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The Anchor, Volume 30.27: February 13, 1918

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Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 30.27: February 13, 1918" (1918). The Anchor: 1918. Paper 4. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1918/4 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 30, Issue 27, February 13, 1918. Copyright © 1918 Hope College, Holland, Michigan.

This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1910-1919 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1918 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • Volume XXX HOPE COLLEGE, Holland, Michilan, Wednesday, February 13, 1918 ' N M. O. L. CONTEST AT KNICKS AND FHA IS I m~r ~ir &rruirr I &.-1 __Jj_itr_ra_ty_lI_rp_a_rt_~_rl1_t _--II CELERY CITY ON CLASH NEXT WEEK OVB COLLBGB IJBBny tlns. Il'be eon.epted du.t OD ~t '1'H11 VAlfTNG OF AN jAmMU bo t.tom abelt wh ich . upporta ~ '. FRIDAY MARCH 1 IN FIRST DEBATE All tbe details of tbe siatul of t.n Our college li brary may be iI'Ompared Mod",. AU I. conllnn. olle'. pllTIiW alrmoll In the orakina ha ve never beijn wilb an 'IInL In Its h stre tches itaelf up to the ceiling " Hh a loud chorul of loeuta whlQ h l' r ~ . The Y. W. C. A. mee tillg beld 0', lOS , all d I. surmounted by a bust of the be· may Dot be very agreeab1e ~ him .t nignly srn'l!ing McK1Dley, exeepted. To ---:0:--- Thllrl'lli ny, ~'t'I, 7 ut th(\ usu n) time, wn " Ot tourse. the lest.. of lunll" an,1 Orst but "hleh he will learn La lo\'e. returll ·to tho fire-place. H i. truly a ill ill I'IUIrI-:t! of Iht! ~ I htsi ollary Co mm it hl'!1rt nrc g l \'{~ n , tor no mnn enn be n ~ We cbildren coiled tbe ehorul ".KIoaal'. h 't', Th e COllllll iU,' hAt) nrrungl'u n c.· I,le

maD," of wbom Brnuu, .".. tbink­ m~t ,Anrqor ing whea ho wrote the Uae" 'U)ptnh1ttIJ anll '''rhru uch 8Oul • • lone YOUR ROOM bllalll4' ,very WedHlda, during the , . God t tooping down .hoWl lufliclent If ' tljU.,IU b,riudtDta ot Hope CoUege atnmmfnts is not complflle without a musical i".trument. His light For Ut i' the dar:Jr. to rise by." L60k at our 01' DIYOU [Editor" Noto:-'l'he Anchor haa ro­ Idl&Or ••• •.•WALTER A. 80B0I8EN. 118 n 41~11" Edllor •.• •.•.• Goo..- D .WII~ 'ID eolved no leu than tix eo mmuD ie'atioa8 Guitars, Mandolins, and Violins lfi""'" £.llor .... Gerlrud. 11<>1000 ....0 , '18 rolat>ve to tho recent editorial entit­ clOU.,. lIepGrler •• J...... A. 81011"", 'II 11101,11. £dl\or •••• Ber.lrd D. n.kko., '18 In a ie'lter to Dr, Vennema, E. Z. led "8tatol man.hlp Run Amuck," two Get BUlY and Enjoy Youraelf Ei.l.ip,. Edllor •...... 101", E. Ooorb, '20 Steever, the Major of tbe Signal Oorpf by min ilrte rB of tho Reformed cburch, .1.1 ....1 Edllo. . ••. •••• .1.11.. ll. Sup, ' 18 wh'o is in harge of their cireulatioD Oompo. Edl ...... : .Jhrrln z. laker, '18 oao by a \ayman, one by a former BtU­ ••....