00385 (0)98 197 2731

naše zlatne niti - Etno kujna u improviziranoj kuhinji, Sopremljenoj predmetima koji su prije 100 godina bili neizostavan njen dio prezentiraju tradiciju «šokačke kujne». Uvijek odjevene u tradicijsku narodnu nošnju, snaše vrijednim rukama mijese tijesto za listariće tzv. poderane gaće. Listarići, s pekmezom i sitnim šećerom, vrlo su ukusni kolači koje su naši stari jeli u svakoj prigodi a kojima i danas malo tko može odoljeti. Uvijek vesele «Snaše zlatne niti» svojom će prezentacijom i veselim doskočicama obogatiti svaki program.

Traditional cakes

naše of the golden thread – Ethno kitchen in an Simprovised kitchen, equipped with the utensils which were essential part of kitchens 100 years ago – present the tradition of Šokci kitchen. In all occasions dressed in native costumes, snaše knead the dough with their hands and use it for making puff paste delicacy called “thorn pants” (“poderane gaće”). Puff pastry, with jam and grounded sugar, are delicious delicacies which were eaten by our ancestors in all occasions and which can be hardly said no to even nowadays. Always cheerful and in good mood, Snaše of the golden thread (Snaša – a newly-married woman) can make every occasion enriched with their presentation and funny jokes.

Babina Greda Rukotvorine

Udruga žena Babina Greda / Babina Greda Women’s Association kontakt / Contact: Martina Paskaš 32276 Babina Greda, Kralja Tomislava 4 tel: 00385 (0)98 217 072

druga žena Babina Greda tehnikom Uzlatoveza izrađuje slike, torbice, marame i boce. Udruga izrađuje također tradicijske predmete od vune kao što su gombice, lutkice, čarapice i dr., te organizira radionice šlinganja i heklanja.


abina Greda Women’s Association Bmakes pictures, hand bags, head scarves and bottles in the golden embroidery technique. The Association also makes traditional objects made of wool such as gombice sock, dolls, socks, etc. It also organizes embroidery and crochet- work workshops. Seoski turizam

Družba d.o.o. kontakt / Contact: Pavo Barić 32276 Babina Greda, M. Stojanovića 77 a tel/fax: 00385 (0)32 854 458 mob: 00385 (0)98 346 156 e-mail: [email protected]

ružbe d.o.o. orijentirana je na autohtone, domaće i izvorne proizvode kao što je proizvodnja Dmlijeka na vlastitoj farmi krava, prerada mlijeka i proizvodnja sireva: Kladavčanka, Pini i Baća. U suradnji sa seoskim gospodarstvima proizvodi su napravljeni isključivo od domaćeg mlijeka sa slavonskih pašnjaka. U sklopu farme nalazi se i 9 dvokrevetnih soba, restoran sa 100 mjesta i suvenirnica. Posjetitelji ovoga imanja mogu se aktivno uključiti u život farme, vidjeti kako se proizvodi mlijeko, kako se prerađuje i kako nastaje sir. Moguće je organizirati vožnju zapregama kroz selo, školu jahanja, seminare i radionice. Country-style tourism

ružba ltd. is focused on indigenous, Ddomestic and authentic products such as production of milk at their own cow farm, processing of milk and production of cheese: Kladavčanka, Pini and Baća. In cooperation with country big farms it products are made of domestic cheese exclusively from the cows that are grown on Slavonian grazing lands. The big farm includes 9 double rooms, a restaurant with 100 seats and a souvenir shop. The visitors of the farm can take an active part in farm life, see how milk is produced and processed into cheese. It is possible to organize riding on a horse-drawn cart, riding lessons, seminars and workshops. Seoski turizam

Poljoprivredni obrt «Čabrin stan» / Čabrin stan Agricultural Crafts kontakt / Contact: Mato Vuković 32276 Babina Greda, Matije Gupca 58 tel: 00385 (0)98 990 3568

tanovi su ponos naše Šokadije i jedne su od Sprvih farmi na svijetu. U ponudu «Čabrinog stana» uključena je mogućnost aktivnog doživljaja života na stanu putem košenja trave, sezonskih poslova i običaja (sakupljanje šljiva, pečenje rakije, berba kukuruza), te vožnja konjskim zapregama, kuhanje starinskih jela... Kroz niz turističkih sadržaja nude se jela tradicijske slavonske kuhinje (prova, žganjci, sir, kajmak, domaći pekmez), domaći kruh i lepinja iz vanjske peći, specijaliteti od puževa, suhomesnati proizvodi i neizostavna slavonska šljivovica. Dođite i uživajte u podstanarstvu i ljepoti slavonske ravnice.

Country-style tourism

odges are the pride of Šokci and are among the fi rst farms in the whole world. LThe offer of the Čabrin Lodge (“Čabrin stan”) includes the possibility of active experience of life in a lodge by hand-mowing grass, seasonal works and customs (picking plums, baking brandy, picking corn), riding on a horse-drawn cart, cooking traditional meals, etc. Alongside with various tourist offers, traditional food is offered, such as hard-boiled corn mash (prova and žganjci), cream, homemade jam, bread and unleavened bread baked in an outside oven, snail specialities, and smoked meat products as well as trademarked šljivovica. Come and enjoy lodging in the beauty of Slavonian plains.

