Category Type Author Title Date ISBN 10.0 Bibles Berlin, Adele, Et Al. the Jewish Study Bible: Tanakh Translation 2004 0195297547 10.0 Bibles Cabal, Ted, Gen
Category Type Author Title Date ISBN 10.0 Bibles Berlin, Adele, et al. The Jewish Study Bible: Tanakh Translation 2004 0195297547 10.0 Bibles Cabal, Ted, gen. ed. The Apologetics Study Bible 2007 9781586400248 10.0 Bibles Coogan, Michael David, ed. The New Oxford Annotated Apocrypha, 3rd edition (NRSV) 2001 0195288009 MacArthur, John F., Jr., Richard L 10.0 Bibles Mayhue, and Robert L. Thomas The MacArthur Study Bible (NKJV) 1997 0849912229 10.0 Bibles Metzger, Bruce M. The Oxford Annotated Apocrypha (RSV) 1973 10.0 Bibles Vaughan, Curtis, ed. The Bible From Twenty-Six Translations 1988 0935491007 10.0 Bibles Williams, Charles B. Williams New Testament in the Language of the People 1995 0970411219 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible (New Testament): New International Version 1999 Holy Bible (New Testament): The Four Translation NT (KJV, NASB, 10.0 Bibles Williams, Beck) 1966 Holy Bible (New Testament): The NT in Four Versions (KJV,RSV,Phillips, 10.0 Bibles NEB) 1968 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: 21st Century King James Version 1994 0963051237 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version 1995 1585161616 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: English Standard Version (copy 2) 2001 1581343876 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: English Standard Version (copy1) 2001 1581343167 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: Holman Christian Standard Version 2004 1586400746 10.0 Bible Holy Bible: Holman Christian Standard Version (Pocket Edition) 2004 1586401068 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: King James Version 1973 1558192107 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: New American Standard Version 1995 1885217951 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: New King James Version 1982 0840704534 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: New Living Translation 1996 0842333479 10.0 Bibles NLT Study Bible (New Living Translation) 2008 9780842355704 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version 1989 0310902355 10.0 Bibles Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition 1966 0898704901 10.0 Bibles New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures 1961 10.0 Bibles The ESV Study Bible 2008 10.0 Bibles Today's Parallel Bible (NIV,NASB,KJV,NLT) 2000 Goodrick, Edward and John R.
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