Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1918 The Anchor: 1910-1919 2-13-1918 The Anchor, Volume 30.27: February 13, 1918 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1918 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 30.27: February 13, 1918" (1918). The Anchor: 1918. Paper 4. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1918/4 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 30, Issue 27, February 13, 1918. Copyright © 1918 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1910-1919 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1918 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • Volume XXX HOPE COLLEGE, Holland, Michilan, Wednesday, February 13, 1918 ' N M. O. L. CONTEST AT KNICKS AND FHA IS I m~r ~ir &rruirr I &.-1 __Jj_itr_ra_ty_lI_rp_a_rt_~_rl1_t _--II CELERY CITY ON CLASH NEXT WEEK OVB COLLBGB IJBBny tlns. Il'be eon.epted du.t OD ~t '1'H11 VAlfTNG OF AN jAmMU bo t.tom abelt wh ich . upporta ~ '. FRIDAY MARCH 1 IN FIRST DEBATE All tbe details of tbe siatul of t.n Our college li brary may be iI'Ompared Mod",. AU I. conllnn. olle'. pllTIiW alrmoll In the orakina ha ve never beijn wilb an 'IInL In Its <rela Uve sma1lne. opinion 01 the dllUtar "hleb "oll1d and Its oeeupat'lon 01 1Ioor spilce, .nu ros ult from altemptiDg to utt It. HOjle '. Record an En'Yl&ble Ona. Wlll Decide KDotty MexIcaD Questton fu lly told 'in sequenee. Lot ua. tbere· foro. tollow a you ng ofan wh o hal de· with the wooom of tbe ant in Its However, the moat IUra.tI"l lip storage lUre 'WIn ter months. Our cided ho will endeavor La quolity for tor of . U '..... the IIbrl". replatloa, "~b­ coll ogo bas g'O'Od boon and <mao)' IIolute .Ilenee mUll be lIIahltahled la On Prldny. .Mu reh J, the anllunl 0 11 T h ur8 d~y , }'ebrUMY ln , i n Wi· the IIl r so rvlce. First, of co urse. comes 11 0 11 11, IKlp. 1 Lhe Knlekeruoeker M 'I books th'O it lJ small. so the h'aclrne, eJ tbe reading room I " Alld futll_re • M i<llliga n Stato Oratorical Oonteilt wl!l the roulille of applica tion. • • t'ro ternal IOOI et.ies will ' cl'a b iu the phroso thoL good tbi ng. come done up &:bove the librarian! . !box.like.olle. take p!aco at .K'nlllJn~oo , eight coll egb. The lowest oge at which a pplieoJ"" lI ",t IlIteNo"iety u(''Uate of the year. In smoll p.vcels can !be Mid of its window appears tbe torbiddlDf alp, pnrt i . ' Ila ti ug. rt is "IP ted that tb,' mn y bo a cce l't e ~ is 18 yeon and ~" r ."u, o week!! pasL tbere haB beell range and e.ho lee of tiooks. H'O~' o '· " r . "No Talldngl " lJong I ..t allllDr. meet wllt provo of B8 IJ nu eh interest III oliths. Oil tbe theory ·t1tat at the eud 111 11"" <II u 10 11 eO DcooLi ug Lhe ou vlo' the ,ead lng roOlll il d&lpi1lllbly .mall wai tiDg In nln for some persoD to ea. • this year M it hos ·in the pnsl. All of thel. trainlll g they will have rcacb· abili ly ot bald ing iuLer·soeill'ty debat •• heing ap!"'Ox imstely eighLeen by ter aaking In deal .nd dumb lip. foe of t he ' oll~gl'tl illto,"1 to I!<!II d e nt h u ~ ' . • tI .the age of 19. wh le h is tlr. lowest Ihis .".or Lh e lliliMlalc·Kit.lnma zoo twenty f ee t. The first obtnJllive objN t 10 Dl e books or otber. tn.. 0lIl, dif. inotio d 'iegations to SU l'port thei r rcp' nICe ti t whic h eo,uIII " 'unll moy be • one lII eets I. tbe pte of entrance. a tractions were • tin weather.forteUt rest'ntati\'NI, the lo(-nI1io ll of KnlaD1 3%olJ II '''' lri angh: has disi ut egrated du e io grollt ed ill tbe Am eri can army. AI" oUllon ll ol eO Il (lilionl. The dobuliu!! hoge d umsy. dAlor lwinging grudgingl y poellot, • " Ire wute buket betn,ua. Iw ing ecutrnl aud easily ace iblt­ pllt'\I11 ts uuder 19 yea rB, bowever. Dlun cO IIITli ittee fina ll y deeided thaL in orue, into I he rOOIli. Within one encounters late re!lHhment In .ppleI, ed' a Ioae frolll "II plli nts IIr Mic higall. presc nt lo Hc, ~ of