Kruševica Tradicijski suveniri kontakt / Contact: OPG Vuksanović Božidar 35220 Kruševica, Ljudevita Gaja 50 tel: 00385 (0)35 473 198 mob: 00385 (0)98 389 086 e-mail: [email protected]

“Slavonskoj kući” OPG-a Vuksanović sa svim drugim Uprate ćim sadržajima autohtonog karaktera poput ambara, štaglja, pecare, krušne peći, đerma, nalazi se zbirka starina i suvenira. U zbirci autohtonih suvenira nalazi se oko osamdeset raznih suvenira vezanih uz život u slavonskim selima, tematski podijeljenih na suvenire iz šokačkog dvorišta ili stana ( džeram, ambar, pušnica, krušna peć), suvenire iz šokačke kuće (kobilaš, tkalački stan, čiviluk), suvenire iz poljoprivredne djelatnosti (lovačka čeka, kola za izvoz drva iz šume tzv. parizer, fi jaker, saonice) i razne privjeske (žir, šokački šešir, vodir). Moguće je organizirati brojne etno radionice i prezentacije starih zanata i izrade rukotvorina za različite grupe i školske ekskurzije. Dođite na OPG Vuksanović, ispecite rakiju, komušajte kukuruze, čijajte perje i uživajte u seoskom životu. Traditional souvenirs

t the Slavonian House OPG Vuksanović, with the indigenous Afacilities such as barn, shed, liquor still, baker’s outside oven and draw-well sweep, there is a collection of antiques and souvenirs. The collection of authentic souvenirs includes about eighty various souvenirs connected with life in Slavonian villages, thematically divided into souvenirs from the Šokci yard and Šokci house lot (draw-well sweep, barn, smokehouse, baker’s outside stove), the souvenirs from the Šokci house ( old carved case, weaver’s loom, hat rack), the souvenirs from the agricultural farming (hunter’s high stand, wagon for taking wood out of the forest – so called parizer, hackney-carriage, sledge), various pendants (acorn, Šokci hat, hollow horn). It is possible to organize numerous ethno workshops and presentation of the old crafts and making of handicrafts for various groups and school excursions. Come to OPG Vuksanović, bake brandy, shell the corn, pick feathers and enjoy life in the country Gradište Šarane tikvice kontakt / Contact: Ana Makarević kontakt / Contact: Đula Dretvić 32273 Gradište, Braće Radića 172 32273 Gradište, Braće Radića 33 Tel: 00385 (0)32 841 286 Tel: 00385 (0)32 841 190

aranje tikvica u Gradištu seže u vrijeme postojanja Šstarih obiteljskih zajednica – zadruga i to je dalo pečat i prepoznatljivost ovom selu koje i danas njeguje tu tradiciju. Nekada su se šarane tikvice koristile u kućanstvima kao posude za vađenje rakije iz bureta, za uzimanje i pijenje vode, kao solenice za sol..., a danas su prepoznatljiv i omiljen slavonski tradicijski suvenir.

Colourful painted gourds

ainting of gourds in Gradište dates back to the Pexistence of old family communities – cooperative societies, which represent a distinctive mark of this village in which this tradition is still being attended to. Back in time, painted colourful gourds were used in households as vessels for drawing brandy out of the barrel, for drawing and drinking water, as salt-cellars, etc. and nowadays they represent a distinctive and beloved traditional souvenir Cerna SlavonskaSlavonska šljivovicašljivovica StradunStS raadudun d.o.o.dd.oo..oo. kontakt / Contact: Marko Jukić 32272 Cerna, Kolodvorska 55 Tel: 00385 (0)32 354 589 Mob: 00385 (0)98 856 146 E-mail: [email protected]

PG Jukić bavi se proizvodnjom voćnih rakija i likera na tradicionalan način. Proizvodi Oodležavanjem u drvenim bačvama dobivaju prepoznatljivu aromu kao aperitiv za bolji tek i raspoloženje. Svi posjetitelji OPG-a Jukić mogu degustirati i kupiti Markovu šljivovicu, orahovac, viljamovku, višnjevac..., te sudjelovati u samoj proizvodnji voćnih rakija i likera.

Fruit brandy and liquor

PG Jukić deals with the production of fruit brandy and liquor in a traditional way. These Oare produced by fermentation in wooden barrels which give the aperitifs distinctive aroma for a good appetite and mood. All visitors of OPG Jukić can taste and purchase Marko’s šljivovica, walnut brandy, viljamovka, cherry liquor, etc. They can also participate in the production of fruit brandy and liquor itself. ZOO i ribnjak

ZOO vrt «Miško» / The «Miško» Zoo kontakt / Contact: Ilija Rimac 32272 Cerna, J. J. Strossmayera 104c tel: 00385 (0)32 843 210 mob: 00385 (0)98 866 496 e-mail: [email protected]