•.p.le. O. Baker, '18 writes:- dont of Hopo and two by pre.. nt Hopo MEYER'S MUSIC HOUSE il6pld 1'1 .. E411o ... .. E~.I,a V•• ptl~ '18 " Thie Department is not unmintlful students. Four of thele eontribulionl .. Joh B.. D.le.ber,. ' 10 of the laet Iha~ Ii nee the ,beginning or are replies to the eo mmunieation by ' IUIIlfJISI DBP.l.ITlDUfT 11' ..., ...... ELDIIED O. KU1ZENOA, '18 the war tbere haa been a decreue in at· Jam ... J . BurRraalr, '19, printed in .1... ' 1 Bu.. 1011' ... M7fo. M. Brotk..... '20 tendanee at the collegee and universi­ full lut we&1<, wbile the other eom' ties of trom 26 to 300/., and that Itu· nl ent favorabiy upen the cdit'lrial. Al­ 'rtrllll • '1,26 per· Jeu In adV1IZIC1 donta If ieaving daily to go. into some tho wo tam:y the.. articles would 1IIDC1e. 00pIeI - - - - nn' Cents branch of Ibe 8erviee. prove ot more than ortlinary intorClit Visiting Cards " It is, thoreforo, not deBired to thot­ to read",s of th e Anchor, in det erenee It the Po,t am•• of Hollind. IIlch l,"D '· a..tel-td le.sly interfore with tho coliege work uHoond..,t.n min mitt ... to the willi es of the eo lloge authorities P~AIN and EMBOSSED .... of your graduates. Tho wise attitude who fear nn endle!!8 ant! unfruitful taken Iby higb oOkiail of tbe govorn­ eootrovoray, th y have beeu dcleted We have a new process Em ment and ieadors of education on tbis t ram our col umns.) bossing Machine which enables l ubjert i. weil known, and our program o doel not co ntemplate o(lposition to this A PATJl.IOTIC /ludents day ea ils 'orth g'''''t admiration. Co- of eollege and universities of Ibe eoun­ 0i>eratioll with our government seems Economic Printing CO. try information regording the Aviation to be the key-note of every industry EDWARD BRO UWER 8erviee of tbe United States Army, an~ and en terprise. Wheatl_, meatle. Ovtr Bo.toa Rutaannt Pbm 1455 in fur ~heranee ot this plan this Depart­ and hcatleae days are obllCrvee ra­ ttOlUl, be __ !Of jtiitlce IoIId faJr en by mlslake." It is indeod peculiar FRIS BOOK StORE t ion, regard or \Iersonal eonven­ that no person who 8u ITers from these I"". 4ea1h1a bJ .b iOUler : peGSJIee of tlte ience , that the lollowing suggestion il 30 W. 8th St. Holland, Mich. netorious Ol,oralions ever gainl by the world 1M IIiWt torce aIId Be\Jlab Ii- otl'ered. 1reMIon:' 'AU tit. J)eOPlee of the world t rollsnct iOIl . Our builtlingo require heating on I L______' n is alw ays tbe tnan wbo didn't 11" In .lrect pKtnen ill tIt.Ia 1Dterest, nturday but no use is mode of them mak e the mistake wh o i. "the goat." Uld tor our own pet '" see It'ery 1n that day. Tiler. are still eig-hlecn '~l1' 1hat 'aDlea/ be dOIIII to In other words, thc proponderoD ce of tt!atk. ~turdays lert of ~ bi s lIehool year, or t.ha e\'itlence goes to show tbat there otlten it ..m DOt be ~ ; to III_ The three full wcelos, and It'be eo al ",ed in JJI'CCftIII of the World'i peace 1lbere­ are th ie\'ea among tbe studentry ot this period is pra.tically wa!lted. Sup­ flope. Jot the e rascal. ean be dioeov­ The photographs that please fori. I.i 0Ul projp'&III. IlOse we l1r e nUawed to eome to sebool cred th ey should be e"1>"lied frl1!JJ the -Woodro1r WUaoD. OD SaturdaYII and hM'e onr reg-ula r inst itutio ll immediately. l10pe cannol ", .