npproV1lI of their en to kerl' li p the interMt in debating 01 lilI t,n. llt frolll their parents or guar· the pr es~ n ce ot tbree one-time hlgbly senlar "prep" .,.ho precipitated lIlII' lI "p' ,will be re llte.elll ed in tl," 10' poliSh ed oaken tablea-!Jl' Imitaitlon selt upon me b, bb e br!trhtn_ of hi, 11\)1)(' tho inter1ociet.y urgulllent:· di all s, D $ io rC(luired thruout tire ,"iii· ,lie:<' eon l ••1 hy ~li ss Ger t,,"lc Sehuu, onken a9 tbe observCor c'bOOSOl to pre gr e'~ n . hu e d Iwlliller. He held hll _de ~hollh l 'Oe lIbngeu u8ual. tnry IIIId. unval Ctltablishments of t h ~ tighUy over his ears ~ Ihllt ODt all on. ·1 of Puterso n. New J eI sey. wh ~ 1'ho qll c@t lon ullder disc ussion thi. country. All IIpplicant! may en liltl at t er. 1\' 011 t h' loc ill l"IJ utest InsL wee k with dilltracting nolJes. Head bent tow • ~'ear ren ds .., follow,.: " Resolved. thaI IIny ndntioll enmlning bOBTd. Having duly seated. onelelf. one 's nil orn tion ('utitlc.I, Il Ull tu the ll~~ and t ee t -tapping time nell bla tla· thl' Pnn ·A IIll'Ii,'nll nUit ions ~h o uld ~ If 'Ill y appliean L IJIl.S ~ ed his twenty· glance un consciously rises upward aad or TI It'~.'1 1 1 ~JI(!'s re ll r{t "'~ lItnt i \' e i ll carded rubber. he prelented • aoW tablish " stu blo gov Nnlllent in Mex grst blrthdny before June 5. 1017, all(l II oteB thB~ ligbt i s ob tained from tbree Ih. II ,.n 's "olllest will be Walter A. worthy enmplo of ablolute eonena. ieo,J' his (I'ICst i o ll is n. timet)' 011 (' is eOn8e (IU ently subject t o the drnft. 0 eastern Ilron<tl ng windOWl and thai Seholt en. ' I • of Vull,·y ,'pring!!. Bou lll tion In . tudy. A long·dr."a lip ... • 3n,1 shfl uld lIro'·. of greot i nter",", t speeinl nrrallgement hIlS been- IOlI de Ilheir IIl fagre contribution i& eugment. Uaknto. It. i. h(lped IIIn t these rep Doundng the completioa and taram, eV"ry . tudelit nn d ueq.r-iltudeu t of nn· wherallY the rille prohibiting volun· cd by a tbree·globe, ee ntrally-loeated, rru'II I(\ti\'l'~ ",:11 be aole to ~bol 'l o.t ODe more page broke upo .. <the .tvt­ Ciollal B,"1 in ter·uotional affai r . TIl< lary enll.lmeo t by draft men la waiverl eenbrally-difuslng elrandeller. In tbt II 'I!I", "'lIIarkabl. '1'001'<.1 of recen l led &IT and J. DO hlnger able to walt ,.Inlio ll " 'hi,h otrong nations Ihouhl and he I. pe-' mlt led to ()1Jllst direelly d ..ee ndlng southerly fixed glanee-it .\ l'rus. l or the 'IIIute inqui rer or tb. nJ!lll1laI helU' to the weaker coulltries ill. to a) nt nil avi ation exa mining boa rd with· one Ifa n kee p 1I1s d.ireetioDs c'orredt-. • of tbe empt, tin weather.f~ To .Intc JI OIIC Ira .. eOllipe lcd ill .i. tho leost. " r grea t impo rtance to tb, ou t re r ·renee to the drart or bis dratl large. torlorn sign Ie me~ with, expop· • gathClf ed up. my wra~ &lid 1IMll1, I.. lies· con te Is alltl hos but ouee tnk \forld ill gen. nll . bOMd. .~II thnL is attended to tor biOI ing In bold t ype t be Goldea Rule, per· plunged outside t o loree..t the ",,,tk· ,!I' I wcr Ihnn second p : a~e,,1P lll! t rep by Ihe Ad alio ll nutborltles. Even if Mp! wltb the l aint bope that the in TI,,' K,';,·korboeker Socie ty will pr<' er myselt by drawing one 1000 deep r~se llt n th'c!4 were t he Misses Irene Stu· he i. III Ihr present 'Iu ota • .b e may be nocently forgetful stud enu' eye mal S.IIt ,.. its tea lll the following men: bredh of frOth, pun air. 1'1ekl:\u' I'. · I ~. l1 elene Dc Maal."l. l :l 80 .nll8led, but it he bas Ibeen actua ll . res t ,t heroo n and tbat his eonlcjencl ' : u r~ IIt'{t .J . Pietcupo l, '20, of Cicer ~ Katherine Irene ,:Iehmid, '21. Ad ri nll" 8. Kolyn. '16. Dorothy H. Pi. · ll ii nol., Il oseoc M. Oiles. '20. of Skan· orM,ed llito ~e rvi ce by tbo dralt boarrt may prick h 1m La obs.rve the Great IU:C, ' 15, Rll tl Mury K Gcegh, '20.
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