OO vrt «Miško» otvoren je prije 15 godina kao obiteljski posao koji ima oko 50 vrsta Zživotinja. U blizini ZOO vrta nalazi se izletište površine 3 ha na kojemu se nalaze dva ribnjaka s mogućnošću rekreativnog pecanja šarana, amura i tolstolobika. Moguće je organizirati grupne ili pojedinačne posjete s cjelodnevnim izletom, boravkom u prirodi, razgledavanjem životinja, različitih ručnih radova i suvenira. Zoo & fish pond

he “Miško” Zoo was opened 15 years ago as a family business which includes about 50 Tanimal species. In the vicinity of the Zoo, there is a picnic resort on the square area of 3 hectares, which includes two fi sh ponds with the possibilities for recreational angling for carp, white amur and tolstolobik amur. It is possible to organize group and individual visits with the all day picnic, spending time in nature, seeing animals as well as various handicrafts and souvenirs. Rukotvorine

Etno udruga «Divan» / The Divan Ethno Association kontakt / Contact: Marica Kovač 32272 Cerna, Kralja Tomislava 22 tel: 00385 (0)32 844 202 mob: 00385 (0)98 1777 986

ako bi prenijeli znanje na mlađe generacije Udruga organizira niz etnoloških radionica, te Ktematskih izložbi vezenih za pojedine blagdane i razne običaje ovoga kraja. Na različitim sajmovima i manifestacijama Udruga izlaže svoje radove od šlinge, heklanja, štrikanja, necanja, narodnog veza do zlatoveza i oslikavanja boca. Posebno su zanimljive etno torbe napravljene od tkanja, te predmeti od zlatoveza.


o pass the knowledge to younger generations, the Association organizes various ethnological Tworkshops and thematic exhibitions connected with individual holidays and various customs of this region. During various fairs and manifests the Association displays its works of art – embroidery, crochet-work, knitting, necanje embroidery, native weaving, golden embroidery and bottle painting. Ethno bags made by weaving and golden embroidery objects are of special interest. Šiškovci Pčelinji proizvodi

Obiteljsko pčelarstvo Knežević / Family Bee-keeping Farm Knežević kontakt / Contact: Ivan Knežević 32272 Šiškovci, A.T. Jemrića 1 tel: 0385 (0)32 851 104 mob: 00385 (0)98 845 777

radicija proizvodnje pčelinjih proizvoda Obiteljskog pčelarstva Knežević traje od 1974. Tgodine. U potpuno ekološkom okruženju obraslom samoniklim biljem, rascvjetalim voćnjacima, livadama i starim slavonskim šumama nastala je široka paleta pčelinjih proizvoda. S 400-ak košnica vrca se više vrsta meda i proizvode drugi proizvodi poput propolisa, te voštanih svijeća, voska, meda u saću, bombona s medom i medovače. Proizvodi se dobili više od 150 raznih priznanja i diploma za kvalitetu. Posjetite obitelj Knežević i kušajte ljekovite pčelinje proizvode.

Bee products

he tradition of bee products of the family bee-keeping Tfarm dates back from the 1974. In completely ecological surrounding grown over by wild grown plants, orchards in full bloom, plains and old Slavonian forest, sprung the wide range of bee products. In more than 400 bee hives, various types of honey are extracted and other bee products are produced, such as propolis, candle wax, wax, honey- comb, honey candies and honey brandy. The products received more than 150 various prizes, honours and certifi cates for their quality. Visit the Knežević family and try healing honey products. Bošnjaci Šumarski muzej

Šumarski muzej Bošnjaci / Forester's Museum kontakt / Contact: Mato Šarčević 32275 Bošnjaci, fra. T. B. Leaković 2 mob: 00385 (0)98 442 188

umarski muzej sa svojim bogatstvom fl ore i faune spačvanskog bazena uz koje se veže Šnadaleko poznata kvaliteta slavonske hrastovine, zornim prikazima vrsta drveća, njihovih presjeka i plodova uzorno je mjesto za edukaciju učenika i svih ljubitelja prirode. Sadržajno bogat, pregledan i zanimljiv jedan je od najljepših muzeja takve vrste u Europi. U Muzeju je sačuvano i izloženo bogatstvo tradicije organiziranog šumarstva - povijest i razvoj šumarstva, te alati kao dobar prikaz kako se nekada radilo, a kako se to čini danas. Dio muzeja je i bogata zbirka slika Josipa Babogreca koji ju je kao svoju ostavštinu poklonio selu.

Forester’s Museum

orester’s Museum with its fortune of fl ora and fauna of the Spačvanske Forests basin, which Fis connected with the well known quality of Slavonian oak wood, along with the vivid displays of the types of trees, their cross-sections and fruits is an exemplary place for education of students and other nature lovers. Rich in contents well laid out and interesting, it is one of the most beautiful museums of its kind in the whole Europe. The museum guards and displays the rich tradition of organized forestry – the history and development of forestry, as well as the tools as a good example of the way work used to be done, and how it is done today. The rich collection of paintings by Josip Babogredac is a part of the museum exhibit, which this artist has given as a legacy to the village of Bošnjaci. Rukotvorine