••...•.•...... reeitntions. And 8u(lllOse we gil'e up ~re the rich old Dutch Sepia a lToft! 10 tolerate the presence of TBB GLOJl,Y OF LIlfCOLN our Ipring vacalion this year, whieh ~eull o - g-elltiemcll who are in tbe -arne for many of II! who eome Irom a tlis­ cIt\. with von Pnl)Cn, von Berll8torrr Made by thosf who know how at CoDtrary to tho po.puiu impreuioD, lance u wasted 4i mc. By doing- th is nll,1 Knrl .elllnidt. A:braha1l1 Liucoin was not a t)'Piea! we eould sa\'c fou r weeks 01 8ehoo l o E. J. Mac Dermand's Studio American. AI Woodrow WilBOD once and close t he (."O llege ap'proximot. iy • BEFOJl,E THE ASSAULT Kid, "No Ulan «an be t)'Piclll who is montb earlier 'lhnn u8noi. We would ZEELAND, MICH. uDusual. " It is not Llocoln t~ ty,p" It tll ru the ronr of guno one pmyer lose nothing, and I (till sure th e OBl'ing POPULAR PRICES AND DISCOUNT TO STOUENTS mai American, wh om all the world hon­ IIIny r~n"h Thee, eft' ectetl by I!.be plan wouid amou nt ors and ioves and reveres, but Liateln Lord of nil lite, whose merdes never to a ~on.iderabl& l um. Th ese are the product of A, neriean life and, eieep, times which (:G il tor saerifiee. WI,y American democracy. NO'!

(l d (t erm germ, nn 1 rish mit.'rohc , ur n :lCl'l.ln·ssc 'f : II The Rr lntioll of Am eri· si oni,m, yo u do no t kn ow the Germany ~' r rn j'o h pArnsite. t "nll ,,",1 Brillsh Demo l'focy to Ihe of this , I a~' nnd grneration. -:0 \Vn r' J nlltl " Ten nyson ," rt is not th e Genllnny ot old, \,l,e l·h,· ,·k. ,,',I ns or'rl •• land ot our affectienate remembronce. Loo k. jllst like n ... iut: Don't forget --to 8ubscrlbe for tbe It is IIOt the Germany of the first Em. ·Yollr,'P.ortrait • But he I' on't tool u' , KhakI MIlestone noW. peror William, a modest and God·tenr. For w(' rail kllow he oin't. -0-- Ing genttemon. It is not Ihe Germany A Gift that money can't buy, But fol' you to give. - Nnnko Bo• . The O:i\I(>t student coun cil has sub· e\'en ot Bisma rck. , Your Portrait will carry a mess'age tba't is 'next 'to a -:0: - III: tlt'd a Il l'\\' co nstitution to the col· T he Gor man y whi"b brought upen .\ $1 00 rownrol h:ls brrn "ff"red by "'~e. Oli\'et '. endowment tund ,,'n. the worlil the imn, easurnble (tieal'ler ot personal visit. nu iminrnt ~(' i rntist to nny prrson 1.110 r(" '('ntl,\' swelled by a gift of $500 f rom war wa s otarted into definite Uei ng ('nll l,rfl\' {1 that n thirty minute imUlN • ,11(1 of their torrnrr denns ot women. less thnn thirty years Ilio. sioll in h' D ( ,,(\t of suit w3h' r will nnt - : 0: - And finRlly there to'me" the dR YII Den 't forget to 8ubscrlbe fortbe (' lI rc hn." rt' ver. JJ in whi r h the 10 lie'" rou rse tntally Khaki M1lestone now. THE -LA. future. .ome of the leadlu" poraonai'C8 of the N • - :0 :- country. 