A Wondrous Countryside
Cranes Ministerium für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft known river in the nature park, the Dahme, originates near breeding cavities of this, the smallest owl species in the area, Kolpien and meanders its way pictorially through the north of are still a rarity, the heraldic animal of the nature park – the the area until finally emptying into the Spree in Berlin. related and similarly endangered Tengmalm’s owl – enjoys its continued occurrence in Brandenburg in the near-natural forests A Strange Owl of the Niederlausitzer Landrücken. Approximately one-half of the nature park is dominated by pine forests alongside the near-natural pine-sessile oak stocks in the Rochauer Heide (Rochau Heathland), the beech heathlands near Gahro, and other deciduous forests that were neither deforested nor excessively used for grazing. Compris- A Wondrous Countryside ing approximately 100 square kilometer, the forest between Brenitz and Kemlitz forms one of the largest contiguous forest environmentally responsible use of their lands and in landscape felting, threshing, and butter making; bread is made in the One of Central Europe’s most exciting landscapes are located areas in southern Brandenburg. conservation. bakehouse and traditional costumes from the 19th century are between Luckau and Calau. In this area, large pit mines ex- It is noticeably cooler atop the forested land ridge, it rains Four organic farms do jointly operate the mansion in Ogrosen. worn. The Höllbergschänke (Höllberg Tavern) offers typical, tracted lignite until 1991. more frequently, and the snow stays longer than in the They sell their ecologically produced groceries directly to their regional dishes; an exhibit provides information about the Since then, a near-natural landscape comprising large and remaining areas.
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