Udruga «Zlatne ruke» / Golden Hands Association kontakt / Contact: Marijana Aleksić 32275 Bošnjaci, Vladimira Nazora 9 mob: 00385 (0)91 553 8533 e-mail: [email protected]

linganje je vrlo zahtjevan ručni rad. Potrebna je vještina, mašta i preciznost, tako da je svaki Šproizvod unikat. Osim kao dio djevojačkog miraza, šlingani predmeti koriste se i kao ukrasi koji imaju upotrebnu vrijednost u svakodnevnom životu, u obitelji i poslovnim prostorima. Udruga «Zlatne ruke» izrađuje rukotvorine kroz nekoliko tehnika rada: rišalje, toledo, rupice, vez i zlatovez, te na nekoliko vrsta platna za izradu šlinge: domaće platno, tkanje, šifon, damast, lan i dr. Za sve domove i prigode «Zlatne ruke» izraditi će rukotvorine po narudžbi.


mbroidery is very demanding manual work. ESkill, imagination and precision are needed, so that each product represents a unique item. Besides being a part of the girl’s dowry, objects made in embroidery are included in everyday life, in a family as well as in work space. Golden Hands Association makes handicrafts in several work techniques: rišalje, toledo, little holes, weaving and golden embroidery, on several types of cloth for making embroidery: native cloth, weave textile art, chiffon, damast, fl ax, etc. Golden Hands will make handicrafts to the order for all homes and occasions. Seoski turizam

OPG Juzbašić – «Matkova pecara» kontakt / Contact: Darko Juzbašić 32275 Bošnjaci, Ljudevita Gaja 121 tel: 0385 (0)32 845 254 mob: 00385 (0)98 295 548 e-mail : [email protected]

atarska proizvodnja OPG-a RJuzbašić zasnovana je na 30-ak ha, a preostali dio od oko 4 ha su voćnjaci. Proizvodnja je usmjerena na autohtone slavonske proizvode među kojima je i proizvodnja voćnih rakija i likera (šljivovica, orahovac, višnjevac itd.), te pružanju ugostiteljskih usluga na OPG-u kroz etno – postav u vidu smještajnih kapaciteta (6-8 ležaja) i kušaonicu voćnih rakija i likera u staroj šokačkoj kući u Bošnjacima koja će ove godine navršiti 100 godina. U okvirima poslovanja obiteljsko poljoprivredno gospodarstvo kroz tradicijsku i kulturnu baštinu ovoga kraja privući će brojne posjetitelje da osjete turizam u srcu Šokadije. Country-style Tourism

gricultural production of OPG Juzbašić was founded on the 30 hectares of fertile land, Aand the rest of about 4 hectares are orchards. The production is focused on the authentic Slavonian products among which the best known is the production of fruit brandy and liquors (šljivovica – plum brandy, orahovac – walnut liquor, višnjevac – cherry liquor), as well as on catering establishment services at OPG through the ethno setting establishment (6.8 beds) and the facility for tasting fruit brandy and liquor in the old Šokci house in the village of Bošnjaci, which is going to be 100 years old this year. Through the scope of their work, the family agricultural big far will attract many visitors with its traditional and cultural heritage, and the visitors will be able to experience tourism in the heart of Šokadija. Gastro ponuda

OPG Perakić kontakt / Contact: Zdenko Perakić 32275 Bošnjaci, Vladimira Nazora 77 Tel: 00385 (0)32 845 523 mob: 00385 (0)98 927 8255 e-mail : [email protected]

bitelj Perakić se dugi niz godina bavi Oratarskom proizvodnjom i proizvodnjom suhomesnatih proizvoda kao tradicijskog nasljeđa, prenošenog s koljena na koljeno. Suhomesnati proizvodi (kulin, kobasica, slanina, čvarci, kulinova seka, šunka) mogu se kušati i kupiti u kušaonici uređenoj u šokačkom ruhu.

Gastronomy Offer

he Perakić family has been involved into agricultural production and smoked meat Tproduction for years, which make up their traditional heritage, which was passed from one generation to another. Smoked meat products (kulin, sausage, bacon, greaves, kulinova seka sausage, ham) can be tasted and bought at the facility set up in Šokci style. Seoski turizam

OPG Šarčević kontakt / Contact: Stanko Šarčević 32275 Bošnjaci, Vladimira Nazora 96 mob: 00385 (0)98 703 878

a vlastitom imanju Obiteljsko poljoprivredno Ngospodarstvo Šarčević bavi se proizvodnjom domaće slavonske šljivovice i voćnih likera od oraha, višnje, gloga, šipka, dunje, cvijeta i ploda bazge. Navedeni proizvodi, kao i domaći suhomesnati specijaliteti (kulin, kulinova seka ...) mogu se kušati u vlastitoj kušaonici. Na površini od 6 ha plantaže zasađeno je više od 2 000 stabala šljive, oraha i kajsije. Fermentacijom u hrastovim kacama, te odležavanjem u hrastovim buradima više od pet godina, proizvodi dobivaju svoju specifi čnu aromu. OPG Šarčević dobitnik je velikog broja priznanja za vrhunsku kvalitetu proizvoda proizvedenih u duhu šokačke tradicije i načina življenja kao dijela svakodnevice, svetkovina i običaja.