'I aerved in the German arm)l queeze Play- Aecorellon Mu, ic. ~nsa Lois DeKruif, formorly r. mem· thirty yeua ago. 1 toolt an aetive in· ~ O l- E OM21RJ, 'bor of tho elllU of 1919, bl\.8 returned . Keep your eycs on the Dramatic terOlt in furthering Oerman Ido ... In 1 for a tew day.' visit betweon semos' America. I I Embra'Ce in 'One' contract practically eVeHffifnr,ttJat is Illb. Th ey are plRnnlng big things. ters. MIss De Kruif is now r. mom· desi rable in Life Insurance. -0-- 1 do not apologize for nor am ~ 1 'hilloblnins arc still Ihe rag at VoOr· ber ot the JUllior elasa at Ann Arbol. uhamed ot my German ,birth. Bu t 1 It will pay you to investicate these new contratci of the hees. Pridny evenillg ahe visited her old so' am ashamed- bitterly and gnevoUBly ' Northwestern Mulual. -:0:- e1ety, tho SoroBi., alld M her guesta Wlhamedt-of tho Gerurany wbleb • naul "\h:~ nn, 'lot;, rl !!~ :I II ~ J to Ho!· brat two Ann Arbor Freabmen, the "tonds convieted of bavio" doliberato· t la nd troth University of Oblelgo 01\ Mil ell Watlll' a '"] Langlan. Iy planDcd and preelpitated war; ot ' c. .!4 . .BI(l(JE, DiBt. Mgr. itnportnRt bu!Jinc!!ll. - :0:- the ,c,'olting deed co mmitted in Bel'" , -:0:- Due to 011 crevr or uur tii it~ru l lino- gium 1111.1 Nurludrn Franco ; of tho in· • P.t... Builcllh, .. ~ ,...... Mr. Stauley Dcac<)U was unn.blo to type operntor an article print ~ ': ill tltla get to IT ollan.1 Inst week to 1ake column last wee k WO! mwe 10 nppelr famyn .., nc rahlcof th eviolations Lu,itania murderl;Df Ihe HaiUof ine, 1------I ;~' ;. ~~~~~~~~~~~:~:'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~hnrge of hi. v0(l41 work. in -'I' unfRvorable light. Wo wi~h t.O eonvcntion and tbe law of nations jot . _ 10 : _ coner l this erroneO U8 impression. I t tb e- abominable and perfielloua plotting Rudolph Iluberman, '19, lI o'ue from rt!ud, I . We WRnl to WRr Dflrt Von in fr ie ndly countries anti . hamel . .. • the . of ~t. fur n lew do.\'! I'isil.ngeant staged nt the Wes· people wh en no other voices enn, Miss E;sic Do-uwie WM the . wcek, tern Normal. Thero ore aome who will stili nnd It --..,.",.. ena gue:> t At Voorh ees 11011, vi!Jitinll -:0 :- Tlt c Wi.colI";n Inlercollegiate Or.· hl\rd to believe that the Ge.rmany tbey tlt e ~1i .S('. ~I argare t all,1 Roseln Th orn· .\~ . . \ {~r tori rn l eou test wil l be held on Febru­ kn cw Con be guilty of tbe crimes that ~SU13, ha,·. made it an ontlaw amonl( na' -:0:- Ary J 5. -:0:- tiOD. But do you know modern Ger· _ ·c-: ~~:?~ -d 7::- - .~ Sn tur(1 ns an apple, land of our nft' ..tionate rememhrance . Look. iust like a saint ; Don't forget to subscribe for the II is 1I 0t the Germany of the Orst Em, .Yo llr;'Por.tra it • But he e ~n't foor uo, -- Khaki Milestone now. peror William, 0 modest and God·fear· For we nil kn ow he (l in't, -0- in g gentle.DlDn . It is no\ tb. Germany A Gift that money can't buy, But for you to give. - Nanko B o~. Tht") O!i\'(~ t student counc il has sub- even ot Bismnr ek. , Your Portrait will carry a rhess'tige "that is 'next 'to a -:0:- u.furd !\ lIew co nstitution to the col· Th e GerDlany whlcb brought upon A $100 reword has bee " offered h)' I 0 l'~ t' , li\,et '9 endow ment fnnd wn !l the world th e imDleO!urable dUBtter of personal visit. :til imiuen t !reientist to nn~ ' puson iYllO ,,·,·.ntly swelle,1 by a gift of $500 from war wa. started illto deftnite being • rfill I)rll\'~ that R thirt~· minutE' intl l1 cr nile of their torm er denns ot women. 