Country-style Tourism

n their own property, family agricultural big farm Šarčević is focused on the production Oof native Slavonian šljivovica (plum brandy) and fruit liquors made of walnut, cherries, hawthorn, dog-rose berry, quince, as well as of elder fl ower and fruit. These products, along with the homemade smoked meat specialities ( kulin, kulinova seka sausage, etc.) can be tasted in their own facility. There is also a plantation on the area of 6 hectares, with over 2.00’ walnut trees, plum trees and apricot trees planted. With the fermentation in oak wood tub and laying in oak wood barrels over the period of more than fi ve years, the products gain their specifi c aroma. OPG Šarčević is the winner of various awards and certifi cates for the top quality of their products made in the spirit of Šokci tradition and way of living as a part of everyday life, festivities and customs. Rukotvorine

Udruga «Bošnjači šlingeraji» / Bošnjački Embroidery Association kontakt / Contact: Ana Jemrić 32275 Bošnjaci, Ljudevita Gaja 1 tel: 00385 (0)32 845 561 mob: 00385 (0)98 187 5015

Bošnjacima se šlinganje počelo razvijati u kućnoj radinosti, u početku samo za vlastite Upotrebe, odnosno za članove obitelji. No, kako je sve više rasla zainteresiranost Bošnjaci su postali mjesto nadaleko poznato po izradi šlinge i toleda sve do danas. Kako bi se nastavila njegovati ta tradicija Udruga «Bošnjački šlingeraji» izrađuje rukotvorine poput šlingeraja, toleda, rišaljea, zavjesa, posteljine, stolnjaka i narodnih nošnji.

Handicrafts mbroidery started to develop in EBošnjaci as a home activity, in its beginning only for the domestic purpose, which is for members of the family. Nevertheless, the interest of public started to grow and the village of Bošnjaci became well known for embroidery and toledo and has remained so until today. In order to continue with this tradition, Bošnjački Embroidery Association makes handicrafts like embroidery, toledo, rišalje, curtains, bedclothes, table cloths and native costumes. Oborci (wooden vessels for keeping wheat and corn) kontakt / Contact: Stipa Jovanovac-Sarvan 32275 Bošnjaci, J. J. Strossmayera 228 Tel: 00385 (0)32 845 363 / 845 380 Oborci (wooden vessels for keeping wheat and corn) Uborci (same as uborci, although spelled differently) Polosmake (or “varićak” , a type of oborci – usually used for keeping oat)

rvenke (a type of oborak vessel – used for keeping wheat and corn, fi illed with wheat, Dcorn, oat and apples - used during the past days at Christmas for decorating the house) Restoran

Restoran Aquarius / Aquarius Restaurant kontakt / Contact: Antun Franjić 32275 Bošnjaci, J. J. Strossmayera 107a tel: 00385 (0)32 845 749

estoran Aquarius nudi Rsvojim gostima iz bogate ponude jela s roštilja, topla i hladna predjela, više od 30 vrsta pizza, jela ispod peke pripremljena na starinski način, druga slavonska jela iz bakine kuhinje te vinsku kartu.

Restaurant he Aquarius Restaurant offers its guests a wide range of grilled dishes, warm and cold Thors-d’oeuvre, more than 30 types of pizza, dishes cooked under the baking lid which are prepared in a traditional way as well as other Slavonian dishes from grandma’s kitchen along with the wine list. Ranč

Ranč Mustang kontakt / Contact: Mirko Raguž 32275 Bošnjaci, J. J. Strossmayera bb tel: 00385 (0)32 845 227 mob: 00385 (0)91 520 2390

a samom ulazu u Bošnjake, okružen Nslavonskim njivama, nalazi se ugodan ambijent Ranča «Mustang». Uz bogatu ponudu jela iz krušne peći, ispod peke ili domaćih jela «Mustang» je idealno mjesto za odmor u prirodi. Uz mnoštvo sadržaja za djecu nudi se vožnja kolima ili fi jakerom, te jahanje ponija.


t the entrance to the village of Bošnjaci, surrounded Awith Slavonian fi elds, lies the Mustang Ranch with its cosy atmosphere. The Mustang is an ideal place for resting in the nature and it has a variety offer of dishes cooked in the baker’s oven, under the baking lid or other native dishes. Among many activities for children, they offer riding on a wagon or a hackney-carriage as well as pony riding.

Drenovci Suveniri

Bo – art kontakt / Contact: Boris Španić 32257 Drenovci, Soljanska 16 tel: 00385 (0)32 861 056 mob: 00385 (0)98 572 522 e-mail: [email protected]

brt Bo-art bavi se izradom Cvelferskih suvenira. Svi suveniri su ručno izrađeni. Svojom Oraznolikošću motiva i detalja jedinstveni su na tržištu, pa time i unikati. Suveniri se izrađuju na drvu, staklu i ostalim materijalima. Najtraženija je konjska zaprega oslikana na boci, te replika zlatoveza oslikana na staklu. Svi suveniri se nalaze u starom šokačkom ambaru koji je otvoren i uređen kao atraktivna suvenirnica.


o-art handicrafts trade makes Cvelferski (of BCvelferija, a region in the eastern part of županjska ) souvenirs. All souvenirs are handmade. The souvenirs are made on wood, glass and other materials. The most sought-after is horse-drawn cart painted on a bottle, as well as the embroidery replica painted on glass. All souvenirs can be found in an old Šokci barn which is opened and set up as a souvenir shop Rukotvorine Udruga za očuvanje tradicijskih rukotvorina Čuvarice / The Keepers (“Čuvarice”) Association for Preservation of Traditional Handicrafts kontakt / Contact: Ivanka Krčelić 32257 Drenovci, Veliko šor 33 tel: 00385 (0)32 861 076

druga “Čuvarice” izrađuje rukotvorine od zlatoveza i čunčanje. Tako je nastao i najnoviji Usuvenir trobojnica-tkanica. Tkanica je dio narodne nošnje, a izrađuje se na tkalačkom stanu koncem ili vunom. Rukotvorine se izrađuju i po narudžbi.