1l'SS than thirty yen rs ngo, sinn in t t" n f('~t of ~Ul lt wnter wil l nnt - :0:- And ftllally th ere «'Mne " tho day ~' cure hn." feve r. Dcn·t t arget ~ subsc ribe for the in whi·h the " lIew course " fa tally Khaki Milestone now. .THE .LACEY, ST,UDIO -0- 3n,1 ill evila.bl)' wns bound to culminate. 'rhl:' .Jun ior dRss w('i co mes .J 1~h n -<>- Th er ' eam e th old temptat io n. The edl Bro wn of Orand Rll lYids to it, 'r hc "olleges wh o nrc losing th ei r eol· Tompter took th e Pru ian and Pru5- m (, l11hc ~ h i r, }o'or 1he past twn ."(,IIH IJl~ (' spirit r(' \'cnl thl' tnct p l ninl~' jn tell a lid rla inty reo found again the billh impulles and the! hool l,as MIoll eelled her e!!eonrt freshmeuh ",cre served. aim. of its formor ••tt, ..b en it 1riIl _'n ' _ ""ket Imll ~hedu l e . The war do.s . ,. understand once more and 8peak tbe Mo re "driPI)i ug " At Voorhees Fri· lint seem to have dendened allY of AI· charier's ' Buber. SIlop We have moved to oU1'1lew univeml laniUago of Inrm .... ity &ad . ' j dn)' night Mi !13 H ~l e n Brll . tn yed Lip b:ou's eol:egc Apirlt, ulln 12:30 A. M. madly rushly from right, I~n , in God '. OW lI time,: there Our Work Speaks for Itself shop'at'60 East1inghth Street. will bo pollee. "--ot~ H. Kahn. , t her room t-o the room of Mi8s MlL rie L s, NUPP'SED Bolb nen door with empty pail. of [Mr, l!iailn i8 dl re.tln, member of Oome in and lee aa Comi", . on th. n"xt no. the fi rm of Kabn, Loeb .. 00" oae of lVoter. Saturday morning she rcported 6 Wtllt Strwtlt • Ja rgs.t intern ational bankia" honlee In &,111" a steady aiteam in Marie '. room 4ur· of the Lecture Courltl uon New Yo rk. ] in" mott of the preeedinil night. Sam"tim. Dattl lattlr. INn to V•• '. :.ItClIINIU . Galper. Belt BlUM Your nw *KILBYI ,F01LKBD ON CAK· "t about .~ per clay &lid aDitarm It pIIIylded by 1I1m.elf. 'MIlle OD tlying WHO MAKES 1'111 duty "e .eeelyes 25% Increase ud , while on forft'lgn d'llty an addllional to !.he J e ....t.spe.klng W'Orld. ru. ] 0% mer_e. polleie. 'Ind ~lth!tuJ penlO1lallty bave Then .fter pauln, hla final toat. Good Ice Cream? FOOT· SUITS d'one mUM to moul\! 'the demny of the and becoming a union Military Avlator . Made to Order B.O.s. • be nutomll-tlcally ndvance. one grade In We Do • lBerD&1'd .HaJtlten, '18, whose f ertile rank, In salary, and in allowance. . A. WEAR LIIr,. Auortm,mt Of High mlnd firsL coneeived tbe idea of it "big aecond lieutenant, therefore, by the Don't forget to try our Fruit Qualit1l Good,. ger, brOlLder Hope," designed. !.he roy· timo he Ia fully tT.1ned, becomes a tiNt al inalgnia -of the lIOciety, D'lmUly, an lIeutonant, 'WiLh 6 base a'aIary of Ice Cream. t3rick or Bulk. enl'blem 'Of accurily for all, a three-ineh $2,000. Further, bowovor, 8JI • Jun: Jllekd·ploted Mfety·pln. lor Millta.ry Aviator be now reeeivu 1 Nick Dykema 50% lnereaae on hi. bllse pay wbile on 'Iarence U ceuJrtrlL, '19, 'aDd WiI~rd THE COLLEGE TAILOR I