Handicrafts he Keepers Association makes handicrafts from embroidery and neveditura (“čunčanje”). TThe tricolour sash is made in this way. The sash, which is made on the weaver’s loom with a thread or wool, is a part of the native costume. Handicrafts are also made on the customer’s order. Vrbanja Pisac i kroničar

Ivan Ćosic-Bukvin 32254 Vrbanja, Bana Josipa Jelačića 13 tel: 00385 (0)32 863-052 mob: 00385 (0)98 992 7249 e-mail: [email protected]

van Ćosić – Bukvin aktivni je djelatnik u Ikulturi i kroničar našeg kraja. Jedan je od zadnjih istinskih «bećara» koji razumije i proživljava duh prošlih i prohujalih seoskih vremena. Tijekom proteklih nekoliko godina postavio je nekoliko značajnih izložbi iz povijesti Cvelferije, Srijema i Slavonije. Iz tiska mu je do sada izašlo 15 knjiga. Objavio je više od 160 tekstova s temama iz povijesti, etnologije, književnosti, itd. Piše pjesme s temama iz Šokadije i priče na domaćoj ikavici i izgovoru sela Vrbanje. Stara šokačka kuća u kojoj živi sagrađena je 1885. godine, dok su neki dijelovi kuće sagrađeni zasigurno i pedesetak godina prije.

A writer and a chronicler

van Ćosić-Bukvin is active in culture and he is a chronicler Iof our region. He is one of the last true “bećari” (ordinary and cheerful Slavonian men), who understands and lives the spirit of old times of the country. In the last few years, he set up several important exhibitions about the history of Cvelferija, Srijem and . He has published 15 books. He has also published more than 160 articles in the fi eld of history, ethnology, literature, etc. He writes songs with Šokadija motives as well as stories in the native “ikavica” dialect and pronunciation characteristic for the village of Vrbanja. The old Šokci house which he lives in was built in 1885, while other parts of the house were certainly built even fi fty years earlier. Agroturizam Agroturizam «Fruk» kontakt / Contact: Zlatko Fruk 32254 Vrbanja, Kolodvorska 78 tel: 00385 (0)32 864 985 mob: 00385 (0)98 217 563 e-mail: [email protected]

selu Vrbanja nalazi se novootvoreni Uagroturizam obitelji Fruk. Ovdje se mogu kušati lokalni specijaliteti, te sušeno voće. Tu se nalaze dvije dvokrevetne sobe s kupaonicom, kuhinjom, dnevnim boravkom, TV-om i telefonom. Agroturizam obitelji Fruk je otvoren cijele godine. Pogodan je za odmor obitelji, prolaznika, biciklista, lovaca i ribolovaca a gostima nudi mogućnost sudjelovanja u poljodjelskim poslovima obitelji Fruk.

Agro tourism

here is a newly opened family Fruk’s agro tourism in Tthe village of Vrbanja. Local specialities can be tasted here, as well as dried fruit. There are two double rooms with a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room with a TV set and a telephone in the facility. Family Fruk’s agro tourism is open throughout the whole year. It is convenient for family holidays, as well as for passer-bys, cyclists, hunters and anglers, and the guests are offered with a possibility of taking part in family Fruk’s agricultural activities. Manifestacije jelokupna raskoš i bogatstvo te ljepota izvornih slavonskih običaja, nošnji, Ckulturne baštine, folklora, narodnog stvaralaštva, slavonske duše i svega ostaloga čime se ljudi ovog kraja već stoljećima ponosno diče utkano je u kulturno-zabavne, sportske i turističke manifestacije.

«Šokačko sijelo» okačko sijelo - čija je tradicija zakoračila već u peto desetljeće održava se svake godine Šu pokladno vrijeme. Počevši vrlo skromno 1968. godine, danas je «Šokačko sijelo» najreprezentativnija manifestacija tradicijske kulture županjskog kraja, koja svake godine okuplja oko 3.000 izvođača i više od 10.000 posjetitelja iz svih krajeva Hrvatske i inozemstva. Program obuhvaća folklorne večeri, izložbe, predstave, izbor najljepše djevojke u narodnoj nošnji «Šokački cvit», festivale, običaje pečenja rakije i svinjokolje i mnoge druge priredbe. Najviše posjetitelja dolazi na pokladnu povorku, koja ima veliki broj sudionika i prava je turistička atrakcija na otvorenom.

«Kruh naš svagdašnji - žetva i vršidba u prošlosti» anifestacija je prvi puta održana 2003. godine. Poslovi vezani za običaje žetve i vršidbe Mžita jedni su od većih i važnijih poslova koji su se utkali u društveni, ali i kulturni život Slavonaca. Vrijeme obavljanja poslova, tip tradicijske narodne nošnje, objedi i posebnost obavljanja poslova na način kojim su se služili naši stari prije sto godina, karakteristike su običaja žetve, a i okosnica ove manifestacije, koja se održava početkom srpnja. Uz običaje se, koji prate samu žetvu, održava izložba prodajnog karaktera s brojnim izlagačima tradicijskih suvenira i rukotvorina. Prezentiraju se stari zanati a posjetitelje vesele i nastupi kulturno umjetničkih udruga, vožnja zaprežnim kolima, ples, kolo i pjesma.

«Oj dorati» okviru programa Županjskog ljeta krajem mjeseca kolovoza svake se godine održava Ukulturno sportska manifestacije pod nazivom «Oj dorati» - memorijal Ivana Balentovića Mašinog. Manifestacija okuplja konjogojske udruge i sve one koji uživaju u ljepoti lipicanaca. U okviru programa manifestacije održava se smotra podmlatka lipicanaca, vožnja dvoprega za državno prvenstvo u kojoj natjecatelji pokazuju brzinu i vještinu upravljanja zapregama među zaprekama. Također se održava utrka dvoprega za juniore, prikazuje se narodno jahanje kao običaj te konjska utrka tzv. «Graničarske vatre».

«Festival glumca» država se svake godine u mjesecu svibnju u gradovima Vukovarsko-srijemske županije. OFestival glumca podnaslovljen s - Festival monodrame i komorne scene – jedini je festival u Hrvatskoj posvećen prije svega glumcu i njegovu stvaralaštvu. Za najbolja umjetnička ostvarenja dodjeljuju se nagrade Fabijan Šovagović za najbolja umjetnička ostvarenja, nagrade Ivo Fici mladoj glumici ili glumcu do 28 godina za najbolje umjetničko ostvarenje te nagrada za najbolju predstavu u cjelini. «Odavno smo Graničari stari» rogramom manifestacije «Odavno smo Graničari stari» povezuje se prošlost i sadašnjost, Pisprepliće vojni i civilni život, te se prikazuje utjecaj Granice na tadašnji život običnog čovjeka. Manifestacija se održava početkom lipnja u Štitaru. Uz postavljenu visoku promatračnicu kao simbol nekadašnjeg života uz rijeku Savu manifestacijom se oživljava tradicijska baština Graničara na čardacima i konjanika u odorama. Uz nastupe folklornih skupina, ona okuplja sve one koji vole folklor, pjesmu i običaje našeg kraja. Na taj način Graničar nastavlja živjeti u našim srcima, pjesmama i pričama.

«Konji bijelci» onji su oduvijek dio Babine Grede, a upravo tradicija pokladnih jahača značajka je ovog Kmjesta već više od 200 godina. Sportsko kulturna manifestacija «Konji bijelci» prvi je put održana u Babinoj Gredi 1981. godine. Manifestacija je svojevrsna izložba konja lipicanske pasmine, koja se održava svake godine u mjesecu lipnju, a okuplja velik broj uzgajivača i izlagača konja. Program manifestacije obuhvaća izbor najljepših zaprega kao i natjecanje u nekoliko disciplina: sklapanje kola, vezanje repa, uprezanje konja, vožnja na paliji i tekličko jahanje, a završava proglašenjem sveukupnog pobjednika.

«Raspjevana Cvelferija» aspjevana Cvelferija - je smotra pučkog stvaralaštva prvenstveno puka s prostora devet Rsela tzv. Cvelferije. Održava se od 1991. godine i predstavlja rad kulturno-umjetničkih društava na polju plesa, glazbe, drame i običaja iz svakog od devet sela, te okuplja kulturno umjetnička društava. U okviru tri dana postavljaju se razne izložbe, predstavljaju pojedinci i institucije s polja povijesti i etnologije. Održavaju se koncerti i smotre folklora s mimohodom kroz selo, kada je svako selo svečano iskićeno i ukrašeno, što privlači pažnju sve većeg broja posjetitelja. Manifestacija se održava u vrijeme ljetnih mjeseci.

«Žetvene svečanosti» d 1977. godine u Cerni se održavaju «Žetvene svečanosti». Bogat kulturno – umjetnički Oprogram manifestacije popraćen je raznim sportskim priredbama. Manifestacijom se slavi završetak najznačajnijeg posla – žetve, te njeguje i čuva kulturna baština Šokaca. Svečanom žetvenom povorkom pod nazivom «Žetva nekad i sad», ulicama Cerne prolaze članovi kulturno – umjetničkih društava, jahači i konjske zaprege, te radni strojevi koji su se nekada koristili u žetvi, kao i oni koji se koriste danas. Također se održavaju izložbe i večeri poezije. Manifestations he entire luxury and richness, as well as the beauty of the indigenous TSlavonian customs, native costumes, cultural heritage, folklore, creativity of people, Slavonian soul and everything else that is of pride and honour of people in this region, is an essential part of cultural-entertainment, sport and tourist manifestations.