V6n 1:JIa.w1, '19, known In every bouse­ flying duty, and an()ther lO r. whU, on hold 11. "1he gdId-dust ,twina " , bave duty ahNl'lld . n ad-.'lroeed the IIlrOpogaruio. in pM'le un· Waganaar &Hamm SI Sprietsma &Son known. Citizens Phone 1470 HOLLAND, MICH. Harold " J azz" OilmDn, '18, tbe man 55 West Ei2hth St ree t W' hit8~CfOSS wbo IImAi e t he word "Jo.zz" 11 'by·word BARBER SHOP III every l\Iib6ret o.nd araIoon , blarea terth W, C dood& of tbe S. O. S. wltb SlllUed Workman and the most Sanitary • tbe aid ot hla willing IavM, the Vand. Methode Employed It W68 tbru his dll>lolllntle effo rts tha! Dr. A. leenhouts "'ICY Buter La ..dry the eollege auth" rl li ~s were able to so · " Do you keep eo ff ee in t he bean'" We Hake Our Own cur" eon. frolll T. Ke(lI>o1 & Son •. •• Upstairs. Madam; this is the EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT grouud noor." ~Sau u!J.~e J ohn Oablenburg, ' 19, n.. i61an L to Corner 8th'" Central A.-Due • Prof. W. B. Pietenpol, wbos<> , "a cuum Films Developed 5c Prot E r lO e-" Bert, please don 't but NOT Ollla B..... 8·11 A. " .- %·5 P. " .- T... e!t! oncr i.s i)rreriug n. 8peeW ~ eourse in wavo your hMd like tbat; you make In a pro-Germa n Hut Bed ui S.l E... . Itt_ 7:30- 8. AT drawing this year. direBIs 'lhe tinnncbl me eeuiek." om .. 1208 - P..... - 1 ... 1432 end at the Bodet)'. P 'rofitfng by hi. Molenaar & De Goed GUMSBRS eoure. in dra.wing, he hfl8 dirawn m'or,' Patrou-" W«liter, wbat is tbe mat· OPPOSITE POST OFFICE lOoney out of the lrea"ury than evel tcr with tbis establishment, Tbis steak will be pu t illto it. i. burned black. " All \VOl k PromPII), Don e I have been a T~lIor Waiter-"ye. air; mnrk er reapee ', Bert Van Ark, '10, Iformerly at tilt and OUllr.lnleed for 80 \~e al"l Do not loose time by havini Nethertands, wbo atter tnlting IlL COlm" sir. OUt ohet died yesterday:" Dr. James O. Scott in Oermnll wlt.b Prof. L. J. Eyme mad,' your car laid up. USE- Uiss Dc.Tong 108t a few 8mall ortl· J. WIERENGA the stalement thnl oltho r uMing olf • DENTIST • . Iea : a fountain pen, two rings, nnd a (tog'a t ail does lIItop his ...· aggin '. it buffalo nickel. She discovered them Ladies' and Gent's Tailoring AD-EL-ITE d0 ' obout a certain Hope College mountain for r would ee ing .hair on(l spun t:apidly around. eanille ,took hi. scat amid violen t ap' . ANI) betore me a ,precipice on one side and now sitting forward, n()w ·back. ~· ..I plauae. Tben Prot. J. B. N., wi hillg '-repurutory School a mountaln (lCak on the ot her, but at ued upon stopping to point in a eor t CO ru'J>IiIll Cllt her, snid, " Tbis goe. the foot ot the mountain "I\'ere be.uti· lain diredtion or ereeute some otlier to show tha t e\'ell n dog ho s intelli· ful aightAJ. Stretehing out before me motion.. Nor Should he Ibe surprise,l gence. to incomprehensible diatanees waa no· if everything he dOell appea~. to hilll turo '. patch,work quilt,-the plaina, to be done wron'g. Mol hos introdueed a new idea. Re· CHARACTER AND ADVANTAaES • • predominate eolors of wbieh are red But the medical telll i. soon o),,,r.