Šokci Jamboree okci Jamboree, whose tradition started in the fi fties, is held during the carnival time every Šyear. Started very modestly in 1968, Šokci Jamboree is the most distinctive manifestation of traditional culture of Županja region, which gathers about 3.000 performers and more than 10.000 visitors from all and from abroad. The programme of the manifestation includes evenings of folklore, various exhibitions, nativity plays, the most beautiful girl in a native costume pageant (“Šokački cvit” – “Šokci Flower”), festivals, displays of brandy making and pig butchering as well as the other performances. The most visitors come to the carnival procession, which has lots of participants and is a real tourist attraction in the open space. Our daily bread – harvest and farm threshing in the past his manifestation was fi rs held in 2003. Works connected with the customs of harvest Tand farm threshing of corn represent the most important works which have left their mark on social and cultural life of Slavonia. The time of carrying out works, the type of a native costume, meals and the particularity of works in a way which was used one hundred years ago, are the main characteristics of the harvest custom, and represent the main idea of the manifestation, which is held in the beginning of July. Besides the customs that surround the harvest, there is an exhibition with the possibility of buying traditional souvenirs and handicrafts. The old trades are displayed along with the performances of cultural clubs, riding in horse-drawn carts, dancing, native dance “kolo” and singing. Oh Bay-horses! uring the Županja Summer manifestation, in the end of August, there is a cultural and Dsporting manifestation titled “Oh Bay-horses!” – Ivan Balentović Mašin Memorial. The manifestation gathers horse-breeding associations as well as all people who enjoy the beauty of Lippizaner horses. The manifestation includes the fi eld-day march past of Lippizaner horses colts and fi llies and the riding on a two-horse team cart for the national championship in which the contestants show off their speed and skill of handling carts between obstacles. There is a junior two-horse team cart race and the display of native style riding and customs as well as a horse race called “Borderer’s Fires”. The Actor’s Festival he Actor’s Festival, or the Festival of Monodrama and Chamber Scene, which is held in Tthe towns of Vukovarsko-srijemska County in May, is the only festival in Croatia dedicated solely to the actor and his or her creative work. The festival honours its participants with the prizes – the Fabijan Šovagović Prize for the best artistic creation, the Ivo Fici Prize for the best young actress or actor under 28 years of age, as well as the prize for the best play in general. We have been the old borderers a long way back he programme of the “We have been the old borderers a long way back” manifestation Tconnects the past with the present; it integrates military and civil life, thus showing the infl uence of the Border to the life of an ordinary man. The manifestation is held in the village of Štitar in the beginning of June. With the setting up of a high watch tower as a symbol of the past life along the banks of the Sava River, the manifestation brings back to life the traditional heritage of the borderers on čardaci (watch towers) as well as the members of cavalry-men in uniforms. With the performances of folklore groups, the manifestation gathers all people who like folklore, singing, and customs of our region. In this way, the Borderer continues living in our hearts, songs and customs. White Horses orses have always been a part of Babina Greda, and the tradition of carnival horse riding Hhas been the distinctive feature of this village for more than 200 years. The White Horses sporting and cultural manifestation was fi rst held in the village of Babina Greda in 1981. The manifestation itself represents an exhibition of Lippizaner horses, which is held in July, and gathers many horse breeders and horse exhibitors. The manifestation programme includes the selection of the most beautiful carts as well as competitions in several disciplines: assembling the cart, tail tying, horse harnessing, riding on the “palija” and courier riding and the programme ends with the proclamation of the overall winner. Rhapsodic Cvelferija hapsodic Cvelferija is the gathering of the common people authors mainly in nine villages Rin the area of so called Cvelferija. It has been taking place since 1991 and it represents the work of cultural clubs in the fi eld of dancing, drama and customs from each of the nine villages. It is the gathering of cultural clubs. During the three days various exhibitions take place, there are presentations of individuals and institutions in the fi eld of history and ethnology. There are also concerts and folklore gatherings with the procession through the streets of the village, at which time the villages are solemnly decorated. It is an attraction for many visitors. The manifestation takes place in the summer. Harvest Festivities arvest Festivities have been taking place in the village of Cerna since 1977. The rich Hcultural-artistic programme of the manifestation is accompanied with various sporting events. The manifestation is a celebration of the end of the most important work – that is harvest and it nourishes and preserves cultural heritage of Šokci. In the solemn harvest processions called “Harvest Today and in the Past”, the members of cultural clubs walk through the streets of the village of Cerna, together with horse riders and horse-drawn carts, as well as with machines which were used in the harvest in the past and those which are used now. There are also various exhibitions and poetry nights. IMPRESUM:

Izdavač/organizator projekta: Mirko Bačić, dipl. oec. Turistička zajednica grada Županje Veliki kraj 66, 32270 Županja tel/fax: 00385 (0)32 832 711 e-mail: [email protected]

Suorganizator projekta: Turistička zajednica Vukovarsko-srijemske županije Glagoljaška 27, 32100 Vinkovci e-mail: [email protected]

Pokrovitelj: Ministarstvo turizma Hrvatska turistička zajednica Vukovarsko-srijemska županija Gradsko poglavarstvo grada Županja

Tekst: Nositelji «Ceste zlatne niti» Turistička zajednica grada Županje

Prijevod teksta: Željko Panić – Centar za strane jezike d.o.o.

Fotografi je: Zvonimir Tanocki Željko Pavelić Foto Fokus

Grafi čki dizajn i priprema: Mihaela Živković Tomislav Begović

Tisak: Mar-tis, Vinkovci

Naklada: 5 000